View Full Version : Scourge’s Landing: Niobe

2020-06-14, 07:08 PM
Date: 9:15 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R.
The hot sun beats down on you as you stand on the deck of the Wounded Wind, a small, three mast shipping vessel that you were able to procure a ride from, crossing the ocean from your far away homeland. The deck is bustling with deckhands, shuffling about, preparing to unload the current shipment of goods and repairing sails from lasts night’s rather brisk storm. You had planned to take the ship farther, but due to the storm, the ship will be grounded for a few days. Good thing you didn’t have a specific destination in mind. You find yourself at port in what appears to be a small port town. Looking around you notice the ship’s captain, Captain Sylvanthal on the dock some distance away. The captain is a stern, rather hard headed elf. Next to him stands Erintain, the first mate and Sylvanthal’s younger brother. The two are speaking with a tall elf, who must be a member of the port authority.

The Wounded Wind Top Deck
The top deck of the shipping vessel, the Wounded Wind, is usually bustling with activity. Three tall masts rise high above you, allowing for the vessel to be one of the fastest cargo ships around. The boat rocks back forth, how hard depends on the temperament of the wind and water.

Move Options:
North: Scourge’s Landing Dock 5
East Stairs: Wounded Wind Lower Hallway
West Stairs: Wounded Win Cargo Hold
South: Overboard

Speaking Options:
Random deckhands

Niobe (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2233579)

2020-06-15, 04:32 AM
First of all, thanks again for the opportunity to play a solo adventure, and your efforts. I've subbed to the thread, but please, feel free to ping me if you believe I should have posted by then.

I'm situated in Berlin, Germany, so I'm in UCT+2 currently, so if I interpret your profile correctly, I'm about six hours ahead. As a fair warning, I'm also not a native speaker, so it might happen that I ask about stuff, and should you ever feel what I write doesn't make sense, please just ask, it might be something lost in translation.

That all being said, I also think that most of my character sheet is completed, so I'll get this started here now, and complete the rest "on the way", if that's fine.

I'll use purple for speech ("Hello World"), putting telepathic speech in such brackets: <> (<Hello World>).

When the ship lands, Niobe stuffs carefully closes the notebook she had used as a journal over the last weeks, stows away her stuff, and gets ready to disembark. So, let's see where fate brought me now... She thinks by herself, as she gives a nod here, and a friendly "thank you" there to the deck hands. While she had not made friends with any of them during the passage, she also had no reason to complain about their behavior, and after all, her life had depended on their qualification and goodwill on the sea. She shoulders her light pack that more fits a scholar than an adventurer, and heads for dock 5. She waits just a few steps from the captain and first mate, as she wants to thank them for the safe passage, once the three elf's discussion would be over.

2020-06-15, 05:46 PM
Date: 9:20 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R.
The three elves seem to be just catching up as they talk on the deck. Captain Sylvanthal looks to you as you disembark, “I hope you enjoyed your stay on the ship, if you need anything else, let us know.”

Scourge’s Landing Dock 5
One of several docks that run from the main pier that stretches horizontal to the coastline, the dock is about a hundred and twenty feet in length, long enough to hold two average size shipping vessels on each side, and is twenty feet wide for the length of it. Various loads of cargo await to be loaded onto ships, or be moved to the warehouses that lay beyond the docks.

Move Options:
North- Fancy Second Wife (cargo ship)
East- Overboard
South- Wounded Wind
West- Scourge’s Landing Main Pier

Speaking Options:
Random Pier Guards
Random Dock Workers
Dock 5 Port Authority

I also do text in a different color, depending on who is speaking but my default is the color used above. I think the language barrier will be fine. Generally I will post around noonish my time, depending on real life happenings. The main things for the character sheet for now will be gold and other assets until you get involved with combat, so I think we are fine for now. Thanks for playing and I’m looking forward to it!

Also of note, I have decided that the world you are on is a flat plane. The sun and moon are actually one object that stays perpetually at zenith, but it fades throughout the day and night. Temperatures and climates tend to stay fairly similar year around, depending on where you are and how close to the center of the sun orb is. At night it fades out, then fades back in as a moon orb.

2020-06-16, 06:49 PM

"Thank you, Captain. It was a pleasant passage -- under the given circumstances." She says warmly, obviously referring to the storm. "Now, to explore Scourge' Landing. What a curious name.... Anyway, gentlemen, I shall be off to find a place to stay overnight. Have a nice day, and safe travels." She nods to the three of them, and makes her way west.

2020-06-17, 03:00 PM
Date: 9:20 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R.
The captain and his brother smile politely as you walk away. The main pier is bustling with people this morning. Mostly fisherman, sailors and dock workers. A pair of guards at the gate and another pair wander around the pier, as well as members of the port authority who are easily recognized by their dark blue tunics and trousers, and an emblem of a silver gauntlet embroidered on their chest. This is the same emblem on the chest of the guard’s tunics.

Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
The main pier stretches across the length of the dock district. Six long docks stretch out from it for the towns shipping industry. Four warehouses border the inland side of the pier. A small marketplace with several different vendors sits next to one side of a gate leading into the walled town. On the right side of the gate is an inn and tavern. At the far end of the pier, the shipping industry ends, and the docks turn into a fisherman’s wharf for the locals. The pier is usually filled with workers, guard patrols, travelers and fishermen.

Move Options:
North: Fisherman’s Wharf
East 1: Scourge’s Landing Dock 6
East 2: Scourge’s Landing Dock 5
East 3: Scourge’s Landing Dock 4
East 4: Scourge’s Landing Dock 3
East 5: Scourge’s Landing Dock 2
East 6: Scourge’s Landing Dock 1
West 1: Warehouse 4
West 2: Warehouse 3
West 3: The Rusty Gauntlet
West 4: Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate
West 5: Dock Market Stalls
West 6: Warehouse 2
West 7: Warehouse 1
South: Overboard

Speaking Options:
Random Town Guards
Random Dock Workers
Random Ship Workers
Random Fisherman

2020-06-18, 04:33 PM

She heads towards the market place and the inn in sight (the Rusty Gauntlet?). Before entering though, she is first drawn towards the vendors to see if they had any exotic, edible goods -- fruit, pastry, whatever one could fit between two meals.

2020-06-21, 09:56 AM
Date: 9:25 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R.
The market is bustling with merchants and customers. Fresh foods from fruits to fish are available, ranging from raw to cooked in front of you. Most of the food is fairly familiar to you, and their is a wide selection of Padonthia fruit items, from pies and pastries to wines and ales. The delicious fruit was foreign to you until stepping on the Wounded Wind a few weeks prior. Merchants eagerly call you over. You notice a half-orc plucking a few pieces of paper off of a board, before he wanders off into the town. A town guard approaches the board and pins a few more notices on the board.

Dock Market Stalls
During the day, the small, double row of twelve market stalls, is usually nearly full of merchants that have rented a booth for the day. Basic supplies, fresh seafood, fresh vegetables, grains, clothes, supplies for boats and other necessities and easily be found during operation hours. In the evenings, the stalls are bare and shut down around nightfall. There is a notice board that has all manner of information, warnings, missing persons, etc posted on it. Behind the stalls is the Town wall, and it is just next to the gate leading into Scourge’s Landing.

Move Options:
North: Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate
East: Scourge’s Landing Main Pier

Speaking Options:
Various Merchants
Town Guards
Random Customers
Random Sailors
Random Dock Workers

Current Board:
Pinned to the board are several pieces of paper:
1. Market Stall Rental: To rent, see a Scourge’s Landing Port Authority Officer. 1 silver per day.
2. Job: Caravan Guards needed. Pay negotiable. Dangerous, to Frost District.
3. Job: Town Guards needed. Inquire at Scourge’s Keep.
4. Crewman needed for The Dainty Maiden. Dock 4.
5. Lightwalkers Needed: The town of Noxdrek is looking for light walkers who will work towards becoming a vampire through devotion and loyalty.
6. Show: The traveling ministries group, One Leg Too Many, will be performing from the 12th to 15th of High Sun nightly at the Big Horn Tavern.
7. Taxes: All taxes for the last month are due by the 15th. Arrest warrants will be made for delinquent tax payers. See tax officer for payment or extensions.
8. For Sale: Trained Dire Rats, 50 gp. See Stromad Elsor in Riversfork.
9. Needed: Dragon Poppy Flowers. Please see Alina Woodrow, at The Good Herb in Talon Pass.
10. Paying Double: Double the usual rate for dire boar feet. Need for next year’s Pickled Pigs Feet Festival. See Scaley The Wag at the Green Jo’bli Tavern.
11. Messengers Needed: Long travel required. Excellent pay. Inquire at the town hall.
12. Escaped Prisoner: Othal Ulderfire, desperate young halfling thief, armed, dangerous.

2020-06-24, 06:06 PM
First of all, I would like to apologize. I wanted to have a longer look at all the items on the notification board when I have more time, and then it somehow got buried.

Niobe buys a small pastry with a sweet-sour, fruity filling. While she has by now grown accustomed to some of the dishes, she is still not quite sure what it really is she likes about the foreign taste, but she does like it. And having freshly baked pie tastes like luxury after the food in the ship's mess.

Munching the pastry, she thoroughly inspects each of the items on the notification board. When she is finished, she wipes off a few crumbs from her face and her cloak, and picks up item number 2. Whatever this frost district is, it sounds curious to her. She also contemplates taking the dire rat note, but decides that such luxury must be reserved for times where she actually had the money to pay for them. She also takes mental note of the musical announcement, as it sounds amusing.

Is it customary to just take one of the pieces of paper, or is that actually rude? Are there more than one copy of note 2 on the board?

She then walks towards (and unless interrupted, through) the gate.

2020-06-25, 11:35 AM
Date: 9:25 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R.
After taking the note off the board, you head towards and through the gate undeterred. The guards pay little attention to those going through the gates. Once through the gate, the road turns north. You find yourself on a bustling street filled shops and peoples of all kinds.

South Merchant’s Road
The street is line with various shops of all types. Most buildings are two or three stories in height. The shops on the bottom, living quarters on top. There are several cart vendors that sale various common goods such as fruits and vegetables from local farms. Several side streets run east and west to other parts of the town. At the north end of the street is the town’s center square.

Move Options:
North: Town Center
East: Southside District
South: Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate
West: Scourge Town District

Business Options to Enter:
Big Horn Tavern
Ace’s Magic Shop
Lufwinda’s Fine Clothes
Barber Shop
Ale and Wine Store
Fish Market
Hat Shop
Jewelry Store
Multiple Clothing Stores
General Store
Leather Goods Store
Shoe Store

Speaking Options:
Random Townsfolk
Random Cart Vendors
Town Guards

No worries. As far as taking the notes off the board, you saw a few spots where other notes had been taken off. There were no other copies of #2, in fact, none of them had multiple copies.

2020-06-25, 11:44 AM

She stands there, taking in the atmosphere for a moment. Cities... She loves their liveliness and the mysteries that await around every corner. She also hates the stench of people and their various excretions and evaporations that await... everywhere, making her miss the clean seebreeze that she experienced over the last days. She shrugs off the feeling, closely evading a group of townsfolk who need to get from A to B quickly with a cart. Seeing that the street leads to a big square -- as it often does in harbor cities -- she follows down this path (north).

Does the caravan note list an address where I should apply?

2020-06-26, 10:27 AM
Date: 9:35 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R.
You move easily enough through South Merchant Road up into the town center. The center of the town is bustling with activity. Bards play music by the fountain, mimes pretend to be confined to their box and vendors should out their wares.

Town Center
A statue of a giant minotaur with a single gauntleted hand wielding a giant battle axe stands in the center of a large fountain, directly in the center of Scourge’s Landing. The giant square is surrounded by buildings of all sorts. The Town Hall is a giant white wooden structure. Another town board stands outside the Town Hall. There is large temple to the god, Silvyrus, the God of Nature. Another massive structure is an inn, the Silver Gauntlet Inn. Various other shops, vendors and street performers fill the square.

Move Options:
North: North Merchant Road
East: East Merchant Road
South: South Merchant Road
West: West Merchant Road

Speaking Options:
Random Passerby’s
Town Guards
Random Vendors

Building Options:
Town Hall
Silver Gauntlet Inn
Temple of Silvyrus
Clothing Stories
Fresh Vegetable Market
General Goods
Alcohol Store
Smoke Shop

Current Board:
Pinned to the board are several pieces of paper:
1. Town Meeting: 15th of the High Sun, Town Hall at 4 pm.
2. Notice: Any weapons not peace bound will be confiscated until further notice.
3. Wanted: Mack the Knifer, murderer, arsonists, dead 10 gold, alive, 50 gold. See Sheriff for inquiries
4. Missing: Alimbre Paskir, young brunette, human girl, last seen outside of her farm north of Scourge’s Landing.
5. Job: Caravan Guards needed. Pay negotiable. Dangerous, to Frost District.
6. Job: Town Guards needed. Inquire at Scourge’s Keep.
7. Help Wanted: Clearing land for homestead build. Kobold problem. See Alexa Trubald in the Merchant’s Quarters at Alexa’s Foreign Goods.
8. Show: The traveling ministries group, One Leg Too Many, will be performing from the 12th to 15th of High Sun nightly at the Big Horn Tavern.
9. Taxes: All taxes for the last month are due by the 15th. Arrest warrants will be made for delinquent tax payers. See tax officer for payment or extensions.
10. For Sale: Trained Dire Rats, 50 gp. See Stromad Elsor in Riversfork.
11. Needed: Dragon Poppy Flowers. Please see Alina Woodrow, at The Good Herb in Talon Pass.
12. Paying Double: Double the usual rate for dire boar feet. Need for next year’s Pickled Pigs Feet Festival. See Scaley The Wag at the Green Jo’bli Tavern.
13. For Hire: Body Guard for high profile visitor. Inquire at the Silver Gauntlet Inn front desk.

There is no mention on the note exactly where to go.

2020-07-02, 04:36 PM

While she ponders about standing with the street performers for a moment, she remembers a few such occasions where her origin from the more rural area of her homeland had not served her well, when standing in the middle of a town square without paying sufficient attention to her belongings. No, the right thing to do was to first inside the inn, and get a room for her stuff.

She thus enters the Silver Gauntlet, and -- if present -- approaches the innkeeper.

"Well met, good Sir/Madam. I'd like to get a room for a night, and a light meal, if possible." She looks around for a bit. "Say, is naming etablissements after gauntlets a theme in this place?"

2020-07-02, 05:38 PM
Date: 9:45 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R.
Opening the large white doors of the Silver Gauntlet, you head inside to find a small entryway. A clerk stands behind the desk giving you a polite greeting as you come through the door.

The fair, brown haired half-elven girl waits for you to finish speaking before politely responding, “A standard room is one gold a night. One of our deluxe rooms is available and it runs two gold a night. The dining hall is to the left, and is not included in the price of stay. You must be new to town. The gauntlets are the town emblem. High Councilor Scourge has a hand made of meteorite, and thus, he as founder of the Landing, chose the silver colored gauntlet.”

The Silver Gauntlet Entryway
The small entryway is nothing more than a decorated room with a pair of benches and a desk in the back. A clerk usually sits at the desk. Two doors lead to rooms in the inn, and another leads outside to the town center.

Move Options:
East: Silver Gauntlet Downstairs Hallway
West: Silver Gauntlet Dining Room
South: Town Center

Speaking Options:
Half-Elven Clerk

2020-07-09, 04:23 PM
I will be out of town until late Sunday, so most likely will not be posting until Monday. If I find time, I may post.

2020-07-10, 04:51 AM
thank you for the heads up. I am sorry for my lack of posting. I am kind of struggling with posting regularly in all of my games right now. I hope it is merely a mood.

2020-07-22, 04:08 PM
First of all, I would like to apologize for my incoherent posting rate as of late. As a result of overcommiting here in the forums, slight changes in real life, and my general issues with sticking to long-term activities, it started to feel like a burden instead of fun to post. I took time to think on how to proceed, and came to the conclusion that the only feasible approach is to drastically reduce the set of games I am in.

Ultimately, I decided to drop out of this game. I am sorry for the inconvenience that follows this decision, and would like to thank you for the patience so far, and for all the effort you put into this. I appreciate that you took the time to host me in a solo game.

Best of luck with the game,
I really hope to see you around in the future,
