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View Full Version : DM Help How to continue the campaign?

2020-06-15, 08:35 AM
Heyya, guys.

So, we had a several-months lasting consistend-attendance campaign goin, when Corona struck. My PCs have just finished Mine of Phandelver and have started Tyrrany of the Dragons. They have entered Greenest, fought some enemies, managed to get spotted by a dragon, ran INTO the underground tunnel under the castle aaand ... Corona struck.

It was sort of a cockblock moment for us all. Party has disintegrated, different real life hardships hitting every memeber. We are not coming back yet, but I'm thinking of how to pick up the pieces, if we get together in a few weeks. The core of the group, at least.

There is this idea I had. I'd like to intertwine the completely unfair and unjust ending to the campaign into actual next campaign. So, here is what has happened: When party had entered the tunnel under Greenest, Big Blue has spotted them and blasted the tunnel with his lightning breath. I was thinking of going full The Sixth Sense - tunnel has collapsed and they have died.

There is this Innistrad 5e module (Army of the dead) I'd really like to run, so I was thinking of transfering PCs souls into the bodies of protagonists in this Innistrad setting, and if at least one of them makes it to the end of the module, they all get their lives back ... perhaps in a bit different form. Perhaps "awakening" as some common peasants in Greenest during attack.

Why would this happen? Well, gods are unfair in many aspects and in this case Bahamut did not like the result of an "abrupt cut" to the path of the heroes and has decided to make them run the gauntlet to be respawned again. (Given they were starting Tyrrany of the Dragons campaign). But, then again, they were not religious. This would all make sense, if they had a Paladin of Bahamut with them, but they did not.

So, this is a half-baked idea ... Illuminated by not-fun-at-all glow of Corona.

I'd appreciate any comment/idea/improvement/suggestion.

Hopefully, there is no second wave.

stay healthy, playgrounders

2020-06-15, 06:49 PM
You've lost me (as I don't know the module(s)) - why not just pick up where you left off?

2020-06-16, 12:30 AM
You've lost me (as I don't know the module(s)) - why not just pick up where you left off?
As said, I'd like to reflect the abruptness of campaign ending in our continuation of a campaign. Then it may seem, there will be new waves of Covid, so ... :smallannoyed:

2020-06-17, 09:40 AM
Since Innistrad is a different world, and the group is low level, I would just make new characters.

2020-06-17, 10:58 AM
The "Dead party adventuring to get back to the land of the living" sounds pretty rad, actually. That being said, does the party know they died? It was unclear from your description.

Anyway, I wouldn't really reccomend having your characters souls be zapped into random bodies in Innistrad, it doesn't seem to really track. If you want to do this, I'd reccomend setting up your own adventure, set in some spooky spirit world. Feel free to cannibalize modules for content though, I do that all the time with my adventures.

Also, as a side note, if you're worried about new waves of Covid causing scheduling problems, I'd encourage getting online gaming set up.

2020-06-17, 10:58 AM
If they are moving to a new world why not have the PCs also move? Big Blue, in trying to kill the PCs, inadvertently awakens their spark. (A simple template; just add the required spell as a spell like ability) They can't, immediately, figure out how it works but there is hero work to do where they are...