View Full Version : What conditions can my character think he suffers from? (Lycanthropy, Vampirism, etc)

2020-06-15, 09:19 AM
Had an incident in our game where we failed some checks. I failed wisdom and intelligence. Now my character has to believe he is suffering from a rare disease or condition. I have a week and the dm is letting me pick as long as it is acceptable. Right now I’m thinking the only thing I know is lychanthropy as a rat or something. I’ve been a wererat before. So I’d like to do something different. I could do vampirism, but the fey who caused us to suffer our conditions is a trickster. So I wouldn’t feel like he was being malicious and causing us to murder people.

Any other suggestions?

2020-06-15, 09:28 AM
How about that they think they are cursed as a Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity would, that is pretty harmless but is also something that would fit s chaotic trickster.

2020-06-15, 09:30 AM
There are also myriad fantasy diseases that have cropped up in the game over the years. Devil Chills, Cackle Fever, Filth Fever, Goblin Fever, Mummy Rot, and Slimy Doom come to mind.

2020-06-15, 09:32 AM
How about that they think they are cursed as a Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity would, that is pretty harmless but is also something that would fit s chaotic trickster.

Oh simple. I wonder how much impact it would have?

2020-06-15, 09:39 AM
Oh simple. I wonder how much impact it would have?

That's part of the fun of it. How would your character act differently if they thought they were the opposite sex, you get to ham it up and play it up in whatever way you and your table find fun. It can get even more crazy since everyone else sees you as your original sex and reacts justly.

Although now that I am typing this message, it could certainly get into the realm of offending someone who is the sex you are acting as or someone who is non-binary. So, be careful there with people's feelings.

2020-06-15, 09:44 AM
(Anything related to sex change can be a touchy subject on some tables. If you want to go with it, you should also consult the other players, not just the DM. But if you don't go stereotypical about it, that should be fine.)

I suggest instead:

Fast ageing -> Your character is convinced he now age twice as fast as normal, so cannot afford to wait / waste time, and is paranoiac about grey hairs and other signs of old age.

Deadly allergy -> Your character is convinced to be deadly allergic to something (e.g apples, nuts, eggs, alcohol, ...) even in small quantities (so will never willingly try by fear, and if proven wrong will probably just deduced that he is only allergic to "some" apples/... and luckily not the ones that he was forcefully fed with).

Memory modification -> Your character is convinced a significant part of his past had been changed and replaced by other memories.

2020-06-15, 10:23 AM
Serious answers:

Believes that sunlight is painful to the point that he avoids it and fears it.

Becomes very OCD.

Constantly forgets things.

Funny Answers:

If you are a martial class you believe you can cast spells but are convinced someone is subtly counter spelling you.

You say everything you would normally just be thinking, out loud, and think others can’t hear it.

2020-06-15, 11:16 AM
So a real condition is visual agnosia. It is the belief that you are blind when you are not actually blind. It's wierd because you could be instructed to attack a cobald and succeed but not know what you are attacking. A wild condition to think about.

2020-06-15, 11:46 AM
So a real condition is visual agnosia. It is the belief that you are blind when you are not actually blind. It's wierd because you could be instructed to attack a cobald and succeed but not know what you are attacking. A wild condition to think about.

That would be interesting. I am exploring some other known conditions since my character is now suffering from what is essentially hypochondria. It was an interesting choice from the DM. Other characters failed their checks on physical stuff or constitution. So they are actually getting sick or now are really clumsy. So I think sticking with something like blindness might be interesting because they may believe I am blinded.

2020-06-15, 11:49 AM
This may roleplay pretty well:


I don't know. I think it needs to be obvious that I only THINK I am suffering from the condition. But at the same time? My condition may be the most difficult.

2020-06-15, 01:45 PM
Hippogryff Hives – A an itchy rash that makes it unbearable to wear armor or heavy clothing until it’s treated. Highly contagious via skin to skin contact.

I could undress and complain of itching (RP not real life lol).

Woodland Mania – Afflicted believes to have gained the ability to speak with animals. The animals that they believe they are talking to may or may not exist, and all conversations tend to cause paranoia. Spread through bites, may be transmitted by animals.

A lot of potential here for amusing actions.

Other-Otherworldy Whispers – A mental illness that causes the afflicted to believe that they are receiving knowledge from another dimension. In truth, the advice & knowledge that they get are delusional. The Afflicted tends to become a know-it-all, and the whispers encourage & bolster their cockiness.

THIS would go along with a prank I have been playing on a fellow member of the group (using minor illusion).


There are a ton of options here. If anyone has any specifics still, please feel free to mention.

2020-06-15, 01:46 PM
Hippogryff Hives – A an itchy rash that makes it unbearable to wear armor or heavy clothing until it’s treated. Highly contagious via skin to skin contact.

I could undress and complain of itching (RP not real life lol).

Don't tell me how to live my life and play my game!

2020-06-15, 02:03 PM
Don't tell me how to live my life and play my game!

LMAO! Well the beauty of this is that at least one person in my group was present for a game where my character put a tankard on as protective equipment. It was also the only clothing he had. So. Yea. It may end up playing well.

2020-06-15, 03:27 PM
Maybe the disease is hypochondria. To clarify, your character could think he's suffering from hypochondria, leading him to believe that whenever he's injured or sick it's not that bad and he's clearly just overreacting because he's a hypochondriac.

2020-06-15, 04:51 PM
Maybe the disease is hypochondria. To clarify, your character could think he's suffering from hypochondria, leading him to believe that whenever he's injured or sick it's not that bad and he's clearly just overreacting because he's a hypochondriac.

Omg. That might be a double mind blown lol

2020-06-15, 09:29 PM
Maybe the disease is hypochondria. To clarify, your character could think he's suffering from hypochondria, leading him to believe that whenever he's injured or sick it's not that bad and he's clearly just overreacting because he's a hypochondriac.

You have achieved peak comedy. I love it.