View Full Version : [IC] Guardians of Jinshu [D&D 5E]

2020-06-15, 01:21 PM
A dark shadow has fallen upon the Empire.

The immortal Emperor - Hongse Lao - has entered his decade-long hibernation. The Emperor’s hand picked Regent has been murdered by a rampaging horde of Kongren. Although the invasion was blunted, the threat of another large-scale attack is ever present. The new Regent - General Tsong - rules with an iron grip. The nobles and peasants of the empire chafe under the boot of tyranny. Any threat to the Regent’s rule is met with overwhelming force. Dissension is all but illegal. Sensing the weakness and disunity within the Empire, dark forces have crawled into the wilds - haunting the forests, stalking the old roads and plundering outlying settlements...

You are 3rd-level adventurers. You do not know each other. A Houren businessman named Wan Chonglin wishes to send a shipment of cider from his brewery in Pingguo to his tavern in Castle Yinjian. The road between these two settlements has grown very treacherous over the last month. The last five shipments - and the men sent to guard the cider - never arrived in Castle Yinjian. Some say bandits have overrun the road connecting the two settlements, others speak of supernatural beings that have supposedly been spotted in the area. A harsh winter has descended upon the Empire. Even in the lowlands, the snow is thick and the winds bitter cold. In conjunction with Captain Du Fen of the Pingguo town guard, Wan has hired you to be a member of this unlikely band of adventurers to brave the wilds. Wan has asked that your top priority be to escort his cider to Castle Yinjian, promising a hefty bonus if the shipment arrives quickly; while Captain Du Fen wishes for you to discover what is causing the road to become so unsafe, even if that means sacrificing the cider. Your expedition has been joined by a mysterious hooded petjar priestess of the Metal Tortoise and Wan's trembling nephew - Wan Haipa - who was told to join the venture to keep an eye on the cider.


At dawn, the intrepid adventurers set off from Pingguo. With them was a hooded priestess and the timid nephew of the great cider merchant - Wan Chonglin. The party had been given a seven foot long cart, overladen with many barrels of fresh cider. The cart was pulled by a middle aged water buffalo who seemed undeterred by the frigid weather thanks to a large blanket-coat that has been strapped to him. The adventurers left during a break in relentless pace of the winter storms. As the party trekked off, ominous stormclouds began to gather on the horizon. Regardless, the party pushed on. The water buffalo proved itself quite useful as the snow began to fall once more, his wide feet and strong body besting the ever accumulating snowfall. After a hard day's march, the party pulled off along the side of the road. Under the canopy of am ancient apple tree, the party sets up camp. The winter storms came suddenly and much too early this year. The great apple tree still possessed most of its leaves, with keen eyes still spotting some leaves that were still mostly green!

The jumpy nephew calls out from the back of the wagon, "I took the liberty of, uh, packing a few tents. I figured we might not get to our destination before the next storm arrived." He pulls out a series of tall poles and what seems like an bundle of wool canvas. I, uh, brought three tents worth, just in case any of you forgot to pack a tent. Made from fine wool, very warm... Or so I am told..." He hesitantly looks down at his feet, unsure if he should make such bold claims in the presence of those more skilled and knowledgeable than himself. He is a tall lad of about six feet. He is awkwardly proportioned with skinny arms and legs, with a bulbous belly. His hair is pulled back into a tight pony tail.

The hooded petjar busies herself by gathering rocks for a camp fire. As she wanders around the area, she whispers small prayers to the great Metal Tortoise, thanking him for aiding her in her quest to procure the perfect rocks.

You... That is to say... Adventurers... You do not believe these woods are stalked by monsters, right...? My friend... Acquaintance, really, said his friend saw monstrous dog-creatures in the deeper part of the woods. Not sure if I believe him but... Could it be true?

The priestess pipes up, "Those are just fairy tales told to frighten children. The only thing that lives out here are normal animals... And vicious, blood thirsty bandits." Her voice is quiet yet firm, laced with an air of disappointment (not unlike that of a teacher who once more has to explain the obvious to her dim witted student).

"If... You say, Mother Tortoise. Still, I will keep two eyes on the horizon, just to be sure."

After a fashion, the tents are set up and the campfire is sparked. The priestess and the nephew make a stew, complete with some fresh pork gifted to the party by their brewery-owning patron. As the scent of the meal begins to waft up and out across the forest, the party hears a drawn out, mournful howl. It sounds like it came from a great distance away, from the east. The nephew jumps to his feet, "The monster dogs are coming to kill us. What do we do!?"

2020-06-15, 04:26 PM
Sunvaning, despite all his training to be disciplined and respectful, still enjoyed the odd prank. He inwardly scoffed at the suggestion of dog-creatures, but when the howl came he couldn't resist a little bit of mischief. He looked directly at the trembling man and said "Well, I hear they enjoy Houren flesh above all else." and then added with a coy smile "I wonder if you'd make a tasty treat for them."

2020-06-15, 05:21 PM
Cui Shufen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2077342)
Laoshu Soulknife
AC: 15 HP: 30/30
PP: 12 PIv: 15 PIs: 12
Conditions: --

Cui had chosen not to set up her tent, despite having one of her own, to test the waters in this group. She knew most people would refuse to share a sleeping space with her, that lack of acceptance being why this kind of inclusion in a group of non-Laoshu was new to her. She was interested in seeing how far that went, so she could how much of "a respectful distance" she would need to keep from the members however long or short they were together.

As the howl sounded, she didn't reply to Wan's wailing. Rather she tried to identify it.

Nature: [roll0]
if for some reason another Int skill would work they're all the same bonus, except Arcana which is 2 lower.

Hyperbolic sine
2020-06-16, 04:32 AM
"No, priestess; it's true, dark creatures dwell in the depths of forests." Teng Hu had chimed in. "But roads do not run in the depths." he had then said to the young man. "Only something even more terrible could drive the monsters out of their territory."

Judging from his smile, he was trying to be reassuring.

The towering Juren had set up his own tent, clearly distinguishable from the others by virtue of being a patchwork of animal pelts. It was more or less as large as the standard ones, so it could have accommodated a second person; however, for obvious size reasons, unless that person belonged to one of the smaller races the space would be pretty cramped, and as far as Hu - who estimated capacity as one would expect from a Juren - was concerned, the tent was only fit to shelter a single person, so he did not proactively offer to share it with anyone else.

When the howl rung out, he unhurriedly - though not leisurely - rose to his feet, then brought a finger to his nose to signal Wan Haipa to quiet down and cupped the other hand around his ear to better hear the distant sound.

Perception [roll0] to get more details.
Nature (or some other knowledge) [roll1] to identify.
Survival [roll2] for, well, useful tips and possibly to complement the rolls above.

EDIT: Also Animal Handling to identify the howl's meaning, if applicable: 18 (OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=24565117&postcount=28)).

2020-06-16, 06:13 AM
Guo Song (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2215077)
Long Yi Yin Paladin
AC: 17 HP: 31/31
PP: 12 PIv: 10 PIs: 12
Concentration: -

Guo Song was reserved at the first day of travel. He wanted to get to know his subjects, but they shared his reservedness. Protecting cider was a strange request but he knew that aiding the local merchants and bringing alcoholic beverages was a sure way into the hearts of the residents of Yinjian. So he complied.

At the camp, the Long Yi sat a bit outside of the camp, offering a bit more heat to the others who must've been freezing. Due to the emperor's blessings, his bloodline was meant to protect against the chill of winter, so the blizzard was of little concern to him. In a similar fashion he invited the small Laoshu into his tent, offering her the majority of blankets until the small ratfolk was comfortable. Don't think much of it. My duty is to the Emperor and this land and its people. Besides, the cold does not bother me that much.

As the howling starts, the Long Yi jumps to his feet. He looks at the Vanara monk admonitory. No need to scare the boy. In fact he pulls the young houren close with his big claw in a sort of reassuring pat on the shoulder. You are under our protection now. Nothing will harm you as long as we are standing.

Now, Teng Hu, these beasts seem to be from your homeland. Are they hunting us, or something else?

I assume you wanted to scare the young Petjar boy, not the Houren merchant.
Persuasion to rise the spirits of the merchant and the frightened boy: [roll0]
If Darth wants to go with the result as an indicator how convincing I was, you are welcome. You can however ignore it as you please. No fun in 'antagonizing' people if they don't react, right? :smallsmile:

2020-06-16, 12:40 PM
Sunvaning (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2214918)

Sun looked at his larger companion "Aww. I'm just having some fun with him."

The agile Vanara climbed up the side of the wagon and perched himself on top. "It's just a wild animal cry. No need to get so jumpy." but despite the protest, he looked out to see where the howl had come from.

Yeah, my mistake, I've edited it now. Thanks.

Perception [roll0]

2020-06-16, 12:51 PM
Cui Shufen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2077342)
Laoshu Soulknife
AC: 15 HP: 30/30
PP: 12 PIv: 15 PIs: 12
Conditions: --

Cui was now rather distracted. A Longyi had invited her into his tent? And implied she counted as part of the people of Hong Long. This was far outside the realm of her expectations of what might happen here. Perhaps it was some kind of trap? If so, she'd walked right into it because she could only imagine the kind of retaliation the others might decide to visit on her if she was seen as snubbing him if she refused the offer.

2020-06-18, 02:06 PM
Guo Song (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2215077)
Long Yi Yin Paladin
AC: 17 HP: 31/31
PP: 12 PIv: 10 PIs: 12
Concentration: -

The Laoshu seemt distrustful. Now come on, do not fear me. I have already eaten. the dragon knight grins baring his plentiful fangs. I won't take no for an answer, Shufen. he adds with a bit more emphasis.

After a pause the Long Yi responds to the vanara monk. Sunvaning, would you please check the area? Cui, you might be of great assistance. Teng Hu and I stay back to protect Mother Tortoise.

2020-06-18, 04:17 PM
Cui Shufen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2077342)
Laoshu Soulknife
AC: 15 HP: 30/30
PP: 12 PIv: 15 PIs: 12
Conditions: --

"Oh! Um, yes of course." Cui replies, a bit panicked, and nods.

When Guo Song speaks up again Cui nods and replies politely, "As you say." and gives a nod and then heads out to scout the area. Maybe this was an excuse to get rid of her? Hoping some wildlife would eat her? Nonetheless, this was an opportunity to prove her value to the group.

She also seeks out some small (or tiny) animals and asks them some questions about the area or any unusual things they've seen recently.

Some rolls for scouting the area and just seeing what's out there. Just including anything I think might be relevant.

Stealth: [roll0]
Nature: [roll1]
Investigation: [roll2]
Perception: [roll3]
Survival: [roll4]
Animal Handling: [roll5]