View Full Version : Standard array: ASI or Feat level 4

2020-06-15, 03:21 PM
So at hitting level 4 with a caster...should one do ASI instead of feat so saves are harder? Or would feats be better mechanically?

2020-06-15, 03:53 PM
Sooo. You need to provide much more information if you want a good answer.

If you are a caster, often people say to take resilient CON or war caster but if you have a specific objective, something else could be appropriate.

As a general rule, listing the sources you are allowed to use, your class, levels stats, race, and party composition, will make others more able and willing to give good advice.

2020-06-15, 04:50 PM
Sooo. You need to provide much more information if you want a good answer.

If you are a caster, often people say to take resilient CON or war caster but if you have a specific objective, something else could be appropriate.

As a general rule, listing the sources you are allowed to use, your class, levels stats, race, and party composition, will make others more able and willing to give good advice.

Well I was wondering as a general rule. In my case? I’m a bard. I’d be looking to do more checks that involve saving throws. I also am always doing charisma checks. So adding to my AS with the ASI would make any AC checks really strong and saves against me all the more difficult.

2020-06-15, 04:55 PM
Personally I'd only go for Warcaster or Res:Con if I intend on being in the frontline. A caster that stands in the back and is rarely hit is probably better off with +2 to casting stat.

2020-06-15, 05:04 PM
Well I was wondering as a general rule.

You can rarely go wrong with +2 main stat as a general rule. If in doubt, take the stat increase.

In my case? I’m a bard.

If you want specific advice you really need to include your actual stats/build. I'd still generally lean Cha though. You could honestly even make an argument for something like Inspiring Leader depending on party make up if you were looking for something more unusual outside of the normal Res Con/Warcaster.

I'd say its actually a more difficult question at level 8. Maxing the stat is tempting but you're also getting into the levels where enemies hitting for more than 20 damage are increasingly common making concentration checks harder and harder to meet if you don't do something about it.

The other question to consider is a table question - getting hit a lot? You'll need the con checks. Mostly hanging at the back going unnoticed while they engage your fighters? Feel free to boost that Cha.

Aaron Underhand
2020-06-15, 05:25 PM
For a bard without it I would go moderately armoured every time....

2020-06-15, 08:47 PM
Either, provided you have at least a 16 in your casting stat at level 1. At 8th level you want the 18. 12th level is 20 or feat, either fine. 16th level have the 20.

If you really, really want the feat take it at 4th so you can have the fun of using it. It will be awhile before you reach 8th level. If you rolled for stats and already have an 18 taking a feat is the easy choice.

2020-06-16, 01:05 AM
I usually go with ritual caster, inspiring leader, drow high magic, +2 to cha.
Not in that order and for my last game I didn't take inspiring leader as we had a celestial warlock who gave everyone THP.

I do considered taking skilled for extra skills and the UA skill feats if they are on the table.

2020-06-16, 04:13 AM
Our Half-Elf Bard with Cha 16 took Inspiring Leader at 4th level. Those extra 7 (and now at 5th level, 8) temporary hit points for up to six people every short rest have been a lifesaver. This is especially true as our group tends to hire mercenaries (NPC Guard stats) to accompany them, and this is a significant boost to their staying power.

2020-06-16, 10:11 AM
As a general rule, if I was in a situation that I had to use standard array or point buy...

If my highest/most important score was 16, I'd go with ASI.
If my highest/most important score was either 15 or 17, I'd go with a "half-feat" that increases the same score by 1.
An exception would be a utility feat that I would absolutely need to take at some point to complement a build, there would be no time better than the present.

2020-06-16, 11:15 AM
If my highest/most important score was 16, I'd go with ASI.
For any caster, that is my default. I hate low saves on my spells. I have permanent sacred flame trauma.

If my highest/most important score was either 15 or 17, I'd go with a "half-feat" that increases the same score by 1.

that too.

2020-06-16, 06:05 PM
As a rough rule of thumb, I'd say that for most characters, there's some feat that you want to get first, then max out your main score, then either more feats or secondary scores. If you're playing a variant human who gets a feat right away, this means starting on ability scores at 4th. But of course, there are exceptions for various characters.

And Inspiring Leader isn't limited to six allies. You can do six at once, with each speech. But there's nothing stopping you from immediately giving another speech to a different audience. The only limit is that any given creature can't benefit again until after they rest. Note also that inspiring leader isn't redundant with celestial warlock: Nothing says that you have to use the feat immediately after a rest. Rest, let the warlock do his thing, wait until people get those THP knocked off, then give them your speech.

2020-06-16, 06:47 PM
And Inspiring Leader isn't limited to six allies. You can do six at once, with each speech. But there's nothing stopping you from immediately giving another speech to a different audience. The only limit is that any given creature can't benefit again until after they rest. Note also that inspiring leader isn't redundant with celestial warlock: Nothing says that you have to use the feat immediately after a rest. Rest, let the warlock do his thing, wait until people get those THP knocked off, then give them your speech.

Interesting. I hadn't read it that closely. It does appear that you can spam it on six people per 10 minutes so long as none have had it since their last rest. I sense bigger bands of mercenaries in the future.