View Full Version : DM Help Need to get Dragon Ascendent's awsome aura to ignore mind affecting for at least fear

Nekota Kale
2020-06-16, 06:05 PM
Some background; as a DM i tend to strictly keep my players doing things based on what the book says and hold myself to the same standard as my players as such i have been having some struggle creating the current villain for their epic adventures.

Most of my players have possessed fear or mind affecting immunity for a while now, which is creating a problem since one of my older planned villains once they got into epics was going to be a advanced green dragon. This dragon was going to be on the path to becoming a god of fear and despair which I represented with levels of Dragon Ascendant. (side not all of this worlds gods are also dragons with 12 levels of DA that have amassed followers before or after the fact)

so the issue i am hitting is i need a way for its fear affect to get through those immunity's that's preferably strait from one of the books as i am reluctant to make it "because the DM says so" as i feel that would be unfair to my players.

2020-06-16, 06:10 PM
IIRC, Dread Witch and/or Nightmare Spinner have some ways to overcome fear immunity?

2020-06-16, 06:11 PM
Fear Moths remove immunity to fear similar to dread witch. They are from Dragons of Faerun.

2020-06-16, 06:39 PM
Fear Moths remove immunity to fear similar to dread witch. They are from Dragons of Faerun.

Slap the half dragon template on them and throw the BBEGs children at them in the boss fight

Nekota Kale
2020-06-16, 06:45 PM
When trying to find something i looked into dread witch and nightmare spinner but those less removed and more so had ability that individually got through though i can take another look.

As for fear moths after a quick look i could have those flock to the dragon wherever it goes if i i cant find anything else. that's a very good alternative in a pinch i might have to ask my players about giving it one salient ability so it could direct those with control creatures

the moths probably best fit the passive nature of what i was looking for

edit: looked at the dread witch, that only affects spells so it wont affect the aura like i wanted though I may work it in

2020-06-16, 08:08 PM
Slap the half dragon template on them and throw the BBEGs children at them in the boss fight

They don't have stat blocks and as such are not monsters. They're a CR 4 Lair Hazard.

2020-06-16, 08:30 PM
You are the DM and as such, you are allowed to bend the rules slightly if the situation calls for it.

I would have this dragon’s aura affect even those immune to fear, but give them a bonus on their save vs the aura.

Given their level and depending on the DC, they should be able to make it regardless. If they don’t, then they just found a worthy and memorable opponent.