View Full Version : Demon or devil of sloth

2020-06-18, 01:56 AM
so for a game I'm running I'm looking for a demon of sloth much like in Dragon age. I've looked through all the monster manuals and am beginning to look in to the fiend folio. but I was wondering if there is such a demon or devil in 3.0/3.5 and if not I'd like to chat about how to make one.

2020-06-18, 04:10 AM
According to Dragon Magazine, Akiliths (ooze demons from Fiend Folio) are demons spawned from sloth.

2020-06-18, 04:39 AM
In Pathfinder, which is 3.X adjacent, Dretch are the official demon of Sloth, and Jubilex is the official Demon Lord of Sloth.

2020-06-18, 07:54 AM
On p.155 of FC1 Luperico is listed as "The Baron of Sloth". A quick Google suggests his name should actually be spelled Lupercio. In keeping with his portfolio, he doesn't do much though...

Doctor Despair
2020-06-18, 10:16 AM
On p.155 of FC1 Luperico is listed as "The Baron of Sloth". A quick Google suggests his name should actually be spelled Lupercio. In keeping with his portfolio, he doesn't do much though...


If you want to buff a demon of sloth, maybe add an aura or an at-will gaze attack that, on a failed will save, imposes Slow (Ex) for X amount of time? Also seems thematic.

2020-06-18, 02:02 PM
Baalphegor (http://www.succubus.net/wiki/Baalphegor)

2020-06-18, 02:14 PM
They meant to write more of them, but never got around to it.

2020-06-18, 03:57 PM
Dispater is also commonly associated with sloth, although it's more in sense of crushing the will of others to force them into lives of meaningless toil than being actively lazy.
To quote:
Across the Cosmos, mortals and immortals alike constantly seek to achieve the greatest value for the least amount of effort. In many cases, this attitude is common sense and productive; however, there are those that seek not only to make the most with least amount of work, but those that seek to ensure that any and all work is done through the efforts of others. Some go as far as to pursue the most underhanded, offensive means to acquire their wants. Such individuals ignore what they know to be right in favor of doing all they can to meet their ends within the bounds of law. What comes of their actions, the pains and sorrows of others, mean less than nothing to such people who long ago abandoned their own morals in return for greater power. Shiftless, stubborn, and lazy, when such individuals die, their blackened souls descend into the Second Perdition of Hell. Here they find that they are forced to meaningless labor. Now, what they sought, power and wealth with no effort, is returned to them in gross irony ten fold. All they do forever more will amount to nothing despite the effort and pain they put into their work. There is only one who will truly benefit from the efforts of these damned fools. From the heights of the ever-present Iron Tower, Dispater watches and reaps the toil of the masses.

2020-06-18, 08:45 PM
Baalphegor (http://www.succubus.net/wiki/Baalphegor)

Where does it say that Baalphegor is the patron of sloth? All I can see in that link is "domains: inventions, arts".

2020-06-19, 06:40 AM
Where does it say that Baalphegor is the patron of sloth? All I can see in that link is "domains: inventions, arts".
I assumed it from the listed source:

Connors, Tim and Eileen. "Baalphegor, the Prince of Laziness." Kobold Quarterly #2. Kirkland, WA: Open Design, Fall 2007.
When I checked it, the actual devil in the magazine is named "Belphegor", male, and have some other differences - such as Apathy Aura

History of Belphegor
While all devils bow to the tenets of Hell's rigid caste system, none of them are content with their particular place in the machine. Like the rest, Belphegor was born with a burning desire for more power and greater influence. He wanted to rule; he just didn’t want to work for it.
In his early days as an imp, Belphegor's slothful nature prevented him from accomplishing much at all. He put a few devotional writers to sleep at their inkpots and encouraged village priests to trot out dull, timeworn sermons. But Belphegor spent most of his days lying about, observing the politics of Hell and wondering at his ambitious brethren.
Belphegor replied, "My lord, I need only grant them comfort to bring them to you." Asmodeus smiled, and he appointed Belphegor his Baron of Laziness, with the charge to seduce humanity through sloth.

Accomplishments and Goals
Belphegor counts among his greatest accomplishments changing the world’s attitude toward sloth as a sin. In a matter of mere centuries, he quietly stripped sloth of the negative, religious connotation it once had. Not only are more and more mortals consumed by sloth, many don’t even consider it intrinsically evil, let alone a deadly sin. They see it as mere laziness, a perfectly natural inclination, and a common reward for accomplishment.

Belphegor's imps, called comfort devils, foster worldwide evil by distracting otherwise virtuous individuals with life’s comforts and by tempting them with lives of ease and fortune.

Also, The Book of Fiends (GRP) have Sloth domain - granted by Behemoth, Sabnach, and Viasta (all are from the same book), and "sloth fiends":
Abandoned Dream (Whisperer of Sloth): 6 HD Medium Outsider, CR 5
The Languishing (Watcher of Sloth): 9 HD Medium Outsider, CR 11
Shogarr, Consumer of Souls (Servitor of Sloth): 54 HD Gargantuan Outsider, CR 30
Slumbering Valor (Whisperer of Sloth): template, CR +2, +4 LA
Venenézle (Mercenary of Sloth): ½ HD Fine Outsider, CR ½

2020-06-19, 02:28 PM
Ended up making my own but thanks guys. Now tangentially related question: what spells would allow this creature to manipulate someone’s dreams

2020-06-19, 04:30 PM
This thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?368308-Sleep-Dream-Caster) has some good ideas. Might not be quite comprehensive, but it's got a lot of options.

2020-06-20, 01:53 AM
yeah what I need is a spell that can create dreams or alter the dreams of entrapped individual.
basicaly I'm trying to find mechanics to create dreamscape puzzles for my players to escape from.

2020-06-21, 09:54 AM
If you combine the Oneiromancy feat (from Heroes of Horror) with Hallucinatory Terrain or Mirage Arcana, that should get you a good way towards what you're asking for.