View Full Version : Pathfinder Making a City Siege fun

2020-06-18, 12:45 PM
I'm the DM for a pathfinder group in a homemade campaign. I've given my party the task of defending a city from an invading army until help arrives in several days. Once that occurs, they'll be free to go hunt the enemy general and end the war. My problem is that I don't want to run combat for each 2HD mook, but also want the party to feel as if they are influencing the battle as a whole, and not just a set of encounters with an army as a backdrop.

I've had a few ideas. each day I can roll to see what the enemy does, and allow the party to respond. This would be like a breach in the walls that the party must respond to, the forest begins attacking the city a'la Isengard, or disease ridden corpses are being flung at the general populace. I also think that the enemy lieutenants will lead highly successful attacks that only the party can stop to provide mini-bosses before the big-bad. But I'm turning to the playground for advice to make sure this goes well. The party is as follows:

All level eight:

Bladebound magus who not only uses the standard shocking grasp, but spells like grease and glue to great effect even at mid-levels. he is quite clever and responsible for most of my "huh?" moments.
Two weapon fighting rogue who is a new player but learning quickly. She focuses primarily on flanking and sneak attack.
Sorcerer who prefers blasting, but also has some utility in spells like silent image.
Cleric who focuses on front line melee (AC near 29 when fully buffed) and channeling. His channeling is house-ruled so that positive energy heals the living and hurts the undead simultaneously (and vice-versa).
A slayer focusing on ranged attacks but dreadfully optimized. Even at level 8, she does not have a magic bow and only took precise shot at level 7 after much encouragement.
A barbarian who may or may not show up to the game. Covid threw him for a loop.

Historically, the magus and cleric are responsible for ending encounters with the sorcerer occasionally being useful. She tends to fall back on magic missile for the guaranteed hit instead of chancing saves. The rogue and slayer mostly provide support via damage, and the barbarian's presence is questionable but highly impactful.

The enemy general is a level 11 magus, who I plan to play as a simple buff -> spellstrike routine with some other options such as fly and fireball. Her lieutenants are a level 9 fighter optimized for acrobatics so he can leap straight into the party's backlines even in full plate (Yes he's ridiculous; yes I love him.) and a level 8 druid who focuses on debuffing and battlefield control while his ents handle the frontline work. The druid is the one responsible for the attacking forest.

TL;DR, I would like to run a siege scenario that gives the party some flexibility to be clever and impacts the larger fight, but doesn't require actually fighting 9000 soldiers. It would only last a few days before help arrives, and the party is free to go on the offensive.

el minster
2020-06-18, 01:07 PM
Treat them like special forces. Get them to sabotage the enemy or maybe a small group of enemies are sneaking up on the back of the city with a bomb and the party are the only ones close enough to stop them.

Kurald Galain
2020-06-18, 01:09 PM
I recommend this book (https://paizo.com/products/btpy9p1h). It fits the level range, and runs the whole gamut from mobilizing the city to finding allies to sabotaging the besieger to boss battles.

2020-06-18, 04:01 PM
One way to mix things up might be to alternate between combat and messing with the invaders in other ways. I'm thinking things like pouring stuff on people trying to climb the walls, breaking ladders/siege engines and things like that. Since the party has quite a bit of spell casting they could probably think of some unconventional spell use as well.

2020-06-19, 02:42 PM
Treat them like special forces. Get them to sabotage the enemy or maybe a small group of enemies are sneaking up on the back of the city with a bomb and the party are the only ones close enough to stop them.

Yeah, that lines up with what I was thinking. Plan enemy raids that only the party can deal with and give them a variety.

I recommend this book (https://paizo.com/products/btpy9p1h). It fits the level range, and runs the whole gamut from mobilizing the city to finding allies to sabotaging the besieger to boss battles.

That looks perfect, unfortunately money's a bit tight right now. I'll definitely keep it in mind for the future though!

One way to mix things up might be to alternate between combat and messing with the invaders in other ways. I'm thinking things like pouring stuff on people trying to climb the walls, breaking ladders/siege engines and things like that. Since the party has quite a bit of spell casting they could probably think of some unconventional spell use as well.

Oh they will. Unconventional spell use has thrown quite a few loops my way already. Giving them opportunities to showcase those ideas is a great thought.

Thank you all!

2020-06-19, 02:50 PM
So the basic focus is going to be "how do the enemies bypass the walls or bring them down." So you don't need sporadic assaults, you just need one big event each day. Four siege towers that need to be destroyed before the wall falls, a dragon that needs to be slain so it can't burn the town from behind, and a super weapon that slowly charges and the party needs to lead a sally to destroy it (as possible examples.) Each even they fight elites and some mooks who try to stand in their way, they accomplish their major goal and the enemy stops for the night and works on the next plan.

2020-06-19, 05:44 PM
The best role for players in this sort of situation is to be held back from the main fight as an answer to all the ways the enemy tries to bypass the walls.

They're the ones who need to respond when the enemy dimension doors some elite troops right into the barracks, disintegrates a hole into the wall, begins flying straight over the wall, uses mind control spells to make someone open a gate etc.

2020-06-20, 09:31 AM
I'm big on watching videos on youtube and found this one for a similar situation i'll be running soon-ish...

get on youtube and search out... 'Big Battles in Your RPG' (i'm too new to post links..lol) author: Ignite: Inspire the Story - AKA Be a Better GM

- he talks about a cool thematic way of laying out a battle, Maybe the town has some outer perimeter defenses that could act as objectives the players have to defend. etc.

2020-06-23, 06:03 PM
These have all been very helpful tips, and I should have a much easier time this weekend. Thank you all!