View Full Version : MC Battlemaster Inquisitive archer build

2020-06-18, 03:35 PM
Hi All,
Will be starting PotA shortly (please, no spoilers!) but we will all be coming in at level 3 to accommodate some of the other members of the party that wanted to continue characters from a previous short campaign.

I rolled up (well, point-bought) a range-focused wood elf Fighter 1 (FS Archery), Rogue 1,2 (in that order) and am looking towards Inquisitive next level and then after the Rogue 4 ASI, going back to pick up Battlemaster (and ?maybe? the Fighter 4 ASI)

10 17 14 10 14 10

skill proficiencies in Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Survival and expertise in Perception & Stealth

Feats/ASis planned are Elven Accuracy, Sharpshooter, +2 Dex but I haven't figured out the order yet

Any opinions on level progression beyond my current Fighter 1, Rogue 1,2 and or Feats/ASIs?


2020-06-20, 08:27 PM
Anything at all? Even roasting me for the choice of wood elf? or being ranged? or ???

on the wood elf front, wood elf magic actually looks pretty good too -- too many ASIs to want... but I suppose that is by design.

please, somebody just tell me my mother smelt of elderberries already...

I will continue to hide in my corner and talk to myself

2020-06-20, 10:40 PM
Thing is, there's nothing wrong with it.
Battlemaster is better ranged than melee,
Fighter is better at melee, due to being tanky and soaking damage for the party but still a good ranged character,
Rogues are better ranged than melee,
ranged damage is generally superior than melee (due to the fact that an Archer can just pull out a Rapier and be just as good as a mediocre Barbarian),
Inquisitive makes an excellent sniper, due to its ability to Sneak Attack without allies by using nothing more than sight.

The only thing I could criticize is that you're picking up Elven Accuracy before figuring out where the Advantage is coming from, and that's not much more than "My Cleric likes Guiding Bolt", and that Sharpshooter is generally a bad pick for Rogues (nullified by the Inquisitive Sniper option).

So you win the game. Nice job!

I'd swap out one of your projected feats for something non-combat related (Observant, Alert, Dungeon Delver, etc.), since I think you're already loaded with combat options, but that's just a matter of taste.

Only advice I could give you is that Sharpshooter will be worth more the less Rogue levels you have, so get it early, and then follow it up with maxing out Dex to keep it relevant.

2020-06-22, 12:39 PM
Thanks MOG, I'm happy I won the game :D (too much time between sessions to ruminate over the build... I'd rather just play)

I'm taking a deeper look at the feats you mentioned. Thanks for the feedback.