View Full Version : Chapter 1 When angel's fall

2020-06-18, 07:25 PM
You knew things were bad when half of your crew stepped down after seeing the things you had in that mine, however what happened after was far worse. The very next day Issarel went missing, leaving only a simple letter behind at your common room table asking you not to look for her. Lord Benedict Shellford IV and Daruk by all accounts simply vanished sometime after dropping Lady Claudia off at her home. Then Joshua in his grief chose to stay behind and take care of the widow and her three children after having killed her husband in cold blood. Most days he could be found at the temple of the Lover's however he seemed a shell of himself, as the mental wounds of killing an innocent tore away at him.

With so many problems going on, and worried for your safety Agimaex asked you to be patient while he asked for new recruits to be sent here just as you had, which begs the question how many people had died for this mission so far? Was your group really the first ones sent here, or simply another expandable group of people? Taking to your own ways of passing the time while you waited for your new recruits to arrive Mitéra Iulia made sure the two of you always felt welcome at the Golden M, even when young Jax came home with Crystal one day.

This morning seems different however as when you arrive downstairs Agimaex is already waiting for you all at his customary table. "The others should be arriving today, they are more experienced then you all were when you first arrived, and I hope because of that they will not turn away from their duty to the Empire however I cannot be sure." he explains honestly to the two of you as he takes a sip of tea from the cup before him, Nero seated comfortably in his lap lazily looking across to Jax, before placing his head back down. "Tell me, have you heard anything else about those missing? I have sent word to Tuta Lingnum to look for your missing friend Issarel, however they had their harvest festival where everyone wears masks so my contact was not able to find her." he explains telling you what he had learned of Issarel, it seems she had followed through with her former masters demands and went to meet him, but what happened after still remains a mystery.

Luck was not on your side as you received the letter from the Emperor, had you been out still helping others you no doubt would have missed it, however by luck or fate you had made your way home to rest when you were given a sealed envelope from your father bearing the Emperor’s seal. Reading the letter over and realizing he was directly asking you to help serve you people how could you refuse, then again the road would not be easy, for to get to Angelius Ianuam from where you were now would take at a minimum of three days, and that was if the weather held. Going through the Harpax mountain range was too dangerous to do alone, and taking a caravan to Caelum and taking the dwarven trade route would take too long to double back around. This meant you would have to head north, close to the boarders of the Empire and Kurast, hugging the mountain to stay away from random raiding parties until you arrived at the garrison of Apicem. Then you would have a straight shot to the little village spoken about in the letter.

On your journey you were able to stop thankfully the first night in a small mining community that you knew about from your time traveling, and by the second night your former commander was kind enough to let you sleep in the barracks of Apicem Geminae. That day he kept trying to convince you to help train the new recruits explain that a recent attack happened on the fortress, and they believed the wall had been breached by a small group. However when he learned you would not stay he reluctantly asked you to simply keep an eye out and pass the message on to Claudius Majus when you arrived at Angelius Ianuam.

Now standing with the Canbour mountains on your right and the Harpax on your left you see sprawling before you the wooden palisade surrounding the city, though from the stories you heard about how the village got its name you would have thought its walls would be made of stone. Your military mind easily looks over the surroundings and notes while next to a source of water it is not built in the most ideal place, having hills only a few miles away that could hide enemies. Following the road you make your way past traders in their caravan making their way towards Apicem leaving the district of the village known as Sheperd’s Watch which from the looks of it looks a lot like the slums or poor district most places have. The only structure worthy of note is a wooden watchtower a few hundred feet from the main road.

Looking around as you wait to be checked in at the gate you note on the road, maybe one hundred feet behind you, a caravan run by a group of four dwarves and a figure that towers even over you. While the dwarves seem like simple merchants and traders, the man seems to be a monk of some sort. It is not long before you are at the gatehouse on this side of the village when two guards stop you as they seem to be doing with most of the people you have seen on the road thus far. “Greeting’s citizen, name please and reason for being here?”

The trip from Tusen Anfel Temple to Angelius Ianuam had been quite peaceful. Taking the merchants road through Clan Khag's lands easily cut your trip in half as you didn't have to go around the mountains, but instead through them before finding a trading caravan heading to the small village and signing on with them to get there. The entire trip the group spoke in hushed whispers about a mine being over run by demons and cursed however when asked any direct questions about it all they would reply is that some humans went in and came out with a lot of dead bodies.

Following the mountain pass down was a dangerous task, and more then once you had to help pull the wagon back from falling over the cliff. However this also gave you a beautiful view of the little basin below you. All around you were forests hugging the mountain that let out into rolling hills until at last a flat plane before the pattern seemed to repeat itself directly across from you as Harpax mountain rose up to meet its brother high in the sky. To the north you could see the outline of the mighty fortress Apicem Geminae where you had served your time in the military, guarding against invasion from the great beasts of Kurast. And to the south the small village where many soldiers often took their leave for a few days before returning to the wall. It was not unheard of for some of the soldiers to spend all of their coin in the little villages hidden red light district. However that was not why you were here then, nor is it now as you take in the cool mountain air before following the rest of the caravan down the rest of the mountain pathway to the road below.

It was another few hours until at last you came to the district known as Sheperd’s Watch just outside one of the cities two main gates. Before you you can see a line of other traders, as well as a soldier with a shield strapped to his back, no doubt one of those who were serving at the garrison, but where was the rest of his patrol? When at last you make it to the gate the two guards stop the caravan you are with and ask their business before clearing them to pass with you believing you are a part of their group.

Having just finished reading the letter from the Emperor you can hardly believe your eyes. You had always been a survivor, and while you mostly dealt with the barbaric centaur tribes to the east while stationed at Voxin you knew those who had been stationed in other places in the empire had no doubt had it worst, defending against Kurast. The centaur tribes for all their strength lacked a unity, some wished to be allies and often traded and played games with the guards of Voxin while others tried to make it past the fortress to attack the fertile farmland that it overlooked and protected. It was on one of these such farms your parents owned that you read this letter and made your choice. To serve the emperor and head the call.

Traveling south for the entire day you found yourself in the port city of Sinus Tonitralis where you paid for passage on board the Dynames, a simple pinnace style ship of no real note, to bring you to the capital, where you would then travel by land the rest of the way to your destination. The two days spent aboard the ship you realized that while the ship itself may not have been anything special, the captain Arrayna and her first mate, a hobgoblin by the name of Praq were very gifted at what they did, and more than once you could swear you saw a pirate flag on in the distance fleeing from the ship.

However as you arrived in the capital you realized why it was known as the gem of the empire. Everything about the place was meant to draw the eyes in and make people want to look at it. Even the streets, mostly dirt or cobblestone if you were lucky in the bigger cities, were made out of white marble here. And flags with the emperors seal were hung from lamp post frequently. One could spend days exploring this strange and beautiful place, where some of the wealthier women walked around with red snakes wrapped around their shoulders like a scarf almost. Sadly this was not your destination and only a waypoint on your journey as you found a simple inn for the night to rest your head.

And so it is you find yourself rising over the last hill, with the two great mountains, Canbour and Harpax flanking you and the river Vesuvia acting as your guide as the winding river snakes its way down the valley, passing by the village of Angelius Ianuam. Thinking it best to stay close to the water to keep your waterskin full and an easy source of food should you get lost you follow the river northwest until at last the wooden palisade surrounding the town comes into view. It’s about another hour before you find yourself standing at Sheperd’s door. It seems like very few people are using this door this day as you easily make it up to the gate where the guards stop you. “Halt soldier, state your business!” the guard calls out finding it odd you are traveling alone and not with a squad given your gear.

2020-06-19, 10:24 PM
Amara van Tannin

“No, I haven’t heard anything,” Amara replied, “some I’m sure departed due to the danger, and for those I say we are better off.”

Anyone who would abandon the emperor at the first sign of trouble would only be a liability later on.

“I fear for those who have gone missing though, especially Lord Benedict, he would never abandon his duty,” she said.

“Still, we cannot delay if there are no leads,” she said, “can you tell us of the others coming to join us?”

2020-06-19, 10:57 PM
Agimaex nods his head in agreement with your conclusion. “Sadly I am not trained in the arts of looking for people or using magic to find them. I will try to put in a request with those higher up on the matter. The fact he was a noble’s son will not go unnoticed I hope and will help garner some favor with whatever aid the Empire can offer.” Agimaex promises, though it is clear from his look he is uncertain if anything will come of it.

“As for the others, we sent word to five, some of them days ago due to how long it would take to get here…” he says pausing to think before answering.

“One is a giant standing at the crossroads of two paths, but not due to his size but his heart.
Next is the Mountain that wishes to soak up the sea. Always gathering what water it can to add to its own.
The child of the Watch will be hard to miss with the mark of the Father besides her.
Next is the Sword, strong and true. Its iron unbroken and its will pure.
Last is the shadow that lives for the past, forgetting that life is in the moment.”

As the old wizard finishes he begins chuckling to himself as if he told an old joke.

2020-06-20, 10:35 AM
As Tarik stands in line, shield on his back and spear on his shoulder, he can't help smile a bit at the thought of a warm bath. <Gah! I must be getting soft.> he thought to himself. Noting the dwarves with their unusual guard along while taking the sites in, he keeps himself at ease while waiting. Strange, he thought, that they followed the same road as he as instead of the road from Broodfist. Not the dust and muck, he refrained from cleaning the wear of travel from himself.
"Tarik Ch'Karthis. I seek to speak to Claudius Majus on behalf of Felix Basilius, Commander of Apicem Geminae." he said in plain fashion. As he waited for a response, thought on his old commander and his wish to stay and help, both training his new men and fighting off whatever sappers were trying to gain access to Apicem Geminae, but his mission was larger and clear. But, once done here, he would seek out Felix and lend him his spear.

I took a liberty naming Felix.
Question - Do we know who the rest of the group is or what we look like?

2020-06-20, 03:45 PM
"I've asked around in town, but nobody I've spoken to has heard anything of Daruk or Lord Benedict," Crystal reports. "We'll just have to be on our guard and hope whoever is responsible isn't wily enough to catch us too. My duty is to the empire - they'd have to force me from it."

Jax looks up from his own place on the table by Crystal's right hand to meet Nero's gaze. He stands lazily, stretches, and then rolls over flailing his legs at Crystal's hand.

"Don't be rude," she chides him gently, as much for his insolence to Nero as his flailing, and he sits up straight again, haughtily overseeing the table.

"You do like your riddles, Agimaex. I look forward to working out who is whom when our new companions arrive. Without Issarel there's little point trying to catch her Enchanter. I suspect it's the ogres in the watchtower that most urgently requires our attention."

2020-06-20, 03:52 PM
Marcus Polonius comes to an immediate halt and stands at attention.

In a voice slightly louder than is comfortable
I come in search of food, drink, and work, SIR.

2020-06-20, 11:04 PM
Hunter Greene

Strolling up a dozen paces behind Marcus Polonius comes a gnome woman of middle years, middle size and showing the dust of the road on some otherwise new and well tailored travel clothes. She's not armed, and carries only a small pack.

As Marcus comes up to a full salute, she glances appraisingly at his ass. Hooah, indeed.

Sauntering up alongside Marcus, Hunter gives the guard a winning smile.

"Hunter Greene, and here for more or less the same thing, I guess."

Her smile faded, and she sighed. Gods, I do miss being able to wink from time to time.

2020-06-21, 06:12 PM
Freddie Bishop

Freddie did not seem to pay any mind to anyone else in the line, but, this was an act on his part. Instinctively Freddie would read people to get ideas about those around him or to see when something was out of place. So it was with the soldier out of place and instead he patiently waited while casually smoking some rolled tobacco and talking to the Dwarves about the good fortune they met on the roads.

When they had finally passed through the gate, Freddie Bishop nodded at his dwarven travelling companions and bid them good travels and good journeys in the future.

Looking around the foreign town he decided to walk around the perimeter. If he notices the Church of Heironeous he will go inside to pray before continuing around the city to establish where everything is at in his mind. When he finds The Golden M, he will enter as well to ask discreetly about his lodging arrangements and to glance around the common area.

2020-06-21, 06:21 PM
With you gear clearly depicting you as a soldier of the empire and naming your friend and the commander of the main stronghold in the area that keeps the draconian monsters at bay the guards take a better look at you. One you note seems to be at least twenty years older then you are, his rich brown hair that is most common and appealing in the Empire slowly starting to turn grey in some places. He carries a spear much like your own, though you doubt it has the magical properties of your own. And a deep claw like gash runs down his face from his temple to his shoulder. The other seems still new, the armor he wears to clean, and his expression showing that of one who has never seen true battle before. "I see, well then when you enter the main gate you should head straight to the garrison. If you walk in and head west, follow the outer wall until you come to the church of Heirneous, our guardhouse is the building next to it." the older guard says as he looks to you as if asking if something bad had happened at Apicem Geminae, something his partner seems oblivious to.

"I suspect Lord Benedict felt the same way that is what worries me. Be on your guard and if something seems off I trust you to do what you must. Just try not to cause to much damage." Agimaex replies agreeing that if two of your party could be caught no doubt they would be trying to get the rest of you before you could report anything of note.

As for Riddles, it was an easy way to pass time during my active duty days at the wall given few soldiers like working besides those who wield magic. So me and the others often used to speak in riddles if we wanted to say something without the guards catching on. I'm sure a code breaker like you won't have that hard of a time with it though honestly as its more of a habit then on purpose. Now if I was really trying to throw a riddle your way..."he says before trailing off. "Do you remember the coded message that marked you as who you were? It's proven safe so far as a way to tell friend from foe I would advise using your own code however when the team is assembled so you can always know no one is compromised." he says standing up as a figure walks out the door that had been sitting down at one of the tables the opposite side of the tavern. "With that I need to go check up on my own duties. Good luck." Agimaex says as he and Nero cut through the kitchen to the Golden M, no doubt leaving out a back exit.

As the two of you note that you are simply in the village for work as well as food and drink they point to your weapons. "We are a law abiding town, that means no use of weapons in the streets. If someone steals from you leave it to us, or deal with it nonlethaly. As for work, not much work for a soldier in these parts unless your going to the wall. The guard captain has more of us then there are patrol routes." then turning to hunter , as for a gnome I honestly can't say if we would have a job for you or not miss. Don't know what your type can do. Don't get many travelers from Axiom in these parts." neither seems to wish to stop you from entering the small town however.

As you and the dwarves you had shared a journey with part ways they wave goodbye to you and wish you luck. Thanking you again for your helping them on their journey to the small human town. No doubt without your help the wagon would have gone over the cliff and they would have lost a great deal of their cargo, which while mostly iron weapons and armor did also have a few meats and cheeses from their own lands to be traded in the village.

Walking around the perimeter of the city you follow the wall West until you reach the temple of Heirneous, in truth a small keep standing besides what appears to be the local guardhouse. Standing on guard duty outside the temple seems to be a paladin given his arms and armor of Heirneous with a faithful mastiff at his side. As he sees your holy symbol the fellow paladin holds up his hand in greetings. "What's the story, chief?" he asks respectfully.

You both would be following an identical path, up to you if you wish to have your characters interact with each other/notice this and the like.

It had been another wonderful night spent in Iulia Concordia, their were songs sung about your bravery, drinks passed around with all the younger soldiers and those getting ready to go off to train for their first time, and plenty of single women for you to do what it is you always did. However as you woke up in typical fashion the oddest thing happened, a knock came to your door followed by. "Message from the capital for a Oetychus Alamar." at first you ignored this thinking perhaps the person would simply go away. However as the knocking continued for another ten minutes straight you realized you would have no such luck. Opening the door and snatching the letter from the messenger and replacing it with a silver in the matter of seconds you close the door once more before he even has a chance to fully understand what just happened.

So the Emperor himself had even taken note of you now, yet why was he sending you to some backwater town to deal with cultists and spies, that wasn't where your talents were. Then again who knows if the story had reached the Empire and what was being said about you and your bravery with stopping those bandits single handily, or so the story goes. Well best not to keep the Emperor waiting as you pack your belongings up and spend a good two hours promising to return to your three romantic partners, each one begging you not to go as their parents roll their eyes knowing you for the dog you are and hoping you will be gone long enough they can get their daughters with a good husband before you return.

With two bottles of wine from House Ausonia's private stocks you make your way to the town mentioned in the letter. It takes you about a half day to reach the place. Two towering wooden doors stand open with people walking in and out of the town, guards questioning all who enter. At the moment it seems to be some solider and a gnome woman, perhaps a dignitary from Axiom and her private guard? An ambassador, the possibilities are endless. You could probably catch up to them if you ran the rest of the way, before they entered the town.

2020-06-22, 11:45 AM
Hunter Greene

With her crossbow stored in her pack and her slender blade securely strapped flat to her forearm, Hunter is reasonable confident that the guard is talking about Marcus' sword -itself about the same size as Hunter - when referencing soldiers and weapons. She smiles wearily.

"I understand, officer. I will endeavour to contain my brawling instincts. And I assure you, my 'type' hasn't had any luck in figuring out what to do with me, either."

With a smile and a nod, she heads on in. Her smiling face shows entirely genuine pleasure - the enjoyment of seeing a new place, the anticipation of feeling useful again. But her instincts can't help but maintain a running narrative of risk management. Where are the exit routes? Where are the choke points where an ambush would be especially effective? Where would she set up a watching point to monitor flow of folks in and out of the gates.

She glances up at Marcus and gestures towards the market square ahead.

"Well, can I buy you lunch, soldier?"

An attractive gnome woman of a certain age smiles up at you wearily, and waves a delicate hand toward the chair next to her.

"A drink? I think that I was drinking beer."

There is a weariness to her tone, but she moves with a certain cautious grace as she carefully reassembles the complicated machine on the table between you. As more parts come together, it takes shape as a squat crossbow of some sort, but one that seems to have some sort of elaborate box stuck on top, and with at least three switches on the left side the purpose of which is not immediately clear.

"My eye's up here, darlin."

there is a sardonic drawl to her reference to the tan eyepatch covering her right eye. She is dressed in a fresh set of travel clothes, clean and whole, in browns with gold highlights. Pockets and pouches line the sides of her vest and pants. . Hunter Greene (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2229769)
Female CG Gnome Factotum, Level 4, Init 9, HP 36/36, Speed 20'
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, Fort 2, Ref 5, Will 1, Base Attack Bonus 3
Concealed in sleeve sheath Dagger +2 (+7 thrown) (1d3, 19-20)
Darkwood MW Heavy Repeating Crossbow (20) +8 (1d8, 19-20)
Grenadelike Missile +7 ( , )
+1 Mithril Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 11, Cha 16
Condition None

2020-06-22, 12:10 PM
Oetychus runs up to the gnome and her guard, sensing opportunity.
''Lady, Sir. Good day to you both. I present myself: Oetychus. A humble musician, poet, bard.''

He bows and takes the gnomish woman's hand, kissing it softly.

''You must be new to these parts. Would you require a guide? Although, in perfect honesty, I cannot boast the knowledge of this place, I am certainly talented at finding my way around and can also provide you with entertainment. You must be weary from the road? Let me help lift your spirits.''

he starts playing a beautiful ballad on his lute, accompanied by singing in elvish.

2020-06-22, 01:42 PM
Marcus Polonius
In the same slightly loud voice:
Acknowledged, SIR

To Hunter at a normal volume once inside:
Sorry Ma'am I am supposed to meet a client at the bar. Hope you find something tasty.

2020-06-22, 02:27 PM
Hunter Greene

The gnome nods and smiles at the flirtatious lutist.

"Well, hello there, you butter-voiced beignet. It's been quite some time since I've had my spirits lifted, so thank you!"

She leans into Marcus' inquiry with genuine appreciation for his concern, responding with discretion as she also listens with approval to the Oetychus' well trained voice.

"Never and always, my dear. Never and always. It's gracious of the guards at the entrance to reinforce their desire to help, but if that's what they mention, then it's likely that it's been a source of problems in the past. You don't mention a two for one sale on bonnets if no one's wearing a hat."

She applauds the end of Oetychus' song, and gestures to the road ahead.

"Well, gentlemen. It's a beautiful day, and I fancy some street food and browsing, if it's a market day. Shall we go see?"

2020-06-22, 03:18 PM
Leaving post in place in case the space is needed, will delete otherwise

2020-06-22, 04:48 PM
To Marcus, Oetychus says: ''No need to be sorry, sir, I can accompany the lady.''
He asks a great many question to the gnome: 'Where are you from?' 'What brings you here?' 'Where did you get those well tailored travel clothes?' He seems very interested by all of her answers, but this small talk hides another motive: the letter he received mentioned six individuals - he has his doubts that the arrival of a gnome at this very moment in this small town may be no coincidence! Eventually he proposes:
''You mentioned the market? A charming idea! But how about this: first we should get rid of our baggage, don't you think? I was meant to stay at the Golden M. My accommodations are already paid for there. Perhaps you should stay there too!''

He smiles a lot, smoothing his beard regularly whenever he talks. He is charming albeit his somber attire.

2020-06-22, 07:28 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter bids Marcus Polonius an adieu, and turns to stroll towards the central square with Oetychus. Her responses to his questions are urbane, playful, and show that she's clearly enjoying his company, but don't convey any real information. As often as not, she turns the questions back to the young man, asking never about what he was doing here, but about the fine cloth of his lute strap, the relative merits of using a rapier over a longsword like Marcus', and so on.

When invited to join him at the Golden M, Hunter seems disinterested but open to the idea.

"Of course! I'm traveling without luggage on this trip, but I'd happily join you there for a drink. And if you say that the inn is a fine place to stay, I should at least check it out. Lead the way, sir!"

2020-06-22, 09:51 PM
"Past the church of Heirneous? I will make due haste there. My thanks." he says with a small bow of his head, leaving the mans questioning look unanswered. The man was obviously seasoned and would understand that he would have to follow the chain of command. As Tarik prepares to leave the gates, he sees the taller man as he leaving his dwarven friends and heading the same way. "Heading to the church or the garrison? My guess is the church. You have the look of a warrior, but not necessarily that of a soldier." he says, noting the mans gauntlets and shield but lack of spear or shield. Maybe he lost it during a fight on the path to Angelius Ianuam. Odd either way.

2020-06-23, 08:18 AM
Freddie Bishop

Freddie looked around as if he hadn't noticed the shielded soldier waiting for him. Still smoking he smiled at the man before responding:

"I'm not heading anywhere in particular, never been to this town." Freddie looked around, "I could stop by the Church of Heirneous if you know the way but my times as a soldier have ended."

Now that he's in town he takes off his gauntlets and puts them in his backpack before extending a hand, "Freddie Bishop. Done my five in Clypeus Igni. Out now a couple of months. I'm supposed to be meeting six friends here in a bit, but not too sure if I'll recognize them when I see them. Thought one of them fought with a shield and spear; sound right to you?"

2020-06-23, 09:16 AM
"Tarik Ch'Karthis." as he grasps wrists. "I have never been here, but the gateman told me the way. I have to go near there in order to pass word to the Claudius Majus for a friend and then I'm free. I, too, did 5 years and they would have had me another 5 if obligations hadn't pulled me away, but it's been nearly a year since..." as Freddie comments on meeting his friends and giving a description of himself. <Coincidence or trap?> he thinks to himself. "I, too am to meet some... friends here. Perhaps, once I've spoken with Claudius Majus, we can continue to this conversation?"

2020-06-23, 11:19 AM
Hunter Greene

Hunter bids Marcus Polonius an adieu, and turns to stroll towards the central square with Oetychus. Her responses to his questions are urbane, playful, and show that she's clearly enjoying his company, but don't convey any real information. As often as not, she turns the questions back to the young man, asking never about what he was doing here, but about the fine cloth of his lute strap, the relative merits of using a rapier over a longsword like Marcus', and so on.

When invited to join him at the Golden M, Hunter seems disinterested but open to the idea.

"Of course! I'm traveling without luggage on this trip, but I'd happily join you there for a drink. And if you say that the inn is a fine place to stay, I should at least check it out. Lead the way, sir!"

As they walk towards the Golden M, Oetychus takes a bit of a more serious tone: '' Madam. I will be blunt, and if my question brings you unease, I am truly sorry. But what really brings you here? I've noticed that you've avoided answering any of my questions, which got me very curious... You seem very smart, and anybody would have been easily fooled by your counter interrogation skills. But not me, I'm afraid. Actually, I believe our being here at the same time is no coincidence...''

2020-06-23, 02:07 PM
Hunter Greene

The gnome woman sighs pauses in their stroll. She drops her volume significantly, and gestures for the young man to lean in so they could confer more privately.

"Let's ease back on the reins, there, kid. You initiate contact, serenade me, ask a bunch of very specific questions, and don't answer any of my questions. Yet I'm the one acting suspiciously? In the first two minutes of our conversation, you've told me your destination, let it be known that although you've never been here your room is already paid for, and now abruptly changed tactics to force some kind of confrontation. And what if I'm not your contact here? What's your contingency? If I don't show you a blue rose you'll, what, sing me to death in the middle of the street? Shiv me when we get to the hotel?"

Leaning back, she stroked a finger across her forehead, and gestured for him to walk with her again. A headache was coming on.

"Let's just get you to your room, okay?"

2020-06-23, 03:23 PM
Oetychus feels a nervous pang in his stomach, but does not let it show. Quickly adjusting his strategy, he let's out an honest laugh and says, in his most seductive tone:
''My! You assume much. Firstly, I would never harm you. And a shiv is just so... barbaric! Then, if my room is paid it is simply because I am somewhat of a local hero. I've fought off some bandits and made a name for myself. The story is well exaggerated, but why say no to free lodging and drink? Nothing suspicious about that. Lastly, it is simply that I am awed to meet such a beautiful, intelligent and intriguing woman such as yourself, capable of wit and charm. I simply thought it rather queer for two fascinating individuals to arrive in this rather humble place at the same time. The stars seem aligned, don't you think? Especially when accounting for the fact that it is so rare to meet a traveler from Axiom! I simply could not bring myself to pass you by and was truly curious about you. Perhaps too much so? I-I am deeply sorry if I have flustered you in any way, milady. Alright, let's get on with it and have only cordial conversation from now on. No more prying. No more oddities.''

He winks and offers her is elbow before carrying on, all the while thinking he should be a bit more careful from now on - vacation was over. Time to get back in the game.

2020-06-23, 04:03 PM
Hunter Greene

Rule 14: don't lie unless you have to, because you aren't going to remember them all. Rule 38: don't say ten things when one will do.

Hunter smiled warmly up at Oetychus. Full points for effort, anyway.

"Attaboy. Let's go get that drink. First round is on you.

"Now, about that lovely song you sang back there. I have to admit, I don't speak elven. I think I caught the word for 'trees' and 'love' in the chorus, but the rest blew right by me. What were you singing about?"

2020-06-23, 07:52 PM
“The guardhouse is on the right of the temple sir.” The older guard says as the younger one goes back to dealing with the daily duties of checking everyone before they enter the gate. “Makes it easier for us to keep an eye on the few prisoners we get if we have the church right besides us. Add in most of us who have served in the war pay at the very least lip service to the Shining one it helps with morale to know aid is not far away should we need it.” He explains unconsciously raising his hand to his scar before seemingly catching himself and dropping it back down. As you thank the guard for directions and simply bow your head down he seems to get your message as he questions you no further on the details and lets you go on your way. Looking around the inside of the gate you notice a horse drawn carriage about 200ft away from you turning off the main road. The livery seems to be of a wolf upon a black shield with a blue stripe, however from this distance most of the details are difficult to see.

And so as Freddie and Tarik follow the directions given by the older guard to Tarik towards the temple of Heirneous they begin talking about time spent in service to the Empire among other things. Of note as you walk many of the houses you pass seem to have a shield of some make depicting what could only be assumed to be their family heraldry. Little boys and girls alike run around the back roads playing soldier and some game where one team must capture some piece of cloth the other team has. Another building you pass seems to be filled some kind of storage facility given the fact you see a bunch of people working to unload a wagon filled with goods of some kind packed in wooden crates.

As you both turn the second to last corner and see the temple come into sight you watch as an old woman with broad shoulders goes running barefoot directly across from what appears to be the guardhouse. A few seconds later two guards start chasing after her, as you walk up you note one on the ground with a bloody nose cursing about the old woman having stomped on his foot before head-butting him.

Hunter as you explain that even your own kind haven’t figured out to do with you yet the guard holds his hands up. “I mean a crafter miss, we don’t get many of Axiom’s crafters here in the Swordwatch and when we do they only wish to craft stuff we already have or Alchemy.” The guard says trying to salvage the situation and clear uncomfortable now as he thinks he has offended you.

Eventually you make it into the gate and looking towards Marcus ask him if he wants to go and grab a bite to eat in the market you can see just barely from your vantage point. It doesn’t appear to be overly crowded over in that direction today meaning it is probably not this town’s market day. Though as you slowly move closer it does become apparent a few stalls seem to be open. That is when the young Oetychus introduces himself to both and begins to sing to you which gets the notice of two wealthy looking women with red snakes wrapped around their arms. “Seems the trash will sing to just about anyone nowadays to get a coin.” One of the woman says as the second replies “I remember the days you had to have a license to simply sing in the streets now they just let vagabonds do it whenever they like.” Neither one of the two seem to pay much attention to what the three of you are saying however seeming more caught up in their own conversation about you all from their point of view as they keep walking in the opposite direction you are heading.

From inside Host Square you notice a few stalls set up around the large open area with a central water fountain in the middle of the square depicting an older woman with long hair and a hammer in her hands. On one side is a man selling cabbages he claims are from a farm in Crystallo Nemus and a vendor a few stalls down selling nice juicy red apples. “Come get the finest apples in all of the Empire, got them from my private apple tree I did and you won’t find any sweeter.” The vendor calls as you watch a few people walk over to the stall and buy a few before walking away talking about making an apple pie.

As the two of you begin to talk in hushed whispers you note a patrol of guards enter the square, two seem standard soldiers much like Marcus, however a third carries a bow strapped to his back with a white horn by his side. At the moment they don’t seem to paying any attention to you, however who knows if you keep talking in hushed towns out in the open if you will remain unnoticed.

2020-06-23, 09:45 PM
"Some of the customs here seem... different than in other parts of the empire, it would seem." the spearman says with a tilt of his head towards the hung shields. He is about to continue conversing with his new companion when the explodes out of the building. Reflexively, he takes a small step back as he brings his spear up. Seeing the woman unarmed, he relaxes slightly before returning his spear to position. As the guard gets taken down, whimpering like prodded kitten, he looks to Freddie. "This would seem to be more of your specialty.
I fear my only options are maiming, though the lad might think she deserves it." as the prods the fallen guard, hefting him up by his underarms.

2020-06-24, 10:12 AM
Hunter Greene

Back with the guard at the gate:
Hunter laughs at her own mistake and the guard's clarification. "Sorry, sorry. My misunderstanding. Seems like you've got good folk here. I'm looking forward to getting to know the town a bit.". Embarrassment and caring about the feelings of others are devoutly to be encouraged, especially in the military.


With Oetychus, and possibly Marcus:
When the young singer offers his elbow, she reaches up to gently wrap a hand around his forearm - really, the only way that this would work, given the height differential. Just like old times.

In the mostly deserted square, again finds herself unable to avoid the tactical analysis - exits, choke points, observation points, people who have no obvious reason to be there. Hunter shook her head. A lifetime of conditioning was going to take longer to undo than she'd hoped. she steers their merry group toward the apple vendor, as a way to not seem so obviously standing around and doing nothing. She smiles up at the vendor.

"Look at the colour on these! Is your tree in full sun, or do you find that a little shade helps the fruit develop more evenly?"

She glances between her arm and Oetychus' leg at the trio of guards entering the square, trying to gauge if they were here in search of something particular, or just on patrol.

Spot to notice anything unusual: [roll0]
Sense motive on the guards: [roll1]

2020-06-24, 12:42 PM

Freddie looks at the head start the lady has and the guards chasing her and turns his attention to the fallen guard. Jogging over he helps him to his feet while asking, "What happened?"

2020-06-24, 04:09 PM
Crystal nods as Agimaex gets up to leave.

"I'm sure we'll think of something," she replies. "As long as there's nobody who takes offense to the idea they could be, this time!" she recalls the first meeting.

As for the riddles - the specifics will be known soon enough, but broad strokes will do for now. "I think we're expecting three warrior types, one other woman, and one shadier type," she suggests to Amara.

"By the way, I've been meaning to thank you for shopping with me and Lady Claudia the other day. My wardrobe was in dire need and I appreciate your help. Your suggestions were all so on-trend! I need a good excuse to show them off sometime."

2020-06-24, 04:54 PM
Hunter Greene

Rule 14: don't lie unless you have to, because you aren't going to remember them all. Rule 38: don't say ten things when one will do.

Hunter smiled warmly up at Oetychus. Full points for effort, anyway.

"Attaboy. Let's go get that drink. First round is on you.

"Now, about that lovely song you sang back there. I have to admit, I don't speak elven. I think I caught the word for 'trees' and 'love' in the chorus, but the rest blew right by me. What were you singing about?"

Oetychus on rule 14: Lie whenever you feel like it. Lying should be as easy as breathing to you. Plus, you're smart enough to keep track. And if you can't keep track, you're at least smart enough to get out of your lies.
Oetychus on rule 38: always say ten things. Always.

Oetychus seems suddenly very excited when asked about his song. He explains in detail:
''Ah! Good ear. Yes. It was a tale of a maiden and her travels. She is off to meet her betrothed - a wretched old man she has never even met - and she is terribly sad. On the way there, she gets lost in the forest and meets a satyr who tries to woo her. Although at first she is reluctant, his music is quite moving and he eventually succeeds; she falls desperately in love. Note that in this case, the satyr is to be understood as the artful beauty of nature rather than an individual. So, our fair maiden, torn between her loyalty to her family, who need this marriage to advance their own political agenda, and her desire for freedom, decides to stay in the forest. Settling down in a beautiful grove the maiden bonds with a centennial tree, eventually turning into a Dryad, forever becoming a part of the forest. A very compelling tale, to say the least! It is a song about the beauty of nature, and how you can never expect what may be waiting for you at the end of the road - metaphorical or otherwise!''
He purses his mouth in a self-satisfied smirk before adding:
''One of my own compositions, if I may add. The lyrics and the music, both.''

Later, as Hunter glances towards the guards, Oetychus follows her gaze and quickly tries to assess the situation as well.
[roll0] for sensing motives, trying to get a feeling of the guards' intentions and [roll1] for listening carefully, trying to hear anything the guards may be saying

2020-06-24, 10:23 PM
Marcus as you state that you are supposed to meet someone at the bar, though not saying which one, you wish the gnome woman luck on finding something good to eat as you get to Host Square with her. However instead of exploring it like Hunter and Oetychus do you stick to the outskirts and begin asking around for The Golden M. After a few people laugh and say good joke, one of the children points to a sign perhaps a few hundred feet away near what looks like a stable. Sure enough two pieces of hay are painted onto the wooden sign hanging above the door making the shape of an M. The entire building you note has a very rustic look to it unlike many of the buildings in the surrounding area which both makes it stick out as well as hides it in plain sight.
As you walk into the two barn doors that serve as the entrance to the establishment you notice the interior has the same rustic farm feel about it that the outside does, though it is at least clean inside. Everything you can see seems to be made out of wood shipped in from Redwood Haven if you had to guess across the sea judging by the craftsmanship of the products here meaning someone with a lot of money or love has to own this place.

Looking around you note an older woman sitting behind the bar cleaning a few dishes as she talks to someone you can’t see from in the entrance of the establishment. You also note three young woman all about the same age bearing very similar features busying themselves back and forth with a few guests. As you are busy scanning around a voice calls out from the right side of you, calm and very quiet, as if afraid to talk too loudly. “Greetings Sir, may I help you with something? Breakfast was a few hours ago however I’m sure Thomas will have something in the back still.” She explains to you, her dirty blonde hair covering most of her face.

As the two of you begin to reminisce on the shopping trip Lady Claudia brought the two of you on for saving her the other day you note a figure step into the inn. The figure seems slightly shorter than Lord Benedict was however is covered head to toe in a suit of armor unlike your lost friend hiding most of the mans features. One things for sure, no common solider could afford such armor meaning this could be one of your new recruits or someone of importance.

Back where you are from not everyone openly displays heraldry upon their homes, however here as you walk down the many streets it seems like a matter of pride to these people to show off their houses symbol. Perhaps it could mean something, however before you have time to ask you watch as a jail break seems to take place as two guards make chase the two of you go to help the one that was injured. As the two of you help him up he thanks you, though keeping his hand on his nose. “I think she broke it, I swear next time we catch her shes going to pay for that.” The guard growls, and as you look the nose is indeed broken. “As for what happened, new to town I take it? That was Rufia Thrasea leader of the Golden teardrops we thought we had finally caught her however as you can see she got away….again.” he says with a sigh. "The Captain is going to have me cleaning the barracks for a week after this." the guard says with a shiver seeming to go down his spine at the thought. And now that you get a closer look at the building you do note that it is almost spotlessly clean which is impressive saying most of the roads are dirt in this village, yet besides the blood on the stairs from the guard the rest of the building seems like it was just polished.

As you look around the deserted square your trained mind immediately kicks into work, noting a possible 11 exits from the square. Though the ones closet to the east seem to have a stone wall rising up 15ft in the air a short while after them with their own doorways that no doubt could also be locked you gather. This would make either the fountain in the center of the square on a slow day like today, or a roof if you could find a way up the best choices to notice who was going in and out of the square. Almost no one in the square seems to simply be there for no reason, the guards from what you can tell seem to be on patrol given how they walk with an ease, hands nowhere near their weapons and the people themselves seem to pay the town guard no mind as they go about their business.

As the two of you make your way up to the apple vendor and Hunter begins showing interests the middle aged gentlemen seems more then eager. "I enjoy letting them have a bit of shade, this way they do not rot to quickly. Add in I hire a bard once a week to go to the tree each day and sing to it to help it feel healthy and grow strong as well. Tell me do you also grow apple trees?" the man asks clearly enjoy this conversation as he pulls out a simple wooden stool, not much, but something for one of you to sit on as the three of you talk apples.

2020-06-25, 12:38 AM
Marcus Polonius head snaps to the side to see the speaker, and then takes an adjustment step so that his body faces the speaker.

His speaking pattern is a bit abrupt.
I am seeking quarters. My name is Marcus Polonius.

2020-06-25, 02:32 AM
Crystal nods as Agimaex gets up to leave.

"I'm sure we'll think of something," she replies. "As long as there's nobody who takes offense to the idea they could be, this time!" she recalls the first meeting.

As for the riddles - the specifics will be known soon enough, but broad strokes will do for now. "I think we're expecting three warrior types, one other woman, and one shadier type," she suggests to Amara.

"By the way, I've been meaning to thank you for shopping with me and Lady Claudia the other day. My wardrobe was in dire need and I appreciate your help. Your suggestions were all so on-trend! I need a good excuse to show them off sometime."

“Oh it was my pleasure,” Amara said, “perhaps when we’re back in the capital we can visit my family’s estate.”

Amara paused as the armored individual asked for lodging. She made a motion with her head to draw Crystal’s attention to him, as if to say, “think that could be one of them.?”.

2020-06-25, 07:29 AM
As you turn your head to face the voice, followed by the rest of your body you and state your name and that you seek lodging the young woman nods her head. "I see Mr. Polonius, in that case I will have to direct you to Mitéra, she is the owner of this establishment and deals with all lodging accommodations." the young woman says before pointing at the older woman behind the bar. "If that will be all..." the woman says, bowing her head slightly and waiting to be dismissed.

2020-06-25, 08:40 AM
"Well, I'll keep an eye out for her and give you heads up first if I run across her. Besides, the kind of woman you want shouldn't mind it." he says as points to his own nose, broken more than once, along with the scars evident on his exposed skin. "In the meantime, I seek Claudius Majus. Is he in?"

2020-06-25, 09:45 AM

Freddie looked at the guard with a look of astonishment and embarrassment for the man but says nothing. He then politely nods to Tarik, "Perhaps I'll see you soon Tarik. It was nice meeting you."

Freddie then heads into the Church.

2020-06-25, 09:50 AM
Hunter Greene

Completing her survey, Hunter turns her full attention back to the apple vendor and his merchandise.

"I have a small grove of much-neglected pears at home. Mostly to the benefit of the lacewings, these past couple of years, but we do what we can. Good to know about the shade, and thanks for the tip about the band. You hear that?"

She nudges Oetychus.

"You could sing your dryad song to an actual tree!"

Hunter quickly picks out a dozen apples, pays and tucks them, one by one, into a variety of pockets, pouches and her pack. She offers the largest to Oetychus, and keeps one in hand to herself before turning back to the vendor.

"Oh, speaking of singing...you wouldn't be able to tell us the way to the Golden M? And when the next market day here might be?"

2020-06-25, 05:59 PM
Marcus Polonius
Thank you.

And then he strides purposefully toward the individual indicated.
He comes to a halt at the bar, remaining standing.

2020-06-25, 08:32 PM
"Yeah I can spin the story, I got this while fighting a giant orc." The guard says to Tarik's remark as scars were looked at favorably in the Swordwatch Empire and even desirable if they were earned. It showed your willingness to fight for and protect what you believed in. It is because of this belief many of the orcs and hobgoblin mercenaries respect the people of the Swordwatch empire. However as you ask to speak with Claudius Majus Freddie bids you goodbye until the next time you meet as he walks over to the temple of Heirneous right next door.

"The captain is on his way here, he was in the middle of a patrol with some of the newer recruits when we captured Rufia and so we sent a runner to him." the guard says as he begins to clean himself off. "If you want you can come inside and wait for him, though as a warning make sure to clean your boots before entering, trust me when I say you don't want to be that guy getting yelled at for tracking mud through his percent." and with that you watch as makes his way up to the door before grabbing a pair of sandals from inside the building. Replacing his boots with the clean sandals he makes his way inside the building.

As you walk over to the keep that serves as a temple of Heirneous you easily make your way past the guards on duty who are honestly mostly their for show rather then to protect the temple. Atop the temple you notice two lighting rods, meant to interupt Heirneous's will and can easily guess that their are no doubt another two on the opposite side of the building. It was well known you didn't have your best soldiers waste their time guarding a door that people were meant to enter.

As you walk inside you are greeted with a azure blue rug on the floor with golden trim leading all the way from the front door to the altar at the center of the public area of the temple. On both sides of the rug white marble serves as a floor from what it looks like in all directions as to your left and right are two closed wooden doors with iron bars running their length. However the door before you, leading to the altar remains wide open and as you step through you can see many people sitting at pews praying, a few priests walking around among the people, and even the young charges of the church busy about cleaning.

As you thank the young woman for her help and stride over to Mitéra, a green eyed grey haired woman who you note as you get closer seems to be missing two fingers, the older woman stops talking to the person she had been before, you note a young halfling woman, "Greetings and welcome to the Golden M, I am Mitéra how may I be of assistance?" the older woman asks in a kind, motherly voice.

"Of course, its always good to find someone else willing to talk about fruits instead of simply what was the last thing they hunted to put on the table. After all its much easier to hunt an animal and kill it then it is to take care of something and help it grow." the apple vendor says enjoying the conversation the two of you had. At the mention of a dryad song, and Oetychus being a bard the apple vendor seems thrilled. "Oh you are a musician? You must sing to my tree, I'll pay you a gold piece so long as you go each day to my grove and sing to it. But only for a week, my tree can't get to used to the same person singing or else it will lose its inspiration to keep growing." the apple vendor says, pleading with Oetychus to sing to his tree.

Hunter as you pay the man 6gp for the dozen apples you buy he thanks you for your business. "As for the Golden M, you see that barn looking building over yonder, that would be it right there. Old family owns it, has lived here since its founding if the rumors are true. As for the next market day, due to the harvest festival that went on two days ago in Tuta Lignum it got delayed. With luck traders should be arriving tonight and we will be open fully by tomorrow morning, at worst the day after." he offers in answer to your question.

Apples are 1gp/lbs. normally and given I don't know how much off the top of my head a dozen apples weigh (though I'm decently sure its 6 or more pounds I went on the low end. Arm's and Equipment has a list for most foods and drinks if you are looking for specific things.

2020-06-26, 12:03 AM
Marcus Polonius
Greetings, I am Marcus Polonius, and was instructed to quarter here.

2020-06-26, 12:43 AM
Mitéra sits on her stool behind the bar and listens as you introduce yourself and explain you were instructed to rest here. After a few moments of waiting she realizes you are waiting for her to talk she responds. "I see, well whoever recommend our fine establishment has my thanks. Tell me will you be staying for just the night, or do you plan for an extend stay? Will you need food with your lodging, a private room?" the older woman asks trying to gauge how much it would cost and what exactly you were looking for so she could best serve you.

2020-06-26, 04:01 AM
Hunter Greene

Hunter nudges Oetychus on the hip.

"There you go! In town less than a day and you're picking up work. Better than I'm doing, I'd say."

She bites into her apple and lets Oetychus respond as he will to the offer. Then thanking the vendor, Hunter saunters over with him to the Golden M. She ponders for the hundredth time what the M might stand for. 'Mean' is of course, the obvious, but what kind of inn made any money championing moderation?

En route: "You're welcome to head right in, but I've got a little extra time, and..

Arriving at the Golden M, Hunter stares at the sign for a moment before burst out laughing.

"Sorry. Sometimes, mysteries aren't."

Before entering, Hunter (alone or with Oetychus, as he wishes) wanders the block, peeking into any outbuildings, noting other exits (including windows and gussets), unusual construction, etc. Only then does she stroll in and wave to Marcus.

2020-06-26, 03:23 PM
Oetychus has a bit of a forced, embarrassed smile as Hunter nudges him and offers his service, and even more so when the man actually offers him the job: ''Well, I must say... I-I.. But, of course. How to refuse such an offer?''

He quickly regains composure, as he senses an opportunity. He leans in a bit towards the vendor, as if he was about to confide something important to the man. To add to the effect he glances quickly around, smooths his beard and says, in a hushed voice: ''Although, I believe you could afford 2 gold pieces a day for my services. I mean, your fruit seem to be sold one gold a piece and your business is going, by gods, quite well, is it not? Moreover, I happen to know the mystical song of growth! Your apples will be making double the profit after my work is done. What say you?''

(If the man agrees Oetychus will make the arrangements with him, noting the location, etc. He truly intends to go there tomorrow if his new assignment allows him too. If the man refuses, Oetychus will pretend to be flustered and leave towards the M with Hunter.)

[roll0] for bluff

Later, as they arrive at the Golden M, Oetychus agrees to enter first and get some drinks for himself and Hunter. He steps inside and stands in the door for a few seconds, taking a quick look around. (not looking for anything in particular, just want to get the general picture of the place; so no spot roll)

2020-06-26, 09:59 PM
Marcus Polonius frowns.

My client had said this was taken care of.

I guess it was a bit much to believe that the Emperor would hand pick me.
He deflates a bit as this thought goes through his mind.

Never mind that then, do you have any cider?

Spot check to see Hunter (He is a bit distracted at the moment)

Will edit post based on outcome.

By luck, he glances behind him as Hunter enters.
Oh, Hi

2020-06-26, 11:31 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter completes her circuit and goes inside to join Marcus and Oetychus. Inside, she checks for any other travelers, odd ducks and 'keep my back to the wall' types.

She nods her appreciation of the drink, and downs a third of the beer in one long pull.

"Oh! Here. See if you can taste the serenading."

She pulls a shiny apple out of a pouch for Marcus.

"Any luck finding your client, Marcus?"

2020-06-27, 11:01 PM
Marcus Polonius
Not as such. I think I have been duped.


2020-06-28, 11:46 AM
“Oh it was my pleasure,” Amara said, “perhaps when we’re back in the capital we can visit my family’s estate.”

Amara paused as the armored individual asked for lodging. She made a motion with her head to draw Crystal’s attention to him, as if to say, “think that could be one of them.?”.

"Most likely," Crystal agrees, turning her head to watch the new arrival. "Them too," she remarks about the stragglers. "I don't think they look like typical travellers. I'm thinking these are The Sword, The Child Of The Watch, and The Shadow", she guesses from first impression.

She smiles wryly as the soldier appears to struggle with the formidable landlady the same way many in the previous party did.

"Madame Mitéra?" Crystal calls over. "Send them over here, I'd like to talk to them."

2020-06-28, 02:19 PM
Tarik's eyes follow Freedie as he nods to the guard and, before enter, stomps his feet hard on the ground then hits his heel against the bottom board to make sure he isn't tracking in. Not satisfied with the cleaning, he simply takes his boots off and enters barefoot. "Thank you, I'll wait here for him. Have you been experience a lot of instability from Rufia or the surrounding area?" he asks as he sits, his joints popping slightly as he does.

2020-06-28, 03:18 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter's eyebrow twitches at the word duped, but she doesn't otherwise press further. Marcus would share if he wanted to share. Instead, she gestures to the fruit.

"The grower at least claimed that he hired musicians - a different one each week - to come and sing to his tree. I think he even hired Oetychus. A remarkable fellow."

She takes another sip on her drink, then excuses herself to check in at the bar. No cover names had been established, so she would presume that anything would be under her own name.

"Excuse me. Do you by any chance have a room booked under the name Greene?"

2020-06-29, 07:49 AM
As Oetychus suggest two gold a day, making it a total of 14 gold for the week instead of 1 gold for the entire week the vendor seems to be taken aback. Up until this point he had been rather friendly and chatty with you, however it becomes very clear that he has caught onto your swindle the moment you speak it. "My business is doing good because I don't let people swindle me out of my money. I could pay 14 different people for the amount your asking for just yourself. I think its best you don't sing to my wonderful plants. I don't want them to get rotten cores." the apple vendor says, waiting for you to leave and not seeming for one second to buy the flustered performance you make as you leave.

As you and Oetychus depart ways for him to look inside you begin walking around the building, taking the first side road near the item and heading west. As you begin walking down the street you notice most of the houses are built really close together, with a majority of them even touching leaving no alleys to walk down or past. The first alley seeming to come 20ft in on your left hand side, leading into a decent size courtyard for a group of buildings with the only exit being the one you entered, though you note each building does seem to have a single door leading from it to the courtyard after trying two of them you realize most people must keep their doors locked, at least from this side of the building. Going back where you came in you continue down the path, eventually coming to a fork in the road. You could go left which has the temple of Heirneous being on your right hand side, or right and walk past what appears to be a guard house.

Ran out of time will edit the rest in when I get home sorry

2020-06-29, 11:26 AM

Freddie respectfully takes a seat in one of the pews and rests for a bit. He took solace here, weary from travel, and reflected on his time in combat training. There would be need of it again soon and he prayed for the strength to fight with honor in the name of Heroneius and the Empire.

After some time spent resting, Freddie stood up and scanned the room for a priest of importance and approached the holy man to introduce himself. When he has approached the priest, Freddie takes a knee out of respect before speaking:

"As is spoken of in Analects, I shall put the needs of the church above those of mortals. My name is Freddie Bishop. My journey has brought me here for a time; before I depart is the church is need of anything?"

2020-06-29, 10:48 PM
But the letter said it was from the Emperor and to come here, could it have been a false, a rouse? "The only Client I know of is Glem, if you are a member of such party please present your invitation otherwise I don't know what to tell you Marcus." Mitéra says as she holds out her left hand that is missing two fingers as she waits for the invitation to be presented. "As for Cider I am afraid not, our only apple vendor only has a single tree, not nearly enough to make cider or so he says. We do have a very large selection of dwarven ale,a fine elven wine shipped in from Ellenthyr, and a bottle or two of some up and coming human vineyard in Iulia Concordia." she says clearly not sure of the product compared to everything else she is selling "We also have fresh milk, and water if you find it to early to drink." she adds to Marcus.

It is at that moment Hunter enters the building and makes her way over to Marcus and Oetychus (who has been trying to get a gague of the room thus far). You all note that the inside of the building is very rustic looking, and while clean it is lived in. You can even see the talon marks where a hawk must of landed on one of these chairs. Each table is made of a fine hardwood only found in the kingdom of Redwood Haven, and the entire building gives off more of the appearance of a farmhouse then any real tavern.

It is at that point two woman, one dressed like a noble and the other in typical guard attire, seem to take note of you. "Are you sure dear?" Mitéra asks the woman.

"Are you sure dear?" calls back making sure you don't want her to screen them for you.

"Like I told your friend Marcus I only have one client booked here at the moment and that would be Glem. However I believe the young woman over there may be able to help you." she says pointing towards Crystal who called out across the tavern to send you over. Given it is mid afternoon few people are at the tavern getting drinks and it makes it easy to notice the other two people who are not serving staff are simple traders on the other side of the room.

What happens next is up to PC interaction as I can't control people's characters and I rather leave descriptions to each person on what stands out about them so we don't give away a hidden blade for instance.

As you take a seat and state you will wait for Captain Majus there the guard nods seemingly thankful you didn't bring mud into the barracks. "Well we have the standard trouble all towns do with their local thieves. Rufia runs a small gang that tends to strike the market for food. We mostly leave her and hers alone so long as they don't steal anything to valuable as they normally just steal enough to eat, this time it seems one of the dwarven guards of house Thessia caught her trying to break in however so we had to take action. If I had to guess the captain was going to use her as an example and reminder of why you don't bother the nobles, but now that she got away...who knows. As for trouble in the area, we have had accounts of orges to the west of here. Somewhere along the Vesuvia river if I had to guess that could be the reason why we haven't seen any of the traders from Tuta Lignum yet." the guard points out, he mentions a few missing sheep, and a few stories from travelers from the north west speaking of "smart" wolves attacking people at night recently.

It doesn't take you long to find the leader of the church as a spew of curses can be heard coming from one of the alcoves. "You mean to tell Godric Aquila that you can't find a pack of Hextorites trampling around in our backyard? HE told you where to go looking for them and you mean to tell him that you found nothing?" the grey bearded veteran says to a rather intimidated looking paladin. "No sir we just haven't found them yet, I promise we will keep looking." the paladin says before you step over and introduce yourself. "See now thats a proper soldier, he is proud to meet you. If you want to do him a favor for the church you could find these Hextorites waltzing around his garden. Last time he heard reports about a sighting of them was here." the older priest says pointing to a section of the map that had a forest and hills nearby as he seems to look directly at you unblinking as his one blue eye looks at his paladin and his brown eye looks at you.

2020-06-30, 03:31 AM
Crystal nods her confirmation to Mitéra with a confident half-smile. Yes, she's got this.

Crystal is a young, athletically built woman, and tall as well though she's sitting down at the moment. She has chest-length dark platinum blonde hair, parted with a sliver hair clip to hold it off her pretty, heart-shaped face. Although she wears the uniform of the guard, it's tailored to an excellent fit and smartly pressed, with detective sergeant insignia. When she called across her voice was clear and unaccented, educated. It's difficult to place her social class... Maybe middle-upper or minor nobility? But if that's the case then even for a skilled a profession like detective, sergeant may be ranking a little on the low side.

"The man in the longcoat and the gnomish woman are both arcane casters," she whispers aside to Amara.

2020-06-30, 04:02 AM
Lady Amara van Tannin

Amara sits across from Crystal, calmly watching the interaction between the newcomers, the staff, and Crystal.

Amara has light auburn hair, with an slim athletic build accentuating her grace of movement. Her features are soft and healthy, clearly she was well cared for in her youth. She is young, perhaps not even twenty years of age, but you get the feeling from the air of confidence that she exudes that she is not at all naive. Auburn and blonde hair is pulled back in a simple braid. Sapphires adorn her ears and neck, further accenting her captivating blue eyes. Her sea-green dress is tailored, cut and sewn to fit her figure perfectly. She wears a signet ring prominently on the middle finger of her right hand.

2020-06-30, 11:15 AM
Hunter Greene

Hunter shrugs at Marcus and Oetychus, then opts to follow the path of least resistance and takes her half-empty drink over to the two young women.

She is a gnome woman of middle years, a lopsided smile seeming to counterbalance a plain tan eyepatch covering her right eye. Her hair is pulled back into a loose ponytail. She's wearing simply brown travel clothes covered with pockets up the sides that still have the dirt of the road on them, and a small pack on her back. The gnome moves with a calm economy of motion, devoid of ornamentation. She makes no effort to hide her appraisal of the two women as she reaches the table.

Well, these two stick out even more than Hammer and Yammer. Almost as much as me, for that matter.

"Good morning ladies."

She pops a pair of shiny red apples out of pockets from the inside of her coat.

"Would either of you like an apple?"

2020-06-30, 01:16 PM
"Ogres. Nasty bunch. I hope those Tuta Lignum trader's kept their wits about them. If you don't mind, I'm just going to relax and take some of the wear off while waiting for the Captian." Tarik says as he leans against the wall and closes his eye. One of the rules of soldiering, besides always getting a warm meal or warm bath when they are available, is to catch some rest when the appropriate chance affords itself.

2020-06-30, 03:32 PM
Seeing the crowd approaching the two women, Oetychus decides to hang back a bit. Apparently, the invitation he received might be fake... Quite suspicious. And, as expected, it is becoming more and more likely that Hunter was one of the six he was sent here to meet, seeing how she just introduced herself to the women with the rest of the group. Why did she lie? And who are these women, to that matter? So many questions are buzzing in Oetychus' mind right now...

He orders one of the bottles from Iulia - doesn't want to empty his own stash right away - and sits close to the exit, yet close enough to the table where the others are to be able to hear the exchange - he might butt in if things get interesting enough, or he might flee if they seem to go south. For now, he pours himself a glass and distractedly strums a few notes on his lute, pretending to be uninterested by the exchange...

2020-06-30, 09:49 PM
The guard seems to agree with your statement about the orges and the traders as he seems to rummage through a few papers on the desk at the front before coming back over and handing it to you.


"Not sure if your interested in the job but thought I would give a fellow soldier first dibs on the flyer before we hung it up in the town square for those adventuring sorts." he says leaving the flyer with you after nodding that it was perfectly fine to rest while he waited. "If you want we have some beds in the back, I doubt the captain will mind a messenger using one of them while they wait." the guard offers letting you know you didn't have to sleep standing if you didn't want to.

It is the sound of someone clearing their throat that grabs your attention back to the waking world. Looking around you judge no more then a half hour has passed since you closed your eyes given how most of the same people seem to be about. The guard from earlier being the one to get your attention. "The captain will see you now. He thought it best you rested while we explained what happened and that it would be pointless to wake you up if he wasn't yet ready to speak with you."

Watching as Hunter and Marcus make their way towards the two women you choose to stay back a little and grab a chair a few tables away, which in a crowded tavern may not seem to odd, however in an almost empty bar seems a bit strange as you pour yourself a cup of wine that is brought to you by a young girl with pixie cut dark brown hair and saucer like blue eyes. As you begin playing the young girl seems to stay nearby as if waiting to hear you play.

Bottle of wine will be like 5gp as a fine wine is considered 10, and the elven wine goes for 100gp a bottle.

2020-06-30, 10:33 PM
Marcus Polonius clanks overs.

Ladies, you beckoned?

He splits his gaze between the two, unclear who leads here.

2020-07-01, 09:32 AM

"I can think of nothing more valorous then ridding the area of these Hextor cultist. I am here on specific orders and have a rendezvous to meet in town but I will see what aid I will be able to provide." Freddie says. "It is a pleasure to meet a Paladin of Heironeous. I am staying at the Golden M if there is urgent need of me."

Unless nothing else happens, Freddie will depart for the Golden M.

2020-07-01, 10:07 AM
Crystal watches the man in the longcoat pointedly as he declined to come over, sitting at another table instead. It's not as if this place is busy. Well if he wants to be excluded that's his look out.

"Yes, please take a seat," Crystal says with a smile, beckoning them forward. Jax also told his head in greeting, though he continues to watch Oetychus as Crystal deals with the others.

"I'm Detective Sergeant Crystal Wolfe of the Cor Justorum city watch on detatched duty, and this is my associate Amara Van Tannin. I understand you're here because you both received a letters, yes? But now you're here and Madam Mitéra only has a booking for a group you don't recognise. If you rearrange the initials of the person who sent the letter (don't say it!) does that make more sense?"

Crystal appraises their reactions for however long it takes for them to work it out. "Unfortunately our handler is overly fond of riddles and doesn't fully appreciate a code is useful only if the intended users understand it."

2020-07-01, 10:37 AM
Lady Amara van Tannin

"Thank you, miss," Amara said as she accepted the apple and placed it on the table in front of her. She fell quiet as Crystal spoke.

"It's Lady Amara, Detective," Amara said with a faint smile, "I also hail from the capitol."

Although they were more informal in private, right now they were in public and meeting strangers for the first time, and proper decorum needed to be followed.

2020-07-01, 11:01 AM
Reading the notice, Tarik considers both the contents of the note and the offer of a paddock while he waits. "My appreciation for both." he says as he rubs his chin, the days-old stubble making the audible sound of sandpaper scraping across wood.
As he drowses, his mind drifts a bit, feeling comfortable after being on the road the past few days. With a look of chagrin on his face, the spearman stands and nods at the guard. "Lead on, good man." As he moves into the presence of the captain, he gives the imperial salute as he gives his name and accomplishments, before telling him he says "Captian, I bring word from Commander Felix Basilius of Apicem Geminae. The Commander states that he has been under attack by a small but competent group that has managed to breach the wall before being driven off. He requests aid at the first opportunity." Standing stock still, he waits for any questions from the captain.

2020-07-01, 12:43 PM
Marcus Polonius sits.

(After listening to that explanation)

Very well, I am at your disposal. What are my standing orders?

If Hunter still has the offered apple out he will accept it at this point.

2020-07-01, 04:38 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter has watched with amiable interest at the introductions from the two women, carefully neither confirming nor denying any of the assumptions that Crystal makes about her, nor any reaction regarding her deductions. She happily joins them at their table alongside Marcus.

"Ladies. I'm Hunter Greene, a retired dabbler in the alchemical arts. This is Marcus. We've also been traveling from the capital, but clearly were not making as good time as you, or we would have met on the road. The fault of my short legs, I suppose."

She downs another quarter of her beer.

"This seems like a lovely, friendly town. I can't wait to tour more of the place, perhaps after a bit of food. Anyone else up for joining me for a stroll?

2020-07-01, 05:14 PM
"Lady Amara, of course," Crystal corrects herself apologetically.

"And I'm not your commander," she explains to Marcus. "As a group we operate by consensus. But we should wait until we're all here before going into the specifics - we have private chambers prepared above."

"Nice to meet you Hunter, and Marcus. Lady Amara and I have been here about a week."

Crystal notes that Hunter doesn't confirm her participation, but that wasn't a denial either and her soldier companion was pretty straightforward.

"Unfortunately we're still waiting for a few more," she says as Jax narrows his eyes at the man in the longcoat still pretending like he doesn't stick out like a zebra in an empty stable.

"If I've misread your purpose by all means don't let us keep you from your dinner," Crystal innocently calls Hunter's bluff, gesturing to the door.

2020-07-01, 06:40 PM
Marcus Polonius
Actually I hail from as far as Voxim. I was formerly of the Garrison there. I passed through the capital on my way here. Do you expect the others to arrive this day?

2020-07-01, 07:29 PM
Marcus Polonius
Actually I hail from as far as Voxim. I was formerly of the Garrison there. I passed through the capital on my way here. Do you expect the others to arrive this day?

Lady Amara

“I hope they’ll arrive before dinner, but if not, we’ll take our evening meal without them,” Amara replied.

2020-07-01, 09:18 PM
As you explain that it is indeed a noble cause to rid the world of the followers of Hextor, you must first meet someone in town for a mission of your own the grizzled old priest nods in understanding. "Well Freddie Bishop if you are to serve him then so be it, and if you cannot lend aid to his goals that is also okay. We must all do the tasks laid before us with the tools that we are given. He wishes you luck on your mission, and will send word to you if the need arises." Godric Aquila says to you, before going back about his business of dealing with the others under his charge.

Once finished in the temple it doesn't take you long to find the Golden M as within five minutes you are standing in front of the rustic barnlike building. Of note their appears to be a stable connected off to the side of the building, where whistling can be heard.
As you enter the simple little tavern your first impression is that it looks more like a farmhouse then any real tavern. Between the many signs that animals are not only welcome here, but seemingly given free reign to do what they wish, and the fact most of the items are made out of wood, stand out. Looking around the room you notice a two traders judging by their attire sitting on one side of the tavern talking, while not in hushed whispers, softly. A single lone figure strumming their lute at a table close by the door, while a few tables down from him a rather large group of four sit at another table. The remaining five tables in the building seemingly empty as well as the bar besides the older plump looking woman sitting behind it cleaning a dish.

Scouting around the room you note three young girls, no doubt related given how similar they look and close in age, in serving attire. Two of them seem to be speaking with the traders, while the youngest is trying to listen to the man with a lute. "Welcome to the Golden M, may I take you to a seat?" a voice calls from behind one of the empty tables before a few seconds later a halfling with long brown hair braided into a lot of smaller braids tied up into a ponytail. "My father always told me to judge someone by their hands-yours tell one hell of a story. Names Cora, what may I get for you?

https://i.imgur.com/Oo4kzru.jpg?1 Note the art is not mine it is from devianart

As you are introduced to Captain Claudius you cannot help but notice the man looks like many carved statues of what a perfect soldier looks like in the empire, so perfectly aligned are all of his features, no hair even seems to be out of place as each piece of armor he wears shines like they had just gotten polished. "At ease soldier, tell me what brings you here." the captain says before listening to your tale and request from Commander Felix to send reinforcements to the wall. After a short pause the man lets out a sigh as he looks at you and showing that he is barely older then you yourself are. "I would if I could, Commander Felix kept me and many of my men alive when we served our time at the wall. Sadly we have been having problems in these parts as well. From what my officer tells me he has already shown you a part of our problems. However word from a group reached my ear that a ritual took place in the mines North of here summoning some creature that got away. As it stands we barely have enough guards to patrol the wall and the streets as we have to keep a few lookouts outside of town to keep an eye on the two situations and make sure they don't interfere with the village itself. If one of these problems were taken care of I could easily send a squad or two of my men to go and reinforce the wall. At the moment though at best I can ask citizens if they wish to go back to the wall and serve more time." the captain says plainly.

2020-07-02, 06:25 AM
"If I've misread your purpose by all means don't let us keep you from your dinner," Crystal innocently calls Hunter's bluff, gesturing to the door.

Since Hunter wasn't bluffing, her brow furrows in confusion a bit when Crystal seems to be encouraging her to leave.

"I meant a meal here, unless you've heard something bad about the menu. It seems a clean and cheerful enough place. No one else is hungry? Just me?"

She waits to see which of the other three might be interested in food, then slides off her chair with the practiced adaptations of someone used to living in a world not built with her in mind. She returns to Mitéra.

"Sorry to trouble you, but I'm freshly from the road and very eager for an alternative to my own cooking. Would you have any food available?"

2020-07-02, 09:08 AM
His face unmoving as he listens to the captain, Tarik slowly nods as he concludes even though his internally torn. "Ogres... attacks on the wall... wolves raiding. Each, on its own, might be expected, except the attacks on the wall. The fact that this is happening at the same time means that everyone is spread thin. Perhaps you can send word up the chain to gain aid for Commander Basilius which, by extension, would of aid to you and Angelius Ianuam? Regardless, I have other matters I need that are pressing that I must attend to, first." He hesitates for a moment, duty to the Emperor conflicting with duty to the Empire. "Once my business is concluded, I will be back to aid you as I can. It has been some time since ogres have felt the sting of my spear and I would remind them to find hunting in Kurast my be better for their health rather than in the Empire."

2020-07-02, 06:26 PM
Maybe Oetychus did not make the best move by not joining the party immediately - a little too obvious, he thinks to himself - but he was hoping the exchange would be more exciting and the others would forget about him, setting up the perfect dramatic entrance. It was actually so short and polite...
He knew he stood out, and not in the best of ways. Oh well! You can't always make the best first impression, but he made one nonetheless: the others noticed his little bid for attention, and that was quite enough for him.
Suddenly, he strums a dramatic note on his lute to get everyone's attention before speaking:

''Since nobody is willing to ask the right questions, it seems as though it falls onto my shoulders to ask them... What is going on here? Please explain yourselves. Now. I think we have a right to know who brought us here under false pretenses, and why?''

Then, addressing the gnome and her companion he adds:

''Hunter, Marcus.. aren't you bothered at all by this revelation?''

2020-07-02, 07:04 PM
Marcus Polonius

Turns to Oetychus
I do not think we are here under false pretense, I think it is merely poorly organized.
Unless I miss my guess you are here to meet with 6 other unspecified persons to perform an important task for an important person. You expected lodgings to be prepared for you when you arrived, and that was not so.
Please have a seat, while we wait for the last two to arrive.

2020-07-02, 08:01 PM
Marcus Polonius

Turns to Oetychus
I do not think we are here under false pretense, I think it is merely poorly organized.
Unless I miss my guess you are here to meet with 6 other unspecified persons to perform an important task for an important person. You expected lodgings to be prepared for you when you arrived, and that was not so.
Please have a seat, while we wait for the last two to arrive.

Lady Amara

“This happened last time as well,” Amara said, pointedly ignoring
Oetychus’ demand, “I suggest we all sit and enjoy a meal while we wait for the others to arrive. If they haven’t arrived by the time we finish, those of us who are willing can retire upstairs and discuss further.”

Without waiting for agreement, she takes her own suggestion and motions for menus to be shared around the table.

2020-07-02, 09:24 PM
As you suggest sending word to the surrounding communities to ask for help the captain nods in agreement. "It is what I plan on doing once you depart. I have a few friends in the smaller hamlets around the area and we have already sent a runner for for a member of the Wilsen family to send an agent here after what happened at the mines so with luck we will have one of the most elite soldiers with us shortly." Captain Claudius replies to you before listening to your offer to return and help once you were done with your previous business. "In that case I wish you a speedy resolve to whatever mission you are on. I could use the extra hands just as much as Commander Felix at this point and any help I get makes it easier for me to send aid his way." the captain explains as he extends his arm out to you. "If you have nothing more to add I must be off, I have to begin writing the messages that need to be sent and pick the fastest runners I have before the day is done." Claudius explains, seemingly looking deep in thought on who to send for the mission.

Knowledge Nobility or History check will help with finding out who the Wilsen family is

As you are all talking you note another figure enter the tavern, as those who have spent a few days recognize the halfling woman by the name of Cora walk over to him. Out of all the severing staff she was often the least friendly, not to say she was rude, however she had a lot of rough edges so seeing her seem friendly with the newcomer strikes those of you who know her as quite odd.

Hunter as you make your way over to Mitéra and ask if she has any food she looks over to Crystal and Amara to see some kind of sign however answers your question honestly. "I doubt the breakfast will be any good at this time given it was cooked a few hours ago. And the boar won't be finished until tonight. We have a stew over the fire at the moment however, and if you give us a few moments we could send one of the girls to get a fresh loaf of bread to go with it." she offers not used to serving lunch as most people were still at work no doubt.

At Lady Amara's motion one of the two young women serving the trader's walks over and gives a small curtsey to Lady Amara. "Greetings Lady Amara how may I assist you and your friends this day?" she asks before pulling a small piece of meat out of her pocket and holding it out for Jax. "Of course I'll be right back with those, though it will probably be stew at the moment my lady, you know how my father and brother can be with rushing cooking." the young woman says apologetically before walking over to the counter and asking Mitéra for a menu.

A few moments latter the young woman returns, once more acknowledging the social protocol "My mother believes she can convince Thomas to cook a chicken for the table if you wish my lady, but other then that it is sadly only the stew at the moment. If you wish I can put in a request for you and Dectective Wolfe's lunchtime meal for tomorrow?" the young woman half asks before looking around the entire table waiting to see what everyone wished.

2020-07-02, 11:13 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter turns to Oetychus and is, once again, astonished by his lack of discretion and his jumping to conclusions. She could think of no good way to shut him up without risking further outpourings, so she, too, simply turned back to Mitéra.

Entertained and faintly appalled by the cascade of extraordinary preparations being offered for a simple lunch, Hunter eventually reaches up and takes Mitéra's hand.

"My charming host, your grace and generosity overwhelm me. Please don't give my request a second thought. If I lack the wherewithal to provide my own bloody lunch, I deserve to go hungry. I'm sure we will all look forward to the boar for supper."

2020-07-02, 11:15 PM

“The stew and bread will be fine,” Amara said, “please set two more places; we are expecting another pair.”

“We’ll let you know tonight about lunch tomorrow,” Amara added.

2020-07-02, 11:24 PM
Marcus Polonius

(After crunching down the apple)

To Hunter
That is a fine apple. I wonder if it is the tree that is pleased with the music, or the gods.

2020-07-03, 03:43 AM
"Nothing in the letters is false," Crystal explains to the man in the longcoat now that he's stopped feigning involvement. "We have private chambers above. Why don't you come and join our meal and introduce yourself and we can discuss the specifics in private once everyone is here."

Relieved of his watching duties Jax pads across the table to rub up against Marcus' hand.

"Stew and bread will do nicely, thank you Cora," she orders politely from the halfling tavern maid. "We're not yet sure about tonight or tomorrow, so please don't go to any trouble," she agrees with Amara.

2020-07-03, 12:50 PM
Oetychus slicks his beard and steps over to the table with the others. His demeanor has changed. Now he seems calmer, more charming. He moves gracefully, and even if he only takes a few steps towards the table, he is well aware of each of his movements, and not a single step is wasted against making an impression. He makes eye contact with everyone quickly before settling on Crystal:
''Pardon my jumping to conclusions. I find forcing strong reactions in others is the best way to get them to say what you need to hear. People make mistakes when they are surprised, unsettled, annoyed or mad. You say the letter is not a fake? So be it. I shall give you the benefice of the doubt, at leastuntil the others arrive. My name is Oetychus, Oetychus Alamar, the hero of Iulia Concordia. Maybe you've heard the name? If not, that's alright. I can sing you the tale, if you like''
Then, turning to Cora he points to her with his lute and says:
''Also, the chicken would be better. And it shall be well worth the song I am about to liven up your establishment with, believe me.''
He winks to the woman and, before waiting for any kind of approval from either party, jumps on a table and begins the song about how he defeated singlehandedly a group of bandits, about how his courage and the blood of the bandits mixed with the earth and allowed the grapes to produce delicious wine in Iulia and how, thanks to his heroic actions, everyone in Iulia (but insisting on the children and the maidens, of course) could now strive under the protection of it's savior.

[roll0] for the most self indulging song ever (but most likely, still a more than decent one)
(OoC: using my phone right now. I'll edit the dialog with colour later. It was a pain to get it to work on my phone. I have up)

2020-07-03, 02:00 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter turns to Polonius with a relieved smile. "I think this tree is happy with both the music and the gods."

Was that a wink?

Hunter was about to gratefully accept Crystal's offer and head upstairs when Oetychus spews more crap and then...sings again?


I will have faith in the wisdom of my emperor. I will have faith in the wisdom of my emperor. I will have faith in the wisdom of my emperor.

Hunter nods emphatically to Crystal.

"Yes. Let's go to that room of yours."

She glances at Marcus and then, more slowly, Oetychus.

2020-07-03, 03:39 PM
Clapsing wrists as he nods to the captain, Tarik says nothing as no more words are needed. Gathering his gear, including putting his boots back on once outside, he turns and looks around.
<Have to find these others... well, others besides Freddie. A mission for the Emperor cannot be put aside or delayed but we must complete quickly in order to help out here.> he thinks to himself. Finishing strapping in his boots, he turns towards the direction Freddie left and made haste to follow him towards the church.

2020-07-03, 07:46 PM
As you take Mitéra's hand you notice a few fingers missing as you explain to the older woman that she need not worry about your request. "We are an inn Ms. Greene and we do have food so it is no trouble, just not many people ask for lunch so we normally only have stew on as its easy to make." the innkeeper replies honestly.

As Drusa nods her head to Lady Amara and Crystal in understanding she immediately sets off to go and get the food requested from the kitchen for all those who wished to eat, coming back a few minutes later with seven wooden bowls of piping hot stew as well as a loaf of bread with a knife. Waiting a moment to see if someone needs something else the young girl is caught off guard when Oetychus gets up on top of the table and begins to play a song about, himself.

However as the bard winks at the young girl all those facing the door see a man in deep forest green hunters garb pull out a bow and fire it directly at the man, landing just between his feet. "You ever look at my daughter that way again or disrespect my property and I don't care how many bandits you slayed, you won't be walking." the figure says, his voice while calm and clear sounding has a deadly seriousness Crystal and Marcus easily recognizes as someone who has seen far to much at the wall. Hunter can see the two bone hilted knifes at the mans sides, clearly hand made much like most of this furniture as well as two squirrels hanging from his belt, most likely dinner for someone.

Being pulled between duty to the Empire and duty to the people is a difficult choice however in the end you are here to serve your Emperor, these people must find a way to protect themselves until you can lend aid. And so you depart, having delivered the message you were asked to by your old commander you make your way over to the temple of Heirneous where a young, rather young looking boy describes Freddie back to you and tells you he went to the Golden M inn.

It is a short walk for you, a mere five minutes before you arrive before the rustic looking stable building. A sign with two pieces of hay in the shape of an M upon the barn like doors. As you enter you see Freddie a few feet in front of you talking to a halfling woman, two traders in a corner looking in at the opposite side of the inn. Standing atop a table you note a figure with a lute in his hand and an arrow a few inches away from one of his feet, and perhaps ten feet from you the hunter who seems to have shot it at the man at the table. "You ever look at my daughter that way again or disrespect my property and I don't care how many bandits you say you slayed, you won't be walking." you hear the hunter say in a cold, calm voice that makes it's intent clear. You warrior instincts pick up immediately a fellow warrior in this figure as you look him over and note the finely handcrafted bow that cannot be bought at any shop, it was to personal. As were the two knives on his belt with their bone handles. You note none of the four people sitting at the table seem to be defending this figure, nor the young serving girl who seems to be slowly making her way back over to the bar, not wanting to get in the way, as two similar looking young ladies do the same, though from different spots in the tavern.

2020-07-03, 11:38 PM
Lady Amara

Amara thanked Drusa when the stew came out, then watched in stunned silence as the bard proceeded to stand on the table and sing a song about himself.

She watched carefully for his response to the warning from the innkeeper, not wanting to wade into the mess just yet.

2020-07-04, 11:25 AM
Marcus Polonius
In a voice that is practically a growl.
Get. Off. The. Table.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2020-07-04, 06:19 PM
As Tarik enters, he looks around and, noticing Freddie with another, wonders about his previous comment. Just when he is about to make his way to the table, a commotion of talk and bow fire erupts, bringing the room to a halt. He shifts his weight ever so slightly into a stance that is, oddly, both relaxed and as wound as a spring. A touchie frontiersman, with some troubadour making kissy faces, no doubt, set this him off. Shifting his spear on his shoulder, he waited to see what transpired, ready to act to stop any violence that might erupt.

2020-07-04, 07:29 PM
Hunter Greene

C'mon, kid! Prove to us that you do know when to show some discretion.

Hunter steps quietly to the edge of the table and raises a hand to full extension, offering to help Oetychus down.

2020-07-04, 09:40 PM
Oetychus, not at all impressed by Marcus' attempt to intimidate him, is about to reply smugly to the man who so impolitely interrupted his song when Hunter extends her hand. He looks to the man, looks to Hunter, looks to the young woman and sighs heavily..
The gnome being so little, he actually can't grab her hand from up on the table, but he steps down anyways and gives her a nod. He pulls the arrow out of the table with a sharp jerk before turning to the man. As he speaks he is examining the arrow:
"Sir, there is a misunderstanding. Your daughter is simply born with good taste, and she can recognize talent. I was offering thanks. Nothing more. Great arrow, by the way. Well balanced. It would be a pity to waste it, yes? Especially for so trivial a matter."

He spins the arrow in his hand and extends his arm towards the man, offering the arrow. He is smiling as he waits, arm oustretched.

Let's try some diplomacy here [roll0]

2020-07-05, 10:55 AM
Sensing the tension being released, Tarik relaxes a bit. Circling a bit to keep the troublemakers in view, he pats Freddie on the shoulder. "Sorry to interrupt." he says to the halfling before turning back to Freddie "My business was concluded sooner than expected. Could use a hot meal and cold drink to wash away the trail dust. Mind if I join you?" he says as he looks at the pair in turn.

2020-07-05, 09:10 PM
As Oetychus takes the arrow out of the table and begins talking about the mans daughter once more you all watch as the frontiersman gets ready to lunge when Oetychus calls the matter trivial it is at that moment though Mitéra finds her way out from behind the bar, leaning greatly on the counter as she does so. "Dennet let it be, you know how those performing sort are and you know the girls know how to deal with them. Remember YOU taught them how to handle themselves." the older woman says as she begins making her way over to the man in hunters garb, using the tables for support as she goes as she supports most of her weight with her left leg.

Its a few tense moments as the hunter, Dennet, looks between wife and kids before back at Oetychus before placing the arrow back he had ready to fire. "I'll be in the kitchen with Thomas." he finally says before moving to help his wife back behind the counter before going through a door behind the counter to what one can only assume is the kitchen area.

With Dennet gone for now Mitéra looks over to Lady Amara and Crystal "If he's with you I would keep an eye on him. My husband is not the most, forgiving type when it comes to his girls or Cora." she points out to everyone in the tavern this way no one else got any bright ideas which the two traders nod their head in understanding before going back to their meal now that the action is over.

Tarik as you join Freddie and ask about getting a hot meal and a cold drink Cora looks you over a few times, focusing on your hands it seems before nodding. "I can put you two at a table on this side over here." she remarks, pointing to an area near the traders and away from large group and all the trouble was just taking place.

2020-07-06, 06:44 AM

The large man had simply watched the people involved with the commotion without really reacting. Smiling when Tarik joined him he simply said, "I really hate a bar fight without at least one beer in me. Cora here was just introducing herself too. I will of course have a story for you Cora. My name is Freddie Bishop but my friends call me Mission. If you have a mug for a man my size I could use something cold and ale-ful in it."

2020-07-06, 03:34 PM
Nodding to Cora, Tarik says "Nice to meet you, miss. I think that table will do fine as long as everyone minds there manners." that last bit with a brotherly smile that looks oddly askew with his rough and sun-darkened face. "Lead on and I'll have whatever... Mission? here is having." he says as he waves Cora on.

2020-07-06, 06:31 PM
"I said we were waiting for two more before we moved upstairs - I think they've just arrived," Crystal replies to Hunter.

"I'd say he looks like our Giant," Crystal comments to Amara, noting the gigantic man speaking with Cora. "And him... from one of the mountain tribes?" she guesses, more from inference of Agimaex's riddle than familiarity with the strange markings.

She glances at Jax, giving him a half-nod in the new-comers direction.

The black cat immediately springs up, bouncing over Marcus's shoulder to go and greet the two new warriors, purring and meowing loudly for attention as he winds himself around their feet!

2020-07-06, 07:52 PM
As Freddie tells Cora he does indeed have a story to tell so long as there was a cold drink involved the waitress nods her head. "First ones on me for the story, your buying the next one however." she says as she shows you and Tarik to a table on the opposite side of the inn from the trouble maker. "Haven't seen Dennet that riled up in a long time honestly most people simply know better then to mess with his girls and two of them over there are regulars. I doubt a noble would allow someone to embarrasse them in such a way without punishing them if you know what I mean." Cora says as she seats the two of you before making her way over to the bar where she speaks to an older human woman, points to your table as she talks quickly and gets two mugs of cold ale handed to her which she brings back to the table before turning one of the chairs around so she could lean her hands on the back of the seat. "Okay story time." she says, her feet to high up to notice Jax given her small stature.

2020-07-06, 09:37 PM
Hunter Greene

Rationalizing that it would be hard to do more to draw unwanted attention to themselves than has already been done in the last hour, Hunter simply nods at Crystal's assessment. Taking Oetychus' hand in hers in a manner strangely reminiscent of a father and daughter, despite their obvious differences in age and race, Hunter playfully tugs Oetychus toward the stairs.

"C'mon, big guy. Lots to talk about still. Maybe we can focus better up in Crystal's room?"

She lunges up the stairs with a youthful vigour belying her wrinkles.

2020-07-07, 01:15 AM
Lady Amara van Tannin

Having had enough drama in the taproom for one evening, Amara is more than ready to move upstairs before any of their number end up evicted from the premises.

"I think you're correct," Amara said, "let's check them upstairs and let them know about the ogres, and then we can finish our meal before deciding whether to head out immediately or wait for first light."

She stood up.

"Cora, please send those two this way; you're here for a meeting, I presume," Amara said, "join us upstairs if you would."
that should be all the PC's, let's get this show on the road :)

With a smoothness suggesting hours upon hours of posture training, she turned and glided up the steps, following the others who went ahead of her.

2020-07-07, 10:00 AM

"Well, Mission is short for missionary. You see, I'm...", Freddie had began before the invitation from the larger group in the tavern interrupted them.

Mission didn't look away from Cora, just stared at her with a grin as Amara called out to them. Finally Freddie says, "Duty calls Cora. I owe you a story and my word is my bond. But we should not keep our lady waiting."

2020-07-07, 07:35 PM
Oetychus follows without resistance as Hunter pulls him up the stairs. She seemed quite reasonable, perhaps even trustworthy. At least, he knew she was smart - or just a little mad, perhaps? Sometimes, they can be almost the same.
He smiles, knowing that everyone now thinks of him as just another loud idiot - he had them exactly where he wanted. Deception was, after all, his trade... He needed to keep up appearances at least until he could be sure about the others.
For now, he would go up to the room and listen to what the two women had to say - they seemed in charge.
His thoughts wandered to when he left Iulia: he was annoyed to cut his vacation short. Now, after meeting all these intriguing characters, he was itching to know what would come next as ideas for a new song were already popping up in his mind...
Not just any song. An epic, perhaps?
The fame of his last adventure was starting to wane, and he felt he had maybe surfed on his popularity almost long enough. Plus, Iulia was starting to feel a bit too small, as he had tried most of the maidens. The husbands there were starting to be suspicious. No, he definitely needed something new. Something bigger!
A pang of anticipation tugged at his stomach as he climbed the stairs.

2020-07-07, 08:07 PM
Following Lady Amara and Detective Wolfe up two flights of stairs the group comes to a single sturdy looking wooden door which Amara quickly takes the key out to unlock before walking in. Giving a quick look around you can tell the place is rather spartan in decorations at the moment, having a simple rug near the main entrance, as well as what looks like another one and some chairs on the far end of the corridor. Two large pane windows let in the afternoon light shine into the area illuminating it. And at the end of the hallway you note a rather large well made table (https://imgur.com/NdsYwfU), with eight chairs sat around it, everything about this table and chairs (https://imgur.com/nkJHtnD) speaks of wealth and the finer things in life.

Rough (https://imgur.com/ZTnAhDe) idea of the Base of operations you have been given

2020-07-07, 08:39 PM
Lady Amara van Tannin

"Thank you all for coming," Amara said, moving to stand in front of the table, "before we get started, a little bit of formality. Everyone should have received a letter, please produce it now so Detective Wolfe and I can be sure we're all meant to be here. It should look something like this"

Amara reached into her bag to pull out her own letter, a little bit worn around the edges now, and placed it on the table.

Assuming everyone follows suit:
Amara turned to Crystal.
"What do you think?" she asked.

2020-07-07, 10:08 PM
"Missionary?!?!" Tarik says, the surprise plainly evident. Taking another look at Freddie, he purses his lips a bit in thought as he follows the pair to the other table, shrugging his shoulders to himself. "I guess I didn't make you for that... not that that is a bad thing, mind you. Just, your bearing give to mind someone who is trying to push someone's forehead in rather than announcing it with oils." the last bit coming out of a crooked grin on the warriors face. The grin faulters a bit at the comment from the lady to Cora, but he forces it back in place, though it fails to touch his eyes. Locking eyes for a moment with the lady, he gives her a barest nod as his he follows them upstairs. <Well, things are definitely afoot. Mind your wits and hold your tongue as best you can.> he admonishes himself as he forces grip to loosen slightly as he notices others moving in the same direction. Keeping moving his eyes move quickly, noting exits and anyone armed as he move out of view of the bottom room and into the top hallway. Once around the table, the lady speaks and he stand stock still until the others remove their letters. With a quick glance, not that a thorough look would give him a better idea, to see that the at least resembled his own, he reaches under his armor and pulls small leather pouch out. Removing his own, he sets it on the table before pick up his pouch to make it disappear where it came from. "Detective." he says to tall, platinum-haired woman, less a question than a note to himself.

2020-07-07, 11:07 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter releases Oetychus' hand once they're upstairs, and looks around the place in evident satisfaction. She carefully pulls a letter out of an inside pocket of her jacket, unfolds it and adds it to the pile. She takes a moment to actually examine the others' letters...just to be on the safe side.

"Dibs on the room to the left of the stairs. Talk amongst yourselves. I'm listening.

"I'll just give the place a bit of a once-over. Won't touch your stuff. If any of you have the gift of seeking out magic auras, perhaps you could do a quick sweep as well. I'm sure that everything is above board, but being sure and being sure, well, that can make all the difference."

Over the next twenty minutes, she goes from room to room, looking over the furniture, walls, floors, ceilings and windows.

I think that Hunter's the only one who is actually trained in forgery, but for the sake of completeness, she'll roll for examining the other six letters:

And then she'll look over all the rooms, looking for secret openings, traps, or other weirdness. Again, not that she actually thinks that there are any, but old habits die hard. Modifier is +7.

2020-07-07, 11:07 PM
Marcus Polonius produces his with barely a thought from his pack.
I have several questions, but lets start with how is this expedition funded?

2020-07-07, 11:18 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter releases Oetychus' hand once they're upstairs, and looks around the place in evident satisfaction. She carefully pulls a letter out of an inside pocket of her jacket, unfolds it and adds it to the pile. She takes a moment to actually examine the others' letters...just to be on the safe side.

"Dibs on the room to the left of the stairs. Talk amongst yourselves. I'm listening.

"I'll just give the place a bit of a once-over. Won't touch your stuff. If any of you have the gift of seeking out magic auras, perhaps you could do a quick sweep as well. I'm sure that everything is above board, but being sure and being sure, well, that can make all the difference."

Over the next twenty minutes, she goes from room to room, looking over the furniture, walls, floors, ceilings and windows.

I think that Hunter's the only one who is actually trained in forgery, but for the sake of completeness, she'll roll for examining the other six letters:

And then she'll look over all the rooms, looking for secret openings, traps, or other weirdness. Again, not that she actually thinks that there are any, but old habits die hard. Modifier is +7.

Amara van Tannin

"Stay out of my room, please, last one on the right," she called after Hunter, before closing the door again.

2020-07-08, 12:38 PM
"Tarik Ch'Karthis, by the way." the spearman says as he looks at the others. "If we are going to be based here for some time, I care not which room I get." At Marcus's question, he just nods and looks as he waits for an answer.

2020-07-08, 10:30 PM
Oetychus produces his own letter before giving a nod to Hunter. After a wave of his hand and a sharp yet melodic whistle that resonates through the room he proceeds along with the gnome, left hand stretched before him, to sweep the floor for any kind of magical auras.

he casts detect magic and follows Hunter; he takes three rounds in each area for full effect. Since detect magic creates a 60ft cone, he'll probably take no more than 2-3 minutes to do so - maybe less, unless that base is really bigger than what it seems on the map?

2020-07-09, 10:06 PM
As everyone goes to lay their papers on the table and introduce themselves you note Hunter and Oetychus place their papers on the table before they both split away from the meeting table to go and explore all the rooms available with magical aid and traditional means instead of listening to what everyone has to say and what they are supposed to be doing here.

As Amara calls out to stay out of her room you note a faint aura of magic being observed by Oetychus. Searching the other rooms you find embalming fluid on one of the tables, a rare hawks feather found only among the company of elves from Ellenthyr in another room, a crumpled up note (https://imgur.com/iEzSmTj) in a third, a silver holy symbol of Heironeous in a forth, and a signet ring of no noble family either of you two recognize in a fifth. As you enter the final room, it is clear this one belongs to the detective no magic auras or special things seem to be found here however, at least in the amount of time Crystal allows you to look in her room. However the faint smell of brimstone and rotten eggs assault your senses as you enter, and the smell keeps moving as if of its own accord. Oetychus can sense a faint magical aura moving around the room to fast to pinpoint.

DC 14 Fort save or be nauseated for 2 rounds

All of you sitting at the table notice as they open one last door, Crystal and Amara both note it is the detectives door, the smell of Brimstone and rotten eggs starts to fill the room ever so slowly. It is not strong yet given how far the room is from you all thankfully.

2020-07-09, 10:37 PM

“My name is Lady Amara van Tannin,” Amara said after the other two departed, “our task, given to us by special request of the Emperor himself, is to ensure the stability of the empire, by rooting out a rumored group of arcanists hiding somewhere in this area. We’re also to help protect the Empire’s citizens as best we can.”

Amara stopped short as she smelled the brimstone. She inhaled deeply.

“Do you smell that?” she asked, heading over to take a look.

amara can see invisible.

2020-07-09, 10:57 PM
Marcus Polonius
At the scent of what he can only assume is hell, he draws his weapons and looks around.

This better not be a dodge.

2020-07-10, 12:15 AM
As Lady Amara and Marcus make their way towards Crystal's room the smell hit's them hard as it begins to assault their senses. What the others can't see however Lady Amara can, as the small yellow flying creature spots her and waves one of his foul clawed hands at her before holding up a random copper coin from Crystals bag. It is clear he wants to tell you something however he doesn't know these new strangers and is thus hiding from them. A note can be seen in his other hand, though given what he likes to sleep and bathe in you doubt you want to touch it after it has. The question then becomes will the others react to the "stench demon" as your previous party did, or will they listen to your words that it is not an enemy in the traditional sense?

DC 14 or be nauseated for 2 rounds

2020-07-10, 01:02 AM

“Oh, that is horrid,” Amara said, holding her nose with two fingers. Her eyes watered from the horrid smell.

“Is that a message? just.. leave it on the table,” she said, gesturing absently to the night table while trying to keep what little bit of her lunch she’d eaten from making a second appearance.

2020-07-10, 08:16 AM
Amara as you speak to the little yellow creature that only you can see it nods its head before depositing the letter onto the nightstand as you inform it. A loud slopping sound can be heard as the note appears on the desk covered in only the gods know. The creature then takes the coin and goes to the window, throwing it out the window before leaving himself.

You all watch as Lady Amara starts talking to the air itself trying to hold down her lunch instructing something none of you can see to place something down on the nightstand in the room. A second later a scrolled up note appears on the nightstand seemingly drenched in the same foul smelling odor that is in the room before the single window in the room opens on its own and you all see a single copper coin go flying out the window. Sadly the smell remains.


2020-07-10, 11:32 AM
Amara van Tannin

Unable to stand the stench, Amara retreats from the room. Usually poised and dignified, she doubles over in the hall, hands on knees, and takes a few unsteady breaths interspersed with a cough or two, and her face actually takes on a slight greenish hue.

(Anyone who wishes to read the note can do so during this time and Amara won’t stop them).

After a moment or two she stands upright again and color returns to her cheeks.

“So that’s what it was,” Amara said.

“did you see that thing last time?” she asked Crystal.

2020-07-10, 03:08 PM
Upon entering the third room, Oetychus cannot help his curiosity and tries to pocket the crumpled up letter with subtlety.
But Hunter easily notices and seems to give a disapproving look. After quickly reading the letter, Oetychus places it back, and Hunter snatches it up again.

Oetychus is barely bothered by the smell (rolled a nat 20 :D) - he'd smelled worse. He cannot help but smirk seeing all of his comrades struggling against the smell - and is even more surprised when the poised and dignified Van Tannin starts retching.

For now, he decides to rejoin the group.

2020-07-10, 04:19 PM
As the smell wafts into the room and Amara ask "Do you smell that?", Tarik looks around. As Marcus draws his weapon, Tarik stands and slides back as he pulls out his spear, leaving his shield on his back. It is hard to tell if he is holding up against whatever unseen creature Amara might be speaking to or the rest of the group. As the letter appears and the coin goes flapping off, he turns a hard-eyed look at Amara, his forearm straining from the grip on his spear. "You make deals with devil and demons, woman?" he says, voice cold and full of menace.

2020-07-10, 04:34 PM
"No, but I'll make it rue it's very existence if I sense it again," Crystal replies crossly, disgusted by the poo demon's befouling her room, holding her breath to make sure the window is flung open as far as it will go. She rushes back out again, making a mental note to scrub *everything* later.

"We should open a few more windows to help the stench dissipate," she suggests practically.

"Ok everyone, gather round and I'll try and explain. This is quite the mess, and I don't mean the smell. The Emperor has tasked us with hunting down and stopping the Cult of Ryl. But Ryl himself (the owner of the stench demon that just visited) somehow learned of our task and is perfectly happy to direct us at them because he considers them to be appropriating his name. And they're evil and need to be stopped, but I've got an awful feeling that taking out his enemies is only helping a greater evil."

"In the mine we killed a monstrosity that seemed to be hunting knocker devils. The devils were attempting to summon some sort of Shadow that we didn't fully prevent manifesting. We saved a noblewoman - Lady Claudia - who has been nothing but friendly, if a little self centred.

"So! Right now we don't have a whole lot of leads and this new letter is full of implications and rather few hard facts. I feel very uneasy doing anything that might aid Ryl, and not just because his messenger is a literal pile of filth."

"We're also tasked with securing this region and we know there are a band of ogres on the loose. That sounds much more straightforward, and I think we could use a straightforward task whilst we consider the implications."

"And if anyone has any bright ideas to prevent that filth creature coming back I'd love to hear it! I'd much rather receive post normally."

2020-07-10, 06:16 PM
Marcus Polonius
Maintains his composure and puts his weapons away. He helps open the windows.

I think you need to back up. This is a campaign already in progress? How long has it been going? How many other squads have been tasked before us? and once again, how is it funded?

2020-07-10, 06:40 PM
Amara van Tannin

Amara stood up straight, her composure returned.

“Of course not, do you honestly believe I would willingly associate myself with a creature that disgusts me so?” Amara replied to Tarik.

“I know of only one other squad, our own,” Amara said, “we were successful in stopping the summoning but it appeared some of our number were not as resolute in their dedication to the Emperor, and abandoned the task he gave us. The others who have gone missing, it seems whoever creates these creatures we fought has perverted and turned into more of them. Whatever did this needs to be stopped, but we have no leads. The ogres are a threat to the populace, and we may find more clues there.”

“You can tell from the letter and seal, our mandate is from his Excellency himself, and I assume it is funded from the treasury,” she replied to Marcus.

2020-07-11, 01:02 AM
Marcus Polonius
Yes the source is obvious, what is less so is the details such as dispensation location, frequency, amount. I am pleased to serve the Emperor, but will not pauperize myself to do so.

2020-07-11, 03:33 AM
Marcus Polonius
Yes the source is obvious, what is less so is the details such as dispensation location, frequency, amount. I am pleased to serve the Emperor, but will not pauperize myself to do so.


“You will need to ask our handler the next time he shows up,” Amara said, “I will say we have been well compensated so far, having received well over a thousand gold pieces of value in equipment after defeating the devils conducting the sacrificial ritual.”

fyi it was a WBL increase from 2 to 4.

2020-07-11, 03:53 AM
Marcus Polonius seems content with that response, and waits for others to ask additional questions.

2020-07-11, 12:05 PM
Not 100% satisfied with the answer but seeing the others stand down, Tarik relaxes his stance as he stands his spear upright, butt-end in the ground. "Alright." he says as he listens to the others. "When was the last time you saw this handler? Can you describe him or her?"

2020-07-11, 12:30 PM
"He's Agimaex. You may have heard of him. And Lady Amara and I breakfasted with him this morning before you all started arriving."

2020-07-11, 05:14 PM
Oetychus tries to hide his excitedness as he exclaims:

''Oh! So by serving the Empire we are most likely also serving the machinations of an enemy whose motivations remain unknown, who is most likely piloting a sinister plot with mysterious implications that may come falling down on us unexpectedly at any moment? I love it! Truly brilliant! I say, I don't think I could have thought of it better myself. Sign me up! Oh, but... of course, of course: Ogres sounds like a better lead. Let's start there, see where things go after that.''

He seems to trail off into thought after that, takes a seat, pulls out his journal and a quill from his backpack and starts writing, still visibly listening to the conversation around him.

he adds:

''Sorry for the interruption. Carry on with the tedious details. I'm still all ears. I'm actually very skilled at multitasking.''

He goes back to his journal.

2020-07-11, 10:28 PM
Hunter Greene

When the young man makes his attempt to pocket the note, Hunter simply snatches it from his hand and reads it. If he tries again to conceal the note, she will scream for the others to come in, and explain what had happened. If Oetychus wants to play silly b*ggers with important evidence, it was going to make an already strained relationship absolutely impossible.

Hunter carefully gathers up the signet ring, the feather, the holy symbol and the note.

When the filth demon makes itself known, Hunter follows, curious. She stands back, observing the interactions and attempting to assess who at least thinks that they're telling the truth.

"There are traces in the bedrooms that seem to bear out your story of a previous group, My Lady. I assume there was, perhaps a minor nobleman, an elf and - perhaps a necromancer? - among your original group? There's a smell of embalming fluid from that room. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll air quickly enough."

She lays down the signet ring and feather on the table. And then takes another note (https://imgur.com/iEzSmTj) and sets it down.

"Crystal, can you describe the person who was in that room?", pointing to the third room that she and Oetychus examined.

She stares at the hints that they have discovered.

"My concern with these mementos is that they seem emblematic, but include things that are of only passing significance, and two things that it's hard to believe anyone would leave behind. A signet ring is an intensely personal item, a symbol of rank and privilege. A holy symbol is, similarly, usually of deep and personal importance. And that note. If someone really were some kind of double agent, it would be the very height of stupidity to leave it behind. It seems equally likely to have been planted, perhaps by the poop demon, to sow dissent and throw us onto a false trail."

Spot vs Oetychus' sleight of hand, using an IP: [roll0]

Knowledge check to have heard of Agimaex (any - they all have the same bonus, using an IP): [roll1]

2020-07-12, 08:15 AM

The moment the stench had filled the main room the large man had gotten himself comfortable and began smoking, lounging about as if not concerned with what was going on. He had remained quiet and simply watched everyone's reactions without adding anything to the conversation. Several times he gave Tarik a look that seem to communicate some type of displeasure with the current ensemble but other than that he just keeps quiet and studies the group's faces as they react to each intrigue.

2020-07-13, 10:50 AM

"Some of our former group were quite distraught after our encounter in the caves," Amara said, "it was more harrowing for some than others. They may have not been in their right mind when they departed, hence some items left behind. The more personal items are from those we suspected were captured or killed while wandering about; all the more reason for us to stay together as much as possible."

2020-07-13, 12:30 PM
And then takes another note (https://imgur.com/iEzSmTj) and sets it down.

"Crystal, can you describe the person who was in that room?", pointing to the third room that she and Oetychus examined.

"That belonged to an elvish woman named Issarel," Crystal explains. "In Elvish lands she was enslaved by an enchanter. She escaped and by and by ended up here, but he tracked her here and apparently took an interest in me as well. She confided in me. After the mine we were going to see if we could turn the tables on him but then Issarel vanished. We have powerful enemies."

2020-07-13, 05:09 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter nods, absorbing Amara and Crystal's assessment, appreciating their blunt and candid assessment of the situation.

"Thanks. My apologies - I think that I missed the introductions. Just in case, you can call me Hunter Greene. Most recently, I've been a broker in information. I'm also a hobbyist alchemist."

2020-07-13, 09:37 PM
The rest of the night is filled with comrade re as each member of the party shares a story about their past, hoping to build trust among one another as well as learn something about the others you are to be working with. As promised the boar is delicious, though Oetychus swears his tastes funny, served with a side of potatoes and carrots. Freshly baked little breads are also present for the meal. However Agimaex doesn't seem to appear that night while you are all eating. Eventually you all head to your rooms, some of you already having claim from before on rooms, while others argue on who will get what room. In the end the rooms are rather spartan, having only a nightstand, the bed you will be sleeping in, and a desk to write or work on, whichever you prefer.

As the morning sun rises a knocking can be heard from the door leading downstairs. At first it is a gentle knock, however the longer the person on the other side seems to wait the louder the knocking becomes.

2020-07-13, 11:32 PM
Marcus Polonius begins his morning by praying to his ancestors for strength and wisdom.
As he stuffs the incense, he begins putting on his armor on to face the day. He hears the knocking but initially disregards it, as it is not his place to interfere. He finishes up donning his armor before he heads downstairs. It does not occur to him that the others might be late risers.

2020-07-15, 01:01 AM
Hunter Greene

Hunter's stories that night revolve around the difficulty of purifying naphtha, keeping aphids off of fruit trees, and keeping tabs on the dissolute distant cousins of the Emperor. Since no one seemed particularly interested, she took the various bits and baubles she'd found in the rooms, the better to try to make better sense of them in the future.

The most unexpected thing about alchemy, for me, is the unexpected ways that it connects you to the rest of the world in unforeseen ways. Maybe unforeseeable ways, although I have friends who would argue that nothing is unforeseeable if you’ve done your homework. But those friends are, as a rule, unbearably boring at parties, and where was I again? Oh yes. Unexpected connections.
One week, I was working on an alchemical solution that you could squeeze through a cork in a wine bottle to help settle the effluent, leaving a beautiful clear bottle of wine.

Say what you will about the destructive power of alchemy, it has the potential to transform all of our lives for the better. In the right hands of course. Now, I’d been at variations of this wine-clearing thing for the better part of a day, and mostly what I had to show for my efforts was one decent bottle of white and a dozen shattered remains and a bunch of gunk in my back garden.

At the end of the day, I cleared away the glass, but made the mistake of not trying to dig or dredge up the spoiled wine. It being a possible fertilizer, you see. So when I got up the next morning, I was startled to see, in the middle of my back yard, a great bloody ankheg, lying upside down and passed out. Turns out it was attracted not to the alcohol, as I’d first assumed, but to the mix of the wine residue and the reagent I was testing. Like catnip for the bloody things, it was.

As I pieced all of this together by examining what the ankheg had actually consumed in the night, it occurred to me that this might be an extremely valuable find. Imagine the important of being able to bring a swarm of ankhegs to you – help aerate the land, obliterate a near-underground mine, or scare children at parties. All these thoughts of gold and usefulness danced in my head for about ten minutes. Then the great bloody ankheg woke up, and I realized that attracting the great bloody beastie was in no way the same thing as channeling the bu**er, let alone controlling it.

Now, a colleague of mine was a powerful scholar of bug kind. Can’t stand em myself, but my friend, Gracchus, he swore up and down that insects were generally very strong for their size, but their necks were notoriously weak. “One sharp tug and that wasp’ll become docile as anything. Two and it’s dead, three and you’re probably holding its bloody head in your hands. Well, my friends, let me tell you that this is a bald-faced lie, at least in the case of ankhegs.

As this one stumbled to its feet, I tried hopping up onto its back and using my feet to push on the plate at the back of its skull with all of my heart. Nothing.

Well, not nothing. “Nothing” wouldn’t include a sudden burst of mad activity, sweeping me along with it as it tried to scrape me off. I got to see my garden in ways no one ever had before – from underneath! Dam thing severed the main roots for a perfectly viable Alder tree, chomped through three potato plants and eventually crashed into my basement, where it upset a rack of alchemist’s fire. I barely rolled free in time to escape immolation myself.

Now, all that I walked away from that week with was a fondness for cloudy wine, a greater respect for farmers, and a beautiful set of slightly singed back plates, ones that get turned into shields and armour and the like. I haven’t discovered a good use for them yet, unfortunately, so they’re still hanging in the basement, helping to cover the hole he made in the basement wall that he crashed through.

Safe in her own room, Hunter ignores the bed and sets up a blanket next to the door. She quietly casts prestidigitation in order to thoroughly clean and prepare her clothes and equipment for the next day, and then spends a couple of hours carefully testing the reagent properties of silver nitrate.

When the knocking begins, Hunter is out her door like a shot, and glancing through the crack between the door to the stairs and the floor to gauge who and what lay beyond. Barring the presence of something stereotypically terrifying, she immediately opens the door.

2020-07-15, 10:43 AM

Amara tells the group a story from her youth:

Okay, here’s my story. When I was fourteen years old, my family and I were vacationing in our summer cottage, which we always do at least once a year. We usually go for about a month, to escape the heat and smell of the city. This time, my father hired a half-elf tutor, Eldario, who was supposed to be educating me about the wildlife and various plants that lived around us. Every day the old man had us hiking around for hours through brambles and whatnot in the sweltering heat. Who really cares about which trees could be identified as poisonous by their bark or their leaves anyway? If I wanted food, I’d have one of the maids bring something. Me being a rebellious teenager, and very much wanting to be paddling in a stream or relaxing in the shade, and not identifying mushrooms, decided I’d had enough.

One exceptionally hot day, I simply couldn’t take another minute of Eldario and his rambling, so I started walking in a random direction. He called after me, so I walked faster, and fairly soon I was racing through the trees. I was much younger than him, so it wasn’t hard to lose him despite his half-elven heritage. It became a game of hide and seek, with him cursing at me and me seeing how close I could let him get before I ran off again. Eventually, I guess he stopped chasing, and that was when I realized I wasn’t exactly sure how to get home.

I knew if I kept walking downhill, eventually I would come to water, so I started walking, and kept walking until dusk. It was still quite hot, but there was a stiff easterly breeze so it wasn’t too unbearable. As the sun started to go down though, I realized there was something of a red glow coming from the east. It got brighter and soon sparks were flying through the air. The forest, dry as kindling, had caught fire, and the wind was driving it right towards me. I ran like I’d never run before, but the wind was faster and soon sparks and bits of burning leaves were flying all around me and threatening to set my hair alight. At last I came to what I thought was a stream, but it was nothing but a dried-up gully. The bushes and trees around me had already started burning and the smoke was horribly choking. I jumped down into the gully and ran down it for a little ways, but the forest went up around me so quickly, I was trapped with no way out of the gully. Fire was everywhere, and I was sure I would die in the blaze, but then I found a small alcove at the edge of the dried up stream. I ducked inside as the fire raged overhead, and the temperature was almost unbearable, but then the line of flame passed over me, and I ended up falling asleep amid the burnt out embers.

The following morning I awoke, stiff, thirsty, and covered in soot, but alive. The entire forest above me nothing but ash and embers. I walked for half a day until I encountered a search party sent by my father. When they returned me to the cottage, he embraced me tightly and then cursed me for being so foolhardy. He punished me by forcing me to stay on the cottage grounds for the remainder of the holiday, but I wouldn’t have left anyway. I think he was simply too glad I was alive to truly punish me. Ever since then I’ve been uncomfortable around open flames, so you’ll excuse me if I sit a little ways away from the campfires.

The following morning, Amara hears the knocking and heads out to take a look, still dressed in her nightgown. She won't descend the stairs, but on the second story and among her comrades she figures it's fine since they'll be on the road together later in the day anyway.

2020-07-17, 10:18 PM
The night weaves its way into the night as the group gets to know each other. Tarik, in spite of himself and his earlier reaction, begins to relax a bit as the others tell their stories. When a new drink came for him, he turned and looked at the others before speaking.

"Stories to be remember, and passed on to another generation." the gruff warrior says, sitting deep in the shadows.
"I suppose I can give a small slice of who I am, to give comfort to you all." as he lights his pipe, one of his few vices. Giving a small puff, he pauses before continuing. "Maybe you have and maybe you haven't heard of Tchavel Ch'Karthis, a forebearer of mine. Being of his lineage, it was expected, always, for us to be protectors of the Empire, from its humble beginnings to the heights we see now. So it was for me and my brothers. I have kept to the old ways, spear and shield over the sword. When I joined the army, I trained like any other recruit, given no favors or slights because of it. Once I had satisfied the sergeant, the packed me away north, away from Silens Pratus. The end years of my youth were spent against the endless hordes of those vile dragonspawn that Kurast. Repulsive as they are, their skills and magic are formidable, if not up to the will of the Empire and her sons and daughters." he leaned forward a bit, the glow of his pipe lighting his face as he pointed as the long scar running down the left side of his face. Ragged, it was, nearly taking his eye and the other surmised that his mouth would have been a gaping hole while it healed.
"This little reminder came from a patrol. Our patrol leader, foolish a bit but from a good family, was leading us. In a hurry, he was, to be out of the cold and rainy winter night... back in his quarters with a sip of rum, I imagine. He was new to the company and fresh out of the academy. We all knew the scouts should have been out but, to our detriment, we all were eager for a warm bed, too." he leaned back as the ember lit again and a puff of smoke came from him.
"Too late, someone either heard the flap of wind over wings or a shadow against a cloud... too late as the cold became ice as a wyrm descended on us, breathing death as we scattered. The patrol leader, one Atimus Nonus, survived the first blast but, as their Dragonborn spawn swept down on us, he valiantly stood and did battle, protecting his charge fruitlessly." he paused though no glow came from the shadows. He took a pool from his drink, a long moment passing, before he set it down empty. When he continued, his voice was a bit rougher.
"Scattered, though we were, we tried to regroup, only to have the wyrm descend upon us again. The men battled back, in vain. The last I remember is the wyrm falling upon us again, its claw grabbing at my face... pulling me off the ground to throw me down on the rocks below. Kord had other plans for me as he set the dragon's aim off and I crashed into a bush instead. I have no recollection of what happened next but I later found out I must have been there a couple of days when a vulture, picking my friends clean, came for me. I awoke to the bite of the carrion creature... and, after some time burying my comrades, made my way back to base to report what had happened." he paused to draw on his pipe once again, this time the ember was bright as it lit his face, the pain of the memory evident. "My commander, Felix Basilius, gave me time as he explained that Kord must have saved me for a reason. His advise was to, once healed, fight back the hordes, which I did for two more years. Once discharged, I took everything I earned to have this commissioned." he said as he lifted up his spear. "νήμα του θανάτου, in the old tongue. With it in my hand, and the skills I learned, I set forth for Kurast under cover of night, by myself. I lived like an animal for nearly nine moons as I listened to whispers at camps or in villages, following the great beasts carnage. Like a whisper I made my way into its lair and, it being gone, covered myself in its refuse, waiting. In the darkness, for some days, I waited until the creature returned, fat from eating some farmers cows as looked about before settling in to sleep in its gluttony. Like the moons shadow I crept across the chamber, every movement and breath held to a snails pace. " Another draw on his pipe brought a view of his face, deeply shadowed but sinister.
"Each moment blurred into the next as I moved, no sound but the wyrm, until I rose above it. The beast never even stirred as I lept into the air, spear lancing it with all my strength and fury, as it drove though its eye. It thrashed around for a few moments before dying. Two souvenirs I took away that day - one was a cut of skin from its hide." as he leaned his spear forward, you realize it is wrapped in the white skin and scaled near the top. "The other is knowledge. Knowledge that will and skill... of unwavering faith will eventually overcome magic and the rot that comes with it if one has the courage to do what must be done." With that, he stood and bid goodnight to everyone as he made his way to his room.

2020-07-17, 10:41 PM
Marcus as the morning sun rises up from the easy you say your morning prayers and suit up for this days adventures, however when a knocking comes to the door to the place you and the others have been given you ignore it believing it is not your place to answer the call of the unknown. You can only hope that whatever it is, it is nothing important.

Hunter the moment a knock is heard at the door you bolt out of your room to inspect what lays on the other side, and thanks to your size seeing through the keyhole is rather easy as you note a young boy roughly about ten years of age with a wooden sword and shield. He seems to be standing rigid, however you can tell from his posture he is anxious for the door to open. And so seeing no threat from the child you do just that, which leads the boys face to drop as he sees someone his own size and clearly not who he was expecting. "Greeting's Ms. I am Aeitus, is Lord Benedict around? I have urgent news for him." the boy says hoping back and forth on his feet.

Anyone who so much as has their door open can hear the boy's question as he is not exactly being quite. So for instance Amara would easily hear this entire conversation.

2020-07-20, 07:58 AM

“Lord Benedict is not here, you may leave your message with me,” Amara said from down the hall. Even wearing a nightdress and robe, she somehow managed to exude class and sophistication as she glided towards the open door.

2020-07-20, 02:41 PM
Oetychus listened to the others' stories intently - even Hunters' - and decided to go last. He told a very humble tale of his childhood, without too much flourish and without even strumming a single note on his lute, which seemed out of character for the man. As he was telling it, he became a little more heavy handed on the wine, as though talking about his youth was a painful experience for him. He tried not to let these feelings show in his expression or voice, though.

Ah! Of a good story I know, certainly. As a little boy, I was growing up in an orphanage and I had a friend there, Oliver. We were the best of friends, but we were also the worst children: we would raid the kitchen at night for food, hide dead squirrels in the beds of little boys we didn’t like, free the chickens and the pigs in the backyard and generally cause all kinds of mischief. Because of this, no one wanted to adopt us. We had a bad reputation. But who can blame us? Life in the orphanage wasn’t exactly great – we had to make our own fun. It’s also true that, however bad the life was there, we just didn’t want to be separated, we preferred to stick together and having each other was enough.
Oliver and I had made a habit of slipping out of the orphanage to go play with the children in the richer parts of town. Well, play is a strong word, because it turns out these kids weren’t exactly nice to us. They called us liceys, because they thought we would give them lice or some other kinds of parasites – and I can’t say we never had any lice… lots of lice going on in that orphanage, and scabies and, well… I guess those kids were kind of right about us, actually – but I digress.
The game that we used to play was eloquently named catch the liceys but beat the living crap out the liceys would have been a little more accurate. Essentially, these rich arses were chasing us around the streets with sticks and rocks and whatnot, trying to make us remember our place, as they would say. The first time it happened, I have to admit, was not so much of a game and more of just a general beating – I remember going home that night bruised and bloodied - but by the third and second time, Oliver and I had made it into a game that we could win. We just needed to prove something to these kids, you know? And the same could be said about them, I guess. I think at some point, these kids even kind of liked us, in their own sick, twisted way, it’s just that they couldn’t see us as anything else than orphans. They probably didn’t understand they were doing something bad to us anyways because we weren’t even people to them. It was more like they were playing with some street dogs or alley cats.
Needless to say, after a few times we started winning! We knew the best backstreets to hide in, how to get on the roofs… Funny how running from these kids taught me a lot of skills I am still using today. So, anyways, the fancy kids started taking it personally, of course. I remember the last time we played they completely rigged the game: there were so many of them, and already dispersed throughout the street – there was nowhere to run that time. They were waiting for us, and they completely beat the living hells out of us because they just couldn’t stand losing to the liceys all the time. I remember them just beating on me with these huge pointy rocks. The last thing I remember before passing out was the sound of music and the voice of a man singing. One of the kids looked up, and then all the others did, too. They stopped hitting me, but it was already too much for my body to take at that point
When I woke up, I was in my bed at the orphanage, Oliver was next to me. Strangely, our bodies were healed, and to this day I still wonder if that final game of catch the liceys was a dream or if it really happened.

In the morning he was curious about the knocking, but it seemed like Amara had in under control.

2020-07-20, 10:13 PM

“Lord Benedict is not here, you may leave your message with me,” Amara said from down the hall. Even wearing a nightdress and robe, she somehow managed to exude class and sophistication as she glided towards the open door.

As Amara explains Lord Benedict is not here you note the boy shuffle his feet uncomfortably before looking directly at Hunter. Showing a black and blue eye and a cut lip. "I was hoping to find him as I showed him the way here when he returned and well hes a knight." the boy explains stammering a few times. " Mercenaries are demanding protection payment from the "Beast" that kidnaps people in the night and I was hoping he could scare them off. I tried but they are so much bigger then me." the boy says ashamed he couldn't do it himself even though he is clearly no older than 10.

Marcus downstairs and unaware of what was happening upstairs you sit at a both as a woman with dirty blonde hair and the same almond shaped green eyes as the other three daughters of Mitéra and Dennet comes over with a plate of eggs, sausage, bacon, and freshly baked bread. You note she keeps her head down the entire time she serves you, and when she does speak her voice is barely above a whisper. "Would you like anything else sir?" she asks clearly knowing who you are as she didn't ask for any coin for the meal, but seemingly to afraid to call you by your name.

2020-07-20, 10:39 PM

“You are brave for trying,” Amara replied, “where are the mercenaries, and what is this Beast?”

2020-07-20, 10:40 PM
Marcus Polonius inquires
Is there something wrong ma'am?

2020-07-20, 10:57 PM
Amara as you call the boy brave he smiles slightly at that, bowing his head. "Thank you my lady, Lord Benedict told me if I wanted to protect others a good knight would need a shield, sadly it didn't help that much." Aeitus explains before continuing. "The last place I saw them was walking the streets of Old Haven close to Sheperd's Door. However my buddies have been saying they have been making their rounds all around old Haven and a bit in New Haven. Thessia having their wall and own private military and all I think they are to smart to go there." Aeitus explains.

"As for the beast, no one knows. A few of the homeless people vanished a few nights back and no one really thought to much of it, however when old man Jenkins went missing last night we realized perhaps something was going on. Only reason we call it a beast honestly is because of the horrid sound everyone in the area around old Jenkins used to stay heard."

As you ask the young woman if there is something wrong she shakes her head back and forth no, before speaking up just a little bit more to say no. As she looks towards the kitchen where you can hear the voices of Dennet and Thomas talking in the kitchen, for a moment it seems like she is lost in her own world when you notice Dennets voice speaking, however she quickly snaps out of it and gets back to work immediately the moment Mitéra walks out of some door behind the bar, and hobbles over to the same stool you saw her sitting in yesterday.

2020-07-20, 11:16 PM
Lady Amara

“Thank you for your service,” Amara said, passing the boy a silver coin, “if you see or hear this beast, you’re to run straight home. We will speak to the mercenaries.”

2020-07-21, 12:18 AM
Hunter Greene

While Lady Amara addresses the boy, Hunter darts back to her room and returns with a bag. She reaches up with previously unseen gentleness to apply a bit of gauze to try to reduce the swelling on the boy's eye.

"Good lad. Smart of you to seek out Benedict. Now, how would we know these mercenaries who are so cowardly as to shake down a kid?"

Heal check, using an Inspiration Point: [roll0]

2020-07-21, 11:15 PM
"You are to kind my lady" Aeitus says as Lady Amara hands him a silver piece. "And I will do that and tell the other kids to do the same." he promises as Hunter returns from her room with a bit of gauze and tends to the boys eye. She is certain that it will heal properly thanks to her skills and he won't have any lasting injury from the wound. "Well their boss was a half-orc, with two hobgoblins and two bugbears with him. None of them said any names, however its not hard to find mercenaries in Angelius Ianuam given House Bato employs a lot of them for the war." The boy says as he tries to think of any defining features on any of the mercenaries.

It is as if a light goes off in his head as he looks up. "The leader, he tried to hide it however I think he couldn't control his right arm well. And he kept a glove on only that hand with his sleeves rolled down all the way." the boy explains hoping this could help in some way.

2020-07-21, 11:26 PM

“Thank you,” Amara said.

Once the boy departed and was out of earshot, Amara turned to the others.

“The ‘Beast’, sounds like one of those creatures we encountered in the mines,” she said, “it is beyond commoners to deal with, and those creatures are definitely not natural. I think we should investigate these disappearances before the ogres.”

2020-07-21, 11:55 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter is pleased to see Aeitus' spirits buoyed enough to head on his way. When Amara suggests that the group start by investigating this 'beast', Hunter shrugs agreeably.

"Sure. I'm not so good against the supernatural, but I'm willing to try. Guess we could start by talking with the town guards, anyone who might already have looked into this."

2020-07-22, 01:19 PM
Intrigued by these talks about a beast, Oetychus joins Amara and Hunter.

''Yes, the guards would be a good place to start, but what about the friends of this Jenkins character? Possibly they would have seen something and could be helpful, too. Perhaps we split up to investigate? We will cover more ground like this. Oh! and good morning, ladies. I do hope you slept well in these rather spartan accommodations. My back is a little sore this morning.''

He gives a short bow and a smile.

2020-07-22, 05:31 PM

“Good morning,” Amara replied, required to by decorum, “a bed is always preferable to the road.”

“Splitting up is not a good idea, several of our former squad have been kidnapped and turned into those monsters, if Ryl’s letter is to be believed, and it took all of us working together to take one down,” she said.

2020-07-23, 01:49 PM
Oetychus agrees: ''Certainly, yes. Wise words. I suppose we should rally the others, then, and head out. I'll just run upstairs to get my things real quick and warn the others of this new endeavor.''

After waking up the others, alerting them of the situation, he notices Marcus isn't in his room. He walks downstairs, tuning his lute, hoping to find the missing man there. An early bird, perhaps?

As he sees him, he sits at his table and explains to him what is going on.

2020-07-23, 07:16 PM
Amara returned to her own room to change into her travel gear and armor, then returned to the common residential area to await the others.

2020-07-23, 09:48 PM
As you sit eating your breakfast peacefully an older gentleman (https://imgur.com/yAYF1Qz) with a full head of stark white hair and a beard to go with it begins walking down the stairs with a black cat following in his footsteps. The entire inn is empty at this early hour as the old figure waves to Mitéra behind the counter asking her how she slept as he made his way past the waitress who served you and says in a kind, though gruff sounding voice, "Aurelia dear could I get my usual please?" to which she shakes her head before looking down to the black cat. "And what about you Nero will you be having your breakfast before Jax wakes up and tries to steal all the treats?" she says kindly, as she bends to pet the cat "Nero". As she does so you note her ears are slightly pointed, revealing she is a half-elf.

Aurelia and Nero make their way towards what you can only assume to be the kitchen and you watch as the old man begins making his way straight to the table you are sitting at. When he gets to the table he moves a chair so it is looking at the door before sitting down. "Hope you don't mind, I tend to usually sit here in the morning. Old habits of being a soldier, though judging by the looks of you I suspect you choose this table for the same reason I do." the old man says kindly, his Amber eyes full of life despite his age.

Deciding that perhaps the orges were not as immediate of a problem as this "beast" Aeitus told you about, and with the Mercinaries in the same direction anyways the three of you decide it is best to investigate this further as with this letter from Ryl saying your friends had been kidnapped and turned into these things that Amara says almost killed the entire previous group the chances of the town guard or simple commoners being able to handle such a challenge were no doubt rather low. And best to stick together as everyone begins to get prepared and ready to go out before waking the others who had not yet risen from their slumber."

2020-07-23, 09:48 PM
Marcus Polonius
Moderately confused by Oetychus, he knocks on Amara's door.

(Assuming she answers, will modify if not)
Did you send the attention seeker to fetch me?

2020-07-23, 10:47 PM
Marcus Polonius
Moderately confused by Oetychus, he knocks on Amara's door.

(Assuming she answers, will modify if not)
Did you send the attention seeker to fetch me?


Amara, now dressed in clothing fit for the road and with an studded leather vest in one hand, answered the door.

It took her a moment to realize who Marcus Polonius was referring to.

“No, no I would not do that to you,” she replied, “but you should make preparations to depart. There is trouble afoot and we are going to investigate. I will fill everyone in on the road.”

2020-07-24, 12:26 PM
Tarik, late to rise for reasons that escape him, washes his face from the water and the stand before dressing quickly and moving downstairs to join the others.
As he goes to have breakfast, he meets anyone from the party who is down there, ignore the conversation with the small boy as he leaves.

Holy moly, I hope the site isn't crashing like it did in December. Took my 10 tries to post this, it ate the rest of my tries.

2020-07-24, 03:58 PM
Marcus Polonius
Very Well. I shall be ready in 3 minutes.
He marches swiftly, then takes the stairs two at a time to grab his backpack, and returns waiting at attention.

2020-07-24, 08:16 PM
Hunter Greene

A plan seemingly set, Hunter also returns to her room. Her gear is small and simple, and it takes her only a few minutes to dress, splash some water on her face, and be ready to go once again. She wanders down just in time for Marcus to vault past her on the stairs, so she joins Tarik at the table for breakfast. Scrambling up onto a too-tall chair, Hunter reaches a small hand across the table to shake the much larger man's hand.

"It sounds like we're gonna investigate some kind of magical beastie killing people here in town. Amara's got ideas."

She orders a round of breakfasts for the group, less Marcus.

"So. Ch'Karthis. Would you say the name's been a blessing because people assume you're going to be like your great-grandpa? Or a curse because people assume you're going to be like your great-grandpa?"

2020-07-24, 09:12 PM

Amara finished getting dressed and then descended to the taproom. She informed the staff they would not be staying for lunch, then ate a quick breakfast while waiting for the rest of the party to join them.

2020-07-24, 10:24 PM
As everyone gathers in the main inn downstairs ready to go about their day Amara and Hunter explain to those who were not there what they learned from the young boy Aeitus. An older gentleman in a coner waves to Amara and Crystal though makes no move to get up and speak with them, the same old man Marcus notes tried sitting with him and talking to him earlier.

Once the plan has been explained in the at the moment mostly empty taproom, including the part about magical beasts, you all depart. There are two possible places you could head, Old Haven is said to have missing people as well as where old Jenkins went missing so its almost certain the beast was there, and Aeitus explained the mercenaries who were trying to get people to pay them protection money were also there. Or you could go to New Haven where people have also gone missing, though is closer to the guardhouse.

2020-07-24, 10:54 PM
As everyone gathers in the main inn downstairs ready to go about their day Amara and Hunter explain to those who were not there what they learned from the young boy Aeitus. An older gentleman in a coner waves to Amara and Crystal though makes no move to get up and speak with them, the same old man Marcus notes tried sitting with him and talking to him earlier.

Once the plan has been explained in the at the moment mostly empty taproom, including the part about magical beasts, you all depart. There are two possible places you could head, Old Haven is said to have missing people as well as where old Jenkins went missing so its almost certain the beast was there, and Aeitus explained the mercenaries who were trying to get people to pay them protection money were also there. Or you could go to New Haven where people have also gone missing, though is closer to the guardhouse.


“I think our best bet is old haven,” Amara said, “we might even be able to convince the mercenaries to join us and hunt down the monster.. though from the sound of it I doubt it.”

Assuming there’s no disagreement, she started off heading for where Aeitus mentioned the mercenaries were.

2020-07-25, 01:14 AM
Marcus Polonius
Before departing, he goes to speak with the man.
I am sorry for my lack of courtesy. You know how it is, orders to move can strike at any moment.

2020-07-25, 09:01 AM

After Oetychus wakes him and tells him of what happens, the monk simply nods and rubs his head. For the remainder of the morning he meditates for a while in prayer before rising. At seemingly the last moment he walks downstairs and walks up to Tarik. He seems to be adjusting his gear a bit but is mostly silent for the time being.

2020-07-25, 11:41 AM
As the others come down and join him, Tarik gives a simple nod of his head in acknowledgement.
"Beast, eh? Do we have a tracker amongst us?"
At Hunter's question, he pauses as he rubs his chin as he thinks on not shaving this morning along with the travel here, as a give a wry grin. "Yes... to both. I am who I am... and I am not my forebears, though others would like to see me as such. I honor my ancestors but I can only do what I can do." he says with a shrug. Swirling the sausage gravy a bit with his biscuit, he looks her in the eyes. "Like any of us. I seek no greatness for myself and I won't exceed their greatness by any stretch, but I seek to carry on the legacy they helped forge. A humble servant to the Emperor is all I am." and give her a wink.

2020-07-25, 02:39 PM
Crystal comes downstairs to meet the others, uniform smartly pressed and hair nearly braided as usual. She skips breakfast, but Jax jumps up onto the counter whilst everyone gathers to politely demand treats from the staff.

"I'm ready when everyone else is. I hear the ogres can wait as we've got a problem a little closer to hand?"

Sideling up to Hunter, she whispers aside "You see the man with the white hair? That's our handler." she whispers. Crystal waves to Agimaex as they leave.

2020-07-25, 02:47 PM
Oetychus stands in the middle of the taproom, watching the others gather, ready to depart. He puts his hands on his hips and takes in a deep breath, a satisfied smile hanging on his lips. Then talking to no one in particular he says in a loud, confident voice:

''Here it is: the seven of us finally setting out. Where it all begins. Isn't it exciting? Doesn't it move you deeply? To think of the challenges we shall face, knowing that, maybe, some of us won't make it back - and most likely some of you hope that will be me.''

He pauses, hoping for a laugh, and continues:

''Nonetheless, I must say: such a beautiful, selfless task. Putting ourselves on the line. But fear not, for I will make a song for the ages out of our trials and tribulations. And I wanted to take a second to add that I was truly touched by your tales last night: you are all such deep and well rounded characters. Because of this, and since we are a team now, I thought it would be a great idea to take on a name. Since Amara seems to be the leader of this team, I suggest Amara's Able-bodied Alliance. Or just the Alliance for short. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?''

Finally, more to himself he adds: ''That being said, the Allies set off.''

2020-07-25, 06:27 PM

“I wouldn’t mind a song, just ensure it’s not overheard by anyone, as this is supposed to be a more or less secretive group,” Amara said.

2020-07-25, 07:30 PM
Marcus as you walk over to the old man and apologize he nods his head in understanding at your statement. "Just remember even the strongest warrior eventually needs to sleep, and to do that they must trust those at their back." the old man offers for advice before you depart. Raising his hand up in greeting to Crystal who had waved to him.

As you walk out the door the voice of Agimaex fills your ear, loud enough for only you to hear, clearly a spell. "Swift hunting detective, and may the Mother never stand before you."

As Oetychus begins to make a display in the middle of the taproom that is thankfully empty except for the old man in the corner and your hostess it begs to question if he will reveal you to your enemies before you ever even know who they are? He seems quick to seek praise and always looks to stand out in some way which while not a bad thing will make it much harder to move around unseen as a secretive group as the letter suggested you would be. Could he be trusted or was he a spy, only time will tell as you all make your way out of the Golden M and follow the main road south towards the southern doors to the village.

It doesn't take the party long to learn where to look for the mercenaries as by the time they get to the gate separating Old Haven from Sheperd's door they can hear the sounds of people arguing coming from the west. Following along the wall they come to a rather small looking temple of the Lovers. Unlike in most cities this one seems rather humble looking, with the marble and granite statues depicting the lovers being only vaguely humanoid. Outside the church stands a woman (http://www.gnosisonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Celtic-Priestess-77x100.jpg) with flowing red hair that falls down to her ankles, tied in braids as well as a man (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/tfsatthetable/images/c/c3/Dagon.png/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20180912011851) of average height, and oddly white hair given how young he looks. In the mans hands is a shovel, though it is clear his other hand keeps on gripping onto something by his side, before them stands the mercinary company you were told about. "If you want your little temple here to be protected from the beast you will pay us or our boys simply won't come to this neighborhood when we hear its cry." the leader, a large burly orc with two tusk clearly protruding form his mouth says to the woman in a burlap sack. "Sir as I have already told you I do not trade in material wealth, only the wealth of the living soul. You will find no coin here." the woman says. However it is clear that unlike the young woman, the male by her side is less eager to talk with these highwaymen. All around the area a crowd is starting to gather to watch the scene unfold.

2020-07-25, 11:38 PM
Hunter Greene

The gnome tucks into her breakfast with relish, eating nearly an entire human portion with evident enjoyment. She leans close to hear Crystal's subtle message.

Sideling up to Hunter, she whispers aside "You see the man with the white hair? That's our handler." she whispers. Crystal waves to Agimaex as they leave.

Hunter nods twice to show comprehension, but her expression back to Crystal is frankly confused. Does this mean that Agimaex is handling all of them, or just Crystal and Amara? Does he have a task for the group, or looking for them to prove themselves on their own first? Did he work for the same division where Hunter had made her mark, or an entirely different agency? And did he know about her, and her work?

Enough questions, and no particularly good way to pursue them. As the group packed up to head off, she eyed the white-haired curiously, but said nothing.

As Hunter watched the big orc shake down the priestess, Hunter glanced up at Crystal with a nod. She broke from her companions, sidling off along the side of the building.

Doubtless, one or more of her companions would be noble, forthright and articulate in their defense of the clearly deserving young lady. They woudn't need Hunter's help with that. What they might need help with would be surviving the confrontation that would inevitably follow. And she didn't think that whatever weapon that young man was clutching would be enough.

Ideally, Hunter is looking for a way to get herself concealment by the side of the street, or at least a bit of cover.

2020-07-26, 12:08 AM
Marcus Polonius is mildly displeased at the mercenaries' demeanor.
He does not know the details of their remit, and in the absence of a direct threat aside from denial of service he is inclined to let allow the woman's declaration stand for itself. If there is further aggression from the orc, Marcus will intervene.

2020-07-26, 03:42 AM
Lady Amara

Amara watched quietly to see how Joshua would react. It was clear the temple didn’t gather wealth, based on the priestess’ sack clothing, and if this was the life he wanted rather than serving the Emperor, he at least deserved a chance to speak in its defense.

Of course if it came to violence, she’d be defending the temple right along with him.

She pondered how the mercenaries were able to drive the beast away, whether they were working with it’s masters, or if they were simply taking advantage of the people’s fear to extort some coin.

2020-07-26, 02:37 PM
Oetychus addresses the Orc. He acts humbler and downplays his confidence a little, sounding as polite as possible:

''Excuse me, Sir? Yes. Hello. And-and g'day. Of course. You must be the leader, huh? Umm.. how much is the protection fee? Maybe I can help the church this time around, a-as the church has done so much for me and my soul. I may- I may have a little bit of coin and, uh, as a devout, it would be my pleasure to offer my aid. W-w-would 30 gold suffice, Sir?''

He half smiles, avoiding the Orcs gaze as he pretends to look intimidated.

2020-07-26, 05:02 PM
As they turn the corner to see the scene unfolding before them, Tarik slows as he accesses the situation quickly.
When Oetychus speaks, he keeps to the back. He understood if the 'beast' was running around that some would hire some kind of protection but this... this went against everything the Empire stood for. To anyone looking he looked relaxed except for a tightening around his eyes as he breathing smoothed out, becoming the practiced paced he was taught to maintain, a spring wound but with no hint of what lay behind it.

2020-07-26, 06:30 PM
Hunter as you are departing you can swear you see a smirk appear on the old mans lips as you eye him cursorily before he lifts a cup up and drinks what smells like tea. Normally when a group had a handler they were a lot more in the loop then this man seemed to be as he sat down perfectly relaxed and ate his breakfast in peace, while a black cat walks up to his seat before padding his leg as if to say pick me up.

Hunter nodding to Crystal that you were going to set up you move back down the street you came, walking two full building lengths to the small alley you saw when you began walking this way. A fully grown human would not be able to fit through such a narrow passage, however for you it is rather simple as your training kicks in and you make your way through the ally into a vegetable garden behind the church. Unlike most other courtyards you have noticed in this village this one seems to be actually functional as you look around. You can just barely make out the mercenaries and the priestess from your vantage point behind the chicken coupe.

The rest of you watch as the man with the shovel hefts it expertly as he notices the group looking at the gathering crowd of people they no doubt already got to pay them for protection. It is at the moment the half-orc leader is about to talk that Oetychus makes his move with the ease of someone who had done this kind of act a thousand times. You all watch as the group of mercenaries begin talking among themselves almost immediately at the prospect of getting 30gp. However their leader quickly quiets them and addresses you. "Finally a reasonable human, I was starting to think no one here cared for the church. 30 gold will cover our basic protection fee of course, a single guard stationed with a rosewood stick and bell made from the bones of a dragon." he says with a pleased smile. "Now if you don't mind handing that coin over to Jasper over here." he says indicating the bugbear besides him. "We can be on our merry way."

2020-07-27, 02:08 PM
Oetychus starts to untie his coin purse, then pauses. He scratches his beard and stares at the Orc before saying:

''From what I understand, you seem to know enough about this beast. You have just described an elaborate way of keeping it at bay. That shows preparation. Which then begs the question: is your true purpose to simply protect against the beast, or is it actually to eliminate it? I guess what I'm asking is: are you trying only to extort these poor people...
As he says ''these poor people'' he makes a large gesture towards the crowd gathering around them, making sure to grab their attention, make them involved.
...or are you trying to help them? If it's the latter, then let's work together to bring down this thing. Between the 12 of us we can definitely defeat the creature and free this town from it's vile clutches. That should be in the interest of everyone, right? Unless... Unless that isn't really where your interest lies? If so, that would be a shame, since now everyone here would know the truth about you and your boys. Gonna be hard to find work after that. But, I do not believe that's the case, right? You all seem like a smart lot. And, of course, if you accept to help there will be more coin in it for you.''

He stretches out his hand for a shake.

''What say you?''


2020-07-27, 08:49 PM
As Oetychus begins to untie the coin purse you watch as the five mercinares eyes seem to alight with greed before swiftly switching between confusion and lastly anger as he calls them out. "The dead cannot collect coin, are me and my boys dumb enough to go around hunting the beast. Use your flowery words all you want, you either pay us to protect this place or we move on and offer our services to someone else who isn't so insane." The orc says looking at the crowd "Tell me brave soldiers of Angelis Ianuam which among you wish to go hunt this beast and risk dying when you can pay someone to make sure you never have to face that situation? That one their says the twelve of us could fight these beasts but all I see is eleven with him. Who are you going to trust more, a mercenary who has fought for your country before and spilled blood with your fine blades." he says lifting up a human size dragon skull as proof of his accomplishment. "Or the word's of a coward who offers coin to protect your church only to stop at the last minute and accuse us of extorting you?" the orc says, and it is clear the crowd is on neither side, the orc makes valid points, however so has Oetychus.

Crowd is about 60 orc
40 Oetychus at the moment

2020-07-27, 09:33 PM
Amara van Tannin

Amara sighed to herself.

She quietly stepped forward, between Oetychus and the mercenary.

"How will you protect the people with one man standing in front of a temple when you say it would defeat a dozen?" Amara asked, "it will pick you off one by one. Stay here if you like, we will hunt it down and destroy it. We've destroyed one already, though not without casualties. Joshua can attest to that."

She nodded to her former comrade.

"That won't stop us from destroying this one as well, the risk is worth it to protect the Empire's citizens," Amara said, "Join us or not, but tell us where we can find it."

diplomacy take 10 for 30.

2020-07-27, 10:28 PM
Hunter on the Sidelines

Chicken s*it. Charming. Well, it's not as bad as pigeon.

Hunter eases her way past the chickens, moving very slowly to avoid setting them off. Fortunately, Oetychus was talking, which meant that, unless the orc reached out to throttle him, she'd have some time to get into position.

Carefully, quietly, she withdrew her black crossbow from her pack, and just for good measure took out a yellow-stoppered flask as well. If the mercenaries stayed clustered up for protection, she could probably JUST reach them with the flask. Otherwise, it would be the crossbow.

Settling in the corner of the alley, she carefully eased the safety off of her crossbow and settled in, maintaining a bead on the orc.

Assuming she's less than 50' from the mercenaries, she'll prepare to toss some Alchemist's Fire into their midst. If she's more than 50' away, she'll prepare to shoot her crossbow at the orc.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1], using an inspiration point.

2020-07-30, 06:19 AM
Visibly, the insults to Oetychus from the orc rankle Tarik a bit as a clenching of his jaw can be seen, but he quickly lets wash over him. The urge to step in and berate the orc would probably end in bloodshed or with the thugs returning once they moved on. He knows a honeyed tongue would work magic that bashing over the head wouldn't solve, so he holds his peace for the moment, hoping Amara and Oetychus can diffuse the situation.

2020-07-31, 07:38 PM
"We are a mercenary company, we wouldn't be really effective if it was a single one of us now would we?" the half-orc leader replies to the fact that a single person could not stand against it alone. Though when you state you have destroyed one before the leader and his group clearly seem impressed as Joshua states that what you say is true. "Then I wish you luck human in your hunt, however should you die what would you like on your grave? After all who is to say you won't be the casualty this time." he asks after all if you had lost people before there was always that chance this time it could be you. "All I know is that it tends to go where it is rather loud and its screech can be easily covered up. At least that is what we have determined from where the attacks have seemingly taken place." the leader offers you when you ask for a way to find it.

The group notes however that the two bugbears seem to be eyeing up Tarik the moment he begins to clench his jaw, ready for a fight should it come to it. However just as happy to leave if there boss says so.

As you move into position you thank your luck as you easily make it into position given how high the sun is without being spotted by anyone. As they all seem to focused on the conversation they seem to be having. From your position you see the two bugbears tense in reaction to Tarik's own movements. Nothing else seems to be amiss at this point.

With the situation seemingly defused the red haired priestess of the Lover's once more asks the group to leave which unless stopped by the party they do. No doubt moving on to sell their services elsewhere.

2020-07-31, 08:23 PM
After the mercenaries depart, Amara approaches Joshua.

“Are you certain you want to stay here?” Amara asked, “we still need help as you can see.”

2020-08-01, 10:09 AM
As the mercenaries leave, Tarik follows them with his eyes until they are out of view. With a roll of his shoulders and a slight shudder, he eases out of the tension in his body.
"It is ill times, indeed, when men such as those can find success in shearing the sheep with empty promises and veiled threats. Ill, indeed." as his look goes over the crowd, especially over those who looked in favor of the orc.
Once the crowd starts to disperse, he moves up to Crystal. "You defeated one of these beasts? What was it? What did it look like?"

2020-08-01, 03:16 PM

As the mercenaries take both Oetychus' money and their leave, Hunter eases the safety catch back onto her crossbow and slides it back into her bag, along with the fiery flask. Maybe there was hope for the boy, after all. Whatever he said seemed to have worked.

Before rejoining the others, Hunter takes a look around in the alley, making sure that any footprints in the bird dirt and such were of species she could identify. Hunter assumed that the beast that they were seeking was working from more than simple hunger, but it was good to know what might attract it.

When she finished up, she took a different route to loop back to the team to check in.

"Learn anything useful?"

Search to pick up weird tracks or signs: [roll0]

2020-08-02, 04:41 PM
"Painshriekers are twisted humanoids, all wiry muscle and a maw that extends from face to navel. They're terrifying even to look at, and their shriek is physically painful. The one we fought also had two hand-scythes," Crystal relays to Tarik.

"All right, so it likes noisy areas. That makes sense. That's somewhere to start at least. We should ask around the busier parts of town, and once we find somewhere it's been Jax can track it."

Knowledge Local - likely areas. [roll0]

Urban tracking - track creature
Large town [roll1] checks required DC10, or small city [roll2] DC15 (+2DC if lying low, -2DC not matching primary demographic,).

Gather information (Inc -5 to reduce time taken to half hour instead of an hour)

2020-08-02, 05:18 PM

You've seen the large man swing between charismatic and open and then quiet and studious. While he watched the commotion he hadn't responded much other than to flick the remainder of his smoking leaves to the ground. As he listened to the description of the beast he suddenly chimed in as if speaking his internal thoughts outloud, "Noisy? Like a waterfall?"

2020-08-02, 07:56 PM
Hunter Greene

The gnome woman literally hustles to keep up as the group begins to scour the town. She seems intrigued

"Painfully loud? Hmm. Perhaps I could kludge some earplugs for us."

Does Hunter know anything about Painshriekers? Using an Inspiration Point. Any knowledge has the same bonus: [roll0]

2020-08-03, 09:30 PM
Amara as you ask Joshua if he is sure of his decision to stay and help around the village he nods. "As I said to Agimaex before I can't count on not getting paid, I need it to make a living. And I still need to make amends to the family of the man I killed. Did you know he had a wife and four kids at home that counted on him to put food on the table? I know the man died because Lord Benedict said he was a devil, however it was still my blade that gave the killing blow to the innocent soul. I must make amends." Joshua explains to Amara hoping she would understand his reason for not going of adventuring. "I will do what I can to help those in need however and if you ever need my aid I will do what I can to help you." he promises. " If you find a place where that creature will be, you will have the Mother's blade by your side. However I cannot leave that family to fend for themselves, who knows what would become of them if I turned my back on them."

"The people look to those they see as stronger than themselves to protect them. Mercenaries are well respected in most parts of the Empire due to their services, even if it is for coin. The fact that this isn't a draconian threat from Kurast makes little difference to them so long as they believe their families will be safe and they don't have to fight themselves." the man who was speaking to Amara says as he turns to reply to Tarik. "Simply Sister Rosalind here is a priestess of the Lovers who seems to have sworn away material wealth, don't know why myself but who am I to judge a priestess of my goddess? So when I heard they were heading this way I came to help."

As the group departs Crystal and Hunter together begin coming up with plans on where this creature could be hiding as well as spots it could possibly frequent, leads are a dime a dozen, however not all seem related to the task at hand, and almost no one seems to even pay attention to the missing homeless people.

2020-08-03, 09:33 PM
Amara van Tannin

Amara growled, an odd sound coming from her normally cultured demeanor.

“They’re capturing them and preparing another sacrificial ritual,” she said, “we need to find out where they are and stop them. They’re probably in another mine or a cave or some place out of the way, not normally frequented.”

2020-08-03, 09:48 PM
"Do you really think so Amara? That thing we fought had no love for the devils we fought, and went out of its way to kill them. And it was they who were doing a ritual not the beast we fought. I don't think it is even smart enough to think that far ahead honestly. Add in most mines around here are owned by the dwarves or fall into dwarven lands, to be frank we got lucky with our first gig. Perhaps they are eating them, after all everyone needs to eat, I doubt devils or whatever that thing was we fought is any different. I'm not saying I won't help you Amara, however you have a crew, the family I am helping has a fourteen year old boy as the oldest person in the house besides his mother. Do you think they would be able to survive on their own? I can't leave them to go broke and live on the streets because of my actions even if that makes you angry. If I hear anything I will send word to our old rooms, and if you hear anything this is my address." he says handing you a piece of paper with a street and number on it. "If I am not there simply tell whoever answers the door that your a friend of mine and that you need my help and they will find me for you." Joshua explains, making it clear he would help but in his own way. He was not one of them anymore.

2020-08-03, 10:42 PM

“Huh? Oh hmm, you’re probably right,” Amara said. In her mind they were all otherworldly denizens, she had a tough time separating them in her head.

Honestly she’d already discarded Joshua from coming with them to help. Perhaps she could count on him to help in some other way later.

“I’ll stop by from time to time and make sure you’re doing okay,” she said, “do let me know if you hear anything.”

She returned to the rest of the group.

“Any ideas?” she asked.

2020-08-04, 12:52 AM
Hunter Greene

The gnome woman has been tapping her lip.

"Well, now, I can't be sure that they're the same as the creatures you're describing, but I did hear a, well, a personal account of a run-in with these creatures."

She grimaced at the memory.

"From what I recall, the creation of these creatures was tied to a Devil known as the Duchess. I'm afraid I don't remember more about her, but I remember what I read about the making of these monstrosities. For reasons I think you'll understand.

"The Duchess transforms only her most loyal followers into such beings, making them blind before putting them through an excruciating surgery cutting them from chin to navel. Large chunks of their internal organs are removed and replaced with a vibratory superstructure that projects and ultrasonic beam. The new painshrieker remain blind until the grafts heal, at which time they can "see" again with their implanted sonic generator. They also learn to create a powerful sonic attack."

Hunter's brow furrowed.

"It's strange that this beast has been turned loose in a town. Word was that these were wetwork and military creatures - not suitable for blending into a civilized setting. Perhaps this is a renegade or rogue of some kind. Regardless, if we have a way to create an area of soundlessness, we might have a way to strip this creature of its main weapon and its primary senses.

"If only we knew a temple in town that owed us a favour, we might be able to see if they have any magic scrolls we could use.."

She smiled up at Oetychus.

2020-08-04, 05:54 PM
''Ah! I catch your drift''

Oetychus returns to the Temple and asks to speak with sister Rosalind. Once he gets to talk to her he says:

''Sister. Good day. First of all, let me say that I greatly admire your courage for standing up against those thugs like you did. Second, I must admit to you that I am no devout - I made the story up simply to lend a hand, out of the goodness of my heart - but the consequences were beneficial, yes? The ne'er do wells are gone, the people are safe again - or rather will be since, as you may remember, my associates and I have volunteered to take down the creature. I know you have no money, but you do have the ear of your deity and, as such, formidable magical power. A member of our group has ascertained that creating a magical zone of silence would greatly weaken the creature, as it uses sound both to see and attack. Could you, in good faith, ask of your divinity that they grant you a spell capable of negating sounds and, perhaps, would you happen to be able to put this spell into scroll form? It would be extremely helpful to us and most likely advantageous for you and your flock and a perfect way of repaying my selfless act.''

Diplomacy of [roll0]

2020-08-06, 09:32 AM
As the man finishes speaking, Tarik turns and walks off with the rest of the group, in deep thought. He knew, deep down, that the man was right but his own instinct, forged into him like it had for his ancestors, led him to stand up and fight against such things. <I guess that is why fate has put you here.> he thought to himself.
As the others begin to describe the creature, he gives it some thought. Like Mission, the thought of a waterfall or rushing river come to mind but he can't think of anywhere near Angelius Ianuam, which he respond to Amara with. "If this thing still looked like a man, it would be hard to track. But if it is some beast stalking the streets, anyone who saw it would give a cry out. Unless it was able to keep hidden somehow."

2020-08-06, 08:21 PM
With the idea of getting a scroll of Silence from the temple of the Lovers the party turns back the way they came and it doesn't take long for the party to find the young woman in the back tending to the temples garden. Sister Rosalind patiently listens to Oetychus as he explains the situation. "Child a word of advice, don't call something a selfless act if you intend to ask the person who you did the act for a favor." she says with an amused, though not offended smile. " As for not being a believer in the Lover's I thank you for your honesty in this matter and understand your use of deception even if I myself would not do such a thing. Sadly I can only make potions myself, or simple clothing. If you give me but a moment I will ask my collague Brother Pran if he happens to have one however." the priestess says leading you towards the temple.

As you enter the small building compared to most temples you have seen before you note the contrast between the two sides of the building, on the right the entire interior seems to be made of a mixture of black granite and onyx, while the left side seems to be made up of White marble and topaz. The centerpiece even seems odd, two statues, made out of their respective stones seem to reach out to one another and the two stone melt together in the center of the alter. The Figure on the left you not has a window set in the eastern wall that would allow the morning sun to shine upon it. It's eyes made out of two individual topaz gems, while streams of liquid gold seem to run through it as if they were the bodies blood. And while it remains rough in design it is clearly male and the artist rendition of the "Father". On the right side stands a vaguely feminine statue made out of the black granite. Two onyx gems sit where her eyes would be, and small little diamonds seem to be embedded within her hair. As the male statue, liquid silver seems to run through this statue as if it were a living being with a much larger window on the western wall to no doubt catch moonlight upon the "Mother's" face.

In the back corner you all see a young boy, barely out of his teens if you had to guess, pale white skin, which is frowned upon in the empire as it shows one doesn't work. As the priestess walks over to him you hear her call out to him, though you note she stays in the center of the chamber, never passing over to the right side of the temple. "Greetings Sister Rosalind, is the garden already taken care of or do you need assistance?" he asks kindly, seemingly stopping whatever he was doing and listening to what she had to say before making his way down with her to meet with the rest of you. "Greetings, Sister Rosalind here says you were hoping to find a scroll of silence?" he says looking over all of you carefully, his eyes seemingly trying to peer through you as he pass over each with an icy blue look. "If you wish to use the Mother's gifts I must ask why? We at this temple do not get into the affairs of war or battle easily unless it is to defend those who cannot defend themselves. It is clear from looking at all of you none here hold the talent for the divine, or am I mistaken?" he asks seemingly hesitant and reserved about helping you unlike the warm and open personality of sister Rosalind.

2020-08-06, 08:43 PM
Amara van Tannin

Amara spoke up.

“We intend to hunt down and defeat the Beast that has been kidnapping the townsfolk,” Amara replied, “it uses a sound attack, and the scroll of silence will help us bring it to heel and protect the citizens.”

2020-08-08, 06:24 PM
As Amara explains why they need the scroll in question, and what they plan to do with it Brother Pran seems to listen intently to everything she says, which while it doesn't take long it seems his answer will as the priest mentally seems to muse over the request and what was stated. After about two minutes of awkward silence from the young man he speaks. "Worthy goals for those who wish to protect life, however Balance is the key to all life." he says as he pulls out a dagger and begins to balance it upon his hand. "When life and death are kept in balance everyone prospers, tip the scale to much to one side..." he says as he moves his finger slightly and the dagger falls to the ground, vanishing before it hits the ground no doubt magical in nature and simply having returned from where the priest of the Mother had pulled it from.

Pulling a sack from his belt he holds it out to the group. "One life taken, another given this is the offer I make to you. Plant this seed with the creatures body so that it can nourish the plant within and give it life. Do this and the scroll is yours." Brother plan says, waiting to see if you will accept or not.

2020-08-08, 06:34 PM
“So be it,” Amara replied, taking the small sack.

sense motive take 10 for 16

2020-08-08, 06:47 PM
As you take the small sack Brother Pran nods respectfully to you. "I will be back in a moment with my end of the deal. Know this however, use this magic for ill intent and not what you told me or fail to do as you have promised with the seed and the Mother will collect what is due to her in a way unforeseen." the priest warns, before return to the back of the chapel and retrieving a scroll case made out of black leather with an ivory crescent moon on it for a seal. "Will that be all today?" he asks in his same cold tone, his mannerism giving no signs on his clear like or dislike of you.

When he speaks you note it is not a threat but a warning

2020-08-09, 12:43 PM

Rocked back a bit by the rather portentious exchange with the priest, Hunter pauses just outside to seek further clarification. Perhaps distracting with logistics will keep everyone's mind off of the incredible danger into which they were soon plunging.

"Well done, folks. And now that we've got this invaluable tool...who feels confident in using it. My record with such things is a bit spotty."

2020-08-09, 01:48 PM
Tarik looks at the scrolll with an arched eyebrow. "I have no skill with such matters. It would be a waste of its magic to give it to me."

2020-08-09, 02:59 PM
''Let me take a look at that''

Oetychus takes the scroll out of it's case and goes over the writings quickly. When he rolls it back up, he is not sporting his usually confident look.

''Well.. there is a chance that I could succeed in using it but the chances are pretty slim as these writings are quite.. obscure to me. My songs can add a little edge, but even that would still be risky. Perhaps we would need a potion or otherwise magical item to help boost my chances. Any ideas?''

I have +4 without any ranks in use magic device.. never thought that skill would be so crucial, haha. Next level I'll definitely put some ranks there. With inspire competence and my melodic casting feat I can use scrolls while using bardic musics which gives me a +2, for a total of +6. I need a 23 to succeed.. still kind of a slim chance.

2020-08-09, 04:20 PM
"Here's what I've discovered," Crystal relays after a few hours canvassing various passers by, away from any curious listeners not part of the group:

There are a few possible spots she can think of from her time spent within the walls of Angelis Ianuam that could be prime targets for such an attack.

A small little blacksmith shop in the center of New Haven's District close to the wall.

The Silken Smile Tavern, an inn just outside of the village proper in the district know as Sheperd's door.

Midnight Theater, this is an open to the sky theater that is one of the few places that bards are allowed to perform their craft in the empire. Each night this place is loud with drunken patrons as well as music. This place is in old Haven near to the black stone wall that divides Old Haven from Thessia.

Old Jenkins was a storyteller that most people remember telling stories when they were kids.

Each night lights are on in the Mayor's house throughout the night even though everyone inside is sleeping.

Some people say they see the head of house Bato out walking the streets deep into the night aimlessly

As of late something has been breaking into people's houses and reorganizing everything. As of this moment nothings been stolen however.

Security has been tighter as of late in Thessia ever since some noble came to town

Lady Cindara has recently bought a plot of land in Thessia district and has begun reconstructing an old building and turning it into Shrieking Violet Society building, a social club for middle and upper class women.

Rumor has it that the priestess of the Lovers keeps a prisoner locked in the basement of her temple.

Recently people have reported clothing being stolen from all parts of town.

"The rumours about the temple of the Lovers is alarming," Crystal says. "Some places to investigate anyway. Maybe Jax could find something at the midnight theatre, of the blacksmith in New Haven?"

2020-08-09, 05:13 PM
At the mention of the Midnight Theater, Oetychus' eye light up:

''Well, the theater seems like a perfect place to perf-, I mean to start our search. Of course I meant to start! We should definitely look there first, don't you think? A bunch of drunk patrons would be the perfect dinner for our beast - and perhaps I could even make some coin... to fund our operation. I could provide a, um, distraction, while you stake out the creature! Obviously, the scene would be a perfect vantage point from which I would be ready to jump into action in a second's time. But, of course, all those other places sound fine, too.''

He scratches his beard and slicks back his hair as he looks around the group before adding:

''And those rumors about the Temple are indeed quite dire - Sister Rosalind seemed so nice and willing to help.''

2020-08-09, 05:22 PM

silence is on the bard spell list so you don’t need umd, which is good because it’s trained only and can’t be used with no ranks.

“We were just at the temple of the lovers, but sister Rosalind didn’t strike me as someone who would keep a prisoner, and Joshua is there too, he wouldn’t stand for that,” Amara said.

“I say we head to the theatre first, as well,” Amara said.

2020-08-09, 05:34 PM

Hunter simply nods her agreement with the choice of destination. A theatre was as good a place as any to start.

Referencing the scroll that has now been returned to Oetychus for use, Hunter murmurs to the exuberant singer.

"From what I hear of such magics, you may not want to try to put it on the critter itself, 'cause the magic might be resisted by these weird creatures. Instead, I'd suggest attais carrching it to something carried by one of our colleagues, who then carries it into battle with the thing. Tarik's blade, Marcus' helmet, something like that. And, not to overstate the obvious, but wait until we're sure that we're actually going to be fighting the thing."

2020-08-09, 07:38 PM
Oetychus nods to Hunter as he crosses his arms.

''Fair enough, fair enough. Yet again, your well-rounded knowledge amazes me. You may just turn out to be the main character in my epic about our merry band - you and Amara. Maybe, after we've defeated this thing, when we have a tranquil evening to spend, I could interview you and take some notes, you know, just to better understand your character? I like my writing to be coherent and believable.''

He clasps his hands together before adding:

''Well. Shall we head off to the theater?''

(If the others agree and the group moves towards the theater, Oetychus starts some vocal warm-ups as they head towards the theater - just in case)

2020-08-09, 08:28 PM

Hunter looked sidelong up at Oetychus, offering up a lopsided smile. it was hard to picture anyone besides himself as the lead character in his epic tale, but it was a great kindness on his part to suggest otherwise.

To fill the conversational gap as they headed off, Hunter opined aloud.

"If this is a theatre, I hope that they're playing one of the newer comedies. I had the great misfortune of seeing Seven Against Thebes in the capital last year, and it might as well have been renamed Seven Against All Forms of Entertainment. Now, I've heard excellent things about Hamiltonius, but it's been impossible to get tickets."

2020-08-10, 12:02 PM
Oetychus happily fuels the conversation:

''Ah! So you enjoy the performing arts, Hunter? Hamiltonius isn't too bad, but I'm not too sure about this new style of song, what was it... rythm and poetry? Call me a purist, but I prefer my lyrics sung rather than half spoken. This new trendy music is missing an edge, you know? Still, it's an entertaining tale with an all non-human cast to tell the story of the founding father Hamiltonius - which obviously was human and led a very human-centric life. Very controversial, I'd say. But controversy sells tickets! So that's good - very bold, actually. I'd definitely recommend you see it anyways even if the music needs a bit of reworking. Maybe one day I could rewrite it properly!''

2020-08-10, 08:53 PM

The gnome nods, taking the more experienced musician's advice.

"I admit to being intrigued by this new hybrid of singing and talking. And yes, I had rather assumed that the play would be human-centric. Sometimes it's easy to overlook the human privilege inherent in the system."

2020-08-11, 07:54 PM
As Crystal comes back to join the group a few hours later she quickly informs them of what she has learned while out around the town, narrowing your possible spots down a great deal at least on where to start searching. The rumors about the Temple of the Lover's are quickly swept under the table as the group decides its best to visit the Midnight Theater to look for possible sightings of the beast.

It takes a half hour to reach the theater from the temple of the Lover's and as you arrive a rather flamboyantly dressed individual can be seen walking down the stairs to the theater with two individuals quickly following behind him carrying what appears to be his belongings, which seems to include a black puppy of sorts.

DC 14 to ID

"Please come back we will pay you double!" calls a figure from the top of the stairs who has just come into view. "I will not work with amateurs, find someone else." the figure calls back, not even bothering to look at the figure calling as he begins making his way towards a coach that is parked off to the side of the stairs. "Wait please!" the man calls as he reaches the middle of the stairs, clearly frantic however the figure is already in the coach and gone before he makes it to the bottom. "The show is ruined, all the money I will have to refund...I'll be broke!" the man says pulling at what little white hair he seems to have left, a rather larger round bald spot in the middle of his head.

2020-08-12, 03:26 AM
Hunter Greene

Hunter pressed her back to a wall and watched the drama unfold with a single, unblinking eye. Sometimes, the universe felt like a gargantuan machine, and it simply seemed like a matter of divining the right moment to shift the pattern on the loom. Finding the way to insert just one more cog. Crap. She was starting to indulge in flights of metaphor. Oetychus was starting to rub off on her. What a horrible thought.

Actually, Oetychus might be just what they needed in this situation. If it were up to Hunter, the obvious path forward would be to go after the diva with the dog, and by resolving his concerns ingratiate themselves with the theatre's impressario. But if the boy could declaim better than he extemporizes, there was a different way. A different kind of machine.

Hunter glanced up at the singer speculatively.

Knowledge (The Planes): [roll0]

2020-08-12, 10:16 AM
Oetychus can't believe the opportunity that is presenting itself! Overwhelmed by his luck, he hesitates for almost a second... before meeting Hunter's gaze. He knows immediately what she is thinking: she wants him to sing! Steeling his resolve, he takes a few steps towards the two figures and draws his trusty lute - no more time to hesitate. He does a few quick, dramatic strums to get the attention of the pair and says:

''Fear not, good Sir! I may very well have the perfect replacement for your lead role. I think you can both enjoy this song.'' to the star he says: ''And you could even take some pointers, most likely. Finally, to the older man he adds: And, of course, I am willing to accept the double payment you've just offered.''

He begins to play, singing in a very dramatic, almost operatic style.

[roll0] will be the will save to resist my fascinate, which would cause them to sit and listen, completely in awe: https://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#fascinated

2020-08-14, 10:02 PM
As you look at this puppy you notice its smooth black coat and mouth full of sharp teeth as it seems to yip point to it not being an ordinary dog. Its features were to sharp, and the light itself seemed to blend in around it, seeming to make it almost vanish at times. That's when you remember what this creature is, a shadow mastiff, though clearly not a fully grown one. How this man was able to get one is shocking to say the least as they are not native to this plane of existence from what you have read, but a shadowy realm much like this one, however covered in ruins and ruled by powers of darkness where it is said the sun never shines.

You all watch as the man going into the coach as well as the one coming down the stairs seem to stop in place as Oetychus begins to play his music, it is as if their entire world is focused around the young bard and his craft and nothing else is going on around them. As Oetychus continues to play you notice a few faces begin to appear at the top of the stairs to the theater, all watching the scene below, everyone perfectly silent as if waiting for something to happen, for the trance to be broken.

There are a total of five actors at the top of the stairs, all of varying races, and you note not a single one being human. All however are in similar costumes as to the man who had walked out and was attempting to leave before Oetychus began to sing.

As you all watch, what you can all assume to be the Impresario answers Oetychus in almost a hypnotic like state."Yes. Double payment. For you." The clear previous Divo of the house seems to be woken up as his puppy pulls at his arm with its teeth. "How dare you try and ensare me with your magic boy, do you have any idea who I am?" he says clearly upset that you had so easily put him under your power, and also were now using such power to get his job.

2020-08-15, 12:21 PM
After one final very long and high pitched note, Oetychus' song comes to an end. He bows, beaming, holding for applause. Even if there are no applause, he continues, addressing the Divo:

''Ah! But, Sir. You dare accuse me of using dupery? Truth is, that was no magic, I swear. Simply the passion of my heart and my soul holding sway. For I am a true artist, no less, no more. Do I want this role for me? Yes. Or so I did, but looking at the cast now, I get a feeling this play may very well be Hamiltonius, am I right? If so, I beg you to keep the role - casting me would be too much of a scandal and an insult to the play. And, of course, I know who you are. None other than the great Apostolo Pistocchino himself. If someone can do justice to this main role, of course it is you! If you are afraid of the amateurish quality of your crew I have an offer instead: let me accompany the band during the play. I promise you, my music will lift your co-stars' spirits and make them into better artists than they've ever been. You've just had proof of the inspiring power of my music. What say you? Also, a final request would be to allow my crew here to watch the play tonight.''

He gives his most convincing smile.

2020-08-16, 09:04 PM
As Oetychus song comes to an end the assembled group of people at the top of the stairs as well as the Impresario begin applauding him, however the divo seems almost unimpressed.

Anyone paying close attention to his body language and how he can't seem to hold Oetychus gaze for long can tell the divo is not only impressed by the performance, but worried that he has been bested. A mix of confusion and anger seem to be going through him at this time.

You all watch as Oetychus twists his words seemingly trying to disarm the divo, and it is clear that the man is not buying it, however if he doesn't accept the offer the operahouse will no doubt replace him. "I suppose we can give it a try, however note you are not the only one trained in the arts, and if you try playing with my mind again I will not hold back from unleashing what I know." he says, extending his arm to shake to seal the deal. "Also if these are your crew I hope they will be useful otherwise they will not be allowed entry. Tell me what skills do they have that would help the play as it is clear you know which one we will be performing tonight." the Divo says and you note that the Impresario doesn't seem to object to any of this.

2020-08-16, 11:16 PM

The gnome watched impassively in the background, both impressed with Oetychus' voice and worried that he might be over-playing his hand. Now to see if he can make the transition to get them access, so that they could actually get down to the reason they were here at the theatre.

Sense motive on the divo: [roll0]

2020-08-17, 12:21 AM
Amara also watched quietly, waiting to see what Oetychus came up with.

sense motive take 10 for 15.

2020-08-17, 10:10 AM
Tarik, with the rest of the group, moves quietly, even stowing his spear over his back, which is the first time the group has seen him do this.
Sitting quietly, he watches Oetychus and is obviously impressed. While not one to sit and watch normally, he sits back and enjoys the performance, though his typical attentitiveness slips only slightly.

Sense Motive

2020-08-17, 10:56 AM
Oetychus seems surprised by the answer, but replies:

''Truth is... Well... No point in hiding it, I suppose: you've probably heard of the beast roaming the streets of Angelus? We have reason to believe it could strike here tonight, at the theater. My crew and I are hunting said beast and are fairly confident in our ability to take it down once and for all. If it does attack tonight, for the safety of your cast and your patrons, you'd be best to have us around. That's why I need my party to be in there tonight...''

2020-08-17, 07:19 PM
“What he says is true,” Amara added.

aid +2 diplomacy

2020-08-21, 07:50 PM
The Impresario and Divo listen to your words before for the first time it seems the impresario takes the lead. "As we told those mercenaries earlier we will not be paying someone to protect our establishment from some made up creature out of someones imagination. We are in the theater business after all, if this beast was real it wouldn't sound like something out of a childs bedtime story." he explains seemingly unimpressed with the idea that the beast could, no would, strike at his establishment. However as Amara, a clear noble speaks up on the groups behalf he pauses.

"Come you cannot seriously be giving this thought Oscarius, what because this one is dressed all fancy we should take her word for it? Then what do we do when those mercenaries come back with a pretty face saying we should pay them for such and such? They tried getting in under false pretenses, and then changed their plan at the last moment when their lie was about to be seen through. I say we charge them double if they want to go inside tonight. Once for wasting our time, and again for their seats." the divo says growing frustrated the longer he is dealing with this situation.

At last Oscarius the impresario speaks. "I'm sorry but I must stand with Apostolo in this matter. If we let you in for free to "protect us" the mercenaries of this town will see it as a slight to them after they offered to do the same thing you are. If you wish to enter the theater tonight you will have to pay like every other parton. I will however allow you to move around backstage so long as you behave while there in your search." he offers in compromise.

2020-08-21, 08:45 PM
Hunter Greene

Hunter steps forward and nods to Oscarius.

"I'll take that offer to have a look around backstage and such, if you don't mind. Although I must correct you on a salient point. The orcs were offering protection - an ongoing shakedown. We are endeavouring to kill the beast. Much more difficult to monetize."

Stepping lightly up the stairs, she made her way backstage. She glances back at Amara and Oetychus in a clear "good luck!" gesture.

Taking 10 on her search checks for 17's as she looks around backstage for any signs of the hellborn creatures, or other things that seem out of place.

2020-08-23, 11:34 AM
Tarik makes a slight face some of the comings and goings. "If some are going to check inside, some of us should circle around... maybe look for tracks, if possible. Maybe try to flush this beast out?" as he pulls his spear out and points it down the road.

2020-08-23, 11:47 AM
Amara van Tannin

“I will cover the admission fee, who wishes to enter?” Amara said.

2020-08-23, 12:59 PM
Marcus Polonius breaks his silence since the start of the march.
The purpose is served whether we are within or not. We can watch for the beast just as easily from out here, possibly better without the walls to obstruct our sight. A roofward perch might be of use however.

2020-08-24, 10:01 AM
Oetychus clasps his hands together, delighted:

''Well, as long as I can still assist with the music, you are free to charge whomever whatever, and to have them roam where you please. So? Where should I go? I would like to meet the musicians before we start, of course. I may even have some ideas for rewrites - nothing overly complicated. Just something to add a little pizzazz, you know?''

2020-08-25, 03:35 PM
"I'll join you, Hunter," Crystal says. "Jax and I will have a snoop around."

Crystal Search: [roll]1d20+9[roll]
Jax Search: [roll]1d20+5[roll]

2020-08-26, 11:03 AM
Tarik nods at Marcus. "Not sure if they locals would appreciate us lurking on their homes but, if we are silent enough, they may never know we are there. Do you wish the two of us up there or one of us on ground level?"

2020-08-26, 06:53 PM
Marcus Polonius
I will not be able to get up there, certainly not silently. I will watch the rear entrance.