View Full Version : DM Help Need ideas for skill challenge during combat on an airship

2020-06-19, 02:06 PM
Running a one shot and during the middle the party will end up on an airship. I wanted to design an encounter with skill challenges involved to help spice it up a bit. I was hoping you all could help with some ideas of things that could happen during the combat that would require the party to deal with using skill challenges. I don't really have a "set in stone" idea for the encounter itself with the exception that they will be flying in a storm during the encounter. Party is lv.6 and consists of a Vengeance Paladin, Eldritch Knight, Swashbuckler Rogue, and an Infernal Warlock. Thank You in advance.

2020-06-19, 02:09 PM
Maybe some lightning rods scattered around the fight area, it's a race to couple them up before the lightning hits the ship in an uncontrolled manner all whilst fighting off whoever it is. So the challenge could be Athletics based to physically pull them into place, maybe an arcana check to work out how to use the arcane mechanism etc.

2020-06-19, 02:22 PM
What about athletics based off wind or the ship moving in combat.

Investigation checks to find an item to fix something while under attack.

2020-06-19, 02:34 PM
Athletics to climb ropes and jump to get to certain parts of the ship (maybe they’re running away or they dropped it or left some equipment on a lower deck)
Acrobatics to keep footing over a section of slippery flooring due to the rain, or maybe it was in the middle of being cleaned or oiled when the ship was attacked
Stealth to avoid getting noticed, maybe there’s a room full of useful things and the party has to sneak by the bad guys to get to it and gain an advantage
Animal Handling to get rid of some birds or other flying thing (wyvern, stirge, pteranadon, etc) that show up, which might take shiny gear or food or start pecking at the envelope and need to be shooed away or convinced to return the things
Any of the social skills could turn up if they have to convince NPCs to help with the fight, or leave for their own safety. This could also be an intelligent flying thing (Aarakocra, Couatl, harpy, Pegasus, Giant Eagle, giant owl, etc) that passes by, that could be persuaded to lend a hand, or leave them alone

2020-06-19, 04:09 PM
As some one that works on a tender (it a boat that take fish from the Fishermans and bring then to off load at the dock) boat are very dangerous places. So here are a few things that you can use.

1. Ropes and cables are under heavy pressure and when they snap they can cut a human in half. So a acrobatic check to get out of the way DC 20 because when they snap they move quick and it's near impossible for a normal person to get out of there way but there been a few lucky ones hints nat 20. If they failed 3d10 slashing damage.

2. Things are slippery. I am always cleaning the deck. But if the deck isnt dry it like walking on a bowling lane. So you can have the ship fly throught a could not they need to make [Perception] checks to see anything if they dont want disadvantage on everything. I'll give them a option if they use there action to make a Perception check they dont have disadvantage untell the end of there next turn.

3. Adding on to the #2. the deck is now covered in water and is slippery. So now they need to make a Athletic or Acrobatic to stay on foot. Have them describe how they are staying up right.

4. Working Ships are cramped places so keep that in mind too.

5. So Something happens in the engine room and someone needs to deal with it. Or something happens to the sails or rutter.

6. Someone set loses the anchor and one of the PC's needs to stop it and rewind it back up.

I'll probably come up with more later but this is what I have right now.