View Full Version : Cat-Muffin Weekend-O-Rama Wonderland!

2007-10-28, 07:47 AM
The Cat-Muffin is here to gloat about having the best weekend ever while also having the worse.
First, I went shopping for Birthday presents for myself, and because Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect don't come out until a full month after the day itself, I get to have two of my presents early to make up for it (Dead or Alive 4 and Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions)
Then I went to a Halloween party and managed to not only make a whole bunch of new friends, have a generally great time with everybody and take in so many new bands, but also got together with the girl I like and have spent roughly 12 hours odd with her.
So now, when I get back to school tomorrow, not only do I get to look foward to spending even more time with her but I've also just got a pretty awesome week ahead, including ze Birthing Day itself.

Of course, I did say it was the worst as well, and that was because of Sod's Law. Everything that went right basically had another side.
Apart from having to wait a month for my presents, it turns out I'm not really going to be actually getting any presents on said day. Most people will be sending me money, which I cannot use until the games come out. There's also the fact that I have two essays and a piece of coursework in for that day, and there's Parent's Evening.
Whenever I got to spend time with ze girl, I always seemed to have somebody interrupt or be around. When we wanted to sleep, we went from having a caravan to ourselves, to sharing a caravan with like ten other people, to then sharing a sofa with another guy indoors.
And I also won't be able to do what I'd like to do with her around certain people, mostly ex-boyfriends, especially one who I'm pretty sure was trying to kill me before, and now will be trying to kill me doubly.

Yes, anyway. I had an awesome weekend. I am very happy. I needed somebody to gloat at. You are those somebodies.


2007-10-28, 08:12 AM
Be grateful that you didn't post this in the Depression thread.


I joke. Good for you! :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-28, 08:42 AM
congrats, good job, and all the other words of encouragement :smallwink:

My day/night was a normal saturday. Sleep all day because I work 12 hours friday night and 12 hours saturday night. The real pain was that there is a game store in a nearby city that once a year has a half price sale. That was this saturday. which of course I could not go to :smallfurious:

Anyway congrats again

2007-10-29, 01:29 PM
Told ya this was going to be a good year. :smallwink:

And if the worst things you have to complain about are: "Damn! People are giving me cash-cash-cashety-cash." and "My bird makes other guys jealous"; then you, my catmuffiny pal, have nothing to complain about.

"It's good to be king." :smallbiggrin: