View Full Version : Board Web and Starship

2020-06-21, 01:05 PM
Does anyone remember this board game? From the mid-80s, advertised as a strategy game between two alien empires with completely different technology.

I always wondered how the game worked in practice, so I'd be interested to know if anyone's ever played it.

2020-06-21, 08:40 PM
I hadn't heard of it myself, but BoardGameGeek's got some info about it (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2986/web-and-starship) and the rulebook's available online (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/181221/Web--Starship-1984-rulebook). There was a Kickstarter for a remake, but according to this thread (https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1562908/kickstarter-new-edition/page/1) it fell apart.

2020-06-21, 10:15 PM
Thanks for those links. Looking at the sample pages from the original rules, I'm impressed by how well-written the background is. The authors clearly knew their astronomy as well as their game design.

And a very sad end to the Kickstarter, indeed. Doesn't look like anyone else has picked it up since then.