View Full Version : Movies So... What comes after Apokalips War? (DCAMU) (Spoilers)

2020-06-21, 07:45 PM
I've been watching quite a bit of the DCAMU lately, and I'm pretty close to rewatching Apocalips War. At the end of the movie, Barry hits the reset button with another flashpoint, which given how well all these characters have been done this time around leaves me wondering "What now?". I know that no sequel or reboot is planned after this movie. I haven't read the comics... So I'm wondering what'll happen to all these characters- and their relationships, following the new flashpoint. What might the writers do if they decided to create a sequel after all? What do you speculate will happen?

2020-06-21, 08:25 PM
I was fairly certain war fell in the dark multiverse so it's going to be something just as bad if not worse. Add in that current dc has batman who laughs more or less forcing batman to be a black lantern and there's no proof that THAT is a good idea and I'm just gonna say a reboot like new 52 is coming.

2020-06-21, 08:43 PM
I think it will be a movie reboot - the next movie is 'Man of Tomorrow' which seems a good place to start fresh.

Although I will say that 'Justice League Dark: Apokolips War' was a nice send off for the series (if it was the final).

2020-06-21, 08:52 PM
I think it will be a movie reboot - the next movie is 'Man of Tomorrow' which seems a good place to start fresh.

Although I will say that 'Justice League Dark: Apokolips War' was a nice send off for the series (if it was the final).

It was a hopeful ending given how, well, Dark the movie was. :)

2020-06-21, 09:13 PM
It was a hopeful ending given how, well, Dark the movie was. :)

I didn't get that at all from it.
Effectively the heroes were so broken at the end of it they choose non-existance over living in the reality* they had created - and so pushed the Flash to erase them and it.
It was a fairly dark movie (for what it could be) but that worked for it.

*yes Earth was doomed but there are other planets.

2020-06-21, 10:01 PM
I guess what I'm saying is, we've got a clean slate. So many characters died in the War, the reset button means they still have a chance.

2020-06-21, 11:25 PM
I didn't get that at all from it.
Effectively the heroes were so broken at the end of it they choose non-existance over living in the reality* they had created - and so pushed the Flash to erase them and it.
It was a fairly dark movie (for what it could be) but that worked for it.

*yes Earth was doomed but there are other planets.
The heroes are seeing the "alternate selves" much like a parent sees their children. Yes they will have some form of nonexistence / death / alternate life like waking up from a dream and forgetting the dream. Yet ...

This sentiment well it is a very comic book type ending.

After all one of the most famous stories is about two parents of a dying world putting their son in a spaceship and sending him to Earth.

All things come to pass, but we leave behind remaninants, legacies, hope, and so on.

Lord Vukodlak
2020-06-22, 11:30 PM
What comes after?
Nothing, the DCAMU started with Flashpoint and it ended with another one. It will be a whole new universe with a whole new status quo. I'll wager an excuse to include Lois and Supes son Conner.
Hell they actually have the set up to DO the superman from the old universe replaces the superman from the current one they did in the comics.

They'll make new adaptions of DC comic story-lines with new takes on the characters. Since the DCAMU was rather serious overall the new one will probably cycle into more comedic tones.

I didn't get that at all from it.
Effectively the heroes were so broken at the end of it they choose non-existance over living in the reality* they had created - and so pushed the Flash to erase them and it.
It was a fairly dark movie (for what it could be) but that worked for it.

*yes Earth was doomed but there are other planets.
Billions are dead and the earth is doomed. Sure there are other planets but turning whats left of humanity into refuges is not exactly a good outcome. Best case scenario they could cobble together a ship and save a few thousand people.

To quote my avatar Kain

"Given the choice, whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire; or to challenge the fates for another throw - a better throw - against one's destiny... what was a king to do?"

2020-06-23, 02:50 PM
What comes after?
Nothing, the DCAMU started with Flashpoint and it ended with another one. It will be a whole new universe with a whole new status quo. I'll wager an excuse to include Lois and Supes son Conner.
Hell they actually have the set up to DO the superman from the old universe replaces the superman from the current one they did in the comics.

They'll make new adaptions of DC comic story-lines with new takes on the characters. Since the DCAMU was rather serious overall the new one will probably cycle into more comedic tones.

Billions are dead and the earth is doomed. Sure there are other planets but turning whats left of humanity into refuges is not exactly a good outcome. Best case scenario they could cobble together a ship and save a few thousand people.

To quote my avatar Kain

I think what he meant is that humanity unilaterally decided for the e rest of the entire universe that everything should be reset.

It would be like the residents of one small suburb deciding the fate of an entire continent.

Lord Vukodlak
2020-06-24, 02:56 AM
I think what he meant is that humanity unilaterally decided for the e rest of the entire universe that everything should be reset.

It would be like the residents of one small suburb deciding the fate of an entire continent.

And how is what happened on earth in the past couple decades going to effect other planets? I suppose the planet Apocalypse would be effected. And if the people of the suburb were faced with annihilation vs changing the fate of an entire continent. Can you really blame them for choosing the not dying option.

2020-06-24, 09:16 PM
And how is what happened on earth in the past couple decades going to effect other planets? I suppose the planet Apocalypse would be effected. And if the people of the suburb were faced with annihilation vs changing the fate of an entire continent. Can you really blame them for choosing the not dying option.
Arguably OA and the Lantern Corps could be better off seeing as they were wiped out. As for the rest of space, maybe they should have done something about Darkseid before such radical measures were necessary. He's not exactly subtle about his overall intents towards literally all life in the cosmos.

2020-06-24, 09:43 PM
Arguably OA and the Lantern Corps could be better off seeing as they were wiped out. As for the rest of space, maybe they should have done something about Darkseid before such radical measures were necessary. He's not exactly subtle about his overall intents towards literally all life in the cosmos.

To be fair the film ended with Darkseid, and Trigion imprisoned forever. That's a net gain for the universe. even with the loss of Oa and Earth.

2020-06-25, 02:23 AM
I think what he meant is that humanity unilaterally decided for the e rest of the entire universe that everything should be reset.

It would be like the residents of one small suburb deciding the fate of an entire continent.

It was more just Flash and Constantine that decided, so the analogy should be even worse.

Giggling Ghast
2020-06-26, 11:42 AM
The galaxy would certainly fall into chaos without the Green Lanterns to police it. And other cosmic villains would almost certainly move into the gap left by Darkseid - Mongol, Brainiac, Imperiex, Starro, Despero, Sinestro, etc.

Besides, the important thing here is that this version of Damian Wayne has been erased. Any alien race that watched Son of Batman would agree this was worth re-starting the timeline.

2020-06-26, 02:07 PM
The galaxy would certainly fall into chaos without the Green Lanterns to police it. And other cosmic villains would almost certainly move into the gap left by Darkseid - Mongol, Brainiac, Imperiex, Starro, Despero, Sinestro, etc.

Besides, the important thing here is that this version of Damian Wayne has been erased. Any alien race that watched Son of Batman would agree this was worth re-starting the timeline.

Eh, he didn't really act out of character here. The Bat Family is splintered, his Dad is more or less dead, his girlfriend is M.I.A. and may ALSO be dead, the JL has had its ass handed to it, the heavy hitters have been neutralized to non threat if not outright killed.... him going full Assassin and ambush tactics with his mom just makes sense. And considering Batman's influence on him, when he did to try to redeem his Dad even AFTER some seriously psychologically scarring comments that in some ways are very true... he seemed like the same kid to me from Son of Batman. A bit more mature, and jaded due to some HUGELY life altering events, but still recognizable.

Giggling Ghast
2020-06-27, 09:19 AM
You say “he seemed like the same kid from Son of Batman” like it’s a GOOD thing. It’s not. Son of Batman was terrible, and Damian Wayne was the worst thing in it.

2020-06-27, 09:40 AM
Billions are dead and the earth is doomed. Sure there are other planets but turning whats left of humanity into refuges is not exactly a good outcome. Best case scenario they could cobble together a ship and save a few thousand people.

Think of it this way - tomorrow someone is hit by a car and crippled for life, next week they find out that their loved ones have been accidently exposed to a toxin which will destroy their minds and slowly kill them, the following week there dog chokes to death after savaging a neighbours small child and they are being charged for reckless endangerment ... then they realise they can prevent all that from happening - they can refresh the universe.
Maybe they don't exist in this new universe, maybe their dog was never conceived, maybe their loved ones never met them or never existed - but they think it is a fair trade to avoid the horrifically bad hand they have been dealt.
However it also means that your parents might never have met, or that one of your loved ones might have died or never existed, or infinite other potential items that mean the universe is not the same.

The Flash is not running back through time to prevent them assaulting Apokalips he is moving through time like taking a flamethrower to a mostly frozen pond - sure all the water might still be there when he is done and the pond will settle down to mostly frozen again and might look fairly similiar but there will be many changes in it - the pond in this case is all of reality.

I don't blame the movie for this it did a fine job showing us that the heroes were effectively broken and hopeless and it was only really two of them that choose to to this - one was ammoral and missing his girlfriend and the other had been tortured for years and was being pushed to do it.

You say “he seemed like the same kid from Son of Batman” like it’s a GOOD thing. It’s not. Son of Batman was terrible, and Damian Wayne was the worst thing in it.

If you were to take Damian Wayne out of that movie it probably wouldn't be terrible - poor maybe.
I didn't mind him in Apokalips War to be honest (other then being reminded of him in different movies).

Giggling Ghast
2020-06-27, 01:07 PM
I’ve hated the character since Son of Batman. Batman Vs. Robin, Batman: Bad Blood and Justice League vs. Teen Titans did little to change that view. (I stopped watching these DCAMU movies after Justice League: Dark, but made an exception for Apokalips War since it was the finale of that universe.)

2020-06-27, 01:17 PM
I’ve hated the character since Son of Batman. Batman Vs. Robin, Batman: Bad Blood and Justice League vs. Teen Titans did little to change that view. (I stopped watching these DCAMU movies after Justice League: Dark, but made an exception for Apokalips War since it was the finale of that universe.)

I have disliked him since comics brought him in - but yea the way these movies (stayed faithful) to how annoying and obnoxious he is while never slapping him down was bad the way they made him ultra super competant best at everything was awful (particularly having him in Son of Batman win against Deathstroke).

In Apokalips War he at least wasn't central and also seemed less insufferable - but that might be because he wasn't central (or maybe just that he was meant to be older).

2020-06-27, 01:40 PM
I dislike Damian, thought all three of the Batman family movies were bad, but I enjoyed the 3rd one immensely despite it being very bad in other parts.

That said while Damian annoys me extremely and I do not like him or his interactions with Bruce... maybe it is the big brother part of me being the oldest... but I like all the bat family members even more by proxy when Damian is there. **** Grayson, Tim, Jason, etc are more interesting and sympathetic when they have to deal with the brat. Likewise Barbara and Kate are always interesting.

2020-06-27, 06:58 PM
I've... gotta be honest, I'm not going to be sorry to see the DCAMU go. I keep watching them, sure that they'll be better this time, and every time, they're a grim, depressing downward grind into misery. The heroes are either jerks, doomed, or both, the villains are utterly psychotic, and the civilians, if they even get to show up on screen, are ground into meat paste as collateral damage.

... and Harley's outfits keep getting stupider :smallmad:

Seriously, when the brightest spots in the movie are King Shark and Trigon being funny... yeesh.

Mostly just venting at this point, but I really wish that DC would get over frigging Doomsday. He's a boring grey spike monster that looks like the nineties had a hairball, and they keep bringing him back in one form or another as this ultimate threat. Yes, he's dangerous, but he's also dumber than a sack of hammers. He frankly shouldn't be that much more dangerous than the Shaggy Man, Mammoth, Rampage, or hell, even King Shark. It's not like they have any shortage of huge, strong idiots, and adding spikes to one really doesn't make them that much cooler.

"Paradooms". Yech :smallyuk:

And yes, Damian vs. Deathstroke was beyond idiotic.

2020-06-27, 07:21 PM
"Paradooms". Yech :smallyuk:

Honestly I didn't mind them.
1. Darkseid can make a big monster.
2. Darkseid can make lots of flying monsters.
3. Darkseid can make lots of big flying monsters.

Taking 1 and 2 as true, 3 seems reasonable.

But that is ignoring how powerful physically powerful Doomsday is meant to be (one has to assume they lost something to gain flight, or maybe Darkseid just felt the additional resource investment was not worth it).

But yes Doomsday is overused - he frankly was likely overused in his first appearance, the answer to how to beat Superman being 'a big monster' seems pretty poor (particularly when the creature can't fly so should be fairly easy for Superman to deal with).

2020-06-27, 07:47 PM
The "Darkseid makes big flying monsters" wasn't the issue I had, it was just a matter of more Doomsday, blech.

EDIT- *scrubbed* was up with the Paradooms eating people, anyways? I don't remember that being a feature in either Doomsday or the OG Parademons. Just felt like shock for the sake of shock.

And... huh. I think I just figured out who Damien Wayne is, and why he's so annoying. He's Danny Chase version 2.0. The arrogant, hypercompetent brat with crap social skills who always thinks he knows better? Sound familiar to anyone else?

Giggling Ghast
2020-06-27, 08:39 PM
Why wouldn’t giant monsters eat people? That’s half the fun of being a giant monster.

... Or so I’ve heard.