View Full Version : Art Some Art

2020-06-23, 10:11 AM
Hey all. I decided to quickly sketch myself an avatar for this forum, and having done that I figure I may as well post some art (mostly old) for you to look at. Plus the high-resolution version of my current avatar! Exciting times.

Old noir-y image

Drew this ages ago when I was first testing out Inkscape, mainly as a quick messsing-around with filters/blurs/transparencies. I think it came out nicely, though.

Some RPG characters

Usually when I make a D&D character I throw together a quick image so I can visualise them. Here's three: a half-orc bardbarian I never actually got to play; Susan Cheeryfist, dwarven con artist and single-classed Mastermind, who only got played for three levels; and Samuel Gallagher, a detective pastiche who was a Battle Master / Inquisitive.


At one point I was planning on running a V5 game. That didn't work out, partly because I couldn't be too bothered, my group doesn't schedule too often, and I wanted to do something else. Still, drew these NPCs up, liked how they turned out. If you're familiar with VTM terms: the one on the left was a Brujah Prince, the one on the right was a Tremere Sheriff. It was going to be a London-based campaign, which I thought could be fun.

OotS-styled art
My usual style is pretty OotS-like already, but I made two avatars deliberately in OotS style, for here. Here's them given a bit of an embiggening.

https://i.ibb.co/GTxNFkT/Eric-Bigger.png https://i.ibb.co/c8wT73D/Eric-Avatar-Resized.png

Not an aficionado of old '80s cartoons? It's Eric! From the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon.

https://i.ibb.co/Ks2Cznv/Vimes-Stick-With-Pose-Smoke-Small.png https://i.ibb.co/hZGQS6t/Vimes-Stick-Avatar.png

Some might have twigged onto that my username is a Discworld reference. They are, in fact, some of my favourite books! Here's Sam Vimes, the central character of most of the Watch books. I couldn't decide if I wanted to give him proper trousers or not, so have both.

Other stuff

Sometimes I draw quick fan-art to serve as an avatar somewhere. So here's Looker from Pokémon, who I used for, you guessed it, a few Pokémon-based forums. Now, for the avatar I cropped out most of the body / lower-half, but here it is in full. Well-detailed legs, eh?

https://i.ibb.co/PN7zZHx/Jovial-Resized.png https://i.ibb.co/k9YR0YZ/Virginia-Final.png

You may or may not be familiar with Fallen London, an online text / CYOA-styled game. Every year they do a little mayoral election where players get to pick between one of three characters; here's some art I drew about two of them. The character on the left is the Jovial Contrarian, who did indeed win. The character on the right is Virginia, who also won -- but alas, that time I voted for someone else! As you can see, I shamelessly reused her drawing when sketching the VTM art. Waste not, want not.

2020-09-04, 11:45 AM
These look awesome. Reminds me of the Cyanide & Happiness web comics.

2020-10-01, 03:05 PM
Felt like throwing together a picture of the Riddler to use a new internet avatar. Thus:


Or, cropped to work as an avvie:

Otherwise, a session was delayed so I decided to use the extra time to sketch at least one character. My setting is a little Age of Sails and, among other things, has basic firearms (pistols and muskets). The character is a female dwarf who, if you essentially think of them as a big-game-hunter except with much more fantastical D&D prey, you'd be close to the money. Won't say more in case my players somehow find me. They're always watching.


Now in two colours! I haven't decided which I'll go with.

2020-10-09, 07:53 PM
Neato! I like the work you did here.

The only thing I'd say is the hands and wrists of Nigma look a little off. Admittedly, hands are HARD, so I getcha.

2021-02-17, 11:26 PM
Female Trainer


Bit of background behind this one. I decided I'd have a go streaming Pokémon Black in front of some friends. I'm not too into Pokémon, but my friends are bigger fans and I've been meaning to revisit Black for a bit. Plus, good excuse to test my recording ability at length after I lost my hard-drive.

A DS, though? Sort of awkward to stream, because of that famous Dual-Screen gimmick. Very wide if you just have the screens side-by-side, and in Pokémon often one screen is just completely blank -- but you can't just drop that screen, because every now and then it's got essential information.

Not solving anything new, but the standard solution: make the main screen big, make the other screen pretty small. I'm not using a webcam, though, so that leaves me with a big giant space in the video. Thought some filler art would help and so quickly whipped this up. Plan was for a Dark-type-only run, so I tried to make it slightly sinister.

The female trainer in Pokémon Black has... odd hair? It's almost entirely ponytail, except for two sidelocks that seem to magically grow and thicken (https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/6/6f/Black_White_Hilda.png) roughly around the shoulder. I wasn't really sure how to best translate it, and I might fiddle with the picture some more another time.


2023-03-04, 10:55 PM
I finally got around to watching, in full, Avatar: The Last Airbender. I'm a little late to this one, but was fun. In celebration, have two quick ATLA doodles. First, Aang:



And Toph:


EDIT: After showing off the last two drawings I received some pretty immediate feedback from my friends: "Well, these are nice, but what about the cabbage guy?" Let it never be said I don't give the crowd what they demand.
