View Full Version : Avatar: The Last Legend Of The Playground(Discussion and Interest Check)

2020-06-26, 06:05 PM
I/we can worshop a better title later.

On a whim, I started thinking about Avatar again and got an idea for an AU story I thought might be fun to roleplay, and since the other games I'm in are slowing down a bit...

Basic Story: AU where Aang entered the Avatar State a second too late when he fell into the ocean a hundred years ago, being unable to save himself and, as he died in the Avatar state the cycle is "broken." There is no Avatar, essentially(Though Raava might still exist in some form... Honestly I didn't watch Korra I'm not sure how that works.)

A few other changes around the same time basically means that nobody who was born after Aang's time exists, but it's otherwise similar enough to the original show in terms of politics and history... With minor changes. For example, a small handful of Air Nomads may have escaped the Genocide and gone into hiding, if someone wants to play an Airbender.

I want to explore the concept behind Lightning Redirection: Basically, while only the Avatar can use more than one of the basic elements, the principals behind different elements can be applied to each other to create or reinforce techniques: The fluid motions and focus on literally and figuratively redirecting an opponents energy from Water Bending can be used to allow Firebenders to redirect lightning.

So, I'm looking for 1-2 players, a small group, willing to play characters in the 12-16 age range of the heroes in the original series who are "Benders" that have a style of one element that is influenced by the philosophies commonly used by another element instead of or in addition to the standard philosophy. You don't need to post every day but you should be able to post once a week.

This will take place around the time of the original series, in the alternate timeline so described, with the "goal" of the series being to create one or more "faux" Avatars who have mastered the principals of the four being styles and applies them to Their Own Element.

Name: Ena
Sex/Gender: Female
Age: 14
Body type: Average Height, Average Frame, Athletic Build
Nationality: Fire Nation
Role: Nomadic Firebender

Ena has a muscular build and very slightly tanned skin as well as straight black hair at jaw length that frames her face. Her eyes are dark brown.

She wear clothes not unlike what would see an Earth Bender or well off Earth Kingdom commoner would wear, with emphasis on Yllow on Green, and prefers outfits that show off her muscular midriff. she does not where shows, which has gotten her confused for an Earth Bender... Considering the militaristic nature of th Fire Nation and the fact that they've spent the last hundred years conquering the world, this is a perception that she rarely challenges though nor does she confirm.

Ena was taught from a young age that the secret to controlling her powers was a delicate balance: Fire is the Element of Power and Passion, but those who give themselves over fully to passion are either destroyed by their own flames or become consumed by their passions. The Modern FIr nation, who fuel their powers with hatred, are given as an example of what can go wrong.

One must feel their emotions, embrace them, ride them, but remain calm and focused.

Taking this lesson to heart, Ena is kind, jovial, and fun-loving in times of peace but perfectly calm and focused when the chips are down.

As firebending works by channeling one's own chi to create heat and flame, Ena was thought about the flow of chi through the world and body ad knows about the seven chakras. when called upon to give advice, this spiritual knowledge often influences her opinions and suggestions.

90 years ago, a small group of Firebenders began to feel that the Fire Nation was not just in their actions and fled with their families into the Earth Kingdom, settling in a rural area far from Fire Nation influence... At the time.

Over time, the benders of this commune began to grow distinct in their techniques and traditions from those still in the Fire Nation. This was in part the result of simple cultural drift but also because the benders of this village had occasional contact with Earth Benders and realized that the Earth Kingdom's stubbornness and steadiness was a good complement to the passion and power of their own art, and using their observations to develop new traditions... Purely for self-improvement and self-defense, of course.

However, it was not to last. Recently, the village was discovered by a Fire Nation scouting party found the village and within the month the Village was burned to the ground. Civilians were imprisoned and benders were either forced to join the Fire nation's army or killed.

Ena was among a handful who escaped... She was separated from the other survivors. Now she wonders the world seeking to improve herself so that she can one day infiltrate the prison where the people from her village are being kept and free her friends and neighbors... And thus, taking away anything coercing the Benders of her village against working for the Fire Nation.

If she finds other people like in mind, or a way to turn the tide and end the War so that she can sadly go back to her peaceful life of self-improvement, all the better.

Ena is a Firebender, obviously. She knows the basic abilities of fire-benders, arcs and rings of fire, blocking blasts of fire, and manipulating, bolstering, and extinguishing existing flames, ad the "breath of fire" temperature regulation technique but her more advanced abilities are derived from her village's study of the philosophy of Earth Bending and the martial arts style she practices draws elements from several earth bending disciplines. In particular, he benders of her village taught how chi flows through the earth and that the chi in the earth can be a source of strength as it is warmed by the molten hot magma below the earth.

Volcanic Stomp: By stomping onto solid, earthen ground with a bare foot(or slapping it with a bare hand) one can conduct their chi through the earth to create an eruption of heat and flame from the earth somewhere nearby (a variation is to create a shockwave of flame)

Volcanic Jump: By allowing their internal flames to grow without release while leaving themselves as unyielding as stone, when they finally do let their fire out it erupts as a directed burst allowing hem to propel themselves faster than they can run or upward higher then they can jump.

Volcanic Blast: Combining the principal of the first and second techniques, the volcanic blast works by anchoring one'self and becoming unyielding in one's connection to theEarth, allowing them to commingle their chi with the chi and thermal energy of the earth and build up power which is combined with their passions to release a massive blast of energy that explodes on contact with its target in what could be considered an alternative method of achieving combustion bending. This is a last resort attack, both because of its potent destructive potential and becuase the Firebender must be perfectly still for a moment to build up power and, of course, must be standing on solid earth or, at least, an earthen structure connected to the Earth.

Spiritual Health: Ena's knowledge of the flow of chi through the human body includes various ways to adjust chi flow that can influence the physical wellbeing of the body. While by no means a healer, Ena is able to remove physical stress and treat soreness, tiredness, minor injuries and unbalanced in one's chi with massage, acupuncture, or guided meditation.

Even 90 years later, the village remained small enough that there couldn't afford to let too many people be exempt from physical labor. Ena knows how to cook simple meals, manage and harvest crops by hand, build houses, and other tasks you'd expect someone who lives in a rural area to be capable of. She also knows what kinds of roots and wild plants are edible.

Ena carries at any given time a full set of acupuncturists needles, a small pot and portal cookware, and the means by which to keep these things clean.

So, any takers?

2020-06-29, 05:34 PM
As an alternative to the initially proposed scenario, which I came to after reading up on Korra in preparation for if anyone takes an interest:

In this alternate timeline, Ravaa managed to survive the destruction of the Avatar Cycle... In pieces. Which eventually found their way into the souls of however many primary PCs there end up being(preferably but not necessarily the 'Inbetween' Benders I'm interested in exploring)who then find themselves drawn to each other and, essentially, take the "Role" of the Avatar. If they live long lives and die of natural causes, eventually Ravvaa will be reborn and restart the cycle.

Alternatively alternatively, we can drop the "alternate hundred-year war" setting for something else(alternate Korra era? Like series one but no War.)

Mostly I'm looking for people willing to play around with the setting.

(Am I allowed to do this?)

el minster
2020-07-06, 01:07 AM
I'm intrested but I don't know much of the plot of the books though I do understand the mechanics also I am hesitant to commit to anything long term

2020-07-15, 06:01 AM
Sorry for taking so long to reply.

I don't know how long such a game would go on, so if commitment is an issue?

How well could you familiarize yourself with the basic setting?

2020-07-15, 05:54 PM
Anyway... I kind of feel bad about plugging myself, but a little bit ago I tried to start an Avatar-themed game int he free-form roleplay section, for the purpose of playing around with the setting and metaphysics. If anyone's interested? (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?614793-Avatar-The-Last-Legend-Of-The-Playground(Discussion-and-Interest-Check)&p=24614116)

As you mentioned here, I have a potential character idea.

Name: Alisa
Sex/Gender: Female
Age: 16
Body type: Height - Tallish, Small Frame, somewhat-Athletic Build
Nationality: Fire Nation
Role: Assassin Airbender

Alisa is a tall, pale woman who seems somewhat frail on first glance but on further analysis it seems more wiry then weak.

Striking blue eyes and oddly grey hair she can easilly appear far older then she actually is.

Alisa is cold and cunning but she doesn't really find it in her to care about much beyond the job she has been tasked with - or has tasked herself with, and even then she may get distracted for a while before completing it.

When the fire nation wiped out the air nomads some children were spared - or at least spared to serve the imperial war machine, most of these children never displayed the powers of an airbender but the rare few did and were thought the basics of bending be fire nation masters.
Alisa was one of the most recent generation to survive this - training as a bender was somewhat secondary to assassination skills, but the two complement each other nicely at times.
Subject to Game:
Opposed to Fire Nation: When the current Fire Lord came to power he decided to scrap the project and wipe the reminder of the Air Nation from existance, Alisa was one of the few to survive and now exists as a weapon for hire to those seeking the silent death of there foes).
Neutral to Fire Nation: Rather then trusting a rogue collection of benders under treat of death the Fire Nation freed them a few years ago, many choose to stay but Alisa choose to explore outside work with the potential intention of returning one day.
Working with the Fire Nation: Raised to be a loyal servant of the nation and tested consistently Alisa is dedicated to spreading civilisation to other nations and bring them like her ancestors to the glory of the Fire Nation.

She does not have the skill of a master airbender as she lacked much formal training but she is a solid student, however having some training and having observed firebenders she has a few tricks, she is also trained in disguise and infiltration and basic hand to hand combat (but she prefers to avoid such).

Static Air: As a firebender generates lightning she has noticed that such a technique charges the air as it passes and she has replicated that to generate an area affect around her where many would become shocked and distracted.

Illusion Image: By heating the air around her she can cause her image to appear near to where she is but still seperate from her like a mirage.

Sonic Blast: A tricky technique where she pushes the air away from itself - the longer she does the more force it returns with, the shockwave can do substancial harm delicate items in the surrounding area, but even at a low level it can temporarally create areas where sound cannot pass and create a distraction when she relaxes it.

Blowpipe (and darts): She can use her powers over air to launch missiles a long distance silently, potentially killing her foes from a distance - especially as she does not need to currently be holding the weapon to manipulate the air through it.

She normally travels light wearing what is appropraite to where she finds herself, but has no issue taking on more extravagant styles as needed.

2020-07-16, 06:29 PM
Ooh, this looks to be interesting.

Will work on a character.

Also, as a note-I've never seen any of Korra, only the original.

2020-07-16, 08:45 PM
As you mentioned here, I have a potential character idea.

Name: Alisa
Sex/Gender: Female
Age: 16
Body type: Height - Tallish, Small Frame, somewhat-Athletic Build
Nationality: Fire Nation
Role: Assassin Airbender

Alisa is a tall, pale woman who seems somewhat frail on first glance but on further analysis it seems more wiry then weak.

Striking blue eyes and oddly grey hair she can easilly appear far older then she actually is.

Alisa is cold and cunning but she doesn't really find it in her to care about much beyond the job she has been tasked with - or has tasked herself with, and even then she may get distracted for a while before completing it.

When the fire nation wiped out the air nomads some children were spared - or at least spared to serve the imperial war machine, most of these children never displayed the powers of an airbender but the rare few did and were thought the basics of bending be fire nation masters.
Alisa was one of the most recent generation to survive this - training as a bender was somewhat secondary to assassination skills, but the two complement each other nicely at times.
Subject to Game:
Opposed to Fire Nation: When the current Fire Lord came to power he decided to scrap the project and wipe the reminder of the Air Nation from existance, Alisa was one of the few to survive and now exists as a weapon for hire to those seeking the silent death of there foes).
Neutral to Fire Nation: Rather then trusting a rogue collection of benders under treat of death the Fire Nation freed them a few years ago, many choose to stay but Alisa choose to explore outside work with the potential intention of returning one day.
Working with the Fire Nation: Raised to be a loyal servant of the nation and tested consistently Alisa is dedicated to spreading civilisation to other nations and bring them like her ancestors to the glory of the Fire Nation.

She does not have the skill of a master airbender as she lacked much formal training but she is a solid student, however having some training and having observed firebenders she has a few tricks, she is also trained in disguise and infiltration and basic hand to hand combat (but she prefers to avoid such).

Static Air: As a firebender generates lightning she has noticed that such a technique charges the air as it passes and she has replicated that to generate an area affect around her where many would become shocked and distracted.

Illusion Image: By heating the air around her she can cause her image to appear near to where she is but still seperate from her like a mirage.

Sonic Blast: A tricky technique where she pushes the air away from itself - the longer she does the more force it returns with, the shockwave can do substancial harm delicate items in the surrounding area, but even at a low level it can temporarally create areas where sound cannot pass and create a distraction when she relaxes it.

Blowpipe (and darts): She can use her powers over air to launch missiles a long distance silently, potentially killing her foes from a distance - especially as she does not need to currently be holding the weapon to manipulate the air through it.

She normally travels light wearing what is appropraite to where she finds herself, but has no issue taking on more extravagant styles as needed.

Yeah, this works.

Most probable is "Opposed to Fire Nation,"especially if we go with the "Avatar Spirit managed to survive in pieces and eventually those pieces latched onto people, bringing them together" idea rather than the "no Avatar period" idea.

el minster
2020-07-19, 02:37 AM
But makes sense that the avatar spirit powers thingy would survive and it would give hope to a rebellion

2020-08-26, 11:16 AM
Sounds awesome!
Will we be doing much with spirits or is that on the back burner?
Where would we do ooc stuff in this thread?

Fine Dining Set
2020-09-26, 11:35 AM
I just binged TLA and LOK, so I'm incredibly excited by this! I love the idea of "faux avatars," too - learning from each of the elements in different styles. Is there any chance we could restart this idea? I'd love to play an air or earthbender. As an idea, maybe since the Avatar spirit died, some spirit-weirdness happened and there was a mini harmonic convergence that imbued a few people across the nations with airbending abilities, so the element didn't totally die out? Also happy to play an Air Nation exile/refugee descendant, too, if that makes more sense (or an earthbender, if that makes even more sense!).

2020-09-26, 12:08 PM
Okay, Rolecall, whose still interested?