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2007-10-28, 04:01 PM
So, I am about to play in a new Star Wars game, and me and my party want to slowly turn all our ships into one giant ship, and then eventually turn it into a gundam or something, without our DM noticing that is what we are doing. Any clues on how we can do this?

Just for kicks, the party is:

Human Scoundrel
Mon Calamari Scout
Battle Droid Soldier
Bothan Noble
Kel Dor Scout

All Level 1.

EDIT: Eventually, the Human Scoundrel (me), the Kel Dor Scout, and the Bothan Noble will all become Jedi, because our DM wouldn't let us start as Jedi. We ALSO are trying to find a giant lightsaber for our Darth Gundam.

2007-10-28, 10:03 PM
There is no way you're going to be doing anything without your DM noticing. Just ask him about the Gundam thing. If you try to hide it from him he's just gonna get pissed and say no. As for a giant lightsaber, I doubt you can find a crystal big enough for a starship to use. Again, ask your DM.

Miles Invictus
2007-10-29, 01:04 AM
No, no, no -- under no circumstances are you to ask permission from the DM! Your objective is to get as close as you can to a working prototype before he puts the pieces together. You win if he doesn't figure things out until someone screams "DEFENDERS OF THE UNIVERSE, UNITE!"

I mean, don't do anything that would actually ruin the game, but this just sounds like too much fun to give away so early. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-29, 01:24 AM
Shouldn't be too hard. Just interlock your dynotherms, power up infracells, and push the thrusters to maximum.

Seriously, I have no idea how you would go about doing that. Are there any vehicles in Star Wars that have a pre-existing interlock mechanism that you can use as a reference?

As for the giant lightsaber, you'd probably need to look to comets and meteors for a crystal large enough.

2007-10-29, 02:03 AM
Just do this. (http://youtube.com/watch?v=814kFnDy3rQ)

Your DM will be rendered unable to deny you the awesome.

Miles Invictus
2007-10-29, 02:16 AM
Just do this. (http://youtube.com/watch?v=814kFnDy3rQ)

Your DM will be rendered unable to deny you the awesome.

It's so-so... :smalltongue:

Irreverent Fool
2007-10-29, 03:58 AM
So what you're saying is that you don't want to play a Star Wars game.

2007-10-29, 05:11 AM
The only thing I can think of that rotates around as a joint like that is a B-Wing. But that'd be one heck of a messy job to fix it to anything, and what'd be the purpose anyway? Might look cool, but can't think of any good application for it.

Oh, and maybe the AT-AT's neck? Kinda bendy.

If you're using a larger ship for the central section, I'd suggest BS-ing that the 'connections' are to allow the fighters to hitch a ride with the main thing's hyperdrive. Good enough excuse to prevent suspicions for a little while.

Nowhere Girl
2007-10-29, 05:58 AM
No, no, no -- under no circumstances are you to ask permission from the DM! Your objective is to get as close as you can to a working prototype before he puts the pieces together. You win if he doesn't figure things out until someone screams "DEFENDERS OF THE UNIVERSE, UNITE!"

I agree and wholeheartedly endorse this endeavor. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-29, 06:05 AM
Get an A-Wing, a B-Wing, a Y-Wing and an X-Wing...

...and combine to create ALPHABETATATRON!!!!

2007-10-29, 06:10 AM
So what you're saying is that you don't want to play a Star Wars game.

Seriously, even if you pulled this off, what would it fight against?? It's not like there's gonna be anyone else crazy enough to make a giant space robot.

This reminded me of this thread.

2007-10-29, 01:50 PM
Oh, we aren't doing this out of anger or power or any of that, just to see what we can get away with. The players are all long time players (and I'm the normal DM for our crew) while the Star Wars DM is gonna be brand new, and we wanted to give him something just to shake him up. Basically, if we pull it off once after 10 sessions of nondescript Mechanics rolls, we win.

Oh, and we already figured we need to get a Corellian Corvette to take the ten turbo engines and apply them to the Y-Wing (right hand) and whatever will be the left hand, then surround the right hand by a Mon Calamari Shield Generator, so that we can have some Burning Erupting Shining Finger action on the Death Star or something.

As for ships we are starting with:
X-Wing, the Kel Dorr's
Y-Wing, the Droid's
B-Wing, the Mon Calamari's
The "Phantom Menance", my ship - the one that is supposedly sitting in Mos Eisley that no one has checked out since Darth Maul killed its owner and the Pit Droids are still working on it
Whatever the Bothan can find

Hee hee.

Again, no malice involved, just something to happen at the end of session 10 when the giant Star Destroyer comes up and he thinks we can't take it. BURNING ERUPTING SHINING FINGER!!!!!

Nowhere Girl
2007-10-31, 02:09 AM
You must tell us how this plays out. We deserve update posts for this. :smalltongue:

2007-10-31, 04:48 AM
I agree, you must tell us all what you end up doing. If you were my players of course, I would let it happen, then quickly follow it up with some variant of "Rocks Fall. Everyone Dies."

This kind of reminds me of the "Uglies" discussed in various Star Wars novels (two starfighters mish-mashed together). Usually pirates and poor systems build them out of desperation, but the idea of combining two ships does have a precedent in the SW universe.

Nowhere Girl
2007-10-31, 05:01 AM
I agree, you must tell us all what you end up doing. If you were my players of course, I would let it happen, then quickly follow it up with some variant of "Rocks Fall. Everyone Dies."

I'd be stunned, then laugh, then I think have the rest of the (last) game session look like this:


2007-10-31, 09:38 AM
Most important part: Who gets to shout "-and I'll form the head!!"

2007-10-31, 10:01 AM
Oh yeah, I'll keep this updated. First session is this Friday at 6, so we'll see if this is even plausible.

Oh, there is another ship that the DM is fiating to us that is a Medical Bay! So that makes a perfect chest, so that the B-Wing can be the head, the Y-Wing can be the right arm, the X-Wing can be the left forearm, and the Phantom Menace can make up the legs!

Plus, we figured we'd build the thing a giant Vibroaxe for our battle droid and then connect his mind directly to our Gundam so he could control it perfectly find, just like it was his own body!

We cleave Dagobah!

Citizen Joe
2007-10-31, 10:45 AM
You can start with articulated docking ports for your 'torso' ship. Explain that they need to be strong enough that maneuvers don't rip them apart. Explain that they need to be relatively long so that exhaust from the fighters don't end up blowing back on another ship. That will simulate the arms and legs with the fighters on the extremities. Meanwhile the 'head' ship can use the standard docking port and thus be very close. Your axe could take the drives from the B-Wing and separate them with a large cross charge between them similar to the energy display on the pod racers.

2007-10-31, 11:30 AM
If you want to go the lightsaber route. Instead of trying to secretly get one big crystal which would probably get a ? above the GM's head like in Metal Gear.

Get a lot of smaller crystals placed circularly and arrayed so they come to a point and over charged somehow so they are longer...