View Full Version : Superhero How to attack with Move Object

2020-06-28, 03:33 AM
I've been refining a character idea. Her main combat power is Move Object. She wants to grab a bus full of innocent kids that's about 200' away. Ranged attack, and if she has Accurate on the power, that helps. Easy enough.

But once the kids are off, she wants to throw it at the villain. Would her Accurate Move Object (or Ranged Combat: Move Object power skill) apply to this? And what happens if she wants to throw stuff with Perception-range Move Object?

Scots Dragon
2020-07-01, 04:35 PM
I've been refining a character idea. Her main combat power is Move Object. She wants to grab a bus full of innocent kids that's about 200' away. Ranged attack, and if she has Accurate on the power, that helps. Easy enough.

But once the kids are off, she wants to throw it at the villain. Would her Accurate Move Object (or Ranged Combat: Move Object power skill) apply to this? And what happens if she wants to throw stuff with Perception-range Move Object?

Assuming you're talking about Mutants & Masterminds, which seems most likely given the context...

It basically just works like throwing objects with strength, and the Move Object rank is used to determine damage. I think 'Ranged Combat: Move Object' and Accurate would apply to the attack roll, yes.

2020-07-02, 05:15 AM
Sorry, should have specified the GAME involved, yes. And it is Mutants and Masterminds 3rd edition. Thanks.

2020-07-05, 05:07 PM
For Ranged Move Object, you're dead on-- you'd use the same Ranged Combat (Telekinesis) skill you used to target the initial effect. For Perception... by RAW, I think you'd want to do something similar. I let people with Perception Move Object roll their effect rank as an attack roll when trying to hit people with something they're holding, but I can't think of anything beyond courtesy to support that.