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2007-10-28, 11:05 PM
Here’s another Soulmeld, plus some feats to pump up the world’s best class.

Lernean Robe
Descriptors: None
Classes: Totemist
Chakra: Heart, Totem
Saving Throw: None

Misty bands of chakra coalesce around your body, forming across your chest and flowing down around your waist. The robe has the texture of scales, and spikes out in the shoulders in the shape of a Hydra’s toothy grins.

The vicious Hydra wages unrelenting assaults against its foes. Its multiple heads bite like a furious swarm held within a single body. Totemists who revere this beast can channel the paradox of one body and many faces, channeling both the healing powers of its body and the multiple strikes of its heads.
When shaped, the Lernean Robe makes the totemist immune to flanking.
Essentia: The Totemist gains DR 1/Magic for each point of Essentia he invests in the Lernean robe.

Chakra Bind (Heart)
The robe shimmers as it is bound to your heart chakra, and the material seems to mesh itself with your skin.
At the end of each turn, the Totemist heals himself a number of hit points equal to his Con Modifier (Min. 1) plus the number of Essentia invested in the Lernean Robe.

Chakra Bind (Totem)
The Maws emerging from the Lernean Robe seem to extend farther and gain a life of their own. The material of the robe ripples, and you feel like it is ready to burst forward with more vicious maws.
As a full round action, you can attack with both of your Hydra heads. Make these attacks at your full base attack bonus, and they deal 1d6 damage plus your strength modifier.
When you bind this Soulmeld to your totem chakra, choose either Fire or Cold. For each point of Essentia invested in your Lernean Robe, you gain an additional attack with a Hydra head as part of the full attack action. You suffer a cumulative –2 penalty on all attacks for each extra attack gained this way.

Chakra Focus [Incarnum]
Requirements: Ability to bind a Soulmeld to a Chakra.
Benefit: Choose one any Chakra to which you can bind a Soulmeld. The Essentia capacity for any Soulmeld bound to that Chakra increases by one.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. It’s effects do not stack. Each time, you may select a new Chakra.

Serpent Lotus Kata [Tactical]
Requirements: Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Totemist Level 9th
You’ve learned to specialize in channeling beast spirits through your Arm chakras, mastering powerful grappling techniques.
Benefit: Every 1d4 rounds, you may use one of the following maneuvers.
Girallion Lotus With a successful grapple check, you can make a full attack with each of your natural weapons, without taking the usual –4 for attacking in a grapple.
Kraken Lotus With a successful grapple check, you can force your opponent to make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 Character Level+Con Modifier) or be fatigued. If already fatigued, your opponent is instead exhausted. Enemies who do not need to breath are immune to this ability.
Dread Lotus With a successful grapple check against a pinned opponent, you can deal 2 points of Dexterity damage.

Panther Orchid Kata [Tactical]
Requirements: Combat Reflexes, Totemist Level 9th
You’ve learned to specialize in channeling beast spirits through your Shoulder chakras, mastering stealthy strike techniques.
Benefit: You gain the use of three tactical maneuvers.
Phase Orchid If you travel while ethereal on your turn, you may make a hide check, even while being observed.
Displacer Orchid If an opponent misses you due to concealment, that opponent threatens an attack of opportunity from you.
Shadow Orchid If you successfully attack an opponent within a zone of magical darkness, you may automatically make a trip attack against that opponent.