View Full Version : 3rd Ed Short story writing - The expedition into the Evergreen Forest

2020-07-05, 04:03 AM
Hello everyone. This is a short adventure that I wrote for my friends, as well as a new player: The 7-year-old son of one of them.
I haven't written an adventure before, so this is a first. Any help and advice are welcome.

Exploration into the Evergreen forest

3-5 players - They are all Lv3 and there will be no Level up. I can throw anything at them, as long as it is toned down to fit the grp.

Flair: Indiana Jones, jungle adventure, exploration, dinosaurs, temples, river, bridge, dungeon, tribes

Send by King Randor, to find the group of 5 lost explorers around

Dr. David Amberstone, Human, professor, 62y, grey beard, explorer, taught in the hall of wisdom in Viridun
Garl Dunham - dwarf, muscular, experienced adventurer, some scars, missing an ear and 2 fingers, found a map of the forest, telling of strange creatures, lost tribes and a treasure in a temple, organized the exp with aid of King Randor.
Well organized, but reckless and greedy at times, betrayed the group during the temple expedition and killed Jonas to obtain the jewel: "Heart of Caliman"
Jonas Hammond - human, the right-hand man, fit, friend to David and ann, worked with them in the academy and other excavations. Went ahead in the temple, together with Gundar.
Warned him to not take the eye, but got backstabbed.
Ann Darrow - half elvish woman, co-worker and teacher at the hall of wisdom to Amberstone. Good friends. Has a relationship with Jonas. After the loss of her comrades at the temple, got captured by the greyscale tribe.
Talked them into accepting her and now tries to move them to either try healing the ill dinosaurs or make another expedition into the temple to find her friends. She is not allowed to leave the tribe though.
Oo-Lar - female, half-orc. Muscle of the group, knows her way around in the jungle, caring, but not much of a talker, doesn't like to take the lead, loyal to Amberstone and Ann.

The Expedition under Dr. Amberstone reached the island of the Evergreen forest, but got shipwrecked at the shore.
Continuing through the jungle, build a camp on a small plateau near the planes and central lake.
Led an expedition to the temple ruin of Caliman, they began exploring the insides, while Dungar and Jonas went further ahead, down the stairs.
There they found warnings on the wall, of danger and a guardian, if the heart of Caliman was taken away.
Dungar ignored it and went on, reaching the treasure chamber with the heart, build into a statue of a giant crocodile (as the heart)
The 2 argue, a fight breaks loose but Dungar manages to take the jewel and wounding his former friend.
The statue of the croc awakens and turns into an undead giant crocodile, that now spoils the water of the central river stream.
It doesn't, however, attack Dungar, who turned mad - as long as he stays near the temple the croc will not attack him (or anybody else who wears the jewel)
Dungar can be found inside the temple but is unwilling to leave or to part with the gem. He appears friendly and is even helpful, but will try to get the heroes killed as well if possible.
Amberstone, Ann, and Oo-Lar do not know what happened in the lower levels of the temple. They heard a fight and screams and got attacked by other now awakened guardians, thinking their 2 friends dead.

The heroes arrival:
By boat, they can make out the wreck of the exp at the shore.
With a small side boat, they can reach the shore and explore. They can follow the tracks into the forest or follow the river stream nearby.
Insert an EC with the wildlife.
Skill checks as seen fit

They reach the central planes and can find the campsite.
But only Dr. Amberstone is there at the time. He also ereckted 2 gravestones for his friends who he thinks died in the temple.
-Oo-Lar is in the swamp collecting vines and plants, but she is overdue and the Dr is worried. > Mission to find her
-Ann got captured by the lizard folk tribe, this is all that the Dr. knows about her. > Mission to find her
He is aware that something is wrong with the dinosaurs > Mission to capture some of them for medical tests.

This is the basic set up. The heroes have to bring the 5 back alive or some proof of their fate.

Encounters: I might drop 1 or 2 depending on how fast or slow they progress.
EC1 - The shore: Throwing in an early encounter - a group of small dinosaurs attacks./ Giant mosquitos if they go along the river
EC2 - Catching dinosaurs: Be creative, traps, fences, rocks, spells, ropes... 1 dinosaur is affected by the spoiled water and shows signs of rage and decay. He has to be killed.
EC3 - Oo-Lar tracking her in the swamp (skill checks) and bring her back. Attack by swamp vines or giant piranhas if in the water
EC4 - The tribe: The small lizardfolk tribe can be reasoned with, communication is tricky though. They can even be of aid. Ann is with them, but basically a captive and is not allowed to meat the heroes until they trust them.
The tribe itself, under Ann, tries to aid the sick dinosaurs and find out what is happening. If attacked the tribe will lose trust in Ann as well and try to kill her.
EC5 - Getting to the temple, this will be easier with the help of the tribe, there is also a path over the lava fields. Otherwise the river/jungle.
Getting to the temple is tricky as well, an old bridge if you know the way, otherwise climbing up next to a waterfall, that flows out of the cliffside on which the temple stands.

Dungeon Crawl in the temple. Traps, simple guardians at the door, a puzzle.
The corps of Jonas Hammond is found on the steps at the lowest floor.
Dungar is also there, he appears helpful and claims that he tried to find a way back inside to retrieve his friend. He has the heart of Calima with him at all times but hides it.
He leads the heroes through the dungeon but stays well behind them.
Once they reach the bottom he will use a lever to trap them with the guardian.

The guardian can be defeated, but only for a moment. To stop it and to cleanse the river the heart has to be returned or the creature completely destroyed. Which might be only possible in the lava fields.

To escape the lower floor the group has to swim through a tunnel, spilling them out of the cliffside, inside the waterfall.

Dungar will be there shortly after, summoning the guardian after them once more, by holding the heart aloft.
If they explored the walls of the ruins, then they know about the heart, otherwise, this might be tricky.
Dungar can be killed, and he will drop the jewel. If picked up the players can command the guardian in a limited way. The only way to undo it is by returning the heart though.
If chased the only way to stop the creature might be in the lava fields.


This is the set up so far. C&C welcome.