View Full Version : Minor OotA spoiler question

2020-07-07, 12:14 AM
How are wizards handled, officially?

You wake up, no gear. That means no spellbook, no focus, no material components.

How long are you without these things? Are you gimped at the beginning?

Also, what about characters that multi class into wizard, even as early as level 2? Can they find a spellbook or things they need to cast?

2020-07-07, 02:09 AM
I'm DMing OotA with a wizard party member right now.

You start as a prisoner, your gear confiscated. You still know whatever spells you chose to memorize the last time you looked at your spellbook. You're effectively a Spells Known caster, like a sorcerer or a bard, until you get your spellbook back. It entirely depends on how your DM runs the opening scenario (which is an excellent section), but you should have a chance to snag your gear after a session.

If you multiclass later, either you'd need to buy a blank spellbook in a town, or you could work with your DM to kludge together a spellbook out of foraged materials. There's spellbooks made of various odd materials throughout the adventure. Leather, skins, leaves, thin slices of certain types of mushrooms, etc.

2020-07-08, 12:14 AM
I'll also say that you'll have plenty of sources to scribe into your spellbook from down the line. But yeah, in the start you'll be working with a very restricted set of abilities.

2020-07-08, 01:53 AM
It completely depends on how the DM handles the opening section. If the npcs are played as fully competent slavers or your party steamrolls two guards and escapes in fifteen minutes, you could totally get off with nothing but clothes and a few looted weapons. After that you could fairly easily manage to get to level 5 before getting somewhere you can buy/barter for any scribing supplies. Foraging for such things is also completely up to the DM.