View Full Version : Optimization Tiny Servant Actuated Robots Mark 2

2020-07-07, 06:37 AM
Hello all, I just thought readdressing this was appropriate as the Artificer has changed so much since that write up, and this idea likely needs a new page so we don't do any thread-o-mancy. I will be using the same basic breakdown and design as Damon_Tor, and all credit goes to him.

What is a Tiny Servant?
A Tiny Servant, or "TS" is a construct created by the spell Tiny Servant, found in Xanathar's Guide to Everything. They have a long duration, arms, legs, and don't require concentration, but are fairly easy to kill. Most of the time these are rather underperforming especially for Artificers as we are forced to wait till level 9. These easiest solution to this is to multi-class into Wizard as they can get it as early as level 5, but that in turn makes you wait on the next part of this concept.

Note: They can't be magical items in an of themselves so no self feeding potions, but get a number of other benefits ranging from 60' blind sight, to immunity to many effects, so think of these like ammo your loading for a day into the TSAR.

What is a Spell Storing Item?
A class ability gained by the Artificer at level 11, the Spell Storing Item or "SSI" functions similarly to a Ring of Spell Storing, but there are a few important differences. The SSI stores just one artificer spell of first or second level, but that spell can be used a number of times equal to twice the Artificer's Intelligence modifier daily (so usually 10 times)

The SSI does not require attunement: any creature can use it by spending their action while the SSI is "in hand" (which implies hands are required to use it, unfortunately excluding most familiars by a strict reading). The SSI does not cast the spell in question: the SSI produces the effect of that spell. There are a few important implications of that, including the apparent removal of concentration requirements and components, and immunity to Counterspell.

This one is important: related to above, the SSI does not use the "cast a spell" action, its action is either its own special action or a variant of the "use an item" action. Either way, an interesting side effect of this is that you can ready an action to use the SSI and not use one of its charges unless the triggering condition is met. Many TSARs will operate by the Tiny Servants being ordered to ready an action to use the SSI, awaiting a certain triggering event. The SSI can only store a spell that costs 1 action to cast. This makes spells like Shadow Blade unfortunately off limits.

The SSI can be any simple or martial weapon or anything the Artificer could use as a spellcasting focus. The list of potential spellcasting focuses for Artificers is extremely broad, any weapon, or tool you know how to use. An Artificer can make a new SSI every long rest, and the old one wears out at the same time.

So if any creature with hands can use a Spell Storing Item, and Artificers can create Tiny Servants...Yes, this can shatter both spell resource constraints, and the action economy. The only real issue is that the SSI can only be used to cast Artificer spells.

What is a TSAR?
A TSAR is simply a Tiny Servant operated device usually designed in such a way that it keeps them safe. These usually include a Spell Storing Item, but some devices won't need this part those will be noted in the 2nd page of this thread.

Armor TSAR's
These are simply a type of TSAR normally attached to your armor. They usually are simply a housing on your Infused Armor that acts as the SSI. Unlike most others these don't need any line of effect from the TS to the outside save perhaps some loading device, since you need to touch them when you initially cast Tiny Servant. By having them housed like this they should be safe from damage, especially AOE effects that can easily destroy them, up to the DM. Here are a of basic designs.

TSAR of the Hero, which would need only a single Tiny Servant to cast Heroism on the player, for 5 free Temporary Hit Points whenever he spends a bonus action at the beginning of combat to instruct them to cast it.

Resistance TSARAnother would be having a series of Tiny Servants prepped to cast Warding Bond on you as each one "dies" from the damage they take, this would give you a nice Armor class, and actually be better than Heroism due to the nature of that spell, and those 10 hit points per Tiny Servant.

Weapon TSAR's
These are more complex and require more risk for the Tiny Servants but the sheer amount of damage that they can do is extreme. It is also recommended that you don't keep these on yourself, as dropping the source somewhere away from the party will likely protect them or your group from any aoe attacks.

The go to design for these are basically sharpened poles with an SSI and a exit for the Tiny Servants to come out of a container cast, and then slip back inside so they can't be attacked.

Scorching Array: Up to 30 beams at +9 or +10 to hit for 2d6 fire damage a piece.
Gravity Nullifier: Levitate (Mark of Storms) However many tiny servants you have casting Levitate on whomever you tell them to.
Cook & Book: 1 bonus action for up to 10 castings of Heat Metal all at once followed by you running away, while they die...Horrifying...
Melf's Melter: 20d4 acid damage regardless of accuracy and up to 60d4, sadly you don't get the bonus of Alchemical Savant.
Webifier: This can cover a huge area with webs.

Utility Jewelry & Clothing
There are multiple infused cloaks, boots, and the like available as replicable items. As these are infused items they would allow you to have them count as spell storing items. So you could easily have disguised TSAR's available with just some jewelry or have the tiny servants in saddle bags to cast spells as needed. This is likely better than walking into town with tiny servants attached to your armor or being noticeably armed with some weird contraption.

Robes of Regeneration: Cure Wounds on the Infused Robe would provide you 60 to 130 health as needed.
Displacer Cloaks: A cloak of protection with jewelry that climbs off of it after they cast Blur on you.
Perfect Cloaks: Enhance Ability on your cloak, the Tiny Servants would be identified by name would be told which spell to cast, and then crawl into a bag of holding.
-Imagine having these benefits on command all day without spell casting uses.

2020-07-07, 06:57 AM
good write-up but few point that I see. you can't stack heat metal multiple times on a single Target the same way that you can't have multiple durations of the secondary damage from acid arrow.

2020-07-07, 07:37 AM
good write-up but few point that I see. you can't stack heat metal multiple times on a single Target the same way that you can't have multiple durations of the secondary damage from acid arrow.

True, but that was mainly for cooking 5 to 10 guys all in one action and then running away on your Steel Defender :)

2020-07-07, 07:50 AM
True, but that was mainly for cooking 5 to 10 guys all in one action and then running away on your Steel Defender :)

Probably the best option for alchemist who are fairly restrained with good SSI + TS combos. Artillerist can just drop shatter and make a flak cannon.

There's also the mobile firewall with flaming sphere.

2020-07-07, 08:07 AM
More items are going to be added to the original post, because somehow it decided I didn't need the extra post to do the next set.

New Items: Robes of power :)

2020-07-07, 08:33 AM
Probably the best option for alchemist who are fairly restrained with good SSI + TS combos. Artillerist can just drop shatter and make a flak cannon.

There's also the mobile firewall with flaming sphere.

Yes, those options are available personally I have been having issues casting Flaming Sphere, we always seem to be in a wooden building, and Shatter has become a running joke about property destruction inside town. This would likely make him react badly :)

2020-07-07, 09:14 AM
True, but that was mainly for cooking 5 to 10 guys all in one action and then running away on your Steel Defender :)

I think there's a bit of an issue in how exactly you're specifying targets in that case though.

Tiny Servants are Intelligence 2. They need clear and simple instructions (and recall that you issue the same command to all when commanding as a group). That's fine when its something like all shooting a specific target with Scorching Ray but when the order is something generic like 'target enemies with Heat Metal' I would expect there to be some problems with them figuring out who enemies were, what a valid target was and not all simply choosing the same target.

2020-07-07, 08:09 PM
Aid is one of the best things you can store in your SSI. One cast can get 3 downed teammates back on their feet from a distance.

2020-07-07, 08:26 PM
I frikin love these things. I remember when the first thread for this came around, and they still enthrall me to this day, even after the official publication. So get this:

I pitched this idea to my friend who's playing an Artificer in my campaign. Here's his response.

Art: "So... if I put a concentration spell in there, and the Tiny Servant activated it, would I or the Servant be concentrating?"
Me: "The Servant by the looks of things."
Art: "Cool. On a completely unrelated and innocent note, what is the largest a creature can get in the system?"
Me: "... Well... Uh..."
Art: "Like lets say for instance I took my Steel Defender, which weighs over 1000 lbs, and cast Enlarge on it a bunch of times, how heavy and large would that be?"

So long story short, my Artificer has a mission to create Robo-Tarrasque and have this huge climactic battle, like an old Godzilla movie. Technically not RAW, but Rule of Cool allows it because that is most definitely cool.

2020-07-07, 09:14 PM
I frikin love these things. I remember when the first thread for this came around, and they still enthrall me to this day, even after the official publication. So get this:

I pitched this idea to my friend who's playing an Artificer in my campaign. Here's his response.

Art: "So... if I put a concentration spell in there, and the Tiny Servant activated it, would I or the Servant be concentrating?"
Me: "The Servant by the looks of things."
Art: "Cool. On a completely unrelated and innocent note, what is the largest a creature can get in the system?"
Me: "... Well... Uh..."
Art: "Like lets say for instance I took my Steel Defender, which weighs over 1000 lbs, and cast Enlarge on it a bunch of times, how heavy and large would that be?"

So long story short, my Artificer has a mission to create Robo-Tarrasque and have this huge climactic battle, like an old Godzilla movie. Technically not RAW, but Rule of Cool allows it because that is most definitely cool.

As fun as that would be, sadly multiple instances of the same spell do not stack, they overlap in duration. So Enlarge can only get your Steel Defender to Large size.

2020-07-09, 07:58 PM
As fun as that would be, sadly multiple instances of the same spell do not stack, they overlap in duration. So Enlarge can only get your Steel Defender to Large size.

Yeah, hence why it isn't RAW. But in the case of this, I'm letting Rule of Cool allow it, mostly because now I have an excuse to have a chapter of the story have a Terrasque vs Mecha Steel Defender battle with the party running around at their feet, and that is most definitely Cool.