View Full Version : Embarassing call for aid

2007-10-29, 11:07 AM
i'm making a school film, and i need to find a certain piece of music to use for it. its a very common piece of choral work often used in films for epic battle scenes and the like. i have included a....:smalleek: spoilered thing to see if it could help someone recognize it

ok so the actual singing is more of an H sound (ha ha hu ha) etc, but ill use da to make it clearer.... i cant really beleive im doing this. please have pity....
Da da da duh
da da da duh
da da da duh duuuh duh duh duuun

(higher pitch repeat)


2007-10-29, 11:10 AM
no idea, sorry :smallfrown:

The J Pizzel
2007-10-29, 11:11 AM
What you seek is the famous musical piece called "O Fortuna"...which I believe is a movement of "Carmina Burana". The part your referring to is the last movement. I played it in the New Orleans symphony one year, it's hella long.


2007-10-29, 11:12 AM
"O Fortuna", movements I and XXV (as a reprise) of the Carmina Burana: Cantiones Profanae (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmina_Burana_%28Orff%29) by Carl Orff.

This is mostly a guess, but an educated one.


The J Pizzel
2007-10-29, 11:13 AM
"O Fortuna", movement one of the Carmina Burana: Cantiones Profanae (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmina_Burana_%28Orff%29) by Carl Orff.

This is mostly a guess, but an educated one.

I believe we are both right. The fanfare opens with it but it also closes with a faster, louder version of it. I played to concert bass drum on this, it was amazingly fun.

By the way, it's in the soundtrack to Excalibur I think. So just snab if off Amazon or something. You could download on somthing like LimeWire or Kazaa, but I don't endorse such piracy.


2007-10-29, 11:14 AM
thanks for not mocking me, :smallsmile:, and i just checked, thats it alright
thank you so much guys. honestly sometimes idunno what i would do with out the playgrounders!

2007-10-29, 11:14 AM
If it is Carmina Burana - I have sung it.

It is dammmnnnn lllloooonnngggg..... as said above. It is by Carl Orff, and (last time I checked) was on iTunes. In any musical shop if not. Good luck.

2007-10-29, 11:17 AM
jpbooth: Yeah, I remembered the reprise after seeing your post. The overall piece is called Carmina Burana, though, and O Fortuna is the name of the movement.

I have also sung (more like shouted over the damn orchestra) this piece, and yes, that is probably the longest time I've stood continuously on stage. On the plus side, the stage was at Carnegie Hall, so I can throw that in the face of all the music majors I know. Hah!

2007-10-29, 11:22 AM
That you managed to correctly deduce which song it was and who it was by from the spoler box is just..

...Astounding. Words cannot describe.

The J Pizzel
2007-10-29, 11:22 AM
Carnegie Hall...I hate you. I've played in some of the nicest Auditoriums in Louisiana and Texas and with some amazing people...and after all that, I still hate you. Please take me with you next time.

Next time you listen to it, pay close attention to the Bass Drum in the background. It hit on all the down beats during loud sections. That was me. Oh yeah, with two mallets. I felt so sexy. Alas, those days are behind me.

<cries himself out the door to lunch break>

2007-10-29, 11:38 AM
Meh. I haven't done anything choral for the last couple years. Classes and work keep conflicting with anything I might be interested in. Plus, the thing I did when I went there was with high school (and a bunch of other choirs), because my director was a well-connected nutter. I'd have no chance to do so again.

Also, Carnegie Hall? Not that technically great. Sure it's glitzy and famous, but the acoustics are better in, for example, the Houston Symphony Center.

And Tekraen: it's a very famous piece, with a very simple melody (in that part). I'd rate it next to Beethoven's Fifth and The Flight of the Valkyries on recognizability.

2007-10-29, 11:55 AM
thanks so much guys. its downloaded, and is now contributing to a rather amusing video about volleyball

2007-10-29, 11:57 AM
And Tekraen: it's a very famous piece, with a very simple melody (in that part). I'd rate it next to Beethoven's Fifth and The Flight of the Valkyries on recognizability.

Plus there was the part where he mentioned that it's often used in "epic battle scenes." It's so common in that context that I thought of this piece before even looking at the spoiler, that was just confirmation of my guess.

Did anyone else see this ad (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlton_Draught:_Big_Ad) before they removed it? Hilarious.

2007-10-29, 12:05 PM
Personally whenever I hear choral epic battle scene Mozart's Requiem Dies Irae always comes to mind.

2007-10-29, 12:07 PM
And on the subject of great orcehstral pieces for 'epic' movie scenes, have a listen to the first movement of Gustav Holst's "The Planets (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Planets)". It's called 'Mars, the Bringer of War', and it is awesome.

Great stuff.

2007-10-29, 12:12 PM
ok so the actual singing is more of an H sound (ha ha hu ha) etc, but ill use da to make it clearer.... i cant really beleive im doing this. please have pity....
Da da da duh
da da da duh
da da da duh duuuh duh duh duuun

(higher pitch repeat)

Hey, you should here my awesome rendition of the intro to Ocean Planet - Gojira.




2007-10-29, 12:20 PM
Yeah, I did have to read the spoiler to make sure it wasn't Dies Irae or Mars or Valkyries. Those are marginally less exposed in media. Marginally.

Or that one song from The Omen I forget the name of, though that's used more in horror.

2007-10-29, 12:23 PM
Personally whenever I hear choral epic battle scene Mozart's Requiem Dies Irae always comes to mind.

And on the subject of great orcehstral pieces for 'epic' movie scenes, have a listen to the first movement of Gustav Holst's "The Planets (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Planets)". It's called 'Mars, the Bringer of War', and it is awesome.

Great stuff.

Also excellent. I notice that Orff gets used more often when somebody's putting together an advertisement and need to have the appropriate sound, even if they don't end up using it in the final product (the relative frequency may just be my perception though). The same thing happens in action movie previews with the music from Aliens when they're leaving the planet near the end just before the reactor goes up.

Favorite "Mars..." moment: the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of The Venture Bros. when the henchmen start "singing" it.

2007-10-29, 12:26 PM
That's what got me to go out and buy some Holst recordings. Paid real money for them too. That might have been the greatest scene in the long history of great Venture Bros. scenes.

2007-10-29, 12:27 PM
Favorite "Mars..." moment: the 2nd episode of the 2nd season of The Venture Bros. when the henchmen start "singing" it.


Da best scene ever.

2007-10-29, 12:33 PM
Huh. You know, they use the same lyrics in Katamari Damacy.


2007-10-29, 12:38 PM
Or that one song from The Omen I forget the name of, though that's used more in horror.
The one with Ominous Latin Chanting (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.OminousLatinChanting) that is not O Fortuna? Ave Satani, probably.

The J Pizzel
2007-10-29, 12:57 PM
And Tekraen: it's a very famous piece, with a very simple melody (in that part). I'd rate it next to Beethoven's Fifth and The Flight of the Valkyries on recognizability.

How does "Thus Spake Zarathustra" not make your list...

Duuuuunnnn Duuuunnnn DuDUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNN,
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom (triplet on timpani drums)

Also, I believe it was in a wrestling guys theme song.

Just a little FYI - Enigma (the band that does all the famous indian chants, who rocks by the way) has a greatest hits album called "Love, Sensuality, Dvotion" (LSD for short) that has a song called "Modern Crusaders". Give it a listen and you'll here that "O Fortuna" was sampled at the end. It's kinda cool hearing it in the middle of a techno-indian groove.

2007-10-29, 01:33 PM
Because I suck apparently.

2007-10-29, 01:38 PM
That you managed to correctly deduce which song it was and who it was by from the spoler box is just..

...Astounding. Words cannot describe.

not that hard..the description itself of the chorus shouted Aliens almost from the very beginning :smallsmile: