View Full Version : What happens in issue #500

2007-10-29, 12:51 PM
I can only see two real possibilities, unless the Giant purposely does something so odd no one could see it coming - and that's not really his style.

The thing to remember is not only the new arc for the next however many strips, but that, being number five hundred, the strip itself will contain something very important.

The two possibilites:
1: Roy, while talking with his dad is, by coincidence or not, ressed right then. He arrives back in life the full three and a half months (or longer, depending on his trip down the mountain) later, and is hit with the massive changes that have taken place; members of the OOTS reaching higher levels, leaving or dying; Xykon reigning terror upon the world; more of the Snarl's rifts being unleashed; etcetera. This is a classic sci-fi twist and it could work here too. (the lost time, btw, would be told in flashbacks)

2. (less likely IMO) We may or may not see Roy and Eugene in the next strip; the focus, however, will be the rest of the OOTS, specifically Haley, Belkar and Durkon as they try, and fail, to res Roy, because of some huge plot point that gets in their way, which I suppose could be anything. The strip would then follow them until three and a half months (give or take) had passed, at which point Roy would be re-admitted into the cast.

2007-10-29, 01:14 PM
I suspect that 500 will show Roy and Eugene looking down at some massive battle that the rest of the OOTS is taking place in. Maybe it'll be Durkon, Elan, and Vaarsuvius fighting their way through hobbos towards Belkar and Haley, who've been running and fighting throughout the City this whole time.

I doubt it'll be anything as extreme as Xykon ruling the world or anything like that. Three months is a long time, but I don't think the Order would continue adventuring while seperated, and I don't think they wouldn't've raised Roy unless Durkon couldn't get to him.

2007-10-29, 01:22 PM
I think it's going to be a reverse of #484, one row of Roy and Eugene looking down, followed by a large map showing all of the parties and what they're up to in this moment.

2007-10-29, 01:51 PM
A map -kinda like .... suggests- is quite probable, I think. Apart from the structural parallelism, it would also a. continue the "WTF"ness of #499 and b. produce sweeeeet big panels. :smallsmile:

2007-10-29, 01:55 PM
I think Eugene will be explaining (flashback wise) what has happened the past three months and a bit to Roy. After Roy begs for it, off course.

2007-10-29, 02:43 PM
We see the Order(s) in all sorts of trouble and then the LG powers-that-be send a squad down to deal with it...

...and that squad is Roy, Eugene, Sangwaan (everyone's favourite blind seer) ...and Miko.


David Argall
2007-10-29, 02:50 PM
I think it's going to be a reverse of #484, one row of Roy and Eugene looking down, followed by a large map showing all of the parties and what they're up to in this moment.

Certainly a possible idea. It might satisfy those who want a special page for #500. But I think it would work better to just have Roy getting himself raised and then having the splash page after we catch up with what the others are up to.

2007-10-29, 03:14 PM
I think Eugene will be explaining (flashback wise) what has happened the past three months and a bit to Roy. After Roy begs for it, off course.

I agree. Roy'll probably look down and see what is happening. We'll see his suprise but not what is actually happening until Eugene tells us over the course of several strips.

2007-10-29, 03:25 PM
We see the Order(s) in all sorts of trouble and then the LG powers-that-be send a squad down to deal with it...

...and that squad is Roy, Eugene, Sangwaan (everyone's favourite blind seer) ...and Miko.


This I like. If the party's are still seperated, then make a LG Celestian party, I'd be inclined to include BBG's Archon (the blue one), and Roy's Mum as well though! Think about it, we'd have:
Roy vs. Miko.
Eugene vs. Roy's mum.
Eugene vs. Roy.
Miko vs. the world in general.

But I still think we need Halberd chick back again...

2007-10-29, 03:27 PM
I can only see two real possibilities, unless the Giant purposely does something so odd no one could see it coming - and that's not really his style.

Ummm, since when? I think it is perfectly reasonable for the Giant to pull something completely unexpected, like:

He causes these forums to completely melt down when he puts out the next strip - numbered 499 1/2 :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-29, 03:33 PM
I can only see two real possibilities, unless the Giant purposely does something so odd no one could see it coming - and that's not really his style.
Allow me to prove you wrong. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0301.html)

2007-10-29, 04:08 PM
What happens in strip #500? Rocks fall, everybody dies. :smallwink:

2007-10-29, 04:58 PM
What happens in strip #500? Rocks fall, everybody dies. :smallwink:

Ah, the classic DM's Game ender.

2007-10-29, 06:19 PM
Allow me to prove you wrong. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0301.html)

Hmmm, yes. I thought Roy dying was pretty unexpected as well, wasn't it?
And plot affecting, mind you!

2007-10-29, 06:57 PM
I think that of the 2 possibilities you suggested the second would be more likely than the first, although both would make for interesting developments.

2007-10-29, 10:52 PM
Wait a minute - I just realized something. And, this means that #500 is going to have to be some sort of ...

intermission strip. #500 is likely going to arrive on Halloween day! I can just see the intermission now -- the members of OotS all dressed up as different characters, trick-or-treat'ing through Azure City

2007-10-29, 11:08 PM
Seeing Roy arrive only to find that the rest of the party has gained levels would be priceless.

2007-10-30, 04:35 PM
Wait a minute - I just realized something. And, this means that #500 is going to have to be some sort of ...

intermission strip.(snip)

I like that idea. It's about time we saw resurrection and triumphant return...

... of Milk Dudes. Let's face it, when you have tiny refreshing gods on your side, you don't stay dead for longer than maybe 3.5 months at most

2007-10-30, 04:45 PM

Awkibo Order
2007-10-30, 05:46 PM

2. (less likely IMO) We may or may not see Roy and Eugene in the next strip; the focus, however, will be the rest of the OOTS, specifically Haley, Belkar and Durkon as they try, and fail, to res Roy, because of some huge plot point that gets in their way, which I suppose could be anything. The strip would then follow them until three and a half months (give or take) had passed, at which point Roy would be re-admitted into the cast.



2007-10-30, 06:05 PM
My "guess":

Roy looks down to discover that the entire group has died with the exception of V whom Xykon has kept around for "fun" and to finally figure out if he is a he or a she. Xykon has taken over the planet and his minons are spreading out. Roy has to figure out how to travel back in time to save his friends and...

Well you get the idea.

2007-10-30, 06:18 PM
In the spirit of All Saint's Eve, I'm guessing it will involve either ghosts and/or goblins.

Alex Warlorn
2007-10-30, 07:13 PM
Let's hope that:

The majority or entirity of the order of the stick is not dead, switched sides, or undead.

Xykon isn't ruling the world now.

That our bald paladin hasn't turned evil or undead.

And we still don't know what happened to Miko's soul after she died.

Hopefully the paladins have recruited new members to win back their home.

That our evil mystic hasn't become even MORE dangerous by taking the step into intelligent undeath.

Maybe the order of the stick dealt with the corrupt noble, his orc lady ninja, and the Fiend he's allied with in the mean time?

Maybe the people Azure City was forced to make an alliance with Nale's dad to win back their home? Let's hope not.

2007-10-30, 08:48 PM
I think Eugene will fill Roy in on all that he has missed, then I think they will find some way for Roy to get back to the PMP.

2007-10-30, 09:01 PM
I have a feeling that it will be a montage of Mr. Scruffy learning sorcerer powers and teleporting to the OOTS on Hinjo's junk!

Or Milk Dudes returns.

Or OOTS 499 1/2.

Or... Roy gets raised by mr. Scruffy who has taken up the mantle of the cleric of the Nine Gods... And gotten sorcerer powers. :elan:

2007-10-30, 09:04 PM
Or Roy is risen directly by the divine powers of a powerful god that has risen since Roy died. All hail the church of Ban'julu!

2007-10-30, 11:27 PM
My prediction on what happens: Roy looks down to see his body moving around. Durkon cast rez/true rez/raise dead. Since Roy was further up the mountain, he may not have been reachable, and when the spell was cast, another soul took his place and has been playing "Roy" for three months. Now, Roy has to get ahold of Julia and have her get someone to cast a Reincarnate spell to get him a new body so he can track down the fake Roy and take back his life.

2007-10-31, 12:11 AM
If the strip did show up on halloween, it would be kinda funny if th estrip was about how the characters are rushing around in disguise trying to perform different missions...Haley and Belkar have very good reason to be incognito, and the others would be too if they were going to be in a strange land and needed to be undercover for some reason, or blending into a crowd at a local festival.

2007-10-31, 01:13 AM
In Australia it is already 5pm on haloween, so the timing might go unnoticed. I think this situation is very like the Elan situation. I think that there will be a flash back or Roy will appear as a ghost.

Beren One-Hand
2007-10-31, 02:50 AM
Personally I think the strip will be released on Nov 1st. While a Halloween strip would be cool, I just think that it would tie in better with All Saints Day.

2007-10-31, 12:40 PM
I didn't see it suggested and I don't know how probable it is, but... What if we get that "X months earlier" thingie BEFORE Roy is rezzed, and without him seeing anything at all? Sounds less and less probable as the strip goes bye (he's on the cloud now, chances are he'll actually see something).

Also... Haley still has the Greenhilt sword. Eugene can use it to talk to the living. What if he'd been an actor in the three and a half months, while Roy was climibg the mountain and playing with his brother?
It could be interesting.

And I can't wait for strip 500. I'm sure it will be great, whatever it is, and I'm willing to wait for it :).

2007-10-31, 12:42 PM
This has probably already been mentioned by someone, but just a bit of speculation:

Eugene said that the reason he was able to manifest to Roy at first was through the Greenhilt sword. Might Roy be able to manifest to Haley, in whatever circumstance she might be in at the moment?

2007-11-01, 11:03 AM
Personally I think the strip will be released on Nov 1st. While a Halloween strip would be cool, I just think that it would tie in better with All Saints Day.

Looks as though you might just be right. :-)

As for my meaningless prediction: The reverse theme of 484 suggested already with subpanels of the following.

Belkar and Haley are still trapped in AC and hiding from the occupying hobgoblin army.

Xycon is ordering Red Cloak to get the Army moving out to the next gate.

Elan is still staring off the back of the ship as Durkon, V and Hinjo talk to the minion of the redtextboxevilguy.

2007-11-01, 12:50 PM
It could be like that one strip where nale is kissing haley and then a bunch of people pop in. probably unlikely.

2007-11-02, 04:26 AM
What happens in strip #500? Rocks fall, everybody dies.

Mad Mask
2007-11-02, 04:40 AM
What's happening in #500 ? Um... it's already there, so now, you should wonder what will happen in #501.