View Full Version : Help finding a manga: girl with sword in her head

Fiery Diamond
2020-07-11, 02:55 AM
I can't remember the name of the manga and Google is failing me. The main characters are a boy who is a candidate for being the hero and a girl who has a sword stuck in her head that only the hero can remove.

Edit: Further information (includes spoilers) - the girl actually turns out to be the demon lord with her powers and memories sealed away. The hero candidate is part of a family of potential candidates. The setting also includes a family that can turn into dragons, and the girl is accompanied by what I think was a talking scroll. When the MC boy tries to pull out the sword, it usually results in pulling out strange things like swords with "fake" written on them or fishing rods.

I don't understand why Google is failing me on this. I would have thought that using keywords from all that information would be enough to track it down.

2020-07-12, 03:56 PM
Tsurugi no Nai.

Fiery Diamond
2020-07-12, 06:52 PM
Tsurugi no Nai.

Hallelujah! Thank you so much! I was starting to go crazy at not being able to find it.

2020-07-13, 01:01 PM
Hallelujah! Thank you so much! I was starting to go crazy at not being able to find it.

No problem. :smallsmile: