View Full Version : DM Help Looking for "Hunger" Themed Traps/Obstacles

2020-07-13, 08:45 PM
Howdy folks,

I have a few ideas already, but I'd like more! I have a dungeon/tomb themed on hunger, and was wondering if anyone has any ideas about potential traps or obstacles. I have a plan where there's a big pile of rotting meat in the central room over the treasure they seek that keeps refilling if the meat is removed, and one solution would be to lure a "The Hungry" at one end to the meat pile to consume it. Other than that, I'm looking for stuff around the theme of eating and gorging. Also, what monsters are either glutinously huge, or starvingly emaciated? I have a few ideas for hiding gelatinous cubes, but those would work more like traps.


2020-07-13, 09:24 PM
Since your dungeon is, ahem, 'flavored' (sorry, couldn't help myself! :smallbiggrin: ), make sure that the art on the walls emphasizes those themes.

One 'puzzle' could be a magic barrier that prevents people from passing thru unless the PCs each force themselves to throw up.

Maybe you could have food that looks delicious, and the PCs have to consume it in order to continue .... but instead it is horrible, and they have to make DC checks to keep the food down.

You could also do the thing where a <key, or something important> is at the bottom of a <chalice, bowl, container, etc>, and a player has to drink it in order to empty the <container> and get the <thing>. Again ... DC check required to successfully finish it, or it refills completely and the process starts all over.

And of course, at least one of the doors has to be a giant mouth that the PCs must walk thru ....

Good luck, hope it's ... satisfying! :smallbiggrin:

2020-07-14, 11:40 AM
Key items are located within various rats in the dungeon, as the keys emit a constant desire of consuming them. Not only do you have to catch these rats (as they're much fatter than most rats, as they recently ate the last keyholder), but then you have to resist the desire to eat the key itself.

One potential trap is a maw in a sand pit that the players fall into. Various tiny monsters, such as scorpions and such, fall from various points in the walls, and the players have to dodge them as the maw devours enough of the morsels until it's satisfied and stops chewing, leaving a precarious tunnel for the players to progress through.

Sparky McDibben
2020-07-14, 01:57 PM
Persistent effect throughout the dungeon - at the end of any short rest, all players make a low DC Con save (probably a 50 - 60% probability of save), and on a failed save the effect of their hunger has an effect.

Choose from:

Lowering how effective your HD are (-1 per HD spent)
1 level of exhaustion
Reduce speed by 5 feet per round
Disadvantage on Wisdom saves (you're so hungry your judgment is clouded) or Strength checks (hunger is weakening you)

2020-07-14, 02:05 PM
Also, what monsters are either glutinously huge, or starvingly emaciated?

A vampire works for either - either starved into madness or fat and overfed on a never ending stream of adventurer blood. Fat vampires are unusual, but also very funny.

Troll regeneration could interact with food in a weird way, ditto for hydras. Perhaps there's a monster with some chained up regenerating 'pets' that they consume. Hill Giants in particular are known for having a hierarchy based off of how much one could eat and utterly voracious appetites, so that might work well.

2020-07-14, 02:09 PM
An infestation trap that infests and ruins the PCs rations if they don't react fast enough. Bonus if you make it so that they make the con save or be affected by the infestation spell and don't realize that their rations are ruined until they sit down to eat and take a rest.

A suggestion spell the the parties Lizardman that the rest of the party really looks good enough to eat now. There is no reason to wait until they are dead to eat them.

2020-07-14, 06:56 PM
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for all of these! I have to compile them all and make a good layout for it.

The main "hub" chamber will have doors leading to various traps/challenges/encounters that eventually allow the way to "The Hungry". Just a matter of organizing everything. I'll get cracking on it!

In the meantime, keep 'em coming!

2020-07-14, 07:11 PM
Oh....don't forget about the hungry dungeon itself. Having doorways and tunnels that are mouths full of teeth. Think of like the JawBridge of Castle Greyskull or like that giant space worm from Empire Strikes Back. You can have fanged mouths all over the place....some that animate and move and attack.

All the ooze and slime monsters work great for a "hungry dungeon".

Mimics, in all shapes and sizes work, especially the hungry treasure cheat.

Acid, of course, is a part of hunger. Pools of acid or a too classic "room fills with acid trap". Or a room with holes in the floor for the random acid geysers. Or a room full of acid rain. Fire is also "hungry".

Ants, maggots, flies, cave locusts, and other assorted bugs of all sizes.

A classic 1E Meat Grinder hall way trap with a whirling machine with lots of sharp blades and points.

Toads and frogs also are part of the hunger idea.