View Full Version : Conquering the land IC

2020-07-14, 02:51 AM
You arrive or are already in Grand maws lair. The entrance is an unremarkable hole in the Devskra mountainside, but when you go further you can see the small signs that something is not quite right.

Small irregular claw marks in the left or right side of the wall, dentures in the wall that house everburning torches that glow in different colors. Too bright green follows stinging yellow and then a way too dark crimson red. On the floor are some scraps of rusted over metal that give way too a lavishly decorated cave.

There is a wonderful woven carpet full of strange arcane symbols that cover the whole floor. There are several golden chairs intrically carved with beautiful and disturbing imagery. There are two couches draped with silverstitched silk.

In one corner of the cave there is a heap of masterfully forged swords, maces and metal armor. In the far back there is a big bed with something that seems to move around…
But your attention is drawn to the owner of the cave Grand Maw.

She is a big female humanoid, her skin has a deep purple tone like an old hematoma. Her figure is gaunt and when her big white eyes look at you, even one of you may think that she looks way deeper than she should. But then her blind gaze wanders off, not really fixating you.

„Oh, hello my dearies, welcome! welcome! I’m so sorry what happened to your former employee, we had a most beneficious relationship.“ Something like a white worm wringles itself out of her mouth and licks over her lips. When her tongue retreats into her mouth there is a bit of shimmering drool slowly dripping down on the floor.

„But no use crying over rotten honey, am I right? I wanted to share a bit of information with him, but seeing that he is not here anymore I figured why not tell it to you my wonderful, wonderful children, am I right?“

She seems to look at each and everyone of you for a moment.

„Mylord of Silent Iron.

Oh keeper of most peculiar secrets.

Lady weaver and last but certainly not least

Daughter of Silence.“

She sighes heavily, almost joyful?

„I have found the Heart of Darkness.

The first seed.

The net of beginnings or

The howl of change.

It has many names but it’s the the source that makes us what we are. It has been misused by the lord of Hin Richten castle and in it’s sorrow and pain it has cry’d out too me.“
She blinks several times, it almost seems like she relives that moment intensely.

„I can’t get it! I’m to blind and useless!“ Her body trembles, almost as if the pain is too much to bear. Then she looks up at you and smiles, showing you all her sharp, jagged and yellowed teeth.

„But you can get it right my dearies? You’re former master surely wanted to get it anyway and in a way you’re still honoring him.“

2020-07-14, 03:11 AM
It has been a while since Parzlaatamuun's heavy footsteps have walked the corridors into Grand Maw's lair. Since the failure of the Dark Lord, he had been hunting down members of the Suncloud Mysterie, one of the cults which had helped to bring down their former master, through ritual summoning of filthy Outsiders. His work had been patient but bloody, and the cult had been decimated by the time the Lord of Silent Iron recieved the missive from Grand Maw.

He walked into the gilded cave chamber, clawlike feet making thudding sounds as they impact upon the bare rock. Eyes glimmer with malicious green light as he looks around, his cloak of razor-edged metallic ribbons making a soft sigh as they cut through the air. As Grand Maw speaks, he listens with focused intent, head slightly tilted as he glances towards his other former companions. The construct's face makes narry a twitch, made of cold metal as it is, but the eyes glitter and flicker with his internal thoughts. And when the Hag finishes her little speech... he lets out a soft chuckle.

"Seeing your disgusting flesh-pile of a face brings me such warmth and joy, Maw. I have missed your slimy, wart-ridden fingers further perfecting my form" he says, surprisingly warmly though the metallic tang of his deep, cultured voice never quite goes away. "The Heart of Darkness, I remember little of its specifics despite its importance. But I would only be too happy to retrieve it, even as a favor for the woman who has refined my body so well in the past. Tell us, Grand Maw, more of the object itself, first. What power does the Heart hold? And how would it help us?"

2020-07-14, 04:13 AM
Tayci flew effortlessly through the air and the cave walls, her feathered wings only finding what purchase they specifically desire. She nearly alights on the ground at Grand Maw's side.
Gently, almost lovingly, the young woman soundlessly caresses the bloated flesh of Grand Maw's arm. She waits to hear out beloved creature's offer and the response of the metal man she knew so well, before running her nails lightly across Grand Maw's arm, a method they had once agreed on for the silent woman's positive answer.

2020-07-14, 04:44 AM
Raziel's raven wings fold neatly against his back as he smoothly transitions from air to stone at the cave entrance. Steps light, a faint scuffing echo of the heavy thumping of Parzla's passage before him, Raziel strides into the depths of the throat-like entry to the cavern.

While he finds the Grand Maw's need for theatrics eternally tiresome, she simply cannot be prodded from her ways, and often enough her information or resources are well worth the tedium. As her needlessly rambling speech comes to its point Raziel shows something resembling interest. "The Heart of Darkness, a name to pique interest. Tell us more Grandmother, and anything you know of this man and his castle as well that we may liberate this thing from his grasp." It would be good to have direction again, to work toward purpose. While Parzla's recent crusade against the Mysterie held a certain catharsis, it was ultimately of little consequence to their long term goals.

Eyes flicking across their Silent Sister, he nods a cowled head in greeting glad for the presence of reliable allies , so rare among those who share dark intent.

2020-07-14, 04:57 AM
~I had almost forgotten your pretty face, Tayci.~ the Lord of Iron 'speaks' with his telepathy, into the Silent Sister's mind. "And you, Outsider. Don't think I didn't notice your... oblique assistance with the Mysterie. You have my gratitude, loath as I am to give it to an invader like youself."

2020-07-14, 05:04 AM
The old night hag seems very relieved when she gains the answer of three of her chosen allies.

"I almost forgot my sweet little daughter, I have something for you." From somewhere old Maw produces a glass bottle, with some violently swirling mist inside. it has a black rotten stopper that sometimes seems to tremble from the violent trashings of the mist inside but it seems to hold it in for now.

"A last breath from a nice young man, should you need it. Free of charge, this time."

Should you breath it in you can talk or sing for 5 rounds.

When she turns towards Parzlaatamuun she cackles. "Oh I almost forgot how charming you moving pile of rust can be." She stretches her fingers, almost in anticipation of more work, but holds herself back.

"The Heart's powers are manyfold. When you liked what my gout-ridden fingers could do to your bodyÂ… Well let's just say you wouldn't believe it. It is rumored that it's the first source that bring beings into this world that the humans are calling monsters. And it's able to bring forth our deepest desires and give it's form. And that form is imprinted on they're owners."

A sudden fit of rage fly's over her face but she is quickly calmed by Tayci on her side.

"But count Mordigar, the current holder of Hin Richten castle has misused it! He hurt it and almost drained it of it's power! I didn't know what he did with it but it's so hurt! I can still feel it."

She folds her two arms over her chest, there is a bit of dark blood oozing under her ingrown nails.

Grand Maw nods towards Raziel.

"Well we are practically neighbors. Count Mordigar is a powerful magician, he recently took the steps towards lichdom and has surrounded his castle with this annoying Black Sand that drains your life just by stepping towards it. I'm sure it's great for all his undead servants but I despise it. His castle is massive and grand,. No wonder, I'm sure everything else he had has already rotted away. He has a lot of strange and massive golems and undead under his command. He had a visit from Baron Woodstride recently, and I don't know what they have been up to. Baron Woodstride really don't has anything interesting in his lands.

I also can't say how by the bloody hells he has gotten his rotten filthy hands on the heart!

But if you retrieve it we may be able to give it it's power back. And I may even be able to see again. And even your innermost desires will be granted."

2020-07-14, 05:09 AM

Raziel gives a hint of a bow in response to Parzla's words "While I doubt you needed the help, I would be loathe to lose someone who wishes to see the destruction of the planes as much as I."

2020-07-14, 05:21 AM
"Lichdom, pah. A weak effort to keep the soul hidden. At least vampires like Lady Faertith have the will to take their life from the weaker. I shall enjoy crushing such a man's dreams." Parzlaa says with no small amount of amusement. "Actually, Zara's expertise would be useful. She knows of that energy and magic and might be able to shield us from it for an infiltration or assault. Is she invited also, Grand Maw?"

2020-07-14, 05:29 AM
Her eyes lit up with joy, Tayci takes the small bottle and rips the stopper out with her teeth. Her tongue circles the lip before she pours the whole thing into her mouth, sucking down the mist with obvious delight.

"Thank you, Grand Maw," she fawns, "you kept a tasty one for me. Of course you have my allegiance. The Dark Lord trusted you well and I have no reason to deny nor misuse that. With the help of these fine men," she says that while looking sharply at Raziel and Parzlaa almost hungrily, "I think we will find success without great difficulty." Her hungry eyes lock with Parzlaa's, "Wouldn't you agree?"

2020-07-14, 06:40 AM
Zara stood, deathly still, as she took in the conversation so far. "Lichdom is a trap." She pauses a moment, thinking, one leg tapping out a rhythm on the floor. His defenses will be insufficient to keep us out - indeed, they may well be turned against him with little effort."

2020-07-14, 04:20 PM
Parzlaa turns his gaze to the Drider, eyes brightening for a moment as he seems to stare at her rather intently. "We are agreed to assist our friend Grand Maw then. Excellent. Lady Zara, I assume that you and I would be unaffected by this 'black sand', but Raziel and Tayci perhaps are more vulnerable. What steps can we take to ensure their survival? Tayci in particular will be needed to infiltrate and gather information upon this Lich's fortress."

2020-07-14, 06:48 PM

Raziel considers for a moment, tapping the chin barely visible beneath the voluminous cowl. "I do have a spell to protect against negative energy effects. I only have one available today but could prepare another tomorrow if needed. Before we complicate things overmuch, Grandmother do you know if there are measures in place to prevent us from simply flying or teleporting past the sand?"

2020-07-14, 08:46 PM
"Your concern, Parzlaa, is gratifying but unnecessary. So long as I remain in my natural state, I should be safe from it. Alternatively, I could pass beneath it completely."

2020-07-14, 10:22 PM
The construct inclines his head to the daughter of silence. "Then we have little problem should we assault the place. Though obviously as the Fallen says, we should explore more direct options for infiltration."

2020-07-15, 02:08 AM
Grand Maw seems to be quite happy when you discuss your plans, when she is asked for her expertise however her mood turns sour.

"I don't think that he has a measure to stop you from simply flying over the sand before his castle. I'm pretty sure he has archers there, but nothing more dangerous. I would advise against teleporting directly into his castle. You will be able to do it, I'm sure but then he will know exactly who is coming for him and he'll even be able to set a trap.

She most likely means a Greater anticipate teleport effect.

I fear I can't tell you more, all my wonderful divination spells that actually make it through his defenses are nearly useless without me being able to see.

That is something new. Normally you'd be able to see, even when your blind with a Clairaudience/Clairvoyence effect, but it seems she is barred even from that.

2020-07-15, 04:30 AM
The Lord of Silent Iron begins to move more fully, half turning and taking a few steps towards the exit of the cave, cloak fluttering slightly. "Then we have our goal. Raziel, teleport us to a few miles away from the castle. Zara, myself and the Angel test their defenses a little. If it creates an opening, Tayci will sneak in and do some scouting for us." he says, voice changing slightly, becoming commanding, though respectful.

2020-07-15, 10:21 AM

Raziel's cowl dips, nodding in acknowledgement to Parzla. "A moment please while I draw the lay of the land from within." His hooded head glances around to each of the others in turn. "Are we prepared to leave now, or do we need time to gather ourselves and prepare?" The Fallen Angel draws his legs up folded beneath him, floating in the air with arms raised to the side. The room seems to ripple and pulse around him as unknown and unknowable syllables ring forth, a deep corrupted tone that seems to pulse through everyone present.

Letting out a deeps sigh Raziel uncrosses his legs and settles his feet back to the floor, eyes fluttering open. "I believe I know just the place. An overlook with a few trees, near but not too close. Untouched by man for untold years, the local spirits there had such Secrets to whisper."

Jack of all Trades feat, count as having 1/2 rank trained.
Bardic Knack, count as having 6 ranks in all skills.
+1 Int
+20 Guidance of the Avatar spell (Competence Bonus).
+15 Divine Insight (Insight Bonus).

2020-07-15, 10:31 AM

The Fallen Angel draws his legs up folded beneath him, floating in the air with arms raised to the side. The room seems to ripple and pulse around him as unknown and unknowable syllables ring forth, a deep corrupted tone that seems to pulse through everyone present. Letting out a deep sigh Raziel uncrosses his legs and settles his feet back to the floor, eyes fluttering open. "I believe I know just the place. An overlook with a few trees, near but not too close. Untouched by man for untold years, the local spirits there had such Secrets to whisper."

2020-07-15, 07:19 PM
"Knowledge stolen and made to work to our own ends. I approve, Raziel." Parzlaatamuun notes with an warm tone. He steps over to the Angel's side ready to take his hand for the teleportation

2020-07-16, 12:53 AM
Tayci glides to her cohorts and places her hands ever so lightly on their shoulders. "Take when you're ready. I am as prepared as ever and very eager to have some fun." The broad grin on her face proves her claim.

2020-07-16, 02:29 AM
Grand Maw parts with a little bit of wisdom.

Beware my ambassadors, you're powers are great but don't underestimate the one who was able to hurt the heart so much.

When Raziel whisks the group away all land safely on a little hill, some dessicated bushes are grasping for soil, some trees who seem to fare a little better and have some sharp-looking leaves on them shield you slightly from onlookers.

Raziel didn't remember the jet black wall that is likely 3 miles away and seems to stretch towards the horizons. The splotches of black sand that seem to surround the enormous castle also seem new.

A small sandstorm elemental (it goes up to Parzlataamuun's knee) whirls up and seems to look at you. But when it realizes what you all are it seems to slowly circle away.

I'm not here, I have no business here. Just whirling around.

On your right side there seems to be a small unpoluted river, several hundred feet away from you there are three adventurers that seem to follow the flowing water. From one of the blotches of black sand emerges a huge body that strides towards them. A weapon from one of the adventurers seems to lit up and he engages the construct.

Another one hangs back and draws strange symbols in the air, before he can complete what he wants to do a crocodile with wings on it's back emerges from the river grasps him and wants to draw him back into the waters where it came from.

It seems to be a Crocosphinx. They are known to be quite aggressive and relatively intelligent for a crocodile.

2020-07-16, 02:48 AM
Parzlaatamun takes a step forwards the moment the teleportation energies cease around them, raising a hand and looking around before his eyes fall on the small band of adventurers. A small cold laugh comes from him. "How amusing. It seems we are not the only ones to seek out this place... This provides an opportunity however. Perhaps we could 'assist' them, and distract Mordigar from the threat we truly pose." he says, head tilting slightly as he looks down towards them. "Some form of disguise, perhaps? Raziel, Zara, are you able to provide a magical cloaking?"

2020-07-16, 03:09 AM
Parzlaatamun takes a step forwards the moment the teleportation energies cease around them, raising a hand and looking around before his eyes fall on the small band of adventurers. A small cold laugh comes from him. "How amusing. It seems we are not the only ones to seek out this place... This provides an opportunity however. Perhaps we could 'assist' them, and distract Mordigar from the threat we truly pose." he says, head tilting slightly as he looks down towards them. "Some form of disguise, perhaps? Raziel, Zara, are you able to provide a magical cloaking?"

"Shapeshifting, but...not cloaking, per se. I'm not much of one for hiding. I'm almost more inclined to turn them, and send them on their task anyway. If we believe we can take them down without attracting too much attention, that is."

2020-07-16, 03:22 AM
"I meant a magical disguise. More for the purpose of misdirecting the Lich, making him think it is 'heroes' coming for him, rather than beings of will and power." Parzlaatamun explains.

2020-07-16, 03:29 AM
"I meant a magical disguise. More for the purpose of misdirecting the Lich, making him think it is 'heroes' coming for him, rather than beings of will and power." Parzlaatamun explains.

"Such is an aspect of my education that I have not found great urgency in maintaining," she replies, almost sounding irritated.

2020-07-16, 04:49 AM
Once the others have established the required physical link Raziel speaks a single syllable, a chiming of pure steel that stretches and warps into the shriek of tearing metal. Reality seems to ripple away from the sound and finds itself too brittle, shattering to unleash the Cabal upon their destination.

Taking in their surroundings a frown creases the pale chin peeking from beneath the deep cowl as Raziel surveys the wall. As the others discuss their possible courses of action his hood rustles in the negative "Illusion is not something I tend to pursue. I do have some magics that would allow you to alter your forms, though those of us with more unusual anatomies may not be able to take advantage of that. I can likely talk them" a nod of his cowled head indicates the embattled adventurers "into traveling with us to assault the castle as allies, though turning them for more absolute control is certainly worth considering as well."

2020-07-16, 05:02 AM
The iron lord nods. "Cast your magics then. Claim me as some form of Golem, and you shall speak to them. But first to help them with their problem." he says, and his eyes gleam brightly. His wings snap upwards, the ribbons in an instant becoming grand pinions, and he leaps into the air, charging forwards towards the black sand blotch, a few bolts flying from his shoulders.

Begining to move, 120ft towards the black sand thing, shooting a bolt at it.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus [roll2] electrical damage from Shocking weapon quality.
If it hits he then channels electrical discharge with the Conductive property on his weapons for [roll3] Electrical Damage. FYI this is only 1/round that he can do that.

2020-07-16, 05:06 AM
Once the others have established the required physical link Raziel speaks a single syllable, a chiming of pure steel that stretches and warps into the shriek of tearing metal. Reality seems to ripple away from the sound and finds itself too brittle, shattering to unleash the Cabal upon their destination.

Taking in their surroundings a frown creases the pale chin peeking from beneath the deep cowl as Raziel surveys the wall. As the others discuss their possible courses of action his hood rustles in the negative "Illusion is not something I tend to pursue. I do have some magics that would allow you to alter your forms, though those of us with more unusual anatomies may not be able to take advantage of that. I can likely talk them" a nod of his cowled head indicates the embattled adventurers "into traveling with us to assault the castle as allies, though turning them for more absolute control is certainly worth considering as well."

"I can also help them pass on and become spirits proper, enhancing them in many ways. It wouldn't provide control, but if we're intending to ally with them without arising suspicion, it could..." she hesitates, searching for the right phrase, "...entice them to our alliance?" She shrugs. "Control if preferable to me, reduces variables and lets me feed. But turning them into ghosts might make them more dangerous to the lich, since as spawn they would have...trouble entering his domain."

2020-07-16, 06:42 AM
The screaming adventurer get's dragged by the winged crocodile towards the water. The one that stands, draws a bow, but the arrow he shoots doesn't seem to affect the creature.

The adventurer running towards the golem evades his striking down fist, he does some fancy sword move and their blade catches on fire! He's striking out at the construct and burns some of the black sand into black glass.

The adventurer used a Dessert Wind maneuver.

Parzlaatamuun's bolt hits and electricity rans through the sand, every grain of sand seems to lose cohesion and the construct seems to lose some mass that swirls around him.

It's bloodied (at half HP) and through the swirling sand has cover (20% miss chance.) Should you go into melee you'd get [roll0] negative energy damage.

A wild map appears. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10yKhxcFisluILD0wW1Hjkd6BYntkuwu7lfkOf_c9KZ8/edit?usp=sharing)

2020-07-16, 03:28 PM

Raziel's cowl shakes slightly at Parzla's impulsiveness, "Well, I suppose we're committed now." As he moves forward Raziel straps his shield in place, the fingers of his other hand twisting and blurring in a series of sharp motions that pierce the eye of the beholder.

Casting Glibness, moving 30' toward Parzla and drawing shield.
Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +3 +28/23/18 (1d6+17, 15+x2)
Cold Iron Falchion +3 +28/23/18 (2d4+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate +3, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield +3 (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Glibness
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-07-16, 08:02 PM
Tayci flies scout the area, looking for larger threats that might pooch the plan currently in action. There's really no way for her to mix with the group of adventurers so making things easier on them appears to be the best course of action.

Spot [roll0]

2020-07-17, 06:16 AM
Zara flies in closer to observe the battle, seemingly unconcerned with all that's going on below. She remains a good ways off the ground, preferring to avoid getting caught up in the melee, but she doesn't cast anything yet.

2020-07-17, 07:27 AM
The winged crocodile drags the one adventurers it had in it's maw towards the water and try's to drown him.

The big black sand golem let's his fists fly down trying to get the sword-wielder.

Attack 1:[roll0]
Attack 2:[roll1]
Damage 1:[roll2] + [roll3]
Damage 2:[roll4] + [roll5]

The sword-wielder get's hit once, but redirects the second fist slightly enough to evade the attack.

He screams muffled. "Save Natrax!" Towards the adventurer with a bow who books it towards the river.

The sword-wielder does another fancy move, but the swirling sand make him miss his swing.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10yKhxcFisluILD0wW1Hjkd6BYntkuwu7lfkOf_c9KZ8/edit#gid=0)

I hope I got Raziel's position right?

@AV: If you didn't used up your standard action (I'm not exactly sure with your movement) you can use an action as if you had held back.

There don't seem to be any other surprises waiting here. On the top of the wall that is some miles away you think you can make out some people with white helmets, you think they don't have seen the struggle or are not interested.

2020-07-17, 03:11 PM

Hearing the swordsman call for aid to his companion, Raziel banks to the right drawing his weapon as he charges the beast in the river. He calls out, a humming reverberation that seems to build on itself thrumming deeper until it is more felt than heard, a shimmering sheath of force around his blade. The water churns and froths around his blade as he thrusts it into the water, bringing all the momentum of his rush into a single deadly point.

Cast Bladeweave: Swift action cast, 1/round target struck makes will vs DC 21 or be dazed for 1 round
If my eyeballing is right and each square is 5' I should be able to get within my 10' reach of the crocobeast in the river with a charge. Power attacking for 5.
[roll0] (+28 base, -5 PA +2 Charge) for [roll1] if crit add [roll2]

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 - Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d6+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 - Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d4+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Glibness 12M/12M, Bladeweave 12R/12R
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-07-17, 03:18 PM
Eventually I will stop being horrible and missing things like this. (Probably not really!)
Crit confirmation attack roll [roll0]

2020-07-17, 04:24 PM
Moving silently and swiftly, Parzlaatamuun flies up and over the construct to attack it from the rear, claws slicing out and into the black sand, green energies flashing out in an elemental scourge of power.

Move to other side of thing so flanking

Attack [roll0]
Crit Confirmation if Attack is 48 [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Plus [roll3] Electricity plus 8 Fire
If hit, channel electrical discharge for [roll4]

2020-07-17, 04:55 PM
Tayci readies a harpoon of her own soul made manifest and continues to fly far overhead. Her direct interference could spell doom for the ruse her team was working with.

A moment's thought brings to mind the black sand and the questions it raised about flying over it. She eyes it from the sky.

2020-07-20, 02:15 AM
Parzlaatamuun's weapon slices inside the construct made from black sand, not bothered by the swirling sandstorm that thing has become. He strikes true and all the cohesion the thing had before is lost and it collapses in on itself. The other fighter gives him a short wave, but runs towards their other companions.

When Raziel strikes into the water, he connects to the winged beast, whose mouth flaps open, the human gets himself out of the water, bleeding on several places but appaerently still alive though he is wheezing heavily. The bowman let's loose a volley of arrows against the winged crocodile, who's still dazed and hits several times.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10yKhxcFisluILD0wW1Hjkd6BYntkuwu7lfkOf_c9KZ8/edit?usp=sharing)

The Golem has collapsed on itself and is put out of the fight. The crocodile is still alive but dazed.

There doesn't seem to be any movement from other blotches of black sand. You can see some of it stir, but it seems pretty far away (if it's not only wind that stirs it up a bit.)

2020-07-20, 05:25 AM
Ignoring the wave from the Adventurer, Parzlaa lands and begins to make his way firmly and purposefully towards the next enemy, slower than perhaps he could, to better conceal his true nature.

Double Move (120ft) towards Croc.

2020-07-20, 06:04 PM

Raziel settles into the edge of the river near the shore, positioned such that his shield blocks sight of the angle of his blade as he lines it up to unleash a flurry of thrusts at the beast.

5' step south east to be at/in the edge of the river
Full attack: Bladeweave daze will vs DC 21 on the first successful hit.
[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage. If threat 43+: [roll2] to hit, [roll3] damage.
[roll4] to hit, [roll5] damage. If threat 38+: [roll6] to hit, [roll7] damage.
[roll8] to hit, [roll9] damage. If threat 33+: [roll10] to hit, [roll11] damage.

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Glibness 12M/12M, Bladeweave 11R/12R
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-07-20, 07:24 PM
Low and growling, Parzlaatamuun's voice speaks telepathically into Raziel's mind. ~They are weak. I can smell their souls and I hunger for them, Fallen Angel. Decieve them swiftly so I do not have to deal with their presence overlong. They are decoys and I wish for them to be cast into the water to attract the minnows.~

2020-07-21, 03:18 AM
Raziel pierces the water again and again. The already confused crocodile is not able to react much more and soon doesn't move again at all.

The sword wielder reassures that Natrax is alright and then faces you. It seems to be a female human after all. The (perhaps half-elven) bow-wielder is really nervous as is Natrax when he sees what has rescued him after all.

"I'm Kazraz." Says the sword-wielding swordsage, she seems to be the most calm and the most experienced off the group and looks really relaxed when she sheats her sword.

I thank you for intervening. We just wanted to test the defenses of the castle and didn't anticipated such extreme countermeasures when we haven't even reached the walls.

2020-07-21, 03:37 AM
Steel ribbon 'cape' flowing behind him, Parzlatamuun makes his way to stand beside the Angel, eyes glittering dimly as he surveys the adventurers. ~Is a reassessment needed? I realize it was my plan to use these fools but... Pehaps Lady Zara was right and they are more use as dead puppets.~ he asks the others through Telepathy

Telepathy Range is 320 foot so I'm assuming everyone is within contact range.

2020-07-21, 04:14 AM

Raziel steps out of the river, joining the others on the shore as they gather, projecting his thoughts toward Parzla ~I care not what we do with these, but if we are to kill them we should do so before they have a chance to recover and heal.~ He sheathes his blade as he walks, speaking to the swordswoman "Greetings Kazraz, we are happy to have been along in time to see your plight and intervene. Please, let's tend to your wounded and then we can make full introductions of my rather, unconventional, companions."

2020-07-21, 04:28 AM
~Say the word and I'll impale them. Their bodies might prove more useful dead than alive.~ She positions herself above them in a way that gives her a clear diving path out of their sight.

2020-07-21, 04:47 AM
That would be most appreciated, thank you.

She nods towards the half-elf who flinches heavily while eyeing the angel, the imposing construct and both the flying vmpire drider and the daughter of silence. He would touch Natrax three times, activating a lesser healing item, making his wounds less severe with every touch till they are gone after the third time.

Kazraz would pull away the veil covering the lower part of her face and down a potion and adjust the veil again.

You can interfere (or not) how you see fit.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10yKhxcFisluILD0wW1Hjkd6BYntkuwu7lfkOf_c9KZ8/edit?usp=sharing)

2020-07-22, 01:22 AM
The Lord in Silent Iron seems to take a moment, eyes flickering slightly before he replies to the others mentally. ~Send them in ahead of us. They came here to test the defenses, let them do that for us. Inform them we will be approaching from a different direction.~

2020-07-22, 02:58 AM

Raziel watches their actions as he introduces the Cabal, gesturing to each in turn. "I am Raziel, This is Parzla, Zara and Tayci. We all have a shared history in that Count Mordrigar performed horrible experiments on us in his misguided quest for immortality. You can see in looking at us different avenues to agelessness that he explored. Gods only know how long we mouldered in his laboratories until he was greatly distracted in the acquisition of an artifact of some sort and we managed an escape. Now we have come back to, at very least take the artifact from him, and end his existence if we can. While I would hesitate to try and sneak in with too large a group, it may benefit all of us to coordinate and try to sneak or fight in from different approaches. Is there something specific you seek here aside from simply ending the evil that is Mordrigar?"

I would think this would actually be a relatively believable lie for Bluff purposes! Glibness will probably just be overkill to the point of silliness though, lol.

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Glibness 12M/12M, Bladeweave 11R/12R
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-07-22, 04:18 AM
Kazraz eyes become pretty big when Raziel tells his story and she seems does seem pretty struck.

I'm very sorry that you had to endure this hardship. Her other companions also seem pretty struck with grief and seem to really feel with you.

She has tears in her eyes when she speaks next. To tell you the truth the only thing we wanted to do was test the defenses and maybe try to get in a room inside the castle and then book it. Mordigar would be way too mighty for us, seeing that one of us nearly died even before we set a foot in the castle. She gives you a small smile.

But don't be concerned too much. One member of the rightful craven and some members of the Suncloud Mysterie are rumored to attack Mordigar and we just thought we could sneak in and perhaps get some stuff.

2020-07-22, 06:55 PM
"Useless then. Apologies for wasting your talent with lies, Raziel." Parzlaatamuun says with a growl, and raises a hand. Fingers move, energy gathering and coalescing into crackling electricity. With a flash of his eyes, the construct clenches his fist, causing thick green lightning to leap out, striking Kazraz first and then coursing through the other adventurers, the sound of greasey flames mixing with the smell of ozone as the spell like ability ravages its targets.

Chain Lightning, DC24 reflex for half
[roll0] on Kazraz
[roll1] on all the other adventurers

"Kill them and rip the information on the Mysterie and Craven from their souls. Pitiful."

2020-07-22, 08:03 PM
Zara considers herself fortunate that she no longer gives headaches, for her allies hasty actions would no doubt be provoking one at this moment. "Wasteful."

2020-07-22, 08:13 PM
"The bones will be undamaged, Zara." Parzlaatamuun replies, stepping forward with claws glimmering in emerald energy.

2020-07-23, 02:05 AM
When Parzlaatamuun conjures electrical energy it hit's the adventurers totally by surprise. Kazraz is heavily burned by the electricity, her limbs spasm uncontrollably. The half-elf is nearly keeling over and the (possible) magician is instantly felled.

They don't survive long after that.

2020-07-23, 10:45 AM
Zara moves in and attempts to grapple Kazraz, provided they're still up.

2020-07-23, 12:09 PM
Zara approaches the dying mage and sweeps them up into her arms. "Your light is already fading...no, don't worry little one. You may be too weak to satisfy my hunger fully, but I'll be more than able to enjoy your friends~"

Skipping past the grappling rolls. Mage is unconscious and dying, so can't drain 1 Con a round to maximize Blood Charges. Instead will be draining 1d4+2 Con per round getting 3 blood charges per use. idk how much Con the mage has, so I'll just do a handful of rolls, and you let me know how many charges I got draining that one?

The others could try and interrupt the process, but if they're that much weaker than us...eh?


...yeah minimum there is 18 Con. If he has more than that...idk beefy mage I guess. XD

2020-07-23, 05:16 PM
Moving to stand over Kazraz and snick his claws out just behind her throat, making sure she stays on her knees, Parzlaatamuun watches the Vampire feed with dispassionate interest. "Eat quickly. If our old enemies are also attacking this castle, we need to move fast and stay vigilant."

2020-07-23, 11:40 PM

Raziel watches the others carry out the execution with disinterest. "If there are forces attacking we may be able to remove two enemies with a single stroke. We do need to be sure they do not further damage the Heart however."

2020-07-24, 02:23 AM
You're getting 9 blood charges out of the mage. I guess you can sip out the others like you want too. The half-elf has 10 Con and Kazraz has 12.

While sifting through their gear you notice the following items that Grand Maw can probably disenchant and use their magics for more usefull stuff.

A Flaming Scimitar +2.
A least Crystal of return.
A +1 Chainmal.
A +1 Longbow.
And a Cloak of Resistance +1.

The walls of Hin Richten Castle nearly seem to invite to crash them down with they're imposing greatness.

2020-07-24, 04:27 AM
With a crackle of energy, the ribbons on Parzlatamuuns back become rigid and flare outwards, before he takes to the air once again. "We make for the highest point, and begin our assault from there. It was my attempt at overthinking that led to this delay, so now we go a more direct approach. Come." he says before with a gust of wind he takes off towards the castle.

2020-07-25, 12:55 AM
With a swiftness bordering on the speed of thought, Tayci follows as near Parzlatamuuns as she can. Being incorporeal this means she travels almost within the same space he does.

2020-07-25, 02:22 AM

Raziel quickly tucks the magical items into his pack and then takes the air, chasing after his speedy companions at a full 'run'.

2020-07-26, 12:24 AM
When you fly towards the wall, there are sometimes golem arms that rise up from the sand, but they can't reach you. The patrol on the walls are just simple sceletons they're white heads shimmer and glisten but when they notice you, they don't seem to react, merely continuing they're eternal patrol. The insides of the castle seem to be designed like the drug dream of a necromancer.

They are several bone and flesh structures along entire buildings cut out from black stone. Several small towers made from rotten bones cry out in anguish when a monstrosity that looks like its made out of several stitched together limbs shuffles by. Sometimes you see humanoid figures that rally some of the stray undead to go to the opposite side of where you flyd over the wall.

2020-07-26, 12:38 AM
Parzlaa's eyes flash with ill intent as he makes his way up towards one of the towers, landing on the smooth black stone with a thunk of metal against granite, clawed feet sending up a few chips of rock. He looks around, and allows the claws to extend from his fingers, wreathed in lightning. "If you can hear me now, Mordigar... We will give you no chance to surrender. If you wish to continue your pathetic existence, flee and leave the Heart behind." he says, voice calm and rich, almost friendly, although given apparently to thin air.

2020-07-26, 02:21 AM
When Parzlaa ceases it's flight on stone, Tayci continues on. She passes through the wall completely and takes a long look around.

2020-07-27, 03:29 AM
Before Parzlaatamuun stand three Buildings, directly in front of him is one clad in black stone the left one is of putid flesh, whose stench would even let ogres wretch. The wright one seems to be constructed out of bone and there is a lone sceleton standing there… Not really doing anything. On the base of the sceleton Building there is a lone ghoul who watches the scene with a mix of concern and hunger.

There is also a pile of necromantic "raw material" that slowly seems to shift around.

Before Parzlataamuun on the black building there jumps out someone!

But it seems to be a heaving red-faced human with a royal fur coat on his shoulders and a shield on his side that is emblemed with a log of wood.

The peculiar thing about him is that he seems to be encapsuled by a reddish shield where the souls of the damned seemingly want to Escape.

"Mordigar! Mordigar! Mordigar! I can't hear his name anymore!



https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200727/eb220f6468e7ca7264b9a2078c0683aa.png (https://fontmeme.com/generate-text-with-any-font/)"

He blasts a cone of eldritch Energy towards Parzlataamuun and Raziel, the reach of the cone is unfathomable and utterly destroys the wall behind you. After the cone subsides he looks slightly different but you can't exactly tell what happened.

Baron Woodstride fluked his surprise round because he wanted to introduce himself. Even with AV rolling a 20 he would still act before all of you and he blasts you with [roll0] Damage. , Reflex save against 31 for half. Half of that is fire the other is nonresistable dessication damage. It's not a casted spell and not subject to SR. It's your turn.

When you see inside the building you see three giants who have giant bone shields strapped to their arms and they seem ready to emerge onto the roof.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10eWbs0PbpMDhjYc63rBglG_10WYVcB8mNG86eZaue-8/edit?usp=sharing)

2020-07-27, 04:03 AM
Parzlaa takes 26 fire damage, reduced by 12 to 14, plus 26 dessication damage (lol on the guy made of metal? any ideas for alternative fluff for how it damages him?). 40 damage taken.

Weathering the blast full on, Parzlaatamuun's eyes flash, almost in surprise as his body is hit by the vicious eldritch energy, the metal on his chestplate blackening slightly with slag. He moves forwards in response, speaking as he does so. "You name matters not. You will perish." he says, and charges for the man, swiping out with a vicious claw, trailing powerful energies as he does so. From within his chassis comes a glow of green energy, the same as all the rest of his frightening appearance, gearing up as he seems to commit himself to a real fight.

On start of turn, heals for 6 damage
Charge at the Baron
Attack Roll [roll0] (Including +2 from Charge) [31 rolled on discord to confirm critical hit ouch]
Damage [roll1] Weapon Damage plus 8 Fire Damage plus [roll2] Electrical Damage
If I hit, I rend for [roll3]
I also Electrical Discharge for [roll4] Electrical Damage
I also Energy Drain 2 levels from him, if he is y'know alive.

2020-07-27, 06:39 AM

When Parzlataamuun charges forward there appears a big hulking brute with a giant bone shield strapped to his arm at baron woodstride's side, he try's to intercept the shield but is not able too protect his charge. The attack shatters the swirling red force field that protected the baron, and even cut him a little bit. But he does something and he seems to rapidly age, he groans painfully but there is another red swirling force field that protects him again.

MORE MAP! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10eWbs0PbpMDhjYc63rBglG_10WYVcB8mNG86eZaue-8/edit?usp=sharing)

2020-07-27, 06:43 AM
Tayci gazes hungrily at the giants from her shadowy concealment. Without moving an inch she lets fly a single harpoon at each one, silently cackling to herself.

Under the effect of Total Concealment.

First Giant
To Hit ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Second Giant
To Hit ignoring armor [roll3]

To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Third Giant
To Hit ignoring armor [roll6]

To Hit [roll7]

To Hurt [roll8]
Force, Fleshgrinding

If it deals damage, the harpoon lodges in an opponent who fails a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + the damage dealt). A harpooned creature moves at only half speed and cannot charge or run. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the harpooned creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows (the trailing rope is 30 feet long). If the harpooned creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on a DC 15 Concentration check or lose the spell.
The harpooned creature can pull the harpoon from its wound if it has two free hands and takes a full-round action to do so, but it deals damage to itself equal to the initial damage the harpoon dealt. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Heal check can remove a harpoon without further damage.

2020-07-27, 01:24 PM
Zara drains them, and buries them in the black sands for when they awaken as her kin. She joins her companions in their assault on the fortress, brimming with power now that her hunger is sated.

53 total charges gained, losing a number of charges equal to these guys' HD to get them to become vampires in [roll0] days.

Init: [roll1]

2020-07-27, 02:01 PM
Zara eyes the Baron as she drifts closer, and opens her jaws wide - so wide they almost seem to dislocate for a moment. Images of nashing teeth dripping with blood and ichor burst through the air towards the Baron.

Zara gets within 20 ft of the Baron. Zara casts her Echoing "Blood Wind" spell. This lets her do a natural attack routine as if it were a ranged weapon with 20 ft RI.

Bite Attack: [roll0] ([roll1] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)
Poison: Fort DC 20 vs [roll4] Str damage (or none if immune)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1 if normally immune), Save DC 23 to lose them later

Slam Attack: [roll5] ([roll6] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll7] (+[roll8] if crit)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1 if normally immune), Save DC 23 to lose them later

2020-07-27, 03:45 PM

Leaping into the air and swirling himself aside with his wings, Raziel avoids the worst of the blast as he propels himself forward. Drawing in a huge breath he throws his head back, mouth open wide in a scream that is nearly silent as raw power ripples forth from his clenched vocal cords. The ripples seem to settle around Raziel and his allies, a shimmering heat haze of sonic distortion as the shattered Word of Creation wreaths them in broken reality.

Reflex save 31 (Discord diceroller), fire resist 6. 20 damage taken, regeneration 6 for net of -14 HP on my turn.
Move 60' forward
Cast Inspirational Boost
Bardic Music Inspire Courage +6 Morale to Attack, Damage and saves Vs charm/fear for all allies that can hear (2 base, 1 song of the heart, 1 Vest of Legends, 1 Inspirational Boost, 1 Badge of Valor)
Activate Badge of Valor

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 120/134, Speed 30' / 60' Fly
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Inspire Courage +6, Glibness 11M/12M
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-07-28, 02:24 AM
Baron Woodstride takes a step back.

I hate it when I have to do that!

Baron Woodstride points a finger at Raziel, as he is raising the finger you can all see how the creases in his face deepens, his hair grows longer and loses color and he bends over a little. At his finger there is swirling energy that is released in a sudden spurt of energy, in the blink of an eye it's reaching Raziel.

Touch attack: [roll0]
if hit. [roll1] damage, Fort against 31 for half, half Fire half dessication (unnatural aging) damage.

When Zara's ranged attacks fly towards the Baron there is another Giant coming out of the roof, this time he blocks the attack with his giant bone shield. But it seems brittle and already seems quite damaged after weathering these attacks.

There is a "thump" sound from inside the building the baron is standing on and it shakes slightly.

The third giant that you can see charges towards you and try's to hit you! But his fist doesn't count as magical and he only hit the wall.

Suddenly there fly's a corpse towards Zara!

Attack roll: [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

It came probably from the giant pile of corpses from her right side.

2020-07-28, 02:50 AM
The Constructs eyes flash from one giant thing to the other, and a soft laughing sound comes from his expressionless face. "Your puppets are quite entertaining." he says as he lashes out first left then right, claws gleaming to strike at the guardians

Start of Turn, another 6 HP healed HP:190/218

Attack vs left giant [roll0] (including Courage Bonus woot)
Damage vs left giant [roll1] Plus 8 fire Plus [roll2] Electrical

Attack vs right giant [roll3] (including Courage Bonus woot)
Damage vs right giant [roll4] Plus 8 fire Plus [roll5] Electrical

"But you are a weakling, playing with toys, Baron." he adds as he turns his claws upon the Baron himself, stabbing out towards the man's chest with vicious intent.

2 Claw attacks on the Baron
Attack '3' [roll6] | Damage [roll7] Plus 8 Fire Plus [roll8] Electricity
Attack '4' [roll9] | Damage [roll10] Plus 8 Fire Plus [roll11] Electricity

If I score a hit on the Baron
[roll12] Electrical Discharge
[roll13] Rend

Some Crit Confirmation Rolls

The machine laughs as his blows connect, the green energy latching on to 'something' within the Baron, greedily drinking. "Each blow strengthens the wound at my heart, making your kind less and less relevent. Give in. Your existence is a mockery."

2020-07-28, 11:47 PM
Amusement and pleasure is written across the spectral lass as the giant charges her and strikes nothing but wall. She floats up and lets loose another volley of harpoons, targeting each giant in turn, even as the first set grind inside their meaty homes.

Under the effect of Total Concealment.

First Giant
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Existing Fleshgrinding Harpoon
Round 1
To Hurt [roll3]

Second Giant
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll4]

To Hit [roll5]

To Hurt [roll6]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Existing Fleshgrinding Harpoon
Round 1
To Hurt [roll7]

Third Giant
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll8]

To Hit [roll9]

To Hurt [roll10]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Existing Fleshgrinding Harpoon
Round 1
To Hurt [roll11]

If it deals damage, the harpoon lodges in an
opponent who fails a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + the damage dealt). A harpooned creature moves at only half speed and cannot charge or run. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the harpooned creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows (the trailing rope is 30 feet long). If the harpooned creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on a DC 15 Concentration check or lose the spell.
The harpooned creature can pull the harpoon from its wound if it has two free hands and takes a full-round action to do so, but it deals damage to itself equal to the initial damage the harpoon dealt. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Heal check can remove a harpoon without further damage.

2020-07-29, 05:48 AM

Raziel staggers back beneath the ray of searing energy looking haggard and worn as he regains his balance, dull feathers drifting in the air around him. A deep humming seems to emanate from within his chest, matching the pitch of the fractured reality that surrounds the Cabal members. The sound feeds upon itself, building and reverberating in a feedback loop as it climbs ever higher, faster, dragging the flesh with it as it speeds out of sync with the surrounding world. The battered angel steps over the edge of the roof, taking some cover from the lip of the building as he hovers in the air.

Fort Save 25in discord dice roller
120HP, 68 damage, 6 fire resist, 6 regeneration. Net 64HP.
Cast Haste, get as many allies as possible within the area. A little tricky keeping track when we've got one playing leapfrog with solid reality, lol.
Move to take cover at the edge of the roof so baron meanypants stops beating my pretty ass!

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 64/134, Speed 30' / 60' Fly
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Haste 12R/12R, Inspire Courage +6, Glibness 110M/120M
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire, Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-07-29, 04:35 PM
Zara glances at the pile and, on a whim, splits her spell in two, to cause both targets distress, before backing away into the sky to assess the situation.

Casting "Greater Dispel Magic" as a targeted dispel on the Necronaut, and using Spider Dance to use my "Greater Dispel Magic" SLA as a targeted spell on the baron. Let me know how many CL Checks I need to make and I'll get em rolled up.

2020-07-30, 02:55 AM
As Parzlataamuuns mighty claws slice through the puppets he realizes that they are nearly dead. When he attacks the baron, his strike shatters his shield again, and even scratch the baron while he is desperately trying to protect itself. Even when his soul seems to be pulled out of his body, he doesn't seem to react like a normal person would and he somehow doesn't seem worse for wear.

Keep you stupid parlor tricks away from me, you walking pile of scrap metal!




He angles his destructive cone slightly to affect Raziel, Parzlaatamuun and Tayci, but he also utterly destroys the giant inside the building with his destructive powers.

That would be [roll0] again, half fire, half unnatural aging Reflex save against 31 for half. Raziel you get another +2 because you have the building as additional protection, Tayci you would gain that too if you were still inside the building.

This time his hair turns grey and you hear a slight "pop" from his spine. There is a short flash of pain, but even when he staggers he still stands upright. He surrounds himself with his swirling shield again, but the mighty spell of Zara strips that away. Taking other protective and enhancing spells with it.

Noo... He mutters weakly while stumbling back.

The pile of corpses seems to produce a massive spiky fist and shakes it angrily at Zara. It try's to stretch, but can't reach her. Deep inside the pile is a strange rumbling and guttering, when this time a half of a zombie gets shot at her with high speed.

Attack [roll1] (You're getting out of his range.]
Damage [roll2]

"Kids these days…" (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10eWbs0PbpMDhjYc63rBglG_10WYVcB8mNG86eZaue-8/edit?usp=sharing)

2020-07-30, 04:38 AM
Tayci snarls soundlessly and turns her attention to the Baron. All three of her harpoons fly straight at him, eager to express her displeasure at his audacity.

Hp: 155/180

Under the effect of Total Concealment.

First Harpoon
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Second Harpoon
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll3]

To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Third Harpoon
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll6]

To Hit [roll7]

To Hurt [roll8]
Force, Fleshgrinding

First Giant
Existing Fleshgrinding Harpoon
Round 1
To Hurt [roll9]

Existing Fleshgrinding Harpoon
Round 2
To Hurt [roll10]

Third Giant
Existing Fleshgrinding Harpoon
Round 1
To Hurt [roll11]

Existing Fleshgrinding Harpoon
Round 2
To Hurt [roll12]

If it deals damage, the harpoon lodges in an
opponent who fails a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + the damage dealt). A harpooned creature moves at only half speed and cannot charge or run. If you control the trailing rope by succeeding on an opposed Strength check while holding it, the harpooned creature can move only within the limits that the rope allows (the trailing rope is 30 feet long). If the harpooned creature attempts to cast a spell, it must succeed on a DC 15 Concentration check or lose the spell.
The harpooned creature can pull the harpoon from its wound if it has two free hands and takes a full-round action to do so, but it deals damage to itself equal to the initial damage the harpoon dealt. A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Heal check can remove a harpoon without further damage.

2020-07-30, 12:36 PM

Raziel is caught fully by the blast as is shears through the building edge in front of him. Haggard, stooping and surrounded by a halo of flaming feathers drifting down through the air the fallen Angel throws back his head and releases a howl of pain drawn from the soul. The ripples of power seem to smooth his haggard visage as he swoops through the air, shedding his wounds as if they never were, physical pain removed as the shattered Word of Creation undoes the wounds themselves. Raziel alights the roof lip behind the Baron with blade in hand and dark intent clouding the very air around him.

"Now you die fool."

Reflex save 22 from Discord. 64 Current HP, 49 damage reduced by Fire resistance 6, regeneration 6, Heal for 120 HP, for net HP of 134.
Cast Heal SLA
Move around the building and behind the baron at my 10' reach with weapon drawn

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30' / 60' Fly
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Haste 11R/12R, Inspire Courage +6, Glibness 110M/120M
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire, Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-07-30, 05:19 PM
As the wave of dessicating energy explodes outwards, this time the Lord of Silent Iron is ready, twisting to one side and swiping up with claws, the energy itself split into pieces, the main force of it washing past him, though parts of his shoulders and legs still gain that dark patina of age.

HP:190 plus 10 temp 25 damage after successful save reduced by 12 from fire resistance, 13 taken -> HP:187. At start of turn, heal 6 for HP:193

"Your soul is resistant, little man." He says, and swipes through the air towards him as he begins his battery of attacks, claws dancing through the air.

First set of Claws +1 from Haste
[roll0] (base is +26, +6 from Courage, +1 from Haste, +2 from Flanking) | Damage [roll1] plus 8 Fire plus [roll2] Electricity
[roll3] (base is +26, +6 from Courage, +1 from Haste, +2 from Flanking) | Damage [roll4] plus 8 Fire plus [roll5] Electricity
[roll6] (base is +26, +6 from Courage, +1 from Haste, +2 from Flanking) | Damage [roll7] plus 8 Fire plus [roll8] Electricity

On first one that hits [roll9] Discharge Electricity
[roll10] Rend

Relentless, with green mist flowing up and around his body, Parzlaatamuun continues his assault, twisting and ducking to make a mockery of the Baron's attempts to dodge. "You spend your life like coin, remaining resolutely bound to your scrap of soul-energy, thinking yourself strong and independent. But you are not."

LAst two claws
[roll11] | [roll12] Plus 8 Fire, plus [roll13] Electrical
[roll14] |[roll15] Plus 8 Fire, plus [roll16] Electrical

"You are merely F L E S H."

2020-07-31, 02:09 PM
With her allies aided in their fight against the main foe, Zara focused her attention on the mess before her. No style, no design philosophy, just a giant pile of bones and guts animated as a single mass and shambling around. It was a miserable sight, and needed to be repurposed. A gesture from her, and the creature withered before her eyes.

Orb Of Acid. Ranged Touch Attack.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-08-01, 02:19 AM
The baron already gone from a handsome young man to a decrepit old fool throws up another shield as the soul harpoons fly towards him. A painful grin splits his lips and you can't even see the effect the ageing has on him, because parzlataamuuns next attack forces him to throw up another one. When raziel appears behind him, his eyes nearly bulge out in shock, perhaps it was this small momentary lapse in judgment or his stolen powers are used up but the mighty claws of the lord of silent iron make short work of the old man, his last two bodyguards succumb to the deadly grinding of the harpoons.

The mass of flesh, guts and bones seem to shrink after getting hit by a massive ball of acid it seems to cry out in a cacophony of voices, that all together form words in the abyssal language.

"I would like to negotiate!" Two massive bony appendages curl out from the massive pile of dead material, plant themselves firmly into the ground and the whole pillar bows slightly towards you.

2020-08-02, 09:37 PM
Parzlaatamuun seems to glow a bit brighter as he sucks down the last of the Baron's soul energy, growling in pleasure as he turns towards the corpse-thing. He walks over, letting his claws retract. "Do we speak to the master of the castle, or a mere servent then?" he asks of the giant shambling pile.

2020-08-03, 12:30 AM
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry the master of the castle is further inside. I'm merely an independent contractor."

One of his massive arms stretch out, snatches the ghoul who has looked at the carnage so far and plants it inside him, followed by a short scream, crunching noises and then silence.

"With own interest, of course. Count Mordigar was under the assumption that the baron and me was enough to hold up anything that came from this side. Obviously he was wrong. If we have no further bad blood between us I suggest that you let me eat my share here and you do whatever you was here for?"

2020-08-03, 02:28 AM

Raziel hops off the coping ringing the wall, alighting beside Parzla. He maintains a deep hum that seems to rumble forth from his chest trapping the energies wreathing himself and his companions in a pulsing stasis, unwilling to let them fade until he is sure hostilities are over.

2020-08-03, 05:39 PM
Parzlatamuun's eyes flicker as he looks the creature up and down, seeming to ponder his response before nodding. "Answer a few questions, and we'll be on our way. What else does Mordigar have defending the Heart?"

2020-08-04, 12:31 AM
"The heart of his throne room is protected by a few of these."

One of his massive bony claws grabs one of the giants and drags it towards himself.

"There are some traps with poison, thankfully nothing celestial or anything. But only activated if you're walking on the wall or the ceiling."

The giant is... Eaten more slowly than the ghoul, the pile seems to grow a little bit bigger.

"Last time I was there his throne room was also protected by mighty glyphs of sealing, only passable by someone who was given access. The protection goes all around the throne room, up and down. But if one of you could dispel the shield of the baron you should not have any problems with the glyphs."

The giant is devoured completely and the pile of corpses choose to grab the next one.

"Nothing else comes to mind. If you go around you may find some other monstrosities that are alerted if you enter the throne room, but I guess you will be done when they arrive."

2020-08-04, 01:31 AM
With a nod, Parzlaatamuun turns to Zara and Raziel. ~Any other questions we should ask of this creature? Your assessment, Zara, could it be used for our own ends?"

2020-08-05, 01:54 PM

Raziel's cowl rustles as he shakes his head curtly in the negative.

2020-08-05, 08:54 PM
"Allowing it to roam freely or under direction is a way to prevent our dead foes from being resurrected and turned against us, at least without a good deal more effort. The concern lies in that it is intelligence, even if only just, and that it can grow far more powerful than it currently is if left unchecked, and already it is highly resistant to normal methods of control. Free will is...messy. Unpredicable at the best of times."

My recommended course of action for a long-term assistance without it becoming a hindrance: tomorrow - or today, if one of you has such magicks available already - we teleport the thing a great distance to the lands of our enemies, drop it off in a morgue or graveyard or what have you, and let it get its fill of corpses to grow big and strong, and we leave. It gets to grow a great deal, but in a way where it won't become our problem directly for a great long time."

2020-08-06, 01:42 AM
There is a moment of silence as the Construct considers this proposal. Then with a glimmer behind his expressionless faceplate, he nods, turning to the creature. "Can you agree to that? Cause some distractions for us, keep any 'heroes' off out backs, and then we reward you by sending you somewhere to feast?"

2020-08-06, 02:21 AM
The giant pile of corpses and corpse part seems to be thinking but ultimately nods. Everything that has a mouth joins in.

"That sounds absolutely delightful. I agree with all my hearts." It bows again "I'll eat here and then I'll eat in another place. Nothing better."

2020-08-06, 02:27 AM
"Bon Appetit." Parzlataamun replies, dryly but with a hint of amusement and turns to the others, raising a hand to the doorway, still filled with several corpses, and blasts them away with electricity. "Lets go within. Tayci, head in the front and scout for obstructions. Be wary of traps and magic, the master of this place is likely watching." he orders, starting to walk into the tower, gesturing for the other two to join him as his feet crush a few stray bones beneath his feat. "This castle has its good points. I might keep it." he muses, before letting out a small, cold chuckle.

2020-08-07, 02:07 AM
A royal coat (hide armor +3 that counts as light armor, a shield +2, a ring of protection +2 and a cloak of resistance +3.

The hallways of the castle are mostly barren with some pieces of disturbing art thrown in between. A picture depicting a scantily clad lady, made out of living bugs, a jewel encrusted severed and still bleeding arm and a playful decorated corner are just some examples.

Sometimes both Tayci and Parzlaatamuun can spot a trap that would engulf someone walking in the ceiling or push someone off the wall. The very obvious ones, like a spiked pit, with the remains of a human inside on the floor are easily avoided the ghast trying to push Tayci in falls through her and lands in himself. The smaller unintelligent monstrositys are easily dispatched.

When the ground is layed out with a red carpet you can all already see a wide arching door, the side of the door and the wall that holds it are blasted like a lot of small explosions happened there.

You can here voices coming out of the door that seems to be see through proof with some kind of darkness or just a dark curtain.

"I can't believe he protected some pages of his book with wards. Who does that?"

Another voice: "Contemplating about the nature of evil may make you turn evil yourself. Better destroy it fast before it claims you."

2020-08-07, 02:18 AM
Parzla's eyes glow quite bright this time and a long, slow hiss comes from him. ~The Mysterie, I suspect. We should kill them. Cast your spells, and then we shall bleed them.~ he says to the others Telepathically, before he activated one of his own defense systems and his body starts to shimmer slightly, before his image is bifurcated into a dizzying morass of shattered pictures only vaguely giving the impression of the Lord of Silent Iron.

Activating Displacement for 12 rounds. Down to only 11 more castings per day of that D:

Waiting for the others to buff up quickly, and then:

As the others finish their preperations, Parzlataamun unsheathes his claws, and glittering with his sickly green energy, steps through the dark curtain.

2020-08-07, 04:50 AM

Raziel tucks away the items stripped from the corpse of the Baron and follows the walking War Machine further into the depths. As they prepare to greet the Mysterie he draws his blade and lets forth a wave of sound so deep it is more felt than heard as it ripples around his allies, breaking aspects of reality that hold their power in check.

Draw weapon and move to follow Parzla, activate Bardsong as we pass through the doorway.

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30' / 60' Fly
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Inspire Courage +6, Glibness 110M/120M
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire, Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-08-09, 06:40 AM
Zara curls up in on herself and begins shaking violently. A loud ripping fills the air, and the old skin in cast off, thrown away by the force of its molting. Zara is now far bigger, her limbs glistening and rippling with muscle.

Righteous Might + Divine Power. Here's a sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2274690) with the changes noted.

2020-08-10, 02:49 AM
A quick spell later, and the whole group feels faster, like the world is moving in slow motion. "Let's get in there and take them down before they know what hit them~"

2020-08-10, 08:01 AM
The group of enemies doesn't react initially when you come in.

MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10ksVFrtHI4_6c5PzzbGXvxnQtHgnB4ckHMbQ3lmat-8/edit?usp=sharing)

2020-08-10, 03:46 PM
Bursting through the shadowed entrance, his chains whirling behind his back, Parzlaatamuun flies inwards, facing both groups. His faceplate splits in two across the middle vertically and pulls back, obscene and like some hungry monster of the Far Realm, revealing a whirling vortex cloud of green and black mists. From this comes an ear-piercing shriek, resonant and destructive, like the fabric of the world itself tearing, mingling with the silence-song of Raziel into a wave of sonic death.

Fly 60ft to L-33. Release Sonic Scream, a 120ft cone (vertical edge ending at L-9, horizontal edge off the map)
This is a DC 26 reflex save for half vs [roll0] Sonic Damage

"P E R I S H" He calls as the scream dies down, faceplate returning to normal.

2020-08-10, 05:09 PM
Tayci flaps her expansive wings and propels herself toward the three individuals in Sunset guise. Only at the last moment does she halt her forward motion. Her barbed harpoons eat up the rest of the distance, each one targeting a figure.

Hp: 180/180

Wings of Fate and Made for the Sky are contributing. (Uncanny Dodge and Evasion)(bonuses to rolls)

Swift Action to activate Hustle.

First Sunset
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Second Sunset
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll3]

To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Third Sunset
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll6]

To Hit [roll7]

To Hurt [roll8]
Force, Fleshgrinding

2020-08-10, 09:39 PM

Following the others through the shrouded doorway Raziel leaps forward launching himself on raven pinions. The humming power coruscating around him seems to sigh in contentment as the broken angel's charge terminates in a deadly thrust of his blade into the pitiful cultist who was already covered in the viscera of their dwarven companion.

Charge to any remaining Sunset cultist, power attacking for 8.
[roll0] to hit (28 base, +6 Bardsong, +2 Charge -8 Power Attack) [roll1] Damage (+17 Base, +6 Bard Song, +8 Power attack)
If above roll is 43+ it is a threat. [roll2] to confirm [roll3] Damage

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30' / 60' Fly
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Inspire Courage +6, Glibness 110M/120M
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire, Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-08-12, 03:19 AM
Zara's magnificent terrible form follows, and their air fills with bloody images of gnashing teeth and claws.

Move in. Standard, cast Blood Wind to get a full natural attack routine, spend 2 blood points to attach negative levels.

Bite: [roll0] ([roll1] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)
Poison: [roll4] Str damage (DC 19 Fort negates)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1, if normally immune)

Slam: [roll5] ([roll6] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll7] (+[roll8] if crit)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1, if normally immune)

Targeting Sunset 3, or Sunset 2 if 3 is dead from the others?

2020-08-12, 03:39 PM
When Parzlaatamuun screams the dwarf is instantly obliterated, spraying his guts till the end of the room and covering several of the other members of the sunset mystery.

You see that the one wielding a sword pretty much takes the damage and then looks incredible annoyed at you. Like you ate his favorite soul or something.

Tayci's attack hits everyone of the individuals from the sunset but none of them dies. When raziel propels himself forward he skewers one and the might of the thrust punches a hole big enough for his entire torso unto him. He falls shortly after.

Zara's teeth fly towards one and he still stands, smiles sheepishly but then falls down, blood pouring out of his mouth and eyes.

The negative levels got him.

"It's the iron devil!" Screams the last surviving member and fumbles around with a scroll. He try's to initiate it but the fact that a giant spectral harpoon is inside of him, gives him slight problems and he is unable to cast the spell.

From the ceiling comes an arrow and flys towards Zara.

To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Skirmish [roll2]
Yes you get the skirmish damage even if you're undead

The robed guy says "damn, damn, damn!" and fires several blasts towards Parzlaatamuun.

To hit. [roll3]
If it's a hit it deals first [roll6]
Then [roll7] and then [roll8]

Every hit provokes a fort save against 21 (a 1 is always a failure) that jumps towards raziel with the same to hit roll for half damage and provokes another save.

The guy with a sword vanishes for a moment and then appears directly before Parzlaatamuun. "You heap of scrap metal!" And strikes him with an unbelievable mighty strike that shatters the ground the lord of silent iron stands on.

To hit. [roll9]
Damage [roll10]
Additional [roll11] Ignores all Dr.

2020-08-12, 04:15 PM
DEVIL?! I AM NO DEVIL! Parzlaatamuun rages, lifting an arm as the blasts come towards him, the magic dissapating off his plating. "I am worse than any filthy creature of the planes, you WEAKLINGS!" he turns as the sword-wielder appears, raising his arms to block the attack but too late as he is stuck powerfully upon the chest, sinking down a few inches as the ground cracks beneath him, his chest-plate scoring an ugly crack through which his green light shines. The Lord of Silent Iron looks down and his eyes become miniature green suns as the rage overtakes him from his injury. He looks down at the swordsman before launching into a vicious assault.

Previous HP - 218 plus 10 THP - takes 60 damage from the big hit. Fast Heals 6, so Current HP - 174
Current extra buffs are +6 Damage/Attack from Song*, +1 from Haste
*Not 100% sure I am within Bardic Songs range, have asked Warlawk what his range is. I am about 45-50 ft away from Raziel. If so, just take 6 off the Attack roll and Damage Roll confirmed with Warlawk that it's within earshot, so I do get the bonuses yay

Attack 1 - [roll0] | Damage [roll1] plus [roll2] Electricity plus 8 Fire
Attack 2 - [roll3] | Damage [roll4] plus [roll5] Electricity plus 8 Fire
Attack 3 (Haste) - [roll6] | Damage [roll7] plus [roll8] Electricity plus 8 Fire
Attack 4 - [roll9] | Damage [roll10] plus [roll11] Electricity plus 8 Fire

Assuming at least one hit, rending damage [roll12]
Discharge Electrricisty [roll13]
And of course 2 negative levels.

2020-08-13, 05:33 PM

As his sword sinks nearly to the hilt into the Cultists chest Raziel spins gracefully around the collapsing body, a few sable feathers raining down from the strain of redirecting his mass at full speed. Thus retaining his forward momentum the sickly halo above his cowled head flares as he lunges toward the fleeing mortal, a hellish Angel of Wrath made manifest blade carving its reaping toll among the unworthy.

Charge to the Sunset cultist to the northwest on the map, power attacking for 8.
[roll0] to hit (28 base, +6 Bardsong, +2 Charge -8 Power Attack) [roll1] Damage (+17 Base, +6 Bard Song, +8 Power attack)
If above roll is 43+ it is a threat. [roll2] to confirm [roll3] Damage

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30' / 60' Fly
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Inspire Courage +6, Glibness 110M/120M
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire, Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-08-17, 11:59 PM
Zara looks to the shooter, and doesn't bother with a spell when he is already within reach of her enormous form.

Her limbs and jaws reach out to deliver the same punishment up close and personal.

Yeah...Zara is Huge right now, and was already flying. The ceiling is presumably within 30 ft of the floor for his particular flavor of shenanigans, which makes him within her reach unless she's standing. I mean, if he's not, then she can mark down a spell use for the same thing, so lmk if I've misjudged his range and the height of the room. I prepared scads of these.

Targeting the guy on the ceiling.

Bite: [roll0] ([roll1] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if crit)
Poison: [roll4] Str damage (DC 19 Fort negates)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1, if normally immune)

Slam: [roll5] ([roll6] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll7] (+[roll8] if crit)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1, if normally immune)

2020-08-18, 04:30 PM
The winged girl turns in the air and lets her then harpoons dispate. Her attention is now on the robed figure next to the spellbook.
She arcs through the great room, delivering all three harpoons in near unison.

Hp: 180/180

Activating Hustle

Wings of Fate and Made for the Sky are contributing. (Uncanny Dodge and Evasion)(bonuses to rolls)

First Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Second Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll3]

To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Third Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll6]

To Hit [roll7]

To Hurt [roll8]
Force, Fleshgrinding

2020-08-19, 05:09 AM
Parzlaatamuun's wild strikes hit the human twice, but he is nimble and quick enough that he evades the third strike and parries the last one. He spits some blood out while your blades are crossed and counters. "You are nothing more than a slimy dretch, licking the dirt away under your masters toenails." His weapon seems to change subtly and then bursts into incredibly hot flames which he uses to attack the Lord of Silent Iron mercilessly.

You realize that your target is barely bloodied and your level drain doesn't seem to affect him.
Attack 1 [roll0] ; Damage [roll1], Fire Damage [roll2] Addition [roll3]
Attack 2 [roll4] ; Damage [roll5], Fire Damage [roll6] Addition [roll7]
Attack 3 [roll8] ; Damage [roll9], Fire Damage [roll10] Addition [roll11]
Attack 4 [roll12] ; Damage [roll13], Fire Damage [roll14] Addition [roll15]
Every attack counts as chaotic and adamantine, ignoring your DR.

The last standing member of the Sunset mysterie falls under the blade of Raziel, skewered like the last one. His unused scroll falling down.

The shooter looks panicked after he's hit by Zara's bite. He retreats and evades her slamming into him with that.

"The ward isn't working!" He falls back, and shoots at her in desperation. His gloves seem to glow for a moment before he releases that arrow.

You realize that you only stole one level from him. That does make him panic though. He made his save against the poison.
Attack [roll16]
Damage [roll17]; Skirmish [roll18]

The robed figure in front of the spellbook Looks at Tayci and goes: "Sh..." He teleports a short distance away to evade the first harpoon, the second and third however still hit him.

"Die! Die! Die!" Despite having two harpoons stuck inside him he throws three blasts at the Daughter of Silence.

Attack 1 [roll19] Touch attack, if hit SR check. [roll20]; Damage [roll21] Untyped damage
Attack 2 [roll22] Touch attack, if hit SR check. [roll23]; Damage [roll24] Untyped damage
Attack 3 [roll25] Touch attack, if hit SR check. [roll26]; Damage [roll27] Untyped Damage
Every hit provokes a Fort save against 21 or your blinded for one round.

Now a MAP (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10ksVFrtHI4_6c5PzzbGXvxnQtHgnB4ckHMbQ3lmat-8/edit?usp=sharing) with Pictures!

2020-08-19, 05:02 PM
As the first slice comes within millimeters of slicing through Parzla's head, the only thing to save him being the cloud of duplicate images around his blurred form, he tries to raise an arm to block the second hit, only to find the blade biting into his metallic flesh and leaving a vicious wound, eliciting a yell of pain.

174 HP, healed 6 to 180 then took 69 (nice) damage from the hit that got through. Current HP: 111

"Fool" he says, sidestepping the other slices of the blade, voice filled with rage, but also something else. Respect. Sort of. "The Dark Lord is long dead. I serve only myself. But I will grant you one thing, Mysterie." he launches into a flurry of attacks, trying to put the man down before any more harm can come to him.

Second Verse, same as the first!

Attack 1 - [roll0] | Damage [roll1] plus [roll2] Electricity plus 8 Fire
Attack 2 - [roll3] | Damage [roll4] plus [roll5] Electricity plus 8 Fire
Attack Haste - [roll6] | Damage [roll7] plus [roll8] Electricity plus 8 Fire
Attack 3 - [roll9] | Damage [roll10] plus [roll11] Electricity plus 8 Fire

Rend [roll12]
Discharge [roll13]

"You are no weakling. If you were not bound to Outsider parasites, you could become so much more."

2020-08-24, 03:17 AM
The dual blasts for little to dissuade Tayci from continuing her attack. She lets loose a fresh volley of harpoons while making an ugly face at him.

Hp: 123+6(fast healing)= 129/180

Wings of Fate and Made for the Sky are contributing. (Uncanny Dodge and Evasion)(bonuses to rolls)

First Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Second Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll3]

To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Third Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll6]

To Hit [roll7]

To Hurt [roll8]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Fleshgrinding Harpoon #1
To Hurt [roll9]
Force, turn 1/5

Fleshgrinding Harpoon #2
To Hurt [roll10]
Force, turn 1/5

2020-08-25, 12:37 PM

The Dark Angel suppresses his first instinct to rush to the side of the Herald of Destruction and instead launches himself toward the spellcaster Tayci is facing off against. His powerful wings launch him forward, the snap of his robes at the sudden movement a sharp counterpoint to the soft rustle of feathers. Raziel rolls around the throne in an aerial corkscrew, ebon feathers raining around him he drops lightly to the floor behind the robed man letting his spin terminate at the point of a deadly thrust of his blade.

Charge to the spellcaster in front of Tayci landing behind him, power attacking for 8.
[roll0] to hit (28 base, +6 Bardsong, +2 Charge, -8 Power Attack) [roll1] Damage (+17 Base, +6 Bard Song, +8 Power attack)
If above roll is 43+ it is a threat. [roll2] to confirm [roll3] Damage

Raziel (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2250574)
Angel NE Angel Bard 10, Sublime Chord 2//Angel 12, Level 12, Init 1, HP 134/134, Speed 30' / 60' Fly
AC 37, Touch 11, Flat-footed 36, Fort 15, Ref 15, Will 20, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Rapier +28/23/18 (1d8+17, 15+x2)
Greater Magic Weapon +3 Cold Iron Falchion +28/23/18 (2d6+19, 18+x2)
Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Breastplate, Githcraft, Magic Vestment +3 Mithral Heavy Shield (+8 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +13 Natural)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 28
Condition Inspire Courage +6, Glibness 110M/120M
Tongues, Discern Lies, True Seeing
Greater Magic Weapon +3, Magic Vestment Armor and Shield +3, Superior Resistance +6
Resistance Acid, Cold, Petrification+12, Resistance Fire, Electricity 6, +12 Vs Poison, DR 6/Good, SR 23. Magic Circle Vs Good (Bonus = Cha Mod) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability 3rd lvl spells. Regeneration 6/Good.

2020-08-26, 08:49 PM
"Ward?" Zara queries, as if taste-testing the word. She backs away from the annoying morsel, as the air grows thick with blackblood.

Sorry, been extremely distracted elsewhere. >.>

Move back a bit, Swift to Spider Dance a Greater Dispel Magic, then do my Blood Wind thing.

Targeted Dispel on this guy: [roll0]

Bite: [roll1] ([roll2] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll3] (+[roll4] if crit)
Poison: [roll5] Str damage (DC 19 Fort negates)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1, if normally immune)

Slam: [roll6] ([roll7] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll8] (+[roll9] if crit)
Negative Levels: 3 (or 1, if normally immune)

Hopefully the Dispel gets something fun stripped off. I'll make additional Dispel checks as necessary, just lmk how many more I'll need to roll.

2020-08-27, 03:30 AM
The sword wielder sneers. "I just work with them I'm a..." Parzlaatamuun hits him first and he begins to glow briefly. His image flashes and instead of a nearly naked man it seems he is actually loaded with stuff. A intricate porcelain mask, a helmet, a heavy looking, slighty glowing full plate, magic rings on his fingers… "You trig..." And he disappears. But with a quick, inhumane sweep Parzlaatamuun swipes something from him.

What will he get? [roll0]
1 Mask
2 Left ring
3 Right ring
4 Belt

Zara has to adjust her aim slightly because the guy who was on the ceiling falls down now. All her attacks hit. When he crashes on the floor He seems weak like a newborn kitten but somehow still lives.

Tayci's enemy teleports a short distance away again but get's skewered by her remaining two harpoons. He staggers and smiles weakly. "You won't get me so eas…" And behind him appears Raziel and with a single strike puts him down.

The room is eerily silent for a single moment and then you all hear a loud, heavy thump. Like in a trance one of you destroys the throne and you follow the steps down a room. The slow deliberate sound, like from a heart reverbarates in your mind. The way before you is alight with green flames that bring you before a little pedestial. You see… Something.

It's not a heart, it looks more like a quivering lump of flesh, it has a swollen up closed eyelid on it. It's body? Is covered with small cuts that seem to leak more than one strange substance. One of it looks like blood, but doesn't smell like it. On another wound is seeping some thin yellow liquid. On another pours some thick dark blue syruplike substance. There are some lumps of thin translucent hair that covers some of it and a single round teeth, somewhere under it's eye. You feel a mind touching you briefly. It's full of pain and misery, but behind that you feel a consciousness that is old… Older than anyone of you can even imagine.

You feel that it's severed and broken and for a short moment, several images and knowledge flashes by and ingraines something into your mind.

You see one old dwarf, sitting in the lotus position, his body adorned with a strange robe. Several others dwarves in strange armour are around him, perhaps keeping watch over him?

There is a harsh frozen tundra and you can see great winged and scaled beasts battle in the sky.

You see a giant scrapyard of metal, some people made out of metal scavenging for something.

You feel yourself reduced to the mere beginnings of your power and see grand golden buildings, healthy humans and people are cheering on a radiating exalted being with an undiscernable face.

You feel a rush of power coming towards you and the poor remnants of the heart quiver and seems to lie still for a moment. But then move again, his "wounds" still bleeding.

You all receive a 5 Bonus to resistance that you can apply freely to Fire, Electricity, Ice, Acid or sonic. Also you all get a Level up! (Meaning both sides of your gestalt.) Also you will all get a little something later.

When you go up again, everything is still how it was. The guy who was on the ceiling is not even trying to get up. But apparently he still breathes.

2020-08-28, 11:13 PM
"We.. We did it. Yesssss." Parzlaatamuun says, looking down at the Heart, voice filled with glee and hunger. "Can you feel the power within this, allies? The age... with this, I think we could do great things. But..." he turns slightly, and looks outwards before his gaze falls on the survivor. "Where is Mordigar, weakling?" he asks, coldly.

2020-08-31, 03:38 AM
The sole survivor struggles a bit, but the poison coursing through his veins make him movements minimal and weak.

"We" He breathes heavy "We killed him. Gart was" He coughs several times. "Just trying to burn his spell book. To vanquish all" He takes a deep breath "The evil that remained of him. We... Got his three horrors that… Guarded the North... West and East. The divinations… Mentioned we... Shouldn't bother the south…" He's wheezing. The few words already sapping most of his remaining strength.

"If… You let me live... They may not... Hunt you down."

The guys had some nice stuff.
The three of the Mysterie had crap armor but all had some nice scrolls.
1x Summon Monster IX (Arcane)
2x Heal (Divine)
1x Divination (Divine)
1x Haste (Arcane)
2x Dimension Door (1 Arcane, 1 Divine)
The dwarf had nothing that survived Parlaatamuuns scream.
The guy who tried to burn the spellbook had a Ring of Protection +2
A Chasuble of Fell Power
2 Potions of Greater Mage Armor
The guy from the ceiling who is currently alive has.
A Composite Longbow +4 strenght, +3.
A greater Truedeath Crystal.
A Chain Shirt +3
2 Potions of spider climb
The ring Parzlaatamuun stole is not easily identifiable.
The spellbook has nine arcane pages that somehow still survived the Burning.
The pages are Mage Armor
Life restored for a Price (Must be researched)
Undeath to Death
Mages Sword
Mind Blank
Mage's Disjunction (all of These can also be used as scrolls.)

2020-09-01, 05:34 PM
Parzlaatamuun places his taloned foot heavilly on the poor man's chest, looking down as he spills his truth out. "A shame. I was looking forward to eating his shrivelled soul." he says at the news of Mordigar's death. He gives a soft chuckle and pushes down a bit more heavily. "So your divinations led you here, but told you nothing of our arrival, hmm? It would seem your grasp on the skein is failing. This is good. Soon enough 'they' will come. They always try to prevent the inevitable. Listen well before your being is obliterated, weakling. This world will soon come under my foot, just as you are now. Know that you die, not to go to some faroff parasite plane, but to feed your superior." he growls, before pushing down and unleashing a torrent of electrical discharge, frying the man and in the process, sucking his soul into the cancerous wound that is the Lord of Silent Iron's being.

Unnesecary? Yes. But still fun to roll for LEVEL 13 electric discharge! [roll0]

Also eat his soul

1/5 ????

2020-09-01, 11:48 PM

Raziel flicks his blade to the side, clearing the blood before sheathing it. The pulsing of the Heart resonates through the shattered words of creation cobbled together in his soul tugging him deeper into the chamber. He throws his head back as visions wash through his mind leaving behind tantalizing memories and visions. Shards of secret knowledge nestled in the folds of consciousness, left to be savored, deliciously drawing out every buried hint and intimation.

Once the visions have passed the angel sags, looking wrung out. He wearily trudges back up the stairs as Parzla interrogates and summarily dispatches the last survivor. Poking through the items of value Raziel carefully organizes and tucks them away for safekeeping.

2020-09-03, 12:02 AM
"It is time, I think, to consider our next plans, my friends." Parzlatamuun says, turning and crossing his arms as he looks towards the others. "We have a gift in this fortress, should we wish to take it. We could make it into a bastion of power and strength, able to reach out and impose a measure more control upon this fed-upon plane. I wish for this to happen. I desire Lordship of this place, and to begin my work anew, to make creatures of strength and power, able to impose their will upon the world. Here, it can begin, and I would have you all following me. You know me. You know I am not greedy. The Angel, I know, follows my own path. Lady Zara, you could have great strength, each and every corpse we lay low could be yours to do with as you will, and this bastion will need its guards. Tayci, you are lost, you need a guiding principle and you know it." he says, his speech careful and deliberate, gesturing to each in turn as he mentions them. Then he points towards the Heart. "That object has great power. Grand Maw will show us the way, but I will be the one to lead us. Will you join me?" he asks of the group, holding out his hands in a gesture of welcoming.

Just a diplomacy roll to help y'all with your replies [roll0]

2020-09-03, 02:21 AM

The cowled head dips low in solemn response "You know I believe our goals coincide, as long as your leadership remains reasonable and guided I will follow." A grimace crosses the porcelain features barely visible beneath the hood and Raziel's voice is rough, difficult words grinding through his teeth as his hand cuts the air in denial "Though never again will I follow blindly" He shifts his stance to watch the others and gauge their response to the Herald's proposition.

2020-09-04, 04:54 AM
Tayci makes a show of thinking the idea over. After several minutes, she kicks a still-warm corpse over and a fine dagger takes form in her hand. She bends over it and applies the blade to the unmoving flesh. When she stands back up, she looks over her handiwork and smiles daintily. She gestures to it with empty hands.

Promise me first choice of two rooms for my own purposes, no questions, no supervision concerning them.

2020-09-04, 12:03 PM
"Acceptable," Zara replied after some thought. She almost clarified further, but felt it was unnecessary and obvious, so she kept silent and instead began gathering her future servants.

"We will need to bolster our defenses in short order, if the allies of this lot are similarly outfitted. Perhaps they were the best available in capability and armament, and such precautions aren't quite as necessary, but...better safe than sorry."

2020-09-05, 02:14 AM
Parzla looks to the corpse Tayci carves into, and inclines his head, a bemused flicker moving through his glowing eyes. He turns to Zara and nods in agreement. "If you can convince that monstrous creature to guard this place instead of what we promised, good, otherwise we shall keep our end of the bargain. Can you begin the work on making the citadel secure? You may have any materiel we have won through battle for this. Speaking of, Tayci. You should more fully scout the citadel. No doubt in my mind Mordigar had stores of Onyx, which would be of great value to the Lady." he turns to Raziel next. "Teleport back to Grand Maw, and tell her to pack her things. I want her here, secure and safe... and producing magical gear for us." he states, and lets out a laugh as he takes a few steps around the throne room. "At last. At last I can prove my true might."

2020-09-07, 03:22 AM
What coming with you and leaving my wonderful beautiful cave? Well give myself a moment, Raziel dear. Grand maw retreats to her bed chambers. There is a loud crack to be heard and then some disgusting chewing and gulping sounds. There is a bit of blood on her lips when she returns. "I fear we need to do several trips. But I'm sure you can send some people or other things."

Grand Maw doesn't comment her new surroundings (no wonder, she's blind after all) but she still says: "The air feels heavy with death. It may take some time till I have made my home here. But I have done it often enough these days." She would take a room near the throne room and rearrange her stuff, pretty much the same way she did in the cave. Including her grand bed.

The five surviving necromancers would report to Lady Zara.

The other scoop of the grand structure reveals some surviving free-willed undead that either want to get out or also pledge they're loyalty. A lot of undead have also suddenly fallen down. (mostly sceletons and Zombies.)

Mining Squad of 20 Energy infused sceletons.
15 Ghouls.
1 Drowned.
1 Huge sceleton scorpion.

2020-09-07, 11:10 PM

Raziel nods in acquiescence to the Lord of Living Metal. Once he has gathered the Grand Maw and her baggage and returned her to the keep the Fallen explores the upper reaches looking for a generously sized room, preferably with a balcony for easy egress. When the time comes for the Grand Maw to view the Heart Raziel will gather with the others to decide upon our next course of action.

2020-09-08, 01:38 AM
While the others explore the castle, Parlzatamuun summons Grand Maw to the Throne Room, where he has been sitting with seveal books, along with the heart. "Can I assume you have gathered what I plan, Grand Maw? You are of course offered a place within my new.. project, and anything you wish for I shall grant. In return, you will create magical tools to bolster our power. You can start with this." he says, and removes the segmented metal plating around his midriff. "As my power grows, I no longer have need of this movement enhancing belt. Use it, and anything else we have won, and make something suitable for me. You can decide, I trust you, Maw." he laughs behind his unmoving face.

Giving Grand Maw his belt of Dexterity +4, feel free to put it in the pile of stuff Maw can change and hammer into new stuff.

2020-09-08, 03:14 AM
I think I have a pretty good idea what you have plannedÂ… But what mere scraps of power you have gathered won't be enough. She takes the belt and it seems to vanish in one of her wrinkles in her shoulder. She can barely constrain the need to go to the heart but doesn't for now as a show of respect towards the Lord of Silent Iron. For your plan to bear fruit the power of the heart must grow. I want to assist it with thatÂ… May I? After Parzlaatamuun gave even the slightest response in the positive the old night hag slithers eagerly towards the heart. She stretches out one hand fast, but then slowly almost gently touches it. The heart seems to shudder and move and Grand Maw's face contorts in unbelievable horror.

It's hurt! It was hurt so much. It still cry's and bleeds! Grand maw's muscles contort, her eyes roll into the back of her head and she falls to the ground. Only slowly regaining composure. When she stands up again black tears have carved themselves into her face. I can't believe what they did to it... My... She wipes away the tears and stomps angrily on the ground. Splitting some of the stone floor. It could have been dead! Mordigar could have killed it, that stupid little lich. She breathes in heavily several times still she assembles herself. It was split apart. Not by Mordigar he was to weak to accomplish something like that. It was ripped asunder and strewn About to weaken it more and more, because he knew it was the only thing in existence that could KILL HIM! The last words are spat out in such a vitriolic way that when Grand Maw spits out after that, her saliva burns a hole in the floor.

It lives for now. And the other parts too. But it's weak and hurt. You should try to restore it. If it regained his power we should be able to topple one of the pillars of existence. With a quick wave of her hand she summons a table with a map strewn about. It has shown me where parts of it lay. But it has been several thousand years till it really saw it's surroundings. A lot of it may have changedÂ… Or Nothing, I can't say for sure. I haven't been outside that much, pretty much like you.

Important map! (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1pmQLmtgZ5g2e-8JnPwBfJhHf_znOsv1nb2mRWQmUgV4/edit)

As far as I know the dwarven lands are mostly conquered by surface-dwelling dwarfs with strange cultural Habits. They close itself out. But I think the heart is passed down generation from generation as a sort of ancestral relic. Or even relics.

The frozen wastes were once the home of dragons but they were extinguished hundreds of years ago. Perhaps it's in some abandoned hoard there.

The scrapyardÂ… I don't know what this place is now to be honest.

2020-09-14, 11:24 PM
The Construct leans back on the throne and tents his fingers slightly as he watches Grand Maw speak, eyes dimming to single points of green light, his focus total. When she finishes, he lets the silence hold in the air for a few moments. "We must find and restore the heart, clearly, my friends. To war against the dwarves - and I wager it would require such an endeavor - is out of out hands right now, and so my immediate thought is the frozen wastes. We travel there, find the next piece of the heart, and see where it takes us." he says, looking around to the others before his gaze slips back to Maw for a moment, staring at her before he stands up. "You should rest, my dear Maw. The trauma of the heart's sundering must be painful."

2020-09-15, 02:58 AM
The fallen angel joins the others as they gather in the Throne room when the Grand Maw came to view the Heart. He draws his legs up under him, floating in the air with his cowled head bowed. The power of the Maw's words rocks through him, shaking him with their intensity, he twitches and quivers in time with her voice as it flows from sibilant to grating and back. He gathers his thoughts as the Lord of Iron speaks, laying out their path forward then speaks "The fragments of the Heart must be gathered, starting with any one is as good as another. When the Heart gifted us with visions it buried a secret within me. A place related in some way to my creator" the word seems sour in his mouth, grating and twisting as it comes forth "I am unsure if it holds something only of interest to me, or if it holds secrets and power that would help us in our efforts to gather the Heart fragments. It lies far to the Southeast though the vision did not give me the clarity needed to teleport there directly. The Frozen Wastes is as good a destination as any other, I only offer this information as something to remember in our future planning."

2020-09-15, 03:46 AM
"A prospect we shall deal with later, Fallen Angel." Parzlaatamuun says, very nearly cutting the angel off.


He is being deceptive, Raziel's clue has deeply garnered his interest, he is feigning that it isn't important.

2020-09-16, 04:24 AM
The old night hag looks in Raziel's general direction, it seems that she wants to say something but she seems pretty fatigued and just mutters towards Raziel. As Long as you remember where your allegiance lies now... She try's a courtesy towards Parzlaatamuun but nearly slips and falls.

I thank you my Lord you are most considerate of me. I shall try to get myself together and perhaps find out a bit more about the regions surrounding us. After I have taken some deeply needed rest.

She slouches out of the throne room and leaves you to your planning.

2020-09-16, 05:15 AM
Once sure she is gone, Parzlaatamuun turns his gaze back to Raziel. "We will go to this place as early as possible, Raziel. Note how Maw has reacted, I suspect that she is... older than any one of us thought." he brings a clawed finger to his faceplate, curled as he thinks. "We must discover who the heart belongs to. Great power could be ours, certainly, but merely being tools to resurect some ancient Lord of Darkness... that would be a missed opportunity, do you not agree?" he lets out a small chuckle, before finishing. "Reveal nothing of these suspicions to Maw herself. For now, let us do as we said, and travel to the frozen wastes. Are you all prepared?"

2020-09-19, 02:26 AM
Tayci adjusts her posterior on the stone plinth she's chosen as her perch. A tendril of green goo extends from her skull and takes shape before her exuberant face.

Frozen wastes could be fun. I've wondered if spilt blood makes designs in the ice before it cools. I guess we'll see!

2020-09-22, 04:33 PM

Raziel is a little surprised to be cut off so abruptly by Parzlaa, as the Lord of Iron is usually much more tactful. He mentally shrugs it off and watches the scene continue to unfold and the Maw takes her leave. "We are all tools to one another but our goals align and we make no efforts to deceive or manipulate. There is no shame in being a useful tool, but to lie and manipulate instead of finding the mutually beneficial is reprehensible." The Angel nods his affirmation "I am ready to travel when we all have our affairs in order."

2020-09-22, 08:17 PM
"Don't forget yourself Raziel. You are a great ally, but you are from beyond nevertheless. You cannnot comprehend us of the material plane. What I do is nessecary. And it is no deciet, merely the discovery and keeping of a secret, with which you are well familiar." Parzlaatamuun says, standing and flexing his hands. A pair of sharp blades suddenly emergy from above his wrist, a new twist on his natural weapons. He holds his hand in front of his mask and concentrates, the blade extending suddenly to the length of a greatsword, and he nods, satisfied. He walks down from the throne to stand amidst the others. "Teleport us to the Frozen Wastes, Fallen Angel. We begin."

2020-09-24, 02:01 AM
Raziel nods his hooded head, stepping to the center of the room so the others can easily gather around. Once they are gathered and have laid hands on him he begins to hum, a sound deep and thrumming forth from his chest. The pitch stays low but the intensity rapidly rises making the Cabal feel as if they are vibrating in place. As the frequency of vibration increases the room blurs around them, reality seeming to wink out, being replaced with nothing but the buzzing intensity of self. A sudden sound, as a whip crack and in that instant they are, elsewhere.

Casting Teleport, I am not sure the scale of the map. Teleport range would be 1300 miles. Target area would be the south east corner of the Frozen Wastes, where the wastes meet the forests south of them.
Teleport accuracy [roll0]

Familiarity On Target Off Target Similar Area Mishap
Very familiar 01-97 98-99 100 —
Studied carefully 01-94 95-97 98-99 100
Seen casually 01-88 89-94 95-98 99-100
Viewed once 01-76 77-88 89-96 97-100
False destination (1d20+80) — — 81-92 93-100

2020-09-24, 06:37 AM
When the group is whisked away they reappear in the same moment on a small hill.

The confining throne room is replaced with an obscured sky. A mixture of rain and snow is currently falling down and would be chilling or even deadly for a mortal. The land surrounding the group is barren but not totally without life. Some sturdy trees and some underbrush is surrounding the small hill. A white hare is spooked and runs away, only to be snatched up by a white two-tailed fox.

With the keen eyesight of some, the outline of great mountains can be seen in the far reaches of the North. To the west, a mile away the red-black walls of a bastion can be seen. The small of blood also waves over from there. There is a well-maintained road coming off from the Bastion that snakes itself to the south, it seems there is a long way till the next settlement.

To the east are more trees and it seems like a frosty forest begins there.

2020-09-24, 04:02 PM
Tayci breathes deep the blood smell and takes to the air to investigate. She begins with a outward spiraling path around the party before angling straight into the small bastion. A scout must do as a scout does.

2020-09-25, 02:10 AM
The wind is cold and fierce but isn't able to impede Tayci in any way. When looking at the Bastion from above it's roughly six-sided. Like someone decided on that design initially but didn't pull through. It's far away from the precise buildings in Mordigar's former home. There seem to be no guardposts on the 30 foot high walls. Inside the construction are several buildings that cover on the insides of the walls like frightened cattle. Some pretty suicidal buildings are built a bit more deeper in the bastion but they are the exception. There is a hole in the wall on the side of the Bastion that is faced towards the beginning of the snowy wastes. Several individuals try to patch it up and the source of the smell of blood is seen here.

There seems to be some kind of ritual in place. Several people are standing around, sitting and praying towards people who are lying on the Ground. One man walks around swinging an incense holder lightly from side to side while intoning a melody with a coarse and rough voice. One of the several people who lie on the ground get's taken towards the center of the bastion. There stands a golden statue depicting an upright standing man with a peculiar mask on his face. Surrounding him are several wooden and stone tombstones.

Something about the statue makes you feel uneasy.

Some of the people lying on the ground are nearly naked and seem to have differently colored patches of skin on them.

Landing on the side of one of the fallen, you can discern that the dead seem to be separated into big, muscly humans with differently colored patches on they're skin and not much clothing and clothed humans who are muscular but not overtly so.

After closer inspection it seems that the nearly naked people don't have different colored patches on they're skin, it seems more like differently colored scales that are actually part of they're skin. The cause of dead seem to be mostly arrows, and piercing wounds, most likely from spears.

The clothed people are all wearing simple White Cloth. The cause of death seem to be heavy Burning and for others parts of them seem to be just missing. With some you can't discern the case of death.

The melody that one guy is singing is scraping on your nerves and it gives you the hint of a headache.

2020-09-25, 02:55 AM
The singing has gotten a bit much for the hateful creature that is Tayci. With a silent snarl she flings a trio of harpoons into the singer. There will be no question how he died.

First Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Second Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll3]

To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Third Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll6]

To Hit [roll7]

To Hurt [roll8]
Force, Fleshgrinding

2020-09-25, 03:34 AM
The three harpoons lodge itself in the chest of the singing man with such force that he is flung back several feet. They're hangs an audible silence in the air. But just for a moment.

Another attack!

They never did that before?

Where are they?

Several people draw weapons and look around. Some weapons glow. Some of the tombstones also begin to glow and the ruckus is even heard from the other members of the Party. There is chaos and uncertainty but it seems Tayci haven't been seen.

2020-09-25, 03:42 AM
Tayci leaves the three harpoons to do their work in the singer and turns her attention to one of the people with a glowing sword. A salvo of harpoons soar his way.

First Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll0]

To Hit [roll1]

To Hurt [roll2]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Second Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll3]

To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
Force, Fleshgrinding

Third Attack
To Hit via ignoring armor [roll6]

To Hit [roll7]

To Hurt [roll8]
Force, Fleshgrinding

To Hurt [roll9]
Round 1 of 5

To Hurt [roll10]
Round 1 of 5

To Hurt [roll11]
Round 1 of 5

2020-09-25, 04:38 AM
Back at the teleportation site, Parzlaatamuun had watched Tayci fly away with a bemused air about him, cold green pinpricks of eyes moving across the mountain range as he takes in the sights. While their scout did her job, the Construct spoke to the other two telepathically, querying eveything they knew about the area or the bastion with their limited and somewhat out of date knowledge. "Dip into your trove of secrets if there is a chance of useful information, Fallen Angel." he mused, at which point the commotion from the Bastion itself.

"Looks like our scout has caused some trouble." he observes, rising a few inches into the air as spars of steel emerge from his back in a sunburst, glowing with energy and lifting him upwards. With a faint WHOOF he takes off towards the fort, arms crossed over his broad metal chest.

2020-09-26, 01:44 PM
Raziel shakes his hooded head as the others rush off 'so impulsive these mortals.' The Broken Angel lifts slightly off the ground as his wings flair out to the sides, arms raised in a V as if praising the unseen sun. He throws his head back in a silent scream and reality seems to fracture and shatter in front of him. A kaleidoscope of stained glass shards explode outward piercing the flora, fauna and very spirits of the land before they swirl back to the Fallen one. A vortex of crystalline fragments forming runes and letters of all languages as they whirl in a spiral, tighter and tighter until they shatter and crash into his forehead where the Third Eye would be located, there burrowing into the secrets nestled within the broken folds of his mind.

Casting Lore of the Gods: +5 Insight to Knowledge, may expend to check untrained
Casting Guidance of the Avatar: +20 Competence to a skill check
I would think for either knowledge Local or Nobility, whatever you think would be most appropriate Alhallor.

2020-09-28, 04:50 AM
Zara flies alongside the others, contemplating what to turn these soon-to-be victims into. She glances at Parz now and the, still unsure what to make of his declared higher ambitions...but still, better to not make waves for the moment.

Waves...hmm...there's an idea...

She eyes the camp as they close in on it.

2020-09-28, 07:49 AM
When the Spirits of the land pierce Raziels spirit he gets a lot of confused and frightened responses and one very talkative one.

I'll take the check both for Knowledge:local and Nobility

"The winter is longer than usual." "The barbarians attacked the Bastion recently." "Not even the barbarions honor the Spirits of the land anymore. They all follow they're own totem."

"Ow! Oh you want to know something? Why didn't you tell so? General Montarthas is currently the leader of that bastion but he is currently on a way to rally more troops with his advisor. The lands of Carnin, that's the king here, wants to bring the barbarian lands under his command but if you ask me the battle is pretty futile. The barbarians aren't really united and have they're own tribal leaders. After losing they're main hunting targets, dragons by the way, they have decided that only if you have a bunch of human teeth you're a strong guy.

The bastion is putting up a coordinated defense and hold out a time, but they're attacks are either not effective or don't do enough damage to hurt you. If you were weaker they may pose a problem, because they are quite disciplined but even if they are able to hit you. You're resistances or your internal healing takes care of that. All in all you get the sceleton crew of the bastion that are around a 100 man.

[roll0] Vampires raise after [roll1] days.
[roll2] Zombies.


5 shortswords +1
4 Chain Shirts +1
20 bottles of Alchemist fire
10 bottles of Potion of Cure light wounds.

2020-09-28, 03:10 PM
Parzlaatamuun finishes off a soldier with a single beam of virulent green electrified light from an upraised finger, the victim's bones briefly visible as the life is zapped away from his bones. He turns to Tayci, head tilted slightly. "Not that I am complaining about the entertainment, Tayci, but do tell - precisely why are we slaughtering these peons?"

2020-09-29, 07:25 PM
The slimy word bubble oozes out of her head as she checks her nails for any sign of breakage. "I don't know why you killed then, but I was expressing my displeasure with their singing."

2020-10-01, 07:14 AM
The Bastion lies silent, only the dripping of some blood and the moan of a freshly risen zombie can be heard.

After the last guard falls the eyes of Raziel and Zara are drawn to the statue in the middle of the bastion.

The statue doesn't depict any deity that you know. But it makes you feel a bit uneasy, like there is a slight scratching in the insides of your head, like the beginning of a headache. Or something that you SHOULD know but just can't remember.

2020-10-03, 06:42 PM
"Hmm. While I would have prefered to keep more quiet, I will not repremand you, Tayci. Your bloodlust pleases and amuses me, and it was hardly a set back. Lady Zara" Parzlaatamuun says, turning to the Drider. "Perhaps your thralls could hold this bastion for us? If we end up needing to prosecute an actual campaign here, it could make an excellent forward post, no?" he asks, politely.

2020-10-05, 07:06 AM
Zara inspects the statue more closely.

K History (?): [roll0]
K Religion (?): [roll1]

"Hmm...Yes, these ones will suffice to ward off critters and the like, at least for a time."

2020-10-05, 05:07 PM
Raziel swoops into the bastion, robe fluttering as he drops to the ground. The deep cowl rustles as he looks around, surveying the carnage. As the statue begins to exert pressure he paces over, examining it closely, circling around it and checking every detail.

My knowledge skills are actually limited to Arcana without casting spells so we'll see if that's useful in any way and go from there.
K Arcana: [roll0]

2020-10-08, 04:11 AM
Parzlataamuun feels mysteries energies inside him swirling, scratching and... Whispering? Begging to be let out. They can be hold inside him, for now.

One of the zombies shuffles towards Zara and gives her a military salutation. He lurches towards the other undead and says Secure... The... Entrance... Two of the zombies do just that. He faces to the other one. Secure... And... Maintain… Equipment... He Begins to Gather the mundane weapons and armor and should he have everything in order he begins to sharpen the weapons, try to repair the armor that is sliced apart, scorched by arcane energy or punctured through.

The clearly mightiest zombie then produces a flask from somewhere, opens it and take a swig. Keep... Away… Critters...

2020-10-08, 08:49 AM
Zara's lips tighten perceptibly, and briefly she looks consumed with rage and pain. A moment later, it's gone. "It depicts a demigod of trickery. Take care around it, it may be enchanted." She pauses a moment to consider many things. "I have spells that can be used to prepare the fortress for defense. I'll get those cast before we continue on to our next destination." She skitters away.

2020-10-08, 02:34 PM
"Excellent." Parzlaatamuun says, glancing down towards one hand and clenching his fist, pushing the writhing soul energy down for the time being. "Now then, while Lady Zara is fortifying this place... Raziel, tell us what you know of the Frozen Lands to the North. Was there any record of Dragon Lairs for us to use? Perhaps a dragonhunter map."

2020-10-08, 05:13 PM
Raziel's cowled head turns to the Lord of Iron and nods in acknowledgement "The information I could find said little of dragons. It seems the wastes are dominated by barbarians. I say dominated and not ruled because they are fragmented and fractious, it seems there is a King named Carnis though his control over the lands seems to be tenuous at best." Gesturing to the statue the angel continues "This would seem to be a patron saint of Entertainers and Enchanters so it would fit with being an ascendant trickster. I was shown a brief vision where he had kill his predecessor and took something of hers in his bid to ascend. Perhaps the Heart or a fragment of it? I do not know for certain."

2020-10-10, 03:13 PM
When the dragons are mentioned, the highly intelligent zombie turns towards Parzlaatamuun. No... Dragons... All... Eaten...

He looks empty towards the sky for a moment. Barbarians... Do... Dragon... Hunting... Haven't... Found... For... Centuries...

He takes another swig from his flask.

2020-10-10, 04:35 PM
Parzlatamuun taps a finger on his hip, thinking. "Then we shall head north. Seek out someone with the old stories, the tales of the dragon hunters will tell us where their ruins might lie." he says, turning to the others. "Unless you have any suggestions, Tayci, Lady Zara?"

2020-10-13, 04:27 AM
When the group travels north it isn't long till the snow begins to fall and actually get's heavier. The temperatures drop sharply and normal humans would probably have problems living comfortably. A sharp wind blows but it's just enough to slow the group down a little bit.

You can see several fir trees from up high, but nothing that can be called a forest. Some gnarly plants claw themselves in the ground too withstand the howling winds and some small potrusions rise up from the ground too sad to be called hills.

A trail is seen and after following it for less than a minute a humanoid in a heavy fur coat is seen trudging through the falling snow. Whether it is a storyteller is not readily apparent.

2020-10-14, 05:31 PM
Stopping in the air, Parzlaatamuun touches a small gemstone on his wrist to shift his form to something more... paletable. Maw had created the device not long ago, and helped to implant it into the Lord. Ordering the other two to remain out of sight until needed, he lands a fair distance from the person.

Clad in the form of a tall, pale-skinned humanoid, wrapped in furs and warm clothes, the disguised Parzla makes his way on the ground towards the traveller, raising a hand in greeting. "Hello there!" he calls out, voice full of strange for him warmth and friendliness. "Was not expecting a fellow traveller on this cold road, how do you fare, friend?"


2020-10-15, 03:55 AM
The tall woman turns to Parzlaatamuun.

Her pearly-white skin seems like the snow itself, her heavy fur trimmed robes in a dark blue makes her stand out from the snow. Her hair is black but tucked under a hood and her piercing gaze from her dark brown eyes soften when she sees Parz human form. She seems surprised but clearly happy that she meets someone else. She laughs a crispy clear laugh and then speaks further.

I don't know how you can call this a "road" but it is nice too see someone else. She gracefully steps towards him and comes pretty close. Probably a bit too close than is courtly. You're not from here are you? You don't look the part. Do you come from the south? Oh I'm Sverva by the way and you? She continues walking while talking and the falling snow seems to be a bit less severe than before.

Oh, I'm just on the way towards the Yakshew tribe. They are in need of my services after all. She laughs again in a crispy clear manner and for a short moment the feeling of a warm summer morning fills Parzlaatamuun.

It's a small Prestidigitation effect.

2020-10-15, 04:00 AM
The pale man smiles and nods. "Yes, from some distance south, actually." he replies, reaching up to brush a stand of hair from his brow. "Call me Par, Svera, it is lovely to meet you. I'm a scholar by trade, and coming this way to collect stories and record. On dragons no less!" he gives a small laugh "You see, there used to be dragons in these parts, and I am studying the records, such as I can find them. How about yourself, what services are you offering to the Yakshew?"

2020-10-15, 04:18 AM
Oh, a Scholar. Then it's good that you found me and not one of these uncivilized barbarians, Mr. Par. Her smile seems to freeze when dragons are mentioned and she stops in her tracks.

It IS good that you came to me first. She seems to shake her head to clear her thoughts and begins walking again. The Yakshew and the others would kill you without question if you asked for dragons. They think that all dragons belong to them, to strenghten themselves they're ancestors became dragon hunters, eating they're flesh and bathing in they're blood. And sometimes they're feces. They became so skilled that they actually killed every single dragon as far as I know. The only rumored survivor should have been the blue dragon Karkrishkrabonglkarkrushgencli or Ice Fang, as the tribes call them.

She smiles, when her occupation is asked. Oh you know, they have they're shamans but sometimes the help of a wise women is needed too. A bit of healing, a smidge of trading and some weaving skills is all I can offer them.

2020-10-19, 03:19 PM
The man blinks, a worried look coming across his face as Parzla feigns shock. "My aim would be to record and spread their tales and techniques, you think they would still see that as theft? he asks, running a hand across his soft white hair. "That would be very unfortunate."

Sense Motive on her talking about her skills [roll0]

2020-10-20, 02:59 AM
I'm pretty sure they would. They are agressive beyond respise but you don't have to worry. With me on your side you may actually not get decapicated in a glorious splattering manner. She would take your arm and snuggle up a bit.

You're pretty sure that she vastly understates her abilitys. By the way she moved and changed her voice a litte bit you also think that she try'd to cast a subtle spell on you, which wasn't able to infiltrate your thought-routine.

2020-10-20, 04:17 PM
There is a moments confusion on the Iron Lord's face as she slides close to him, feeling the magic slip off his strange, metallic mind, but his social mores catch up swiftly, and, playing the part of an 'innocent' scholar, stammers back. "I-I see. Thank you, Svera. I suppose I'll place my life, and my thesis, in your hands!" he says, starting to walk along with her. He telepathically contacts the others, voice in their heads the same cold, clinical voice of the Lord of Silent Iron. Follow. Remain out of sight until needed. But watch her carefully, I suspect this woman is no mere hedgewitch.

2020-10-21, 03:47 AM
Oh, you flatterer. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. She slips one of her hands inside Parz clothes and he feels an unnatural cold slipping past his defenses and cooling his core.

Take 20 cold damage, Your resistance should be read as 5 points lower than normal.

She Slips a hand inside Parz clothes and it seems ice is forming at his Skin.

2020-10-21, 04:12 AM
Parzlaatamuun looks down at the hand against his chest, sighing and shaking his head. "Oh. That really is A Shame...." he says as he reaches up to grab the hand with his own, body rapidly changing as he dismisses the spell, growing taller, skin turning dark and metallic, eyes flashing into green fiery life. "Kindness to travelers seems to be a dying art." he says, chuckling as he tightens his grip painfully, and a vicious shock of electical power flows through his hand.

20 Cold Damage. Resist Cold 13, reduced to Resist 8, 12 damage taken. 6 damage healed by Fast Healing

Grapple Check [roll0]
[roll1] Discharge
and presumably 2 negative levels if its successful?

2020-10-24, 09:59 AM
Zara emerges from the snowbanks with a sigh. "And here I thought this style of flirting would be more up his alley," she comments dryly. A hand flicks disinterestedly in the direction of the woman, a touch of sanguimancy causing her blood to roil in her veins from heat and tainted transmutation. The thought of a piping hot drink in a storm like this makes her unconsciously lick her lips.

Zara casts "Boiling Blood".

Range: 360 ft
Target: One living creature
Duration: 26 rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

Each round at the start of her turn, the woman will take 1d8 acid and 1d8 fire damage. DC 23 Fortitude save negates the damage for that round, but doesn't end the effect.

2020-10-26, 07:18 AM
Sverva is very surprised when her deathly cold hands don't impress Parzlaatamuun at all and she even get's grapped, ripping power straight out of her. Shortly after that her own blood hurts her like hell. She kicks Parzlaatamuun deftly, but this time her unnatural frost glides past his frightening defenses but she kicks in such a strange knowledgeable and cunning way that even should Parz not be hit, an explosion of ice forms and hit's the construct, though Zara is too far away to get damaged by that icy explosion. Shorty after that the Lord of Silent Iron holds an ice replica of Sverva in his claws and she is some 30 feet away and very frightened. Stop this! She screams out while she surrounds herself with cooling winds to stop her own blood from burning her.

Kick against Parz:
Damage: [ROLL]2d6+10 Bashing Damage (Doesn't matter anyway, because she didn't hit) no additional ice damage from her touch this time but still
[roll1] Ice Damage, your resistance is still considered 5 points lower. You can take a Reflex save against 16 to half that if you deem it necesarry.

2020-10-26, 02:55 PM
Takes 14, reduced to 6, heals 6 for a total of 6 damage currently taken

Parzlaatamuun chuckles as he shatters the ice sculpture, giving his clawed hand a small shake to remove the ice from it and raises it towards Zara. "Hold, Lady Zara. She has asked us to stop, and I am inclined to oblige." he says, looking towards Sverva. His hands swing behind his back as he approaches her in a stately manner, stopping a good 15 feet away. "Do you surrender, and apologize for your" he chuckles "Charming attempt at murder?"

2020-10-26, 03:11 PM
The shadowed sky offers no illumination onto Tayci as she lands directly behind Sverva. Her wings relax as she takes an exaggerated striking position with both hands gripping a harpoon.

2020-10-26, 10:48 PM
Zara sighs once more, but dismisses the spell for now...although another one stands ready to replace it, should this winter witch prove obstinant.

2020-10-27, 03:30 AM
Sverva whose body gave off intense heat and melted the snow around her to create a little steam vortex sighs heavily when her blood stoops boiling. She looks around, looking at the Lord of Silent Iron and Zara. Her gaze catches a glimpse of Raziel who had readied one of his tricks and she curses and sprints away from Tayci when she's getting aware of her.

What are you guy's? Are you seriously going dragonhunting? Sverva makes a little motion and the snow stops falling around you. Also the winds lose they're sharp edge and she seems at least a little pleased.

2020-10-27, 03:33 AM
Parzlaatamuun shakes his head, and raises one hand, lightning crackling at the tip of his forefinger threateningly. "You did not answer. I shall ask once more. Do you surrender, and apologize for your pathetic attempt to do me harm?" he asks, eyes darkening to pinpricks.

2020-10-27, 03:42 AM
With a silent flutter of feathered wings, Tayci darts through the intervening space and Sverva herself. Once behind Sverva again, she readies her harpoon to impale the woman should she attempt to flee again.

2020-10-27, 03:50 AM
Sverva looks at Parzlaatamuun for a moment. She does hesitate but only for a moment, then her head sinks down though she doesn't fall to her knees.

I apologize Par and do not wish to continue fighting you or your companions. Though I would have stopped if you had survived my touch. I just wanted to feel some warmth different than snow hardenend barbarians and it seemed a fitting payment for my protection. Her eyes sway at her side and she seems very ticked off about Tayci being behind her.

You can also spear me from the front, you know?

2020-10-27, 03:59 AM
"That would go against my dear Tayci's nature. Murder is so much more visceral when done from behind, after all." the Lord of Silent Iron says, and lowers his hand, nodding to Tayci and Zara. "I will accept your apology, such as it was, for now, Sverva. As for your question, you may address me as Parzlaatamuun, Lord of Silent Iron and the current Master of Hin Richten Castle." he explains, fixing her with a stare. "We have come here, indeed, to hunt dragons, or failing that, to raid their graves for something we desire. And no, I shall not share what that is with you."

2020-10-27, 04:40 AM
I'm not interested in the dragons lairs… Parzlaatamuun. She also looks at the Lord of Silent Iron but avoids his gaze after a second. To be frank, I think that's insane. As far as i know Karkrishkrabonglkarkrushgencli is the last and biggest dragon around here. He has his liar somewhere in the mountain range. He nods towards the mountains.

There are several tribal villages plastering the way, but if you all can fly you can avoid them easily. As of now the lead tribe the Yikr'n have they're base at the mountain, trying to find his lair. But they will be unsuccesfull as always. To be replaced by another tribe or they will get another year at the base of the mountain if they keep being the lead tribe. I'm living in this wastes for 30 years now but never was the dragon found. Though he is seen regularly.

2020-10-27, 03:36 PM
Pondering for a moment, Parzla taps his chin with one clawed finger. "Thirty years, hm? And who, would you say, has the best records of the Dragonslayer times, when the hunt was common?"

2020-10-28, 03:52 AM
That would be Gangama the current leader of the Yik'rn. He is a beast of a man and I saw him walking through the breath weapon of a giant blue dragon once and decapicate him. She shudders, but then looks at you, half-jokingly.

I guess you want to kill him?

With your vast Knowledge of language you think that Gangama is actually a word in the giant language though you can't discern it's meaning, because you actually don't know the language.

2020-10-28, 07:01 PM
Parzlaatamuun shakes his head. "Not unless he defies me. I require detailed information about where the great hordes were, and what objects the Dragons held. Who knows, perhaps we could be friends!" he explains, with a wry tone at the end.

2020-10-29, 03:13 AM
Sverva looks confuddled at the Lord of Silent Iron. About what hordes are you talking about? The tribes take they're possessions always with them.

2020-11-01, 09:45 PM
"Not the tribes possessions - the Dragons. Whatever wealth or magical detritus which ended up in their claws." Parzlaatamuun replies, a low, annoyed note in his tone. "As I said, we seek an item long lost within these lands."

2020-11-02, 12:13 AM
Sverva gets more confused and she chooses her next words very carefully to not anger Parzlaatamuun anymore.

But that makes no sense why would a dumb animal like a dragon hoard anything? Besides some stones or perhaps other material for they're nests I mean.

2020-11-07, 09:11 PM
The Lord of Silent Iron takes a step forward, eyes flickering across towards Lady Zara for a moment. "This is... curious. Describe for me, in detail, what you know a dragon to be, and do not ask questions about this. It seems there is... something being miscommunicated here."

2020-11-08, 07:26 PM
She obviously wants to ask a question but restrains herself.

Well they have between two and twelve limbs, sometimes with wings, sometimes not. They have a breath weapon, but that can be anything between masses of trash, too needles to electricity. They have mostly one color, like blue and you can kinda extrapolate from there, but it's hard to find constant things about them. Most of they're limbs are mismatched and don't fit and if they die they explode in a shower of bones blood and guts.

2020-11-09, 03:10 AM
Zara stares, her mind whirring. That didn't sound right at all...

K (Arcana): [roll0]
K (History): [roll1]
K (Religion): [roll2]

2020-11-16, 07:08 PM
"You are speaking nonsense. Words have meaning, and dragons are dragons, not...whatever you're talking about. Dragons have been as they are since time immemorial, you can't just...invent new meanings for the world to give some new weird creature the mystique and ancestry of the draconic title."

2020-11-17, 04:56 AM
Sverva is both annoyed and frightened about Zara's words.

I'm not making anything up! These are the dragons I knew my whole life! She scrambles to her knees and burries her head into the snow.

Please, believe me. I don't want to deceive you, I want to help you as best I can, but I can't if I'm dead.

2020-11-19, 03:04 AM
"The logic is sound." Parzlaatamuun says, passively, waving a hand towards the murderous Tayci. "And recall what we were told - what we know as dragons are extinct. Perhaps the name has transferred to some lesser creature." He says, and takes a step towards Sverva. "Tell me this then - what legends are there of the ancestors? Who fought, perhaps even greater beasts than the dragons, mighty warriors of supreme might?"

2020-11-19, 03:22 AM
There is but one story I heard from long long ago. But it's more of a childrens tale than anything else. She ponders for a moment but still tolds you the story. It's about a small dragon, very little. With her hand she gestures at the height of a human child. Who, of course, got laughed at by the other dragons because he was so small and insignificant. He traveled the land and found several things, the breath of a salamander spirit, the first snowflake that ever fell, long-lost treasure that he could get to because he was so small and nimble, including the still beating heart of an old beast. He devoured it and then became Karkrishkrabonglkarkrushgencli, the biggest and oldest dragon that still rules over this land. The story should spark creativity if you can't solve a problem like everybody else. She then shakes her head.

I don't know anything about older beings or even warriors that fought other beasts then what I see around here.

2020-11-21, 03:28 AM
With a snap of his head, Parzlaatamuun looks towards Zara as the fey makes mention of the dragon eating a still-beating heart. "That sounds.... Yes. This is useful information, Sverva. Then Karkrishkrabonglkarkrushgencli will be our target for now. And we will need this... Gangama." he thinks for a moment, a dull green glow suffusing his head. "You know him. How would he react to a... physical demonstration of power, and an offer of an alliance? Can he be swayed by proximity to strength, or will he be foolish and seek to crumple himself against a foe he cannot defeat."

2020-11-21, 03:36 PM
It's clear that the fey thinks a moment till she answers. I'm pretty sure that he would accept if you're ready to humiliate yourself in front of him. Like kneeing before him or something like that. He is to proud to accept working with someone that positions themselves over him. If you're fine with that, I'm pretty sure he would accept working with you.

2020-11-21, 06:47 PM
"And if I were to rip him apart and place whomever would follow me upon the chieftan's stump?"

2020-11-23, 03:46 AM
You are serious right? She doesn't even wait for an answer. If you should be able to beat him, I'm sure they would accept you as they're new chieftain.

2020-12-04, 04:02 AM
Parzlaatamuun turns to the others, and tilts his head slightly to them.

"If you have an objection to this course of action, my comrades, speak it now. We shall kill two birds with one stone. Gain access to any knowledge they have about this creature which ate a heart, and gain the loyalty of a strong tribe." he says, crossing his arms in front of him. His tone is careful - diplomatic, and certainly open to the possibility of dissent, but also firm.

2020-12-09, 03:59 AM
Tayci smirks at the images her ooze tentacle is animating before her. It describes, in no uncertain manner, the wanton slaughter of a man in power and the conquering of that figure's little world.

2020-12-22, 05:42 PM
"I have no objections. He will make a fine servant, one way or another."

2020-12-23, 05:01 AM
With a curt nod, Parzlaatamuun rises into the air, his wing-spars expanding outward and glowing. "Then we have a course of action. Sverva, despite your earlier mistake, you have given the Lord of Silent Iron useful information. I will spare your life, and what is more... come with us if you wish. I will require an advisor learned in these barbarians ways."

2020-12-23, 06:05 AM
Sverva doesn't seem overly happy but still seems to want to go with the group. Sure, I can come with… When will my weakness go away?

However you answer when you soar trough the sky Sverva stays on the ground, but slides over the snow, but don't disturbing it one bit. She is a bit slower than all of you, but not by much.

You are flying/gliding for two whole days till you reach the base of the mountain, with the barbarian encampment before it, It's hard to overlook, with brightly colored tents contrasting the snowy landscape. They're is a massive totem pole depicting several Dragon heads and the highest one seems to be a humanoid dragonlike figure. Several people in wild fur clothes are sprayed around the totem, all of them with several patches of scales on them. They seem to be doing a kind of primitive dance around the structure. Some other People are Standing around the encampment and look at the spectacle. The biggest (and most colorful) tent is near the totem. It's flaps all tightly closed.

Sverva says. they'll going to hunt shortly. The dance is supposed to bring good luck. I'm sure the chieftain will appear before they're done.

Barbarian encampment. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1omK1WwTP97qYm3BA0Jh5A9nufQ8yuvNx_mlJRAjjcGQ/edit?usp=sharing)

2021-01-03, 01:14 AM
The journey is long, but Parzlaatamuun speaks little, and assuming that the fey creature does not need sleep either, simply continues on the path, carving a faint green scar against the sky. At one point, the aurora flicker into life, and for a moment the Anaxim is suffused in the same glowing, charged particles of the sky, filling his body with the energy of the stars.

Parzlaatamuun halts in the sky as they approach the camp, arms crossed as he looks down at the dancing masses. His arms crossed over his chest, the Iron Lord surveys the scene for a few moments before turning his gaze to the other two.

"We kill only on my signal. These mortals may yet be of use to me, if their spirit is strong. For now however..", he looks back down towards the dancers, and lets out a small chuckle. "My Lady Zara? Get their attention."

2021-01-05, 09:42 PM
With the flick of her wrist, Zara summons forth endless tentacles of utter unbeing in the midst of the dancing savages. The ghastly appendages ganged up on anybody unfortunate enough to be too close and proceeded to start literally squeezing the life out of them. With any luck tomorrow would see many new wights wandering these snowy wastes.

Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles (works similar to Evard's with a few differences).

Grapple bonus is +34, and any grappled target takes 1d8+4 damage, and 1 negative level (1d20+26 vs SR, DC 25 Fort save to avoid).

2021-01-06, 10:31 AM
Wait I don't think you should necesarrily... A mass of tentacles burst forth from the totem and grabs several of the dancing barbarians. Some of them are slain instantly while others are trying to get away. The battle-hardened wilds react nearly instantly and try to get towards the tentacles and strike at them impotently. One of them cry's out a weird phrase and the totem begins to glow. The immediate effect is that the tentacles at the bottom of the totem disappear instantly, but the spell doesn't seem to be countered.

Cry's toward the shaman and Gargama get loud but they don't appear immediately.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1omK1WwTP97qYm3BA0Jh5A9nufQ8yuvNx_mlJRAjjcGQ/edit#gid=0)

The totem seems to emit a weird kind of protective aura, though you can't exactly discern what it does... You're pretty sure it at least helps them to resist your spells a bit better (saving throw bonus, unsure how high) and make them a lot hardier (temp HP bonus, relatively high, in the high two digits.)

2021-01-08, 12:54 AM
Parzlatamuun turns towards Lady Zara, his eyes flashing an angry green and a telepathic hiss of annoyance wafts over the drider. "That does not fit within the definition of 'get their attention', Zara. Hnf. You had better not have slaughtered the useful ones." he says to her, before he retracts his wings and descends swiftly towards the ground, landing with a slight bend of the knee and a resounding crash of metal on frozen ground, shards of solid mud flying into the air. He stands, rolls his shoulders back with a metallic clink, and folds his arms across his chest imposingly.

"I AM THE LORD OF SILENT IRON, AND I HAVE COME TO TAKE YOUR ALLEGIANCE, WARRIORS OF THE FROZEN NORTH!" He calls out, voice booming loud enough to make the ground shake slightly, and anyone too close to clutch their ears in not insignificant pain. "CALL UPON YOUR PARASITES, YOUR GODS IF YOU WISH. BRING YOUR CHAMPION FORTH. BY THE END OF THIS DAY, YOU WILL BE MINE, OR YOU WILL BE DEAD!".

2021-01-09, 06:40 AM
The barbarians are stunned by the appearance of The Lord of Silent Iron, while one struggles out of the tentacles, another one dies in they're grasp.

The appearance of two individuals changes they're attitudes however.

From one tent strides an old and frail man, laddened with furs and holding a staff of bone and adorned with scales that he waves at the tentacles.

Dispel check against the tentacles [roll0] If succesfull you get 12 points of damage.

And from the biggest tent strides a positively massive person with a giant flaming axe in his hands that bellows a short command. Kill him!

6 Barbarians open they're mouth to scream but instead of warscreams it seems that a lot of fire, acid, ice and lightning fly's towards Parzlaatamuun.

You can make 6 Reflex saves against 18, for everyone you just didn't do you get a bonus towards your Intimidation check you made earlier.

[roll1] Fire
[roll2] Ice
[roll3] Lighting
[roll4] Fire
[roll5] Acid
[roll6] Ice

2021-01-09, 09:49 AM
"It kills slowly, unless one is particularly frail. If the initial strikes killed them, I can assure you I have only improved upon their usefulness," she replies coolly.

CL check: [roll0]

2021-01-10, 12:52 AM
You speak truthfully? Parzlaatamuun replies to Zara as he watches the large tribesman emerge from his tent. As the varied energy blasts sweep across the Anaxim, the magical energy fizzling and dying upon his metal skin, he adds Disapointing. though whether this referrs to the blasts or to Zara's revelation about the weakness of the tribesmen is unclear.

The Lord of Silent Iron steps forward through the elemental maelstron and comes out utterly unscathed, body suffused in an eerie green glow. He raises a finger and points it towards the large man who ordered this attack upon his person. "Let us test your strength, fleshling." he says, coldly, and the same green glow suffusing him appears around the target before flashing angry and bright. The man's flesh is assaulted, with only the hardiness of his body to keep his soul intact.

Using my Destruction SLA on this apparent leader.
DC24 Fort Save or he dies, flesh simply evaporating to leave his clothing and weapons untouched.
If he succeeds, he takes [roll0] Damage.

2021-01-19, 08:16 PM
Tayci flutters silently to the ground amidst the attacking barbarians, a harpoon in hand. She spreads her wings and her arms wide beckoning them to approach. The green goo forms a target on her chest, begging the sweet kisses of their weapons.

Robilar's Gambit, yay! They get +4 to hit my incorporeal self!

And I get AoOs on everyone who attacks me in melee!

I'll just go ahead and make some attack rolls and leave them here, just in case.

To Hit [roll0]
Lucky reroll [roll1]
To Hurt [roll2]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll3]
Lucky reroll [roll4]
To Hurt [roll5]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll6]
Lucky reroll [roll7]
To Hurt [roll8]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll9]
Lucky reroll [roll10]
To Hurt [roll11]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll12]
Lucky reroll [roll13]
To Hurt [roll14]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll15]
Lucky reroll [roll16]
To Hurt [roll17]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll18]
Lucky reroll [roll19]
To Hurt [roll20]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

Crits are on 20. Double damage.

Have fun!

2021-01-28, 11:12 PM
Figuring that a second challenge to Parz's authority in one fight would be too much for his fragile ego to handle, Zara dismisses the spell tying up so many of the pathetic weaklings and flies down and to the side of the conflict. She takes what would normally be an energy draining spell that utterly destroys a person and blasts the magic out, using her hands to shape the charge. The dispersal of the magic over a wide area weakens the result immensely, but it won't kill anybody. She avoids catching this leader in the blast, to avoid having to have another argument.

Waves Of Exhaustion. 60 ft cone, SR Yes, Save no. They're just exhausted. Prior to that I'm moving so that I can catch as many of them as I can with that, without antagonizing the leader directly.

SR: [roll0]

2021-01-29, 04:44 AM
One of the Barbarians who seems despite being exhausted and fearful of Parzlaatamuuns display still brave enough to charge Tayci get's mercilessly speared by her. The rest of the tribe seeing this fall down to the ground submitting themselve to this mighty monsters that have come and try to devour them.

The chieftain just sneers, having weathered Parzlataamuuns ability with ease, he raises his axe and begins running towards him, but it transforms into a flying flaming charge towards the Lord of Silent Iron and with a heavy blow with his weapon he try's to split him in two. Shortly after that he also delivers a swift kick to challenge his defenses.

Fire Damage [roll1] + [roll2] + 2 (add all this together before applying resistance)
Weapon Damage [roll3]
Kick to the gut [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Again add the weapon Damage and the unarmed Damage together before applying DR and reduce DR by 5, he has some feats should he hit you with his weapon your Fast healing get's disrupted for 1 round)

The shaman who is also caught in Zara's spell covers down but has enough power to raise his hand towards Zara. He screams something inaudible and the earth breaks under Zara's flying form and several fleshy arms seem to climb over each other to grab her, like a massive column of arms.

First SR. [roll6] if it fails ignore the rest.
Touch attack: [roll7] Initiate grapple. If grapple is initiated make a contesting strenght check against [roll8] if you lose the giant mass of arms slams you down and deals you [roll9] damage.

Raziel who wanted to attack one of the preposterous barbarians instead looks at the strangely glowing totem with interest, when they decide to not interfere anymore.

Battle situation (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1omK1WwTP97qYm3BA0Jh5A9nufQ8yuvNx_mlJRAjjcGQ/edit#gid=0)

2021-01-30, 01:40 AM
Parzlaatamuun takes a half step back and raises an arm to defend himself from the Barbarian Chieftain's assault, the axe-blade sending sparks off his armor plating as it skits and then digs deep into the shoulder, a sickly green light spilling out like some strange analogue of blood. Parzla makes no sound of pain - his body far beyond such things, and turns to try and bring the assault back upon his enemy, lashing out with his taloned hands. A grinding noise comes from the injured shoulder, and the Lord of Iron's arm seems to spasm slightly as he makes his first attempt, the barbarian able to easily twist away from the scything talons. "Good!" he says, voice tinged with approval as he turns and connects with his other set of claws, digging deep into the barbarian's flesh and letting loose a burst of electrical energy.

From Discord:
Current HP 165/235 HP, +10 THP

One hit on enemy, total of 52 Weapon Damage, 51 Electrical Damage and 8 Fire Damage

2021-02-20, 11:47 PM
Tayci steps back toward Parz and faces away from his duel. She focuses her attention on the humans surrounding them to cover his back.

Robilar's Gambit, yay! They get +4 to hit my incorporeal self!

And I get AoOs on everyone who attacks me in melee!

I'll just go ahead and make some attack rolls and leave them here, just in case.

To Hit [roll0]
Lucky reroll [roll1]
To Hurt [roll2]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll3]
Lucky reroll [roll4]
To Hurt [roll5]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll6]
Lucky reroll [roll7]
To Hurt [roll8]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll9]
Lucky reroll [roll10]
To Hurt [roll11]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll12]
Lucky reroll [roll13]
To Hurt [roll14]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll15]
Lucky reroll [roll16]
To Hurt [roll17]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

To Hit [roll18]
Lucky reroll [roll19]
To Hurt [roll20]
Fleshgrinding, Evil, Force

Crits are on 20. Double damage.

2021-02-28, 08:54 AM
Zara doesn't bother righting herself, floating upside-down at lightning speed towards the shaman, palm outstretched.

Move: Move 50 ft over, flying perfectly.

Standard: Harm.

Touch Attack: [roll0]

CL vs SR: [roll1]

150 damage (Will save DC 25 for half)

2021-03-01, 05:36 AM
When Zara rushes towards the shaman he try's to jump back, but her hand touches him and immediately Zara feels the familiar feeling of her own necrotic energy's suffusing her body and healing herself instead of channeling towards the enemy spellcaster. He grins mischieveously and in return stretches his hand out to touch her while talking in weird syllables his spit flying towards her.

Because you can't fail the spellcraft roll, he casts Otto's irresistible Dance towards you. What would otherwise be a good choice, but because you are immune against it anyway I won't bother with the rolls.

The Mighty barbarian is battered by Parzlaatamuun's attacks, it seems he is a bit protected from his physical attacks, but what is the most surprising seems that nearly all the discharge of the Lord of Silent Iron's electrical attack is absorbed into the weapon of the Barbarian, only leaving a small electrical burn that seems miniscule if compared to the gashing wound. While falling down he takes a mighty step to the side to have access towards Tayci and attacks her with a mighty swing.

Yes he hits your incorporeal ass, but you do counter with Robilar's Gambit and hit him.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] and [roll2] Fire and [roll3] Electrical

But he then turns towards the Lord of Silent Iron and wails on him further.

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] and [roll6] Fire
Attack 2: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8] and [roll9] Fire
and kick: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

He then steps into Parzlaatamuuns shadow and reappears at his tent where two men and two women have emerged. One runs towards Tayci and crushes an ice pearl in they're hands.

Against SR [roll12] You can make a Reflex save against DC 18 to not be affected. If you are you, you get inside a crystalling prison, though you can Escape with a DC 15 Strength check that costs you a full-round Action.

Two others throw glowing balls of energy at Parzlataamuun, though it splattern ineffectually at his magic-resistant plates.

Against SR. [roll13]
If effective [roll14] Force Damage.

And the last one takes the spear that has burdened itself in the barbarians chest and rips it out!

More barbarians. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1omK1WwTP97qYm3BA0Jh5A9nufQ8yuvNx_mlJRAjjcGQ/edit#gid=0)

2021-03-01, 10:29 PM
Current HP 171/235, 10 THP

Bolter fire:
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Attack [roll8] Damage [roll9]
Attack [roll10] Damage [roll11]

No electric this time.

Now more used to the large man's movements, though still impressed, the Lord of Silent Iron weathers his blows with relative ease, using his reinforced forearms to deflect the weapon. He is ready to counter-attack, when the Barbarian vanishes, moving through his own shadow and reappearing across the battlefield.

"DO NOT DISSAPOINT ME, GARGAMA. YOU CANNOT FLEE FROM MY REACH!" he cries out loudly, and his shoulders seem to open up slightly revealing the pointed iron spikes of his ranged weapons. A hail of bolts flies out towards Gargama, intending to continue this fight despite the shadow trick.

2021-03-04, 01:51 PM
Zara attacks the shaman with tooth and claw since magic is being turned against her. No doubt there is some limit to that effect, but sometimes a more hands-on approach is preferable~

Bite: [roll0] ([roll1] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll2] (+[roll3] if immune)
Poison: [roll4] Str damage (DC 19 Fort negates, immune can be affected but +5 to save)
Negative Levels: 4 (2 if normally immune)

Slam: [roll5] ([roll6] crit confirm)
Damage: [roll7] (+[roll8] if immune)
Negative Levels: 4 (2 if normally immune)