View Full Version : My First Solo D&D 3.5 Session

2020-07-15, 11:22 AM
Hey everybody. Last night my first solo D&D 3.5 session turn out great. My team beat a Lemure. (Well actually the male dwarf warblade actually beat a Lemure because he the only one can damage and kill it while the other four adventurers weapons were useless due to the Lemure Damage reduction.) So anyway I have a fun time.

el minster
2020-07-15, 02:02 PM
Good for you, keep me posted on your adventures

2020-07-15, 03:02 PM
Good for you, keep me posted on your adventures

Thank you and I will.

If anybody is curious about my team where here they are:

K'yorl Horlbar (Chaotic Good Male Lesser Drow Cleric Of Eilistraee, the leader).
Han Lanik (Neutral Good Male Gnome Spellthief, K'yorl's sidekick)
Sariel Evenwind (Chaotic Good Female Elf Wizard, K'yorl's mistress)
Darrak Deepmiddens (Lawful Good Male Dwarf Warblade, The Strong Guy)
Hagar Hardy (Lawful Good Male Human Swordsage, The Smart Guy)

And all of them are at Level 1 who earned 60 XP for their first fight against the Lemure. :smile:

2020-07-15, 03:44 PM
...Huh. I'm assuming that Sariel bucks the racial profile that other elves have that they're violently racist and bigoted, then?

Sariel loves all races even Drow. A backstory that Sariel works at her family tavern and she was being harrassed with two male orc barbarians. K'yorl saved her they defeated the two orc barbarians together. They started dating together. However, K'yorl didn't tell Sariel that he already has a girlfriend back home and he kept a secret. And Sariel has a history of being heartbroken with a lot of men that she dated in the past. Sad but true. :frown:

2020-07-15, 06:37 PM
Sariel loves all races even Drow. A backstory that Sariel works at her family tavern and she was being harrassed with two male orc barbarians. K'yorl saved her they defeated the two orc barbarians together. They started dating together. However, K'yorl didn't tell Sariel that he already has a girlfriend back home and he kept a secret. And Sariel has a history of being heartbroken with a lot of men that she dated in the past. Sad but true. :frown:

Doesn't sound like his alignment should be good based on this.

2020-07-15, 07:14 PM
Doesn't sound like his alignment should be good based on this.
Drake. You're definitely right on it.

Neutral, at best. Possibly Evil if he's doing it specifically to hurt an elf.

Of course, if an elf was doing something horrible to specifically hurt a drow, that'd be alright, because even the Good surface elven gods are evil.

You're also right on his alignment as well. Chaotic Neutral at best. I should change his alignment right away. He does have a lot of atoning to do to get back on Eilistraee's good grace again.

So anyway another good solo session has triumphant once again. First, my team brought alchemical silver weapons. Han spotted two Lemures. (Even though his Spot skill check was a six.) The fight begins. Darrak kills one of the Lemure during the melee. Everybody got unlucky rolls. Darrak damaged the second Lemure with his Dwarven Waraxe. The second Lemure damaged Darrak by 4 points of his claw damage. And Finally, Han finished the devil off with his Light Crossbow and everybody got 120 XP.

el minster
2020-07-15, 07:47 PM
He isn't evil he's just kind of uncaring or isn't aware of her hurt

2020-07-15, 08:08 PM
He isn't evil he's just kind of uncaring or isn't aware of her hurt

Well, he's kind of uncaring the most part but he's isn't evil.

el minster
2020-07-15, 08:17 PM
It sounds like you could make a development of his character a plot element

2020-07-15, 08:21 PM
Sounds like a complete lack of empathy, to me, which also sounds like sociopathy, since he's supposed to care about someone he's supposed to care about. :smallannoyed:Well he does care about Sariel plus his original girlfriend back home.

It sounds like you could make a development of his character a plot element
What do you mean by that? :confused:

el minster
2020-07-15, 08:27 PM
You know how in various media characters' alignments' change i.e. Han Solo. So like that

2020-07-15, 08:30 PM
You know how in various media characters' alignments' change i.e. Han Solo. So like that

Ok. But alignment doesn't change overnight. :sigh:

el minster
2020-07-15, 08:52 PM
Yeah it takes Artemis Fowl years to move from NE to NG

2020-07-15, 09:03 PM
Yeah it takes Artemis Fowl years to move from NE to NG

K'yorl Horlbar alignment is Chaotic Good still despite all the shady stuff that he's doing. :sigh:

2020-07-16, 02:09 PM
Solo as in you are all the players and the dm, or just the players?

2020-07-16, 02:14 PM
Solo as in you are all the players and the dm, or just the players?

Players and DM. :smile:

So anyway another good session turns out great. There was no fighting this time but K'yorl did receive a letter from his little sister Rauva.

Dear big brother, Is your little sister Rauva speaking. How's your adventuring doing so far? Are you being a hero or are you busy goofing off doing some shenanigans during your adventuring? Anyway, family and friends are doing great. My mother and I are going to visit Herlon doing shopping next week. Who knows, we might bump into you and your adventure party along the way. Anyway, I would love to hear your adventuring stories. So anyway goodbye for now. Love, Rauva Horlbar.

Anyway, another exciting session has turned out to be a great success. This time the 5 heroes we're fighting 3 Lemures. K'yorl uses bless spell on everybody. The Lemures attack missed. K'yorl scores a critical and kill one of the Lemures. Darrak kills the second Lemure with his waraxe. The third Lemure damaged K'yorl by 2 points of damage with its claw attack. K'yorl missed so does the third Lemure and Darrak kills the third Lemure everybody earns 180 XP.

So anyway my team have a rest and they brought a healing belt, backpack, rations, and waterskins.

So anyway my solo D&D 3.5 is going very well. My team went to the church of Heironeous and talk to the male human cleric Zachary about the devils and the devil-worshipping Asmodeus cult. Zachary was very helpful with the information. There was no fighting just to let everybody know. it was a great session.

So anyway tonight was another great solo session. My team faces 4 Lemures and it was a very easy fight. Han managed to Sneak Attack damage one Lemure with his Light Crossbow. Sariel used a True Strike spell then K'yorl uses a Bless Spell to buff everybody attack power then Darrak finishes to kill one Lemure off. Hagar finally kills the second Lemure with a critical hit by his Light Crossbow. The two remaining Lemures missed the attack. Then Hagar damaged the third Lemure with his Light Crossbow. Han finished the third Lemure off with his Light Crossbow in the additional of Sneak Attack Damage. Sariel used her Light Crossbow with only one point of damage then Darrak finish the final Lemure off with his Dwarven Waraxe. And everybody earns 240 XP.

So anyway tonight it was a good solo D&D 3.5 game. My team reported to Mayor Gary Grumps about how many devils they slaughter. Gary informed the team about a few Asmodeus worshippers spotted in the city of Herlon and also the devils and the Asmodeus worshippers are working together to take over the city of Helon. There weren't any fights but they did earn 500 XP earning enough XP to Leveling up to 2. All right Level 2 plus they earn 500 gold pieces for the devil slaughtering report.

So anyway another good solo session turned out to be a success once again. The team bump in K'yorl's mother, Chadra, and his little sister Rauva. K'yorl introduced his family to Sariel. Rauva was laughing at K'yorl because he into a sticky situation. K'yorl was having a private discussion with his family.

Rauva: Well, well well, it looks like you goofing off with another woman, big bro.

K'yorl: Rauva please don't tell Balaena that I'm dating Sariel.

Rauva: Well......

K'yorl: I'll give you 1,000 gold pieces for not saying anything to Balaena.

Rauva: K'yorl I'm not going to take your gold pieces and I promised not to say anything to Balaena about your infidelity.

K'yorl: Thank you Rauva. You're the best little sister any brother can have.

Chadra: K'yorl how long have you and Sariel been dating?

K'yorl: We been dating two months during our adventure. Well you see, she works in her family cavern. She was being harassed by Orcs and I saved her as a "Cleric In Shining Armor." We were having a romantic connection together and we hit it off. She doesn't know that I already have a girlfriend.

Chadra: Oh K'yorl. My advice that you need to tell her the real truth.

K'yorl: But if I tell her the truth, she's going to be devastated and she has a long history of heartbreaks with so many men that she used to date.

Chadra: It doesn't matter if the truth hurts her. Telling the truth is the right thing to do. Promised me you'll tell her the truth?

K'yorl: Yes mom. I tell her the truth.

Chadra: Good. I love you K'yorl. *she kissed him in the forehead.*

And that how it went.

So anyway tonight my team did some shopping to buy masterwork weapons and armor. Also, everybody bought 20 Blessed Bandages.

Anyway, my solo D&D 3.5 game is on fire! My team faces an imp. First off that tiny devil tried to sneak attack Darrak but failed. My team tried to attack but failed. The Imp hits Darrak with a stinger but only one point of damage. Darrak uses his fortitude saving throw by not getting poison but he successfully made it with having a high roll check. Then the team tried to damage the imp. Darrak managed to damage the imp with one of his dwarven waraxe with the help of K'yorl Bless spell and his Steely Strike maneuver. The imp flies in order to attack somebody else which happens to be Sariel. The imp damages Sariel with 4 points of damages and she managed to use her Fortitude saving throw successfully. Han uses his Magic Missile to damage the imp and K'yorl finished the imp off with his light crossbow bolts. I must admit, the imp was a little challenging and everybody earns 120 XP.

Today it was a quiet solo game because everyone was resting after their battle of the Imp and during their rest K'yorl was having a nightmare that his girlfriend Balaena was out to get him that she found about his infidelity with Sariel.

2020-07-31, 11:39 PM
Hey everybody. So far I'm playing a solo D&D 3.5 game as the player and DM which my team was fighting to kill the devils from invading the city of Herlon and the game is turning out great. I'm planning on adding contacts/friends on one of my characters: K'yorl Horlbar (Chaotic Good Male Lesser Drow Cleric of Eilistraee). Early on he received a letter from his little sister Rauva that she and her mother are visiting Herlon for shopping. She even mentions that they might bump into her brother and his team during their visit to Herlon. So do anyone got any advice on how to make a successful meet with Rauva and her mother. I'm sure has been into a situation that has some minor or major involvement with contacts/friends in their game. Solo or not. :smile:

2020-08-12, 03:40 PM
Hey everybody. So far my solo game is turning out great. The team has been killing devils and roleplaying couldn't get any more good. So anyway I'm thinking of adding Balaena Claddath (Chaotic Good Female Lesser Drow Warblade/Wizard) She happen to be K'yorl's first original girlfriend right before K'yorl was having an affair with Sariel the elf wizard which she doesn't know about. I guess my whole solo game is a romance/adventure. I'm thinking of adding her in future levels. I know that there might be some conflict between Balaena and Sariel as my solo game develops as it unfolds. What do you think about it? :smile:

el minster
2020-08-12, 10:00 PM
Hey everybody. So far my solo game is turning out great. The team has been killing devils and roleplaying couldn't get any more good. So anyway I'm thinking of adding Balaena Claddath (Chaotic Good Female Lesser Drow Warblade/Wizard) She happen to be K'yorl's first original girlfriend right before K'yorl was having an affair with Sariel the elf wizard which she doesn't know about. I guess my whole solo game is a romance/adventure. I'm thinking of adding her in future levels. I know that there might be some conflict between Balaena and Sariel as my solo game develops as it unfolds. What do you think about it? :smile:

are you asking for a warblade-wizard build?

2020-08-12, 10:02 PM
are you asking for a warblade-wizard build?

Well, kind of.....but not at the moment.

2020-08-19, 08:02 PM
Hey everybody. I'm going to add Devils from Pathfinder in future battles as well since the Devils from D&D 3.5 are somewhat limited. (For example, there's Gaavs and Zebubs in Pathfinder which D&D 3.5 doesn't have those monster.) Also, my solo D&D 3.5 game is doing great by the way. :smile:

2020-08-20, 12:39 AM
That sounds cool! Is there a particular reason you chose those devils? Another thing I can recommend to you if you feel that your fiendish bestiary is limited, is to use yugoloths.

They're actually neutral evil fiends, that in most ways act as fiendish mercenaries. It might be cool to have a surprise encounter with yugoloths who were contracted by devils as shock troops or some other nasty surprise. I personally like the yugoloth flavor, although I caution that it is different from the standard devil lore. But if you can integrate it nicely, it can be great.

Good luck either way!

2020-08-20, 01:20 AM
Hey everybody. I'm going to add Devils from Pathfinder in future battles as well since the Devils from D&D 3.5 are somewhat limited. (For example, there's Gaavs and Zebubs in Pathfinder which D&D 3.5 doesn't have those monster.) Also, my solo D&D 3.5 game is doing great by the way. :smile:

Glad to hear it - did you have a question/discussion topic, or was this more of a general update/statement?

2020-08-20, 01:45 AM
That sounds cool! Is there a particular reason you chose those devils? Another thing I can recommend to you if you feel that your fiendish bestiary is limited is to use yugoloths.

They're actually neutral evil fiends, that in most ways act as fiendish mercenaries. It might be cool to have a surprise encounter with yugoloths who were contracted by devils as shock troops or some other nasty surprise. I personally like the yugoloth flavor, although I caution that it is different from the standard devil lore. But if you can integrate it nicely, it can be great.

Good luck either way!The the reason, why I choose devils because it's fits my solo game. You see my team happens to be 5 heroes going to stop a devil invasion from the city of Herlon. So I devils would fit perfectly. Yugoloths or daemon is good but they're too neutral evil for my taste. Hence the word neutral.

Glad to hear it - did you have a question/discussion topic, or was this more of a general update/statement?It was more of a general update and statement.

2020-08-22, 10:05 PM
Hello everybody. I'm going to tell you an update of my solo D&D 3.5 game that I've been playing for a while. My Team: K'yorl Horlbar (Chaotic Good Male Lesser Drow Cloistered Cleric of Eilistraee), Han Lanik (Neutral Good Male Gnome Spellthief/Sorceror), Sariel Evenwind (Chaotic Good Female Elf Wizard) Darrak Deepmiddens (Lawful Good Male Warblade) and Hagar Hardy (Neutral Good Male Human Swordsage) have been killing devils such as Lemures and an Imp at the city of Herlon and the whole team is on Level 2. During the team adventure, they bump into K'yorl's mother (Chadra) and his little sister (Rauva). They found out that K'yorl and Sariel are having an affair. Rauva laughs because of her brother a very sticky situation. K'yorl asks Rauva not to tell his other girlfriend (Balaena) about his affair with Sariel. Rauva made a promise to K'yorl but she lied. (Successful Bluff check). Then his mother asked K'yorl to tell Sariel the truth that he already got a girlfriend back home. And this was a family private conversation by the way. K'yorl promised his mother to tell Sariel the truth but he lied to his mom. (Successful Bluff check). So anyway that the update of my solo D&D 3.5 game and I'm having fun playing by myself. :biggrin:

2020-08-29, 07:13 PM
What are you using to play solo? Is it something like Mythic GM Emulator? Do you use lots of random tables to generate stuff on the fly like dungeons and encounters? Curious what your method is and how you run games solo. :)

2020-08-29, 07:16 PM
What are you using to play solo? Is it something like Mythic GM Emulator? Do you use lots of random tables to generate stuff on the fly like dungeons and encounters? Curious what your method is and how you run games solo. :)

I use a pen, a notebook, and a dice roller in this forum. :smile:

2020-09-02, 03:19 AM
I use a pen, a notebook, and a dice roller in this forum. :smile:

That's the lightest set up I've seen, especially for a complicated game like 3.5. :) Most people who solo go all in on oracles, random tables, GM cards and so on.

2020-09-02, 05:40 AM
That's the lightest set up I've seen, especially for a complicated game like 3.5. :) Most people who solo go all-in on oracles, random tables, GM cards, and so on.

Well, it has proved to be very effective for me so far. :smile:

Hello everybody. Today I play another exciting session of my solo D&D 3.5/Pathfinder game because I added Devils from Pathfinder because D&D 3.5 Is very limited with Devils. So anyway my team faces a Gaav and this battle was a very challenging one because the Gaav Damage Reduction is very well protected against Silver Weapons the only weapons that can bypass the Gaav Damage Reduction are Good Weapons and none of my characters has any Good Weapons at all just Silver Weapons. So the team has to fight with what they have against the Gaav. So anyway Han managed to hit the Gaav with his Magic Missile spell. K'yorl cast a Bless spell to his team. Hagar also managed to damage the Gaav with his Masterwork Alchemical Light Crossbow Bolts but only one point of damage. Everyone else missed including the Gaav. The second round the Gaav managed to damaged Darrak with its masterwork spear. Han summons a celestial giant fire beetle and attack but it misses the Gaav attack. Han cast another Magic Missile to the Gaav and damage it. The Gaav moderately damages Darrak. Darrak damages with his Masterwork Silver Dwarven War Axes. Everybody else missed it. Then finally Darrak finishes the Gaav off with his War Axe. Everybody earns 180 XP for this fight.

Hey everyone. Tonight my whole team was resting after the Gaav fight. Although Hagar did had a nightmare about his former pastor from his former religion (Pelor) who molested him when he was a young child.