View Full Version : Is the monster in the dark more powerful than Xykon?

2020-07-15, 06:34 PM
Could it be that the monster is overall more powerful than his master - altough naive and inexperienced?

2020-07-15, 07:23 PM
We don't know for sure how powerful Xykon is, and we don't know what MitD is, so this is basically an unanswerable question.

2020-07-15, 08:04 PM
Without any evidence at all to support my beliefs, I assert that:

1. In a fair fight, MiTD would destroy Xykon.
2. In a fair fight, Superman would destroy Batman.
3. Batman doesn’t fight fair.
4. Neither would Xykon.

Malachi Sidhe
2020-07-16, 12:18 AM
Without any evidence at all to support my beliefs, I assert that:

1. In a fair fight, MiTD would destroy Xykon.
2. In a fair fight, Superman would destroy Batman.
3. Batman doesn’t fight fair.
4. Neither would Xykon.

I think it's reasonable to point out that in every 'Batman vs. Superman' throw-down that I've ever seen, either in comics or in fan-fic, Batman winning doesn't ever actually come down to his not fighting fair. In any competition between the two where Batman wins, it comes down to the fact that Superman effectively throws the fight because he doesn't want to kill his friend. If there is a credible case to be made otherwise, I have yet to encounter it.

The MiTD would not be constrained by any such self imposed ethical limitations.

brian 333
2020-07-16, 12:39 AM
Batman: "I always keep a bit of kryptonite in a lead-lined pouch of my utility belt for just such occasions, old chum."

As was said, there is insufficient evidence to judge. However, Mister Stiffly is forshadowed as instrumental in helping Monster-san break free of Xykon's control.

I surmise MITD will tip the scales in the good guys' favor at a critical point of the story, and thus won't need to be more powerful than Xykon.

2020-07-16, 01:05 AM
We don't know what the Monster is or how powerful it is, and there's a degree of uncertainty over Xykon's capabilities, so Magic 8 Ball says: "Reply hazy, try again later".

The Pilgrim
2020-07-16, 02:53 AM
I think it's reasonable to point out that in every 'Batman vs. Superman' throw-down that I've ever seen, either in comics or in fan-fic, Batman winning doesn't ever actually come down to his not fighting fair. In any competition between the two where Batman wins, it comes down to the fact that Superman effectively throws the fight because he doesn't want to kill his friend. If there is a credible case to be made otherwise, I have yet to encounter it.

The MiTD would not be constrained by any such self imposed ethical limitations.

Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns actually features the opposite. It's Batman who spares Superman and "throws the fight". Anyway, as already pointed out, the outcome of any bats vs sups fight sums up to answering the question: "How much Kryptonite does Batman have at hand?".

Regarding the topic, we know MitD can smash Xykon with a single punch (given what he did to Miko when he punched her with minimum force), and probably can teleport him anywere at will without need to even be close to him (given how he teleported O-Chul and V). His limitations would be his lack of self-awareness of his powers and general adversion to think by himself.

2020-07-16, 04:13 AM
It's absolutely possible that the Monster in the Dark is considerably more powerful than Xykon. It's been obvious for a long time that he has vast powers he has no idea about. But the exact degree of them is still a mystery. There's really nothing to be said here that the comic hasn't made clear.

2020-07-16, 04:33 AM
Regarding the topic, we know MitD can smash Xykon with a single punch (given what he did to Miko when he punched her with minimum force), and probably can teleport him anywere at will without need to even be close to him (given how he teleported O-Chul and V). His limitations would be his lack of self-awareness of his powers and general adversion to think by himself.

I know he's just bones and stuff, but Xykon absolutely could take a punch better than Miko could. Aside from having more hitdice, bigger hitdice, and damage reduction, he's also a walking magical armory. Answering this question is like trying to figure out if the unstoppable force or immovable object would win, and we don't know which one's which.

2020-07-16, 05:55 AM
Are we talking about in a one-on-one battle? Because the odds of that happening are fairly low IMO. The MitD switching sides could absolutely swing a battle against Xykon though.

2020-07-16, 05:56 AM
probably can teleport him anywere at will without need to even be close to him (given how he teleported O-Chul and V).

O-Chul and V were actually very close by the MitD when he did the teleport thing, so I think you're potentially overestimating his power there.

The Pilgrim
2020-07-16, 06:43 AM
O-Chul and V were actually very close by the MitD when he did the teleport thing, so I think you're potentially overestimating his power there.

Longer than touch range, wich is the normal range of the Teleport Spell.

But now that I check it, Energy Drain is a close-range spell, not a touch one as I misbelieved. So my statement about MitD holding a range advantage over Xykon gets effectively invalidated.

2020-07-16, 06:45 AM
I think the MitD is probably not as strong as Xykon. If Xykon knows what the MitD is (and there's a decent chance that he does), I don't think he would have tried to use that kind of power that could potentially escape his control. Lots of moving parts to this headcanon though.

2020-07-16, 07:12 AM
Longer than touch range, wich is the normal range of the Teleport Spell.

But now that I check it, Energy Drain is a close-range spell, not a touch one as I misbelieved. So my statement about MitD holding a range advantage over Xykon gets effectively invalidated.

V and O-Chul (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0661.html) were definitely closer to the MitD than Haley was to Shojo's wizard. (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0340.html) There's precedent that Teleport is not limited to touch range in the OotS world.

2020-07-16, 09:00 AM
V and O-Chul were definitely closer to the MitD than Haley was to Shojo's wizard. There's precedent that Teleport is not limited to touch range in the OotS world.

Although apparently not quite being touch range in OotS, Teleport normally can be chained across the group being teleported. So the wizard would probably have been unable to teleport Haley without other teleport subjects, and Escape would seemingly still have a longer range than Teleport.

2020-07-16, 09:08 AM
Although apparently not quite being touch range in OotS, Teleport normally can be chained across the group being teleported. So the wizard would probably have been unable to teleport Haley without other teleport subjects, and Escape would seemingly still have a longer range than Teleport.

If you are suggesting V and Belkar are playing footsie during the teleport... Well, that is probably a topic for the fanfiction sites.
At any rate, there was no touching involved when the OotS were Porting Out (https://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0366.html), so I stand by my earlier point.

2020-07-16, 09:35 AM
If you are suggesting V and Belkar are playing footsie during the teleport... Well, that is probably a topic for the fanfiction sites.
At any rate, there was no touching involved when the OotS were Porting Out, so I stand by my earlier point.

Not touching- but each individual member was closer to the next than O-Chul was to the MitD.

2020-07-16, 01:55 PM
Off topic, I know but...


Anyhow, as everyone said, we don't have enough info to know either of that.
But considering that in start of darkness

Xykon casts a geas spell on the monster in the dark, it's not unreasonable to assume he could use some other save or die spell and defeat it.

So yeah, Xykon it is.

Besides, Xykon is the main antagonist. The monster is already semi switching to the good side and will surely do that when O-Chul will be back in the picture. If it was stronger than Xykon, the battle would end then and there. And we know that no matter what, Roy has to defeat Xykon.