View Full Version : Would it Break the Game

2020-07-17, 03:03 PM
If the Wizard and Sorcerers had access to the basic healing spells?

I mean, it's magical healing done in a "Doctor-y way"?

2020-07-17, 03:08 PM
Sorcerer already does through Divine Soul, otherwise nothing would break per se, but it erodes class identity a bit more and just adds fuel to the 'Wizards can do all the things' fire. Currently healing is pretty much the only thing completely off limits to them RAW, unless you multiclass or take a Ravnica Background/Dragonmark.

2020-07-17, 03:10 PM
It wouldn't break the game so much as totally invalidate the uniqueness of the Druid's spell casting flexibility. If you're doing that, you might as well just homebrew an arcane Cleric. Otherwise if you want to play more vanilla, just multiclass a bit.

What you're asking is basically a way to "cheat around" already available routes which come with drawbacks. It wouldn't imbalance it so much as it would just make it seem more bland and invalidating.

2020-07-17, 03:18 PM
If you're doing that, you might as well just homebrew an arcane Cleric.

That's...an actual domain though. In SCAG.

2020-07-17, 03:36 PM
As a baseline ability for all Wizards and Sorcerers, I wouldn't like it. It wouldn't break the game per se, but I do like that base classes have things they can and can't do.

I think it's fine and good for people who choose to go down that path to get some healing ability. Divine Soul Sorcerer is one option of course. And I had a character in a game that's been suspended because of Covid that was going to be a Theurgy Wizard with the Life domain - they would get Cure Wounds on their spell list, among others. And the thought of delivering Cure Wounds by sending my familiar flying over to land on my allies' heads was a super entertaining one.

2020-07-17, 03:46 PM
The way I see it, it would decentralize healing duty between classes.

Witty Username
2020-07-18, 11:37 AM
Break no, kinda unnecessary yes. taking a level in cleric gets you cure wounds and healing word, which is most of what you need. Further you could make a Thurge arcane tradition which could get some choice cleric spells. That being said do what you think makes sense for what you are making, 5th doesn't really balance around spell selection so much as the individual power of spells.

2020-07-18, 11:51 AM
I played in a campaign a while back as a Necromancy Wizard, and after our healer had to leave the game (scheduling issues), the DM allowed me to restructure my character sheet as a Theurgy Wizard to pick up the slack in that department. Honestly having access to healing spells as a Wizard felt really powerful. It got to the point that there was no role I could not fill, and fill well. I could tank with self-healing and Shield/Mage Armor, heal with Cure Wounds/Familiar (and all the other stuff), Blast with the base Wizard stuff, bypass Skill Checks with creative applications of various utility spells, support with Haste/Slow, and be party face with Charm spells. As a class, Wizards already have so much potential, the one thing they cannot do is heal as of RAW. Giving Wizards that capacity will solidify them as the end-all be-all class.

Sorcerers on the other hand have certain drawbacks that could afford them a little more power. A concrete spells known list, few class resource options, and smaller spell list compared to Wizards means they could take on the Cleric spell list on top of their own without overtaking any other classes in terms of power. Frankly you could allow a Sorcerer to pick any other class spell list to add to their own and they would still be in the balanced power range (in fact it would make them closer to balanced than their current capacity).

2020-07-18, 11:58 AM
No, it wouldn't break the game if wizards had access to cure wounds. Healing isn't usually an efficient use of resources in combat, and without a mechanism for converting slots a wizard that prepared those spells might actually be less powerful than one that didn't. Healing word and restoration might be more problematic. The only thing I'd worry about is class identity stuff at a random table, but if I had a player who wanted to play a healer evoker wizard at my usual table I'd be fine with it.

2020-07-18, 02:28 PM
Theurge Wizard (UA) and Divine Soul Sorcerer can already cast healing spells and neither subclass is considered particularly strong (Theurge becomes really good in Tier 3, but then again, so does every full caster.)

Most of this "lack of strength", however, is opportunity cost, as picking Theurge or Divine Soul eliminates other (better) subclasses. If you were to simply give them healing spells for "free" (at the cost of spells known, rather an entire subclass) it would make these classes stronger than they already are.

2020-07-18, 06:10 PM
Depends what you mean by break? Make the game worse - yes it would. Make the game unplayable - no, it wouldn't.