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View Full Version : Pathfinder Warlock Homebrew. looking for critique

Orion Hamby
2020-07-19, 07:40 PM
Hi all, I', looking for some critique on this class, it's based off the 5e and 3.5 warlock with my own spin


2020-07-20, 11:12 AM
I think overall you did a pretty good job introducing Warlock into Pathfinder

Under Fiend it says at 10th level you gain Hellish Resistance's DR5/cold iron. Wouldn't it make more sense for DR5/good? Since cold iron is associated with Fey and Fiends are considered to have the evil subtype? Also Dark Coronation with DR20/- seems excessive. The Pit Fiend for example only have DR15/good and silver. If you take it a step further an archdevil only has DR20/epic, good, and silver, and it has 35HD. Another comparison is a level 20 Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) only has DR10/- . Also as an Outsider do they gain a specific subtype? Native? Evil?

Also in the Celestial section. You mention radiant damage, but there isn't any radiant damage in Pathfinder. There is positive and negative energy, I suppose? Maybe replace it with electricity? Celestials in PF seem to resist Fire and Electricity. This next part is more of opinion, but I think it would be cool if the Celestial mirrored the Fiend pact a bit more. In terms of having comparable abilities like Divine Blessing being changed to also give them DR maybe, but like DR5/evil? But also Godly Blessing again do they become Outsider (Good) or (Native)?

If Fiend/Celestial becomes Native then I don't believe that they can be banished, but the others can. I think there's also binding rituals that can affect them, so people could trap them like an actual fiend or an angel, etc.

Orion Hamby
2020-07-20, 11:39 AM
Damage type fixed, I forgot that radiant wasn't a PF thing to be honest. edited slightly based on your suggestions. Others have said the level 10 ability of archfey is useless and that their damage will fall off rapidly, what are y'alls thoughts on that?

Orion Hamby
2020-07-20, 06:44 PM
Added some more edits, i'm pretty happy with this

Orion Hamby
2020-07-21, 07:37 PM
Made some edits to eldritch blast to fix a loophole. probably finished unless anyone sees any major issues or i find bugs while playing

2022-02-06, 08:37 PM
So a small thing with the Pact Magic special ability. Unless it affects the Save DC of the spells, the line about the spell levels being equivalent to their highest spell level makes no sense. So, if it's your intention to have the spell levels be treated as the highest spell level, may be a good idea to clarify it a bit more

2022-02-10, 09:44 PM
About 5 minutes before I saw this, I had finished my own Warlock for Starfinder. Well, except for the capstone.
Which I see you have a name for, but don't have written up.
So we are at literally the same place in class creation, which I find funny for some reason.

Green Traveller
2022-02-11, 01:52 AM
I got several suggestions, take them or leave them.

1) Give the Warlock the initial choice of a book, bonded object or familiar at 1st level.

2) Consider grabbing Patrons & Hexes from the Witch class, preferably for an Archetype. (trade invocations for a hex, maybe add all the [curse] descriptor spells to the warlock spell list)

3) Give the Warlock a bonus language based on their chosen Patron. Aklo for Fey, Aboleth for Deep Ones (knowledge: Religion), etc.

4) Give the Celestial Patron (Knowledge: Religion) as a class skill.

4) Add a Draconic, Necromancy and Abyssal Patrons.

5) I suggest taking a page from Planar Adventures and also make a Planes Warlock (someone who trades Patrons for drawing the energies from either the Elemental, Ethereal, Astral, Shadow, Positive and Negative Energy Planes of their choice.)

6) Grab some ideas from the Arcanist Exploits and Magus Arcanas.

7) Speaking of magus, make a Magus-Warlock hybrid archetype.

8) Armor of the Patron Invocation doesn't scale well at later levels. Might I suggest something similar to the Lore or Lunar Oracle's CHA to AC ability?

9) Warlock-Summoner or Spiritualist hybrid archetype would also be a good idea. Instead of you being the main dps, you summon a champion of your patron to fight for you.

10) Create Thrall at 14th level is broken and needs some rebalance. I suggest making it a Geass spell-like ability.

11) Aspect of the Moon, additional condition - grants immunity to sleep effects. But you may need to add a new condition on how to refresh spells.

12) You should add level restrictions to certain invocations.

13) Consider giving Warlocks something like Spell Focus based on their Patron to compensate for their limited spell list (ArchFey treats all illusion and enchantment spells as 1 level higher or increase DC by 1, etc) I'd even suggest something similar to Bloodline Mutations.