View Full Version : Higher Level Forge Cleric Choices

2020-07-20, 07:02 PM
Hey folks, first post, but I've read a lot of the assorted discussions, theory crafting, etc. that go on here for quite a while.

I've got a Forge Cleric I've been happily playing for over a year who has advanced to level 8. I don't mind saying this is actually the highest level character I've ever played. Stats were initially rolled. I rolled really well. The short version is below.

Hill Dwarf
AC 22 (including Blessing of the Forge), HP 73

STR 16
DEX 14
CON 18 (Racial + Resilient CON)
INT 12
WIS 20 (Racial + 1 ASI)

Proficient in Con, Wis, and Cha saves.

So the question is this: Where do I go from here? I largely play as one of my party's tanks (we've got a Barbarian too), and will just drop Spirit Guardians, or Heat Metal, or something like that, Spiritual Weapon, and attract a lot of attention to keep the squishies safe. I had things planned out in terms of ASIs, Feats, etc. up through about here and now that I've got those, I'm not sure what direction I want to take her.

I've contemplated options to increase my movement speed (stubby legs) to really get in there. I've thought about Sentinel. I've thought about War Caster, but feel like it's a pretty boring option and Resilient Con seems fine for now. I'm open to multi-class options, but generally feel like going straight Cleric makes more sense. In short, I'm open to thoughts, as I've actually gotten to everything I'd sort of pre-planned.

2020-07-20, 07:58 PM
On the subject of stubby legs, the Mobile feat doesn't give as much of a benefit to someone trying to be on the front line, and especially to someone without extra attack. If you do go that way I'd like to make sure you're aware of the Squat Nimbleness feat from Xanathar's Guide to everything. It boosts your speed by 5 feet instead of ten, but that should still catch you up to the rest of the party. It'll come up less than war caster, bu if you're looking for ideas it may be less boring.

2020-07-20, 08:29 PM
You can't really go wrong sticking with Cleric. The 17th level Forge feature is one of the better ones IMO.

As for future ASIs/feats, there's a few routes you can take. Nothing wrong with just boosting Str and Con to 20. You could get Magic Initiate (Druid) for Control Flames, Create Bonfire, and Longstrider, or include Shillelagh and use a club or one-handed quarterstaff, or pick Absorb Elements for the 1st level spell because it's amazing. If you're at a loss for other feats to take, Lucky is useful on any character, and Shield Master's defensive abilities are probably worthwhile. There's also the new UA feats (https://media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/UA2020_Feats.pdf), consider taking Fighting Initiate for dueling style, Metamagic Adept for careful spell and distant spell, Artificer Initiate can get you Mage Hand and Absorb Elements, etc.

2020-07-20, 09:35 PM
I had considered Squat Nimbleness, and am now reconsidering it since you mentioned it. Having even stats across the board is a real bummer on this kinda of thing. That was part of what pushed me away the first time. But +5ft move speed plus the rest, probably choosing STR/Athletics makes this not the worst, and there's always the option to boost further later.

I agree that the 17th level Forge feature is sweet and is the main reason I'd want to be sticking with it too. That and not nerfing Divine Intervention. The new UA feats I'd have to run past my DM, of course, but do open up some options. Artificer Initiate has some fun RP options since I'm already a master smith looking to become one of the best crafters in the world.

These are good ideas, and I'm stoked to hear more if anyone has them. Thanks!

2020-07-20, 09:42 PM
If you don't want Warcaster, I'd get Lucky. Similar enough, but can be used for more than a Concentration roll.

2020-07-21, 04:10 AM
Honestly, it's hard to beat Warcaster for a Cleric.

If you're looking for other options....

1. Dwarven Fortitude lets you spend a hit die when you take the Dodge action. EXCELLENT choice for Dwarf Clerics.
2. Magic Initiate for Booming Blade, Minor Illusion, and Find Familiar?
3. Lucky is good on every character
4. Alert is good on every character
5. Heavy Armor Mastery isn't quite as great at higher levels, but remains relevant always.
6. Spell Sniper for 120ft Spiritual Weapon? Grab Thorn Whip too
7. Ritual Caster is good on every character
8. Tough is boring but good on every character

2020-07-21, 05:31 AM
If you wanna melee, go War Caster + Magic Initiate for Booming Blade. Sentinel on top of it for maximum stickiness. But War Caster in particular is of immense value on Cleric so I'd go there first.

2020-07-21, 08:53 PM
To confirm, most of you are pushing War Caster, which is fine. You'd do that in addition to Resiliant Con? I'd looked at the numbers pretty in depth and my take away was that both was kinda unnecessary. I'm happy to be wrong though.

2020-07-21, 09:01 PM
Aaannnd...having gone back to the calculator I have ahold of, yes, it's significantly better to have both. It'd been a minute. So that's probably penciled in for Level 12. I'd still appreciate thoughts on what direction to go generally here.