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View Full Version : Star Trek Character Creator?

2020-07-21, 12:20 AM
Hey all,

I've been scouring the internet trying to find a resource I'd run across 4-6 years ago, but apparently failed to bookmark.

It was a character creator system (I think the interface was LCARS-ish) for (presumably) either the FASA or CODA Star Trek RPG systems. I remember it being very helpful and flexible, allowing someone to choose options, see how those option would impact the character stats, describe the flaws and edges, undo a decision to choose a different one, etc. all along the way.

I don't suppose anyone here would know of such a resource online? (Or a good downloadable version).

I'm specifically NOT looking for the lifepath system for the new Star Trek Adventures system.

I appreciate any help anyone can provide. Thanks!

Edit: Okay, upon further research, it's entirely possibly it may have been the ICON/Last Unicorn/LUG system.