View Full Version : Player Help Help me use 50,000,000 gold for an Illusionist.

2020-07-21, 04:50 AM
So I've built an Illusionist at level 25 for an epic-level campaign soon to be played... I've been given 100 MILLION gold to play around with, and I've spent half of it, help me spend the rest on useful items.
Things to keep in mind:
-My class levels are as follows: UA illusionist 5/ Shadowcrafter 9/ Shadowcraft Mage5/ Shadow Adept 1/Escalation Mage 4/ Shadow Walker 1 (Encyclopedia Arcane Illusionism - Smoke And Mirrors)
-I have already boosted my AC with the following AC modifiers via items (shield, profane, luck, circumstance, dodge, natural, deflection)
-I have a belt of magnificence (+12) already
-I can't use dragon/dungeon magazine, but all other 3.0/3.5 sources are fair game.
-This build specializes in using more than 100% reality with shadow conjuration/evocation
-I will be trying to kill/usurp the current god of shadows in game and blot out the sun
-I have covered all of my bases for http://www.davidtanger.com/2017/01/lists-necessary-magic-items/ the necessities, usually opting for the premium.
-I can already cast every single arcane spell in the game
Especially looking for the ability to boost my intelligence.

2020-07-21, 05:20 AM
A ML 15 psychoactive skin of proteus (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#skinofProteus) for 84,000 / 7 x 15 = 180,000 gp is absolutely worth your while. It can do stuff even shapechange technically can't.

Also, add it to an illithid humanoid skin graft (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?177889-Brainstorm-for-Psionic-Tricks-Tactics-and-Combos-Handbook&p=23285432&viewfull=1#post23285432) so it can't be taken from you. The built-in video game inventory would be worth it, too. Make sure it doubles as a spell component pouch, as well; it only costs 5 gp, so why not? Maybe add more pockets via the belt of many pouches and make them much larger on the inside via the enveloping pit, and tie them to the handy haversack ability to pull out anything as a move action, as well as the gloves' effect so stuff can be shrunken down and stored (but only if you can hold them).

A separate enveloping pit set up as a crafting shop with a dedicated wright inside. Give the wright an acorn of far travel (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a) tied to a fast-time plane, so you can do 8 hours of crafting in no time flat.

Clever use of an oak tree on another plane (make sure it's timeless with regards to magic, so anyone with an acorn will have all the spells with Durations above Instantaneous will be effectively Permanent), then tie a bunch of spells to a bunch of Sculpt Spell'd (5' wide line, aimed straight up and straight down, meeting 5' above the ground to maximize coverage) hallow spells, so anyone with an acorn also gets those spells whenever they want. A Sculpted hallow tied to acorn of far travel aimed into the canopy means you get all the acorns in the AoE as targets for acorn of far travel; give a different one to your dedicated wright (from a different plane, of course), give one to your familiar, give one to yourself, give one to each of your party members (and their companions), and give one to any important person of interest, such as friendly political powers, friendly arcane and divine casters, and anyone else you want protected. It helps even more if one of the planar traits is Ysgard's daily resurrection.

A double-casting of polymorph any object can massively boost your Int score. Great wyrm prismatic dragons have, I believe, 64 Int. So get the Reserves of Strength feat to break spell level caps, then go for a GWPD.

2020-07-21, 06:05 AM
Shapesand, and wis boosts.

2020-07-21, 11:24 AM
Get a bunch of grafts from various books, the Silthilar grafts in LoM have untyped +2 to Str, Dex, and Con, fast healing 2, untyped +4 to initiative, balance, escape artist, and tumble checks, +5 natural armor, etc., most of which doesn't cause any visible change to the recipient.

Making a normally slotted item into a slotless item doubles its price (DMG p285, Table 7-33). A slotless item with multiple similar abilities gets discounts to the second and subsequent ability, the second is at 75% its normal cost and all other abilities are at 50% of their normal cost (which effectively cancels the doubling for making them slotless).

Putting an entire item set onto a single slotless item would technically be multiple similar abilities due to each one being from the same set. A single slotless item of the entire Seven Veils set in MIC would only be 93k gp, and makes you immune to prismatic ray/wall/sphere/etc.

There are low-cost items that remain absurdly good at all levels that you could throw onto an existing item of the same slot at a 50% markup or make slotless for double the price. Such items include a Necklace of Adaptation, Shirt of Wraith Stalking (MIC p216), Belt of Battle, etc. There's also the rules in MIC p234 about adding bonuses to existing items of the appropriate slot for the same price as a standalone item of the same bonus.

If your DM rules that Mind Blank doesn't block True Seeing and similar from revealing you while invisible, a Hat of Anonymity (MIC) at an absurd caster level for a higher DC may be useful.

If you're not wearing armor or using a shield, a Monk's Belt adds your Wis bonus (or Int bonus, with a feat) to your AC.

2020-07-21, 11:27 AM
Rods of excellent magic are always fun.

Do you have epic spellcasting? Using the money to develop custom epic spells is probably helpful. You can boost your int by a lot.

2020-07-21, 12:33 PM
Ring Of Infinite Wizardry (3,705,000 gp):
810000: Ring Of Wizardry IX
960000: Ring Of Wizardry VIII
735000: Ring Of Wizardry VII
480000: Ring Of Wizardry VI
375000: Ring Of Wizardry V
150000: Ring Of Wizardry IV
105000: Ring Of Wizardry III
60000: Ring Of Wizardry II
30000: Ring Of Wizardry I

Crystal Ball Of Preparation (5,700,000 gp):
1620000: (20) Pearl Of Power IX
1280000: (20) Pearl Of Power VIII
980000: (20) Pearl Of Power VII
720000: (20) Pearl Of Power VI
500000: (20) Pearl Of Power V
320000: (20) Pearl Of Power IV
180000: (20) Pearl Of Power III
80000: (20) Pearl Of Power II
20000: (20) Pearl Of Power I

Rod Of Endless Metamagic (3,670,000 gp):
70000: (7) Improved Metamagic feat
100000: (10) Improved Spell Capacity feat
1000000: (100) metamagic feats of your choice
2500000: (250) Arcane Thesis feats attached to spells of your choice

Ring Of Big Defense Numbers (3,752,000):
26000: Monk's Belt (slotless)
10000: Touchstone feat (Pride domain)
1224000: Continuous "Choose Destiny"
672000: (3) Continuous "Ruin Delver's Fortune"
320000: Continuous "Sirine's Grace"
500000: (50) Damage Reduction feat
500000: (50) Fast Healing feat
500000: (50) Energy Resistance feat

Ring Of Big Attribute Numbers (3,000,000 gp):
400000: (40) Great Strength feat
400000: (40) Great Dexterity feat
400000: (40) Great Constitution feat
1000000: (100) Great Intelligence feat
400000: (40) Great Wisdom feat
400000: (40) Great Charisma feat

These items are a bit under 20mil in total. I'm sure the other 30mil could be spent using spells and feats to acquire various immunities, speeds, and capabilities.

EDIT: Obviously, custom items, particularly those replicating spells and feats, particularly those combining multiple abilities, particularly when it comes to epic feats, is probably going to easily have their costs called into question. Some of these items might not be something you can depend on getting. Sucks.

2020-07-21, 12:37 PM
Rod Of Endless Metamagic (3,670,000 gp):
70000: (7) Improved Metamagic feat
100000: (10) Improved Spell Capacity feat
1000000: (100) metamagic feats of your choice
2500000: (250) Arcane Thesis feats attached to spells of your choice

I'm surprised you didn't make this have 20,000xp worth of XP for Epic Spellcasting, and grant a +100 bonus to Spellcraft checks as well. Or is that for the amulet? :smalltongue:

2020-07-21, 12:44 PM
I'm surprised you didn't make this have 20,000xp worth of XP for Epic Spellcasting, and grant a +100 bonus to Spellcraft checks as well. Or is that for the amulet? :smalltongue:

I mean, you don't need XP or Spellcraft to utterly abuse Epic Spellcasting, all you need is the feat. Such things would mean you don't have to lean on mitigating factors as much, but Epic Spellcasting doesn't require such things to win the game if you're trying hard enough. Speaking of items that essentially let you win the game:

Ring Of Infinite Wishing (50,000,000):
1000000: (100) Multispell
49000000: At-Will Quickened "Wish" CL 25 with 85000 XP limit


EDIT: For clarity, that is a ring that, 101 times per round, lets you wish for (among many many other things) to have a new magic item worth 1 million gp, or to improve an item you already have such that it would be worth 1 million gp more than it's currently worth.

EDIT: If you spend a single round solely wishing that your ring of wishing could grant more powerful wishes, by the time you finished it would be capable of granting wishes with a ~973k XP limit.

2020-07-21, 12:47 PM
You can buy a warp blade from Book of Vile Darkness and 'savescum' the abilities from the warp touch disease with the force dream psionic power or an amulet of second chances. Powers includes natural attacks, a natural armor bonus, a +4 deformity bonus to intelligence, and a medusa gaze.

Takes Reserves of Strength and get a massive CL boost to PAO yourself into an Epic Time dragon, which has a base intelligence of 90 something. That's actually free.

2020-07-21, 01:05 PM
See if you can get Hyperconscious tossed into the mix even though it's technically 3rd party, since it was written by the same author as the Expanded Psionics Handbook, Bruce Cordell. Add the synaptic mask (which gives you a constant effect from a one-use skill shard (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#shards) so long as it's slotted into the mask) to your face slot item, then use the rules in the MIC to stack a bunch of +10 skill shards of every skill you have any interest in at all, then slot that skill shard into the mask.

1,500 gp (including the +50% for the MIC markup) for a permanent +10 competence bonus to a skill is a steal.

The synaptic mask is also in Pathfinder (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/psionics-unleashed/equipment/psionic-items/universal-items/#TOC-Synaptic-Masks).

2020-07-21, 09:28 PM
Ring Of Big Attribute Numbers (3,000,000 gp):
400000: (40) Great Strength feat
400000: (40) Great Dexterity feat
400000: (40) Great Constitution feat
1000000: (100) Great Intelligence feat
400000: (40) Great Wisdom feat
400000: (40) Great Charisma feat

If this isn't allowed, a continuous item of Greater Visage of the Deity is one way to boost your stats further, 1,224,000GP for an unnamed +4 bonus to Int (assuming you're evil; blotting out the sun doesn't sound good) and between +2 and +4 unnamed bonuses to most others.

Continuous items of Aura of Vitality (728,000GP) and Infernal Transformation (728,000GP) can boost your Str, Dex and Con, and Owl's Insight (200,000GP at CL20) can boost your Wis, if those are of interest to you.

2020-07-21, 09:39 PM
If you want a super-big casting score, go Aeshkrau illumian and cast off Strength. Now use my acorn of far travel trick above for Permanent durations on all of your non-Instantaneous spells, and every day, load up on greater consumptive fields. If you're a bit iffy on potentially killing anyone around you who is too weak to handle it, take Selective Spell and only have it affect, say, vermin. Now cast summon swarm for all the vermin you could want. That's 1,500 spiders per summon.

And remember that a swarm doesn't die when it runs out of hp; it disperses. Meaning all those individual spiders are now one creature apiece, and they're perfectly susceptible to a Selective greater consumptive field.

2020-07-22, 03:08 AM
Ring Of Infinite Wizardry (3,705,000 gp):
810000: Ring Of Wizardry IX
960000: Ring Of Wizardry VIII
735000: Ring Of Wizardry VII
480000: Ring Of Wizardry VI
375000: Ring Of Wizardry V
150000: Ring Of Wizardry IV
105000: Ring Of Wizardry III
60000: Ring Of Wizardry II
30000: Ring Of Wizardry I

Crystal Ball Of Preparation (5,700,000 gp):
1620000: (20) Pearl Of Power IX
1280000: (20) Pearl Of Power VIII
980000: (20) Pearl Of Power VII
720000: (20) Pearl Of Power VI
500000: (20) Pearl Of Power V
320000: (20) Pearl Of Power IV
180000: (20) Pearl Of Power III
80000: (20) Pearl Of Power II
20000: (20) Pearl Of Power I

Rod Of Endless Metamagic (3,670,000 gp):
70000: (7) Improved Metamagic feat
100000: (10) Improved Spell Capacity feat
1000000: (100) metamagic feats of your choice
2500000: (250) Arcane Thesis feats attached to spells of your choice

Ring Of Big Defense Numbers (3,752,000):
26000: Monk's Belt (slotless)
10000: Touchstone feat (Pride domain)
1224000: Continuous "Choose Destiny"
672000: (3) Continuous "Ruin Delver's Fortune"
320000: Continuous "Sirine's Grace"
500000: (50) Damage Reduction feat
500000: (50) Fast Healing feat
500000: (50) Energy Resistance feat

Ring Of Big Attribute Numbers (3,000,000 gp):
400000: (40) Great Strength feat
400000: (40) Great Dexterity feat
400000: (40) Great Constitution feat
1000000: (100) Great Intelligence feat
400000: (40) Great Wisdom feat
400000: (40) Great Charisma feat

These items are a bit under 20mil in total. I'm sure the other 30mil could be spent using spells and feats to acquire various immunities, speeds, and capabilities.

EDIT: Obviously, custom items, particularly those replicating spells and feats, particularly those combining multiple abilities, particularly when it comes to epic feats, is probably going to easily have their costs called into question. Some of these items might not be something you can depend on getting. Sucks.

How are you pricing these items?

2020-07-22, 10:20 AM
How are you pricing these items?

Ring Of Infinite Wizardry (3,705,000 gp):
810000: Ring Of Wizardry IX
960000: Ring Of Wizardry VIII
735000: Ring Of Wizardry VII
480000: Ring Of Wizardry VI
375000: Ring Of Wizardry V
150000: Ring Of Wizardry IV
105000: Ring Of Wizardry III
60000: Ring Of Wizardry II
30000: Ring Of Wizardry I

I took the listed price of each Ring Of Wizardry on the SRD, and then adjusted all but the most expensive one to be 50% more costly, per this bit in the DMG:

Abilities such as an attack roll bonus or saving throw bonus and a spell-like function are not similar, and their values are simply added together to determine the cost. For items that do take up a space on a character’s body each additional power not only has no discount but instead has a 50% increase in price.

If you wanted to be persnickety, you could say that each additional ring built-in is required to be priced as if it were slotless, making it +100% cost rather than +50% cost, putting the ring as a whole at 4,750,000 gp instead. But that's about as expensive as a ring like this could be reasonably made before you're effectively just making up prices with no guidelines.

Crystal Ball Of Preparation (5,700,000 gp):
1620000: (20) Pearl Of Power IX
1280000: (20) Pearl Of Power VIII
980000: (20) Pearl Of Power VII
720000: (20) Pearl Of Power VI
500000: (20) Pearl Of Power V
320000: (20) Pearl Of Power IV
180000: (20) Pearl Of Power III
80000: (20) Pearl Of Power II
20000: (20) Pearl Of Power I

This isn't even really a single item, as much as it is a pile of Pearls Of Power for their explicit listed price. 20 lvl 1 Pearls Of Power would cost 20000, just as I've listed here. If you wanted to make an argument for a different price, then it would actually be cheaper, per this bit in the DMG:

For items with multiple similar abilities that don’t take up space on a character’s body use the following formula: Calculate the price of the single most costly ability, then add 75% of the value of the next most costly ability, plus one-half the value of any other abilities.

This isn't difficult to understand - the items have similar functions, and building them all into a single item rather than having them as 180 separate items makes it easier to steal or sunder, and thus an argument could be made that the item that's essentially "180 pearls glued together" should be less expensive than the 180 pearls separately. If you took this approach, the Crystal Ball Of Preparation would cost 2,910,750 gp instead. As pearls of power are already a slotless item, it makes no sense to make them more expensive in exchange for being slotless. You could even argue that the 2.9mil figure could be cut in half by making the item require a slot, in fact.

Rod Of Endless Metamagic (3,670,000 gp):
70000: (7) Improved Metamagic feat
100000: (10) Improved Spell Capacity feat
1000000: (100) metamagic feats of your choice
2500000: (250) Arcane Thesis feats attached to spells of your choice

This will apply to many of the items going forward, but here is the relevant quote from the Arms & Equipment Guide:

A general guideline for other kinds of feats is that they cost 10000 gp, plus another 5000 gp to 10000 gp per prerequisite.

You could make the argument that the extra cost for prereqs isn't just about feat prereqs, in which case these feats would cost more for requiring you to be epic, a caster, or an epic caster respectively. Arcane Thesis would cost 30k instead of 10k, and thus you could afford fewer of them, but at the end of the day, the AT feats are just there so you can get literally free metamagic, as opposed to "effectively free metamagic", and it might be simpler to get tons of Improved Spell Capacity, such that you are casting lvl 9 spells with 100 +1 metamagics, rather than lvl 9 spells with 100 +0 metamagics.

Additionally, while there's already a slightly higher cost for prereqs, and arguing that "requires you to be epic" should count for that is simple, it also wouldn't be unreasonable for a DM to say "epic feats cost 10 times as much", since that's the standard for epic vs nonepic in items. In such a cst, Improved Metamagic, Improved Spell Capacity, and epic metamagic feats would cost a good deal more (100k+ per feat).

Ring Of Big Defense Numbers (3,752,000):
26000: Monk's Belt (slotless)
10000: Touchstone feat (Pride domain)
1224000: Continuous "Choose Destiny"
672000: (3) Continuous "Ruin Delver's Fortune"
320000: Continuous "Sirine's Grace"
500000: (50) Damage Reduction feat
500000: (50) Fast Healing feat
500000: (50) Energy Resistance feat

I've already gone over how feats are being priced here, so now let's touch on spells. Continuous spells are calculated with this formula:

[spell level] x [caster level] x [duration multiplier] x 2000, plus extra for expensive components/XP costs

"Choose Destiny" is a 9th lvl spell with a 1 round/lvl duration. Thus, its cost would be 9 x 17 x 4 x 2000 = 1,224,000 gp.

"Sirine's Grace" is a 4th lvl bard spell with a 1 round/lvl duration. Thus, its cost would be 4 x 10 x 4 x 2000 = 320,000 gp.

"Ruin Delver's Fortune" is a 4th lvl spell with a duration measured in rounds. Thus, its cost would be 4 x 7 x 4 x 2000 = 224,000 gp. But because we have three iterations of the spell, in order to get Cha mod as a bonus to each saving throw, the total cost comes to 672,000 gp.

Once again, there are epic feats that could easily be said to cost a good deal more than they are presented here.

Ring Of Big Attribute Numbers (3,000,000 gp):
400000: (40) Great Strength feat
400000: (40) Great Dexterity feat
400000: (40) Great Constitution feat
1000000: (100) Great Intelligence feat
400000: (40) Great Wisdom feat
400000: (40) Great Charisma feat

This is blatantly just stacking epic feats endlessly into a single item.

If you looked up that bit in the AEG, you probably noticed that the sidebar starts by saying "if a feat replicates a common item ability, it should be priced as that item", and maybe you're thinking "this gives attribute bonuses, shouldn't it be priced like Gloves Of Dexterity and so on", and you're not totally wrong, or right. The main issue is, these feats don't give an enhancement bonus, so they stack with basically every attribute bonus in the game, even if you're buying them like this - and enhancement bonus items don't stack together like that.

The closest real comparison outside of the "buying feats" rules in AEG is the "Owl's Insight" spell, which grants a wisdom bonus based on CL. As a 5th lvl spell with a duration measured in hours, and giving you +1 Wisdom per 2 CL with no upper limit, it costs 20000 gp per +1 of Wisdom it gives you. Coincidentally, if we say that "requires you to be epic" counts as a prereq worth +10000 gp, then buying one iteration of the Great Wisdom feat would also cost 20000 gp.

(And yes, buying Owl's Insight beyond CL 20 would mean x10 price for being an epic effect, which makes it the best comparison for epic feats to also cost x10, putting the price of +1 to attribute from purchased feat at 200k. This is still, in the long run, cheaper than buying items where the cost formula is quadratic: even if you assume 200k per +1 for buying feats, Gloves Of Dexterity +20 and "an item giving you 20 iterations of Great Dexterity" would cost the same, and pumping your Dex even higher would be cheaper buying the epic feats than buying better gloves.)

EDIT: And again, none of this really matters, from a theorycrafting standpoint. The point of my posts is more to get the OP thinking about buying spells and feats and presenting the possibility to their DM. If we're talking "what's the best way to spend their money", then the answer is clearly something like the Wishing Ring I presented, since a single round's worth of wishing with such a ring could summon 100 million gp worth of items anyway.

2020-07-22, 02:48 PM
A general guideline for other kinds of feats is that they cost 10000 gp, plus another 5000 gp to 10000 gp per prerequisite.

Guidelines are not rules, especially when you are talking about equating regular feats to epic feats.... anyway, if you want to just make random stuff up and then put a price tag on it retroactively, there is epic spellcasting for that, which is why I asked if that was allowed. If epic spellcasting is not allowed, you can certainly make custom items and present them to your DM with links to the general guidelines, but these items do NOT have a price tag until your DM decides what it is. It personally feels very misleading to me to put costs on custom items without saying that it's the SUGGESTED cost only and the actual cost will vary WIDELY in different campaign because DMs vary widely.

2020-07-22, 02:50 PM
Guidelines are not rules, especially when you are talking about equating regular feats to epic feats.... anyway, if you want to just make random stuff up and then put a price tag on it retroactively, there is epic spellcasting for that, which is why I asked if that was allowed. If epic spellcasting is not allowed, you can certainly make custom items and present them to your DM with links to the general guidelines, but these items do NOT have a price tag until your DM decides what it is. It personally feels very misleading to me to put costs on custom items without saying that it's the SUGGESTED cost only and the actual cost will vary WIDELY in different campaign because DMs vary widely.Those guidelines are posted as rules in the MIC, so any game where the MIC is in play and doesn't have houserules to subvert them will use them.

2020-07-22, 04:13 PM
Guidelines are not rules, especially when you are talking about equating regular feats to epic feats.... anyway, if you want to just make random stuff up and then put a price tag on it retroactively, there is epic spellcasting for that, which is why I asked if that was allowed. If epic spellcasting is not allowed, you can certainly make custom items and present them to your DM with links to the general guidelines, but these items do NOT have a price tag until your DM decides what it is. It personally feels very misleading to me to put costs on custom items without saying that it's the SUGGESTED cost only and the actual cost will vary WIDELY in different campaign because DMs vary widely.

Your personal feelings don't dictate any table but the one you personally run. Yes, these rules are guidelines, as are all the rules regarding pricing custom items, and I'm not pretending otherwise. But they're all the guidance we've got to go on in regards to custom item creation. The prices are not the prices I would personally assign to these items if I were running a game and a player asked, they are simply what the custom item creation rules indicate such items should cost. The prices listed there are, arguably, what those items should cost if you're following the guidelines. Whether you think this guideline or that guideline should be ignored or followed is all well and good for your table, but tables are going to disagree on what is and isn't reasonable. That's why, when I was asked for how the prices were calc'd, I quoted the guidelines, as well as areas where I felt the guidelines were in a gray area, where I felt it could be argued that "following the spirit of the rules" would make an item more or less expensive.

As an obvious example, I personally agree that if you're going to allow rules to build feats into items, and you're going to allow those rules to build epic feats into items, then building epic feats should cost ten times as much as building nonepic feats. Like, that's a pretty clear distinction made in the rules for other kinds of epic item effects. And looking at examples it can be obvious - Epic Toughness gives you 30 HP, Toughness gives you 3 HP, so of course Epic Toughness should cost ten times as much, that's just logic.

...but. Regardless of my personal feelings about epic feats being worth 10 times as much as normal feats, the guidelines that exist for assigning value to items granting feats do not make a distinction between epic feats and non-epic feats, even if I think such a distinction should have been made. Similarly, I think that 1.2 million gp is too expensive for a continuous "Choose Destiny" effect, while simultaneously thinking that 50 million gp is far far too cheap for an item that can wish for 100 million gp worth of items per round. But both the 1.2 million, and the 50 million, are what the guidelines indicate such effects would cost.

2020-07-22, 04:20 PM
But they're all the guidance we've got to go on in regards to custom item creation.
Don't the custom magic item rules say to compare to similar items to determine cost first?

2020-07-22, 04:37 PM
Don't the custom magic item rules say to compare to similar items to determine cost first?

Yes, and that helps for some of those items. Most ways of buying feats cost somewhere in the 3k-10k range, which doesn't really square with the AEG guidelines but whatever. Metamagic rods have limited uses per day and don't make you spend a higher-level spell slot, so they're fairly different from how it'd work to have an item that gives you a metamagic feat continuously. Arcane Thesis, Improved Spell Capacity, and Improved Metamagic don't really have existing item equivalents exactly either. Touchstone has an item equivalent in...I forget the name, but it's a tool in MIC that's something like "Domain Potion"? And it's a consumable that gives you the granted power of a domain for 24 hours, and you can only have one at once. Any attempt at pricing "the ability to get a domain power continuously" would probably have to be based on that, but I'm not really sure where to start and

For the attribute item specifically, the feats grant an attribute bonus that would stack with enhancement bonuses from elsewhere, so it's comparable in some sense to existing attribute items - and there's not really a ton of items that give untyped bonuses to attributes to compare with, exactly. The closest is the tomes/manuals, which cost 27500 per +1, but also that's a one-time instantaneous improvement, rather than a continuous effect that could be stolen or sundered. Buuuut it also caps at +5. If I were DMing and being asked to price an item that gives a continuous untyped bonus to attributes, my gut feeling would probably be to make it twice whatever it costs, since that's sorta how weird bonus types work for other things? But I also think that the quadratic way items improve in general is too costly, particularly once they get the x10 epic tax, but that's a whole different argument. If I weren't doing it like that, where it's double the quadratic price, I'd probably use the feat guidelines and say it's +1 for 200k. That has a +20 quadratic and a +20 linear item cost the same, but the linear will be cheaper going forward and I'm more or less fine with that.

EDIT: Started thinking that Arcane Thesis + Improved Metamagic is essentially about getting free metamagic on all your slots, and with enough metamagic rods you could do that. OP says they've got a +12 enhancement item for Intelligence on a lvl 25 wizard, so let's assume Int 46. Assuming standard specialization, he's looking at spell slots being 10/10/9/9/9/9/8/8/8 (not including cantrips but eh). So in general we'll need 10 lesser, 9 normal, and 8 greater rods to get free metamagic on theoretically every slot. buying that many rods for Empower, Enlarge, Extend, Maximize, Quicken, and Still Spell (the core metamagic spells that have metamagic rods) would cost 5,929,000 gp.

Getting that kind of effect by buying feats means buying the six metamagic feats, buying Improved Metamagic three times, and buying Arcane Thesis for however many spells you think you're likely to wanna use with these metamagic. Improved Metamagic requires four metamagic feats and 30 ranks in Spellcraft, so that's 5 prereqs. Let's call it 600k (10k base, +50k for prereqs, x10 for epic), so 1.8 million for Improved Metamagic overall. The six metamagic feats have no prereqs (not even caster level, weird), so they'd be 10k each by guidelines. so that's 1.86 million for all those metamagics being +1. Arcane Thesis gets it down to +0 for one spell per AT, and each AT costs 30k? So that gets us to 135 spells we can alter with those six metamagics for free.

Buying it via feats gets us applying it to 135 spells, while buying it via metamagic rods gets us applying it to theoretically any spell we can cast (wizard maxes out at ~2500 spells, but this is a specialist so probably more like ~2000? Eh). But buying it via feats is easier to upgrade (spend 10k-40k on some other metamagic feat that's at +4 or less, and now that's also part of your ultimate metamagic rod, instead of the roughly million gp it would cost via real metamagic rods).

EDIT 2: Getting all metamagics for free via feat-items would probably involve ~2500 ATs, ~150 metamagic feats, and Improved Metamagic 7. That's probably costing ~78 million or so. This is still probably cheaper than getting it via rods, especially if you're doing things to get tons of extra slots, and even then not every metamagic feat has a metamagic rod to match.

2020-07-22, 08:51 PM
I have a spreadsheet of useful items (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit?usp=sharing) that might help. It's mostly aimed at pre-epic, but hey, nothing stopping you from buying a bunch of cheaper items, I guess.

Those guidelines are posted as rules in the MIC, so any game where the MIC is in play and doesn't have houserules to subvert them will use them.
Stacking multiple items in one slot, yes. Items that grant feats or continuous spells? No.

2020-07-22, 09:36 PM
I have a spreadsheet of useful items (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit?usp=sharing) that might help. It's mostly aimed at pre-epic, but hey, nothing stopping you from buying a bunch of cheaper items, I guess.

Stacking multiple items in one slot, yes. Items that grant feats or continuous spells? No.

This is correct. The parts of the rules that cover building feats and spells into items are all explicitly guidelines meant to suggest prices. They aren't set in stone, except so far as they are the straightforward answer for "how much does the system say this thing should cost".

2020-07-22, 09:51 PM
And yes, buying Owl's Insight beyond CL 20 would mean x10 price for being an epic effect

Caster level is one of the few epic effects which doesn't trigger the x10 multiplier; check out the price of epic scrolls for example.

Touchstone has an item equivalent in...I forget the name, but it's a tool in MIC that's something like "Domain Potion"?

Domain Draught?

2020-07-22, 09:57 PM
Caster level is one of the few epic effects which doesn't trigger the x10 multiplier; check out the price of epic scrolls for example.

That is an excellent point.

Domain Draught?

Yes, that sounds right. I checked my book, and yeah that's what I was thinking of.