View Full Version : Portal to D&D IC - The Blooded

2020-07-21, 10:06 AM
Party Notice
You have joined an adventuring party.
Welcome to party chat.

2020-07-21, 10:14 AM
Well, that's convenient. Let's get moving.

I start to move in the direction of the forest.

2020-07-21, 10:16 AM
The number of dragonflies increases as you head downstream, but other than a few buzzing you out of curiosity, they are completely harmless. You see no other signs of animal life.

It takes you about half an hour to make it down to the end of the valley, passing a few small bushes along the way and the remnants of one minor rock slide with a number of smaller rocks.

The stream turns somewhat to the left just as it enters the forest.

Grazing on clover nearby are two rabbits. They hear your approach and stop eating to watch you for signs of danger.

2020-07-21, 10:23 AM
"It's interesting that this world can completely separate the conversations."

Ssrask looked between the party chat and the regular. Even if I've been reincarnated, in the end it still follows game protocols...

He followed along as Ks'kilith continued toward the forest.

"So, you're obviously also lizardfolk, but there's a divergence somewhere. More than just the appearance customization. Scaled One, compared to me being a Dragonkin? I chose Warblade as my career path."

He sniffed the air again upon seeing animals. "Seems like a good way to try out an ability and maybe get some meat to go with the berries."

Pausing, he called up on the magic inherent to his dragon blood sending a freezing ray toward one of the rabbits.

Ray of Frost - Ranged Touch 1d20
Damage 1d3 Cold

2020-07-21, 10:36 AM
Good guess, but not quite. I'm a Saurian, the tier 3 variant of Lizardfolk. Class wise I'm some version of a racial paragon class. I put a whole bunch of points into wisdom in hopes of being offered a good spell-casting class, like cleric or druid, but didn't get offered anything really amazing.

2020-07-21, 12:52 PM
DM Note: Saurian is part of the Scaled One Heritage. You know that based on the minimal racial knowledge you've received.

Your ray of frost misses the rabbits entirely.

They dart off into the grass and are soon lost to your sight.

2020-07-21, 12:55 PM
Well that was impressive. Let's keep going, I don't want to waste too much time.

2020-07-21, 12:59 PM
"You must have had some luck with boons..."

Ssrask hissed in frustration as he missed with the ray.

"No such thing as a free meal, the saying goes..."

As they continued on, he wondered if there were ways that one might advance their race through this Tier system.

Hey Siri, explain the racial tier system.

2020-07-21, 04:10 PM
The forest grows right up to the edge of the mountains, which make a fairly solid wall. You could theoretically circle around to the right or the left by sticking next to the mountains' edge.

The stream turns to the left just as it enters the forest, following the terrain to lower ground.

There appears to be a small game trail following the stream to the left, more or less following the mountains.

A slightly larger game trail can be seen heading off to the right into the woods but heading away from the mountains at an angle.

2020-07-21, 04:15 PM
Give me a hand with gathering two good-sized branches, and I'll make us some clubs.

I'll try to pull down some tree branches with enough heft to act as clubs. If I can find some sort of sharp rock, a bit of flint or something, I'll use that to clean the branch up. Then I'll rip a bit of material off of my starter robe to bind around the narrower end for a simple grip.


2020-07-21, 05:12 PM
Either she won’t show because I’m in a party or because I didn’t speak the question.

Ssrask seemed lost on thought for a moment.

"Oh, yeah. I’ll help. If we can find a decent sized sapling, would it work as a spear?" He extended his claws to help cut through the wood.

While they were working, Ssrask attempted to figure out his assistant’s interaction with a party member. ”Hey, don’t freak out, I’m going to try something. Hey Siri, tell me about the racial tier system...” He waited to see if there was a response.

Aid Another - [roll0]

2020-07-21, 11:38 PM
You remember seeing rocks everywhere throughout the valley and will need to backtrack a bit to find some; however, you find them easily enough.

You manage to break off a branch and fashion it into a crude club. It functions as a normal club, but it might not hold up to long term use.

You can will need to roll again to craft a second.

2020-07-22, 08:45 AM
"If you're going back a bit to find a sharp stone, I'll work on clearing the branches on a sapling and sharpening the tip... Do you think the gown material is strong enough to make a sling? I'm sure the stream has plenty of smooth stones for ammunition."

Ssrask didn't appeared bothered that he didn't receive any kind of reaction to his question to 'Siri'. This was a learn-as-you-go scenario. The process of elimination seemed the only way to know things for certain. It wasn't much different than the real world. You don't know what you don't know...

Aid Another (Spear) [roll0]
Aid Another (Club) [roll1]

2020-07-22, 10:05 AM
So do you want a spear, a club, or both? As for this material, it might work, but I'm not sure how sturdy it is, or needs to be.

2020-07-22, 10:14 AM
"I'd prefer a spear, if given the choice."

2020-07-22, 10:22 AM
Sure. Let's see here...

I'll get a long, straight branch, split the top, wedge a sharp rock in there, then bind it tight so that the rock doesn't slip out with another bit of fabric.


2020-07-22, 02:08 PM
You can't seem to get an edge on the piece of flint you've chosen for the spear. Each time you get a partial edge, you manage to ruin it on the next knap. You eventually have to find another piece of flint to use.
The DC for crafting a spear is 12.
Each attempt takes at least 1 hour.

You've already spent about 2 hours making weapons. How much longer would you like to continue?

2020-07-22, 02:21 PM
Ah, damn. So close.

No immediate threat is presenting itself. I'm gonna try one more time, but after that I'm probably getting too bored to try again.


2020-07-22, 02:44 PM
Ssrask offers his new companion some of the berries that he had picked. "Just a warning, I'm not skilled enough in this place's botany to know if these are poisonous."

He shrugged and took a few of the berries and swallowed them himself. While Ks'kilith worked, he kept his eyes open for any other small animals that might present an easy-ish meal, if he could manage to strike them with his draconic magic.

2020-07-22, 04:33 PM
You've successfully created a crude spear. Without more work and better materials, it is unlikely to last long before breaking.

Several hours have passed since you began crafting, and the sun has moved noticeably towards the right side of the valley when looking towards the trees.

2020-07-22, 04:38 PM
Here you go. Don't hit anything too hard with it.
I'll toss the spear to Ssrask.

Now what? I'd propose finding something to kill for XP, but that could be risky. We don't have any armor, for one thing, and I can't make any.

2020-07-23, 11:01 AM
Ssrask accepted the spear, testing it's weight with a nod. "It's getting dark pretty quickly. I think attempting a hunt would be fine, but I plan on heading back to my cave to spend the night. Pushing forward in the dark isn't worth the risk."

He motioned toward the smaller game trail that ran closer to the stream.

2020-07-23, 11:16 AM
My cave might be safer. It's seemingly constructed like a beaver's den: to enter you have to swim through an underwater passage, and the entrance to that passage is concealed somewhat. It's not too far.

Plus, this way we can mount some semblance of a watch so we aren't too surprised if anything does show up.

2020-07-24, 11:55 AM
I'm waiting on a decisive action rather than just discussion.

2020-07-24, 12:14 PM
I'll start heading towards my cave, looking behind me to see if Ssrask is following me. If he is, once I reach the entrance I'll show him the entrance, then swim inside. If he doesn't follow me, I'll just swim inside.

2020-07-24, 03:18 PM
The stream isn't quite hip deep here, and the frigid snow melt is almost crystal clear.

Ks'kilith ducks under the water, swims towards the bottom, and just sort of... disappears.

Despite Ssrask's best attempts to follow, he can't even find the entrance to the supposed cave.

2020-07-24, 03:39 PM
After realizing that he wasn't with me, I'll swim back up and establish the problem. Once I figure out that he can't find the entrance for some reason, I'll say:

Huh. I guess the game doesn't want players sharing rest spots for some reason. It's a shame that we can't set a watch, but I do feel more confident that I'm not gonna be ambushed now.

I'll meet you around here in the morning, although it might be tricky to tell when that is, exactly.

2020-07-25, 12:58 PM
Ssrask nodded in agreement to the plan, only mildly frustrated on having to walk back to his own starting area. "I will see you in the morning then."

With his spear in hand and make-shift bag slung over his shoulder, he headed back toward his own origin cave Once there, he'd eat the remaining berries, gather up a large amount of grass to fill the bag for several trips through his watery tunnel. He spread the grass out on the stones to use as a bedding for his first night.

2020-07-25, 01:45 PM
I'll return to my starting area and try to get to sleep. I'll bundle my "robe" and use it as a makeshift pillow, but I'm not going to spend the time or effort to try to get some material for bedding through the water.

2020-07-27, 10:10 PM
You sleep well and awake the next morning undisturbed.

2020-07-27, 10:26 PM
That was a surprisingly good rest for being on a slab of rock. I guess I shouldn't question my good fortune.

I'll put my starter robe back on, then swim out of my cave. Then I'll try to find some berries or something to eat, as I'm presumably quite hungry.


2020-07-28, 09:11 AM
Ssrask awoke and checked his sheet to see if anything had changed. Afterword, he took a drink from the pool as he had the day before.

Gathering up his makeshift bag, he tied it around his waist like a loincloth and picked up the spear before heading out through the water. Once in the open space of the grasslands, he practiced for an extended amount of time to become more proficient with the spear.

Upon reaching the fields, he walked toward where he had left Ks'kilith the evening before. As he walked, he kept an eye out for rabbits or more berries. His tongue continuously testing the air like a reptile.

Makeshift bag equipped as loincloth.

Makeshift spear equipped as weapon.

Weapon Aptitude to switch Weapon Focus to Spear.

Hunters Sense stance active.

2020-07-28, 01:53 PM
That was a surprisingly good rest for being on a slab of rock. I guess I shouldn't question my good fortune.

I'll put my starter robe back on, then swim out of my cave. Then I'll try to find some berries or something to eat, as I'm presumably quite hungry.

[roll0]You find that the bush Ssrask gathered from yesterday has already produced another small handful of berries. It's no meal, but it's enough for one person to take the edge off their hunger.

You spot another two similar bushes closer to the forest, but you know that no matter how many berries you eat, you're never going to be completely satiated.

Ssrask awoke and checked his sheet to see if anything had changed. Afterword, he took a drink from the pool as he had the day before.

Gathering up his makeshift bag, he tied it around his waist like a loincloth and picked up the spear before heading out through the water. Once in the open space of the grasslands, he practiced for an extended amount of time to become more proficient with the spear.

Upon reaching the fields, he walked toward where he had left Ks'kilith the evening before. As he walked, he kept an eye out for rabbits or more berries. His tongue continuously testing the air like a reptile.

Makeshift bag equipped as loincloth.

Makeshift spear equipped as weapon.

Weapon Aptitude to switch Weapon Focus to Spear.

Hunters Sense stance active.

You spot only the same bushes that Ks'kilith has found.

Licking the air doesn't seem to do much for you, as you apparently lack the specialized scent organs necessary to benefit from it.

Please make note of such on your character sheet.

As you both move down the valley towards the forest, you note a group of [roll0] rabbits nibbling on clover.

2020-07-28, 01:56 PM
Do I see Ssrask? If I do, I'll approach him. So, how did you sleep? I think something is a little tweaked in this world, because I slept on bare stone but didn't wake up at all. I wonder how they pulled that off.

2020-07-28, 01:58 PM
Ssrask will approach the rabbits slowly, giving his teammate a finger over his lips. Moving without any sudden or threatening motions until within 25 feet, he used the magic of his blood to shoot a ray of frost at one of the rabbits once close enough.

Ray of Frost ranged touch [roll0]
Damage [roll1] cold

2020-07-28, 02:47 PM
Yes, you are both back together at this point.

Ssrask's ray of frost kills the rabbit he targeted.

[roll0] - Ssrask
[roll1] - Ks'kilith
[roll2] - The rabbits

The surviving rabbits scatter into the tall grass and are quickly lost to sight.

2020-07-28, 02:52 PM
You hear the horrific screaming (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GDPt8gry08) of what reveals itself to be an aggressive rabbit significantly larger than the others you've encountered. This massive rabbit sports a prominent bony knob covering its forehead like a helmet.

It lowers its head and attempts to ram into Ssrask.


2020-07-28, 03:16 PM
Ssrask grunted as the insanely aggressive rabbit head-butted him?! It hurt, but he couldn't help but have a flash of Monty Python.

Get serious, they died!

He focused on the threat and stabbed at it with his spear.

I'm not sure how init is handled. Are we waiting until our turn, or just posting and having you sort out the round?

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2020-07-28, 03:21 PM
The Hell?

Fine, I won't question it.

I'll charge the rabbit thing.

Club: [roll0] [roll1] Whoops, wrong die for the club damage. What should I do about it? Just keep the smaller die, or roll a d6?
Headbutt: [roll2] [roll3]

2020-07-28, 03:30 PM
Just post when you're online. I'll sort out initiative after everyone in a party has posted and resolve in initiative order.

Ks'kilith charges at the rabbit, bashing it with his club for [roll0] damage.
He lacks the ability to make a full attack on a charge, so he's unable to use both attacks.

Ssrask thrusts his spear, but the rabbit deftly hops out of the way.

2020-07-28, 03:32 PM
Angered by the club attack, the rabbit turns its attention to Ks'kilith, attempting to bash him with a headbutt.


2020-07-28, 03:36 PM
Ow. That hurts.

I swing my club at the annoying rabbit, then try to headbutt it as well.

Club: [roll0] [roll1]
Headbutt: [roll2] [roll3]

2020-07-28, 03:48 PM
Ssrask moved to surround the creature with his partner. He stabbed at it with the spear, hoping to end this before either he or Ks'kilith were fatally injured.

5 ft step to flanking position.

Spear Attack - [roll0]
Spear Damage - [roll1]

2020-07-28, 03:51 PM
Ks'kilith scores a glancing blow with her club but nearly stumbles when she tries to headbutt the small enemy.

Ssrask lunges with the spear but the rabbit narrowly dodges, the edge of the makeshift spearhead parting the rabbit's fur.

It continues attacking Ks'kilith, as she is the only one who has injured it so far.


2020-07-28, 03:57 PM
Agh. Nope, nope, nope.

I'll take the Withdraw action, and run away so that I can put a tree or Ssrask in between me and the rabbit, so that it can't charge me.

2020-07-28, 03:59 PM
Agh. Nope, nope, nope.

I'll take the Withdraw action, and run away so that I can put a tree or Ssrask in between me and the rabbit, so that it can't charge me.

You aren't close enough to take shelter in the trees, but you do manage to cross the stream and place Ssrask between you and the rabbit.

2020-07-28, 04:01 PM
Ssrask winced as Ks'kilith took another headbutt. Nothing in the game was this hard so early on. Even for someone like him that had no prior knowledge of how to play, it was forgiving enough. The thought that he probably wouldn't stand a chance against this small rabbit alone made his heart sink.

He stabbed at it again with the spear, beginning to wonder if the effort was even worth it. A warrior class that couldn't kill a starting monster. Good job, loser...

Spear Attack - [roll0]
Spear Damage - [roll1]

2020-07-28, 04:04 PM
Ssrask brutally stabs the rabbit to death, completely obliterating that one last hit point it was holding onto.

2020-07-28, 04:06 PM
Encounter Notice

Enemies Defeated:
Enemies Dispersed:
Experience Gained:

(You each gain the listed XP, if that was unclear. Yes, fractional XP is a thing.)

2020-07-28, 04:10 PM
Woo! I knew you could do it, and I definitely wasn't just running away there to leave you to die. Now then, do you know of any way to heal me, or will I need to rest for a couple days to regen my HP?

2020-07-28, 04:10 PM
Ssrask took a deep breath, attempting to calm the rush of adrenaline that had turned into panic and despair. He removed the spear from the corpse and inspected the point to see how it held up.

He gathered both bodies. "Well, if we can figure out how to clean them and start a fire, we'll at least have a meal tonight..." Glancing toward the stream where Ks'kilith had fled, he couldn't really blame him. "I don't suppose you have any of those skills?" He wanted to be hopeful, but he just couldn't after such a poor performance in his first battle.

"I honestly have no idea how healing works. I don't have any abilities to do it."

2020-07-28, 04:17 PM
That's a shame. I do have survival, I think that ought to work? I'll give it a try.


2020-07-28, 04:22 PM
As Ks'kilith did his best to field dress their kill. Ssrask used Inspect on the carcass. He wanted to know what this thing was called, if only to avoid them.

"Seems like we gained xp from killing and chasing the regular rabbits away as well. I wonder if that big one will avoid water... we could hunt regular rabbits and then submerge if one of those shows up."

2020-07-28, 04:22 PM
It's difficult without the proper tools, but you do manage to clean the two animals.

You gain

21 lbs of raw rabbit meat
The equivalent of 2 normal rabbit hides (would be more if the larger rabbit hadn't been damaged)
A number of potentially useful bones.

Note that I won't always give itemized lists and will leave it up to you to remember to make use of various parts in the future.

2020-07-28, 04:25 PM
I'll try to sharpen some of the longer bones into makeshift darts, by snapping them and chipping at them with hard rocks.


2020-07-28, 04:30 PM
"You might be able to use that thing's skull as a shield or buckler."

Ssrask, seeing Ks'kilith attempting to craft would lend his claws. They were probably more reliable for shaving away bone than a broken rock.

"You think a fire by your cave to cook the meat? We can keep close to it in case you need to retreat. I can run to the water."

Aid Another [roll0]

2020-07-28, 04:34 PM
Sounds good.

As for the buckler idea, unfortunately I didn't have enough skill points for weaponry and armor. Plus, I can't actually use shields.

2020-07-28, 04:40 PM
"Ah, well... big skull on a stick hammer?" The dragonkin shrugged as he moved to gather up some wood for the fire after he offered what aid he could to Ks'kilith's process. "I feel like a caveman."

2020-07-28, 04:45 PM
I guess. But for now, it's gonna take a while for me to finish making these darts, and I'd really like a ranged option. It's a shame that I don't have the crafting skill to make anything out of these hides. Like armor. Or clothing, or bags to carry stuff with. I don't suppose you could do something with them? You made a bag out of your starting robe.

2020-07-28, 05:20 PM
"Completely dumb luck. I donÂ’t have any skills for it. But... it is a world just like outside. You have to practice to get better." Ssrask started gathering even more sticks.

"My wisdom is terrible, so your natural modifiers are better than mine without skill points. We can use the sticks and stream stones to make a fish coral with these guts as bait."

2020-07-28, 05:28 PM
Is that really going to be that productive? Plus, craft skills key off intelligence, not wisdom. And My int mod is -1.

2020-07-28, 05:39 PM
"Oh, right.. well, I can give it a shot." Ssrask sat beside him and started working on scraping the hides and using some of the sticks to keep them stretched out.

As he works, he tries to justify the fish trap. "We’re going to need protein, and if one of these comes around every time we kill a rabbit... things are going to be very difficult."

Craft (leather) [roll0]

2020-07-28, 09:09 PM
Ssrask lacks the proper tools and ingredients necessary to cure the leather. He manages to keep it from shrinking as it dries in the sun, but it's not likely to last more than a few days to a week before it starts to stink.

2020-07-29, 07:57 AM
"Yeah, there's not much I more I can do." Ssrask sighed as he appraised his work before standing and stretching. He looked down to see how Ks'kilith had progressed on his weapons. "You know, we could use the shoulder bones as scrapping tools for the hides, and probably use that big rabbit's skull as a kettle to boil water. Tannin comes from tree bark, so we could treat the hides that way." It seemed strange that this game, no, this world, allowed his memories from his previous life, even if his body lacked the skills to implement the knowledge.

"I'm going to go to the stream and start on a trap. We're going to be in this area at least a few days, unless you want to risk travel sooner..."

He headed down to the water, looking for a bend that provided a good break in the current. Setting about his work, he started moving stones to enclose a space, leaving a small opening for fish to swim in. After that, he sharpened some of the sticks he had collected using his claws. Wedging them with pointed ends facing into his circle, the idea was the fish swam in after the bait and then couldn't swim out because of the pointed edges. Once that was done, he took a bit of the entrails from the rabbit kill and put them in the trap, holding them down with a stone.

Craft (Trap) - [roll0]

2020-07-29, 10:12 AM
As I'm evidently not done with my dart-crafting efforts, I'll continue crafting darts.

2020-07-29, 05:03 PM
As I'm evidently not done with my dart-crafting efforts, I'll continue crafting darts.You manage to make some makeshift darts, but they are very much improvised weapons and will incur the relevant penalties when using them.

"Yeah, there's not much I more I can do." Ssrask sighed as he appraised his work before standing and stretching. He looked down to see how Ks'kilith had progressed on his weapons. "You know, we could use the shoulder bones as scrapping tools for the hides, and probably use that big rabbit's skull as a kettle to boil water. Tannin comes from tree bark, so we could treat the hides that way." It seemed strange that this game, no, this world, allowed his memories from his previous life, even if his body lacked the skills to implement the knowledge.

"I'm going to go to the stream and start on a trap. We're going to be in this area at least a few days, unless you want to risk travel sooner..."

He headed down to the water, looking for a bend that provided a good break in the current. Setting about his work, he started moving stones to enclose a space, leaving a small opening for fish to swim in. After that, he sharpened some of the sticks he had collected using his claws. Wedging them with pointed ends facing into his circle, the idea was the fish swam in after the bait and then couldn't swim out because of the pointed edges. Once that was done, he took a bit of the entrails from the rabbit kill and put them in the trap, holding them down with a stone.

Craft (Trap) - [roll0]

You really don't manage to make a decent fish trap at all. Worse, in all the time you spend working on it, you don't spot any fish in this part of the stream at all beyond the occasional Fine size minnow barely big enough to be considered potential bait.

In all, the two of you spend [roll0] hours working on your tasks, and the sun is approaching its zenith.

2020-07-29, 07:42 PM
Well, this is boring, but it's not like there's anything much more productive I could be doing. I'm not about to risk fighting another one of those rabbit-things with only 2 HP.

I'll try to gather materials to make a fire, steering away from the forest.


2020-07-30, 07:29 AM
Well, this is boring, but it's not like there's anything much more productive I could be doing. I'm not about to risk fighting another one of those rabbit-things with only 2 HP.

I'll try to gather materials to make a fire, steering away from the forest.


The only thing you find to burn is the lush green grass around you or maybe that berry bush, if you pulled it out of the ground. Neither one would work terribly well though.

2020-07-30, 08:32 AM
Ssrask came up from the stream. "It doesn't look like there's much of any options in this field to do anything. It feels like we're being forced to the forest."

"It's boring because it's not really a game, it's a new life and the tedious tasks of survival might seem boring if you don't think they're important. Have you tried to log off, or do anything other than control your body? You can't just pull the plug on this one..."

He gathered up the meat and stretched hides, moving toward the woods, following the stream. It would be easier to gather wood and water if both sources were close by. "Bring the bones and skull, if you want to come."

Once within about 20 yards of the woodline, he'd put everything down and go to the water to collect stones to encircle the fire that they'd have to make.

2020-07-30, 10:04 AM

I'll gather up the bones, using the skull to support them, then get closer to the forest. I'll keep an eye out for anything that looks like it wants to kill me.


2020-07-30, 10:58 AM
The stream turns to the left just as it enters the forest, following the terrain to lower ground. There appears to be a small game trail following the stream to the left, more or less following the mountains.

A slightly larger game trail can be seen heading off to the right into the woods but heading away from the mountains at an angle.

Directly in front of you, the undergrowth seems to grow thicker, requiring you to blaze your own trail if you go in that direction.

You may also potentially come up with something that the DM hasn't considered yet.

2020-07-30, 11:10 AM
Ssrask finished gathering stones from the stream bed, placing them in a circle. "I've no intention of pushing into the woods today with your injuries. Any kind of hostile encounter could be deadly right now...."

He moved to the thicket, gathering fallen sticks and limbs as he went. Returning once he had an arm full, he put them down by the circle of stones. "I'll do a bit of scouting while you work on the fire..."

To that end, he took the spear and headed down the larger of the paths, just until the forest edge became difficult to make out. As he scouted, he maintained his Hunter's Sense stance to prevent an ambush. Once he had reached a point where he could just make out the forest edge, Srrask cut across the woods, toward stream and mountain. As he did, he kept on eye out for a tree that might support his weight and give him a better vantage of the area. If none were found, once he crossed the smaller trail, he'd follow it back to the field.

Spot vs threats [roll0]
Spot vs useable tree [roll1]

If tree is found, taking 10 on climbing for 12 check.

2020-07-30, 11:24 AM
Thanks. I don't want to get snuck up on.


2020-07-30, 11:26 AM
Ssrask finished gathering stones from the stream bed, placing them in a circle. "I've no intention of pushing into the woods today with your injuries. Any kind of hostile encounter could be deadly right now...."

He moved to the thicket, gathering fallen sticks and limbs as he went. Returning once he had an arm full, he put them down by the circle of stones. "I'll do a bit of scouting while you work on the fire..."

To that end, he took the spear and headed down the larger of the paths, just until the forest edge became difficult to make out. As he scouted, he maintained his Hunter's Sense stance to prevent an ambush. Once he had reached a point where he could just make out the forest edge, Srrask cut across the woods, toward stream and mountain. As he did, he kept on eye out for a tree that might support his weight and give him a better vantage of the area. If none were found, once he crossed the smaller trail, he'd follow it back to the field.

Spot vs threats [roll0]
Spot vs useable tree [roll1]

If tree is found, taking 10 on climbing for 12 check.

Like most game trails, the path seemingly vanishes and reappears at random. You don't travel far before the trail is lost, though you suspect you could find it again with a bit of searching and successful Survival check.

Cutting across the woods towards the stream is quite difficult through the undergrowth. You struggle for a bit until you find a tree that you think would be easy enough to climb. However, your attempts to climb it prove fruitless. It's not quite as easy to climb as you thought it would be.

2020-07-30, 11:42 AM
Ssrask hissed in frustration. Having a better vantage was important in determining their path ahead. Failure in this wasn't an option. He bared his claws for better purchase and tried again.

Climb - [roll0]

2020-07-30, 12:22 PM
The bark easily peels away, leaving you to fall firmly on your bum, which still remains uncomfortably bare.

2020-07-30, 12:39 PM
The dragonfolk roared and slashed at the tree with his claws in a furry of frustration. Claws and reptilian, yet I still can't even climb a tree! I am truly terrible at this! Why do I even try? Wouldn't it be better to just end this 'reincarnation' and rest peacefully? If I died and was reincarnated, isn't that proof of some sort of afterlife? A place to rest instead of this continued embarrassment. This continued failure...

After several moments passed, he seemed to overcome the wallowing of his failures to muster another attempt.

Climb - [roll0]

2020-07-30, 02:02 PM
The dragonfolk roared and slashed at the tree with his claws in a furry of frustration. Claws and reptilian, yet I still can't even climb a tree! I am truly terrible at this! Why do I even try? Wouldn't it be better to just end this 'reincarnation' and rest peacefully? If I died and was reincarnated, isn't that proof of some sort of afterlife? A place to rest instead of this continued embarrassment. This continued failure...

After several moments passed, he seemed to overcome the wallowing of his failures to muster another attempt.

Climb - [roll0]

You just manage to climb the tree. Your grip is a bit precarious from time to time, but you do manage to make it to high enough to get a good view. The trick is going to be getting down...

Behind you is the valley, filled with lush grasses and a shallow stream flowing through the middle of it. It heads off quite a distance before terminating in almost sheer cliff walls.

Facing away from the valley, the stream disappears into the trees to your left. In that direction the foliage becomes more brown and gray than green, which you are eventually able to identify as a swamp.

Following in that general direction, almost at the edge of what you can see, is a large clearing with an absolutely massive tree in the middle.

To your right, following the assumed path of the other game trail, you see a series of smaller gaps in the trees that aren't quite clearings, more just gaps in the trees. The game trail seems to mostly follow these gaps, using them as an easy way to navigate through the trees.

In the direction directly opposite the valley, the forest becomes extremely thick, though most of the trees in this area are shorter and seem younger than most other parts of the forest. Just as you are about to look away, you catch a glint of something reflecting the sun, but you don't manage to see what it was.

2020-07-30, 02:28 PM
The struggle was worth it...

After taking in the information, Ssrask dug his nails into the bark, attempting to slow his descent as his slid down the trunk of the tree. The gaps definitely looked the safest to advance, but he couldn't help but wonder what that glint had been. A structure so close to the starting area might prove useful, especially if it was unoccupied and could be used as a base to grow stronger before pressing forward.

Once he had descended, if not falling to his death, he'd return to the field and check on the progress of the fire.

Climb - [roll0]

2020-07-30, 04:41 PM
Ssrask was glad to catch a break while climbing up the tree but not so glad to catch a break on the way down. As he placed his weight on that sturdy looking branch, it gave way, dropping him to the ground, causing him to take [roll0] nonlethal damage.

2020-07-30, 05:12 PM
I'm shocked by the loud crashing sound, turning to see what caused it.
Ow. Are you ok?

2020-07-31, 08:17 AM
Ssrask waved off the concern. "No broken bones. It was worth it to get the layout of the area." As he walked out from the forest, he limped slightly. It would definite bruise.

"How is the fire-starting coming?" The dragonkin inspected the results.

If I wouldn't have been so wrapped up on picked what was cool-looking, I could have thought about the dragon abilities I might have and picked something with fire. Cold doesn't do much for survival. As he pondered his life choices, he drew a crude map of what he saw in the dirt with the butt of his spear, explaining to Ks'kilith.

"The game trail seems like the safest direction, for sure. The glinting surface though, I really want to check that out before moving on."

2020-07-31, 09:32 AM
The fire is burning merrily. You estimate that you have about 45 minutes of firewood before running out. Small branches burn way faster than you would expect, and you don't have any split logs to keep the fire going for longer.

2020-07-31, 10:02 AM
I'll try to roast the meat, skewering it on a sharp stick and holding it over the fire.


2020-07-31, 10:11 AM
"Do you want to travel today, or head into the forest tomorrow? I'd prefer getting the meat cooked and leather boiled today, retreat back to the caves tonight and start out tomorrow..." Ssrask stood and headed back to the wood's edge to collect as much firewood as he could carry, along with some green sapling stick for cooking the meat.

Once he got a good amount of wood, he went down to the water with the skull, to fill it and place it at the edge of the coals. He stripped some of the bark off the wood he gathered using his claws, putting it the skull and waiting for the water to heat, stirring it with a stick. Once it had gotten hot, he took the stretched leather that had been drying in the Sun and slashed it into inch-wide strips using his claws. He put those in the skull mixture to soak.

"Not enough to make any coverings, but I figure braiding it into cord could be really useful too."

2020-07-31, 10:13 AM
You char [roll0] lbs of the meat beyond edibility, leaving you 13 lbs of uncooked meat to work with.

The skull is small enough that you're only able to boil 2 small strips at a time. Then, you'll need to fetch more water and begin again. You'll also need to make a relevant Craft/Profession check to determine success.

2020-07-31, 10:27 AM
Ssrask used the initial two strips as a test before making an more trips. He would hate to waste all of the hide on a failed experiment, just based on things that he saw in survival tutorials and shows.

Despite the wasted meat, he didn't seem overly upset at someone else's failure. How could I be mad?! How many times have I utterly sucked in the past 24 hours?

Craft - Leather [roll0]

2020-07-31, 10:46 AM
Hmm. Cooking is difficult when you have a stat penalty and improvised tools. Should I try again, or do you want to give it a shot?

2020-07-31, 10:57 AM
Ssrask chuckled. "I fell out of a tree, and I HAVE ranks in that skill, but by all means, if you want me to try, I'll try."

Craft - Cooking [roll0]

2020-07-31, 11:19 AM
Ssrask used the initial two strips as a test before making an more trips. He would hate to waste all of the hide on a failed experiment, just based on things that he saw in survival tutorials and shows.

Despite the wasted meat, he didn't seem overly upset at someone else's failure. How could I be mad?! How many times have I utterly sucked in the past 24 hours?

Craft - Leather [roll0]When factoring in the improvised tools, the lack of other necessary tools entirely, the lack of proper chemicals, and the lack of any real understanding of the process, you still manage to create something sort of similar to leather but a far cry from the real thing. The strips are pliable when wet but stiff and a bit brittle when dried. You also fear that you haven't really delayed the decomposition while losing much of the usefulness of the hide.

Fortunately, you were experimenting with the damaged bits of hide leftover from the skinning process so still have both rabbit hides remaining undamaged.

You also note that the reinforced, bony pate atop the basher skull has become detached from the skull after prolonged burning.

Ssrask chuckled. "I fell out of a tree, and I HAVE ranks in that skill, but by all means, if you want me to try, I'll try."

Craft - Cooking [roll0] You manage to safely cook the remainder of meat, though it's far from appetizing.

2020-07-31, 11:21 AM
This whole process took about [roll0] hours.

2020-07-31, 11:28 AM
I'll eat some of the meat. If it tastes bad, I'll try to get it down quickly, and repeat until I feel full.

2020-08-01, 10:53 AM
Sarawak sat and ate his fill of meat as well. Afterward, he stood and gathered up his spear and a hand-sized rock. "I’m going to try to hunt more rabbits. It might be safer if you take the rest of the cooked meat back to your starting cave."

2020-08-01, 11:13 AM
That's probably a good idea. I hope you don't get yourself killed.

I'll get back to my starting cave, but along the way I'll try to gather some sturdy branches, plants, and a sharp rock or two.


2020-08-01, 10:21 PM
You each eat as much as you can of the unspiced, gamey meat. It's surprisingly realistic in its unappetizing nature. Still, you feel full after awhile and then both receive a popup.

You are Satiated.

You gain 5% increased Experience.

That's probably a good idea. I hope you don't get yourself killed.

I'll get back to my starting cave, but along the way I'll try to gather some sturdy branches, plants, and a sharp rock or two.


You easily find and gather the materials you're seeking.

Split the party while you go your separate ways?

2020-08-01, 10:53 PM

Once I get back to my cave, I'll start trying to strip the plants for fibers, then weave those fibers into improvised ropes/string.


2020-08-01, 10:58 PM
If we're splitting the party, post back in your individual threads. Otherwise, I'm going to get confused as to who is where and doing what.

2020-08-03, 02:08 PM
I turn upon seeing my party member. Oh hey. Turns out you can heal really quickly in your home base, so I'm back to full. I also found a dungeon, if you're interested.

2020-08-03, 02:13 PM
Ssrask gave a wave and hefted his kill. "Oh, hmm... it's seems pretty small. We can either try to dig out the hole or smoke out the creatures using fire. That's a good thing to know, about the healing I mean."

2020-08-03, 02:20 PM
I think digging out the hole is the right way to go. I'll find some sticks that ought to help with breaking up the dirt.

[roll0](whoops, should have been +6, so 20.)

2020-08-03, 02:36 PM
"Ok, I've got that basher bony plate that I can use as a shovel of sorts. We'll probably need a torch too. A stick with some of that dried hide should last for a little bit..." Ssrask began to excavate the hole using his bone plate.

2020-08-03, 02:45 PM
Ks'kilith finds sticks.

Ssrask starts digging and soon finds that the soil is quite soft and easy to remove.

The tunnel is about 10 feet long, so it will take about two hours with your current tools to enlarge it enough to squeeze all the way through.

That will leave about 1 hour left on your Satiated buff.

2020-08-03, 02:47 PM
That's good, looks like you're making good progress.

I'll help clear out the excess dirt, and pile it. I'll keep an eye out for any Bashers upset that we're digging into their home, as well.

2020-08-03, 02:49 PM
That's good, looks like you're making good progress.

I'll help clear out the excess dirt, and pile it. I'll keep an eye out for any Bashers upset that we're digging into their home, as well.

You notice absolutely no response from the rabbits while digging, except that the ones nearby have disappeared.

2020-08-03, 03:09 PM
I'll try splitting one of the long sticks I found a bit, so that we can insert the bone plate and make a more efficient shovel, in hopes of speeding up the digging.


2020-08-03, 04:24 PM
You know how to make a decent shovel using a stick, the skull plate, and some strips of uncured rabbit pelt, but the process will take about an hour, during which time the plate can't be used for digging.

Creating the shovel does speed up digging speed, but ultimately, it ends up taking an extra 30 minutes to dig your way into the first room. However, the shovel will aid you in any future digging you do.

2020-08-03, 04:34 PM
Alright. Let's try to earn some XP while we still have the +5% XP buff going.

What does the area we've dug into look like?

2020-08-03, 05:19 PM
Assuming you enter the first room, Ssrask receives the following popup.

New Quest Obtained
Rampant Rodent Reproduction!
Rabbits have been reproducing in uncontrollable numbers and threaten to devastate the local ecology. You have tracked the problem back to its source: A Rabbit Dungon!

Destroy all the Rabbit Dungeons in the area
Progress: 0/5

This is a Realm Quest.

Then both of you receive the following set of popups.

You have entered a Transient Dungeon!
These dungeons spawn randomly throughout the Realm and are completed when the Dungeon Boss is defeated. Once completed, a Transient Dungeon will cease to exist, and all Players and NPCs not spawned by the dungeon will be automatically transported back to the dungeon entrance. Uncollected items and resources will be permanently lost.

Achievement: Entered a Dungeon

You have entered a dungeon for the first time. Gain 10 experience.

The first room of the dungeon is 10 ft wide and 15 feet long, but the roof is only 6 feet tall, forcing Ssrask to stoop a bit to fit and making combat difficult for both of you, as there's a strict maximum height for lifting your weapons, imposing a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

Inside the first room are [roll0] rabbits.


2020-08-03, 05:21 PM
Ks'kilith, being the closest, draws the ire of the rabbits inside.

They rush her, provoking attacks of opportunity as they enter her square to attack.

[roll0] - [1]
[roll1] - [1]
[roll2] - [1]
[roll3] - [1]
[roll4] - [1]

2020-08-03, 05:38 PM
Alright, I take 2 damage. If I'm using my natural weapon (headbutt) do I take the -2 to hit? How about if I'm making a touch attack to initiate a grapple? Do these rabbits appear significantly armored?
[roll0](-2?) [roll1]

[roll2](-2?) [roll3]

2020-08-03, 05:45 PM
You know, yeah, I'll let you make headbutt attacks without penalty since you're short enough to stand without ducking.

2020-08-03, 05:47 PM
Alright. I'm also going to five ft step back at the end of the round, so that they have to eat an AoO if they want to get to me again.

2020-08-03, 11:21 PM
Does the spear suffer the -2 penalty? Because, you know, it doesn't depend on swing to deal damage.

2020-08-04, 12:20 AM
Yes. The length still makes it unwieldy in the small tunnels against rabbits so close to the ground.

2020-08-04, 07:53 AM
Ssrask stepped toward his partner, hoping to surround the rabbits and negate the penalties for fighting in such cramped areas. It would also be helpful if they split their attention instead of focusing the other lizardfolk down too quickly. He used his claws to avoid breaking the spear in case a larger threat was to come. The notification did mention a boss.

Move to flank.
Claw Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

AoO if any choose to attack me - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2020-08-04, 11:07 AM
You both miss with your attacks, but three of the five rabbits peel off from Ks'kilith to attack Ssrask.

They provoke AoOs from Ssrask, but he misses.

Vs Ks'kilith
[roll0] - [1]
[roll1] - [1]

Vs Ssrask
[roll2] - [1]
[roll3] - [1]
[roll4] - [1]

2020-08-04, 11:40 AM
I'll take my AoO against one that moved up to me, then attack, and move back 5 ft once again.


2020-08-04, 11:55 AM
Ssrask takes bites from two of the three. This was not going well. He attacked again and stepped back like Ks'kilith.

Claw Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

AoO for next attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2020-08-04, 12:22 PM
You both continue to flail about ineffectively as the tiny balls of fluffiness zip around avoiding your attacks.

Vs Ks'kilith
[roll0] - [1]
[roll1] - [1]

Vs Ssrask
[roll2] - [1]
[roll3] - [1]
[roll4] - [1]

2020-08-04, 12:30 PM
Inwardly, Ssrask is completely dejected. Nothing is working... if this is reincarnation, I want a redo. He wonders if he were to just die, if he'd start all over from character creation in some endless loop, or if he'd be actually dead.

He could tell that he was close to half health, and they hadn't even made it through the first wave of rabbits. If it had been a basher, he was sure he'd already be dead. Maybe that would be for the best...

Despite the mounting forlorn feelings, he continued his attacks, if only to not leave his teammate in a bind.

Claw Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

AoO for next attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2020-08-04, 12:59 PM
Consumed with his inner monologue, it takes a moment for Ssrask's mind to register that he's just eviscerated two of the rabbits...

(Waiting on Ks'kilith)

2020-08-04, 01:00 PM
I can't take much more of this...
Opportunity: [roll0][roll1]

5 ft step back.

2020-08-04, 01:06 PM
A rabbit jumps at Ks'kilith, but she meets it with a headbutt of her own, snapping the smaller creature's neck.

Only two rabbits remain, one attacking each of you.

[roll0] - [1]

[roll1] - [1]

2020-08-04, 01:27 PM

2020-08-04, 01:39 PM
Ks'kilith kills the last rabbit attacking her before it can harm her that last time.

2020-08-04, 01:42 PM
It shouldn't be this hard. Even the swing in tide doesn't seem to register as a victory to Ssrask.

He lashed out with his claw again, just wanting this to be over with. There was no real thrill of victory to be had.

Claw Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

AoO for next attack - [roll][roll2]
Damage - [roll][roll3]

2020-08-04, 01:53 PM
Ssrask too kills the last rabbit without taking that last point of damage.

Encounter Notice
Enemies Defeated:
Experience Gained:

2020-08-04, 01:56 PM
That's not bad XP, especially with the XP buffs. I'm fairly wounded, but we might be able to try one more room. We should be able to run if things get too bad.

I'll search the room.

2020-08-04, 01:59 PM
The tunnel to the next room will again require digging to get through. It's almost like the rabbits are significantly smaller than you and not in the habit of making nice 10 by 10 square stone tunnels for foolhardy adventurers. :smallwink:

Fortunately, you can tell that the next section of wall is considerably narrower, although the tunnel turns sharply to the right. It should only take about 15 to 20 minutes to clear a path through.

2020-08-04, 01:59 PM
"There's no way I can risk another basher appearing, in the shape I'm in now..." Ssrask warned. He collected the rabbits and took time to search around the opened room. Other adventurer's might have died, leaving items.

Collect carcasses.
Search - taking 20.

2020-08-04, 02:38 PM
Surprisingly, you find [roll0] copper coins, a small, sharp knife, and a pair of soft leather bracers.

As you search the rabbit corpses, they dissolve into motes of light and vanish.


2020-08-04, 03:24 PM
I'll examine the bracers. Do they seem effective enough to provide a bonus to AC, or are they purely decorative as is?
I'll also examine the knife to see how functional it is.

Int for Bracers[roll0]
Craft/Profession Weaponsmith for the Knife[roll1]

2020-08-04, 03:39 PM
The knife has a short, fat blade with a sharp hooked point. It could serve as an improvised weapon to deal 1 point of damage. It's real use is as a tool. It's a skinning knife.

The bracers are soft leather with tufts of white fur along the edges. They're clearly made of soft, rabbit leather and likely provide no armor bonus at all. They sure look snazzy though.

2020-08-04, 04:13 PM
Huh. That's convenient.

I'll help gather up the rabbit corpses and bring them outside, then wait for Ssrask.

2020-08-04, 04:21 PM
Huh. That's convenient.

I'll help gather up the rabbit corpses and bring them outside, then wait for Ssrask.

As mentioned...

As you search the rabbit corpses, they dissolve into motes of light and vanish.

2020-08-04, 04:48 PM
Oh right. In that case, I'll go outside and grab my basket, and load the loot into it for easier transport.

2020-08-04, 04:53 PM
"Split the coins, you take the knife and I the bracers? You don’t appear to have claws, so skinning is probably a bit harder for you..." Ssrask stepped out from the excavated hole as well.

"I’ll be heading to my cave since you said healing is quicker there."

2020-08-04, 04:56 PM
Just to skip the walking scene.

After returning to your starting locations, you find that your natural healing is accelerated such that you regain one lost hit point about every 5 minutes.

2020-08-04, 04:58 PM
I'll wait to full HP. I'll also try out the knife, and sharpen a few sticks, just to get a handle on using the knife.

2020-08-04, 05:02 PM
It takes 35 minutes for each of you to heal, plus walking time. If I'm recalling correctly, Ssark's spawn point was about 30 minutes from the forest, so 1.5 hours total.

Your Satiated buffs will have expired at that point, but you still have plenty of food to get it back.

It's no masterwork tool, but the knife handles quite well. It's almost as if it were made specifically to cut rabbit.

2020-08-04, 05:20 PM
I'll return to the dungeon, and bring my basket and club with me.

2020-08-04, 05:23 PM
As you enter the dungeon, you receive a popup.

You have entered a Transient Dungeon!
You have previously entered this dungeon one [1] time.
Note that each reentry reduces personal Completion Rewards.

The rabbits in the first room have not respawned.

2020-08-04, 05:41 PM
I'll try to peek into the next room, even if I can't get to it yet.

2020-08-04, 05:43 PM
The second room also appears to be empty, but you can hear the sounds of fighting coming from deeper in the dungeon.

2020-08-04, 05:51 PM
In that case, I'll start enlarging the tunnel so that I can get through, while I wait for Ssrask to return.

2020-08-04, 05:52 PM
Ssrask dropped his belonging back in the cave except for the basher skull plate, bracers, spear and his loincloth. While he healed, he ate.

Once he arrived back at the hole, he began excavating, using the plate as a shovel.

2020-08-04, 08:45 PM
Ssrask dropped his belonging back in the cave except for the basher skull plate, bracers, spear and his loincloth. While he healed, he ate.

Once he arrived back at the hole, he began excavating, using the plate as a shovel.

Evoker turned the basher skull plate into an actual shovel and is currently using it to dig into the next room.Did you put the bracers on, or are you just carrying them?

2020-08-04, 10:45 PM
Wearing the bracers reveals what they do. It's now listed on your sheet.

In the time it takes to dig into the second room, the rabbits respawn.

The room now contains [roll0] rabbits and 1 Basher, but they don't seem to notice you while you remain outside of the room.

2020-08-04, 11:07 PM
I think we can take them if we're able to surprise them.

If Ssrask agrees, I'll charge the basher, hoping to take it out with a surprise attack.


2020-08-04, 11:09 PM


You charge the basher and knock it unconscious.

Ssrak's turn in initiative, then the rabbits.

2020-08-05, 07:25 AM
Shocking... Ssrask couldn't believe that the basher had dropped so... easily.

He charged the remaining rabbit with his claws bared. Hopefully this goes smooth enough to clear the whole thing... He didn't want to jinx it by hoping, but there it was.

Charge claw - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

AoO for rabbit attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll]1d3+1[/roll

2020-08-05, 10:07 AM
Ssrask kills the last rabbit before it can react to attack.

Encounter Notice
Enemies Defeated:
Experience Gained:

DM Note: Ks'kilith (Evoker) is not receiving the 5% increased XP from being Satiated.

2020-08-05, 10:12 AM
(So that means I should subtract 5% from that total?)

I'll start searching the room, taking twenty. If Ssrask starts searching the room I'll instead Aid Another him.


2020-08-05, 10:17 AM
(So that means I should subtract 5% from that total?)

I'll start searching the room, taking twenty. If Ssrask starts searching the room I'll instead Aid Another him.


It means you just don't add the 5%. All XP totals are given without any bonuses you may be receiving.

I mentioned twice that the Satiated buff was expiring earlier. Ssrask took the time to eat and renew the buff.

As far as you can tell, there's nothing of note in the room to find. It's a simple dirt hole seemingly dug by rabbits.

The tunnel into the next room curves over to the left. It's rather long, but it seems just large enough to squeeze through without needing to do any digging.

2020-08-05, 10:17 AM
"You search, I'll start on the next tunnel." Ssrask picked up the basher shovel and looked for another tunnel to begin excavating.

He paused when he noticed the tunnel was big enough to avoid digging. Once he was sure that his partner was ready, he started squeezing, pushing the spear out in front of him to jab at anything coming down the tunnel.

2020-08-05, 10:24 AM
"Wait. Before you do that, let's see what's in there. They won't attack until we enter the room proper."

2020-08-05, 10:28 AM
The tunnel is about 20 feet long and curves slightly to the left, preventing you from seeing into the room until just before you get into it.

The next room shows scorch marks in the dirt as if a magical battle had been fought here recently. You see no signs of any rabbits.

Suddenly, the burns vanish and new rabbits spawn! It seems as if there's another group just far enough ahead of you in the dungeon that you're catching the rooms as they respawn. You get the feeling that the number of spawned rabbits is lower than usual, as if the dungeon hasn't had time to fully respawn the room.

[roll0] rabbits
[roll1] basher

2020-08-05, 10:31 AM
Oh, assuming that you looted the rabbits in the previous room (which I won't assume in the future if you don't state it), you found [roll0] bronze pips.

2020-08-05, 10:32 AM
What do you think? If you and I each charge a basher in our surprise round, then we should be able to take a few rabbits without too much trouble.


(I just realized my improved initiative wasn't being calculated into my initiative on my character sheet. I fixed it so my +4 mod should be included now.)

2020-08-05, 10:38 AM
Because the tunnel is only large enough to crawl single file, you are aware that only one person can charge as part of a surprise round. The second person will need to spend a move action to climb out of the tunnel and move into combat.

2020-08-05, 10:38 AM
Not good! Ssrask charged one of the bashers as soon as he was able to target it. Like a bull, he tried to ram into it with all of his weight while driving forward with the spear. The movement was so violent, it prevented the creatures from reacting with attacks of opportunity. They needed to be killed quickly if the two of them hoped to progress any further in this dungeon.

Ssrask uses Charging Minotaur on a basher.
Charge Attack - [roll0]
Bull rush - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2] + [roll3] if bull rush is successful

2020-08-05, 10:59 AM
Ssrask, being already in the tunnel, jumps out and charges at one of the bashers. He notices a bit belatedly that these two look slightly larger and meaner than any other basher you've seen so far.

Still, Ssrask manages to catch it flat-footed and just manages to overpower it despite its low center of gravity and stability on four feet simply by virtue of his body mass being more than twice that of the basher. The impact drives the basher back a step and snaps its neck, killing it instantly.

I.e. your roll results were exactly the same after all modifiers were added, but you had the better Str modifier and thus won the tie.


2020-08-05, 11:00 AM
The remaining basher bashes Ssrask with a bash, er, headbutt.
[roll0] - [roll1]

The 4 rabbits attack Ssrask, provoking AoOs as they move into his space.
[roll2] - [1]
[roll3] - [1]
[roll4] - [1]
[roll5] - [1]

2020-08-05, 11:00 AM
And one of the rabbits threatens a critical hit.
[roll0] - [1]

And he takes 8 damage. 7 if his AoO succeeds.

2020-08-05, 11:05 AM
Definitely not good! Ssrask is immediately pummeled by a headbutt and teeth. He swung the spear in an effort to keep the rabbits out of his personal space before bracing it for a thrust against the basher.

AOO - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Attack vs Basher - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2020-08-05, 11:08 AM
Ssrask kills the rabbit with his AoO but fails to hit the Basher.

2020-08-05, 11:39 AM
I'll try to charge the basher that Deadguy is struggling with, trying to flank the basher for best results if possible.

[roll0](+2 if flanking)[roll1])

2020-08-05, 11:45 AM
The basher evades your attack handily, but you draw the attention of the rabbits.

Vs Ssrask
[roll0] - [roll1]
[roll2] - [1]

Vs Ks'kilith
[roll3] - [1]
[roll4] - [1]
[roll5] - [1]

All of the rabbits still provoke AoOs.

2020-08-05, 11:45 AM
And the basher threatens a critical hit...
[roll0] - [roll1]
but fails to do critical damage.

2020-08-05, 11:48 AM

I'll 5-ft step into flanking position against the basher. That should also separate me from the rabbits, yes?

[roll1][roll2][rolled the wrong die thanks to a botched copy-paste. Doesn't really matter, I missed anywats]

2020-08-05, 11:51 AM
Despite taking a nearly crushing blow, Ssrask breaths a sigh of relief. He attempts to cut the bothersome rabbit down, while focusing on the primary threat in the basher.

He regained his maneuver, in case anything else were to enter the fight unannounced. There's still a chance...

AOO - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Swift Action - Refresh maneuvers
Attack vs Basher - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2020-08-05, 12:44 PM
Ssrask finishes off the last normal rabbit attacking him before it can bite again, but you both miss with the rest of your attacks.

One of the rabbits attacking Ks'kilith begins to attack Ssrask after she moves away.

vs Ssrask
[roll0] - [roll1]
[roll2] - [1] (provokes)

vs Ks'kilith
[roll3] - [1] (provokes)
[roll4] - [1] (provokes)

2020-08-05, 12:45 PM
And yet another potential crit vs Ssrask
[roll0] - [1]
but no.

2020-08-05, 12:53 PM
(I just realized, how are these rabbits always able to get the 10 ft of space to charge us?)



I'll then back up five feet and feign injury.

2020-08-05, 12:57 PM
I can't hold up at this rate... Ssrask began to feel the tug of fear as he was nearly on his last legs. He swung at the rabbits desperately to keep them at bay. The basher simply refused to go down.

In his desperation, he let out a roar and attempted to utilize an explosive combination of his maneuvers.

AOO - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Swift Action - Sudden Leap (attempting to jump 10 ft - dc 20) [roll2]
*** If successful, Attack will be Charging Minotaur vs Basher. If unsuccessful, regular attack. ***
Attack vs Basher - [roll3] + 2 (if charging)
Bull Rush (if charging) [roll4]
Damage - [roll5] + [roll6] (if charging)

2020-08-05, 01:10 PM
They aren't charging. They're provoking because they're size Tiny and have to enter your space to attack you.
They get +2 on attack from size and +2 from Dex mod.

The Bashers don't provoke, because they're size Small and can attack into adjacent squares.Ssrask kills his rabbit, taking no potential crit from it after all, but is still hit by the basher for 3.

Ks'kilith kills one rabbit and takes 1 damage from the other.

Ssrask tries to leap, ends up tripping over his own feet, and fails to even hit the basher as he jabs haphazardly with his spear. The spear impacts the ground, and a cracking noise can be heard. It's not broken, but the shoddily made spear has definitely lost some durability.

Ks'kilith also fails to hit the basher.

Thankfully, the battle is down to just the last rabbit and basher remaining. You're confident that you can do this!

vs Ssrask
[roll0] - [roll1]

vs Ks'kilith
[roll2] - [1] (Provokes)

Both miss.

2020-08-05, 01:13 PM

2020-08-05, 01:15 PM
At the moment, Ssrask didn't care about the condition of the weapon, as long as it held together long enough to kill this basher. He couldn't try the same maneuver again, so he simply attempted the skewer the monstrous rabbit.

Attack vs Basher - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Swift Action regain maneuvers

2020-08-05, 01:18 PM
The two of you slam into the basher at once, finally killing it.

The last remaining rabbit continues its attack against Ks'.

[roll0] - [1]

2020-08-05, 01:21 PM


2020-08-05, 01:28 PM
"We need to get this over with before respawns." Ssrask moved to assist.

Flank vs Rabbit- [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

2020-08-05, 02:28 PM
Ssrask takes down the last rabbit.

Encounter Notice
Enemies Defeated:
Experience Gained:

Congrats! That was a CR 2 encounter that could have easily killed you both.

2020-08-05, 02:38 PM
Ssrask began searching the corpses for possible loot. "Could you check if the way out is clear? If not, we might have to dig straight up... We weren't teleported out and no announcement came from clearing the dungeon, so there's probably a boss still remaining."

Take 20 on search.

2020-08-05, 02:54 PM
I seem to have obtained enough XP to level up. Let's see here...

I'll check my interface for a level up button of some sort.

2020-08-05, 02:57 PM
You find a hole in one wall that forms another tunnel. This tunnel can be squeezed through, but you see that it only goes a few feet then drops straight down into darkness. You will need some sort of light source to continue... unless you want to just go at it blind. That's an option too.

2020-08-05, 02:58 PM
I seem to have obtained enough XP to level up. Let's see here...

I'll check my interface for a level up button of some sort.

You receive an error message informing you that you are unable to level up while inside of a dungeon.

2020-08-05, 02:59 PM
Oh, right, loot.
You find [roll0] + [roll1] + [roll2] bronze pips and...

One piece of cured Basher Leather.

2020-08-05, 03:01 PM
I'll leave the dungeon, then try to level up. I'll also take half of the coins and the leather, given that I have the best tool to work it.

2020-08-05, 03:38 PM
Ssrask exited right behind Ks'k. He gathered up his basher shell and headed toward his cave. "I'm going to heal and such."

As he walked back, he kept an eye out for threats, but didn't engage anything if he could help it. Moving quickly, he checked his buffs to ensure he was fresh when healed.

2020-08-05, 03:44 PM
Evoker, I'll handle your level up in your thread.

Deadguy, same for you if you want to level up.

2020-08-06, 02:58 PM
"I'm here. Don't stab me." Ssrask ducked into the opening that they had dug out, preparing for the worst.

2020-08-06, 03:03 PM
"I'm here. Don't stab me." Ssrask ducked into the opening that they had dug out, preparing for the worst.

You enter just as Ks'kilith finishes looting the last of the rabbits she killed while clearing the first room.

2020-08-06, 03:06 PM
Oh. Hello. How'd your leveling go? Mine worked out pretty nicely. Cleared this room with only one point of damage.

I'm checking the next room and seeing what's in there.

2020-08-06, 03:24 PM
"It went well." Ssrask did his best to fold the wings up against his body like a cloak as he ducked inside.

He held out the spear to Ks'k, his own hands being surrounded by some sort of azure energy in the form of claws. His chest was covered with a similar energy, forming armor that might be a light exoskeleton or dragon scales.

He followed along.

2020-08-06, 04:09 PM
The second room has [roll0] rabbits and 1 Basher.


You get the jump on the rabbits.

2020-08-06, 04:22 PM
I'll summon a mote of flame behind the basher, then charge it with a headbutt.


2020-08-06, 05:11 PM
The wings flavored open and flapped to propel Ssrask forward in a leap to be alongside Ks’k.

His newly formed claws struck out in rapid succession.

Swift: Sudden Leap (10 ft dc 20) - [roll0]
Full Attack: 2 claws - [roll1] [roll2]
Damage - [roll3] [roll4]

2020-08-06, 05:45 PM
Ks'kilith knocks the Basher unconscious.

Ssrask fails to strike the other rabbits.

The three rabbits then attack.

vs Ks'kilith
[roll0] - [1] (provokes)
[roll1] - [1] (provokes)

vs Ssrask
[roll2] - [1] (provokes)

2020-08-06, 05:51 PM

I'll attack one of the rabbits, move ten feet if I can without AoO, or 5 ft if I can't.


2020-08-06, 05:59 PM
AOO - [roll0]

Ssrask hissed in frustration as the bad luck started again. His claws struck out at the rabbits, perhaps sheer number of chances might overwhelm the fates.

Claw Strikes - [roll1] [roll2]

2020-08-06, 06:46 PM
Both of you take 1 damage.

Ks'kilith fails to hit any of the bouncing bunnies, but Ssrask kills the one attacking him.

The two remaining rabbits attack, one each.

[roll0] - [1] (provokes)

[roll1] - [1] (provokes)

2020-08-06, 06:49 PM


because my rabbit dies from the attack of opportunity, I'll move into flanking position on the rabbit fighting Ssrask, so that attack should have another +2 on there.

2020-08-06, 07:02 PM
AOO - [roll0]

Ssrask tries to finish the rabbit quickly as it came at him

Swift - recharge maneuvers
Claw Strikes (flanked) - [roll1] [roll2]

2020-08-06, 07:36 PM
As both rabbits are clearly dead, I'll start looting the room.

Good job! Do you feel ready to try the third room, after we loot this one?

2020-08-06, 07:40 PM
Encounter Notice
Enemies Defeated:
Experience Gained:

You know, I should really be cutting this XP in half, since it's the XP for a single player. But I've been feeling generous.

2020-08-06, 07:41 PM
You find [roll0]+[roll1] bronze pips.

2020-08-06, 07:47 PM
"Good to go when you are." Ssrask got to the next tunnel as Ksk searched.

2020-08-06, 07:59 PM
The tunnel to the third room is about 20 feet long and curves slightly to the left, preventing you from seeing into the room until just before you get into it. As before, unless you take the time to dig out the tunnel, only one person can enter at a time, requiring the second player to spend a Move action to enter the room before they can act.

The room contains [roll0] rabbits and [2] bashers

You can tell at a glance that these bashers and a bit bigger and tougher looking than other bashers you've faced so far.

2020-08-06, 08:10 PM
Ready to go. Do you want to charge, or should I? I do extra damage on a charge.

2020-08-06, 08:14 PM
"All you." Ssrask prepped himself to stand up once Ksk moved out.

2020-08-06, 08:22 PM
I'll charge one of the bashers, using Distracting Ember to set up a flank.


2020-08-06, 08:33 PM
Sarawak stood up and kept forward, using his new wings to the best of advantages. This sudden leap allowed him to propel into melee, when normally he’d only be able to reposition.

Move - Stand
Swift - Sudden Leap [roll0]
Standard - Claw basher 2 [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]

2020-08-06, 09:38 PM
Ks'kilith rushes the basher with his head down and headbutts it for 7 damage.

Ssrask claws at the 2nd basher, hitting it for 4.

The rabbits react!

vs Ks'kilith
[roll0] - [roll1]
[roll2] - [1] (provokes)
[roll3] - [1] (provokes)
[roll4] - [1] (provokes)

vs Ssrask
[roll5] - [roll6]
[roll7] - [1] (provokes)
[roll8] - [1] (provokes)
[roll9] - [1] (provokes)

2020-08-06, 09:55 PM
Opportunity attack on the first rabbit to rush me:
Three miss chances, in order:
I'll charge the basher that Ssrask is fighting, setting up a flank if possible:
Opposed bull rush: [roll4] damage if successful [roll5]. Does not provoke AoOs with movement or charge.

If my AoO kills the first rabbit, I take 1 damage, otherwise 2 damage.

2020-08-06, 10:23 PM
You hear a deep, guttural but still surprisingly high-pitched howl come from deeper in the dungeon.

It sounds as though a pitched battle is happening nearby!

2020-08-06, 10:32 PM
(A pitched battle is happening right here. I just hope we don't get booted before we finish looting this room, or before we get our XP.)

2020-08-07, 07:52 AM
Ssrask attempts to kill the rabbits that try to swarm. He'd really have to think of something once he leveled to eliminate this type of swarming. When Ksk charged and set up a flank, he torn into the basher with his claws, hoping to make quick work of it so they might move on.

AOO - [roll0]
Swift Action - Regain maneuvers
Full Attack vs Basher 2 (flanked) - [roll1][roll2]
Damage - [roll3][roll4]

2020-08-07, 10:53 AM
Ks'kilith misses her AoO but avoids the first attack, taking 2 damage.

She then charges with a headbutt at the second basher, killing it.

Ssrask swiftly kills one of the rabbits attacking him, taking a total of 3 damage.

He takes a 5 ft step, kills the first basher, and then kills an additional rabbit.

The three remaining rabbits continue their attacks.

vs Ks'kilith
[roll0] - [1] (provokes)
[roll1] - [1] (provokes)

vs Ssrask
[roll2] - [1] (provokes)

2020-08-07, 10:53 AM
And a potential crit against Ssrask
[roll0] - [1] (provokes)

2020-08-07, 11:02 AM

Alright. I failed to intercept the rabbit, but it was fooled by my rapid movements, attacking nothing.
Then, it looks like I killed a rabbit very hard.

2020-08-07, 11:08 AM
This seems to be going much smoother... Ssrask clawed at the rabbit as it leapt at him. Then he quickly slashed at whatever threats remained.

AOO - [roll0]
Full Attack vs Rabbits (flanked) - [roll1][roll2]

2020-08-07, 11:26 AM
Ks'kilith avoids the attack, but so does the rabbit.

She follows up by bashing it to death.

Ssrask narrowly manages to kill one more.

The last rabbits attacks!
Even Ks'kilith, Odd Ssrask. [roll0]

[roll1] - [1] (provokes)

2020-08-07, 11:33 AM
If that doesn't kill it, I'll try to maneuver into a flanking position

It's probably dead after that, so if it is, I'll start searching the room, taking 10, then taking twenty if there's no items and/or significantly less coinage.

2020-08-07, 11:36 AM
Ks'kilith drops the last rabbit.

Encounter Notice
Enemies Defeated:
Experience Gained:

2020-08-07, 11:41 AM
Wow. I'm back up to a thousand XP already.

Room looting?

2020-08-07, 11:45 AM
"Nice! Same here." Ssrask began to sure the bodies as soon as Ksk had dropped the last rabbit.

Search - taking 20

2020-08-09, 01:19 PM
In the future, when you take 10/20 on a roll, please post the total too.

You find [roll0]+[roll1]+[roll2] bronze pips
and 1 Basher Leather

2020-08-09, 01:45 PM
Sorry about that. I’ll remember going forward.

Ssrask splits the coins, giving half to Ksk.

"It’s been quiet since that scream. Should we push forward or retreat to level?"

2020-08-09, 01:58 PM
Let's keep going. I'm still good on HP. You can take the leather, I took it last time.

2020-08-10, 07:34 AM
The dragonkin nodded and gathered up the loot, motioning to the tunnel to continue.

2020-08-10, 09:28 AM
I'll move forward, checking the next room.

2020-08-10, 01:42 PM
The next tunnel is large enough that you don't have to squeeze, but it only travels 3 or 4 feet before turning straight down.

Your total lack of a viable light source doesn't even reveal how deep the hole is, but the sounds of battle coming from the darkness below seem fairly distant. You can make a Listen check to estimate the distance to the sounds.

You hear another scream like the first, followed by the sounds of a girl cursing and demanding that something just die already.

2020-08-10, 01:49 PM
I don't suppose you have a torch or something?

2020-08-10, 01:51 PM
"I don't have anything like that... I don't want to jump in and interrupt someone either. I think that's kill stealing?" Ssrask wasn't sure if he had the term right, but it seemed wrong to just leap down and into combat. Especially when he couldn't see what was happening.

2020-08-10, 01:54 PM
Even if we don't help, it'd be nice to know what the boss is like, for future reference.

Your new class doesn't give any source of light? Your claws and armor are kinda glowy.

2020-08-10, 02:02 PM
Though they seem to glow with faint light, it's not even enough light to be seen through normal darkness more than 5 feet away. They more luminesce as a result of light than produce light themselves.

2020-08-10, 02:07 PM
"No. Nothing enough to actually see by. I didn't think I'd need something like that. I thought dragons are able to see in the dark." Ssrask turned and began to move through the rooms back to the entrance.

I messed up my choices and now I'm stuck with them until I find one of these powerful trainers. I guess I just need to keep on keeping on until then.

2020-08-10, 02:35 PM
As you're debating what to do, the entire dungeon vibrates slightly and then begins to turn to light and dissipate, just like when you looted one of the bunnies.

A second later, you find yourself standing outside of the dungeon near where you entered. The entrance is completely gone, the ground undisturbed as if it never existed and you had never dug out the entrance.

A short distance away, you see a small, dark woman holding a collection of items, including what appears to be a small treasure chest.

She turns and notices you with a hint of surprise, looking ready to flee at a moment's notice.

2020-08-10, 02:37 PM
Wait a second...

Are these rooms lit by sunlight, or how?
(Posted before I saw the new update)

Who are you? Did you just kill the boss?

2020-08-10, 02:44 PM
"Ah... so that's who was in front of us." Ssrask raised a clawed hand in greeting but didn't approach. She looked skittish.

That and she was strong enough to clear all of the rooms herself. Not someone I want to startle into a fight right now...

"Congratulation on clearing the dungeon." The dragonkin put his hand down and gave her a clawed thumbs up.

He looked up at the sun to gauge how much time until dark, along with checking his buffs. If it seemed like there was plenty of time on everything, he opened up his sheet to check his experience.

2020-08-10, 02:50 PM
The woman takes a step back.

"I might be..." she says hesitantly.

Her voice sounds oddly accented, as if she has a bit of trouble speaking... You then suddenly realize that you haven't been speaking English since you first loaded into the new game world. You've been speaking the lizardfolk language of Ssaralish as fluently as if it were your native tongue! Her odd accent is due to her more human-like tongue having difficulty with properly forming Ssaralish words.

More disturbingly, you both realize that you don't seem to know any other languages!

2020-08-10, 02:54 PM
If I don't seem about to be attacked, I'll open up my sheet as well, to check if I can spend my XP on anything.

2020-08-10, 03:00 PM
While you are both distracted, you hear the rustle of grass, and the woman is gone.

2020-08-10, 03:02 PM
He held up the thumb in response to her vague answer, as it seemed like language was definitely a barrier. It was obvious that she had been the one. There was no one else here, and she was holding onto several items.

It didn't seem like anything more would come from the encounter, so he stepped to the side and held up his hand in a wave to both of them before opening the options and removing himself from the group while moving back toward the mountains. Every so often when he had gathered enough speed, he leapt into the air and glided several feet.

2020-08-10, 03:02 PM
You both suddenly receive several popups.

You have participated in clearing a Transient Dungeon!
This dungeon has been cleared by another party and is no longer available.
For participating in the clear, you gain 100 experience.

Quest Update
Rampant Rodent Reproduction!
A Rabbit Dungeon has been destroyed in the quest area!

Destroy all the Rabbit Dungeons in the area.
Progress: 2/5

This is a Realm Quest.