View Full Version : DnD let's play

2020-07-21, 10:06 PM
So, I used to watch Adam Koebel's games on youtube, and I enjoyed them a lot, however he stopped doing that (Some controversy I would rather not get into) and I was wondering if any of you could recommend a series on the same spirit.

Am looking for some series focused on mechanics rather than acting.

2020-07-21, 11:28 PM
I also used to watch Roll20 Presents, but could never get into Critical Role or any of the more character-focused ones (including the new Roll20 presents), with one exception, and that is Collegehumor/Dropout's Dimension 20. So if your tastes are similar to mine, you might like this one as well.

While I wouldn't exactly describe it as a "mechanics first" show, the DM certainly has a great deal of system mastery, and the show is sidesplittingly hilarious, if that's a plus. Season 1 is available for free on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zZxCVBi7-k&list=PLhOoxQxz2yFOcJoLoPRyYzjqCbddeOjP4&index=2), and if you're interested in giving it a shot I would recommend watching at least through the end of Episode 2 (no spoilers!)

The "main cast" (the ones in the video I linked) are on their third season of the show, which is an anthology that leaps from homebrew setting to different homebrew setting. They also have done a livestream show that is a sequel to Season 1. In addition, there are 2 mini-seasons that have the same DM but different casts of players, both of which are also great. Some of these later seasons are available for free partially or in full, but a lot of the content is only available on Dropout, Collegehumor's streaming service, which is well worth it for the cost if you're a comedy fan IMO.

2020-07-23, 07:04 AM
So, I used to watch Adam Koebel's games on youtube, and I enjoyed them a lot, however he stopped doing that (Some controversy I would rather not get into) and I was wondering if any of you could recommend a series on the same spirit.

Am looking for some series focused on mechanics rather than acting.

if it ever gets started back up (they took a hiatus due to a kickstarter eating up their time...and while that was *supposed* to only last a few weeks, coronavirus lockdowns started right when it was supposed to be starting again. so...but anyway,

the Chain of Acheron (not sure if the spelling is right.) its by MCDM (the company started by Matt Colville). and while i don't know exactly how *you* define 'mechanics first'. its definitely not the type of show that sacrificed mechanics to serve the narrative/characters. The DM would consistently ask players how an ability was worded in order to ensure they were using it 'correctly'. So its definitely mechanics oriented, but its not RaW focused. more 'rules as intended'.

Its also *definitely* not acting focused. none of the players are voice actors. and while they will do minor 'acting' things when they RP (i.e. slight mannerism changes, maybe slight changes in their inflection) its neither the focus, nor is it as in your face as critical role. in fact i'd say its about on par with what the average player might do for 'acting in character'.

Matt Colville's (the DM and owner of MCDM) ideal is to have a campaign thats run basically how he'd run it at home...just in front of the audience.

The campaign itself has a strong element of 'big picture' type stuff, and some intruige. As in the PC's are all high ranking members of a military organization. So while there is combat, the campaign itself isn't just constant dungeon crawls. there will be a few sessions as they go through a dungeon (combat/puzzle heavy) interlaced a with a few sessions where they go around preparing for more dungeons and whatnot...idk its hard to explain. but if what you're looking for is a game where they *do* care about the rules, and don't worry too much about acting. then that could be it. (they have full VODS up on the channel even.)