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View Full Version : Symbionts, the Daelkyr Half-Blood and Impure Princes

2007-10-30, 09:40 AM
Hola! Some questions for the Peanut Gallery:

1. I assume Symbionts (from Eberron Campaign Setting, Magic of Eberron and a Dragon issue which I'll try to get the #), take up magic item slots, and a couple are fairly self-explanatory (the crawling gauntlet = gauntlet or hands, living breastplate = armor/torso), but what do the others location do the others take up?
Breed Leech = ? (given it lists three spots, I don't think this takes a spot, but I'm looking for input)
Crawling Gauntlet = hands
Living Breastplate = torso
Shadow Sibling = ? (shoulders? as a cloak?)
Spellwurm = ? (it says it can replace a missing arm or be a third appendage, but not useful in manipulating objects, so no location?)
Stormstalk = ? (amulet/throat?)
Tentacle Whip = ? (weapon or bracer? (only one)?)
Tongueworm = face/mask?
Throwing Scarab = ? (bracer? none? personal favorite)
Winter Cyst = ? (amulet/throat?)

2. Would magic fang apply to the weapon-symbionts (crawling gauntlet, tentacle whip and throwing scarab)? How can they be boosted for better performance, given the share spells aspect of symbionts?

3. I really dig the Impure Prince prestige class from Magic of Eberron. Under requirements they have Knowledge (dungeoneering) listed as well as either Favored Enemy (aberrations) or the Gatekeeper Initiate feat. The Gatekeeper Initiate feat allows you to make Knowledge (the planes) checks for identifying aberrations, instead of (dungeoneering) -- among other things. Would it be acceptable to allow a character with this feat and sufficient ranks in (the planes) to meet the (dungeoneering) prerequisite?

Thanks for the input!

EDIT: I've no access to Wizards boards right now, so please gimme info from them if there is any, rather than links. Gracias!

2007-11-01, 08:23 AM
Wow. No takers? C'mon, folks! There's gotta be someone out there who has some valid thoughts on this subject! :smallsmile:

2007-11-09, 04:10 PM
Breed Leech - Pretty much anywhere a normal leech would be able to latch onto you. Dont believe this one should really take up a slot.

Crawling Gauntlet - Hand, obviously.

Living Breastplate - Body slot

Shadow Sibling - Don't think this one would take anything, it bonds with your flesh, placing itself over you like a jigsaw piece

Spellwurm - Replaces an arm or two, otherwise just creates a freaky appendage under your left or right arm

Stormstalk - Probably anywhere near or on your head. I picture this thing wrapping around your neck or the back of your scalp to get into your nervous system

Tentacle Whip - Takes up both a single bracer and weapon slot. Annoying you cant two-hand a weapon with this thing on, but I really like the tentacle whip.

Tongueworm - Face slot probably, but I wouldn't see a reason why you shouldnt be able to put another thing over it, unless it blocks the tongue thing from shooting out.

Throwing Scarab - I think anywhere you have ready access to grab the carapaces, most likely a hand slot (Not sure but I think you would be able to have a tentacle whip and scarab on the same hand)

Winter Cyst - Probably anywhere near or on your head. I picture this thing wrapping around your neck or the back of your scalp to get into your nervous system

2009-09-18, 04:57 PM
Breed Leech -No slot

Crawling Gauntlet - Weapon solt

Living Breastplate - Body slot

Shadow Sibling - No slot

Spellwurm - Arm

Stormstalk - Arm. Near the start of macic of eberron some fluff mentioned an impure prince patting the one on his arm.

Tentacle Whip - Weapon slot, you could probaly get a bracer on over where it attaches

Tongueworm - No slot

Throwing Scarab - I'd say probaly on the arm. I can't remember the description exactly, but I seem to remember it saying it went on the arm, likely with the butt toward the hand for easy access to the throwing spike.

Winter Cyst - Head slot, according to the book it attaches to the skull, one guy I play with says over the eye, but I see more as a hat, like that stupid dog guy from Naruto.

(sorry about the bump, But I'm playing of these in an upcomeing campain)