View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Battle Dancer 5/Hellreaver 5

2020-07-23, 08:48 PM
Looking at suggestions for gear for an NPC. Assume somewhere between 16,000 and 49,000 gp worth of gear is available.

CG Human Battle Dancer 5/Hellreaver 5
Str 14 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 16
Feats: Able Learner, Avenging Strike, Improved Unarmed Attack, Knowledge Devotion, Power Attack, Snap Kick
Skill ranks: Listen 13, Hide 8, Knowledge (arcana) 1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 1, Knowledge (local) 1, Knowledge (nature) 1, Knowledge (planes) 13, Knowledge (religion) 1, Move Silently 8, Tumble 8

Race and class levels are set in stone; so are feats and skill points (because reasons).

Character is heavily focused on fighting evil outsiders. What gear would you recommend? The character is only proficient with simple weapons, has a poor AC, and saves aren’t that amazing.

So far I’ve got the following jotted down:

+1 Cold Iron Longspear
Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcane
Bracers of Defense

Need options to be able to deal with flying opponents, so either flight or a simple ranged weapon, I guess. Also anything to shore up AC and saves would be good.

Published items preferred, rather than using item creation guidelines. Dragon or Dungeon material is iffy.

General advice is fine, but changing levels, race, feats or skills isn’t really an option. Yes, I know the build basically sucks. Humour me. :smallamused:

Cheers - T

The Viscount
2020-07-23, 11:03 PM
The Feathered Wings fiendish graft are my top pick when you need flight. For 10k, double your land speed. The -6 to Cha skills against non-evil creatures is a dealbreaker for some (don't ask my why the wings' evil presence makes you worse at Intimidate). It could make for a neat story for a hellreaver, though.

Winged Mask is a classic choice for flight. 13k for at-will fly, though some may not like having to spend a standard every 5 minutes to refresh the effect.

2020-07-23, 11:31 PM
Will also need to be able to overcome DR/good as well. Maybe a Ring of Brief Blessing?

The Feathered Wings fiendish graft are my top pick when you need flight. For 10k, double your land speed. The -6 to Cha skills against non-evil creatures is a dealbreaker for some (don't ask my why the wings' evil presence makes you worse at Intimidate). It could make for a neat story for a hellreaver, though.

Winged Mask is a classic choice for flight. 13k for at-will fly, though some may not like having to spend a standard every 5 minutes to refresh the effect.

Winged Mask is a good call.

A Fiendish graft would 100% go against everything this character believes in, unfortunately.

2020-07-26, 05:41 PM
1750 views and one reply?

I know it's a suboptimal build, but there must be other gear suggestions?

2020-07-26, 06:33 PM
Doesn't hellreaver already make your weapons count as Good? If not, you could use flametouched iron instead of cold iron.

Anyway, I have a spreadsheet of items that might help. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit?usp=drivesdk

2020-07-27, 09:56 AM
Can't you refluff the feathered wings graft?
Like getting it from an archon or something?

If dragon on the table, and you have a LOT of spare money, there are Zelekhut Wings in 315 p46, for 60ft....

Speaking of dragon, dragon magic has the swift wing prc, which also gives double land speed in flight..... At 10th, and normal at 5th.

For ranged, how about gauntlets of endless javelins in itself, or with the ice chuker from frostburn?

2020-07-27, 01:14 PM
Can't you refluff the feathered wings graft?
Like getting it from an archon or something?
Uh. No. Because they drive you insane and turn you evil. So no, you can't refluff them to be friendly happy good wings.

2020-07-27, 04:22 PM
Can't you refluff the feathered wings graft?
Like getting it from an archon or something?

If dragon on the table, and you have a LOT of spare money, there are Zelekhut Wings in 315 p46, for 60ft....

Speaking of dragon, dragon magic has the swift wing prc, which also gives double land speed in flight..... At 10th, and normal at 5th.

For ranged, how about gauntlets of endless javelins in itself, or with the ice chuker from frostburn?

Unfortunately celestial grafts aren't a thing (AFAIK), and even if they were, Good characters sewing severed body parts of angelic beings to themselves just seems...wrong?

I'd rather not dip into more PrCs for flight. Might just need to have a stock of Potions of Fly on hand, if I can't afford something more permanent.

Gauntlets of Endless Javelins are a great idea - only issue is they use the same slot as Gauntlets of Weaponry Arcane.

I'd rather not delve into the combining items rules - I could always have both, and swap them over as required.

Doesn't hellreaver already make your weapons count as Good? If not, you could use flametouched iron instead of cold iron.

Anyway, I have a spreadsheet of items that might help. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sJRCphWkrtLm8Q6iD6_YPp00MggiAT556j9231uu5Lg/edit?usp=drivesdk

Good call - I had overlooked that your attacks count as good while you are in a Holy Fury.

Food for thought, thank you both.