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2020-07-24, 06:50 AM
The Bloody Crown - Continued

In that dread desert, beneath the moon’s pale gaze, dead men walk.

They haunt the shifting dunes of the breathless, windless night, brandishing weapons of bronze in mocking challenge and bitter resentment of the life they no longer possess.

And sometimes, in ghastly dry voices, like the rustling of sun-baked reeds, they whisper the one word they remember from life. The name of the one who cursed them to their existence of more than death but less than life.

They whisper the name, Nagash.

OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?610487-WFRP-The-Bloody-Crown-OOC-XII)

Adelbert felt the goddess' anger as she answered his prayer.

You ask this of me now? To undo what you yourself have done?

The light of Verena lit up the darkness as blinding white shackles snapped around Hanna's wrists and ankles, making her stumble against a tree. Adelbert saw her eyes flash with unearthly colours as she looked back towards him - then, with one swift motion, she snapped the chains in two, the shackles disintegrating into many-coloured sparks. Adelbert felt a flood of guilt as she turned and ran into the woods, the scorn of his goddess stinging his soul.

If you wish to bargain with daemons, do not turn to me when they betray you.

OOC: The other PCs may be woken by the sound of this going on (player's choice), but by the time any waking character gets their bearings Hanna has already taken off into the woods with a fair head start.

2020-07-24, 09:11 AM
Sound asleep, Elsa felt the soft tug on the winds of magic from Adelbert's spell, but she ignored it at first. It was the sudden end of the spell, which felt like glass shattering, that made her awaken with a start. Adelbert was on his knees in prayer.

"What was that?" she whispered hoarsely. "Did you just cast something?"

The Verenan ignored her.

"Adelbert!" Elsa said, louder. "Why the blazes are you praying?"

I figure it would be hard for Elsa to notice that one person out of 30 is missing.

2020-07-24, 09:49 AM

Even as tired as he was, Sieghard had been struggling to fall asleep. Too much had happened and there was too much risk of attack. It didn't take much commotion for him to wake and grab his sword.

"What's going on?" he demanded of one of the men on watch. He cursed after the man had explained and took off after Hanna.

If it's not too dark/overgrown for it, Sieghard will mount his horse. Otherwise he goes on foot.

2020-07-24, 10:30 AM

Adelbert did not reply, was possibly not even aware of Elsa's presence. His eyes were screwed shut and he was murmuring something in rapid and archaic Classical.

2020-07-24, 11:00 AM
Sieghard's horse had been startled awake by the commotion. There was no time to saddle it - loosing it from the tree where it had been tied, Sieghard jumped up onto its back, kicking it into a gallop in the direction Hanna had disappeared. Sleeping Thorns sat up and looked blearily around as thundering hooves passed them by, tearing off into the darkened woods.

Sieghard crouched low over the horse's back, head down against the twigs that whipped at his face. Despite the darkness, he could make out movement through the trees up ahead - as his speeding mount gained ground, it resolved itself into Hanna, sprinting flat-out away from the camp. Urging the horse forward as fast as it could go, Sieghard ate up the distance between them. Twenty yards, sixteen, twelve...

Hanna glanced back over her shoulder as she ran, and Sieghard saw an unwholesome light glitter in her eyes. The horse clearly saw it too - it came to a halt as if Sieghard had reined it in hard, giving a whinnying scream as its hooves skidded through dead leaves and tangled roots. Sieghard had to cling on for dear life as it reared and kicked - it was doing its level best to buck him off.

OOC: This'll be a Ride test at -30 for Sieghard to stay on his horse (or, if you'd prefer, to dismount gracefully).

2020-07-24, 11:32 AM

Elsa and Adelbert were right, Sieghard realized. In his shock, he didn't notice his horse's terror until it was too late and landed hard on the ground.

Probably going to fall on his butt regardless, but we'll go for the graceful dismount.

[roll0] vs 22

And that's a fail. Had some more I was going to have Sieghard say, but with the failure, I'm not sure if "Hanna" is sticking around or going to try running again.

2020-07-24, 12:06 PM
Sieghard rolled to his feet, his sword still clutched tightly in his hand. Something wasn't right with his horse - it wasn't just spooked, its eyes were wild and rolling, foam flying from the corners of its mouth. Rearing back again, it tried to bring its hooves down on his head. Sieghard moved aside just in time - the horse's hooves came stamping down with bone-shattering force on the space where he'd just been.

OOC: All-Out Attack from the horse:
[roll0] - missed, [roll1], [roll2]

Through the trees to his left, Sieghard could just about make out Hanna's receding figure. She was still running, deeper into the woods.

2020-07-25, 10:42 AM

Sieghard cursed. Whatever was wrong with his horse, he didn't have time to deal with it right now. He sidestepped the horse and continued after Hanna.

Sieghard runs after Hanna, using the trees to break up the path between him and the horse so it can't charge, and if possible to break line of sight between him and it as well. He does not want to get into charge range of Hanna, he's just trying to keep pace - if the horse is still coming after him, he'd rather deal with one at a time.

Horse attack


2020-07-25, 11:30 AM
Hooves flailed at Sieghard's head as he ducked out of the way, weaving through the trees in the direction he'd seen Hanna heading. The horse came thundering after him, yellow teeth snapping at his face. Falling back behind the cover of a tree-trunk, he watched as it charged off into the undergrowth, vanishing into the dark to the sound of snapping twigs and crazed whinnies.

Through the trees behind him, Ludo emerged at a brisk run. He stopped for a moment to stare at the twigs and leaves in Sieghard's hair, and his noticeable lack of a horse - but there was no time to spare. Up ahead, Hanna was just visible, still sprinting hell for leather into the trees.

OOC: Ludo at least has already passed his chase rolls on foot - what do you want to do when you catch up to her?

2020-07-25, 01:33 PM
Ludo bombed past Sieghard. His short legs would have given him the disadvantage on the straight - and he was tired to his very bones - but here in the forest he could juke round trees faster than either of the humans, and was able to catch up with Hanna and hurl himself at her in an attempt to knock her down.

2020-07-25, 02:50 PM

Sieghard darted forward, not far behind Ludo. "Stop, you bastard!" He shouted as he closed the distance, "I'm not letting you take her!" Right on Hanna's heals, he swung at her and then tried to restrain her.

Getting ready to head out and I didn't get an answer to my OOC question, so I'm just going to roll now to not hold things up. Charge attack. First attack is a stun attempt, next two are grapples.

[roll0] vs 81 to Hit (Charging, Street Fighting)
[roll1] vs 61 Str
[roll2] Hanna Toughness

[roll3] vs 81 to Hit
[roll4] Hanna Ag

[roll5] vs 81 to Hit
[roll6] Hanna Ag

2020-07-25, 04:35 PM
Ludo's headlong leap knocked Hanna's legs from under her, sending the two of them rolling between the tree-roots. Hanna was stronger, her reach longer, but Ludo clung to her like a limpet - by the time she'd managed to peel him off, Sieghard had already caught up. He slammed the butt of his sword against her forehead - she stumbled, but didn't fall.

"Get off me!" she yelled, as Sieghard grabbed hold of her again. Kicking and biting, she managed to extricate herself from his grip, staggering a few yards back. She stood warily watching the two of them, tensed like a hare that had heard the hunters' horns - with both of them so close, turning to run would only show her back. Her face was scratched, her hair tangled with twigs and the litter of the forest floor from where Ludo had brought her down. She rubbed the rapidly-developing bruise on her temple where Sieghard had struck her. "What are you doing?"

2020-07-25, 04:41 PM
"Who's the ruler of the reaches, Hanna?" Ludo asked, drawing his crossbow and aiming it at her. It felt heavy in her hands, way heavier than mere fatigue would have done alone. "Answer the question."

On the off chance that we have real Hanna back, a command test vs 72 [roll0]

2020-07-25, 05:12 PM

Sieghard glared at Ludo. "We're here to bring her back and help her, not shoot her." He said. He looked to Hanna. "Answer his question, then explain what you were doing running away from camp in the night."

No stun? Those were some good rolls from Sieghard.

2020-07-25, 05:12 PM
"Oh, so what, you're going to shoot me now?" demanded Hanna, raising her hands. "Going to explain that one to the others? What's wrong with you two?" She took a step back. "At least when the wizard goes crazy she's got an excuse!"

2020-07-25, 06:00 PM
"Why were you running away?"

2020-07-25, 06:57 PM

"Schreiber thinks one of the daemons of Nath is possessing you," Sieghard said. "I didn't believe him, but I saw the daemon fire burning in your eyes. We're going to take you to the temple in Ravenskird. I'm not going to allow a daemon to turn you into its puppet."

2020-07-25, 10:21 PM
"We've lost so many people," Ludo said, a crack in his voice. "Tell me we haven't lost you too,, Hanna, please."

2020-07-26, 04:56 AM
"Why were you running away?"

"I just got up to take a leak, and the priest tried to put me in chains!" shouted Hanna, pointing an accusing finger back the way they'd come. "What was I supposed to think was happening?"

"Schreiber thinks one of the daemons of Nath is possessing you," Sieghard said. "I didn't believe him, but I saw the daemon fire burning in your eyes. We're going to take you to the temple in Ravenskird. I'm not going to allow a daemon to turn you into its puppet."

Hanna opened her mouth as if to give another indignant reply, but she seemed to choke on the words. With a sudden cry of pain, she doubled over, clutching at her throat. The cry didn't end - it rose and rose, a strange, inhuman scream that made Ludo and Sieghard cover their ears as its weird echoes rebounded from the trees around them.

Quick as an arrow from a bow, a twisting rope of flame burst forth from her open mouth, casting long shadows from the trunks of the trees as it shot away into the forest. Ludo caught glimpses of eyes, mouths, and shifting, fungoid flesh within it; Sieghard only caught the suggestion of mocking laughter echoing inside his head. In a moment, it had disappeared out of view, only a fading light receding into the darkness of the woods.

Left behind, Hanna keeled over, falling senselessly to the ground.

2020-07-26, 02:32 PM

Sieghard rushed forward, trying to catch Hanna as she fell. "Let's get her back to camp," he muttered, not quite sure what he just saw.

She's just unconscious, right?

2020-07-26, 04:31 PM
Hanna was still breathing. Slinging her over his shoulder, Sieghard stumbled back towards the camp. The sky was starting to lighten in the east - in a few hours, it would be dawn.

Seeing Sieghard and Ludo emerge out of the trees, a bleary-eyed Ingwald came walking over. "What's going on, sir?" he asked. "What - is that Hanna?"

As Sieghard set Hanna down, she was already beginning to come round, eyes fluttering open again. Instinctively, she clutched at her head, letting out a long, low groan.

2020-07-26, 04:39 PM
Her brow furrowed in worry, Elsa watched Hanna pick herself off the ground. She had been fearing that Sieghard might have to kill her, and was glad he had managed to bring her back alive. Whether she was still indeed Hanna remained to be seen.

"Hanna," she said softly. "Who rules the Broken Reaches?"

2020-07-26, 05:10 PM
Still groggily clutching her head where Sieghard had hit her, Hanna mumbled something under her breath. Leaning in close so he could hear, Ingwald looked back to Elsa.

"Um, I think she said '**** you, that's who'," he said. "You feeling alright, Hanna?"

She was looking alright - to Elsa's second sight, the burning light that had clung to her earlier was gone.

2020-07-26, 05:14 PM
"Something left her," Ludo said. "Like... fire that flew away. So maybe she's alright? We can ask her again later."

2020-07-26, 05:42 PM
Elsa's shoulders relaxed. It looked like they would not be needing an exorcism after all.

"My wizard's sight is not showing me anything out of the ordinary, this time. I don't know if she's alright, but I believe she's Hanna."

2020-07-26, 06:07 PM
Urgrim looked around sluggishly at the commotion. He had barely said two words since coming to, with Ludo, after Jens and Katryn's rescue of them. His eyes barely seemed focused even now. He was staring through the world, perhaps seeing things more real than the scene around him.

He looked like death warmed up.

Perhaps determining that that there was no cause for immediate alarm, he slumped again. His eyes blinked vacantly, in waking sleep.

2020-07-26, 08:57 PM

"Poor girl wasn't herself," Sieghard told Ingwald. "She's probably sore, but the worst is past. She'll recover." He looked down at where Hanna was laying and muttered "Sorry about the... about... you know," and then tapped his head where he had struck her.

"Since you're awake, take a small group and find where my horse ran off to," he told Ingwald. "Don't approach it, just find it and come fetch me. Poor beast was acting crazed."

2020-07-27, 02:25 AM
Ingwald gave Sieghard a look. "Since you're awake," he grumbled, sotto voce, "that's a good one."

A gaggle of bleary-eyed Thorns stumbled off into the trees to find Sieghard's horse, while Gustaf offered Hanna something from a flask that definitely wasn't company rations. She took a swig of it and grimaced, staring fixedly into the middle distance. "Knew it was a bad idea," she said at last, her voice a hoarse whisper, "smashing that jar."

By the time the sun was poking its nose over the horizon, Ingwald and his men had returned to the camp empty-handed. "Can't find it anywhere, sir," he said. "If it's run, it's kept running. What happened to it?"

2020-07-27, 02:44 AM

"Half of us would be dead now if you hadn't," Sieghard reminded her, his tone sympathetic. He put a hand on Hanna's shoulder. "Though if I had known the danger, I wouldn't have put you through it. I'dve smashed the damn thing myself."

"Some daemon-light spooked it," he said once Ingwald had returned. "It threw me and tried to trample me once I was down."

And how much worse might it have been if the daemon was controlling Sieghard. Maybe we can have Urgrim and/or Ludo try tracking the horse down once it's fully light. Still got wounded to bring back and I'd rather not lose another horse to something stupid.

2020-07-27, 09:17 AM
"We really should get moving already," said Elsa, rubbing her hands together to warm them up. "I know this wasn't much of a night's sleep, but we'll get better beds in Manann's Keep if we get there early. Perhaps Herr Sussman can even be convinced to let us sleep in the castle."

She munched on road rations and wet her parched throat with a few gulps of water. She still felt a sort of bone-deep weariness from Nahorek's spells, but the tender, blackened flesh on her arm was lightening to a purplish hue and already felt a bit firmer to the touch, which she took as a good sign.

Some wounds could not really be tended to. They had to heal on their own.

Finding a relatively private moment with Hanna while striking camp, she asked in a low voice: "Were you... awake the whole time? Or is there a hole in your memory?"

In case Hanna's still not in a mood to talk about it, here's a generic Fel 44 test: [roll0]

2020-07-27, 12:35 PM
Finding a relatively private moment with Hanna while striking camp, she asked in a low voice: "Were you... awake the whole time? Or is there a hole in your memory?"

Checking around to make sure that Sieghard wasn't in earshot, Hanna gave Elsa a look cold enough to freeze a river. Elsa became uncomfortably aware that the other Thorns around them were wearing similar expressions.

"Was it not clear, what I said before?" she said, speaking softly under her breath. "**** you."

A little shakily, she got up and walked away.

2020-07-28, 07:49 AM
Urgrim stood up with a groan. "I'm your damn ranger, I'll go get your damn horse," he muttered. "Could do with another pair of hands though. Gustaf?"


2020-07-28, 08:19 AM
Wellentag, 14th Brauzeit

The rising sun was a welcome sight, its rays catching the tops of the trees as Urgrim and Gustaf struck out into the woods. The leaves had started to turn, and they shone red and gold in the dawn light. Over the Dead Hills behind them, leaden clouds still lingered, leaving the barren hilltops in shadow.

It wasn’t hard to pick up the trail of Sieghard’s horse, if you knew what to look for. Urgrim followed the trail of hoofprints, scattered leaves and broken twigs as far as he could, until Gustaf started to make anxious noises about leaving the others behind. The beast seemed to have taken off at a gallop and kept going, long past the point where a horse would ordinarily have tired. It had kept its bearings, too - though its tracks weaved in and out through the trees, its course bore constantly north.

“Poor beast was running as if the hounds of Morr were after it,” said Gustaf. He glanced back over his shoulder towards the hills. “Can’t say I blame it, myself.”


It was late morning by the time the rest of the column caught up with the trackers. With Sieghard’s horse clearly long gone, they continued on towards the Vale, carrying their wounded in the rear. Insects chirped and rasped in the woods around them; Adelbert saw a blackbird flit past with a fat yellow grasshopper caught in its beak. Harvest or no harvest, it was nice to see that not everyone was going hungry.

The sun was low in the west by the time they reach Manann’s Keep, and the worst of their wounded were clearly flagging. Seeing the bedraggled column limp into the square beneath the fort, Sussman came hurrying out to meet them.

“Good gods,” he said, “you look like death warmed up. I wasn’t expecting you back so soon - what happened? Where are the others?” He looked around. “The knights? Where are the knights?”

2020-07-28, 08:52 AM
“Poor beast was running as if the hounds of Morr were after it,” said Gustaf. He glanced back over his shoulder towards the hills. “Can’t say I blame it, myself.”

Urgrim didn't say anything for a long moment. He was loathe to give up, but he knew it would be stupid to go further, even if he could force his weary body to find any undrained store of energy. He looked up to the light of the sky piercing the branches overhead. His head was swimming. Every blink left dark zones lingering in his vision.

—Kruk! he swore. "Can't even find the miserable horse! I've seen that thing stop in its tracks and hold up an entire column just to take a huge steaming **** in the road, but this time it decides to go halfway to troll country!" He slammed one fist into the other palm.

After several deep breaths, he turned around to Gustaf. He still looked utterly spent, but his eyes had a little more fore in them. "No, you're right. It's long gone. We'd best get back. Thanks for coming with me, anyhow."

2020-07-28, 09:01 AM
“Good gods,” he said, “you look like death warmed up. I wasn’t expecting you back so soon - what happened? Where are the others?” He looked around. “The knights? Where are the knights?”
"Dead," Elsa reported gloomily, standing at the front of the column. "The enemy had ghosts at his disposal. Not much even the knights could do about that. We're the only ones who made it out, and only barely. No survivors from Caerfort, either. I'll write a summary report for Prince Sforza and let you read it before I have it sent out by messenger."

Though Sussman was only a minor lord, and not especially knowledgeable in military matters or anything concerning the war with the undead, it seemed fair to bring him inside the loop, since his town was almost on the doorstep of what was now enemy territory.

If Nahorek marches out with his armies, we're relying on Sussman to hold out until Sforza can bring his forces south. Now that's a scary thought...

2020-07-28, 09:14 AM
"Herr Sussman," Ludo said politely. "Has there been any news from Last Water?"

2020-07-28, 09:27 AM
"Ghosts?" If Sussman could have raised his eyebrows any higher, they'd have sprung clean off his face. "That's, uh... that's not something you hear every Wellentag." He peered around Elsa's shoulder. "They're not following you, are they?"

"Herr Sussman," Ludo said politely. "Has there been any news from Last Water?"

"No, nothing out of the ordinary," said Sussman. "But that's a long trip, there and back. I don't know if they're caught up on all the excitement yet."

At the back of the column, Hamlyn collapsed.

2020-07-28, 09:35 AM
"They're not following you, are they?"
"They'd have caught up by now if they were," Elsa assured Sussman. "With our wounded, we weren't travelling fast."

She turned at the sound of Hamlyn collapsing. "Oh... speaking of wounded..."

2020-07-28, 09:50 AM
"Gods, yes," said Sussman. He backed away, waving his hands in a vaguely reassuring manner towards Elsa as he turned to look for help. "Surgeon? We need the surgeon! Don't just stand there gawking, man, go and get him!"

Seeing some of the onlookers who had gathered to gawp take off running, Sussman turned back to Elsa. "He's a good sawbones, Ambrose. Mostly does livestock, but he patched Frau Olm up after her fall, and everyone thought she was a goner. Plus, if you need a shave, he throws that in for free." Seeing the stony looks of the Thorns, he held his hands up. "Joking! I'm joking."

OOC: The ball's in you guys' court for how much time you want to cover/what you want to do now you're in Manann's Keep. Sussman is here if you have questions for him, but don't wait around for him.

2020-07-28, 10:18 AM

Adelbert had said very little since Hanna ran off. The priest looked utterly defeated and drained and scarcely even paid notice to anyone even once they got to Mannan's Keep.

'I don't think I can face going back to Savonne,' he said to Sieghard. 'I certainly can't face the Temple now that Verena has turned from me. Can I stay with you instead?'

2020-07-28, 10:42 AM
As soon as she had access to a desk, a quill and paper, Elsa penned a single-page report for Sforza where she described the gist of the Caerfort abductions and the ensuing Battle of Nath. She made sure to speak highly of Sieghard's leadership in desperate circumstances and how he once again drove off the vampire after battling it in close quarters, but left out her own part in advocating a frontal attack, as well as anything concerning Adelbert (who was not in Sforza's good books) and, most importantly, Tshula. She would ask Sieghard, if he was willing to listen to her for a moment, to have the Thorns stay quiet about Tshula; the fact that they had to call upon a daemon to carry them out of the city was not something that Sforza strictly needed to know. She allowed Sussman to read the report and asked him about the feasibility of having a horseback messenger ready to ride north at the crack of dawn, even though it was already late in the day.

She then grabbed a bottle of wine, two cups and some cheese from the keep's kitchen and sought out Moltke. She poured both herself and the bereaved squire some wine. "I'm really sorry for your, uh, employers. Have you decided what you're going to do now?"

2020-07-28, 12:02 PM
"You'd... we've got space and food for you and your friend," Ludo said. "As long as the Thorns still exist, you're welcome to stay with us. It would be good to have you around if the vampire returns."


"I'm not going on to Savonne." Ludo said. "Klammenberg was seen in Last Water, so I'm headed there first thing tomorrow. Any of you would be very welcome: if not, I want a couple of the Thorns who are still healthy."

2020-07-28, 12:55 PM

Sieghard was among those glaring at Sussman. Clearly he wasn't in the mood for jokes. "If there's anywhere else around here with an ill reputation, you ought to start taking the stories seriously," he said. "The tales about Rivermouth and Nath both proved true enough."

'I don't think I can face going back to Savonne. I certainly can't face the Temple now that Verena has turned from me. Can I stay with you instead?'

"If you want to stay with me, you don't have much of a choice. I'll be heading to Savonne as soon as we've had a chance to rest. The Prince needs to know what happened and the danger we face... And not just from some messenger who wasn't there."


"I'm not going on to Savonne. Klammenberg was seen in Last Water, so I'm headed there first thing tomorrow. Any of you would be very welcome: if not, I want a couple of the Thorns who are still healthy."

"You're not planning on trying to fight him with just a couple of men, are you?" Sieghard asked. "He may not have Nahorek's power, but he can still raise the dead. He's still dangerous."

2020-07-28, 12:59 PM
"Valdez's men are there," Ludo said "I just need some help for the road. And I don't really expect to find him to be honest... but maybe there'll be some useful clues or something. Some sign of where he went or what he wanted there. And... my sister's there. I want to know she's alright."

2020-07-28, 01:01 PM

Adelbert had done his best with the wounded though he wasn't feeling overly confident. Still when Ludo suggested going after Klammenburg he looked deeply relieved. 'I'll go with you Ludo. I'd far sooner face the necromancer than Hieronymous or any of the others.'

2020-07-28, 01:32 PM

Sieghard nodded. "See if anyone is willing to volunteer then," Sieghard said. He was reluctant to have it be a direct order so soon after Nath. "And if there is any fighting, leave it to Esteban and his men." He paused. "If I were you, I'd try to convince your family to leave while they can. Or at the very least have plans to leave at a moment's notice if it comes to it. The entire south is vulnerable so long as the vampire holds Nath."

2020-07-28, 02:14 PM
The inside of Evatt's fort wasn't as Elsa had remembered it - what had been Sforza's crowded military headquarters now had ample room to spare, with its gates standing open to the town. Sussman clearly viewed her as a respected guest, and arranged for her to be given writing materials and a place to compose her report. When the time came to read it, however, he found it hard to disguise his nerves.

"This is terrible," he said, chewing his lip. "This is what, twenty miles from here. You made it in a day. A day! They could be here tomorrow if they wanted." He paced up and down the wooden hall, still reading. "I mean, I've got nothing here... enough guards to break up a fight at the Star, that's about it. We've got to get the Iron Company down here right away."

She then grabbed a bottle of wine, two cups and some cheese from the keep's kitchen and sought out Moltke. She poured both herself and the bereaved squire some wine. "I'm really sorry for your, uh, employers. Have you decided what you're going to do now?"

"You'd... we've got space and food for you and your friend," Ludo said. "As long as the Thorns still exist, you're welcome to stay with us. It would be good to have you around if the vampire returns."

Moltke and Jens had kept to themselves since reaching the town, and seemed to have had some conversation of their own. Whatever the upshot, Moltke was looking a little less lost than before.

"I think... I think the Preceptor would want us to finish the job we came here for," said Moltke. "The Order wouldn't want to see us back in Siegfriedhof while that... thing is still walking." She met Ludo's eyes. "If you're still in the fight, so are we."

"Of course," Jens interjected, "the lady Moltke here's not one of your common soldiers. We'll be needing proper grub, proper bunks, all of that. Isn't that right, miss?"

Jens' firmness seemed to have thrown her a little off-balance, but Moltke nodded. "Oh... um, yes. All of that."

2020-07-28, 02:31 PM
Ludo opened and closed his mouth a little at the suggestion, and then shrugged. "We can probably arrange that. For now, though, I'm headed to Last Water first thing tomorrow. One of the vampire's associates was seen there a week or so ago. The trail's probably gone cold by now, but we might find out what he was doing there - I want to know why he wasn't at Nath with us. Do you want to come along for that, or go and speak to Il Principe?"

2020-07-28, 02:40 PM
Urgrim had curtly thanked Adelbert as the priest helped him with his wounds, but perhaps seemed a little standoffish. "Don't spend too long running from your problems, Schreiber," he said sternly, as the group discussed their next steps. "We don't have the luxury of time to go slowly."

He turned to Sieghard. "I'll come with you to Savonne, so I can go to the Dwimmulhold and tell our news to the Rinn. And let me say this, Sieghard." He held up his hands in a gesture of calm. "I've no intention of trying to take the spear away from you, nor aiding the Dwimmulsons in that task either. As far as I'm concerned, you're the best person there is to possibly wield it against the Jackal, and I'll make that clear to the Rinn. I've no quarrel on that front while he still walks. We can argue over its proper home when he's destroyed. Or in the next life, if he sends us there, hmm?" The dwarf pointed one finger at the commander. "Doesn't mean you and I have nothing to argue about. I amn't happy you all lied to me." He looked around to Adelbert, Elsa and Ludo as well. "But if this past week proves anything, it's that we're the only ones here with half a chance of putting that cur down. So I amn't about to make it any harder for us than it already is."

2020-07-28, 02:45 PM
Ludo opened and closed his mouth a little at the suggestion, and then shrugged. "We can probably arrange that. For now, though, I'm headed to Last Water first thing tomorrow. One of the vampire's associates was seen there a week or so ago. The trail's probably gone cold by now, but we might find out what he was doing there - I want to know why he wasn't at Nath with us. Do you want to come along for that, or go and speak to Il Principe?"

Jens and Moltke looked at one another. They didn't seem to arrive at the same conclusion.

"When you say associate," said Jens, "are we talking about someone like those lads he had in the square? Or someone more like him?" He scratched the stubble on his ample chin. "Meaning no disrespect, I think if we're going after someone like that again, I'd feel more comfortable with an army behind us."

"We know hunting necromancers better than talking to princes," said Moltke, firmly. "We're with you."

"Right, yes," said Jens. "'Course. Just... sounding out the lay of the land."

2020-07-28, 02:49 PM
"A... shadow magician?" Ludo said, looking at Elsa. "He can make people forget him, cast... spells of darkness... but I don't think he's a fighter in the same way. When we fought him before, all he did was protect himself and run away. The local warden knows who he is and who I am, so we should be able to get fresh troops there."

2020-07-28, 02:54 PM
"We've got to get the Iron Company down here right away."

Elsa nodded. "An entire village's population wiped out... Women, children... This is an act of war if there ever was one. I'll make sure you get more manpower. And an experienced battle commander; maybe Valdes, he must be getting bored in Mirino, and he is Lord-Lieutenant of the South. It's not as if Sforza's soldiers have a whole lot of places to be."

In fact, if the enemy intended to sit on Nath, she might even move back to Manann's Keep after getting Tatiana and her things from Savonne. Her place was on the front lines.

Elsa was glad to hear of Moltke's intention to stay in the Broken Reaches; she was about to try to convince her to do just that. At the mention of Moltke's status, however, she smirked.

"Hmm, we'll see what can be done in terms of long-term accommodations," she said noncommittally, "but you'll find that the Border Princes are... rather more meritocratic than most realms. Titles and status don't necessarily carry over, unless they include the command of armies. I'm not exactly lowborn, myself, and it took me a few months before I earned my own bedroom."

She cut herself a slab of cheese and munched on it. "So. Moltke. How'd you end up among the Morrites, anyway?"

Is Moltke a first name or a last name?

On the subject of Klammenberg, she said: "He's a mortal man. An illusionist of moderate power, but still a mortal man. It'll be harder to catch him than to fight him.

2020-07-28, 03:21 PM
Moltke looked a little uncomfortable at Elsa's enquiry. "I asked to join," she said, a little defensively. She clearly didn't think there was much more to it than that.

"Well," said Jens, "this fellow sounds tricky enough, but at least warlocks and hedge witches aren't... whatever that back there was." He nodded to Ludo. "Aye, we're with you."

2020-07-28, 03:28 PM

Sieghard glanced to the side to make sure Sussman was distracted. "I did not lie to you," he hissed. "I've told no one about the damn spear. Not you. not Sforza. Not my own men. You might not want to take it, but can you say the same of the Dwimmulsons? Can you be certain? What about Sforza? What about some thief who overhears that I have something so priceless?" his expression hardened. "I did everything I could to keep it safe. You've no ground to judge me for that."

2020-07-28, 03:31 PM

Adelbert drew Elsa aside for a quiet word. 'Um... since I probably won't be returning to Savonne for, well, quite some time you should probably tell Hieronymous about Tshula-Udiyya. Be honest, brutally so if necessary.'

2020-07-28, 03:43 PM
"You did as good as lie, Sieghard, and you know that," Urgrim said softly, but calmly and without rancour. He was silent for a moment. He sighed.

"You just have to trust me, that I know what I'm doing, and that I'll do nothing to harm our endeavour. Because we might not always agree – but I do trust the same of you." He held out his hand to Sieghard. "Long as we start from there, I think we're going the right way."

2020-07-28, 03:56 PM
'Um... since I probably won't be returning to Savonne for, well, quite some time you should probably tell Hieronymous about Tshula-Udiyya. Be honest, brutally so if necessary.'
"I guess I can do that," said Elsa, not quite sure why Hieronymous needed to know about this. "Why? Is this a matter of asking him if you still have a place in Verena's clergy? Our situation back there was desperate, and you know it. You did what I was too scared to do."

2020-07-28, 04:01 PM

'No... I don't think the goddess is quite ready to forgive me yet,' a glint of anger appeared in his tried expression. 'And I am not ready to forgive her.' He took a moment, clearly trying to settle some inner emotional turmoil.

'I do think it's important for them to know there is a daemon on the loose just in case.'

2020-07-28, 04:10 PM

"I trust you," Sieghard replied, taking Urgrim's hand. "I don't trust the Dwimmulsons. I don't even know them. And they've got no reason to trust me. Telling them about the spear would be foolish."

2020-07-28, 04:36 PM
'I do think it's important for them to know there is a daemon on the loose just in case.'

"That's fair," said Elsa with a nod. "Though I wouldn't worry about Tshula. Daemons can't exist for long in the physical realm without some sort of anchor or host. Especially this far from the Northern Wastes."

2020-07-28, 04:38 PM
Urgrim gripped Sieghard's hand firmly. "Well, it's good to know that, because I wasn't sure. And I hear what you say. I'll see if I can learn anything more about it from their records without revealing we have it."

2020-07-29, 04:09 PM
Elsa walked in on Sieghard and Urgrim's discussion, causing a brief, chilly silence. She cleared her throat: "Might be best if some of us stay here, in case the city needs defending. So who are we sending north to Savonne?"

2020-07-29, 05:13 PM
"I'm going," Urgrim said. "Trying to track down Sieghard's horse first, though, so your letter should probably go with a rider. But I can take care of anything less urgent you want me to, while I'm there."

2020-07-29, 05:22 PM
"Good," said Elsa with a nod. "If Sforza wants us to remain in Manann's Keep for the foreseeable future, I'd like you to fetch me my horse, my spare clothes and my books. And have Tatiana come over. It's dangerous for a wizard to remain half-trained."

2020-07-29, 05:41 PM
Urgrim blinked. "I was thinking, more like, take a message ..." he said, letting those words hang in the air for a few moments. "S'pose I could look into hiring a coach for you, to bring Tattie and your things down."

2020-07-29, 07:06 PM
As the day drew to its end, the Thorns bedded down in the old fort, throwing down their packs and pulling off dust-filled boots in barracks that had last housed the Iron Company. Thin trails of smoke rose from behind the wooden walls as they rummaged up what hot food they could, sharing around bowls of stew in demoralised silence. Small as it was, Evatt’s fort still felt too big - the empty spaces around the table were like open wounds.

Ambrose the barber-surgeon had done as neat a job as could be asked with a bonesaw and hot tar, and had entrusted the newly one-legged Hamlyn back to Adelbert’s care. Looking out over his slumbering patient towards the window, Adelbert saw the moons come out over the hills. He wondered if, somewhere out there, the Jackal was gazing back.

OOC: Don't want to hold the game up for odds and ends like working out Elsa's shipping arrangements, but do feel free to carry on any conversations I'm interrupting in a timesplit.

Aubentag, 15th Brauzeit

The next day, Ludo stepped out early into the chilly autumn morning, wanting to lose no time in setting out for Last Water. Sieghard and Urgrim were already up and talking with Sussman, who looked to be feeling a bit besieged.

“Look, I’m sorry gentlemen, but I can’t give you more horses than I’ve got, you know? We’re not exactly keeping a stables here.” He motioned to Ludo as he approached. “I’ve got the pony for your friend, and then I can find you one, maybe two more… if you want more than that, you’ll have to go out into the town, see what the ostler’s got in stock.”

When Ludo asked after Lottie, Sussman nodded. “Turned up a couple of days back, with a couple dozen waifs and strays. I’ve put them up in the old south barracks, until they can get their feet under them at least.” He gave a strained smile. “Of course, if the army comes back south, the Captain - the Prince, sorry - well, he’s going to need those bunks.”


Sieghard & Urgrim

Setting out from the town with Sieghard and a handful of Thorns, Urgrim retraced their steps back to where they’d left the trail of Sieghard’s horse. The tracks were still reasonably fresh: the trackers followed them north until the sun was well past its zenith. Nowhere did the horse show any sign of having slowed.

In a forester’s hut near the Painford road, they found a woman who claimed to have seen it. A hunter by the name of Anejka, she was wary of seeing so many armed men - but for whatever reason, she seemed to trust a dwarf.

“I saw it yesterday morning. A big bay gelding, right? Rich man’s horse.” She shot a glance at Sieghard in his armour. “Came out of the hut because I heard it… screaming. Not normal horse noises at all. Sounded almost like a person.”

She pointed over to a clearing between the trees. “It was thrashing about on the ground there, like it was in pain. I went to get my bow, to put it out of its misery - but it jumped up and took off before I could put an arrow to it. Looked like it was heading for the road.” She hesitated. “It, uh… it left these behind.”

Picking up a wooden bucket from outside her door, she held it out towards Urgrim. At the bottom were a jumble of long, equine teeth, their roots still stained with reasonably fresh blood. They weren’t broken - they looked as if they had fallen clean out of its skull.

OOC: If Sieghard wants to get back to Mannan’s Keep before nightfall, this is the limit of how far he can follow the trail.



Back in Manann’s Keep, an atmosphere of impending doom was beginning to grip the town. Word had got out about what had happened in the hills - or at least, some part of the story - and the townsfolk were rapidly realising how little stood between them and an unknown enemy. By noon, a small delegation had beaten a path to Elsa’s door.

“Is it true the commander’s left us for dead?” demanded Herr Ardelean the miller, wringing his hat between his hands. “We’re hearing he rode out for the city.”
“They say the soldiers are abandoning their posts!” said the proprietor of the Star. “One of my barmaids says she saw four of ‘em this morning, slipping off into the woods!”
“What are we going to do if something comes out of the hills? The moat only faces north!” gabbled a plump woman in a blue dress and a noticeable state of panic. “We’re defenceless!”

“Ladies, gentlemen!” said Sussman, holding up his hands to the anxious elders. “Everything’s under control. Commander Sieghard’s just gone on a… temporary reconnaissance, and even now the Iron Company are marching to relieve us. In the meantime, we’ve got a regiment of crossbowmen and the Prince’s own wizard.” He looked to Elsa. “Isn’t that right, Magister?”

Elsa had been around that morning, and happened to know that Sussman had been down to the ostler’s to secure the man’s fastest horse for himself just after Sieghard had left. The animal was tethered just inside the gates of the fort.

Bezahltag, 18th Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

Striking out across the Thornwood and into the Iron Claw Hills, Ludo and Adelbert had ample time to reflect on their four-day journey to Last Water. Moltke, Jenssen and three Thorns went with them, armed and alert.

They passed through the silent shell of Caerfort, the darkened windows of the houses gaping like empty eye-sockets. None of them wanted to spend the night there - they pressed on, making camp in a hollow beyond the village.

“What is he?” asked Moltke, as they sat around their fire. “The vampire. The Preceptor always talked about them as if... as if they were less than us. The Geistenmund beast, Madame Babelin..."

Jens coughed. “Um. Well. Not sure Madame Babelin was a vampire, now you mention it.” He winced as he saw Moltke’s shocked expression. “Maybe just… someone who’d got on the wrong side of too many people. But the Preceptor, Morr rest ‘im, he always said better safe than sorry…”

Feeling the silence yawn between them like a pit, the old sergeant tried to fill it. “Most of ‘em are animals, miss. They’re faster’n us, and stronger’n us, but they can’t control the hunger that’s in ‘em. Only a matter of time between ‘em getting turned and running onto a rowan stake.” He prodded the fire with the head of his axe, sending up a cloud of embers. “It’s the ones that master the dark inside ‘em, that live to get old - those are the ones you hear the old knights talking about, back at the abbey. The von Carstein Counts, and the Vampire Wars.”

“I never heard of no Jackal before I came here, but from what we saw back there, I’d say he’s as old and wicked as they come. Could take a whole chapter of knights to put a creature like that back in its grave.” He paused, then prodded the fire again, as if suddenly in want of more light. “But don’t worry, miss. One thing we know for sure… Morr’s on our side.”


As they drew closer to Last Water, they found themselves walking into a fierce wind from the west. It blew over the tops of the hills, carrying the pale dust of the Waste with it. The sand accumulated on rocks and ridges, giving the rugged scenery along the road a ghostly tinge of white.

On the eighteenth, they reached the foot of the Winding Pass. At the top, two men from Viktor’s Volunteers were guarding the gate - they looked pleasantly surprised to see Ludo.

“How about this weather? Windy, eh?” asked the more outgoing of the two. “You looking for the Lord-Lieutenant, mister Stubbs? He ain’t in town at the moment. Took off for Sermena a few days ago. We're supposed to be holding the fort here ‘til he gets back.” The man leaned against the gatepost. “I’m sure old Zollner'll be pleased to see you again.”

2020-07-29, 07:55 PM
Urgrim blinked. "I was thinking, more like, take a message ..." he said, letting those words hang in the air for a few moments. "S'pose I could look into hiring a coach for you, to bring Tattie and your things down."
"Just tell Tattie to bring me my things herself," said Elsa with a shrug. Bastard was fierce, but the girl had a way with animals. "But only if Sforza can be convinced to send us reinforcements, so that she can ride with them. I won't have her risk the road alone."

We've already rescued her from goblins once...

"She can bring her goats," added Elsa, almost as an afterthought.

“Ladies, gentlemen!” said Sussman, holding up his hands to the anxious elders. “Everything’s under control. Commander Sieghard’s just gone on a… temporary reconnaissance, and even now the Iron Company are marching to relieve us. In the meantime, we’ve got a regiment of crossbowmen and the Prince’s own wizard.” He looked to Elsa. “Isn’t that right, Magister?”
Elsa cleared her throat. She did not have much experience at this sort of thing. "That's correct," she said, addressing the crowd. "Our Thorns may not be many, but they are brave and battle-hardened. Commander Sieghard is hard at work making sure the countryside is safe and no one is left alone and defenseless. For those who may doubt his valor, remember that he is the one who slew the Orc king at the foot of this town's walls. And once the Iron Company is here, Manann's Keep will withstand any attack... assuming there is even one. They've saved this place before and can do so again."

She had no trust in Sussman when it came to defending the town. She did not have much trust in herself, either, but she still believed she could do a better job than the smarmy merchant, if it came to that.

Let's try a Charm test. No Public Speaking, unfortunately, but it's on the Noble's advance sheet.

Target 44: [roll0]
Fortune: [roll1]

Real pity. :smallfrown: I was hoping I could use this opportunity to have Elsa grow into a leadership role, in keeping with her Noble career, but with those rolls... :smallsigh:

2020-07-30, 03:24 AM
Wellentag, 14th Brauzeit

"Alright," Urgrim said lightly. He wasn't going to press the point.

To both Sieghard and Elsa, he asked, "D'you think it's worth my talking to the Prince, or one of his officers? In case they have questions for someone who was actually there."

Aubentag, 15th Brauzeit

The next morning, Urgrim made sure to catch Jenssen, Moltke and Ludo before they departed. He shook the northerners' hands. "I owe you my life. I won't soon forget it. I'm glad you're staying with us."

He turned to Ludo and embraced the halfling. "Be safe. Good luck, you, and your family."


Urgrim took the teeth from Anejka's pail. "The Steward of Painford thanks you," he said to her, with half a smile and the slightest nod towards Sieghard. "Good hunting. Be careful – there are foul things abroad." He added a few words in the Ranger tongue. "The walking dead."

He showed the teeth in his hands to Sieghard. "You sure you actually want the creature back, if we can find it? Reckon it might be beyond being any good to you, now."

2020-07-30, 04:41 AM
Elsa, 15th Brauzeit

Ardelean threw up his hands. "Making sure the countryside is safe? Bugger that, what about us? Aren't there more people here?"

The woman in blue nodded. "I'm not waiting around to be slaughtered in my own bed!" she said. "I'm going to my cousin at Handrich's Cross. At least there we'll get some warning!"

True to her word, she was on the first cart that rattled over the north bridge later that afternoon, laden down with all the possessions she couldn't bear to lose - which seemed to be quite a few. Walking around the town, Elsa could see others making preparations to follow suit. Fear had planted its roots in Manann's Keep, and all the hustle and bustle of the town was coming to a halt as it spread its branches. Parents scooped their playing children out of the streets, worried faces peering out of upper-storey windows.

"If they'd followed you, they'd be here by now," Sussman reassured himself, looking out towards the grey clouds still hanging in the south. "Right?" He gnawed absent-mindedly at his thumbnail. "Manann's Keep doesn't matter to them. No reason they'd come here."

Real pity. I was hoping I could use this opportunity to have Elsa grow into a leadership role, in keeping with her Noble career, but with those rolls...

Hey, a failure can be a better learning experience than a success!

2020-07-30, 09:12 AM
15th Brauzeit - Sussman
Ludo resisted the urge to throw his hands in the air: of course it wouldn't have been as simple as that... he'd done everything. If Armin was down by a couple of dozen dupes... fine. That would have to do. Should have killed him when he had the chance. "Anything you can do for them would be a personal favour for me... but I'm sure you'll have a lot on your plate. Maybe offer them to resettle Caerfort, if they don't mind what happened there."

15th Brauzeit - Urgi
"You as well," Ludo said. "I'm sorry I can't come with you, but... I need to know what's happened, you know. Give my regards to Skorgrund and the Rinn."

A thought occured to him. "How well do you think they would take the suggestion to go back into Kheneb and speak to the dead priestess there? Each dwarf would be worth ten men down in there."

On The Journey
"Klammenberg - the magician we're hunting - described him as the "child in darkness of ... O'soran? U-shoran?" which was one of the very first vampires, so that means he's... second-generation vampire?"

And we still drove him off - apparently Sieghard got him with the spear and he ran away before we could shoot silver arrows at him. We... we lost so much but he ran away in the end, right?"

Ludo wasn't looking at any of the group when he asked that, instead making eye contact with Ortwin, who had been sitting far from the fire, the dim light casting him strangely.

Ludo had no memory of ordering Ortwin along with them, and in fact wasn't sure he'd seen him since fleeing the building, back when they had first been attacked by ghosts, and the pit of his stomach felt heavy.

18th Brauzeit (Four days healing)
"Any news from that way?" Ludo asked anxiously. "I sent him a warning so he headed out based on that, but if anyone's come from there more recently..."

2020-07-30, 09:45 AM
Aubentag, 15th Brauzeit – Ludo and Urgrim

Urgrim considered the question. "I think the Rinn would listen to the suggestion, and take it better than the Prince or the Preceptor did," he said. "To be honest, my first thought was to try to tell the Rinn alone about the spear, and not Skorgrund. He's a bit ... well. You know what he's like." He rolled his eyes. "Now, Sieghard didn't want me to tell them about the spear at all. But I don't know how much I can learn without telling the Rinn we have it. I understand Sieghard's concern, such as it extends to humans, but he knows about as much as his horse about the way the dawi think about these things. I meant what I said to him, though. I've no intention of letting the Dwimmulsons take it off him while he and the enemy are still breathing. Well, you know what I mean."

2020-07-30, 10:24 AM
"D'you think it's worth my talking to the Prince, or one of his officers? In case they have questions for someone who was actually there."

"I assumed that was part of your plan already," said Elsa, arching an eyebrow. "I know you don't have much standing with the Prince, but do make sure he knows that we need reinforcements quickly. With the war for Savonne over and done with, he has no excuse to keep his soldiers idle while a new enemy is wiping whole villages off the map."

15th Brauzeit

"Making sure the countryside is safe? Bugger that, what about us? Aren't there more people here?"
Elsa repressed a sigh. "Yes. That's the point. He looks out for those who would be easy prey; unlike us. But I assure you, there is no reason to believe the enemy is coming for us in the next few days."

She knew for sure that Nahorek would not sit on Nath forever, and could only hope that he was still too weak to make a direct move against a fortified town.

"If it's moats and fortifications you're worried about, we'll get them soon. We can even get started now. I'll scrape together the money for wages."

Elsa usually carries around 20 gc on her (she dares not go search for her hidden stashes on her own). 20 gc is a lot of man-hours for the working class, but it's probably couch pennies compared to what Sussman's treasury (or Sussman's own fortune) can contribute. He once paid her hundreds for her Potion of Teeth.

Charm 44 test to convince Sussman to crack open the city coffers. Even if he means to GTFO when the sh!t hits the fan, surely he can see the use in turning Manann's Keep into a major speed bump for the enemy. [roll0]

"If they'd followed you, they'd be here by now," Sussman reassured himself, looking out towards the grey clouds still hanging in the south. "Right?" He gnawed absent-mindedly at his thumbnail. "Manann's Keep doesn't matter to them. No reason they'd come here."
Elsa just nodded absent-mindedly. His reasoning made sense... but she had been through many things so far that did not seem to make much sense. Nahorek kept his cards close to his chest. They still did not know what he even needed the Caerforters for, apart from bodies to fill his armies.

2020-07-30, 12:23 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, on the journey

"We... we lost so much but he ran away in the end, right?"

"Well, I didn't see all of that go down," said Jens. He looked around at the Thorns, who looked blank - they had been with Rike on the outskirts when the action had happened. "But it does seem to me like we did most of the runnin'. Not that there's anything wrong with running, mind you. Damn sight better than dying." He shrugged. "But he's still there, and we're not."

Ludo & Adelbert, 18th Brauzeit

"Any news from that way?" Ludo asked anxiously. "I sent him a warning so he headed out based on that, but if anyone's come from there more recently..."

The two sentries looked at one another. "Haven't heard anything out of the ordinary," said the first. "Daresay you can find someone who's been that way at the Chalice, there's still plenty of trade on the road."

2020-07-30, 12:43 PM

"Good hunting. Be careful – there are foul things abroad."

"They only move under cover of darkness from what I've seen," Sieghard told her. "You should be safe going about your business during the day, but make sure you're somewhere secure by nightfall."

"You sure you actually want the creature back, if we can find it? Reckon it might be beyond being any good to you, now."

Sieghard took a couple of the teeth from Urgrum. Perhaps he could have Adelbert take a look at them. "If nothing else, I think we need to know what happened to it. I have my suspicions..." He glanced back at Anejka's hut to make sure she was still there. "Maybe the daemon who tried to take Hanna settled for the horse after we didn't let it take her. Not the sort of thing we can let run around if that's the case." He sighed, frustrated to lose another horse to something like this. "If you find it, use your judgement."

Sieghard will head back to Manaan's Keep rather than accompany Urgrim further

2020-07-30, 12:52 PM
Wellentag, 14th Brauzeit – Urgrim, Sieghard, Elsa

"D'you think it's worth my talking to the Prince, or one of his officers? In case they have questions for someone who was actually there."

"I assumed that was part of your plan already," said Elsa, arching an eyebrow. "I know you don't have much standing with the Prince, but do make sure he knows that we need reinforcements quickly. With the war for Savonne over and done with, he has no excuse to keep his soldiers idle while a new enemy is wiping whole villages off the map."

Now Urgrim gave Elsa an antipathetic look. "I'm going to the Dwimmulhold. I'm not one of Sforza's officers. But aye, I'll call in on his court when I'm in Savonne. In case your letter hasn't given him the full idea."

Aubentag, 15th Brauzeit – Urgrim & Sieghard

"Aye, I will," Urgrim said with a nod. He shivered, and put his hand to his talisman. "Wish we didn't even have to consider these questions about unholy things. You want me to keep quiet on that to the Prince?"

2020-07-30, 01:24 PM

Sieghard hesitated. "If I'm right, then he needs to know that there's daemons that broke free from Nath during the battle and that they're about," he said, picking his works carefully. "He doesn't need to know how that happened or what they tried to do to Hanna. You weren't in the building at the end, you didn't see how they got loose," he added meaningfully.

2020-07-30, 01:47 PM
Urgrim and Sieghard

Urgrim nodded. "Aye, understood." He stood awkwardly for a moment, then held out his hand. "Here's hoping you've only boredom to report the next time we see each other. Gods keep you 'til then."

Happy to split. Urgrim will follow the horse tracks as best as he can, though not e.g. into the marsh, and hoping to make Painford that night.

2020-07-30, 02:24 PM
Elsa, 15th Brauzeit

When the town elders had left, Sussman listened to Elsa’s ideas for fortifications with a reluctant expression.

“Forgive me, that all sounds very… worthy… but is it really going to help?” He gave a nervous laugh. “I mean, you read me your letter. Storms, ghosts… are we really going to stop any of that with a ditch? Either the army gets here in time, or it doesn’t, that’s the way I’m seeing it.”

He walked over to the window and looked out toward the hills.

“If the commander thinks that’s the best use of his soldiers’ time, I can probably find a few spare hands to help them. Stubbs’ refugees, maybe. Don’t know how much they can achieve before the army gets here, but it’ll give them something to do.” He squinted at the horizon. “Between you and me, though? I didn’t want to start a panic, but if we see something coming out of those hills before the Iron Company arrives, best thing we can do is run.”

Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

Urgrim’s route back to the city took him by Arrow Heap, through fields that were now barren swathes of stubble after the reaping. Here and there, he found signs that Sieghard’s horse had passed the same way - but once the prints reached the road, it was much harder to be sure, mixed as they were with all the traffic that flowed between the Downlands and the Hidden Vale.

At a farmstead within sight of the bridge of Savonne, he found the strongest confirmation that he was still on the animal’s trail since he’d left the Thornwood. It came in the form of the anxious old widow who kept the place, asking if he’d seen her son.

“He should have been back by now,” she kept repeating, wringing a grubby grey handkerchief between her hands. “I know boys that age want to have their adventures, but he was only supposed to be taking that horse to market… I just worry something’s happened to him. There’s folk in the city who’d take advantage of a trusting lad like my Tomas.”

When Urgrim pressed her about the horse, she was quick to explain.

“Aye, we just found it, wandering about in the yard. Couldn’t afford to keep a great beast like that, but with the harvest so poor this year, Tomas thought we could sell it. I saw him saddle it up and ride it off toward the bridge. That was two days back… he should’ve been back that same night!” By now she had twisted her handkerchief so tightly that it seemed likely to tear. “I’d go after him myself, but I daren’t leave the farm… I’m at my wits’ end.”

2020-07-30, 02:39 PM
On the Journey
Ludo had made a good-faith attempt at morale boosting, and was hardly in the mood to push the subject: he made a noncommittal noise.

18th Brauzeit
No news in this case was... maybe good news. "Thanks. Can't stay long I'm afraid, I'll pay my respects to Sargeant Zollner. Moltke, you come with me: Adelbert, can you head to the Chalice and see if there's any news there, then i'll meet you and we can have a night under cover for a change."

After seeking out Nat, Ludo greeted him warmly before getting down to brass tacks. "They say Valdez went to Sermena himself, a few days back? Did he tell you much about what he was headed there for?"

2020-07-30, 03:28 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 18th Brauzeit

Nat had set up a desk in one of the old barracks buildings in the palace yard - he clearly didn't feel comfortable inside the Sforzas' palatial villa, however long it had been since they last occupied it. He seemed genuinely happy to see Ludo, ushering him in and shouting for one of the Volunteers to bring his guests something to drink.

"Nice to meet you too, miss," he said, seeing Moltke. "You don't look like a Thorn, if you don't mind my saying - is the old Commander starting up another regiment?"

"No," said Moltke, "not exactly." Before Zollner could press her further, Ludo got down to business.

"They say Valdez went to Sermena himself, a few days back? Did he tell you much about what he was headed there for?"

"Aye, it's a manhunt. Said he had intelligence from yourself that Jon o' the - that this Klammenberg character was in Sermena. Brought by a little fellow on a pony." He counted to three on his fingers. "Took the Brotherhood, the Maneaters and the Gamecocks with him. If the man is there, he's going to have a nasty surprise."


Down the hill from the palace, the Chalice was much as Adelbert remembered it. There was Marek, morosely polishing the silverware; there were the barrels of Tilean wine that the Iron Company men had been so insistent on. Of course, with the army no longer garrisoned up the road, it felt a bit quieter - Adelbert found he liked it that way.

A woman at the bar claimed to have come from Sermena just this Marktag. All had seemed normal there, she said, but she'd seen the soldiers going the other way. "Can't see what they need so many men for," she said, looking into her cup. "Unless they're trying to raise old Stubbs' taxes."

2020-07-30, 03:43 PM
Brauzeit 18th
That was reassuring, at least - whatever tricks Klammenberg had, Ludo couldn't see them working on a group of Maneaters. "I'll be heading over there to help myself. Has anything happened in his absence? Any illness? Any deaths, strange lights... when did this wind start blowing?"

He paused for a moment, thinking what else to say. "So it's just the volunteers here, right now? What about Isolici?"

"Do you remember... do you remember when Commander Sieghard took some of Viktor's men to Rivermouth and they didn't return? We had... another serious incident like that. The thorns are... there were a lot of casualties."

Ludo performed a brief, pained recounting of the events of the past few days.

"The Jackal is... in the ascendent. I think Last Water is probably as safe as anywhere, but you might want to make sure everyone is... ready for anything. Especially coming from the desert. But... quietly. Do you still have those silver swords we had made, back in Savonne?"

2020-07-30, 03:53 PM
Urgrim – Bezahltag, 18th Brauzeit

Urgrim listened to the widow patiently. "Well, I'm looking for the horse, so I'll keep an eye out for your Tomas. What can you tell me about him?"

He glanced around the rude farmstead, and fished a schilling from his purse. "Beg your pardon, but you wouldn't have a loaf of bread you could part with for a silver? It's been hungry going on the road."

2020-07-30, 04:06 PM

Zollner's face fell as he listened to Ludo's account. "Gods preserve us," he said. "How many dead?"

"Think we've still got those blades in the company stores. I keep a tight ship where the inventory's concerned. Don't think we've any men in Isolici though - the Lord-Lieutenant didn't see the need, when everything comes up through the pass here."

"Haven't heard of any strange happenings in the town either. This wind... well, it's been coming in fits and starts for weeks. Stronger lately, I suppose." He raised an eyebrow at Ludo. "It ain't normal for Last Water, then?"


"You'll look for him?" said the woman, pathetically grateful. "He's seventeen," said the woman. "Fair hair, brown eyes. About so tall, and thin."

Darting back inside, she emerged with a small loaf of black bread and a block of hard cheese, wrapped in a cloth. "Here, take it. If you'll find my Tomas, that's more than payment enough."

2020-07-30, 04:10 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 18th Brauzeit

Adelbert had been rather quiet the whole trip, though he did look over Ludo's wounds en-route. He didn't talk to Moltke, Jenssen or the three Thorns at all. What could he say?

Healing (Ludo):
Heal: [roll0] vs 76
Wounds: [roll1]

Heal: [roll2] vs 76
Wounds: [roll3]

Heal: [roll4] vs 76
Wounds: [roll5]

Heal: [roll6] vs 76
Wounds: [roll7]

In Mirino he perked up a bit (for someone who seemed more like a stereotypical priest of Morr than one of Verena now.) 'Meet me at the Chalice later,' he told Ludo. 'We can decide what do over some wine or ale and a proper meal.'

2020-07-30, 04:15 PM
Elsa, 15th Brauzeit

"I think the ghosts are bound to Nath and cannot stray far from where they died," said Elsa cautiously. "Mind... I wouldn't wager everything on it, but I'm staying right here. Blades pass right through ghosts, but my magic is quite effective. Remind me, does the town have any priests? They may be able to help, too. In Nath, our priest-blessed weapons could hurt ghosts."

She was in favor of having the refugees help dig moats, though she warned Sussman that she expected them to be fairly compensated, and that their permission to stay in Manann's Keep was not to be contingent on them lending their labor.

2020-07-30, 04:25 PM
Urgrim, Bezahltag 18th Brauzeit

Urgrim pressed the schilling into the woman's hand all the same. "I can't make you any promises. But if he helps me find what's become of the horse, we'll be even."

Happy to press on. Another Follow Trail, if you need it:

2020-07-30, 04:55 PM
"More than half," Ludo said mutedly. "And our allies, Moltke's people, knights of Morr... wiped out."

"You might want to send a couple of men to Isolici, keep an eye on things there... tell you if something changes. Did you hear about Caerfort... wiped off the map."

"This wind is... on the ragged edge of what's normal. If it's that consistent..."

2020-07-30, 05:05 PM
Elsa, 15th Brauzeit

“Well, if you want to stay and fight, that’s, uh, that’s your choice,” said Sussman. “But you know, these people aren’t fighters. They don’t know a spear from a spade.” He held up his hands, as if to forestall protest. “And there’s no shame in that! You’ve got what, twenty soldiers here? When there’s a whole army waiting to help us in Savonne. I think it was a great general who once said, he who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.”

Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

Crossing over the bridge, Urgrim found the city just as crowded and dirty as he remembered it. Hungry-looking humans shook their begging-bowls at him from the shadows of the river gate, men in the blue and green tunics of Norten’s city guard keeping the flow of traffic moving.

The day was coming to an end, but one of the guards recognised Urgrim’s description of Tomas. “I’d like to catch up with him myself,” he said. “Boy’s got a few questions to answer. Come and see.”

Entering one of the side-streets that led off the market, the halberdier brought Urgrim to the door of a rickety wooden shed. Inside, bluebottles were buzzing around a large, equine corpse.

“Kid turned his animal loose in the square, then ran off,” said the guard. “Second he was off it, bloody thing went berserk. You know how they say you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?”

Using the butt of his halberd, he pushed up the dead horse’s lips. Underneath, Urgrim could see rows of sharp, predator’s teeth pushing out of its gums. It looked more like the mouth of a wolf.

“Took three men to bring it down. Boss says we’ve got to keep it here ‘til they can get the priests to have a look.” He leaned on his halberd. “You know the boy?”

OOC: I think at this point it’d be Gossip, but that roll’ll still do!

Ludo, 18th Brauzeit

Zollner gave a sombre nod. “Heard about Caerfort from your friend,” he said. “Nobby, isn’t it? He’s gone on to Sermena with the Lord-Lieutenant.”

“I imagine you’ll be wanting to be heading on there too, but if you’re staying, you’re more than welcome to a bunk here tonight. We’ve got room, and grub. It’s not your brother-in-law’s cooking, but it’s hot.” He cracked his knuckles, looking around. “Is there anything else we can do to help? Change of horses? That pony you rode in on looks fit for the knacker’s yard.”

2020-07-30, 05:48 PM
Elsa gave Sussman a flat look. Poking out of her pocket, Khalida sensed her mood and appeared to glare at the steward too. "I know this isn't a situation you want to be in charge of, Herr Sussman," said Elsa in a low, deadly tone. "I know about the fast horse you've got prepared. If you run to save your own hide, I won't bother to chase you down and drag you back, but mark my words... I'd better not hear that you also absconded with the treasury, or took an escort of soldiers with you, or otherwise left this place worse off. There's cowardice and then there's treachery."

Intimidate 44: [roll0]

She reverted to an easy smile with unsettling quickness. "But really... I'm confident you won't throw your, ah, hard-earned stewardship away because of what lies a full day's walk south of us. Let us work together and we can ensure the people remain calm until the Prince's men are here. Fear is the enemy, for now."

2020-07-30, 06:17 PM
Elsa, 15th Brauzeit

Sussman held his hands up again. "Whoah - let's not go throwing around any words we might later regret, hey?" he said. "I'm not talking about us, I'm talking about them. The townspeople. They didn't sign up for any battle. If it comes to it, and if the Iron Company isn't here, we'll evacuate, not fight. That's all I'm saying." He sank into his chair and clasped his hands together. "Handrich knows, I pray it doesn't come to it, but buildings can be rebuilt. People can't."

Looking tired, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Anyway, I'm sure you're a very busy wizard. Don't want to keep you, you know? Lots to do."

2020-07-30, 06:26 PM

Sieghard returned to Manaan's Keep as the sun was setting and headed to The Star of Marienburg for a drink and a warm meal. As he walked through the gate, Elsa couldn't help but notice that he hadn't found his horse.

Sieghard is still to angry with Elsa to approach her, but he's not so petty as to put his feelings above preparing defenses if she comes to him.

2020-07-30, 06:29 PM
"No one ever signs up for a battle," said Elsa simply.

She then went in search of the surgeon to have him have a look at her bruise-like injury on her arm. She still felt weak from the Battle of Nath and wanted to be in shape for whatever came next.

Elsa approached Sieghard cautiously, in much the same way she approached Bastard before mounting it. "So, the horse? Lost to the wilderness, I take it?"

2020-07-30, 06:37 PM

Sieghard glanced up and gave Elsa a look. Without explanation, he placed the horse teeth he and Urgrim had found on the table and then resumed chewing as if she wasn't there.

2020-07-30, 07:30 PM
Elsa's eyes widened at the sight of the horse teeth, but she assumed Sieghard did not especially want to talk about it. At least not with her.

"You should, uh, stay at the Star until the ninth or tenth bell at least," said Elsa gingerly. "People need to see you. They're very scared and have been asking where you've been. I told them you were making sure the countryside was safe... so don't let slip that you were just after your horse."

2020-07-30, 09:44 PM

"I warned the people we came across to get indoors and keep under lock come nightfall," Sieghard replied irritably. "I wasn't just looking for the damn horse." He took a rather loud drink from his ale. "And they've got nothing to worry about, I'm not going anywhere. The wrong half of my men wouldn't just abandon the place to the vampire."

2020-07-30, 10:31 PM
"The wrong half of my men wouldn't just abandon the place to the vampire."

A long, uncomfortable silence followed Sieghard's words. Staring at the floor, Elsa was tempted to just slink away, but at last she forced herself to look at Sieghard and let drop in a low voice: "I'm sorry I said that. I didn't mean it, and I'd give my right hand to unsay it. You command the finest men and women in the Reaches and you deserve it. Our losses in Nath have only one culprit, and one day you'll drive that spear through his skull once and for all."

After a pregnant pause she added: "I'm going to bed. Long day tomorrow; we're fortifying the south side. I think you should take charge until the reinforcements arrive. Herr Sussman's leadership is rather lackluster, and to be honest, so is mine."

She turned to leave.

2020-07-30, 10:57 PM

Sieghard glanced up from his drink as Elsa spoke, but said nothing. He held his silence until she had taken her first step away from him.

"Elsa, you know I wouldn't let you start cutting off parts even if it would change what you said. Death all around, daemons, madness in the air. It was enough to make anyone make an ass of themselves. I know that. It's not me you need to worry about."

"Sleep well," he said. "If the Reaches are to survive, then we have a lot of work to do. I told you before, I can't do it without you."

Sieghard is still grumpy, but he's cooled off enough to talk to Elsa again.

2020-07-30, 11:03 PM
Elsa's shoulders were released of a tension she did not know she had. She nodded curtly, walked out of the inn and headed back to the keep.

2020-07-31, 03:27 AM
Ludo, 18th Brauzeit

Zollner gave a sombre nod. “Heard about Caerfort from your friend,” he said. “Nobby, isn’t it? He’s gone on to Sermena with the Lord-Lieutenant.”

“I imagine you’ll be wanting to be heading on there too, but if you’re staying, you’re more than welcome to a bunk here tonight. We’ve got room, and grub. It’s not your brother-in-law’s cooking, but it’s hot.” He cracked his knuckles, looking around. “Is there anything else we can do to help? Change of horses? That pony you rode in on looks fit for the knacker’s yard.”

Ludo thought for a moment. "Wouldn't say no to the bunk and the food, but I'll keep the pony - It's Nobby's and I owe him a lot of favours."

I don't have anything more specific to say to Nat, but Ludo will make sure he's up to date on what we know about Klammenberg and Nahorek, including how to beat Klammenberg's disguise spell.

The Chalice

Later, Ludo caught up with Adelbert at the Chalice. "Find anything useful?"

"Also... how're you feeling? You were... you were right in there."

2020-07-31, 05:22 AM
Adelbert & Ludo

'Not great,' Adelbert admitted. 'Verena has abandoned me and I've abandoned her so I'll have to think of something new to do with my life when we get back. Gods we have to get Klammenburg Ludo. We have to! I need to hurt them for once.'

He stopped himself with obvious effort. 'Did you learn anything?'

2020-07-31, 05:32 AM
"Wait, why have you abandoned her?"

2020-07-31, 05:42 AM
Adelbert and Ludo

'Because if I hadn't used...you know who we'd probably all be undead by now. I know she doesn't want us messing with creatures like that but I'm not sorry over saving Sieghard, Elsa and those Thorns.'

2020-07-31, 06:11 AM
Ludo thought for a moment. "I don't... I wasn't there, so i cant say what was the right thing to do. But you got so much out of your relationship with Verena. It gave you... your status, your purpose, your powers... Verena couldn't save you then but you got so much more than that one rescue. I think... I think you should try to repair that."

"When I was a child, before my mother died, my father had a, uh, dalliance with another woman. It wasn't like him, he... i don't know the story. Leni knew more and lorded it over me a bit, and she always implied that there was something more going on, like maybe their marriage was pretty rough then. And he was the most stubborn man I've ever met, even more so than you... I think this was the only time he ever truly apologised, because she meant so much to him. It made him really think about what he wanted and he... he worked hard to make it up to her, and he got another twenty years with her he wouldn't have done otherwise. I can't imagine what it would have done to him if they'd still been fighting when he passed. So... when you feel less angry about this, think about how much you'd be losing."

2020-07-31, 07:11 AM
Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

"Gods," Urgrim muttered. Guess you were right, Sieghard.

"That horse belonged to Commander Sieghard, the Steward of Painford, but it, uh, took ill a few days back and ran off. I tracked it to the farm where the young lad lives. Seems he just had the bad luck to find it and think he could sell it in the city. But I want to hear his side of things as much as yourself." He shook his head and stepped back from the corpse. "It happens that I know a couple of the priests at the Temple, need to go there anyway. I can let them know, probably get their attention, if your boss ain't had luck with them so far. How's that sound? All I ask is, if ye do find the lad, hold onto him and let me ask my questions of him too."

Another thought occured to him. "Took three men, y'said? Anyone here who witnessed it?"

If there are any direct witnesses in the immediate vicinity, Urgrim will ask them to describe their full recollection of the event. Otherwise, on the presumption that this guard doesn't take any issue with what he's said, Urgrim will head directly to the Temple, looking for a priest he knows – Heironymous in particular, but Grigore would also be good.

2020-07-31, 09:31 AM
Sieghard & Elsa, 15th Brauzeit

When Sieghard was done at the Star, Sussman found him to discuss the matter of fortifications. "Nothing fancy," he said, "just something to cover the south side of the town. Maybe a ditch, some sharpened stakes? I'm sure your boys know this business better than I do. Speaking of which, I was wondering if we could post a couple of them as lookouts, towards the hills? Just to let us know if anything's coming."

Back at the fort, Sieghard found Hamlyn sitting up in bed, showing off his bandaged stump. The man seemed to be taking the amputation in stride - but most of the Thorns remained quiet and dejected, much as they'd been the night before. Doing a quick roll-call in his head, Sieghard saw there were four fewer of them than there'd been last night.

Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

"It's been more'n a day now," said the guard. "Sergeant Norten's already let 'em know at the Temple, but you'd be doing us a favour by reminding 'em. Bloody thing's starting to stink." Stepping back out of the shed, he closed the door behind them. "Where should we ask for you if we find the boy?"

The sun was setting as Urgrim made his way through the fire-scarred streets of the Old Town, climbing the winding path up the temple mound. The gates of the temple stood open as usual, the heaps of offerings at the feet of the gods' statues looking slightly larger than usual. The atrium had cleaned up nicely - even in the cracks between the flagstones, no traces of the bloodstains of Geheimnisnacht remained.

Hieronymus was reading in one of the rear rooms; he looked up when Urgrim entered. "Ah!" he said, looking over the top of his spectacles. "Ulgrim, isn't it? Is there something I can do for you?"

2020-07-31, 10:58 AM

Urgrim stopped to think. "I used to bunk at the barracks when the Thorns were there, but I reckon that's your lot's now. The Duke, I suppose. Name's Jotunnsson. If you leave a message and I don't show up after a day, I've probably had to go back south, so you can forget about me."

At the Temple, Urgrim was delighted to find a priest that at least recognised him well enough to get his name wrong. "Father Heironymous! There's much you should know, and I've little time to tell you. I've to get to the castle before I sleep, let alone the Dwimmulhold ..." Weariness was starting to daunt him of making that trip tonight. He shook his head to banish unhelpful thoughts, and pressed on.

"The northerners, the templars are dead. Every soul among them but two. Did you hear about Caerfort? We tracked the Jackal across the swamp. He hit the village. It's gone. All dead, or taken. We followed the enemy, hoped to rescue the survivors. Joined up - with Sieghard's men, and the northerners - and caught up with the Jackal's followers on the hills before Nath. We fought them in the ruins. A disaster. The northerners are dead, the Thorns almost wiped out. And whatever the Jackal wanted out of those ruins, it seems he got it."

Urgrim held up a hand as he paused for breath, not yet finished. "In the fighting, a – a daemon was loosed from the city. After the battle, after we left the ruins, it took over the body of the Commander's horse. I've tracked it for the past few days. It came here, to the city. The horse is dead – the guards at the south gate have the body, they want a priest to look at it. But that was yesterday. The commander fears it could take over another body, so ... I think there's a daemon on the loose in Savonne."

2020-07-31, 11:12 AM

Hieronymus blinked and sat back in his chair. "My goodness," he said quietly. "That's a lot to take in."

After a moment or two, he started shuffling some papers he had beside him. "Come to think of it, I did have a message from the city guard... I'll send Cezar down there right away. You say it was a daemon?" Already the high priest's natural curiosity was getting the better of him. "Can you describe it?"

2020-07-31, 11:26 AM

Urgrim shook his head. "I didn't see it myself, save as a great ball of fire for a moment. We were separated during the fighting. The horse was changed though. Great big teeth. I'm sorry to tell you all this and then run, but as y'can see there's others I need to tell."

2020-07-31, 11:48 AM

"I see," said Hieronymus. "...Great big teeth. That certainly sounds unpleasant."

"I'm sorry to tell you all this and then run, but as y'can see there's others I need to tell."

"Yes, quite. Thank you for informing me," said Hieronymus, rising to see him out. "If you learn anything more, please do let us know - this is all very concerning news." As Urgrim hurried away, he heard the old priest calling for Cezar.

Over at the castle, the first thing Urgrim noticed was a preponderance of soldiers. It looked like the entire Iron Company was in Savonne - he had to practically elbow his way through them to find someone who could take him to the Prince. At first, the Tileans were dismissive, but the mention of Sieghard's name finally got him through.

Sforza was in the solar, studying a map. He looked round as Urgrim was escorted in.

"Yes?" he snapped. "What is it?"

2020-07-31, 01:07 PM

Adelbert was silent for a long time after Ludo spoke, his expression dark. Finally he said: 'What is important is destroying the vampire. Once he's gone for good it won't matter since I'll be going back home to the Empire. The Reaches have brought a few good friends,' He smiled very faintly at Ludo, 'but a lot more disappointment and grief. There isn't any future for me here.'

2020-07-31, 03:20 PM

Sieghard spoke with Hamlyn for a bit before turning to address the Thorns collectively.

"Don't think I don't know what a lot of you are thinking. When you signed up, maybe you did it for gold or for glory or for adventure. Whatever your reason, you didn't expect... well, this. Maybe you're questioning if it was worth it. Or questioning me. Maybe you're wondering if it might be better to just step aside and let the vampire have what it wants rather than risk death fighting against something so monstrous."

"Don't fool yourselves. You saw what happened to the Caerforters. They didn't fight - they couldn't. Even if they had the will to, they didn't have had the means," he said, growing angry just thinking about it. "It didn't save them and it won't save anyone else. That's why we have to fight. This battle is far more important than noblemen squabbling over who rules in Savonne and the threat far more dire even than the orcs who ravaged the surrounding farmsteads last year. The only way this ends is when the vampire is dead."

"I won't run," he said. "I owe to the innocents the vampire has killed and to those who have already given everything fighting against it. For all its power, the bastard still bleeds. We proved that in Savonne the night it attacked the temple. We've fought and suffered and proven it can be beaten. The cost may be high, but we can be beat it, and we can kill it. We can end this, but only if we fight."

Command roll. Using FP's if needed to reroll and/or +10

[roll0] vs 64

2020-08-01, 09:49 AM
Ludo and Adelbert
Ludo shook his head. "If that's how you really feel... but I've never known anyone so willing to turn away from -" he slapped his head, suddenly. "I forgot to say! Aisha was seen in Manaan's Keep a few days ago. I didn't have time to look for her before we headed off to Nath, and I forgot to say."

2020-08-01, 01:08 PM

Adelbert's eyes widened in shock. 'Oh... well that's something. Thanks for the warning, I'll keep my head down when we pass back that way.'

2020-08-01, 02:04 PM
"No, it wasn't meant as a-"

Ludo sighed. "Alright, if you say so."

He stood. "We've all got rooms in the barracks for tonight if you'd rather that to here. I'm going to get some sleep: I want to leave early so it's not too late when we get to Sermena."

Nothing else from Ludo for tonight.

2020-08-01, 02:30 PM
Ludo and Adelbert

'Thanks the barracks sounds fine,' Adelbert replied.

Also pretty much done for the evening.

2020-08-01, 03:51 PM

Urgrim's torso quickly pivoted about his abdomen, paying lip service to an obeisance. "Jotunnsson, Commander Sieghard's ranger, Lord," he said. "I hope you received the Magister's letter of the battle of Nath. Unfortunately I've more bad news. We think a daemon of some sort was released during the battle. It took control of the Commander's horse the following day. I tracked it all the way to the city. The horse is dead now – I spoke to one of Sergeant Norten's guards at the south gate. They're keeping the body so a priest can examine it, it's been changed, mutated. But the Commander feared that if it could take over one thing's body, it could do it again." He gave another almost-bow. "I wanted to let you know that, Lord, and also make myself available if y'have questions about the events at Nath."

2020-08-01, 04:43 PM
Sieghard, 15th Brauzeit

"We're with you, sir," said Ingwald. "This is our home. We're not abandoning it." He hesitated - Sieghard could hear the but forming in his mind. "...It's just, why is always us?"

"It's because of the wizard," said Hanna, darkly. She still looked like she was recovering from the toll taken by her encounter with Tshula-Udiyya, with pale skin and dark circles under her eyes. "She gets some dangerous scheme into her head, and she runs to the Prince and says, can I have the Thorns please?" She turned to Gustaf. "You remember it was her that dragged us down into that goblin warren?"

Gustaf nodded. "And that gods-forsaken library," he added. "Wizards is bad luck. Everyone knows it."

"He wanted her," said Hanna. "Everyone who died back there, died to keep her safe. And she still treats us like her lab rats." She met Sieghard's gaze. "Next time she wants a guard of honour, let's let the Iron Company do it. Or the Brotherhood. Or the bloody ogres." She slumped her shoulders. "Anyone but us."

Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

Sforza gave Urgrim a lizard-like stare, holding his silence just long enough for Urgrim to start to feel uncomfortable. Rising from his seat, he waved to dismiss the men who had escorted the dwarf up.

"I received Hildebrand's message, yes," he said. "And Sieghard's messages before that. The Iron Company is mustering." He looked hard at Urgrim, scrutinising his face. "She mentioned no daemons. What do you mean, it 'was released'? The necromancer has sent it here?"

Konigstag, 19th Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

The next day, Ludo and Adelbert set out for Sermena. The road from Mirino was much as Ludo remembered. It seemed strange, considering how much the Reaches beyond it had changed since he had last been here.

As they drew near to the town, he caught the scent of roasting meat on the wind. For a moment, awful fears filled his head - but as they rounded the shoulder of the hills, he saw it was the ogres, who were roasting a pair of lambs in the village square. A great crowd of Sermena's halflings had gathered round them, offering their culinary tips and chatting with the off-duty archers of the Gamecocks. The ogres seemed to be enjoying their company.

Valdes was in the Rooster, with Nobby, Old Gill, and Ludo's father. Nobby jumped up to embrace Ludo as soon as he saw him; Valdes gave him a comradely nod, while Odo just inclined his head by the barest fraction. Here was the indisputable evidence that his son was an important person, and he was clearly hating it.

"You're alright!" gabbled Nobby. "Did you - I mean, did you find - what happened to those villagers?" He glanced towards Valdes, becoming conscious that maybe he should be letting others do the talking. Still, he'd started now. "We think he's still here - well, not here, but he might come back - he's not gone yet."

When Nobby had trailed off at last, Valdes spoke. "Stubbs, Schreiber," he said. "Good to see you both safe."

2020-08-02, 07:34 AM
Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

"I don't know, Lord," Urgrim said. He racked his brains to recall how the Sforzas had been addressed at the coronation. "I mean, uh, Principessa. I was separated from the Commander and the Magister during the battle. It was a cursed place, there were foul spirits tormenting us apart from the vampire and his minions. It was only the next day when the Commander's horse took the funny turn that he made the guess and sent me after it, Principessa."

2020-08-02, 10:43 AM
Ludo greeted the people around the table with as much composure as he could muster. "Lord-Lieutenant, Nobby, Father..."

It had been more than a year now since he'd seen his father, or communicated with him in any way, and there was a deep, strange knot of emotions in the pit of his stomach. He'd come so close to death, and hadn't really thought about the fact that he would never see his father again, but now... some small part of him was a child again with a scraped knee, running to his father for comfort.

"I... yes, I found out. We... he's still around somewhere? That's good."

He looked at the crowds around them. "Perhaps we can find somewhere more private?"

Invited specifically: Valdez, Nobby, Adelbert, Moltke (as a representative of the knights and local Vampire Specialist).
Not invited: the Thorns or onlookers.
Can come if they want: Gill, Jens, Odo.

Ludo is conveying this list through eye contact and body language, if you get me.

Once they had found a private room, Ludo began by telling the story of what had happened since leaving Nobby at Caerfort, including their journey to Nath, finding the vampire and the people of Caerfort there, and escaping thanks to the accidental release of a daemonic entity, in much the same sombre tones as he had used for Nat. He also reiterated the warnings he had give the Volunteer: that the Jackal was in the ascendency and the south lands should be protected.

And once he was done: "So tell me... you said you thought Klammenberg was nearby?"

2020-08-02, 02:38 PM

The way Sieghard remembered it, most of the deaths had been men who had become separated in the storm and far fewer had died protecting Elsa. He could read the room well enough to not mention that. "No more of her errands," Sieghard agreed.

"It's always us because until now we're the only ones who saw the threat and took it seriously," he said, steering the topic away from Elsa and back to Nahorek. "Hate to say it, but it's the way it is. They won't be able to turn a blind eye to it anymore though."

2020-08-02, 05:24 PM
Adelbert and Ludo

Feeling very self-conscious among Ludo's kith and kin (and Valdes, a henchman of the Tilean of old) Adelbert could barely conceal his relief that Ludo was doing the talking. Still he contributed on any details Ludo was vague about.

'Klammenberg is not the threat his master is, but he is still devoted to the lunantic practice of necromancy... and a certain weasel like cunning. If he is around we'll have to be very careful about keeping things private between the people in this room.'

2020-08-02, 06:13 PM
Sieghard, 15th Brauzeit

Sieghard promising no more of Elsa's errands seemed to go down well. Gustaf and some of the others looked a little doubtful when he said they had been the ones to see the danger, but no-one shot back with any more discontented words.

Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

Sforza gave Urgrim a long, hard stare. Urgrim stared innocently back. Sforza kept staring, waiting for a crack to appear in the dwarf's oblivious facade. Urgrim didn't blink.

"...Principe," said Sforza, after about forty seconds of uncomfortable silence. "The word is principe."

Heaving a sigh, he sat back down. "So now I have a... daemon loose in my city, and where is my wizard? Writing letters." He put his head in his hands. "Cazza madre della Myrmidia..."

Remembering Urgrim was there, he looked up at his guest. "Thank you for your information. You may go."

Ludo & Adelbert, 19th Brauzeit

Jenssen and Old Gill seemed happy to leave the strategising to others, but Ludo's father had always assumed he was the most important person in the room - as they repaired to the snuggery at the back of the Rooster, he followed them and drew up a chair. He listened to Ludo's report from the east with an expression of arch skepticism - but as he saw how seriously Valdes was taking it all, his conviction that his son was telling tall tales started to waver.

"So tell me... you said you thought Klammenberg was nearby?"

Valdes nodded, taking a breath before he began.

"...Your sister remembers nothing about Klammenberg. Not sending you her warning, not even why she was watching for him in the first place. But, it sounds like he has been here. We have multiple witnesses who say they saw in a foreign stranger in town, trying to recruit some of our retired veterans for a venture into the desert."

"Four men went with him. The old Iron Company soldiers, they have had to hear about all Captain Sforza's new conquests second-hand. They feel they have been missing out. So when this man comes along with an adventure... but none of them have come back."

"He might be in league with monsters, but this Klammenberg is still a mortal man," Valdes continued, glancing to Adelbert as if for confirmation. "He can't stay out in the Waste forever, and the only route back to water and shelter passes through here. I have put four squads of lookouts on the north side of the ridge, looking for anyone coming from the desert. If he comes back this way, we will catch him."

2020-08-03, 03:54 AM
Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

"Principe," Urgrim repeated with another abbreviated bow as he took his leave. He wasn't sure what all the silent staring had been about. As half-carved as the rest of them, that manling.

Leaving the keep, he retraced his steps through the North Market as far as the Duke of Aquitaine. Inside, he went straight to the innkeeper. "Have you got any hot food left at this hour?"

Eating what was available – an ale was tempting, but he decided against it on the grounds that it might send him straight to sleep – and sitting in the indoor warmth, Urgrim found some energy returning to him. He approached the innkeeper again with a proposition. "I'd happily pay to spend the night here, but today's work's not done yet. But I'm likely to be in the city a few days, and I need somewhere people can reach me. If you'd be willing to take any messages for Jotunnsson for the next few days, I'll pay you for the trouble." He put five schillings down as an offer.

Shouldering his pack once more with only a little aching complaint from his arms and back, he began the last stretch of the day's long journey, up the Rock to seek an audience with the Rinn.

2020-08-03, 06:56 AM

"'Course, sir," said the innkeeper, scooping the schillings into his apron. "Jotunssson, you said it was?" He pronounced the name pretty well for a human. "I'll have the boy make you up a room."

A fitful westerly wind was blowing over the rooftops as Urgrim headed out into the gathering dusk, making the Iron Company banners over the castle gates flutter and flap. It blew against Urgrim's back as he made the tiring climb up to the gates of the Dwimmulhold, wrapping his travelling cloak around the back of his legs. The long days of summer were over, and there was a chill to the air that felt sharp and new.

Inside the hold, Urgrim was received as a friend of the clan. Skorgrund was apparently already asleep - at his age, the white-bearded loremaster was very particular about his rest - so the Rinn received him alone. She was dressed simply from a day's work overseeing the mine, and the room she received him in was just another side-chamber in the upper level. It would have been easy for him to forget he was in the presence of nobility - though he supposed by the standards of Barak Varr, Elmendrin would be very minor nobility indeed.

"Good to see you, Jotunnsson," she said. "More news for us, I hear? We've seen the princeling is mustering his army in the low town."

2020-08-03, 07:37 AM
19th Brauzeit
The last time Herr Klammenberg walked into the desert was on Hexensnacht when it expanded," Ludo said. "That was when the Jackal was first released, we think. I don't know what he's doing there but it might not be safe to just let him do it."

"The sentries have a long view? Hopefully he won't think to cast his forgetfulness spell until he's closer to town and they've had a chance to warn us from outside its range... but we need to be doing regular patrols. Somebody goes to them every hour and tries to jog their memory, asks if they've seen him..."

He reached into his pack and pulled out a few tattered posters of Klammenberg. "We found that using this was enough to remind people."

And whenever Klammenberg's not on screen, everyone should be asking "where's Klammenberg?"

Hope it's okay for Ludo to have kept a couple of Wanted posters.

2020-08-03, 08:18 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

Valdes took the grimy poster and straightened it out. Looking down at the faded woodcut of Klammenberg's face, he glanced up at Adelbert. "He looks a little like you, padre," he said. He paused. "I'll see this gets to the lookouts."

"You can see for miles from the north side of the hills," said Nobby, "when it's clear. Been a bit hazy lately, though - the wind's raising a lot of dust."

"The enemy brought a dust storm down on us in Nath," said Moltke. "This... could be his work as well."

"Sorry, my dear," said Odo, leaning abruptly forwards in his chair, "who are you? A friend of Ludo's?" He looked around the assembled group. "With all due respect, I'm not how a slip of a girl such as yourself knows so much about necromancers."

Moltke drew herself up, assuming an aristocratic hauteur that would have done Irene proud. "My name is Kateryn Moltke, of the Stirland Moltkes," she said, "and a sworn member of Morr's Knights of the Raven."

"Oh," said Odo. "Well, um... carry on."

"We could try to track him," said Valdes, returning the conversation to Ludo, "but he has quite a head start, and we don't know where he was headed. The wives of the men who went with him say he claimed to have some kind of... treasure map, but they didn't see it themselves."

2020-08-03, 09:48 AM
Ludo, 18th Brauzeit
Ludo managed to shoot Moltke a look of glowing appreciation for puncturing his father's pomposity. "The last time the desert expanded was the Jackal's awakening, and there's some records of that happening the last time he was active, thousands of years ago... there's some idea of him being thirsty, of drinking the desert. He also caused a disease that caused thirst in its victims in Savonne... Which reminds me - has there been any disease here?"

"We can make some guesses as to where he went. Last time it was the Red Pyramid... this time, maybe there again, or the ruins to the south of that. Or perhaps he's trying to get all the way through the desert to the north, or the ruined villages, Greasy Drop or Turnpik. There's not much reason for him to do that - last we saw him was outside Ravenskird - but it's not impossible."

2020-08-03, 10:00 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

"Which reminds me - has there been any disease here?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary," said Valdes. He looked over to Odo. "Right?"

"Right," said Odo. "This is Last Water, not the city. We have healthy people here."

"We can make some guesses as to where he went. Last time it was the Red Pyramid... this time, maybe there again, or the ruins to the south of that. Or perhaps he's trying to get all the way through the desert to the north, or the ruined villages, Greasy Drop or Turnpike. There's not much reason for him to do that - last we saw him was outside Ravenskird - but it's not impossible."

"There's been no trade on the north road since the new year," said Odo, brusquely cutting across his son. "Path's gone. Impassable. If those Raven Hills fellows can't make the journey, I don't see how this northerner is supposed to do it with four old men." He shook his head. "If he has gone into the desert - if, mind - then surely he'll have gone somewhere close. Stands to reason."

2020-08-03, 10:08 AM
"He made it through the swamp on his own," Ludo said, with a slightly forced mildness. "But is there anywhere closer than those ruins?"

2020-08-03, 10:15 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

The impromptu council looked around at one another.

"On every map I've seen the desert is just a desert," said Valdes. "What ruins are these?"

"The pillars," said Nobby. "You can - you could see them from the north road sometimes, in summer. Just some old ruins out in the Waste."

"He already woke the Jackal," said Valdes. "He can't wake two jackals, can he?"

2020-08-03, 10:40 AM
"The jackal went to Nath to search it for something, perhaps there's a weapon or something that he's searching for... Nobby, could you get Gill for us? If anyone knows the old history around here, he will."

When Gill arrives, Ludo will ask him generally about "treasure" in the desert or any old stories about the ruins.

2020-08-03, 01:11 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

Nobby hurried out to return with Gill. Walking slowly with the help of his stick, the ancient halfling settled into the comfiest chair, next to the unlit fireplace, and listened to Ludo's questions.

"'Fraid that's older history than I am, young Stubbs," he said. "Those ruins have always been there. Why, when I was just a sprog, my granny would tell me there was whole towns and cities out there under the sand, from back when the Waste was green. Appearin' and disappearin' as the dunes shift over 'em."

"'Course, there's a few folks gone looking for it, over the years. I remember a fellow back when I was a young thing like yourself. Trader on the desert road, head full of bold ideas, saw the ruins off to the west and tried to reach 'em. Said he could see the ruins standing by a silver lake, but as he walked towards them they retreated further and further away away. Ran out of water and had to be rescued by one of our caravans. Taught him not to trust the desert, for certain."

"Last lot I heard went out there was some tall folk out of Greasy Drop - must've been four, five years back?" He shrugged. "Never heard if they found anything. They might not've made it back - the Raven Hills folk don't take kindly to people poking about in the Waste."

2020-08-04, 05:13 AM

"'Course, sir," said the innkeeper, scooping the schillings into his apron. "Jotunssson, you said it was?" He pronounced the name pretty well for a human. "I'll have the boy make you up a room."

"Don't put him to any trouble tonight – I expect I'll be sleeping up the Rock. But thanks," Urgrim replied with an affable nod. He took a deep breath. "Right. The last of my day's endeavours." He rapped a knuckle on the bar to punctuate the declaration as he straightened up. "Good night t'you."

A fitful westerly wind was blowing over the rooftops as Urgrim headed out into the gathering dusk, making the Iron Company banners over the castle gates flutter and flap. It blew against Urgrim's back as he made the tiring climb up to the gates of the Dwimmulhold, wrapping his travelling cloak around the back of his legs. The long days of summer were over, and there was a chill to the air that felt sharp and new.

Inside the hold, Urgrim was received as a friend of the clan. Skorgrund was apparently already asleep - at his age, the white-bearded loremaster was very particular about his rest - so the Rinn received him alone. She was dressed simply from a day's work overseeing the mine, and the room she received him in was just another side-chamber in the upper level. It would have been easy for him to forget he was in the presence of nobility - though he supposed by the standards of Barak Varr, Elmendrin would be very minor nobility indeed.

"Good to see you, Jotunnsson," she said. "More news for us, I hear? We've seen the princeling is mustering his army in the low town."

Good to see you. The pleasantry, even just as etiquette, echoed in a twitch of muscles in his chest. Did it feel good to be back in a hold where he was made feel welcome at the gates, after all that had happened the past week? Urgrim was almost too tired to assess his emotions to decide. He bowed to Elmendrin – a proper bow, not the awkward appeasement he'd shown Sforza.

"Thank you for receiving me so late, Rinn. Unfortunately, it's news I thought I ought not delay getting to you. Myself and my companions in the princeling's efforts against the zangunaz have suffered a grave setback, a grave defeat."

He descibed for Elmendrin the recent events in detail, beginning with the arrival of the Templars of Morr, and the dashing of his (perhaps unwarranted) hopes that their leaders would take the threat more seriously than Sforza had. He described staking out marsh-lights in the swamp, and visiting decrepit and abandoned Rivermouth. The awful week of tracking across the horrid mere, only made bitterer by the revelation of the fate of Caerfort. That recollection was difficult. He had to pause a little while after recounting it. The chase across the southern hills, and holding camp above the cursed city while waiting for the expedition to arrive, and the battle itself, with its ghosts and sands and hopelessness and confusion.

As an epilogue to their utter defeat, he appended what the other scant survivors had said – that only the intervention of a daemon had permitted them any hope of escape. That the same daemon had subsequently followed them from the ruins, attempted to possess one human and succesfully possessed the commander's horse, and how he'd tracked the beast to the low town, and warned the priests and princeling of its presence.

There's one other thing, Rinn." Urgrim took a breath and steeled himself. "In truth, I'm actually glad I get to say this just for your ears, without Skorgrund here – o'course, you'll do with the knowledge what you decide, which I've no quarrel with, but it just makes saying it for the first time easier. Still, I ... my duty compels me to tell this to you, just as your duty informs what you'll do then.

"Þegn Sieghard ... Þegn Sieghard has the runic spear which slew the Black Hound in the previous war. I've seen it, I've seen the dammaz rune etched onto it. He hurt the zangunaz with it in the ruins. They – the humans, and Ludo Stubbs – they've had it for a while, but didn't trust me enough to tell me before. They found it in the ruins the humans call Kheneb-Ptra-Urush, which I believe were the city named Zaraz Irkul to your clan's ancestors. They had previously told me that they'd spoke to an uzkular there, an ancient priestess of the people the Black Hound enslaved. It was she who first told them of the dangers of the Book of Nagash.

"Þegn Sieghard went to great lengths to impress on me that he's not even told the princeling of the existence of such a weapon. I believe him. He asked me not to tell the Dwimmulsons either, to keep the secret, but ... their ways are not our ways. My duty ... is to tell you." Urgrim's eyes fell as he grappled with his commitments. "But, Rinn, if I may be ... if I may risk understepping – he's the best person, human or dwarf, to hold it, and wield it, until the war is done. What was created in friendship once might find power through friendship again. In fact, I'm not so sure it was just a runelord's creation. There're human touches to it, as well as dawi, and something like human runes ..."

When the Rinn had had time to consider that news, Urgrim continued. "Stubbs and I, since a little after the zangunaz attack on the low town, have been considering going back to the ruins of Kheneb, of Zaraz Irkul. We thought it's probably one of the only places we could learn something about the past war, find something that might help us. And now I know that's where they got the spear, I'm even keener. The fire witch had previously asked the princeling for warriors to take an expedition there – without, I fully expect, telling him the full truth – but he'd no interest. Right or wrong, though, umgi wouldn't be much good exploring the city, not while it's thronged with uzkular. But Stubbs, uh, suggested – well, he said 'each dwarf would be worth ten men down in there'. And he's not wrong. It would cost lives, for sure. But –" Urgrim took another deep breath, his intense discomfort with what he was implying evident. "We're sore lacking in any advantage over the zangunaz, and there's nothing else I can think of with the potential to discover a weakness, risky as it is." That was as much as he could say for the moment. Words failed as he watched how the Rinn reacted.

2020-08-04, 06:41 AM
Adelbert & Ludo

Adelbert nodded thoughtfully at all this. 'I think in absence of anything else we'll have to assume he went to the Red Pyramid originally or eventually. Remember the vampire has been wounded and perhaps weakened. I could see him sending his servant back to his resting abode either to gain something to heal him or perhaps destroy any lingering evidence of his weakness?'

2020-08-04, 08:52 AM
Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

It took some time for Urgrim to finish his tale. Elmendrin sat back in her chair, listening quietly. It was a lot to take in.

When he had finished at last, she exhaled a long breath. “You’ve been of great service to the clan, Jotunnsson,” she said. “I hope one day you can have the happiness of bringing some good news.”

“I don’t know the histories as well as Skorgrund. This spear, Zaraz Irkul… perhaps it will mean more to him. But I do know that if I’m to risk Dwimmulson lives, it has to be for more than blind hope. What is it you know you can find in the marsh, that we don’t already have?” She gave Urgrim a searching look. “The princeling Sforza surely doesn’t intend to let Varag Kol challenge his rulership. If he marches south with all his force, why should we dig up these human tombs, rather than march with him?”

Ludo & Adelbert

Nobby shook his head, looking confused. “It’s been more’n a fortnight since Petra sent me to warn Ludo he was here. Wherever he set out from, he must’ve been on his way long before you folks had your battle.”

“Still,” said Valdes, “if the pyramid was where he went before, it stands to reason it may be where he is heading now. Something he could not carry away the first time?” He looked to Adelbert. “But it helps us little to speculate. He has a considerable head start. Even if we guess correctly and go after him, he could be gone long before we arrive.”

2020-08-05, 12:46 PM
"If he can get to the Red Pyramid, it's a shorter journey to the Raven Hills than it is back here," Ludo said. "There's no reason to suggest he'd come back here if he thought anyone was at all suspicious." He looked at Nobby. "Would he have had any idea Petra knew about him? Or that you left town because of him?"

"Either way, I'm not happy to wait. Are there any trackers around here at the moment? Anyone who could go into the desert and investigate at least the nearer pillars or the Pyramid? I was told... The pyramid isn't a safe place for us to be, so it would have to be at a distance. And if we get that far, we can carry on to the raven hills and warn them there."

2020-08-05, 01:33 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

"If he can get to the Red Pyramid, it's a shorter journey to the Raven Hills than it is back here," Ludo said. "There's no reason to suggest he'd come back here if he thought anyone was at all suspicious." He looked at Nobby. "Would he have had any idea Petra knew about him? Or that you left town because of him?"

Nobby shrugged unhappily. "Petra came straight to me with the letter for you," he said. "I don't know if she thought he saw her. I didn't see him, though."

""Either way, I'm not happy to wait. Are there any trackers around here at the moment? Anyone who could go into the desert and investigate at least the nearer pillars or the Pyramid? I was told... The pyramid isn't a safe place for us to be, so it would have to be at a distance. And if we get that far, we can carry on to the raven hills and warn them there."

"Picking up a trail in the Waste can be a bit like trying to find footprints in the ocean," said Gill. "But as for trackers, as I recall young Samella Mugwort was a bit of a dab hand at stalking birds down by the lake. Think she joined your Captain's archers," he said, turning to Valdes.

"If she's with the Gamecocks, then she's here," said Valdes. He looked to Ludo. "How many people would you need?"

2020-08-06, 05:17 PM
Urgrim, 18th Brauzeit

Urgrim nodded and uh-huh'd as he collected his thoughts carefully. "You're right. There's very little – almost nothing I could say for sure we'd find in Zaraz Irkul. Only the priestess. What troubles me is ..." He sighed. It's, every time we've – the humans and I – faced Varag Kol, we've never been prepared. He's always outplayed us, had some trick. The umgi northerners were meant to be experts at fighting zangunaz, but their battle plan was – well, it got them all killed. We should never have gone into those ruins, but by the time we'd chased him there, we had no other options left. The princeling might be ready to send his army south, but I don't – I just don't know if he really knows what he's doing. He's never seen what Varag Kol can do for himself. How can I know he's not making the same mistake?"

He took a deep breath. "There's got to be something, some way to know how to get an advantage. Varag Kol was beaten before. You're right, Skorgrund should be the first place to start, I shouldn't've ... we should start with your clan records. But if those don't tell us ... by Stubbs' account, the history of the first war is engraved on the very walls of the ruins of Zaraz Irkul. And this priestess was there, could tell us herself what it was like the last time." He ran a hand through his hair. "That's what it is. It's not much. You've made me wonder, myself, if it's anything." He shrugged unhappily. "Standing with the princeling is sensible. I just don't ... I just don't know."

2020-08-06, 05:50 PM

"If the manling prince marches south, he has to win," said Elmendrin gravely. "Clan Dwimmulson can't fight the Black Hound alone. Not if he has the bodies of Sforza's soldiers to swell his army."

She paused, thinking. "I'll bring this to the rest of the clan," she said. "It's a decision we should make as one. I can't see our people trusting the word of an uzkular, but maybe Skorgrund has something in the records that can tell us more about what to expect in Zaraz Irkul." She breathed a heavy sigh. "I wouldn't pin my hopes on it, though, Jotunnsson. In my experience, struggles like these aren't won by magic words or runic spears. They're won by whichever side has the strength to bear the cost - no matter how high."

"Speaking of runic spears, we should call this Sieghard here. If it really is the work of our ancestors, then I'm sure Skorgrund will want to see it," she said. "As will I."

2020-08-06, 06:10 PM

Urgrim nodded. "That's only right, Rinn." In truth he felt a palpable relief that the decision would neither be his, nor rely solely on what Elmendrin thought of him in this instant.

"Sieghard holds the Thornwood in the princeling's name, and commands troops in the south. Or at least, those that survived Nath," he continued. "If Sforza means to send his armies south, that's where Sieghard'll be. He's not likely to come here in defiance of Sforza's orders." He paused. "He's also not likely to come if he perceives you mean to claim the spear from him – however accurate that perception may be. I've told him I don't mean to let that happen," he finished awkwardly.

2020-08-06, 06:13 PM

Elmendrin raised an eyebrow. "I see," she said. "Well, then I suppose we may come to him."

2020-08-07, 04:23 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

Adelbert rubbed at his eyes. He looked tired and careworn. 'It seems whatever we do we stand a chance of missing the necromancer but at this point any scrap of information about the enemy is useful. Those ruins in the desert might give us some clues we are currently missing and under the circumstances they may be as good a guess as any.'

2020-08-07, 06:23 AM
"So... a small group, including trackers and people who've worked in or crossed the desert before," Ludo said. "We're not trying to take him on, just find some evidence of where he went or what he might have been looking for. Right?"

2020-08-07, 06:52 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

Valdes and the others looked around at one another. None of them seemed to have any better ideas.

"Sounds like a wild goose chase to me," harrumphed Odo. "Haring off into the Waste after wizards and warlocks. The important thing is to keep Sermena safe."

"And we will," said Valdes. "You have my word on that." He looked back to Ludo. "If you want to do this, I'll give you what you need - but I want our soldiers back alive. If you can't find him in four days, I want your word that you'll turn back."

2020-08-07, 05:26 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

Urgrim would have welcomed rather more sleep, but nonetheless stirred himself to wakefulness as the Dwimmulhold began its day. A rest in a proper bed, and the prospect of a day in the city, had refreshed him somewhat. For the first time, the immediate aches of his wounds from Nath were not so ever-present. He found Skorgrund in what counted as a good mood, the old coot having been awake for hours already. He filled the elder in on the news from the south, as well as the details of Ludo's proposed expedition to Kheneb-Ptra-Urush; to Skorgrund, Urgrim presented that idea much more neutrally, without indicating his own anguish over the matter, but still highlighting the ancient city's historical relevance.

Leaving the gates of the hold well before noon, upon arrival in the low town he went straight to Tattie's rooms, patiently wielding Beatrix Hildebrand's name to get access to the keep. "What with it looking like Principe's sending his army south, the Magister'd like you to go with them, and start training with her again. She also wants you to bring her stuff – horse, books and clothes. She seemed pretty sure you could handle all that by yourself, but, eh, I could help you hire a cart, or something, if that'd be better?"

"How've you been, anyway? How're you finding the city?" He looked around for Philip and Yuda. "How're the goats?"


In the afternoon, Urgrim passed through the North Market. He stocked back up on rations, and bought a bottle of local spirits. His usquebaugh reserve had taken quite a dent as he and Tilmann had crossed the Bracken Mere. He treated himself to another hot lunch at the Duke when he stopped by on the off chance that the city guard had left a message.

Buying two weeks' rations and a bottle of spirits, assuming that's uncomplicated. I've also deducted the costs of food over the time since Urgrim left Manann's Keep.

Assuming there hasn't been any message for him, his next step for the afternoon is to head for the square near the east gate where Tomas lost control of the horse, and ask around to see if there's anyone there today who witnessed it. I'll try an untrained Gossip: [roll0], [roll1]

2020-08-08, 06:11 AM
Ludo nodded, grateful to have the decision taken out of his hands. "That should let us get to the nearer set of ruins and see if there's something he might be up to there. If he's gone to the Red Pyramid, I wouldn't want to go in there with any number of men."

2020-08-09, 05:29 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

Skorgrund seemed about as concerned by Urgrim’s news as Urgrim would have expected. “All dead, you say? Gazul’s gates, this is what happens when we let the umgi take charge.” He pulled his arthritic fingers through his beard. “You’ve told the Rinn, aye? I’ll speak to her at once. Good day to you, Jotunnsson.”

The venerable loremaster stumped off in search of Elmendrin.

Leaving the gates of the hold well before noon, upon arrival in the low town he went straight to Tattie's rooms, patiently wielding Beatrix Hildebrand's name to get access to the keep. "What with it looking like Principe's sending his army south, the Magister'd like you to go with them, and start training with her again. She also wants you to bring her stuff – horse, books and clothes. She seemed pretty sure you could handle all that by yourself, but, eh, I could help you hire a cart, or something, if that'd be better?"

"How've you been, anyway? How're you finding the city?" He looked around for Philip and Yuda. "How're the goats?"

Tattie seemed a little flustered by Urgrim’s sudden appearance. “Oh, they’re – they’re doing fine,” she said. “The Magister wants me… now? It’s just, I was making good progress with the lady Sforza’s horse, and, um, things.” She hesitated. “Are we supposed to go when the army goes?”


Down in the North Market, Urgrim couldn’t find many people who were willing to help him track the widow’s son – in fact, he could hardly find anyone who’d give him the time of day if he wasn’t putting money in their pocket. The grocers and the grain merchants were all putting up their prices, and unruly crowds of people gathered around each wagon and stall as they squabbled to buy up the last of the harvest. Even the street vendors were having to raise their prices to make ends meet – or else seek cheaper ingredients. You could say what you liked about humans, but you couldn’t say they weren’t enterprising - Urgrim saw a man with a tray selling what he was pretty sure were rats on wooden skewers.

“I’ll tell you what I told that ‘igh-and-mighty doctor feller,” said the fifth stall-holder Urgrim asked. “I’ve not seen no-one who wasn’t here to buy a pie, and if you don’t want one, I don’t want to see you either. Sixpence, genuine meats. Buy one or stop ‘oldin’ up the line.”

Ludo & Adelbert, 19th Brauzeit

“Then we’re agreed,” said Valdes. “I’ll make the arrangements for your supplies.” He paused. “You are a brave man, Stubbs. I’m glad we have you here.”

Odo huffed a little, but didn’t seem to find any sympathy elsewhere in the room.

“You’ll be setting off tomorrow then?” said Gill. “I’m afraid we’re full to the rafters here, what with the soldiers and all. You’ll have to find somewhere else to stay.” He gave Odo a sidelong glance; Adelbert was sure he saw a mischievous twinkle in the old halfling’s eye. “But I’m sure there’s space at the old family place, eh?”

“What?” said Odo, suddenly indignant. It took a beat or two more for him to read the room. “Oh. Well. Yes, I suppose there is.”

“If the señora needs quarters of her own, I will gladly vacate my room until tomorrow,” said Valdes, with a courtly bow towards Moltke. Surprised to be the sudden centre of attention, the young Stirlander’s face reddened with embarrassment. “I can join my men in their tents.”

Moltke mumbled something about that being very kind.


There was a Brotherhood man standing guard outside the door of the Stubbs house, in case Klammenberg returned. Odo gave him about as much acknowledgement as Irene gave her servants; Ludo could practically see the stormclouds hovering over his father’s head.

Petra was looking well, if a little confused by all the comings and goings in the town. When she saw Ludo, she leapt up to give him a hug – but just as Nobby had said, she seemed to have no memory of Klammenberg. Even Ludo’s trusty woodcut seemed to spark no recognition – she couldn’t remember seeing him, or sending her letter, or even when or why she had been warned to look out for him. The hole in her memory clearly troubled her.

“Don’t worry yourself, Petra,” said Odo sourly. “Your brother’s having another great adventure off into the desert. We can all get a good look at this Klammenberg character after he’s brought him back.”

Angestag, 20th Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

The next morning, Valdes was as good as his word. He had rustled them up four mules to carry water and tents, and two guides. The first was young Sam Mugwort, clearly there under orders and looking far from keen about the whole endeavour. The second was Meradell Duckweed, an older halfling who had made the Raven Hills run for the family mine before the desert swallowed the road. Ludo didn’t know her very well, but his father had always spoken well of her nose for a deal.

Odo and Petra were among the crowd that had gathered to see them off. Ludo’s father still looked as if someone was forcing him to swallow a lemon, but held his silence. Much as he might like to, the proof that people in high places considered Ludo’s ‘adventure’ important was far too overwhelming to deny.

2020-08-10, 03:55 PM
Leaving Adelbert and Rilke to lead the process of loading the mules, Ludo crossed back to his family, checking they were sufficiently isolated to have some sort of private conversation.

He cleared his throat, and turned to his father. "I'll probably be back in a week or so. I'm not going to get into a fight if I can avoid it so this shouldn't be goodbye but... I'm sorry. I was... We didn't part on good terms. And then I didn't try to find you the next time I was here. That was... that was rude of me."

"I've... I've nearly died several times since we last met. And I saw what happened to an isolated village like this when the Jackal went there. That could have been me, or that could have been you. So... I wanted to apologise, for my part in this... in what's between us."

2020-08-10, 05:09 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

Odo's manner remained stiff. The elder Stubbs didn't really have the emotional vocabulary to respond to Ludo's sincere apology - but Ludo was sure he saw a flicker of something cross his father's face when he mentioned that he'd nearly died.

"You don't have to be doing this," he said. "Any of it. Chasing off into the desert after wanted men, hunting... shadows out of old stories. It's not what Stubbses do." His tone was as indignant as usual, but there was a crack in it that Ludo hadn't heard before. "Look around you, Ludo! The Prince has got hundreds of soldiers. He's got ogres, he's got a bloody wizard to do this kind of thing for him. I've only got one son."

2020-08-11, 02:22 PM
"I... They're all someone's son too," Ludo said, a catch in his own voice too. "I'm in charge! I didn't want to be, I didn't know I was going to be, we just tried to make some money and... and now I'm the best person to be dealing with this. So many of my friends... but i'm the best person to protect them."

2020-08-11, 04:46 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

"Really?" demanded Odo. "The wellbeing of a pack of sellswords, that's why you've turned your back on your own family? They're not even from around here!" Now he seemed to feel he was on more familiar ground. "You could be somebody, Ludo. Sermena needs you to be somebody, I need you to be somebody. But instead you'd rather go off... fighting dragons, or whatever it is you think you're doing." He paused for a moment or two, fuming. "If you want me to give my blessing to this venture of yours, I won't do it. I mean listen to yourself! 'The best person to be dealing with this'? You don't believe that, you're still just trying to prove the same damn fool point you have been since you were a boy." He shook his finger at Ludo. "Don't you think I don't see what you're doing, Ludo Stubbs, because I do."

2020-08-12, 12:20 PM
"They... they are my family now. Soldiers say everyone's their brother but... that's how I feel. That's really what it's like. And I'm the only person that can look after them properly. I'm not the only person who can look after Sermena, give it a few years and Petra will be mayor. I don't... I don't care about making something of myself any more. I just want to help."

"And I don't need your blessing. Of course I want you to be proud of me, but... well, there's lots of things I want that I won't get, and I just have to live with it, don't I?"

I think a Charm test is relevant here, but it's sort of a strange one: Ludo isn't conciously trying to sell his father on anything, but I want to see if his sincerity will come through. [roll0] vs 82

2020-08-12, 03:43 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

Odo looked baffled, and frustrated that he was feeling baffled, and angry that he was feeling frustrated. He squeezed his hands into fists, but he couldn't seem to think of anything to say.

Petra broke the silence by stepping forward and wrapping Ludo in a tight hug. "Come home safe, Ludo," she said into his shoulder. "That's all we're asking."

She stepped back, leaving an open space between Odo and his son. Compressing his lips into a tight line, Odo seemed to think for a while about whether to follow suit. In the end he settled for a hand on Ludo's shoulder.

"We'll talk more when you get back," was all he could bring himself to say. "You will come back. That's an order from your father."

2020-08-12, 04:25 PM
Ludo almost burst out laughing and clapped his own hand on his fathers. This was clearly as far as physical affection got. "Of course. Direct order from my father."

He cleared his throat awkwardly and stepped back. "I should go. Looks like they're ready... I'm holding everyone up."

"I have a favour to ask. If Valdez tells you to leave the town, or... to stay inside, or anything like that, you need to help people do what he says. You've seen how serious this is, and everyone else round here respects you. If you take his instructions seriously, so will everyone else."

"Look after each other."

And with that, he turned to leave.

Ludo's not going to push the issue of his favour, and will leave even if it's refused.
I think that's everything?

2020-08-12, 04:53 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

Back by the Rooster, the others were waiting. Adelbert, Moltke, Jenssen, three thorns, two halflings and four mules, each of them laden down with water for the journey. Last year, Ludo would have thought it seemed like a lot of effort to catch one man. Now it hardly seemed enough.

"Wish I could come with you," said Nobby, "but Gill says he needs me back behind the bar. Lot of soldiers to keep fed, and Molly's been burning the stew."

"I'll accompany you as far as our pickets," said Valdes, mounting a horse of his own. "Remember, if you can't find him in four days, you're to turn back. I won't have it said I sent men to die of thirst."

"Glad to hear you say that, sir," said Jens, tightening the harness on one of the mules. He didn't look quite so keen on the expedition as Moltke, who had been wearing an expression of grim determination all morning. "Very glad indeed."

Wellentag, 22nd Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

The desert road snaked out through the hills that ringed Last Water, past the mines and out onto the arid slopes that faced north towards the Waste. Ludo remembered playing here in the wild country as a child, swordfighting with sticks and catching the glossy black beetles that lived among the hardy shrubs. Now those same bushes poked out of drifts of dust, the pale sands lapping at the lower slopes like a rising tide. It was easy to imagine that tide sweeping up over the crater rim, swallowing Sermena and the green meadows of Last Water under a lifeless sea of sand.

There wasn’t much to go on to show them which way Klammenberg had gone, but at Sam’s suggestion they tried to follow the route of the old north road. Though half-buried under the shifting sands, it offered firmer ground beneath their feet and a few recognisable landmarks to follow. If they were lucky, perhaps Klammenberg would have thought the same way.

The character of the Waste had changed since Ludo and Adelbert had last come this way. When they had journeyed down with Baldred, the desert had seemed desolate but peaceful. Now it was anything but; the dust-laden wind whipped across their path, their legs aching from trudging through the drifts of sand it pushed before it. It was not as hot as the Waste could be in high summer, but the nights were bitterly cold, making them huddle close to one another for warmth. In the whisper of the wind around their campfires, Ludo thought he could hear voices - the voices of men and women he knew they had lost at Nath. He did his best to shut them out.

On the twenty-first, they found the remains of a campfire that Sam said was recent, already disappearing under layers of wind-blownsand. On the twenty-second, they found another, sheltered in the lee of a weathered rock. Shielding her eyes against the wind, Meradell peered out to the west.

“If they were heading for the pillars, they ought to have turned off here,” she said. “This is where we’d see them from most often, when we saw them at all.” She looked to Sam. “Can you tell which way they went?”

Sam shrugged. “I’m not a wizard,” she said. She gestured vaguely out at the shifting dunes. “Leave a print in this, it’s gone in an hour.”

Meradell looked to Ludo. “You really think he went out there?” she asked. “Most tall folk on this road, if I heard they’d gone out into the high desert, I wouldn’t be betting on them coming back.”

2020-08-13, 04:28 AM
"Can you tell how old those camps were?" Ludo asked. "He's not... he's been through the desert before but I don't know how well he could survive out here. I think he's from the empire, they don't have deserts there, do they?"

2020-08-13, 04:33 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

"Not that I heard of," said Meradell. "But he's got four retired Iron Company with him, right? Don't know how experienced they are with the Waste, but old soldiers ought to know their way around surviving in the great outdoors."

"The campfires are cold," said Sam. "More than a day, less than a week? Can't really say better than that."

2020-08-13, 05:48 AM
"That's more recent than I was expecting, at least." Ludo said thoughtfully. "I thought he left town nearly two weeks ago..."

"Alright, here's a plan. Let's camp here tonight: tomorrow morning, Sam, Moltke, Jens, Rilke and two of your squad carry on along the road. If you find any evidence he kept going that way, turn back round. I'm not planning on playing silly buggers with Valdez's instructions, so if you haven't found anything by the end of the day, turn round and come back to here. The rest of us are going to stay here, search this area, and keep an eye out for the pillars: maybe move closer if we see them. We'll leave a note here if we go anywhere - you can read, right, Moltke? What I'm hoping is that we can at least figure out whether he turned off here or headed north, and keep an eye out for him if he starts coming back."

2020-08-13, 12:53 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

"Might be he's already been and gone," said Jenssen. "We got any proof he left these comin' rather than goin'?"

No-one had any better plan than Ludo's. They passed another cold desert night huddled in the lee of the rock, making a small fire of their own from what was left of what they assumed was Klammenberg's. Moltke pulled her travelling cloak tight around her, gazing into the flickering flames. Jens sat by the edge of the light, sharpening his axe. The regular rhythm of the whetstone offered a quiet counterpoint to the erratic moaning of the wind.

Aubentag, 23rd Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

Morning broke bright and hazy over the Waste. The wind had died down a little during the night, and the rising sun quickly banished the cold. Gathering their effects and shouldering waterskins, Moltke and the others set off north along the road, looking for any more signs that Klammenberg had been this way.

Left behind, Ludo, Adelbert and Meradell combed the surrounding sands for evidence, but there was precious little to find. Scrambling up the rock, Ludo peered out over the dunes. From up here he could see for miles - but he saw no sign of his quarry.

The sun was still fierce; by midday, the sands had been soaking up its heat long enough that the horizon seemed to shimmer and ripple. Squinting out to the west, Ludo thought he could see tall shapes rising out of the heat haze, dark pillars above a silver lake - but the image was inconstant, wavering in and out of view like smoke from a chimney...

Sieghard & Elsa

By the time Sforza's messenger rode into Manann's Keep on the twenty-third, the ditch protecting the south side of the town was complete. It had taken some work to convince Lottie Cinderhill and the other refugees to work alongside the soldiers who had burned their homes (or so they said), but fortunately that was Steffan Sussman's specialty - and in the end, the promise of pay and hot meals conquered all. Now a deep trench spanned the bend of Evatt's moat, the earth that had been excavated from it piled up into a chest-high rampart behind.

Whether it would be necessary was another question. The lookouts Sieghard had posted had reported no movement from the Dead Hills, though dark clouds still hung over the hilltops in the direction of Nath. The flood of people pre-emptively leaving the town had slowed to a trickle, and some had even begun to return - though Elsa suspected her attempts to reassure the populace had done more harm than good. The proprietor of the Star of Marienburg had even asked her to stop trying to make conversation at the bar, as she was "scaring the customers".

Her heart wasn't in it to begin with. Whether waking or sleeping, her thoughts kept straying back to Nath - to Mala's ultimatum, to the red eyes of Nakht-Horeb shining behind his onyx mask, to the remains of Morrslieb in his wicker cage. In her dreams, she felt her old familiar's phantom weight on her shoulder - but when she looked round, all she saw was the awful puppet that had been made of his corpse.

The messenger was a welcome distraction. He rode into town early in the morning, bearing typically terse orders from the Prince. Sussman, Sieghard and Elsa read them together in the hall of Evatt's fort.

Hold your position as best you can. Protect our people and property in the south, but do not offer battle. The army musters at Savonne to reinforce.

"I can't stay long," said the messenger. "I have more orders I need to bring west, to Lord Valdes. Can you give me a fresh horse?"

"Oh of course, of course, right away," said Sussman. "Did, ah - did the Prince say how long he was going to be? With these reinforcements?"

The man shrugged. "He'd already called the Iron Company back before your last message arrived. If I had to guess, I'd say he'd be here soon. But don't ask me."

2020-08-13, 02:17 PM
The flood of people pre-emptively leaving the town had slowed to a trickle, and some had even begun to return - though Elsa suspected her attempts to reassure the populace had done more harm than good. The proprietor of the Star of Marienburg had even asked her to stop trying to make conversation at the bar, as she was "scaring the customers".
It's probably Khalida having that effect, thought Elsa. Yes. Must be it. People don't like snakes.

With Sieghard still acting standoffish and her other friends absent, she felt awfully lonely in Manann's Keep, and could only hope Tatiana would be here soon. Every day, she had to resist the urge to inform Lottie that her adopted daughter was (hopefully) on the way; she did not want to disappoint her if the girl did not come after all. The wait would make the surprise all the sweeter for both Lottie and Tattie.

Her dreams of Morrslieb's desecrated body only made her more sullen than she already was. She was determined to make Nahorek pay for it, but bitterly regretted that the vampire did not have anyone dear to him who she could take away from him and taunt him with. The best she could hope to do was frustrate his plans by killing his disposable minions. Being a monster with no feelings for anyone certainly had its advantages...

23rd Brauzeit

Elsa breathed out in relief when Sforza's orders did not include anything about her returning to Manann's Keep at once. She would hate to lose an opportunity to reunite Tattie and Lottie, if only for a day or two.

2020-08-13, 08:36 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

Adelbert squinted at the wavering images in the distance until his eyes hurt. Somehow when he'd read about the desert he'd always assumed it would be clean and clear, completely unlike Grenzstadt where the mist rolled in from the mountains blanketing the city streets at times. The mirages and heat hazes seemed positively taunting towards him.

'They could be minutes away - or weeks. We'll never know until we set out,' he said to Ludo. 'Let's wait until the sun is descending at least; I'd sooner trust my senses in dusk than midday.'

2020-08-14, 09:54 AM

Work was nearing completion on the trench when Sieghard approached Lottie Cinderhill. He didn't expect her attitude towards him to be any better than it had been in Ravenskird, but there was a question nagging at him. He had to at least try to get an answer.

"Can't say I expected to see you here," he said, "If you don't mind my asking, what was it that convinced you to stop following the madman?"

Probably a long shot, but let's try this. Untrained charm vs 27 and a reroll.


2020-08-15, 10:15 AM
Ludo shook his head. "I don't want to waste time, or to go there in the dark."

He turned to Meredell. "About how far away are they, would you say? Could we get there by nightfall?"

2020-08-15, 11:30 AM
Ludo & Adelbert, 23rd Brauzeit

Meradell gave an uneasy shrug. "I've never tried to get out there," she said. "It looks close enough... but the desert plays tricks with distance."

Sieghard & Elsa, 23rd Brauzeit

"I do mind, actually" said Cinderhill, not looking up from her work. "I'm being paid to dig, not talk to thugs."

2020-08-15, 12:04 PM

Sieghard shrugged. That was about the response he had expected.

"Whatever your reason, you're better off," he said, turning away. "That man will bring nothing but death. Gods help those who stayed with him."

2020-08-15, 03:54 PM
Urgrim, 19th BrauzeitTattie seemed a little flustered by Urgrim’s sudden appearance. “Oh, they’re – they’re doing fine,” she said. “The Magister wants me… now? It’s just, I was making good progress with the lady Sforza’s horse, and, um, things.” She hesitated. “Are we supposed to go when the army goes?”

"Aye, she doesn't want you travelling alone, at any rate." Urgrim dithered on the spot for a moment. "Sorry to spring this on you like that. I know it can't feel like the most predictable life you've got yourself into, right now. Doesn't feel much like one for me either, truth be told. You, eh," he started, and then seemed unsure how to continue. "It's not the sort of thing you always get a lot of choice over." He'd thought Elsa was young, saddled with responsibilities her innocence didn't deserve, but in comparison to Tatianna he could now see Elsa was at least an adult human. This young woman in front of him was obviously a child. He had no idea how to talk to her about the circumstances they were in. "Well. You need any help, you let me know – I'll be in the city for a few days at least."

Down in the North Market, Urgrim couldn’t find many people who were willing to help him track the widow’s son – in fact, he could hardly find anyone who’d give him the time of day if he wasn’t putting money in their pocket. The grocers and the grain merchants were all putting up their prices, and unruly crowds of people gathered around each wagon and stall as they squabbled to buy up the last of the harvest. Even the street vendors were having to raise their prices to make ends meet – or else seek cheaper ingredients. You could say what you liked about humans, but you couldn’t say they weren’t enterprising - Urgrim saw a man with a tray selling what he was pretty sure were rats on wooden skewers.

“I’ll tell you what I told that ‘igh-and-mighty doctor feller,” said the fifth stall-holder Urgrim asked. “I’ve not seen no-one who wasn’t here to buy a pie, and if you don’t want one, I don’t want to see you either. Sixpence, genuine meats. Buy one or stop ‘oldin’ up the line.”

"Go on then, give us one" Urgrim said, handing over sixpence. He'd probably eaten worse. Even if it was rat, the crust at least provided plausible deniability. "What doctor fellow? Not one of the priests?"

2020-08-15, 04:06 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

"Well. You need any help, you let me know – I'll be in the city for a few days at least."

"Right," said Tatiana, not looking the least bit reassured. "Uh... thanks."

"Go on then, give us one" Urgrim said, handing over sixpence. He'd probably eaten worse. Even if it was rat, the crust at least provided plausible deniability. "What doctor fellow? Not one of the priests?"

The pie-seller took Urgrim's money, and handed over a piece of grey pastry. Nibbling cautiously on the corner, Urgrim found the filling was mostly gristle.

"Some high panjandrum from the castle. Bald feller, shiny head, told me he was her majesty's physician. As if I care. Was asking damn fool questions about some serving girl, just like you are 'bout this boy. Now be on your way, there's folk behind you waiting."

2020-08-15, 04:14 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

At a loss for the trail of the widow's son, Urgrim left the square and headed for the shed where the horse corpse had been interned. At least a guard there might know a little more.

Whatever Bianco's up to sounds like potential for hilarity, but Urgrim's uninterested in such umgi affairs. As mentioned, he'll go back to the shed to ask if any of the guards were witnesses to the scene with the horse and the lad – and whether a priest's come yet.

2020-08-15, 04:23 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

Finding his way back to the shed, Urgrim found two of Norten's men on guard - though neither were the man he had spoken to before. They were reluctant at first to let him in, until a pair of black-robed figures emerged from inside - Cezar and one of the young Morrite initiates, who looked like he'd seen more than he wished to see.
"Your commander is right," said Cezar to one of the soldiers on guard. "Burn the carcass and bury the ashes outside the walls. There's nothing more we can do here." He looked round as he noticed Urgrim. "Herr... Jotunnsson, isn't it? Good to see you."

2020-08-15, 04:32 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

"Father ... Cezar, isn't it?" Urgrim managed. "Unpleasant business," he said, nodding towards the interior. "Part of me still hopes to find the poor lad who brought the beast into the city, but there's not much trace of him. You think it's, ehm, as we feared?"

Don't need to drag this on too long, as I think Urgrim's tracking efforts have failed for today. I'm happy to move things back to the Dwimmulhold for the clan meeting after this.

2020-08-16, 05:02 AM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

"I only know what I have been told, and what we have seen with our own eyes," said Cezar. "But I am certain the touch of Chaos is on that poor animal." He shook his head. "I'll talk to Father Hieronymus as soon as possible. We need to find this boy."


It was late in the day by the time Elmendrin had assembled all of the elders of Clan Dwimmulson for her council. Besides herself and Skorgrund, Urgrim recognised the merchant Zamalind. Then there was Hegrom, the master stonemason; Moradin, the master gemcutter, and Grunlok, the foreman of the mines. Between them they represented all the great and the good of the clan.

“Jotunnsson,” said Skorgrund. He had several books with him, stacked up on the table above the height of his own head, and the look in his eye of a greybeard looking for something to grumble about. “You took your time.”

“Welcome, friend Jotunnsson,” said Elmendrin. “Please, have a seat.”

As Urgrim seated himself, she turned back to the others. “The question before us is this,” she said. “The blood-drinker has made his stronghold in the southern hills, and has defeated the first force the humans sent against him. Now their prince is mustering his army in full, and means to march south to defeat the Black Hound himself. Does Clan Dwimmulson march alongside him, or do we seek another way?”

Pulling the first book down off the top of his stack, Skorgrund heaved it open. It was an old volume, and dust swirled up as he turned the pages. Clearing his throat at length, the loremaster spoke.

“Young Jotunnsson here’s… friends among the Prince’s army claim to have found a rune weapon in the ruins of Zaraz Irkul. I have looked for it in the annals; if it is as he describes, then I believe it is the weapon called Zonbrynaz, forged by our ancestors for the manling king who fought alongside them against Varag Kol. It was struck with a rune of vengeance against the vampire, and blessed by the humans’ priests with the sun’s hatred for his kind.” He turned another page, and jabbed a stubby finger at the runes there. “When Varag Kol fell, in the great battle upon the western plain, it was Zonbrynaz that struck him down. The record states that without our ancestors’ craft, the battle might well have swung the other way.”

The assembled Dwimmulsons nodded their heads approvingly.

“We must make certain that the weapon discovered by Jotunnsson’s associates is genuine,” said Elmendrin. “For that reason, I am asking Skorgrund to travel south and meet with this ‘Sieghard’ who holds it - but Sforza’s army won’t wait for us.” She looked to Urgrim. “The weapon was found in Zaraz Irkul. Jotunnsson’s associates believe there may be more to find there that will help us against the Hound… including, they say, an uzkular that could speak.”

A murmur of disquiet ran around the council.

“After Varag Kol’s defeat, his treasures were divided among the manling cities of the river,” said Skorgrund, still reading from his book. “To Zhufund, his crown; to Zaraz Irkul, his book; and to far Yar Urbaz, his staff. It seems Zonbrynaz found its way to Zaraz Irkul too… and we know that both it and the book are no longer there. Beyond the testimony of this uzkular“ - he spat on the floor - “I don’t know what there is of value to take from this manling tomb. Or what better weapon we could hope for than the blade our ancestors made.”

“Elder Skorgrund is right,” said Grunlok. “Why would we trust the word of a dead thing? The dead serve the enemy.” He shook his head. “We should march south with the Prince. Put this deathless dog down once and for all.”

“March with what throng?” said Moradin. “We lost many of our best fighters in the first siege. More of our best rangers in the expedition to the Waste. Sforza may be our ally for now, but what happens when this is over, if he sees that we are weak?” Grunlok and Skorgrund glared at him, but he stood his ground, throwing up his hands. “It’s the truth! The Rock still bears the scars where the humans who followed the elf tried to break into our mines. It could happen again.”

“He has a point,” said Hegrom, stroking his beard. “The Prince’s army is strong. We would achieve little adding our force to it. But knowledge can win wars. If this uzkular knows something about the enemy that we don’t, we should question it. We can judge for ourselves whether to believe its answers.”

“Is there any reason we can’t do both?” asked Zamalind. “Digging up old human ruins doesn’t sound like it needs an army.”

“I believe the ruins are still defended,” said Elmendrin. She looked to Urgrim. “How many dwarfs would you require?”

2020-08-16, 12:33 PM
Ludo looked to Adelbert. "I don't know about you, but this is a fight I don't want to pick. I say we stay here on lookout."

2020-08-18, 03:44 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

"If you have any luck," Urgrim said to Cezar, "I'd be grateful if you'd leave word for me at the Duke. I'm not sure how long I'll be staying in the city, but the while I am, I'm still keen to look for the lad."


Urgrim thought carefully before answering Elmendrin's question. "Only a very small number. The question of reaching the uzkular, and deciding whether to believe its words, is moot without first scouting the ruins to understand their layout, and get a sense o'the numbers of the restless dead. From what the umgi and the grombolg Stubbs have told me, they more or less were wandering around by chance. There's no sense sending scores to try the same thing and just hoping for luck. It may be there's no number of dawi that could safely fight off the uzkular to get to the one that talks, or the walls with the histories of the old war. I'd go in with a handful, around half a dozen, maybe, – certainly twice that would be too much – moving light and fast, and see if we could find safe routes through to where we want to get. If we decide there aren't, there's be no need to give it any more thought."

2020-08-18, 06:02 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

"Hard to see how we couldn't afford to spare half a dozen," said Zamalind.

"Even one Dwimmulson sent into unnecessary danger is too many," said Elmendrin. "But Jotunnsson's plan seems sound. We should arm ourselves with as much information as possible." She looked around the council. "We can ask for volunteers from among the clan. The rest of our warriors, we muster to march south with the Prince."

"Does he need our help?" asked Moradin. "If Dwimmulson lives are so precious, why not let the humans do the fighting?"

"This isn't some war of border princelings," growled Skorgrund. "This is the Black Hound he marches against. This is death." He tightened his gnarled hands into fists. "If the manling prince falls, we fall with him. We cannot afford to stand apart."

"It's agreed, then," said Elmendrin, in tones that brooked no argument. "Skorgrund, I want you to write a message to the Prince, telling him we are resolved to march. Jotunnsson, we'll have your volunteers by this time tomorrow." She paused. "I can't promise how many, but I hope they will be enough."

Ludo & Adelbert

Moltke and the others were back before nightfall, empty-handed. "No sign of him north of here," said Sam, slumping down into the cover of the rock and helping herself to a big swig of water. "Not that we could find."

The wind was getting up again, and the shimmering pillars on the western horizon had vanished into the haze. With dusk stealing across the desert, Moltke wiped the dust from her face and looked out across the sands.

"This is still the Reaches?" she said. "I've never seen anywhere so... dead."

2020-08-19, 06:47 AM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

"Any Dwimmulson who chooses to come with me is a boon I'll not take for granted," Urgrim said. I know well the danger, and the chance it might be for nothing. Any volunteer should know that too. If it'd help, I'll stay in the hold tomorrow, so any who are considering it can ask of me what they will."

If the council thinks Urgrim should be available for potential volunteers, or if there's any other way he can help with mustering the throng, then he will stay in the Dwimmulhold for the next 24 hours (if that is how the Old World subdivides its days!). Otherwise, he'll go back down to the low town early on the 20th for another attempt at tracking the widow's son.

2020-08-19, 11:46 AM
Adelbert & Ludo

'It is still the Reaches,' Adelbert confirmed. 'Awful place though. Our one advantage - and I'm not sure how true it still is is that Klammenburg is still a mortal man and vulnerable to the same things as the rest of us. Unless he was so afraid he was being immediately followed he's probably taking the easiest paths.'

2020-08-20, 12:41 PM
Urgrim, 19th Brauzeit

“Grunlok, you can take charge of the muster,” said Elmendrin. “Set aside those who are willing to join Jotunnsson’s mission. Then they can speak to him together.”

The foreman nodded. “Come to the minehead by sundown tomorrow,” he said to Urgrim. “I’ll have your volunteers.”

OOC: You’ve got most of the 20th to yourself - how do you want to go about your further missing-person-chasing?

Ludo & Adelbert, 23rd Brauzeit

“As far as there is an easy way, that’s north,” said Meradell. She looked to Sam. “But you say you saw no sign of him.”

The younger halfling shook her head. “Not that he couldn’t have gone that way,” she said. “But no signs I could see.”

Jenssen, red-faced and sweating, lowered himself down to take a seat on the sand. He held out a hand to take the water-skin from Samella. “I’ve seen Hunger Wood and Hel Fenn, but this place is something else.” Taking a deep drink, he wiped the drips from the corner of his mouth. “I didn’t see nothing neither. I think it's either follow our guts, or turn back."

2020-08-20, 12:46 PM
"You're certain you didn't see him?" Ludo asked, pulling another one of the posters and holding it up in what was by now a familiar ritual. "This doesn't jog your memory?"

2020-08-20, 12:54 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 23rd Brauzeit

Jenssen looked at the poster, then furrowed his brows at Ludo, as if concerned the halfling was suffering from heatstroke. "Didn't see another living soul, mate," he said. "Looked for more campfires and such, but couldn't see nothing."

2020-08-20, 03:22 PM
Ludo sighed. "Seems likely he went to the pillars, then. Might even have gone and been on his way back. And Valdez gave us four days, and that time's up. So... let's stay here overnight, and then head back. Anyone object to that too much?"

2020-08-21, 03:42 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

"Fine by me," said Sam, very quickly. Meradell just nodded.

"What, just... let him go?" asked Moltke. "I mean... if you think that's best. But it just seems..." - she trailed off without the words to express her frustration.

"Herr Stubbs is right," said Jenssen, more to Moltke than anyone else. "We're four days out of Sarmeena. Three days out onto the sands. Now maybe if we stretch it, if we ditch the mules once we drink what they're carryin', the water we've got could last another five, maybe six days out here. But if we get lost out in that?" He looked west into the Waste, shook his head, and drew a solemn finger across his throat. "I don't know this Klammenberg, but whatever he's done, he ain't worth dyin' of thirst."

2020-08-21, 05:41 AM
Ludo nodded. "We don't even have a clear idea where the pillars are, and if they're as big as Nath we could need a day just to find him there. Only thing we can do is head back and hope to catch him as he comes through. Maybe send a group through the desert to send a message to the Raven Hills in case he's going through that way."

2020-08-21, 08:44 PM
Adelbert & Ludo

'There may still be something worthwhile at the pillars even if we've missed Klammenburg completely,' Adelbert suggested. 'I can take rubbings and draw sketches of the layout - Verena may have deserted me but I'm not without knowledge.'

2020-08-22, 10:58 AM
"Good point," Ludo admitted. The carvings in Kheneb had been very useful to them... still the clearest idea of Nahorek's rise that they had. "But some other day, I think. Another expedition. Right now I think we need to get back home in case we missed him."

2020-08-22, 11:12 AM
Adelbert & Ludo

'Agreed,' Adelbert said. As tempting as the pillars might have been catching the necromancer was even better.

2020-08-24, 10:03 AM
Urgrim, 20th Brauzeit

Angestag morning was bright and breezy, the wind from the west ruffling Urgrim’s hair as he made his way down from the Dwimmulhold. At the Temple, he found Hieronymus in the middle of putting on his ceremonial robes, two initiates helping the old priest with his heavy chasuble.

“Ah, Herr Jotunnsson,” he said. His owl flew down to perch on the head of his staff, and he fished absent-mindedly under his robes for something to feed it. “I take it you’ve had as little success as we have in… the matter you brought to our attention.” He clearly didn’t want to go too far into the details in front of the novices.

Listening to Urgrim’s request, he nodded. “I’m afraid I can’t help you myself… the Prince has summoned me to the castle for an urgent meeting. But I’m sure Brother Cezar will be glad to assist you. He’s in the garden, tending to the roses.”

Sure enough, that was where Urgrim found him, overseeing a trio of shaven-headed initiates. Leaving the most senior of them in charge, Cezar put on his long black cloak and accompanied Urgrim to the river gate.

OOC: You can refund yourself the Fortune Point for the Charm test to get the priests to help - at this point I think the Temple’s pretty firmly on-side.

The flow of people by the gate was thick. Norten’s guards moved people along with shouts and curses, while animals brayed and carts rattled between the leaning houses. On an ordinary day, Urgrim would have struggled to make himself heard - but the black robes of a priest of Morr commanded immediate quiet and respect. Clambering up onto a hay-wagon, Urgrim launched into his appeal.

A good number of people gathered round to listen, slowing the traffic through the gate even further. A few shouted questions when Urgrim had finished - what the boy had done, who he was, whether there was a reward. A woman herding a pack of pigs claimed to have been present at the North Market when his horse had bolted, but none of them had seen him since then.

Their audience was beginning to break up and drift away when Urgrim noticed a sudden flow of people cutting across the road, fouling the path of the carts and hurrying into the narrower streets of the Old Town. Cezar stopped a ragged street urchin to ask him where he was going at such a pace.

“They’ve caught a moonchild on Bleak Street!” said the boy. “A mutant!” He glanced past Cezar, to where a man in merchant’s clothing had collared one of the guards at the gate and was speaking in quite agitated tones. “I want to see it before the soldiers get it.”

Ludo & Adelbert

Moltke and the Thorns shot sidelong looks at Adelbert, but said nothing. Who were they to gainsay a priest, if he said his god had abandoned him? Still, as the group made camp again in the lee of the rock, they seemed to keep their distance.

Setting his bedroll down on the pale sand, Adelbert did his best to get some sleep.

Adelbert Only
Though he had never seen them, Adelbert dreamt of the pillars. He dreamt of vast statues like the ones he had seen in Kheneb-Ptra-Urush, shattered and half-sunk into the shifting dunes.

On the faces of those forgotten gods, Adelbert read the same majesty, the same confidence in their unassailable power as was carved on the faces of the gods in the Temple; as had been painted on the walls of his old town’s chapel in Averland. Armies had gone forth and conquered in their name; now insects crawled beneath their altars, and the desert wind blew through the ruins of their temples. If he listened closely, he could almost hear their voices carrying on it, fainter than a whisper.

...mighty Ptra, lord of the sun and moons…
...thousands worshipped…

...palaces of alabaster…

...beautiful Asaph, queen of mystery…
...thousands laboured…

...temples that touched the sky....

...kingly Usirian, keeper of the gate…
...thousands died…

...gardens that shone green in the sun...

...for the greater glory…

The whispers had no strength to stay with him. The wind shifted, and they tumbled away like grains of sand, fading into silence. He was left alone with his thoughts, squinting through the white haze into the glare of the sun.

At last, a more familiar voice spoke behind his shoulder.

You see it now? The great lie?

Turning, he saw Tshula-Udiyya standing there, so close he could have reached out and touched her. She looked human - a beautiful, dark-skinned woman, wrapped in a blue silk robe that streamed out in the wind. Only the fire in her eyes gave her away as something more.

You are told that mortals need gods. That gods are eternal, unchanging. That service to them is its own reward. She took a soft step closer, so close that he could smell the incense on her breath. You are not told that gods need mortals. Because, if you were… you might ask what your god could do for you.

I would like to help you, my friend, said Tshula. There is so much truth that I could show you. So much we could do, together. She leaned forward to whisper in his ear. But I can only help a free man. Not a slave.

Behind her, the sands shifted off one of the fallen statues - jackal-headed Djaf, holding in his hands a pair of scales. For a moment, the stone jackal’s head seemed to shimmer and change, becoming the blindfolded face of Verena. The goddess watched him in solemn silence.

Marktag, 24th Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

When the sun rose the next morning, the wind had risen again. There was no sign of the pillars on the western horizon - only a scouring wind that blew out of the Waste, white dust-devils whirling in its wake. Heads down against the flying grains of sand that stung their eyes, Ludo’s expedition packed their tents and headed back in the direction that they hoped and prayed was south.

It was a little past noon, and the force of the wind was beginning to wane, when Moltke shouted and pointed out west. Through the white haze, the black outline of a solitary figure was visible, trudging with slow footsteps through the dunes. It faltered, turning its head as if to look at them - then its legs buckled, and it crumpled face-first into the sand.

2020-08-24, 03:02 PM
Ludo held out his hand for the group to stop. "This is a trap."

"This is a trap, and we need to set it off."

He hauled on the reins of one of the mules, turning it in the direction of the fallen figure. "Stick together until we get closer and then we split up. I'll go in closer, Rike and her men can cover us."

"Do you have... can you tell if this is magic?" he asked Adelbert.

2020-08-24, 03:08 PM
Adelbert & Ludo

Adelbert scarcely noticed Moltke's distance from him. He'd exchanged maybe a dozen words with the woman over the past few days. The Thorns made more of an impact, leaving his spirits gloomier than before and it was with relief he went to sleep.

Adelbert Only
He drew his eyes from the statue of Djaf... of Verena slowly, back to Tshula-Udiyya. He trembled at the soft voice in his ear at the scent on her breath. He had to fight the urge to draw even closer. 'I know this is not your true form Tshula, but you wear it well.'

He moistened dry lips and tried to regain his composure. 'Let us imagine that I agree with you about the gods... let us imagine that... how could I possibly trust you? You were free mere moments and possessed a woman.'

Marktag, 24th Brauzeit

Adelbert blinked at Ludo's words. He'd not said anything since they'd woken, his mind clearly on other things. Now he squinted at the distant figure. 'Maybe...?' He did not sound confident.

Magic Awareness: [roll0] vs 68

2020-08-24, 07:31 PM
Adelbert Only, 23rd Brauzeit
You can't, Tshula-Udiyya smiled. But what great man never took a risk?

Adelbert Only, 24th Brauzeit
Adelbert could sense nothing out of the ordinary about the figure who had collapsed into the sand. If Klammenberg's magic was at work, he'd hidden it well.

2020-08-25, 10:24 AM
Adelbert Only, 23rd Brauzeit

Adelbert gave a disbelieving snort. 'What would you know of freedom and slavery? You are a daemon, a pawn of your own gods Tshula-Udiyya. No, I'll make my own path without you and without them.'

He turned and walked away from both the djinn and the pillars of the gods, stubbornly plying his own path through the sand.

Adelbert & Ludo, 24th Brauzeit

'I cannot see or feel anything odd,' Adelbert said. 'Though we should be careful just in case.'

2020-08-25, 11:03 AM
Ludo nodded and took a waterskin from his mule. "Alright, here's the plan. Jens, Sam, Meradell, stay back with the mules. Rike, you and your men follow the rest of us at bow-shot length. Me, Moltke, and Adelbert are going to be the bait in whatever this trap is.

"If Klammenberg shows up and we can take him alive, we should. If not... I'd rather he was dead than escaped us, so if you have a clean shot, take it. Jens, protect the mules. If you have to, get away and come back for us. But definitely come back."

He took another waterskin for himself and passed a couple to Rike. "In case we get split up."

To clarify, that's

The fallen dude, Ludo & Friends <-------- Crossbow range ----------> The Thorns <--------------- crossbow range ----------> Jens, Sam, Merry, and the mules.

I'm not sure how many waterskins we have or how many is needed for how many people for how long, but let's assume Ludo is making sure everyone is carrying a little more than normal in case we lose the mules. Also maybe this isnt a trap and this guy needs water. You never know.

2020-08-25, 11:47 AM
Adelbert Only, 23rd Brauzeit
Tshula-Udiyya's broad smile remained unchanged as Adelbert turned away from her. The fallen statue had reverted to its jackal's face, the blowing sand already beginning to cover it once again.

Think it over, she called after him, her outline beginning to dissolve into wind-blown dust. Her eyes remained behind as her body blew away, two points of fire hanging in the empty air. I've got time...

The dream dissolved into wind and sand.

Ludo & Adelbert, 24th Brauzeit

The Thorns readied their crossbows while Ludo distributed the waterskins. There were few words - they trusted Ludo enough to follow his orders without question, and had enough respect for their enemy to understand their urgency. Only Sam and Meradell seemed the least confused about what was happening, but Jenssen took them in hand with reassuring confidence.

Readying sword and shield, Moltke followed Ludo and Adelbert as they led the way forward. Behind them, Rike and her Thorns moved up with crossbows at the ready. The sand was deeper here, each step sending their boots sinking into the sides of the dunes. Ludo had an easier time of it than the two humans, his light weight and broad feet letting him walk over the surface of the sand where the tall folk had to wade.

As they drew closer, Ludo could make out more detail in the fallen figure. He was a man, grey-haired and olive-skinned, and dressed in hard-wearing travelling clothes. The pale sand of the Waste clung to him, giving him a ghostly hue - but he looked solid enough.

When they reached his side, Moltke hesitantly reached out and rolled him onto his back. His face was lined, his lips dry and cracked. Just below his ribs, his tunic was torn and stained with old, dried blood. A deep wound was visible beneath it, only partially healed.

"He's hurt," said Moltke, winning the day's prize for stating the obvious. She reached down and shook him gently by the shoulder. "Hello? Can you hear us?"

His sand-caked eyelids flickered but failed to open. He was still clinging to life, but it was clear to Adelbert that the man was knocking at Morr's door.

2020-08-25, 01:46 PM
"Can you do anything for him?" Ludo asked Adelbert, unstoppering his waterskin. "We can get some water into him at least?"

"Keep watch," he warned Moltke. "I think this is one of Klammenberg's Iron Company veterans."

2020-08-25, 03:49 PM
Adelbert & Ludo

'For the wound I can try but he needs proper shelter, water and time to recover, and even then...' Adelbert sadly shook his head.

Still he'd do what he could. Carefully the former priest checked the man's wounds.

Heal: [roll0] vs 76

2020-08-25, 05:55 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 24th Brauzeit

The wound in the man's abdomen looked like it had been made by a blade. It was deep but narrow; as far as Adelbert could tell it had missed his vital organs. A makeshift attempt had been made to bandage it; peeling the blood-crusted rags away, Adelbert re-did it properly.

Taking the waterskin from Ludo, Adelbert let a trickle of water flow between his patient's cracked lips. The man's throat bobbed up and down as he swallowed automatically, greedily gulping down the precious water - Adelbert lifted it away before he could drink too much. He'd read accounts of men who'd been dying of thirst splitting their guts with a surfeit of water.

Weakly, the man's eyes fluttered open. He lay there for a moment, blearily trying to focus on the faces looming over him - then he tried to scramble backwards away from them, swearing colourfully in Tilean. Or at least, he tried to swear - his voice came out as nothing more than a hoarse whisper, his limbs too weak to drag him more than a couple of feet back across the sand. Still, he was awake.

<Wh- who are you?> he asked. <Where am I?>

2020-08-26, 03:15 AM
<The desert,> Ludo said, in a late grab for the stating-the-obvious crown. <We work for il Principe. What's your name? Are you one of the iron company men?>

2020-08-26, 03:55 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

<Vico.> The effort of talking made him cough painfully, his breath coming out in a dry wheeze. <Iron Company, yes. From... Sermena...>

Wincing, he managed to prop himself up on one elbow, looking around at his surroundings. <The others... did you find the others?>

2020-08-26, 03:59 AM
<Just you> Ludo said. <What happened? You were with signor Klammenberg>

He looked back up the dune line to Rike and Jens and beckoned both groups forward.

2020-08-26, 04:28 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

The other groups hurried forwards. Vico looked around in bleary-eyed bewilderment as more and more faces began to appear around him.

<Clamaberg? I don't know... we came here with Keiner. Empire man.> He coughed again. <The old ruins... he had a map. But there were traps... one got me, right here.> He touched the wound in his side and winced. <The others said they would come back for me. I waited... they didn't come back...>

His words trailed off into coughs. <Water,> he begged, <please, give me water...>

2020-08-26, 04:36 AM
Very cautiously, Ludo allowed Vico to drink more, and gestured for some food. <When was this? How many days?>

2020-08-26, 04:46 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

Vico tried weakly to hold onto the waterskin when Ludo drew it away again, but the old soldier had no strength in his arms.

<I... don't know,> he said at last. <Time... what day is it today?>

He hardly had the energy to look shocked when they told him.

<The fourteenth,> he said. <We left Sermena... the fourteenth. Ten days.>

He reached feebly for the waterskin again.

<More. Please.>

2020-08-26, 06:32 AM
<You'll be ill,> Ludo cautioned, <we've got plenty, you can have more later. Let's get you onto the mule and home to your wife.>

<Ten days since you left, when were you hurt? How long did you travel before getting to the ruins?>

Only ten days? "Keiner" must have been in town for nearly two weeks! No wonder Petra doesn't remember him at all, if he was keeping a spell on her for that long.

Charm test to reassure Vico: [roll0]

Ludo's no medic or outdoorsman but he probably has a better idea of the right amount of water than I do, being a son of the desert and all.

2020-08-26, 06:40 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

<Six days... to the ruins. That's where... where the trap got me. Blades in the walls...> He smacked his lips, reaching again for the water-skin. <Please... I need water. So thirsty...>

Ludo was pretty sure Vico shouldn't have any more. He looked over to Meradell for confirmation; the veteran caravan master shook her head.

2020-08-26, 06:56 AM
"Is this-" Ludo looked to Adelbert. "Is this the curse? The disease that Klammenberg was putting on people, back in Savonne? Anything like that?"

In response to Vico's requests, Ludo called Jens forward, and with help from the Thorns they loaded Vico onto one of the mules. "Let's keep moving. Best thing we can do for him now is get him back to town."

2020-08-26, 03:06 PM
Adelbert & Ludo

'I don't think so. At least we can't rule out shock, blood loss, exhaustion, sunstroke and dehydration,' Adelbert replied, stroking at his goatee. 'We need to get him out of these wastes at least, you are right about that.'

2020-08-26, 06:05 PM
Ludo & Adelbert

Slinging Vico over the back of one of the mules, the party continued south. Vico continued to plead for water, but his voice was so weak that he was easy to ignore. Even if it had been safe to give him more, Ludo was conscious that they were still some days from Last Water, and needed enough for all of them to make the journey back.

They got him to at least eat a little, though his throat was so parched that it seemed to hurt him to swallow. When they made camp, he drank as much water as they would give him, then fell into a deep, exhausted sleep. Adelbert watched him for a while, until he was satisfied it was a sleep from which his patient would wake. He had to admire the man's sheer resilience - most men would not have survived such punishment. However gullible the Tilean might have been to go along with Klammenberg, he was clearly tough as old teak.

To the west, the sands stretched on to the horizon, the sunset shining a deep, bloody red through the dust the wind had raised. Bedding down for the night, Adelbert tried to get some sleep himself.

Adelbert Only
Adelbert dreamt of blue fires played over the dunes of the desert, fusing grains of sand into rivers of molten glass. Swirling up around him, it crystallised, block by block, into the walls of the great throne room of Savonne. Something rose up beneath him, and Adelbert found himself seated on the throne itself.

At the foot of the dais, soldiers in blue-grey tabards dragged a dishevelled figure forwards, throwing him down in front of the throne. A tarnished crown fell from the man’s head as he fell hard against the steps, rolling to a halt at Adelbert’s feet. Slowly, he raised his gaze to meet Adelbert’s.

A thrill of power ran through Adelbert as he saw the man’s face. Though his hair had grown long and matted, his beard wild and unkempt, it was impossible not to recognise the frightened eyes of Muzio Sforza.

Isn’t this what you want? spoke a soft voice in his ear. Looking up, Adelbert saw Tshula-Udiyya perched on the arm of the throne beside him, her eyes bright points of light in the darkened throne-room. Power? Revenge? She leaned in close. Aren’t you tired of living in other peoples’ shadow?

2020-08-26, 07:42 PM
Adelbert Only

All I have to do is nod at the guards and they'll drag him off to the gallows, Adelbert thought. All I have to do...

Dragging his eyes from the wretched Tilean he looked at the Djinn. 'Yes... yes, this is what I want. Once the vampire and his pet necromancer are so much dust there'll be a reckoning with the Tilean.' He drew a deep and shuddering breath and tried to rein in his emotions. 'But it will not come from you. Never forget Tshula-Udiyya I've walked in the ruins of the last people who took your word. I'll not damn myself for so poor a sham of power.'

He leaned in suddenly his voice low. 'Abandon your god djinn. Forsake him and curse him. Free yourself from your chains. Become human.'

2020-08-27, 03:43 AM
"So Klammenberg arrives in town at the end of Brauzeit," Ludo said, to himself as much as Moltke. "Can't have his forgetfulness spell up yet, because he's got to talk to people and make deals, and he's got no reason to think anyone will be suspicious of him here... so that's finally a win we've got over him. Petra clocks him immediately and sends Nobby off to get me. He spends two weeks there, and at some point realises Petra is suspicious... maybe he figures that out straight away and is just too slow to catch Nobby, maybe he doesn't even notice Nobby go. Nobby never saw him, so probably he never saw Nobby. He realises he's been rumbled and targets her with his forgetfulness spell.... as he leaves? Does he think he's got away with it?"

"So why be there for two weeks? Was he waiting for something... is there something he's trying to synchronise with? Nahorek in Nath, Armin and his men out there somewhere? Did he leave when Valdez and his men arrived? That would have been about two weeks later."

He turned to Sam. "What day did Valdez and the Brotherhood arrive in Sermena?"

"Either way, he waits for two weeks and then sets off into the desert. Finds the ruins around the pillars four days ago and heads in. Vico was hurt by a trap so leaves, and they don't come out to get him. Vico's not going to be moving faster than us, so must have left the pillars at around the same time as us... So we would probably have caught him, he was there."

Ludo fell silent for a moment, a slightly sour look on his face. With Elsa and Sieghard, he'd have given it a try.

"Either way, whatever's happening at the pillars, he's not entirely in control of it. Might be he gets hurt or killed doing whatever he's trying to do there. Probably not, though, and if he was waiting for something he won't want to wait in the desert... so he'll probably be on his way back, soon. And maybe he thinks Petra was one lone voice of suspicion and so isn't expecting anything, or he saw Nobby leave or Valdez arrive and knows we've got an army here. He's probably got to come back through Last Water, though."

He looked up at Moltke. "Right? I can't imagine he could make it through the desert northwards to the raven hills, so it's either that or head out into the swamps. So it seems likely he will be coming back, and we need to assume he knows we'll be ready."

2020-08-27, 05:16 AM
Ludo & Adelbert, 24th Brauzeit

He turned to Sam. "What day did Valdez and the Brotherhood arrive in Sermena?"

"Um... I suppose it would have been the twelfth?" she said. "No, the thirteenth."

He looked up at Moltke. "Right? I can't imagine he could make it through the desert northwards to the raven hills, so it's either that or head out into the swamps. So it seems likely he will be coming back, and we need to assume he knows we'll be ready."

"You know him better than us," said Moltke. "But if he left Vico behind, and we only found him today... he could be past us already." She looked over to where the old Tilean was sleeping. "Poor man can't have been moving fast."

Adelbert Only
The daemon laughed. You have so little understanding of the truth, she said. Does a finger forsake the hand? Does the hand forsake the arm?

The throne bucked beneath him, pitching Adelbert to the floor. When he looked up, Tshula-Udiyya was gone, and Sforza had taken his place, dressed once more in his princely attire. The Tilean pointed at Adelbert with a sneer, and rough hands grabbed him by the arms, dragging him away. As the dream broke apart around him, Adelbert heard Tshula again.

It can all be yours, said the fading voice, still whispering in his ear. All you have to do is reach out, and take it...

OOC: I'm ready to move you guys forward to the 25th if you are - pausing here mainly to see if Ludo is thinking of altering his immediate plans based on this discussion.

2020-08-27, 05:39 AM
"He left on the fourteenth, and Valdez arrived the day before?"

Ludo sighed. "Never mind, then. If he does come back, he'll know there's an army waiting for him, and if he's dodged them once, then..."

It hadn't been a complete waste of time, he forced himself to remember: Vico's wife would almost certainly agree. But that was about it.

I'm ready to move on if none of the NPCs have anything to say.

2020-08-27, 06:15 AM
Adelbert & Ludo

Adelbert only
Adelbert laughed, even as the Tilean's goons dragged him away. 'Do you really think so little of yourself you'd call yourself a mere appendage? Do you really think so little of me that I'd jump when a slave too blind to realise she is even a slave offers me 'power'? Awaken Tshula! The greatest slave in the world has less power in their life than any beggar! I can offer you so much more. All you have to do turn away from your master and leave. I can help you.'

Also ready to move on to the 25th.

2020-08-27, 12:31 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 24th Brauzeit

“That’s if Vico has his dates right,” said Moltke. “We can ask him more about it in the morning,” she added, with a yawn. “If he’s feeling better.”

Adelbert Only
”Awaken, Tshula!”

Adelbert found himself crying those words as he woke, the dream dissolving around him. He hoped no-one had heard him - looking outside the flap of the tent, he could see it was still night. With luck, the others were still sleeping.
Backertag, 25th Brauzeit

The next day, Vico was more cogent, though still weak and thirsty. Riding along on the mule with the lightest load, he gave the impression of listening as Moltke filled him in on who “Keiner” really was, and why they’d come looking for him. Ludo wasn’t sure how much he understood of what she was saying - his Reikspiel seemed extremely poor. Still, he seemed to appreciate her trying.

<He told us there was gold out here,> said Vico, almost apologetically. <He said we could have it, that all he wanted was one piece of the treasure.> He looked downcast. <Maybe we were stupid… but you know, we heard about the battles, and the victories, and the coronation… we were soldiers!> He puffed up his chest with pride, causing an immediate coughing fit. Moltke passed him the waterskin and he took a few grateful gulps. <We wanted an adventure.>

The wind got up again during the day, and that night they pitched their tents close together to give them some mutual shelter. Though he still looked half-dead, Vico was eating and drinking more like a man who might see the next sunrise. If Shallya was with them, he would make it back to Last Water.

Adelbert Only
Sleeping fitfully that night, Adelbert turned over on his bedroll and felt the heat of another body there. Eyes closed, Jocasta rolled over and draped her sleeping arm around him, nestling her face against his shoulder.

For a long moment, Adelbert lay there, feeling the touch of her skin against his own. He knew it was impossible, that she wasn’t here - but still he hoped against hope that he wouldn’t hear the familiar voice that slithered into his ear.

How long has it been since you felt someone else’s touch? Raising her head, Jocasta opened her eyes, revealing the orange fires that burned behind her eyelids. Since you did something for yourself? What’s the point of this fight you’re in, if there’s no joy in the life you’re saving?

She kissed him, the touch of her lips like fire brushing against his skin. With my help, you could have anyone you wanted, she said, her face flowing and changing as she spoke. Aisha, Oseye, Irene Sforza, even Elsa - their faces passed before him like reflections in a millpond, rippling out of one and into another. You only have to ask.

2020-08-27, 01:15 PM
Ludo was as sympathetic as he could muster. <I bet, especially with the young men of the brotherhood arriving in town - you left after Valdez arrived, right?>

2020-08-27, 03:41 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 25th Brauzeit

<I... I think so, yes.> Vico looked a little shamefaced. <He had us meet at Alessio's house, with the supplies. He said... if we kept it to ourselves, it would be fewer people to share between.>

2020-08-27, 04:24 PM
<What did he say would happen when you got back? Did he say what he wanted?>

2020-08-27, 04:49 PM
Adelbert & Ludo

Adelbert shifted on his side and tried to get back to sleep, but never quite managed it.

25th Brauzeit

Adelbert was quiet and haggard looking during the day, saying very little though he continued to check on Vico's health. As night fell he sat alone watching the stars for a while before crawling into his bedroll.

Adelbert only
Adelbert felt the flush on his cheeks... and blood heading elsewhere too. Would it really be so bad, this once in a lifetime experience?

With great effort of will he managed to stop himself returning the djinn's kiss. He brushed a strand away from her ever changing face. 'Gods I'm tempted, but you'd have been better off not changing... your normal human form is stunning enough.' He smiled sadly at Tshula. 'Do you truly have such little sense of self that you have to don so many masks? It must feel so lonely and empty being a daemon. Break free my friend, break your bonds. I saved your life once, let me save your soul.'

He leaned in closer, his grey blue eyes looking deep into her flame coloured orbits. 'Let me help you be more than a pawn and a slave. Become a human and know true freedom. Isn't it just a little tempting, just a little, to be alone in your mind to be a someone and not just a finger or a hand?'

2020-08-28, 03:01 AM
Ludo & Adelbert, 25th Brauzeit

<He said it was a staff. Like a shepherd's crook. Something his patron wanted... he said he was a historian. Or something like that.> Vico coughed. <Orfeo didn't believe him, but he said, if he was playing us false, we could always take it for ourselves. Four Iron Company against one northern dandy. But you say... necromancer?>

He looked at Moltke. If Vico's Reikspiel was poor, her Tilean was non-existent; she looked to Ludo for some cue. When he nodded, she did.

<Myrmidia preserve them,> Vico muttered, before trailing off into hacking, dry coughs. Moltke passed him the water yet again.

Adelbert Only
Tshula's face rippled and changed again, becoming the one he had seen in Nath.

Lonely? she said. I am part of something far greater. You could be too. She leaned in close, so close that her lips brushed against his ear as she whispered: You would need never be lonely again...

2020-08-28, 03:44 AM
Adelbert Only

'How so? Will you make me a daemon like you? Turn me into Irene Sforza?' Adelbert shivered at that whisper but tried to push on. 'I'm sure every sheep in a flock and every fish in a shoal thinks them self part of something greater.' He leaned over and took her left hand, gently raising it to touch palm to palm against his own, marvelling at the illusion of humanity.

'Look at this. I know this is not your true form and we both know I would not find that true form a half so alluring, but this body and that name... right now they belong to you Tshula. To you alone. That makes you unique. That makes you a person. Every moment you stay like this, every second you wear that face, respond to that name, every one of those is a tiny victory for self. For you as an individual. You told me that the gods as we know them are a lie but how much greater a lie are the beings that control you? Unless you are nothing more than an empty vessel for their desires and designs there has to be some spark within you, something at the back of your mind shouting: I am an individual. I exist. I am me.'

He lowered her hand and returned his gaze to her eyes. 'Abandon it all Tshula-Udiyya. Abandon slavery and the sham of power. Oh I may have been fallen from my goddess and she from me but mark this my friend; I only ever served willingly.'

2020-08-28, 04:15 AM
Adelbert Only

A mortal who prefers mortality, said Tshula with a smile. There are precious few of those.

He felt a slither against his skin where she held him - the feeling of human arms and hands changing into something far less familiar. Her body was changing too, but he couldn't look away to see the changes - his eyes remained fixed on the hypnotic pools of flame that were her eyes.

You think you can escape the gods by refusing them, she said, her mouth growing impossibly wide as she spoke. Behind her lips, rings of of lamprey teeth pulsed and flexed. You are wrong. Nothing can escape what is coming for this world. She kissed him again, those awful teeth battening onto his face so tight that he could not scream. Only the chosen will survive...

The boneless jaws enveloped his head entirely, leaving Adelbert staring down a bottomless, fang-lined gullet. A fiery glow kindled in its depths - the last thing he saw was a billowing cloud of flame, rushing up towards him.

He woke, sweating, into the cold desert night. He was alone in his tent.

2020-08-28, 04:37 AM

He lay exhausted and traumatised on the bedroll, but slowly a new feeling began to come over him. Triumph. He'd won. She couldn't answer his words so had retreated to the old illusion of power.

He whispered in the dark:

'You're a fool if you think you are chosen Tshula. You're a slave too frightened and blind to admit it to herself. I haven't given up on you. I'll save you yet.'

2020-08-28, 07:13 AM
Bezahltag, 26th Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

The next day, the westerly wind rose to a gale, whipping billowing clouds of sand across their path. The expedition soldiered on, heads down, faces shielded against the flying dust. In the back, the stolid, dependable Sermena mules plodded after them without complaint. The desert would have to try harder to distress them.

That night, they made camp in a dry gully, half choked with sand. Ludo noticed Adelbert was looking particularly pale and weary. The Waste was no place for the living; besides the hardship, its sheer emptiness left you too much alone with your thoughts.

Ludo Only
Trying to scrape together a campfire out of the few bits of brushwood Sam had stuffed in her pack, Ludo patted his pockets, looking for flint and tinder. A helpful hand held out a lit match from his left - he took without looking round.

"You can't blame yourself for letting that Klammenberg slip through your fingers," said Ortwin. "They needed you, back east. And he was a tricky bastard even before he got the Jackal on his side." He looked over to where Vico had collapsed again into an exhausted sleep. "You got this one back alive, at least."

Adelbert Only
Doing his best to blot out the wailing of the wind, Adelbert pulled his blanket around his ears and tried to get some sleep. No sooner had he drifted off than the dreams began again.

He stood upon the endless desert, its pale dunes stretching out to the horizon. Cold stars shone down from above, countless pin-pricks of light shining through the black velvet of the night sky. Facing him across the sands stood the looming figure of Nakht-Horeb, a silent silhouette against the starlight.

Looking down, Adelbert saw he was dressed in gorgeous robes, glittering in all the colours of the spectrum. In his hand was a staff of twisted metal - it felt strangely warm to the touch. As the Jackal stretched out a hand towards him, he felt words flow into his head unbidden - words in no language he had ever heard before.

He spoke them, and the bolts of darkness that shot towards him broke apart on a shield of shimmering light. Skeletons heaved themselves up from beneath the sands, reaching for him with bony fingers; he conjured whirling daemons to burn them to ash. The Jackal armoured himself in shadow; with a contemptuous flick of his fingers, Adelbert opened a tear in the air behind him, twisted hands and writhing tendrils reaching through to pull his enemy to destruction.

Isn't this what you want? said Tshula behind his shoulder, as the otherworldly light from the rift shone brighter and brighter. This time, she was making no attempt to conceal what she was. Shark-toothed mouths opened and closed in her shifting flesh, breathing out gouts of shimmering flame as they spoke with one voice. Knowledge. The knowledge to reshape reality. Your friend, the pyromancer, thinks herself a magician. The daemon laughed. You could be so much greater than her...

2020-08-28, 07:38 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

Bezahltag, 26th Brauzeit

'Some anchorites believe mankind is closest to the divine in the empty places of the world,' Adelbert said to Ludo. The ex-priest smiled wanly. 'Supposedly there are fewer distractions.'

He sighed and retired to bed.

Adelbert only:
'And yet I seem to recall you were afraid to face the vampire and nearly fell to his ghouls. Would you offer me power you yourself have never had? That the sorcerors of Nath never had? Much good your master's aid was there.' he opened his palm and let the staff drop with contempt not even bothering to throw it away, before turning to the daemon.

'I am no son of Tilea but when it comes to manipulation you daemons are little more than children. Does immortality dull the wits so?' He ran his eyes over her body. 'You speak of knowledge but all you have are secrets. Any duck pond has secrets floating beneath the surface weeds but that doesn't mean I'll find anything of worth there.'

2020-08-28, 08:29 AM
Adelbert Only

The secrets of creation, said Tshula. The rift was growing wider, shining like the sunrise as impossible colours shifted and swam across its surface. The secrets of gods and daemons. To see beneath the skin of the world.

The sand beneath the rift was fusing and fracturing into strange, fractal patterns.

All your life, you've had to believe. To take things on faith. Don't you want to know? Tshula drifted in a lazy circle around him. The Architect of Fate sees all. Knows all. Give yourself to the Changer, and his knowledge can be yours...

2020-08-28, 08:52 AM
Adelbert Only

Adelbert paused. Even had to concede it was a good argument. For a moment he simply watched the rift, his thoughts his own.

'So, you speak of-,' he almost said 'the Changer' but even here could not bring himself to do so, 'you speak of your master at last. You are beginning to doubt Tshula. That first pebble that foreshadows a landslide. Don't you see you could be so much more than a mindless proxy? Knowledge isn't a bauble to be presented along with a pat on the head. It is won by personal experience, research, trial, understanding and yes the hardships of faith. I think you know that, I think there is a hunger inside you for something more, for something won by yourself not bestowed y others.'

He reached over and tapped her on the forehead with his index finger. 'There is a person in there. A living, vital mind burning away, enchained by a weak and deceitful being that has convinced you there is power in slavery. Answer me this Tshula; in all your lifetimes as an immortal have you ever taken a single breath, uttered a single word, taken a single step that wasn't at the whim and for the design of your master? Abandon him. Free yourself.'

2020-08-28, 09:50 AM
Ludo & Adelbert

Bezahltag, 26th Brauzeit

'Some anchorites believe mankind is closest to the divine in the empty places of the world,' Adelbert said to Ludo. The ex-priest smiled wanly. 'Supposedly there are fewer distractions.'

He sighed and retired to bed.

"Yeah... closest to the divine," Ludo said distractedly. "Goodnight."

Ludo Only
Quietly, so none of the others heard, Ludo turned to Ortwin. The match smouldered in his hand.

"If I hadn't been there, even fewer of them would have made it out," he said, with a certain forced calm. "Ingwald would have fallen and died, for one. And then I went scouting and got caught... and I wasn't there when everyone else fought him. So... I failed, and because I failed, I got out safely when so many people didn't. Where you didn't."

"I... you weren't in Rike's squad, you didn't come with us. You weren't one of the ones who made it out of Nath. I... you're dead, Ortwin. You're not really here, are you? Are you... are you some kind of ghost? Like the ones in Nath?"

2020-08-28, 05:53 PM
Urgrim, 20th Brauzeit

Cezar sighed. “I’d better see what this is about,” he said. “If I hear anything about the boy, I’ll let you know - and please do the same for us.”

Leaving the priest to follow the crowd, Urgrim headed back up to the hold. Just as Elmendrin had promised, Grunlok was assembling the Clan Dwimmulson muster at the minehead. Urgrim counted around forty warriors, all told, including many miners and craftsmen who’d downed tools to take up an axe. Many of the skarrenawi had armour and weapons that looked more human than dwarfish in design - but Urgrim supposed that was how it was, out here in the plains.

“Jotunnsson!” barked Grunlok, who was now looking every bit the warrior in a mail shirt and a peaked helmet. He had a miner’s pick-axe slung over his back - looking at the thickness of the grizzled foreman’s forearms, Urgrim had no doubt that in his hands it would be a formidable weapon. “You’re early. We’ve got your volunteers over there.”

Seven dwarfs were standing apart from the main throng, over by the entrance to the north shaft. Urgrim immediately picked out a familiar face among them - Berki, who gave him a cheery wave.

OOC: Not going to go through the introductions in prose, but here’s a list of the Dwimmulson volunteers:
Berki - the Berkster, Berkerino, Berkazoid Prime
Skargil - a great bear of a dwarf, Skargil used to be one of the clan’s smiths. Now pushing two hundred and fifty, arthritis in his hands has forced him to hand over his smithy, but he can still swing a hammer.
Rollik and Lunn - Two Dwimmulsons who fought in the siege, Rollik and Lunn are both experienced warriors, well-armed and armoured.
Throndin and Uthgar - beardlings, clearly quite excited by the prospect of adventure.
Moragina - a miner, and the only woman among the seven. Moragina claims no combat experience, but seems quietly determined to join the volunteers. Urgrim thinks he notices a faint family resemblance to the late Thrunrik.
Urgrim, 21st Brauzeit

By the next morning, the Dwimmulsons had their arms and provisions in order. Grunlok led the march down from the gates of the Dwimmulhold, the column of heavily-armed dwarfs snaking down the steep path to the low town. Bringing up the rear was Skorgrund, leading a reluctant pony loaded with books. Elmendrin, it had been agreed, would remain behind - with Prince Sforza leading their combined force, the Rinn’s place was in the hold.

When they reached the square, however, the Prince’s army was not waiting for them. Instead, a rather tired-looking Al-Makir came to meet them.

“Prince Sforza offers his most sincere apologies,” said the Arabyan, “but the army will not be marching today.”

“What are you manlings playing at?” demanded Skorgrund, pushing his way forward from the back. “We had an agreement it would be this morning!”

“As I said, the Prince is extremely sorry,” said Abdul. “There’s been an… incident at the castle which requires his personal attention. The Iron Company will march as soon as it is resolved.”

“Incident? What incident?” blustered Skorgrund. “There’s no time to be dilly-dallying with incidents. For all we know, the Black Hound’s already on the move.”

“Aye,” said Grunlok. “If the Prince is delaying, then he can catch us up.” He looked around at a sea of approving Dwimmulson faces. “We said we’d march today, and I see no reason not to keep our word.”

"I'm sure the Prince will find that perfectly agreeable," said Abdul with a smile.

“Manann’s Keep, aye?” said the foreman. “We’ll meet him there. Tell him not to tarry too long.”

“I will tell him... words to that effect, I’m sure,” said Abdul, his fixed smile not wavering. “I wish you a safe journey.”

Urgrim had time to pop into the Duke of Aquitaine before they left, but there were no messages waiting for him. Rejoining the throng, he looked back towards the castle as they marched out through the river gate and over the bridge. He didn’t like the sound of ‘incidents’ - or the thin trail of black smoke that was rising from inside the keep’s curtain wall. But it was out of his hands now.

Sieghard, Urgrim & Elsa, 24th Brauzeit

The sun was getting low on Marktag when the Dwimmulsons arrived at Manann’s Keep. Forty dwarfs in a column four abreast, they made the wooden bridge over Evatt’s moat shake as they made a show of marching in time into the town.

“You call that an earthwork?” were Grunlok’s first words to the Thorns when they came out to meet him, pointing to the ditch they had dug across the south-east side of the town. “Typical umgak work. We can fix that for you,” He slung off his pack and looked around. “We’ll be needing somewhere to billet our warriors, though. How about that barn up there?” He pointed up to Evatt’s fort.

“Which one of you is Sieghard?” demanded Skorgrund. Travel had made the old greybeard even crabbier than usual. “I’ve come here to speak to a Sieghard.”

Ludo & Adelbert, 26th Brauzeit

Ludo Only
Ortwin looked puzzled. “I don’t think so,” he said. “I don’t rightly know.”

The sand was blowing over the top of the gully in which they’d made camp, swirling in ghostly patterns against the darkening sky. Ortwin looked up at it, and seemed to shrink in on himself a little.

“I remember… wind, and dust. So much dust. And those things… so cold.” Ludo felt his own bones ache with the memory of the spectres’ freezing touch. “I don’t feel cold now.”

The wind blew the match out. “Oh, that’s what we were doing,” came Ortwin’s voice. “The fire. That tinderbox, it’s in your other pocket, sir.”

A noise behind Ludo made him jump. It was just Moltke, coming back with more fuel for the fire. “Were you talking to someone?” she asked. “I thought I heard a voice.”

Ortwin was gone. Feeling in his pocket, Ludo felt his fingers touch something solid. It wasn’t the tinderbox - it was Adelbert’s owl pendant.

Adelbert Only
She hardly had anything that could be described as a human face, but Adelbert could swear he saw the daemon frown. The glorious light of the rift in the air flickered, faltered - then it snapped shut, with a boom like the slam of leaden doors.

Of all the stubborn… hissed Tshula. This was new - he had not heard her sound frustrated before. You are a fool. You forsake your god for what? For nothing? We offer you everything, and you ask us to join you?

Her voice was multiplying, becoming a snarling, singing chorus of voices. All of them sounded angry.

You are nothing. You are an ant, crawling on the surface of a world that cares nothing for your existence. A furious wind whipped up the sand around them, enveloping them in billowing clouds. All things must change or die. Those are the only sides of this struggle that can win. Change, or Death. The voices moved in closer, even as Tshula-Udiyya’s physical form disappeared from view. You have chosen your side.

The wind grew stronger, so strong that Adelbert staggered to keep his feet - then, as abruptly as it had appeared, it vanished. Tshula-Udiyya had vanished with it - he was alone on the endless sands.

He awoke in his tent, neither sweating nor afraid. He could hear the gentle rustle of the wind tugging at the canvas, and the low voices of the Thorns on watch talking by Ludo’s campfire. The daemon’s voice was nowhere to be heard.

Konigstag, 27th Brauzeit

Ludo & Adelbert

The next morning, the sandstorms had passed. The face of the desert had changed around them, dunes shifting overnight - but as they made their way south again, the hills of Last Water soon poked their rocky heads over the horizon. Some of the Thorns gave a little cheer when they saw them.

By nightfall, they had reached what was left of the road, and were making their way up through the foothills and back to Sermena. Valdes’ pickets met them on the path - a pack of halflings from the Gamecocks came tumbling out of the gathering darkness so suddenly that Ludo almost thought they were being ambushed.

“You’re back!” said one of them to Sam. “Did you get him? Is that the man?” He pointed to Vico in a state of considerable excitement. “Look, Crumwick! They got him!”

2020-08-28, 06:15 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 26th Brauzeit

Adelbert Only
'If I am nothing why were you trying so hard to make me join you... and why were you so angry I did not?' Adelbert whispered in the dark after Tshula-Udiyya had gone.

He didn't wait for the reply that wasn't coming and instead settled back in his bedroll, awake and at peace until he drifted off again.

Konigstag, 27th Brauzeit

The return to civilisation - or at least Sermena - was like the first dropped of water on his parched soul and for a moment Adelbert forgot how exhausted he was and all the aches and burns from their expedition. Then the moment was ruined when the halflings asked if Vico was Klammenburg. Adelbert exchanged an awkward glance with Ludo. 'Uh, no this man is not the one we sought. We rescued him in the desert though and he needs shelter and proper treatment as soon as possible.'

2020-08-28, 08:50 PM
Elsa, Sieghard and Urgrim, 24th Brauzeit

Elsa was surprised to see the dwarfs arrive before Sforza's reinforcements in spite of their shorter legs. Standing quietly by Sieghard's side to greet the newcomers, she gave Urgrim a curt nod. It was good to know that the Dwimmulsons took the matter of Nahorek very seriously.

2020-08-28, 10:52 PM

Sieghard gave Elsa a look as she walked up beside him and then took a step forward.

"I'm Sieghard," he eyeing the ancient dwarf curiously. "You're here because you've heard that the enemy has taken hold of a ruin to the south, yes? We're grateful for any aid Clan Dwimmulson lends against the growing darkness."

2020-08-29, 05:24 AM
Sieghard, Elsa & Urgrim

"Hrmph," grunted Skorgrund, eyeing Sieghard up and down. "Grunlok and the rest are here for that, aye. I'm here to see Zonbrynaz." He raised a bushy, impatient eyebrow as Sieghard looked blank. "The sun spear, manling. If that's what it proves to be. I'm told you have it."

Adelbert & Ludo, 27th Brauzeit

"Oh," said the halfling, a little disappointed. "Alright then."

The one he'd called Crumwick gave him a slap round the back of the head. "Haven't you got eyes in your face, Billy?" he said. "That's old Vico, from Vico's farm!"

Hearing his name, Vico gave a feeble wave.

"Oh! Oh gosh. You're looking like death warmed up, Herr Vico, sir. No offence." Ludo was pretty sure the only word Vico caught of that was 'Vico'. "We should get you back home right away."

It was still some distance up the road to Sermena; by the time they reached the outskirts of the village, it was getting very late. Mannslieb was a new moon tonight, and Morrslieb a waning crescent. The darkness forced them to go carefully along the stony road, but looking up at the clear sky, Adelbert could see the stars coming out more clearly than he'd seen them in a long time.

At the Rooster, Valdes met them in his nightshirt. "Good to see you back," he said, as Moltke helped Vico down from his mule in the back. "No luck, I take it."

2020-08-29, 05:53 AM
26th Brauzeit
Ludo Only
"Oh!" Ludo jumped. "Sorry, no... keeping myself company, you know."

He ran his thumb over the pendant and slid it back into his pocket.

27th Brauzeit
Before moving on from the Gamecocks by the entrance, Ludo showed them the picture of Klammenberg briefly, hoping it would jog their memory. He did the same, rather more apologetically, to Valdez - hopefully by now the man would be used to the measures they had to take.

"We found out a little more about him and what he wants." Ludo said. "He went to the ruined pillars and investigated to find some treasure in there. He was looking for a staff, which might have been a lie or might be what he was hoping to get for Nahorek. We think he left town on the fourteenth and arrived at the pillars around the twentieth, which means if he's coming back this way, it could be any day now."

2020-08-29, 06:41 AM
Ludo & Adelbert, 27th Brauzeit

"The fourteenth?" said Valdes, with a frown. "How... that's after we got here." He shook his head. "I'll double the watches. You must be exhausted - come inside."

Helping Vico inside, Moltke stopped and looked away, seemingly embarrassed by the sight of the Lord-Lieutenant in his nightshirt. Vico either didn't notice or didn't care - he flopped down onto one of Gill's over-stuffed armchairs. Even with their help, the old Tilean had clearly been running on his last reserves of energy; now he could finally rest, he seemed ready to sleep for a week. Valdes wasn't about to let him, though.

"I see you've brought someone back with you," he said, stoking up the fire in the fireplace. <Alessio, Orfeo, Vincenzo and Vittore. Which are you?>

Vico coughed. <Vincenzo, sir,> he rasped, his voice still a hoarse whisper. <People call me Vico.>

<Vico.> Valdes took a seat himself. <The Battle of Hayyan Plain, right?>

<That's right!> Vico beamed through cracked lips. <You remember!>

Valdes nodded. <Your wife's been worrying about you. She says you told her you were going hunting.> He fixed the old veteran with a searching look. <What happened, Vico? Where is he?>

Vico looked ashamed. <I'll tell you everything I told them,> he said, motioning to Ludo and the others. <Could... could I have something to drink? My voice... it hurts to talk too long.>

Valdes got up and brought a bottle of brandy from behind the bar. Vico's eyes lit up; he clearly wasn't going to say no to that.

OOC: Rather than launch into NPCs asking questions of each other, do you guys have any questions for Vico now that he's in a more comfortable setting?

2020-08-29, 12:56 PM
Ludo had been holding off his questions until he was sure Vico was safe and at home: now he seemed to be, they just kept spilling out.

Just an IC post to kickstart the OOC questions. I imagine neither the halflings nor Valdez had their memory jogged by the Klammenberg picture.

2020-08-29, 02:38 PM

Sieghard's jaw clenched. He spotted Urgrim among the gathered dwarfs and had to fight the urge to glare daggers at him. "Come with me," he replied, "You've had a long journey, we can speak inside. I can have the servants fetch something to eat if you'd like." He turned towards the fort. As they walked, his mind raced for a way to undo what Urgrim had done, but he failed to find anything that wouldn't just make things worse.

"This is the first I've heard the word... What did you call it? a zongbritz?" he said, stumbling over the strange dwarfen word. "Could you describe this sun spear you're looking for?"

2020-08-30, 05:47 AM
Sieghard & Elsa, 24th Brauzeit

"Zonbrynaz," repeated Skorgrund. "A golden spear with a rune of power on the blade. Jotunnsson says you found it in the umgi ruins in the marsh." The eyebrow raised further. "Doesn't seem like something you'd forget."

Ludo & Adelbert, 27th Brauzeit

At Ludo's prompting, Vico began his story at the beginning.

<First I heard of all this was about three weeks back, I think. Alessio said he had this fellow staying at his house, was going to make us all rich. The four of us, I mean.> He took a gulp of the brandy, coughing a little but drinking it down all the same. <This Keiner, he said he needed bold men to go with him into the desert. He came to Alessio first because Alessio spoke the good Reikspiel. He said... he knew where there was treasure buried out in the sand, and if we would keep him safe, we could each have an equal share.>

<I can't say I saw Keiner much outside Alessio's house in the time he was here. He seemed to keep himself to himself, mostly. I thought he was an odd man, though. Younger than us, but he moved like he was older than he looked. And he was always making jokes that nobody understood. He thought he was very funny.> Vico shrugged. <We didn't ask him where he was from. Empire name, Empire voice... seemed like Empire, you know?>

<We left town the day after the Brotherhood arrived, early in the morning. We had been getting our supplies and things ready for days - Keiner said it was important not to be, ah, conspicuous. He said if other people got wind of where we were going they would want a share. We all love Prince Sforza, but we know him too, you know? We know how he is about gold.> Vico looked ashamed. <It was going to be our own little adventure.>

<He drew us a picture of this rod he was looking for - hooked at the end, like a shepherd's crook. He said that was all he wanted, and we could have the rest - gold, jewels, all kinds of things. He was certain it was there. He had this map... it looked new, but Vittore couldn't read the writing on it. All little pictures, not like normal writing. Keiner said he had drawn it up himself, from his researches.>

He finished the brandy in his cup. <Wherever he got it, it was true. We found the place after... I think five, six days in the desert. Mostly it was covered in sand, but you could see pieces of wall and broken statues poking up. And pillars, like you say, tall pillars with more of the picture-writing that was on Keiner's map. In the middle there was this old ruin. Keiner said that was where we'd find the gold.>

<Inside there were steps that went down, and a corridor with more pictures painted on the walls. That's where it happened - I was walking in front, and I hear the floor under my foot go click. The next thing I know, this blade swings down out of the ceiling, like a what-do-they-call-it, a pendulum. Gets me right here.> He gingerly touched the wound in his side. <Keiner was walking in the back. Maybe he knew it was there. He certainly seemed to know his way around the inside of the ruins - he said he had it on his map.>

<I couldn't go on, so Alessio and the others left me my water and rations, and said they would come back for me. I waited... I don't know how long. I think I might have passed out at some point. But it didn't look like such a big place. They should have been back soon enough. I didn't see them again.> He gave a long pause, staring into his cup before filling it again. <Eventually I decided they weren't coming back for me. There wasn't much else to do - I got up and started walking south.>

<Keiner didn't say anything in particular about what he would do after we found the treasure, but all of us assumed we were coming back to Sermena. That's what we laid in our supplies for. I can't imagine he'd have gone a different way without us - otherwise why did he bring us in the first place?> He downed his brandy again and grimaced. <To set off his traps for him, maybe. You say none of the others have come back?>

Valdes shook his head. Vico looked dejected.

<Maybe they're still out there,> he said, quietly. <Maybe I should have looked. I didn't want to go any deeper on my own, I... I thought there might be more traps.> He put his face in his hands. <Orfeo's wife, Vittore's little boy... what am I going to tell them?>

OOC: I've tried to work the answers to all the listed OOC questions into a narrative rather than doing quote-block question and answer - if there's anything I've missed let me know.

Yes, nobody showed any unusual reaction the posters - sorry, I didn't make that clear.

2020-08-30, 11:11 AM

Of course he told you that.

There was no way out. He could lie, but the old dwarf wouldn't believe him and it wouldn't be long before it was proven false. "No, it's not the sort of thing you'd forget. But I wanted to be sure it was the same spear you asking about," he sighed, "Wait here." When Sieghard returned, he placed the spear on the table between them.

2020-08-30, 02:15 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Urgrim, 24th Brauzeit

Reaching out, Skorgrund ran his stubby fingers over the spearhead, tracing the design of the double-arrowhead rune cut into the metal.

"So it's true," he said. His voice was hushed and reverential; Sieghard almost thought he saw a tear glisten at the corner of the old dwarf's eye. He blinked and wiped it away with his knuckle. "The haft - you had that made? Have you used it in anger?" He looked up at Sieghard. "Tell me everything."

2020-08-30, 03:56 PM
Ludo & Adelbert, 27th Brauzeit

<'You did the right thing coming back,'> Adelbert reassured Vico. <'Without you we'd be entirely in the dark about your comrades Morr watch over them, and about this Keiner. Speaking of the man though... how did he look and act? Was he ill or tried?'>

2020-08-30, 04:49 PM

"The original haft was brittle," Sieghard confirmed, "It snapped the first time I tried to use it." He briefly recounted what had happened in Kheneb and how he had found it there. "I've wielded the spear four times," He said. "First was escaping the ruins against dead things that barred our path. That was when the old haft snapped. The second time was against daemons. And then there were two more when I used it in anger," he continued. "There was a village of cannibals not far from here. They worshiped the vampire as a god. I used against them. And I used it again against the vampire just before word would've reached Savonne. We fought the creature's minions in another ruin to the south. We killed most of the mortal ones though I know of a few that survived. The battle was going in our favor until the vampire called up a duststorm and sprung his trap. We tried to regroup, but the northerner knights who came with us... Fools rushed right in and got themselves killed by the shades of long dead men. Those of us who weren't lost to the storm took shelter in the buildings that survived the ages. Cursed places, but it was that or certain death. We couldn't fight the ghosts. The spear could destroy them, but normal blades passed right through. And they were many and there's only one spear. Something about the buildings kept them out though. And when the monster's shades and corpse puppets couldn't flush out, he came to deal with us himself."

"The spear started to glow," Sieghard said, his expression hardening. "We must've been outnumbered by three dead things to the man, but we held them back. His ghouls, dead villagers the monster had rounded up, our own fallen, ancient dead that littered the place, and the knights. He sent all of them after us, and all the while watched while the horde of shades protected him. But we held. Despite everything, we held and only then he stepped away from his ghosts."

"By the time I fought him, the light was blinding. The monster attacked sorcery that could've killed a dozen men, but it didn't do anything and the spear seemed to move on its own. The fight felt like it was over in a moment and the vampire fell back to the protection of his shades. We didn't have the means to go after him, so we fell back rather than lose more men trying to fight through ghosts we had no way to harm." He paused. "The spear never did anything like that any of the other times."

2020-08-30, 05:38 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Urgrim, 24th Brauzeit

Skorgrund sucked in a long breath between his teeth. "Aye, that'll be it. Zonbrynaz." He ran his fingers through his beard, his eyes still on the spear. "The book found its way out... I suppose the ancestors thought they should level the score."

He looked up into Sieghard's face. "Our ancestors made this weapon for the first umgi king to stand against the Black Hound," he said. "According to our histories, it was Zonbrynaz that struck him down in the first war, and put him in his grave. It was made to kill him, and only him." He narrowed his eyes. "It sounds like you've been in some scrapes with it. Who are you? Why didn't you bring it to us sooner?"

Adelbert & Ludo, 27th Brauzeit

<He seemed like a bookworm to me,> said Vico. <Too much time spent indoors. And he limped. Not all the time, but when he was tired, you could see it.> He paused. <Between Last Water and the ruins, he didn't talk that much. Seemed like his mind was wandering. But when we got there,> he snapped his fingers, <sharp again. Like someone had lit a fire under his behind, you know?>

2020-08-30, 08:25 PM

"I told no one," Sieghard replied, matching the old dwarf's stare. "You've been told more than anyone who wasn't there when I found the thing. Even Prince Sforza doesn't know that the spear exists." The idiot probably would've found some excuse to claim it for himself and then locked it away where it would be worthless if he had known. "I found it, I restored it, and I chose to keep it a secret. Most likely I'd be dead if I hadn't. Three times I've faced the jackal and three times I've driven him back. Outside of my men, you could count the others who have even seen the bastard and lived to tell the tale on your fingers."

"As for who I am," he said, his temper cooling a bit, "I'm just a sell sword who managed to climb higher than most."

2020-08-30, 08:37 PM
Elsa merely sat in silence by Sieghard's side. He seemed to be holding his own quite well, so she chose not to chime in unless the conversation shifted towards her areas of expertise. She had seen before how dwarfs could fly off the handle at quasi-imagined insults.

2020-08-31, 02:57 AM
Sieghard, Elsa & Urgrim

Skorgrund snorted. "Any dwarf with eyes could have told you that was a rune of power," he said, pointing to the blade. "What do I care whether or not you told your princeling? He's got nothing to do with it. This spear was forged by the revered elders of Clan Dwimmulson. You should have brought it to us."

He peered at Sieghard through narrowed eyes. "Just a sellsword," he repeated. "No ancestors of note? Are you from these parts?"

2020-08-31, 10:54 AM

"From the Border Princes," Sieghard said, not liking the line of questioning about his lineage. "A bit north of the Reaches."

2020-08-31, 01:00 PM
Sieghard, Elsa & Urgrim

"Hrmm," rumbled Skorgrund. "And you just... found it."

He paused for a long time, thinking.

"Jotunnsson vouches for you, at least. And if you say you've fought the blood-drinker and lived... well, that's more than most could say." He drummed his fingers on the table-top. "Our clan made the spear as a gift for the umgi who fought alongside us. That king and his kingdom are long gone... but I suppose you could say there are parallels to where we find ourselves today. At least if your princeling ever shows up." He furrowed his brow at Sieghard. "Would you say you're his greatest warrior? Sforza. Are you his champion?"

2020-08-31, 01:47 PM
"Would you say you're his greatest warrior? Sforza. Are you his champion?"

Elsa couldn't keep a grin from spreading across her face.

Now's not the time for false modesty, Sieghard. You know damn well you could take on any of Sforza's men and win.

2020-09-01, 01:26 AM

"There isn't a better fighter than me anywhere in the Reaches," Sieghard said. Rorik had been as good - probably better - but he was dead. There were a few others he could think of who were no doubt skilled and might be comparable, Carraciolo notably, but he hadn't actually seen any of them fight.

2020-09-01, 05:01 AM
Sieghard, Urgrim & Elsa

"No shortage of self-confidence, then, at least."

Skorgrund sat for a little while in silence.

"As far I see, you have no right to it," he said at last. "You took it from another manling's tomb, which some might call grave robbing. You have no ancestral claim. You kept it from us with no idea of its history." He brought himself up short with an exasperated sigh, as if he wished he could continue. "But... this fight is what it was made for. I'm sure that old manling king wouldn't want it gathering dust while his enemy was breathing the free air again."

He tapped the table hard with one gnarled finger. "It mustn't leave the Reaches. When this is over, you'll bring it to the Dwimmulhold. But until the Black Hound has been put back in his grave, on behalf of Clan Dwimmulson, I'm prepared to allow you to keep it." The craggy eyebrow crept up again. "Provisionally."

2020-09-01, 05:43 AM
Adelbert and Ludo
<Was he experienced outdoors?> Ludo asked. <Did he know how to survive in the desert, or were you doing that for him?>

2020-09-01, 05:49 AM
Adelbert & Ludo

<Like I said, he seemed like the soft sort,> said Vico, wetting his gullet again. At this rate there wasn't going to be very much of Gill's brandy left in the morning. <We had to do most of the carrying. But... he did seem to know his way around the desert. At least, more than you'd expect for a city boy, you know? More than us, even, sometimes. Gave Orfeo some good advice. I don't know where he got it. Do they write that kind of thing in books?>