View Full Version : Apparently not dead; Legend of Zelda: Reconciliation

Fiery Diamond
2020-07-24, 08:13 PM
Who else here remembers Rose Zemlya's Legend of Zelda Fanfics, Return and Reconciliation? Posted on Fanfiction.net, these are some pretty old fanfics - the first one started in 2001 and concluded in 2003, while the sequel started in 2004 and was last updated in 2014. It got... VERY slow to update toward the end of that period, with only a few chapters (really huge chapters, but still) over the last half of that. With it being over six years since the last update, I wondered whether the author was still around, so I looked her up. According to her twitter and tumblr, not only is she still active, but she's still working on her story (as in, she's posted an update about how far along she is in the current chapter as of this month). Given how much time and effort she's invested in this project (indisputably the best fanfiction I've ever encountered), this isn't a complete shock, but something seemed off to me about her twitter comment from this January: she mentions that she's a certain number of words into writing chapter 28 - but fanfiction.net's most recent chapter is chapter 26. What about chapter 27?

The question is bothering me, but I'm not a tumblr or twitter user, so I don't have the skills necessary to search through those sites for older posts and try to find out, and my Google Fu is very weak.

So, two things.

1) If you're a Zelda fan and like to read novels with lots of humor, adventure, and drama, and you haven't ever read these fanfics, you really ought to give them a go. The writing is decent at the start and improves continuously as it goes (and is of suitably epic quality by the middle of Reconciliation). The Return is over 200K words; Reconciliation is over 400K words, so they're not short. They gained quite the cult following back in the day, and you can find a huge amount of fan art of these fanfics online.

2) If you're already a fan of these stories and have some proficiency with tumblr and/or twitter, could you maybe pretty please help me find out what the deal is with chapter 27? Did she just accidentally reference chapter 28 when she meant 27; is she waiting until both 27 and 28 are done to post them on fanfiction.net, is chapter 27 posted somewhere online other than fanfiction.net...? It's driving me crazy, since if it exists out there somewhere I absolutely want to read it. Chapter 26 ended on an awesome cliffhanger.

Oh, yeah, and also feel free to use this thread to discuss the story. :smallbiggrin: