View Full Version : Pathfinder 1E] Any Advice On Unchained Rogue VS Investigator

2020-07-25, 05:47 AM
Context: My playgroup is going to be doing a more espionage based game. Character creation is level 1, 20 pt buy, 2 traits (but you can take a drawback for an extra one), and no race with over 15 RP.

I get the idea of playing a kitsune trickster unchained rogue, but then midway through the process I find out that Investigator exists and does very similar stuff. I start to look into it and I see a ton of different arguments ranging from "Empiricist Investigator is always better" to "They're basically the same".

Full disclosure I haven't played a rogue in Pathfinder yet, so I could be completely off on my assessment, but it seems like the investigator is just better at combat while only sacrificing minimal amounts of skill and making up for it with inspiration and alchemy.

What do yall think, and what kind of feats/styles would you suggest for this kind of play?

Kurald Galain
2020-07-25, 08:56 AM
Investigator is better at skills (due to adding +1d6 to anything he finds important). U-Rogue is better at combat, because with TWF and a reliable flanking buddy, you can do scary amounts of sneak attack damage.

2020-07-25, 02:48 PM
They're both solid classes. Your main consideration should probably be whether you prefer to solve problems purely with skillls/blades, or whether you'd like a bit of alchemical backup. It's a character concept question more than an effectiveness one.

2020-07-25, 03:24 PM
Investigator is better at skills (due to adding +1d6 to anything he finds important). U-Rogue is better at combat, because with TWF and a reliable flanking buddy, you can do scary amounts of sneak attack damage.

Wow, I was completely off on all of my assumptions then.

I figured sneak attack was good, but only really enough to carry surprise rounds and round one when nobody has acted yet. That, and TWF on a rogue seemed cool, but the penalties to hit made it more consistent to go with Investigator, or even just sidestep and go an archer/sniper build.

That being the case though, any feats I should look out for. I know the classic good ones like improved initiative, weapon focus, etc, but I'm not sure if I'm missing something again. The hope is to be skilled enough and play cleverly enough that we don't get into too many fair fights, but if the time does come I want to be combat viable.

2020-07-26, 09:19 PM
A few thoughts:

Playing a Kitsune and picking Realistic Likeness at first level sets you up nicely for an intrigue heavy game no matter what class you play. Base on the classes you're looking at I would suggest using the Keen Kitsune alternate racial trait as that'll let you swap your Cha bonus for an Int bonus. Unless you go for for an archetype that adds spell casting (and possibly even then) I would suggest picking up Superior Shapeshifter as well for the fox form. These options help set you up as an infiltration specialist.

If you opt to play an UnRogue, you're opting for stronger combat options but will still have a high number of skill points per level so don't think you'll be useless out of combat. The TWF build is recommended as you can use talents to get many of the feats for free and at level 3 you'll get to add Dex to your damage rolls w/out needing to pay a feat tax. Debilitating Injury at level 4 lets you lower the target's AC, helping to offset the fact you don't have full BAB. At level 5 you start getting free skill unlocks, which can also be quite helpful.

If you opt for an Investigator, you're opting for more assured success on skill checks. Combat is still decent, but having played a few Investigators I do suggest either starting as an Inspired Blade Swashbuckler or dipping into it at second level for the free Weapon Finesse (rapier only) and Weapon Focus (rapier). This will let you qualify for Fencing Grace at level 3 to get Dex to Damage. I also personally like how this offsets when you get talents to your even levels. There are a number of a good archetypes, but I'm a fan of the Psychic Detective. Swapping your alchemy and poison abilities for psychic spell casting is a good trade and the psychic spell list has a ton of options that would be beneficial in your game.