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2020-07-25, 06:58 AM
The woods are quiet tonight, and the air grows chill. Your fire sputter as a low mist surrounds the edges of your camp, growing closer as the night goes on. By morning, the fog hangs thick in the air, turning the trees around you into gray ghosts, but they aren’t the same trees from your camp last night. You search until you find a lonely dirt road, meeting up with a few others, and follow it to a small village.

Zero Prime
2020-07-25, 08:01 AM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (10)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon awoke to Ironmane's snarling growl, the ranger reached out to soothe the beast, running a calloused hand through the thick fur of his mane, "Easy boy," he whispered, taking account of their situation. A forest, but this was not the thick, towering blackwood trees of Falknovia, Braedon's thick brow crinkled in confusion, a deep breath. Still, there was work to do, so he set about to his morning tasks, breaking camp, oiling the links of his chainmail, so the morning dew would not cause rust or rot, then, after donning his armor and ensuring it was secured, he broke camp, ensuring the night's fire was extinguished, the cut sod placed back atop it.
He rolled and secured his camp provisions, and then, given the new surroundings, he walked the perimeter of the camp, trying to familiarize himself with the land.

He had not fallen asleep in a ring of toadstools, though, the mist did remind him of the stories of the Feywild whispered by his toothless 'nan when he was but a boy, surely there could be no truth to the rumors. As he did he walk around the perimeter he noted a small thorny bush, crouching low, he saw it bore fruit, small blackish berries, this would do. He gathered a handful of the plumpest ones, closed his eyes, concentrated a moment, touching the sprig of misletoe he kept secured in the wrappings he wore around his left wrist, and then he spoke a few words of the ancient, druidic tongue. When he opened his eyes, he noted the berries had changed, plumped, ripened, a fresh, bitter-sweet scent rising from his palm. He safely brushed them into a hip pouch, standing, he looked to his companion. "Stay close boy, we don't know what's out there, we're in unfamiliar country now. Ears up Ironmane."

When he found the path, he noted other travellers upon it, unwilling to assume they were enemies, yet. However, caution was advised, so he drew his greatsword, however, he braced it's naked blade across his shoulders, accessible, but not immediately threatening. "HO!" He called to the figures in the mist, "Travellers! What brings you out in the damnable mist this morn'?!"

Those, whose attention was called to the low, deep voice, would see a tall man, broad shoulders and narrow hips, clad in dull, iron gray chainmail, a well worn cloak of forest green hanging from his shoulders, a massive, unadorned steel greatsword across his shoulders. Deep set, blue eyes peered through the mists, dark curled hair swept back from a noble brow, a scruff of beard and a broad smile. At his side though stood a massive wolf, almost four feet at the shoulder, a scar ran across it's right eye, and it's iron greay fur shifted to snow white around it's chin, and ears. The wolf's lips were drawn back in a threatening snarl as it stood in defense of the armored shoulder, though, to those familiar with the wild, it's hackles were not yet raised, indicating that it was well trained, and was only wary, not yet ready to attack.

OOC: Expending one spell slot to cast Goodberry.

2020-07-25, 09:25 AM
Liliana, seeing another person and being seen in turn, calls back. A pleasant day to you, good sir. As for my task out here, well... I seem to have found myself lost.

She approaches the man, revealing herself as a similarly tall person. She has ample curves, but solid muscle underneath them, and is armed and armored. When the wolf at his side bares its fangs, she pauses a moment, then addresses the wolf. I mean no harm to you or your man, noble beast. May I approach? If the wolf and the man accept, she will approach, kneeling in front of the wolf and letting it sniff her and grow accustomed. As that happens, she introduces herself. Liliana Smith, Knight of the Lady of the Forest. Not this forest. Another one.

2020-07-25, 09:56 AM
Elmore was used to waking up in strange places. In the years of his search for the demonic things that destroyed his homeland, he'd walked a lot of strange roads and woken up to a lot of strange things. He was not at all sure how he got here, or what he was supposed to do now. The mist, clearly had something to do with it all. And these people here.... were they friends and fellow victims? Or his tormentors?

He saw and heard the lady and the wolf-dude greet each other. They seemed friendly enough. So he approached.

He was of roughly average height and average build. His features had a touch of the noble's sharp bearing, but his face was lined and tanned and rough and was clearly not the face of a man who'd lived a life of luxury or ease. His clothing was plain, but of high quality. His voice is clear and strong, the voice of someone used to public speaking.

He approached, hands held palm up, empty.

"Good morning. I see we're all in the same predicament here. My name is Jax. I've been a lot of places but this mist-portation thing is new to me. Anyone else have any idea what's happening?"

Zero Prime
2020-07-25, 02:20 PM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Not many would approach a snarling wolf, Ironmane, though well trained, was not exactly approachable. He was, very clearly, a predator; the fact that the woman so brazenly reached out to him, while his teeth were bared, well, it was either bravery, or perhaps foolishness. As the beast sat, and began to nuzzle into the woman's palm looking for treats of some sort was a sign that she was, perhaps, simple brave and foolish. The tall, broad man, scoffed, "Heh, you've still got ten fingers so he must like you, Ser Smith." He got on one knee, ruffled Ironmane's neck, "Strange woods, strange occurances, but either way, well met. Braedon Blackwater, of the Kriegovel Blackwaters, Falkovnia." The nearness of the two would allow for the well armed paladin to note that the ranger's black beard barely hid a brand on his right cheek, seemingly shaped like a hawk seal of some sort. Her comment about being from woods, though not these woods, stuck with him. "Am I to assume that you, yourself, are similarily arrived in these woods, with no account of either journey or distance?"

Even as he spoke, a third appeared through the trees and mists, Ironmane, too enamored to snarl at the newcomer only turned his great head to watch the unkown man approach. "Jax, you say?" He shrugged at the question, "Mist-portation? As apt a name as any, perhaps we all slept within a circle of toadstools, atop a hill 'neath the new moon as my nan would have had me believe." He held out a hand to both his companions, "If you've not yet taken your morning repast, these will do well to fill a belly." As he spoke he reached into a pouch to withdraw three black current berry's, sprigs of green still attached to each, one of which he popped into his mouth, before smiling and offering the remaining to the two strangers.

2020-07-25, 06:25 PM
Liliana continues to let the wolf nuzzle into her as she stands. She accepts a berry, saying Thank you kindly, in response. She pops it in her mouth and chews as she retrieves a bit of dried meat from her pack, and offers it to Ironmane.

She then turns to face Jax, chuckling a little bit. We seem to have gotten ourselves entrapped in a situation not of our own devising. We should probably investigate the area. I'd offer to form an alliance with you all, but that sounds far too formal for my tastes. So, I propose we work as friends, and help one another out.

Man on Fire
2020-07-26, 03:41 AM
Usually awakening was a welcome relief for Zaahid. A brief release from dreams of snakes coils wrapping around his small, weak body and then squeezing, crushing his bones. Or of snake fangs singing deep into his arm, and poison pumping into his veins and his insides burning in its passing. It was never a release from one, most powerful of the dreams, however. The pair of puppils as narrow as thinest coins starring into him. Every hour he would feel them starring at him like a predator stares at its prey, following him even into his waking hours.

This morning was different. The realization he has awakened in a strange land and that worse, someone could have snuck up on him in his sleep and then moved him to a different area, was a terror almost as great as the one whose coils and fangs ruled over his nights. As he walked the misty road, regurally looking behind him, unable to shake the feeling of being watched, he thought himself lucky, actually. The mysterious kidnapper could have him slain or stripped of his belongings. In fact, he was like a sitting duck, ready for an arrow to piece its neck. Wise men said a man who travels alone has death for a companion. It went double for a Kobold.

As he saw a group of strangers, engaged in conversation on the road, he thought they will work for a companion, for now at least. Assuming, of course, people in this strange land were as open-minded as in Al-Quadim. So far from venturing to barbaric lands of the North, Zaahid observed that peoples prejudice was inversly proportional to temperature. Colder it was, more willing to attack him on sight people were. He wondered if in frozen realms of the North upon meeting a stranger people kill him, thinking it's three of his brethen in a trenchcoat.

Slowly like an animal tamer approaching an angry lion, a Kobold wearing a turban and light, more adept to hot desert climates clothes, approached the group.
"Greetings to you, fellow travellers." He spoke calmly and slowly, his hand sometimes glancing the hilt of his rapier. "Would you please forgive my intrusion, do you happen to know the name of this strange land? It appears I've been lost in these mists."

2020-07-26, 09:34 AM
Liliana turns to face the newcomer, and says Afraid not, friend. We were just about to start investigating, figure out what drew us all here.

Man on Fire
2020-07-26, 12:34 PM
"Allow me then to join your company." Zaahib offers. "Wise men say that a lost man is as good as dead, while lost group is merely inconvenienced. Surely we will be able to figure this mystery much better if we join our forces."

2020-07-26, 02:08 PM
Jax nodded. He was still more than a little wary of all this, but certainly it seemed like a lot of trouble just for a prank. So it was likely that everyone was being sincere, and they were all just as confused as he is.

"Whether we call it an alliance or just working together, since we all seem to be in the same predicament, cooperation seems to be the safest course of action."

He peered up the road and looked up and down the lonely road.

"Should we take a look around? That forest looks pretty rough. But a road, and a village, that implies civilization. Maybe someone can help."

Lord of Gifts
2020-07-26, 03:08 PM
There was something deeply wrong about the fog. Reinette was far more in tune with the weather than most people, bound to the Great Storm on a spiritual level, but this mist felt unnatural. It made her skin crawl from the moment she woke, even before she noticed anything else was wrong. Realising that her surroundings have changed from the night before did anything but reassure her.

On the positive side, she still had her gear, and there didn't seem to be any immediate danger. Lacking any other sensible options, she packed up her camp and followed along the dirt road, until she spotted the gathering group. Those who saw her approach weren't likely to consider it threatening. Short, slightly built, and completely unarmoured, she didn't exactly cut an imposing figure. Her sling was neatly packed in a leather pouch, and the lone knife on her hip was more tool than weapon. The more observant might see a different picture though, if they knew something of the arcane. Her eyes were far brighter blue than they had any right to be, and a solid cubit of brass-tipped wych elm hung from her belt. Not a dead give-away, but enough to hint at her sorcerous talent. She could only hope it didn't give the wrong impression, given the circumstances.

Hands held out in a gesture of peace, she greeted the other travellers. "The Kobold speaks sense. These seem dangerous lands, doubly so if none of us know them. I would appreciate your company also, at least till we make sense of this evil mist."

Reinette didn't know these people, but they seemed to have no more answers than her. If they were also victims, then that made them allies of necessity. A certain dose of suspicion was only healthy, but she needed to extend some trust if there was any hope of them working together. "My name is Reinette Thorne."

Man on Fire
2020-07-26, 04:51 PM
"Pardon me, where are my manners. The Kobold's name is Zaahib, I'm just a humble traveler from Al-Quadim." Zaahib makes a small bow to others.

2020-07-29, 09:34 AM
As you approach the village, the muddy road gives way to slick cobblestones, and the fog gives way to village dwellings. The windows of each house stare from pools of blackness, no sound cuts the silence except for a mournful sobbing which echoes through the streets from a distance.

2020-07-29, 10:12 AM
Liliana listens for the source of the sobbing, and if she can get at least a general direction, starts heading for it. Someone needs help. Come on, let's go.

Man on Fire
2020-07-29, 12:53 PM
Zaahib flashes his newly found companion a look as if she has lost her mind but then remembers that the people he is traveling with seems to be of the "adventuring" kind. He has seen the likes of these in his life and learned that once they get set on bleeding for every lost kitten, there is no stopping them. Still, as long as they were moving, it was good for him. Still, he bravely volunteered to watch the group's back, were they to be ambushed by bandits or anything worse, of course.

Zero Prime
2020-07-29, 04:50 PM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon was unsure of how to react to the foreigner's presence, he had seen tribes of kobolds during his time in with the Falkovnian 13th Heavy Regiement. From what he'd seen of them, they were scavengers, savage, vicious and fowl, to be driven from civilized land least they steal a town's infants for their nefarious purposes. However, this one, armed, armored and strangely articulate, seemed odd, however, given his current circumstances he felt a certain amount of indifference would suffice. The same could not be said for Ironmane, who turned and snapped at the diminutive traveller, teeth pulled back in full growl. It was Liliana's welcoming words that stayed Braedon's hand, with a smack along the snout, the ranger reminded the wolf of who his allies were, and to restrain his instincts. He earned a nip at his fingers for the effort, but the wolf knew his place, even if it was to protect the
human from his trusting nature.

"Forgive the beast, stranger. Ironmane lost his mate to your kind not a winter's hence. He doesn't forgive easy, and will likely dog your step if you mean to play us foul."

Not moments later, a woman stepped from the mists. A fellow traveller in the mists may be coincidence, but to meet four, in the span of moments? This was something else entirely, though Braedon had not the learning to understand what it was. "Well met Mistress Thorne. As I was explaining to our newest companion there," a nod towards the garishly clad kobold, "I am Braedon Blackwater, a veteran of Falkovnia's 13th Heavy Regiment." He looked down and ruffled the wolf's thick pelt, "And this mangy bastard is my friend and ally, Ironmane."

As the growing group moved cautiously through the woods and the mist, Braedon ceased speaking, not of his past, or his home, or of his sudden discovery in these cursed misty woods. Instead he listened, intently, and studied the road and it's markings. Able to determine the number and frequency of travel upon it, which steadily increased until they found themselves in a small, seemingly deserted village.

The dreadful keening, perhaps of a child, echoed through the misty street, muffled by the fog and the drizzle. Braedon knelt down beside his companion, "Find. Find the source of the noise my friend, we will back you." And with that, he gave the beast a slap on the haunch, stood, and drew his borad bladed great sword from it's sheath.

OOC: Ironmane, who has advantage on Perception checks involving Hearing, will attempt to pin point the source of the moaning, and begin moving towards it, and Braedon will obviously follow. [roll0]; 10+5=15 Perception Check.

2020-07-30, 07:38 AM
Jax was not at all certain that someone sobbing meant someone needed help. At least, not the sort of help a ragged handful of armed wanderers can provide. But he went along all the same. What other option did he have? Set out on his own? That was madness.

"I've been a lot of strange places. And seen a lot of strange things. I've even spent some time in your Al-Qadim, master Zaahib. But this doesn't just feel like a bad place, it does't quite feel like any place at all."

He paused and turned to Rienette.

"Ms.Thorne, forgive my presumption, and correct me if I've missed my guess entirely, but you strike me as one with some arcane talent. Can you sense anything of what's happening here that we may not?"

Lord of Gifts
2020-07-31, 11:24 AM
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Reinette acknowledged the introductions. Her new companions were a strange group to meet by chance. Save Braedon and his wolf, they all seemed to be travelling alone, with no connection to the others. Ironmane seemed to distrust Zaahib, but Braedon was quick to explain. She sensed that he didn't completely discard the wolf's instincts, which was prudent, but animals were easily biased. Reinette had travelled enough to see both good and evil from most races; it wasn't fair to judge Zaahib by the actions of his kin. Besides, these people seemed good company to keep in dangerous lands.

The village was no less eerie than the road leading into it. The houses weren't lit, and there were none of the small sounds she would expect, even in the early hours. Just that wailing in the distance. At least it gave them a purpose. The tone suggested sorrow more than danger, and perhaps the cause wasn't something that could be solved with blades, but it was worth investigating.

Reinette smirked at Jax's query. He was perceptive enough, and seemed keen to avoid causing offence. Far from the worst reaction she had ever received. "You aren't wrong Jax. But I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you. I was born with these gifts; they work more by instinct than lore. I could wax poetically about how unnatural the mist felt to me, but not tell you what they are. But you're right on both counts; this village isn't quite like anywhere I've known. If we can find a local, maybe they can shed a little light for us." As the company moved towards the source of the sound, she took hold of her focus in one hand. A part of her worried what they might find, and the familiar weight of it was a comforting reassurance.

2020-07-31, 11:44 AM
As you head through the village looking for the source of the noise, you pass a tavern and shop, seemingly still open, and arrive at a 2 story townhouse, you knock, but no one answers.

2020-07-31, 11:51 AM
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Reinette smirked at Jax's query. "You aren't wrong Jax. But I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you. I was born with these gifts; they work more by instinct than lore."
Jax put his hand to his chin in a sagacious fashion and nodded with faux gravity. "I see. Not unlike my own good looks and roguish charm.
Great is the burden we bear indeed."

He grimaced slightly at the continued sobbing. "I'm not at all sure how I feel breaking into someone's home, no matter how hard they cry. Perhaps we could try the shop or the tavern?"

2020-07-31, 11:53 AM
Liliana looks in through the windows, seeing if she can make out anyone within.

2020-07-31, 12:30 PM
The windows on the house are shuttered, but you see a little light coming from the second floor

Lord of Gifts
2020-07-31, 02:34 PM
At Jax's joke, Reinette broke into a full smile, for the first time since arriving there. "Exactly. We are a rare few," she shot back. At little humour went a long way, she often found, especially in times of stress.

But the sobbing brought her back to the moment. Once again, she found herself agreeing with Jax. "That sobbing sounds like sadness, not fear. I want to help, but I'm sure a group of armed strangers bursting through the door would do anything but. I'd suggest one person enters, but it might not be safe. Perhaps we'd find more answers at the tavern we passed."

2020-07-31, 08:45 PM
Sighing, Liliana nods. I want to help. But you're right.

If no one has any better ideas, the tavern it is.

Man on Fire
2020-07-31, 10:41 PM
"Wounds of the heart are slowest to close. I would indeed play the role of a foul if I tried to cross one bearing it among my kind." Zaahib steps back when the wolf starts growling at him. A pity, as they make excellent allies in combat, their natural instinct to hunt in packs being known to a Kobold as well."The land of Falkovnia you speak of is unknown to me, but then again, so is this one. Once you're a stranger in a strange land, how can one knows when you enter a yet different land altogether."

Turning to Jax he responds "I sincerely hope your visit in my homelands let only good memories. It is refreshing and nostalgic experience to meet someone else who knows them. I do share your sentiment about this current place we found ourselves in. It doesn't....It doesn't feel right, for lack of a better description."

As the group is approaching the village, Zaahib keeps his position at the rear, regurally watching his back. The atmosphere of this place, combined with usual reaction of people in these lands, assuming this was still part of them, to his brethen, made him tense. As the party was discussing whenever to enter the house or not, he stepped forward. "Have you considered maybe...knocking?" He asked. However, there was no intention in the kobold to do so himself. Sight of a creature like him will likely freak out the person inside.

Zero Prime
2020-08-02, 05:04 AM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon looked around the small village, it was early morning, the sound of the sobbing muffled by the strangely dense morning fog. However, what disturbed the ranger the most, was the odd stillness of the community. "Does that not seem odd to you? We are mid-morning, where are the mothers? The children? Laundering their clothing from the previous day? No scent of baking bread, the ringing of the smithy's hammer, the call of the farmor to his oxen? It is unnatural." A gauntleted hand hammered the door frame beside the door, "We mean you no harm, but we are travellers who require direction towards the nearest trade routes! We offer coin for your trouble!"

Speaking lower towards his newfound companions, "Unless the villagers are in mourning, and gathered outside of town to lay their dead to rest."

2020-08-03, 07:46 AM
The sobbing stops when you knock, but continues after you finish talking, getting no response

Zero Prime
2020-08-03, 08:38 AM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon looked to his companions and grumbled, "No point in disrupting the grieving of peasants," and with that said he turned from the door, his hand reaching down to ruffle Ironmane's thick scruff. "Let's go boy, someone around here has to be making breakfast, sure we can get you a few scraps while we inquire as to where in the nine hells we are."

OOC: Letting Ironmane's nose lead me, looking for an area where people are present and active, outdoors, or the common room of an ale house or something similar. Rolling Perception, +4, with Advantage. [roll0]. 14 plus 4 for a total Perception (hearing or scent) of 18.

Man on Fire
2020-08-03, 10:51 AM
Zaahib shrugs off and follows Braedon, sighing. "It is probably for the best. All of us must carry our grief alone. Should we try visit the inn?"

2020-08-03, 09:38 PM
Jax nods. "Braedon is right. There is more wrong here than a single sobbing person in a house. I think the Inn is the way to go. Let's find some people. Any people. We need information to make plans. We can't make bricks without clay."

2020-08-04, 11:35 AM
Liliana nods, and heads for the inn.

Just waiting on Party of Rogues to move us forward, then, are we?

2020-08-04, 11:46 AM
You turn away from the house and head back to the inn you passed along the way, the faded sign says that it is the Blood on the Vine inn. As you head inside you see three people talking amongst themselves, pausing shortly as you enter. The bar stretches along the left wall with a short man cleaning glasses, watching you from behind the bar, waiting for you to order. In the corner, a tall man in leather armor beckons you over as the door shuts behind you.

2020-08-04, 12:17 PM
Stopping first by the bar, Liliana asks Can I get something not too strong? I want to keep my wits about me, but could use a little relaxation.

She waits a moment for her drink, and slides over the requisite payment, then heads for the man in the corner. How do you do, good sir?

Man on Fire
2020-08-04, 06:09 PM
Zaahib carefully walked towards the bar, trying to observe reactions to his appearances among the patrons. He calmly climbed onto one of the chairs and assuming he was not interrupted, requested a glass of water.

2020-08-05, 08:11 AM
Jax kept a wary eye on as much as he could. This was all still very, very strange and he wasn't at all sure how deep the strange went, or what forms it might take. None of this seemed normal. He was most worried about Zaahib. In his experience, reactions to his race were not very positive. But no one seemed to bat an eye. Even stranger yet. But he seemed safe enough.

He saw Liliana approach the man in the corner, and he went and stood behind her. Just in case she needed help.

2020-08-05, 10:40 AM
The bartender pours you each a glass and says ”Wine’s 1 copper, water is free.” The man starts to talk as you approach, ”You’re new here I see, I need some help and you seem trained. I won’t be able to pay but we can get somewhere safe.”

2020-08-05, 10:42 AM
Elaborate, if you would, Liliana asks of the man. You seem wholly competent yourself-what do you need help with?

Lord of Gifts
2020-08-05, 06:37 PM
Reinette stowed her rod once again as they left the house, and followed the others along to the tavern.

As they entered, she found the reception anything but friendly. The locals seemed remarkably ordinary though, if a little sullen. Of course, it wasn’t hard to find rural taverns that were less than welcoming to strangers, so this needn’t mean much. But she felt a gnawing suspicion that it was tied to the sobbing back at the house, and the reason the village was so quiet. Combined with the mists, it suggested there were greater powers at work in the region than a trio of miserable drunks.

Taking a cup of ale from the bartender, Reinette accompanied Liliana over to the armoured man in the corner. Even if he failed to answer any of the myriad other questions on her mind, he must know where they were, at the very least.

Man on Fire
2020-08-06, 11:04 AM
"Let gods reward your generosity." Zaahib gently nods upon hearing water is free and takes a drink. He was in places where such a gesture would not be so common after all. Drinking his water he too joins the others with a mysterious figure. He does not trust the people here enough to let himself be separated from fellow "outsiders".

Zero Prime
2020-08-07, 10:59 AM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon could only shake his head as his companions ordered libations before the sun had even risen past it's quarter mark. However, the strange man's request for odd struck him as odd. He kicked a chair back from the table, "Sit and speak, should you have a proposition. You say you have little in the way of coin, I, for one, would accept my pay in answers."

2020-08-09, 07:26 AM
”I need to take my sister Ireena to Vallkai. They have a wall and guards, Strahd has sent beasts to attack us, our father, the burgomaster, died a couple days ago. Will you help?“

Zero Prime
2020-08-09, 08:07 AM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon's brow furrowed, as he tried to make sense of the information the man had provided them with. "Maybe you should repeat that last sentence, but pretend that we're not from around here, and have no idea where Vallkai is, or anything about this ... Strahd fellow?"

Man on Fire
2020-08-09, 10:13 AM
"Please forgive us humble travellers, but we are much ignorant of this land and it's threats and conflicts. Speaking of our poor manners, condolences for your father's passing." Zaahib climbed up the seat."And what kind of beasts this Strahd commands that have killed your father. Not snakes by any chance?"

Lord of Gifts
2020-08-09, 01:45 PM
So, this was a man in need. Despite the unfamiliar terrain, that much was obvious. He seemed earnest, and it would explain much if Strahd was some evil plaguing these lands. But it still raised more questions than it answered. Who was Strahd, most importantly, and what forces did he command?

Her companions had already made these simple queries, so Reinette decided to address some of her other concerns.
"Our commiserations for your loss. Certainly, I'm prepared to help those in need. I must ask though, why have you drawn Strahd's ire? If we did take you to Vallkai, a journey we aren't familiar with, what sort of perils could we expect to face on the road? Even if we reached this sanctuary, would the walls be enough to deter him?"

2020-08-09, 07:49 PM
Jax nodded. His new companions all had their wits about them and were asking all the right questions.

"Our deepest condolences on the death of your father, and for the village's loss of a beloved leader. Does that make you the Burgomaster? Is there somewhere we can go to pay our respects?"

Aside from a completely prurient desire to observe the funereal rights of such a strange place, he thought it might a good way to gather information.

2020-08-09, 10:13 PM
”Of course, my aplologies, Vallkai is west of here along the roads. Strahd is the lord of Barovia, a vampire, he commands all the creatures in the land. Although I don’t know what we have done, vampires can’t enter houses without permission, and the walls should protect from his creatures. In any case, the further away we are from Strahd the better.”

Zero Prime
2020-08-10, 06:06 AM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon could only laugh, a nervous, cough, "A ... vampire? And your Lord permits such a creature to threaten his towns? The Church?" Sensing his companion's unease, Ironmane issued a low growl from the floorboards where he lay, not at anyone present in the room, just a growing sense of caution.

Lord of Gifts
2020-08-10, 09:06 AM
A vampire. That... was not good news. Reinette had never had to misfortune to meet one herself, but the stories she'd heard sent a shiver down her spine. Nothing good or wholesome could stand those foul creatures of the night. She would not be eager to put herself in Strahd's path.

Unfortunately, she didn't seem to have much choice in the matter. In all good conscience, she couldn't leave this man here to suffer while such a tyrant ruled the land. Even if she wanted to flee, that might not be an option. She'd never heard of Barovia before; she could follow the road endlessly, and might never reach safety. No, if a word from this man's mouth was true, then she couldn't run.

Her voice dropped in volume, as though suddenly aware the group wasn't alone in the tavern.
"If a vampire hunts you, then no one is safe here. I doubt Strahd is welcoming of travelers in his domain, but our weapons might prove some deterrence." Looking at them each in turn, she spoke more to her companions now than the stranger. "Still, I would feel safer behind the walls of Vallkai than in an isolated village like this." That was the truth, even accounting for her other concern. She wasn't going to make any accusations just yet, but none of the locals were above suspicion. Any one of them could be an agent of Strahd, willingly or otherwise. Those just arriving in Barovia weren't yet prey to it's influences, and seemed the most reliable allies. As long as they remained together, a trap on the road was no worse than an attack in the village, and firm walls promised some brief respite.

2020-08-10, 10:19 AM
Liliana nods. We'll do what we can. We have not the power to confront such a creature directly-but we can't sit by idly while his evil permeates the land.

Man on Fire
2020-08-11, 05:39 AM
"If I understand correctly, my friend, the lord is a vampire." Zaahib turns to Braedon. "which I wish I could say is not so bad but I struggl;e to think of a worse possibility for a ruler." Turning back to the man and to others he aks: "What do we know about vampires?"

2020-08-11, 08:09 AM

Rolling them bones.

Liliana thinks, and remembers a decent amount of info-her lady believed undead to be a terrible threat to all she held dear, and so tutored her pupil on their ways.

Vampires must be invited in before they can enter somewhere-but seeing as this vampire rules the land, he might get around that? I couldn't say for sure-so let's assume he can. Running water harms them. A wooden stake to the heart is the best way to kill them. And they have magic-hypnotism, summoning animals of the night, things like that, she says. Plus being faster and stronger than normal mortals.

DM, if I gave too much/too little info for a 19, let me know. I'll edit this post as appropriate.

2020-08-12, 10:43 AM
”He still needs to be invited in, else we’d be dead already.” he says, leading you out of the tavern and down the street, past the house with the sobbing woman. Leading you to a weary looking mansion behind a rusted iron fence, one side of a gate lies on the ground with the other swinging lazily in the wind. The outside walls of the house are covered in claw marks and burnt patches, with all the windows boarded up. He knocks on the door calling out “Ireena, it’s me, open up.” You hear the sounds of furniture scraping the floor before the door opens to a young woman with auburn hair and a metal breastplate. ”Ismark, I see you have brought visitors, please come in.” The interior mansion is well furnished but very worn. Holy symbols hang off the wall in every room. In a small side room you see a simple wooden coffin, surrounded by wilting flowers and the scent of decay.

2020-08-12, 10:44 AM
Well, at least we have that going for us, Liliana comments.

When they're all safely inside the next building, she bows slightly to Ireena. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Zero Prime
2020-08-12, 03:30 PM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

Braedon grunted, "This Strahd, you said, is sending beasts? They affected by these?" He trailed a hand along the wall, tracing the outlines of the various holy symbols hanging there. Looking towards the parlor, and the modest coffin, he began walking that way. "How'd your father pass?"

OOC: Point of clarification, is the body in an open casket or closed?

Man on Fire
2020-08-13, 12:08 PM
"Greetings to you and condolences for your father." Zaahib bows upon entering. "I presume he was slain by the beast we heard so much of, this...Strahd?" He turns to Ismark. "Do you have any means of transportation? We should be setting off as fast as possible, less we encounter any pursuit by the vampire."

He studied the holy symbols trying to understand what kind of faith these people follow.

Religion [roll0]

Lord of Gifts
2020-08-14, 05:19 AM
The scars borne by the house lent credence to Ismark's tale. This wasn't a safe place. Even if Strahd couldn't enter the building himself, it wouldn't hold against his minions for much longer.

Stepping inside, Reinette greeted Ireena alongside the others, and introduced herself. "I'm Reinette, and these are my travelling companions." She gestured towards the others as she spoke. "We're here to take you somewhere safer. Your brother has asked that we accompany you to Vallkai." Hopefully that would be reassuring. Ireena definitely looked in need of reassurances.

When the kobold spoke about transport, she audibly agreed with him. "Zaahib is right; I understand that you need time to grieve, but we should delay our journey as little as possible."

2020-08-15, 08:11 AM
”I understand that we should leave as quickly as possible, but I want my father buried before we leave. Strahd’s beasts attacked the house every day for weeks, the stress got to my father, but there have been no attacks since.”

Man on Fire
2020-08-16, 07:04 PM
"Understandable. They say one to leave his father's body to rot already has a rotten heart." Zaahib judges. "Is it appriopriate for your practices to bury him here? We have enough people to dig a grave in the basement or behind the building."

2020-08-17, 06:17 PM
”No, we should bury him at the church, it isn’t far from here.”

Man on Fire
2020-08-18, 05:41 AM
"That is mostly unfortunate."Zaahib shook his head. "A lot of time lost, but what can you do. We should immediatelly bring his body to te church. Thankfully we have strong companions who can carry the coffin."

After a moment of silence he looks around and add. "You didn't think I'm talking about myself, did you? It may have escaped your attention but when it comes to carrying I come a little bit short."

Zero Prime
2020-08-18, 06:17 AM
Braedon Blackwater, Falkovnian Deserter (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2260236)
AC: 17 | HP: 25
Passive Perception: 14 | Passive Insight: 12
Spellcasting: 1st: 2/3
Active Effects: Goodberry (7)
Conditions: None.
Ironmane, Wolf Companion
AC: 15 | HP: 18
Passive Perception: 15 | Passive Insight: 12
Keen Senses: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks with Hearing or Scent. | Pack Tactics: Advantage on attacks if Ally within 5'
Conditions: None.

As the other's ignored him in the parlor, Braedon inspected the corpse for the cause of death, the stress of attacks, made him think it some failing of the heart or mind. However, if he had been bitten by a shape changer, or some vampire, it would be much more important to inter the body properly, or to ensure that it truely was dead.

OOC: Looking at the body to determine cause of death, rolling Perception +4, [roll0], and Medicine +2, [roll1]. Of course, heh, dice hate me.

2020-08-18, 09:56 AM
"That is mostly unfortunate."Zaahib shook his head. "A lot of time lost, but what can you do. We should immediatelly bring his body to te church. Thankfully we have strong companions who can carry the coffin."

After a moment of silence he looks around and add. "You didn't think I'm talking about myself, did you? It may have escaped your attention but when it comes to carrying I come a little bit short."

Liliana chuckles a bit. No worries, friend. I'm not necessarily the strongest, but I've enough muscle to help here.

2020-08-24, 08:53 AM
Jax was fascinated by all of this. Every bit of it. He'd been a lot of places and seen a lot of things, but this insane little town in the middle of nowhere that didn't seem to have any people, ruled over by the undead, was just something else altogether.

He investigated the body for evidence of supernatural tampering (or anything else he might be able to glean).

2020-08-24, 08:59 AM
[roll0] - Investigation
[roll1] - Religion