View Full Version : Age of the Elysians: A God Game

2020-07-25, 02:30 PM

Undetectable actions

Free/Instant: manifest avatar, teleport avatar, shapeshift avatar, interact with the world, perform inconsequential/non-divine magic, attempt to remotely contact other gods - general fluff and flavor.

1 AP/0 DC: influence one mortal (significantly alter the course of their life by compelling them to action, altering their body, killing them, etc.).

2 AP/1 DC: influence a small group of mortals (~10), influence a small landmark or room, change the weather in a village-sized area.

4 AP/2 DC: influence a large group of mortals (~100), influence a large landmark or building.

6 AP/3 DC: influence a village of mortals (~1000), influence a village-sized area, change the weather in a city-sized area.

8 AP/4 DC:change the weather in a state-sized area, create a basic living species (plant, fungus, micro-organisms), create a basic non-living substance (Type of ore, metal, a new element, new dirt).

10 AP/6 DC: influence a town of mortals (~10k), influence a town-sized area, create an animal species, create lesser magical items (Either more powerful but singular, such as a magic carpet, invisibility cloak, Mastersword, etc. or weaker but replicable, a recipe for health potions, +1 swords, Fire arrows, etc), create a basic magical living species (plant, fungus, microorganism).

12 AP/8 DC: influence a city of mortals (~100k), influence a city-sized area, create a collection of lesser magical minions (should be a reasonable match for most mortals, such as hellhounds, cherubs, horse-mounted Nazgul, etc.), immortalize a living creature or mortal, create a pocket dimension (must be bounded and unable to hold a population), reincarnate a deceased non-divine being, change the weather in a country-sized area, create a magical non-living substance (Types of ore, metal, new elements, new dirt, etc.).

14 AP/10 DC: influence one immortal, create a single greater magical monster (should be challenging for even the best mortals to slay, such as a dragon, gorgon, fell beast-mounted Witch King, etc.), create a greater magical item (requires an understanding of magic to use or destroy and is non-replicable, such as a phylactery, enchanted weapons, and armour, crystal ball, etc.), Permanently scry an up-to town-sized area.

Detectable actions

16 AP/12 DC: influence a state of mortals (~1M) or a small group of immortals (~10), influence a state-sized area, scry a country-sized area, Create a good or bad omen (Can apply up to a city-sized area and must be built with a way to rid the omen), create a sentient species, create a +2 domain religious artefact (1 per god, cannot be used by non-blessed mortals).

18 AP/14 DC: influence a country of mortals (~10M), influence a country-sized area, create a unique ecosystem, scry a continent-sized area, create a plane of reality (can be unbounded and capable of sustaining a population), create a +2 domain/-2 weakness demigod (1 per god), Create a sub-school of magic (Ice for water, shadow for light, organs for flesh, etc. Creating more specialized forms of magic that may have slightly different rules and abilities to them).

20 AP/16 DC: influence a continent of mortals (~100M), influence a continent-sized area, scry the entire planet, create a supernaturally gifted sentient species, assign a chosen people for +2 (1 per god), Creating a new school of magic (Such as poison, lightning/electricity, chaos, blood, sound, etc. Still bound by the specialization and ritual rules along with having to conceivably be an element, but otherwise freeform).

22 AP/18 DC: influence every mortal on the planet, influence the entire planet.

24 AP/20 DC: destroy a +2 artefact, confer a -2 weakness to a demigod, banish a god for a turn, create a law of reality (such as a new system of magic for mortals to use, an objective morality, or a change in physics or metaphysics).

30 AP/24 DC: destroy a demigod, destroy a chosen people, confer a -2 weakness to another god.

40 AP/30 DC: destroy a god.

Secondary actions (Actions that you can do in addition to your primary action each turn).

0 AP: demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP, Consume Artifact (You may destroy your own artifact to double its modifier to a +4 for the turn, this action does not require a secondary action if you apply it to only a contested roll. Cannot be done if the object is being stolen), Consume Demigod (You may destroy your own demigod to triple their bonus this turn to a +6 and remove their weakness for this turn, this action does not require a secondary action if taken after a contested roll).

1 AP: scry one object or living creature (allows you to detect undetectable actions that happen within your scry, effective for the duration of the turn after the turn on which you call the scry),

2 AP: scry a small landmark or room, demand a sacrifice of 10 mortals to generate 8 BP.

4 AP: scry a large landmark or building.

6 AP: scry a town-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 100 mortals to generate 16 BP.

8 AP: scry a city-sized area.

10 AP: scry a state-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 1000 mortals to generate 30 BP.

12 AP: scry a country-sized area, reincarnate/reawaken a mortal/monstrous demigod.

14 AP: Steal another god's religious artefact (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the artefact, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

16 AP: Kidnap a Demigod (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the demigod though the demigod may refuse to work for another god, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

Notes on BP: BP is rather simple. It is the AP that you get from sacrificing mortals, it works the same way except that you all undetectable actions will be able to be detected and all the other gods will know that this action is powered by the blood of your followers.

Notes on actions

Contested actions: if a god scries another god's undetectable action and wishes to oppose it, then there are two methods. The first is simply to hinder the roll. You may call on other gods to apply further hinders, even if they do not have scry on the area. The second method is to use your action to directly counter the scried action (for instance if a force of 100 mortals is influence to invade your temple, you may influence those same 100 mortals to have them all fail), in which case the action with the highest success margin will be deemed the successful outcome. This may be done simultaneously with the first method, so you may hinder their action and perform a counteraction at the same time for maximum advantage (the enemy cannot hinder your counteraction unless they have their own scry, or it's detectable). If you have already done your action for the turn, then you cannot perform a counteraction, the logic being that your god's efforts are being spent elsewhere and thus they are distracted from their scried area.

Domain and Weaknesses

+4 Knowledge, -2 Misinformation

+2 War, +2 Honor, -2 Deception

Vrock Bait
+2 Travel, +2 Deception, -2 Honor

+2 People, +2 Death, -2 Nature

+2 Sky +2 Wisdom, -2 Rigidity

+2 Life, +2 Chaos, -2 Order

+4 Battle, -2 Beserk

Potato Golem
+2 Wealth, +2 Earth, -2 Ascestism/Self Denial

+2 Games, +2 Pacts, -2 Broken Deals

Name: Ukno Goddess of Knowledge, The Many-Armed God, The Great Inventor, The Ever-Writing Author, and The Plowmaker.

Domain: +4 Knowledge

Weakness: -2 Misinformation

Rationale: Ukno is the goddess of Knowledge, but despite the popularity of gods of knowledge in various mythologies, knowledge is a bit of a loaded term as technically all sensory experiences and perhaps some non-sensory experiences are types of knowledge. Which would be far too broad of a domain, nor would it be accurate to most mythologies. Instead, the domain of Knowledge is perhaps better understood as a domain that applies to the Acquisition of ‘new’ knowledge and furthering the pursuit of knowledge and critique of already existing knowledge.

However, due to deriving her power from the power of knowledge, and the belief of her followers in her. Thusly also their belief in the truth and pursuit of pure knowledge. Ukno has a hard time dealing with misinformation, whether that is to say the active spread of misinformation such as various forms of lying, or a more inactive spread such as simply having faulty information, or working with missing information. Though technically we are always working with missing information. Of course, this applies more to if Ukno cannot predict within a reasonable shadow of a doubt what will happen due to this information. For instance, Newtonian physics does eventually break down at a certain level, but can reasonably predict most interactions with gravity that one would normally have on Earth (Though we aren't on that planet).

Avatar Description: Ukno’s depictions vary quite a bit, as do her avatars. The constants of all of these though are that she is depicted as a woman with six arms. This is meant to depict the many roles she fulfills in her pursuit of knowledge, each hand holding different items. The highest set of arms meant to represent the heavenly or higher pursuits of knowledge and as you go down the arms hold items for more earthly, mundane, or lower pursuits of knowledge. The highest set of arms is depicted with a book or scroll and a writing implement, usually, this is meant to represent her writing on philosophy. A reminder that the term for a scientist at this time was “Natural Philosopher” so the connotation of philosophy was rather different. Occasionally the items are changed depending on the interests of the artist, the book may morph to a star chart, sheet music, a sketchbook, etc. while the quill usually morphs to reflect this. The meaning usually stays the same though, the upper arms represent the ‘creation’ of new knowledge. The middle set of arms represents the application of this new knowledge. Typically associated with craftsmen and inventors. In the left hand, there is something such as a tinkerer’s hammer, a carpenter’s saw, or a mason’s hammer depending on which may be more valued at the time. The right hand always has some sort of measuring instrument, mason square, ruler, compass, etc. The measuring instrument is placed in the dominant hand to reflect the old adage of “Cut once, Measure Twice.” The last set of arms represents the distillation of information down to the public at large. In one hand there lies a sheath of grain representing agriculture of course, and in the other a tool typically associated with the lower classes, most traditionally a mallet due to it being a multi-use tool. However, tools such as a blacksmith’s or cobbler’s hammer are seen as well. Of course, the real Ukno does not always have the items in their hands, but their sets of arms still tend towards taking up these positions as she works.
As said before, Ukno’s other characteristics are very subject to change. This is because Ukno is a shapeshifter, seen as representative of how knowledge will take many forms. She is not a trickster though as is common of mythological shapeshifters as her arms still stay in all her forms, but instead the shapeshifting seems to be a way of expressing herself. She takes on extremely archetypal forms that indicate what she is meaning to say if not her emotions. Typically the forms she takes on are forms of the scholar, The wise sage, the eccentric inventor, the excitable young student, etc. But it’s certainly not uncommon for her to take on other forms such as the handsome hero, the strict general, the burly blacksmith, etc. Not all of these forms take on a feminine appearance. While Ukno gravitates towards female forms, she often takes male forms as well. This has caused some confusion on the nature of her gender outside of her believers. To clarify, she identifies as female regardless of form.

Symbol: Explained above, though a compass and mason square is the most commonly associated with her. The Plow however has been the much longer endearing symbol for her in the lower classes though.

Name: Tyris, The First Valkyrie, The Lightbringer, The Tactician

Domain: Either +2 War, +2 Honor

Weakness: -2 Deception

Rationale: Tyris believes that while peace is preferable to war, war is inevitable. When wars do come, they should be fought by warriors who will fight with honor, and leave the civilian population alone. She believes warriors should fight without trickery or deception and that the warrior who is best prepared, mentally and physically, will be the victor. She instills in her followers the virtues of honor, courage, integrity, duty, and the desire to protect the weak.

Avatar Description: Typically a fit human female. She has no set appearance, with different colored hair, skin and eyes and different features nearly every time. Usually in armor whether heavy or light, and armed with some type of weapon.

Symbol: Golden shield behind a crossed longsword and spear.

This game will be played on site, right? I can’t really do Discord.

Name: Ravidra, Trickster Queen, Wing-Shrouded

Domain: Travel +2, Deception +2

Weakness: Honor -2

Rationale: Ravidra is a flighty, mysterious goddess who is always found in multiple places at once or at nowhere at all. She is loathe to bind herself with laws or oaths, and find the very nature of binding contracts or guidelines constricting and claustrophobic.

Avatar Descriptions: Ravidra has three regularly appearing incarnations. The first is a single, onyx feathered bird away from any noticeable flocks, which she usually uses when she’s sending messages or traveling. The second is a dark haired maiden with secrets twinkling in her eye, usually reserved as a disguise. The final incarnation is an indiscernible feminine figure oozing a shadowy mist and surrounded by fluttering, silent avians. This is usually used for intimidation.

Symbol: A dark-feathered bird with a small paper scroll in its beak.

Name: Damokos, The Eternal Monarch, The Lord-Who-rules-from-Under, The City Builder, The King of the Dead

Domain: +2 People, +2 Death

Weakness: -2 Nature

Damokos is the spirit of Rulers, from elected ones to hereditary monarchs. Damokos's followers are both Kings and Embalmers of the dead. Mortal Rulers are his avatars in the world of the living, and in his Dogma, those who have done well become members of his court of the Dead when they perish. Despite his own status as an eternal monarch, Damokos has equal respect for elected Rulers and revolutionaries once they succeed. As long as the government is strong and works to progress, he is satisfied.

Avatar Description:
Damokos usually either takes the form of a human king with an obsidian crown in his Eternal Monarch aspect, and of a skeleton with the same obsidian Crown for his King of the Dead aspect.

Symbol:An Obsidian Crown with a Skull behind it


Name: Elore

Domain: +2 The Sky (Except things like the Sun, Moon, and Stars), and +2 Wisdom

Weakness: - 2 Rigidity (He is not completely arrogant or even cruel, but he has an obsession with getting things done legally.)

Rationale: As the god of the sky, he is the god of the things above, lightning, the clouds, and rain. Not meteors, the Sun, and other stellar objects, yet. As the god of wisdom, he is the god of insight, intuition, awareness, common sense and prudence. Unfortunately for Elore, it is in his nature to rely far too much on legality, and propriety. Even if there may be somewhat obvious solutions to problems, he almost always insists on the "proper" way to do things.

Avatar Description:
He appears as the stereo typical "Sky Father". He is an old man in a robe with a staff.

A Golden Figure Eight.

Saodaladi the Malady, Our Lady of Suffering, Tumor of the Mortal Realms

Domain: +2 Life, +2 Chaos

Weakness: -2 Order

Holy Symbol: A stylized symbol of a spider where the legs are flattened and exaggerated so it becomes a circle shape

Current Appearance: Saodaladi is a gigantic spider of epic proportions that stands higher than any forget on long spindly legs. Or they can appear as a tiny house spider. This probably isn’t it’s original form or even it’s true form but in most cases when interacting with mortals it will be. Her spider bottom is massive and thick like a black widow and covered in a horrifying web sack carrying untold trillions of monstrous insect children which drip off of her constantly. Her face is covered in thousands of eyes and she has two mandible jaws that drip with acidic poison corroding what they touch.

Rationale: A god of life, fertility, chaos and cruelty. Saodaladi is the personification of disease and suffering representing the worst parts of life, unfettered. She is pestilence, the sneezes, the coughs, the maggots that infest your good and the mosquitos that pester your flesh. The mortals celebrating their child’s birth, the monster raising her brood, or the insect laying millions of eggs. It’s moist, sweaty, hungry and gross but it’s the price of life; the pain of being alive.

Many believe that Saodaladi also suffers constantly which is why she would visit such anguish on the world. But whether she does herself or not her joy is in seeing mortals in pain and tribulation. Many followers believe if they remain sick and spread infection it’ll take some of the pain from the goddess, or it’ll at least make her sympathetic to them. People also worship her for help in a mortal pulling through to survive serious injury or illness or when trying to spawn more children. For her part, Saodaladi is happy to keep mortals living so that they may suffer more. She is a god of life, not death, and prefers to keep warm and writing, alive and entertaining. As long as there is hunger, suffering, pain, there will be Saodaladi.

Name: Horse (the Berserker, the Stampede)

Domain: +4 Battle

Weakness: -2 Berserk

Rationale: the domain of Battle is self explanatory. Violent conflict, physical confrontation, from single combat to open war. Battle can take on more mental or symbolic meanings, such as internal conflict or social strife. However, the weakness of Berserk will often preclude such meanings. Berserk blinds one's rationality and inhibitions, forcing them down the path of aggression at every turn. This weakness applies to actions aimed at moderation, compromise, and peace.

Avatar Description: a man's body, with the head of a horse.

Symbol (Optional): a decapitated horse head.

Name: Japeth, the Golden God, Merchant's Master, Trader's Friend, the Ever-Smiling Traveler

Domain: +2 Wealth, +2 Earth

Weakness: - 2 Asceticism/Self-Denial

Rationale: Japeth is is the god of wealth, and thus particularly popular among traders and merchants. As the accumulation of material possessions is an abiding drive in humanoids, however, he tends not to lack for worshipers. Japeth encourages his followers to seek new markets, new trading partners, and new heights of skill, for to stay with the deals you've already made is to pass up the opportunity for even greater profit in the future. Japeth also takes an interest in the power of the Earth. He guides miners to new ores, watches over metalworkers and jewelery-makers, and smiles at the farmers raising surplus crops to sell at market. His faithful say that the Ever-Smiling Traveler smooths the earth they travel over, that they may swiftly reach new customers. Although Japeth himself is a peaceful god and Japthans unlikely to cause wars, they see the profit to be made, and so can usually be found selling weapons, armor, and supplies to both sides.

Japeth has a hard time understanding those who would deny themselves the pleasures of life. The world is full of delicious foods, fine clothes, and new experiences, all to be purchased and exchanged. When faced with those who truly do not want more, or who deny themselves what they could otherwise have, the Merchant's Master is at a bit of a loss.

Avatar Description: Japeth favors the form of a handsome human man with a brilliant white smile, although he can appear in the form of any humanoid race and often takes the form of the predominant race in any area. His clothes are always rich and opulent, and he is fond of jewelry. Japeth's avatars are universally smiling, friendly, and outgoing, for as the god teaches, every stranger is just a trading partner you haven't met yet!

Symbol(Optional): A golden coin, a gilded merchant's scale

Name: Archeron, The silver lady, the prince of thieves, the game master. The pact broker

Domain: +2 games +2 pacts

Weakness: -2 broken deals

Rationale: The god of deals and games. Many believe these ideals separate but they are wrong. The art of striking a deal is just a long game being played with someone you hope doesn't understand the rules. As a god of pact making Archeron values the words of others but also chooses their own carefully. The written word is important to Archeron as it is proof of what has been agreed upon. This is not to say that Archeron is whole-heartedly beurocratic in nature in truth they enjoy fun as well. Deals are game to Archeron and if they can find a way to turn a win at a game into a deal all the better for them.

In line with this Archeron cant stand a broken deal in fact they will never even abide the concept once something is agreed upon those are the rules that must be followed. That is not to say Archeron won't exploit poorly worded rules so long as it is not a breach of the deal.

Avatar Description: Archeron looks like what they need to look like to broker with whoever they are dealing with. If its a catwalk they are a catfolk if its lusty orc male archeron takes on the fork of voluptuous orc woman. It matters little what they look like whatever they need to get a signature on the dotted line

Symbol: more often than not Archeron is attributed with dice pictured in a contract signed at the bottom in blood.

Copying over for ease of information. The Next post will be actually starting the thread properly. But for now, here's a link back to the recruitment thread.

The Index Link: https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?617011-Age-of-Elysians-Codex&p=24649686


2020-07-25, 02:36 PM

The First Age: The Age of the Dragon

The mortal races have been placed firmly at the top of the food chain. Chiefs and Thanes declaring themselves kings as they carve out their own nations. Furnaces dot the landscape as mortals bend bronze to their will. To cut down mighty forests, to dig out fields, to chisel out rock, and of course to cut down their enemies. Even the long-hunting catfolk have adopted rudimentary agriculture, and more and more, the learnt men teach others the wonders that is literacy.

Priests, astronomers, soothsayers, and all manner of those who watch the sky have said that this is the turn of a new age. The heavens would no longer be dominated by the constellation commonly referred to as The Bull but instead by a constellation referred to as Dracones. However, as the mortals looked to the sky for the mighty dragon to rear it’s crest from the horizon… It was nowhere to be found. As if it were never in the night sky. Many redoubled their prayer as they heard the alarming news, thinking this a deep bad omen. Others prayed in thanks, saying that the dragon had finally been slain, and this marked their kingdoms to be reborn in great glory.
What none could have guessed was that as they prayed, the gods would hear them, and awaken from a slumber of non-existence. It did not happen all at once, but more and more across the centers of civilization, the gods were brought forth to walk among mortals. While none knew who would be brought to ruin or glory, there was one thing for sure. The Age of the Dragon would be like none that any had seen before.

The Mortal Races and the Centers of Civilization (OOC: You can pick any of the lands for your god to ‘spawn in):

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e090c796-b870-437e-93ec-bc3ea196a4d9/dcnzog4-f4047725-af44-465b-b8ff-41fd028d3c11.jpg/v1/fill/w_1279,h_910,q_75,strp/mountainscape_by_ferdinandladera_dcnzog4-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6 Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05MTAiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC 9mXC9lMDkwYzc5Ni1iODcwLTQzN2UtOTNlYy1iYzNlYTE5NmE0 ZDlcL2RjbnpvZzQtZjQwNDc3MjUtYWY0NC00NjViLWI4ZmYtND FmZDAyOGQzYzExLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMjc5In1dXSwi YXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX 0.57ULyvApg9yQeqc8n8TT5-vFqnERNUcQj6u9bSglp5U

The Kujumi is truly just one river, but the tributaries spread far and wide throughout the land, down through valleys, and twisting into canyons, spiraling through grasslands and cutting through dense forests. Covered in temperate forests where the mighty oak, and maple stand firm among birch and spruce. Few large predators hunt the woods beyond that of the humble black bear. Mostly, the banks of the Kujumi are inhabited by foxes, squirrels, various rodents, and the occasional lynx. With the regular flooding and slow running waters combined with the brilliant shadows of autumn, with mild summers and winters, The lands evoke peace and true beauty to the onlookers.

Also known as: Homo Sapiens, The people of The River, Rice makers, Smoothskins (Used by satyrs, and catfolk. Occasionally dwarves), and Overcompensators (Used derogatorily, refers to the tendency to make overly large monuments).
Humans unlike the ones in real life have not migrated very far. The reason for this is very simple, humanity has much more competition that comes from the other species (Particularly Orcs). While humanity seemed to have a slight advantage technologically, having domesticated fire and simple tools slightly before the other races that dwell the continent of Ottelia. Only slightly though, the exact reason why the races advanced at such close times is unknown, but it’s theorized to have been some surge in magical energies to have affected the evolution of several species long ago. Otherwise humans are unremarkable, having no obvious weaknesses or strengths.

Image Credit to Ferdinand Ladera


The verdant green foothills roll across the landscape in every direction as far as the eye can see. With it’s long luscious grass it’s land that is perfect for grazing. With mild summers and harsh winters that coat the grass in snow until it thaws in spring. Wolves, coyotes, big cats and other large predators stalk the tall grass of the savannahs. Looking to take down the various wild herds of sheep, yak, and goat that roam the grasslands. As the sun sets over the beautiful green landscape, the grass swaying in the breeze. It evokes a primal beauty.

Also known as: Greenskins, The Shepherds, The Wandering People, Wolves (Used derogatorily, refers to their large fangs), and Windwalkers
Orcs are a nomadic people with a distinctive green skin. The greenskin is a holdover from pre-civilization used to camouflage themselves into their verdant landscapes. This has mostly been obsoleted by the invention of a technology known as clothing. They still do blend in remarkably well to the hills without these. An Orcish diet is mostly carnivorous. This is not solely
cultural, Orcs have a much closer relation to carnivores than humans. This can clearly be seen in their teeth which have very pronounced canine teeth. While they are still able to digest starch along with some fruits and vegetables. They are unable to healthily digest highly fibrous foods such as beans, squash, and turnip greens. As such farming is rather limited in Orcish culture instead focusing primarily on ranching goats, sheep yaks, and the occasional chicken.
It’s often thought, particularly by humans that Orcs are physically stronger than many other races. This isn’t true, it’s a matter of appearance more than physical strength. With their sharp
teeth, wider set shoulders, and grey steely eyes denote a sense of danger that is not there. The real thing that makes orcs dangerous is an aptitude for wind magic. Exact reasons for this natural aptitude is hotly debated. Some argue that it has to do with the strong winds of the hills, others say that blowing down grass makes it easier for them to capture prey in the hills (This is the favorite of the orcs), some say that the land they live on seeped out magical energy at an early point in their evolution. The real truth is lost to history, but their prowess remains.

Image Credit to Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild


The Sunbaked deserts shine a brilliant shade of red as a sunset melts over the land. Technically Red Teressi is a xeric shrubland and not a desert. Da Bush as it’s affectionately called by the inhabitants. This important ecological distinction is lost on most people though. It’s often thought that deserts are places devoid of life. This isn’t true. Desert grasses, sagebrush, mesquite and beautiful small flowers grow across the ground as rabbits, mice, lizards, coyotes, turtles and even the humble desert deer play across the ground as hawks, finches, sparrows, and woodpeckers soar through the sky. Red Teressi is a place of true beauty.

Also known as: Ground Dwellers, Tunnelers,Earthworms (Used derogatorily), The Bearded Ones, and Shincutters.
When talking about dwarves, it must first be understood on why we refer to them as dwarves. Dwarves are after all, completely normal heights to dwarves. Why would they refer to themselves as dwarves? The answer is simple, they don’t. The use of dwarf here is only because the names for their race are varied and debated among dwarven societies, and the archetype of the dwarf is one easily understood by humans. Which most of us that are playing this game do in fact belong too. With that out of the way, who are the dwarves?

Burrows are an incredibly common adaptation in the desert. It insulates from both the extreme heats of summer days, and the below freezing temperatures of winter nights. Dwarves decided that this was in fact a good enough foundation for society. Dwarves spend most of their time below the surface of the desert in a vast interconnected tunnel network. The exception of course being for the small farms and ranches that they run on the surface. This is heavily substantiated through farming and ranching that requires none to less sunlight. Such as that of mushrooms, insects, and rats. Being in an area with comparatively low amounts of food, a dwarf is able to digest a great number of things that other species cannot. Bark, grass, roots, insects, spoiled meat, poisonous mushrooms, soap, fur, leather, bones, teeth, wood, a particularly malleable iron bar. This society has flourished mainly due to dwarves innate aptitude to earth magic allowing them to tunnel and carve large amounts of the Earth in one go. This has also led to dwarves having easier access to water, being already far down into the earth, tunneling down to the aquifer is fairly trivial. The hard part is getting the water up to the higher levels.
Dwarves have a naturally gifted darkvision due to their environment, however bright lights and even sunlight is incredibly harsh to their eyes, leading dwarves to be most active on the surface either during night, or during twilight hours of the day.

Image Credit to Wady Kilt


The crushing pine depths of Festinog are cold. Very Cold. While nearly all of the civilization is not far enough north to witness the eternal night of legend. Days grow remarkably short in the winter and on occasion the beautiful aurora coats the sky. The mighty elk, and grizzly bears roam the forest floor as squirrels and the ignoble wolverine crawl across the snowy ground as it slowly melts with the coming of spring. Quiet except for the raging of fire and the sloshing of the frozen seas, Festinog evokes true beauty.

The Satyrs
Also known as: Warriors of The North, Pine defenders, Fauns (Occasionally Faunus), Firestarters, Handle heads (Derogatory), Clip Clops (Also derogatory), Thick Coats (Used derogatorily by non-catfolk), Sheepmen.
Despite their name, they’re actually descended from sheep (Of the bighorn variety) and not goats. This isn’t a misconception as satyrs wouldn’t be associated with goats in this world. I simply did not want to call them sheepfolk. The Ancient Greek Satyr was actually originally associated with horses and was only turned into being more goat-like due to their association with Pan, God of the Wilds and an eventual equivalency with the Roman Faun.
… What was I talking about? Oh, yes. The Sheepmen of The North. They’re considered by humans to be rather beastly looking. This is because their fur grows matted and heavy to better insulate them from the cold temperatures. While this is very beneficial to them the amount of floof (The technical term) that comes from this obscures their more human-like features. Their large horns (Particularly the men of course), digitigrade legs and hooven feet do not help matters. Like sheep, they are herbivorous, unlike sheep due a technology commonly known as agriculture they do not have to eat grass all day. Typically, they do the much more sensible thing of cultivating energy rich vegetables and grains to consume. Though, due to the harsh nature of the winter, it’s not unheard of for satyrs to eat flowers, leaves, ferns, lichens and bark either as a snack or as a poverty food. lichens particularly have this reputation due to tasting intensely bad and also being covered in dirt.
With the satyrs lack of arable land, and relatively low technology level along with a hostile environment, most would be quick to believe that the satyrs would be worse off compared to the other races. This would be true if it were not for an amazing aptitude in fire magic that is easily unrivaled by all other races.

Image Credit to God of War Concept Art


To describe jungles in one word, it would be thicc. Every inch of the jungle is occupied by some form of life. A single tree has beetles boring into its extensive roots, ferns grow against the base as vines tangle high into the air above. Brilliant birds flit about as snakes slither along the trees stalking their prey. Frogs hide in the crevices of leaves as ants criss cross along strange paths to cut down those leaves. The sheer diversity of life in this wonderful place makes it truly beautiful.

The Catfolk
Also Known as: Jaguarfolk, The Jungle People, Shadow Walkers, , Fur coats (Derogatory), Tree climbers, The Spotted People, and Raindwellers
Tree dwelling and obligate carnivores most catfolk are descended from jaguars. Both of the black and spotted yellow varieties which often creates a divide in their societies. Like satyrs they are fully furred from head to toe beyond this they share little similarities. With their sleek compact coats, their frame appears human besides their swishing tail and large cat ears. Their faces do possess a slight snout though and their eyes are cat-like giving them decent vision in the dark (Not as good as dwarves), the exact reason for this is debated, most accept that it’s simply an evolutionary holdover as catfolk are no longer nocturnal creatures. Catfolk have lower centers of gravity than humans and tend to have more built legs due to spending much more of their time climbing or jumping the trees of Lemuria. They tend to have a better natural balance than humans as well.
Right now, much of the Catfolk food diet is based on hunting, as there’s certainly no shortage of animals in their jungles to hunt, but they have domesticated a series of animals for food, namely the humble and delicious capybara which has become a quick favorite of catfolk. Catfolk possess an aptitude with what’s considered a bizarre magic by many more traditional mages, light magic. Which will be detailed below.

Image Credit to Magic The Gathering Art


The swamps were born sick, they are always sick, and always will be sick. It is only through their sickness may they and the surrounding lands be healthy. Smelling deeply of brackish water, sludge-like algae growths, and the deep permeated smell of smoked catfish. Which is to say that it smells awful. Large cypress trees block the sun as you boat about, crawfish scurrying away from you as a crocodile parts his head through the algae. Dirges of mosquitoes come in and suck the blood of all creatures foolish enough to set foot in this festering place. Yet there is a gothic beauty to it all.

Also Known as: Swampfolk, Algae Eaters, Boogeymen, Darkskins, Lithebodies Halflings, Anklebiters(Derogatory), Pointy Ears (Occasionally derogatory), and Boathoppers.
Goblins, clever little creatures that stand about half the height of a human with a dull grey-green skin and a body that seems to be made of nothing but points and joints. Possessing no hair whatsoever, and small claws at the end of their fingers they have what a human would describe to be a somewhat scary appearance. This combined with their bright yellow eyes has led humans to often compare them to bugbears, kobolds, and other fantastical boogeymen.
This is very far from the truth. In fact most goblins find humans fairly scary due to how large they are compared to them. They are omnivorous, mostly sticking to a steady diet of fish but crawfish and oysters are becoming steadily more common in their diet. There have even been very primitive attempts at fish farming. Ah,yes and about the algae eating thing. While it’s not unheard of for goblins to cure and eat algae, this actually refers to the common consumption of duckweed which happens to look quite a bit like algae. This has more to do with availability rather than any desire by the goblins most preferring the various berries of the Suiren instead. Goblins possess a greater resistance to a lot of waterborne or mosquito-driven diseases than most other races would be weak too. Their immune system however becomes mildly compromised in more arid zones. Due to spending much of their time in or around the water and particularly of having to purify water, Goblins have a natural aptitude with water magic.

Image Credit to Maxime Bocquier

The Mystikal Magicks of Koreosos:
Parts of the world, more commonly called elements have certain… Forces? Spirits? Essences? Physics? Understandings? Philosophies? What they are called and how they are understood varies drastically from culture to culture. Whatever they may be, it seems that through ritual and understanding, life may tap into these forces and move, manipulate, and create these elements. Which are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Flesh.

The exertion of your will on these elements takes energy. Energy not of a spiritual nature, but of a raw physical nature. Mentally and physically the use of magic drains you. It’s no different from lifting heavy objects to your muscles or parsing a dense technical document to.your brain. And like such tasks, your body can be conditioned to withstand such an intense activity. A baseline of general physical fitness and mental wherewithal while helpful is not required. Greater physical strength may be detrimental as one cannot build their muscles to be simultaneously great at all areas. Focusing on power instead of endurance or stamina generally leads to a particularly harsh transitionary period as your body adjusts to more endurance based tasks. The best way to become a better magic user is to simply use more magic. Each element (Other than flesh) has a particular type of muscle group associated with it. Which we will get into later.

No one can master more than one element. Once a ritual is done to achieve a greater understanding of the element, your body has been imbued with that element and loses its connection to the other elements. There are generally accepted three levels of mastery of your element except for that of Flesh which we will get into later. The first level is simply moving the element without any physical means. This can be used creatively to change its properties such as compressing your element or applying pressure to it but cannot manifest past the natural laws of the universe. Anyone can achieve this level with enough practice but to go past this point, the practitioner must engage in a ritual that will bond them to this element. These rituals must be accomplished through the use of your element magic and not through normal means. There is no single way to go about this and tends to vary greatly between the culture, but the ritual must be both physically and mentally exhausting along with taking a considerable amount of time. The more intense the ritual, the shorter amount of time it is needed. Some example rituals will be offered below. The second level is the ability to not only move your element, but also be able to manipulate the element in preternatural ways. Altering temperature, density, weight, elasticity, viscosity, luminescence, malleability, and various other qualities. Unless these changes would accelerate a natural occurrence in the element such as changing water to ice though they will not be permanent and acquire a constant feed of your stamina to keep that way. Though the initial change requires far more energy than maintaining it. At the third level, your mastery has advanced to a rate that you can create the element that you have mastery over.

Flesh Magic: The magic used upon flesh is a bit… Different. The flesh being referred to is your own not others. It is an inward magic instead of an outward magic. This is not merely training to become as strong as your body can allow. This is about going beyond that limit. It is about breaking your body so that it can be remade. Your mind will not accept that your body is yours to bend to your will until it is given proof.Your body must go through intense training, You do not have to be the best of the best to complete this training. It is unlikely that an average member of the population would be able to complete any of the trainings to bend their body but one does not need to be an olympic athlete or an unparalleled swordsman to bend their bodies to become faster and stronger than those who train in a more ‘natural way’. The difference in the training is that an Olympic Athlete seeks to build up his body through steady exercise, diet, etc without overburdening their body. A flesh mage seeks to break their body before their training is done; they must damage their body far more than normal training would do. Of course flesh mages are not simply men of muscle. There are all manner of training to do things such as create impossibly sharp nails, create immunity to near every toxin, improve your eyesight to that of an eagle’s, or make your bite force impossibly strong. You can affect near every part of your body, that is except the brain. The rituals of flesh demand damage and while the brain can heal, it does not heal like the rest of the body.
Same as with any other magic, your body ‘locks itself into’ this magic after you complete your first training ritual. It is possible to finish your training and immediately launch into a second training though it’s extremely unlikely you’ll be able to complete it even if you have unparalleled skill in your area of the flesh.Usually practitioners go into periods of cooldown before periods of more normal training to build back up their bodies. Once your training is complete you can of course change other parts of your body with different training or you can continue your training with intensity increased so that you can become better at what you are training.

Light Magic: While the rules of other magicks can be relatively intuited due to referring to physical objects in the outside world. Light is a bit more esoteric. Light magic does not just simply move and manipulate light itself, it moves and manipulates the stream of light. Either by bending the stream itself or moving the source of light, leaving behind an area of darkness. Using this creatively, light mages may create a shroud of darkness around them as they place light underneath their cloaks, or bend light in such a way to create mirages or have an object appear elsewhere. While this can be used to create illusions, light which depicts the colors, textures, etc of an object are harder to manipulate while keeping it intact. Theoretically, it is even possible for one to create an illusory object by creating new light and manipulating it. However, the immense amount of energy and precision it takes to accurately replicate depth, texture, luminosity, and other minute details important to a realistic illusion is next to impossible to maintain for even a minute or more.
Oh, yes, and Light is associated with muscle groups closest to the yes, that of the neck and jaw.
Examples of Rituals: Staring into the sun. Creating an artistic display of light such as something equivalent to light shows, gloving or firework like displays. Maintaining darkness around a light source for an extended period of time. Lighting up a dark room or darkening a lit room. Creating a dome of darkness.

Fire Magic: Associated with passion, perseverance and even love. The word that defines this magic is GUTS! And as such, the movement of fire works the abdominals, obliques and other areas of the core close to your GUTS!
Example of Rituals: A long Vigil over a fire that must not die out. Crafting great works from fire such as through smithing, glassblowing, or pyrography. A show of mastery of fire swallowing, breathing, or juggling. Long walks across hot coals, lying down into a bed of coals or walking through walls of flame. Branding or otherwise scarring oneself with fire.

Water Magic: To see the order in the chaos and to flow effortlessly into it. Keeping your head above the water is what the magick of the lake is all about. This magic Works your arms and in particular your upper arms and shoulders.
Example of Rituals: A show of mastery over hydroponics. Catching THE big fish. Sailing through dangerous waters. Swimming through freezing water or across vast distances. Submerging oneself in water and using your magic to maintain your breath for hours or more.

Earth Magic: Steadfast, and strong. An Earth Mage seeks to be as immovable as the mountains and as unbreakable as a wall of granite. Though they have no fear of falling as the earth is always there to catch them. To maintain a sure footing, Earth magic works your leg muscles particularly your quads and calves.
Examples of Rituals: A show of mastery over farming. Creating great works from Earth such as statues, pyramids, obelisks, and even tunnels. Launching boulders great distances. Creating great rifts or holes in the Earth. Burying oneself deep into the Earth and digging your way out.

Wind Magic: The branch that bends against the wind breaks. Wind magick is about awareness and change. Both awareness inward and outward. To take a deep breath and see yourself and your surroundings for what they are. As such the muscles it works is closest to your center of breath, your lungs, and your center of emotion, your heart. Which is to say your chest
Examples of Rituals: Meditating upon windswept places. Travelling to places of high altitudes. Taking down structures with bursts of wind. Sailing through mighty winds and storms. Lifting heavy objects with upward winds. Jumping off a cliff (Also presumably surviving that fall).

All gods start with 35 AP. The Stone Age will end when someone reaches 0 AP, or after three turns, whichever comes last.

2020-07-25, 05:12 PM
The King-Maker - Gods

Any Gods starting near the Tranquil River would hear a commanding voice in their head. It was regal and old, and it made a single request of them all.

"Come. Come to the center. Let us make wonders beyond the mortals fragile mind. Let us enlighten them beyond what they know, so they too may teach us something,"

It was Damokos, sending out a call for his Fellow gods. He had been awoken with a vision, of a City built with the blessings of them all, including those that would usually prefer not to get involved with civilization. As such, he didn't try to hide what he was doing, instead inviting all who wished to take part, in constructing a great Bastion of Civilisation.

The King-Maker - Mortals

The humans of the Kujumi, and any of the other races that were in the area, would receive the same vision he saw. A great city, for them all to live in. Human Shamans would receive words from the dead, about what they had to do to make this come along. The leaders of every Tribe, every Settlement, every Gang, would be told to come to the Center, an island in the middle of the Kujumi river's biggest lake.

When they got there, they would be told by a Man in an Obsidian Crown what he requested of them. To pick a leader, and to bring their people to the Center. The man's charisma swayed them to obey, and from their ranks, they picked a Jarl by the name of Aketon Ra, known for his good moral character and his ability to get coin. Damokos would then take off his crown, and put it on Aketon's Head, before proclaiming to his People,

"Children of the Waters. You have struggled against the Tyranny of Nature long. She steals your lives, assaults you with her animals, and makes you sick. But your pleas have been heard. I am Damokos, The King Maker. I shall guide you to a brighter future, a new dawn. All I ask is that you obey my word, through your Lord Ra, and Together, we will tame the World,"

He would then step out of the way to let any other Gods give any speeches or blessings, if any else had wanted to take part in this. After this was done, the Assembled Men and Women of the Kujumi would return to their people to bring them to the center...where Construction would begin. The First Dynasty had been founded.

Using a free instant action to communicate with all gods around his area. They'd Detect his influence anyway, so this is an invite to take part.

Then using an influence country action (DC 14, AP 18) to bring all the humans in the Kujumi to the Center and accept the rule of Akaton Ra. +2 People (since obvious reasons), +2 Death (The leaders were informed through the Shamans who were told by the Dead). The First Dynasty of Ra is now a thing

Current DC: 4

2020-07-25, 06:00 PM
Tyris - The Lightbringer
Hearing the call of Damokos brings warmth to Tyris. Finding his cause both righteous and noble she stops by and lends her voice to his. "Be not afraid, though the world is dangerous and full of terrors, banding together to defend yourselves, and each other, is the way to thrive!"


The Wardens of Tryis

Seeing the people gathering into one location and building a new capitol motivates Tryis. She once more reaches out to to the people of Kujumi, this time in a dreamlike vision to the strongest, bravest, most cunning amongst the people. The vision tells them to form a standing military of the best trained and most disciplined fighting force the world has ever seen. They will be charged with protecting their borders and their people. They will be simply known as the Wardens or the Wardens of Tyris. Their guiding principles will be Honor, Courage, and Integrity.


Reaction to assist Damokos (No AP).
Action 12AP / 8DC to influence 100k mortals to become an elite fighting force. (Damokos influed 10M so 100k is 1% which is about right for a standing military.) +2 for War (creating a standing military), +2 for Honor (instilling Honor and Integrity as their guiding principles).

Vrock Bait
2020-07-25, 07:38 PM
My name is Embrus Hyranor, 27th Loremaster of the Atheneum Below the Rose. While reorganizing the decades untouched diabolical botany section of the library, I stumbled upon this book, the Ravidran, which seems to be the oldest tome among ancient scripts. I have taken it upon myself to translate this book from its native Asharanti, a soon-to-be extinct language after my passing. May the gods walk with me.
In the First Age of the Mason of the Wyrm1, there was once a nomadic people called the who lived off the plains of the Ter’Esi2. They were happy in their loneliness, for they were sponsored by the magnanimous and enigmatic beauty Ravidra3 4.

But this happiness was not to last, as the ground dwellers5 attacked! They sought to be the sole owners of the bounty of Ter’Esi, and could not stand a people that traveled and collected lightly instead of building and claiming to bounty of a single land.

1 Known in modern academic circles as the Age of the Dragon.
2 Later bastardized as the Teressi.
3 I have chosen “enigmatic” in place of a phrase that only exists in Asharanti. The true meaning is rather “good at keeping secrets, and having many secrets.” It is a high compliment.
4 No record of this goddess exists in any other book I have found, save for a mysterious ciphered text called the Omni, which claims to be the record of all secrets. In the fifteenth and final deciphered entry, it makes note of a “mystery-eyed goddess Ravidra, who has no peers but her own veneers.” This source is generally considered fictional as five of the other fifteen paragraphs describe in exquisite detail of how the sky is colored a vibrant orange.
5 Also known as dwarves.

20 AP/16 DC Assign a chosen people. +2 to Travel?

2020-07-26, 12:00 AM
The Golden God Blesses His Siblings' City

A laugh like rush of thousands of coins heralds the arrival of a new power. My dear siblings. Delightful projects you have going here! Building a city, founding a dynasty. I like it! Although with this many people gathered, you're going to need trade to sustain it all. Tell you what. Brother, I'll bless your city with prosperity, and you help me set up a nice trade town over in the desert. We'll get some trade going, supply both peoples, it'll be great! Dear sister, why don't I help your guards? Give them some connection to the earth, so they don't tire as easily. In return, you can teach my people some proper guarding. How about it?

(Assuming they make the deal)

The Golden God is true to his word. He stretches out his hands and coins shower down. Golden coins, with a face depicting Damokos crowning the king on one side and the Scales of Japeth on the other, and silver coins, with Tyris standing guard over the walls on the obverse of the scales. Here, mortals, enjoy! With these coins, you can bargain and trade better. They are identical, so each coin is worth the same as any other of its type. No need to worry about value and whether you're getting a good deal! And they last, so you can store your wealth better and save up for new and better things. Go forth in prosperity! In this way is the teaching of Japeth shown: Deal in straight measures and true coinage, for though man may be fickle, the coin lies not.

Next, the Earth-Caller blesses his sister's army. He teaches them a little of his power over the magic of Earth, that they may draw upon its power. With it, they can march and patrol for much longer, their weary legs fortified by the land beneath. In this way is the teaching of Japeth shown: Honor thy bargains and be true to thine customers, for a square deal and a true friend are investments in future profits.

Japeth is Helping both of his sibling's endeavors, Damokos through the Wealth domain and Tyris through the Earth domain

Japeth Calls the Dwarves to the Trade

Japeth speaks unto Ravidra, a laugh on his lips one again. Hello there, my friend and sister! It seems the Dwarves are bothering your chosen tribesmen. Tell you what. I'm going to call them to build a trade center. That way, they'll be out of your hair and doing bigger and better things. How about you bless their caravans going to Damokos' city? That gets them fully occupied bothering someone else. And, to sweeten the deal, if you do, I'll throw a little something your people's way, help the land around them stay fertile so they can live off it and don't need to settle down. Whaddya say?

The Earth-Father calls to the dwarves in their burrows. He appears in their dreams, a handsome dwarven man in robes of gold, his fingers adorned with rings and precious jewels. He speaks of better things than a pointless war with the tribes. He speaks of building a settlement, a trade town, in a land where he will show them. An oasis above, to attract customers. And down below, rich veins of mineral ores,a treasury beyond compare. Their children and their children's children will lead better lives. They will prosper and grow, and he will shelter them.And once more, the Smiling Traveler is true to his word. He guides the dwarves who heed his call to a beautiful oasis. When they arrive, they are met by the figure from their dreams. He tells them he is Japeth, the Earth-Father, the Golden God, and that he is with them. As they begin to burrow, he guides them to new heights of geomancy, inspiring their mages to delve deeper and create grand halls and mines. Beneath the dirt, they find abundant mineral resources, as foretold.

A settlement forms, the Trade City of Japeth, usually just called the Trade City. Here's what you're going to do, my children. Divide power. An autocracy is bad for efficeint business. Each of the major trades will appoint a leader. The merchants, the miners, the farmers, the craftsmen, the mages, all together you shall form a high council. The council will elect a Trade-Prince, to negotiate with other cities and make executive decisions. But you will not only stay here. Send caravans to the city of humans in Kujumi! Bring them the goods you make and the ores you mine under the city I have given you. Trade for wares they have which you do not. In this way, you will prosper alongside them. And war not with the nomads, for what profit is there in war? They lack the means to smelt metal, which you have in abundance, yet they see many far-off places you do not. Trade with them, that both sides may benefit. Though the dwarves may be strangers in Kujumi, their coins are similar, all bearing the scales of Japeth, though the faces are of the Trade Prince and high council rather than the human leaders.

Influence a State-16 AP/12 DC, using both Wealth and Earth. Japeth influences the dwarves to found the Trade City and begin trading with their neighbors.

2020-07-26, 12:20 AM
Damokos lays his Blessing among the Leaders of Tyris's Chosen. They would have great charisma, (+2 people) and when they died, their souls would be tied to their helmets, so they could continue to serve long after their deaths (+2 death).

Damokos gladly agrees and puts his blessings upon the dwarves trade city. The Bazaars would be flooded with customers (+2 People).

Damokos offers her a treaty. She gives him a favour later, and he'd both provide safe points for them to rest, and help her protect her chosen people. If she agreed, Waystations would be made with small groups of people in order to provide them a place to stay (+2 people) and the Spirits of their Dead would mislead those who sought to hunt them down (+2 death)

2020-07-26, 12:37 AM
Tyris - The First Valkyrie

Tyris smiles to Japeth. "But of course. I thank you for the help. Once your city is ready, I will train them up to properly protect their city."

Seeing Japeth found the trade city, Tyris blesses the Dwarven leaders with the insight to find the warriors with the proper temperament to protect they city.

Reaction: Help Japeth set up guards for his dwarven city.

Vrock Bait
2020-07-26, 10:39 AM
Editor’s Note: For what claims to be a divine scripture, this manuscript isn’t very detailed or reverent. It moves point to point like a child jumping stones across a river.

It is interesting however, that it mentions other gods like Japeth and Damokos. A third century dialogue called the Kingmaker and the Cat does mention in passing the “blister-footed peregrines of the Red Plains.” Obviously, this does not refer to the dwarves.

The ground dwellers were not alone in trespassing on the sacred grounds of Ravidra. Soon, there arrived the Crown-Crafter6 and the Merchant Lord7, the dual faced idols of the city and its debaucheries.

The Merchant Lord made a bargain, for that was that the only thing he knew, and gave great goons to the ground dwellers and brought more trespassers in his wake, expecting something in return. Ravidra in her enigma8 led the true owners of Ter’Esi against those who would bring in hedonism on horseback.

The Crown-Crafter was far more devious. He had mastered the arts of diplomacy, and offered a proper exchange of one boon for another. The Wing-Shrouded One9 had no need for settled people, but would graciously accept more nomads into her nest. But the desire of the Crown-Crafter did not please the Lady of the Ter’Esi10, for she did not look happily upon enigma in trades. And so Ravidra proclaimed that if this exchange shall take place, there shall be no secrets given from either side.11

6 An obscure epithet for Damokos, the King-Maker. All “makers” are considered craftsmen in Asharanti.
7 Japheth, the Golden God.
8 Again, I have chosen “enigma” in place of the word meaning “good at keeping secrets and having many secrets.” This is the noun form.
9 What I believe is an epithet of Ravidra. Ter’Esi is certainly etymologically similar to Tre-Sie, the Sharanesh for roughly, “bird-land.” Sharanesh is the language of what is believed to be an ancient Dwarven civilization. This manuscript casts doubt on their Dwarven nature.
10 Another epithet of Ravidra. Most of these are easy to spot as they usually involves the name of her current chosen people or part of her portfolio, which seems to include birds, travel, and secrets.
11 The Asharanti civilization was not one that employed barter or currency, so their language is ill-suited to describing transactions. I believe this passage simply means that Ravidra would only accept Damokos’s trade if Damokos first makes clear what he desires from Ravidra.

Reaction: Hinder Japheth’s attempt to influence trade. Note that Travel is a part of Ravidra’s domain.

2020-07-26, 12:36 PM
Ukno 35 AP, The city of Dolgdrum in the Dismal Swamp of Suiren
"Fish! Fish 'n Drugs! We're selling the finest Fish and drugs on the market!!" barked a barker in the bazaar. "Oh we've got tobacco, we've got hashish, we've got a mushroom that will knock-" The strange goblin broker stopped suddenly as a woman approached him. The woman found it easy to cut to the front of the line, by goblin standards she was stunningly beautiful in a graceful, effortless sort of way. Reminiscent of a princess, poised to look as if her airs were with her since the day she had been born. And yet with this careless youthful abandon that was unique to a young student, still infinitely fascinated by near everything in their field.

Ah, oh, yes. And the woman also had six arms. "Drugs? I've never heard of such a food." She said, her top set of hands taking notes as the middle set sketched quickly the plants lined up not far away from the carcass of a catfish.

For the first time in years, the bazaar was quiet. If the woman had noticed, she did not show any signs of caring. Subtly her clothes morphed being just slightly plainer than before as she continued to sketch the drugs in front of her. "These ones" She pointed with her lower arms to a mushroom. "Aren't these poisonous."

The barker regained his composure as he went back into sales mode. "Ah, no, no. You see poison is all in the dosage. For most goblins, this will just have them, eh... See the white dragon if you catch my drift."

"Are these one of those sayings? I don't think I like sayings. They obfuscate the truth, I've already heard so many people say things that they don't actually think are true, it's so very strange." Her face suddenly looked much more stern.

"Ah, a thousand apologies, great goddess Ukno! I don't mean any-"

"You know my name?"

"Of course. All in Dolgdrum know of the great Plowmaker. Goddess of all knowledge and protector of goblins."

"I don't make plows. I mean, I could if I wanted to, I guess..." She paused for far longer than was comfortable. "Yes. That's a good idea actually. People need to eat to learn. Nourishes muscles and mind." Ukno spun as she took on the appearance of a simple middle-aged working woman, her face covered by a large farming hood as she produced some sort of farming hoe in a lower set of hands. One of her hands pointed to someone in the crowd. "You appear to have the most expensive clothes here. That's an indicator of societal power. Please tell the, uh... Leader, yes. That's the word. The leader of the city that I am going to set aside a parcel of land for my research. Say about twenty acres. And I am going to need a stock from the surplus seeds of this town. And any other forms of juvenile plant matter."

Two merchants looked to each other in confusion. "... Is... Is she living in the town now?"
"I guess so."
10 AP/6 DC: influence a town of mortals (~10k). Ukno researches the best ways to accelerate the growth cycles of plant matter that is used for consumption or industry in society and then disseminating her findings into society. This directly leads to greater prosperity, increased luxury time, and increased production of materials to produce papyrus along with ink and dye materials. Indirectly, this has also led to increased production of drugs as they are in fact farmed as well.
+4 Knowledge, she is giving knowledge about farming to the people.

Hmm... Human Dynasties and kingdoms along with some sort of trade city... The efficacy of these, particularly under current management would require further research to see if this will help the dissemination of information to the greater public and world.
Nomadic people with powers gifted to them by the gods... Divine Management was not preferable... Regret likely, but likely better able to divert towards the cause of research dissemination.
+4 Knowledge, the traveling nomads of Red Teressi will have a culture that promotes literate people to quickly write down any important events shortly after they occur.

2020-07-26, 02:59 PM
My name is Embrus Hyranor, 27th Loremaster of the Atheneum Below the Rose. While reorganizing the decades untouched diabolical botany section of the library, I stumbled upon this book, the Ravidran, which seems to be the oldest tome among ancient scripts. I have taken it upon myself to translate this book from its native Asharanti, a soon-to-be extinct language after my passing. May the gods walk with me.
In the First Age of the Mason of the Wyrm1, there was once a nomadic people called the who lived off the plains of the Ter’Esi2. They were happy in their loneliness, for they were sponsored by the magnanimous and enigmatic beauty Ravidra3 4.

But this happiness was not to last, as the ground dwellers5 attacked! They sought to be the sole owners of the bounty of Ter’Esi, and could not stand a people that traveled and collected lightly instead of building and claiming to bounty of a single land.

1 Known in modern academic circles as the Age of the Dragon.
2 Later bastardized as the Teressi.
3 I have chosen “enigmatic” in place of a phrase that only exists in Asharanti. The true meaning is rather “good at keeping secrets, and having many secrets.” It is a high compliment.
4 No record of this goddess exists in any other book I have found, save for a mysterious ciphered text called the Omni, which claims to be the record of all secrets. In the fifteenth and final deciphered entry, it makes note of a “mystery-eyed goddess Ravidra, who has no peers but her own veneers.” This source is generally considered fictional as five of the other fifteen paragraphs describe in exquisite detail of how the sky is colored a vibrant orange.
5 Also known as dwarves.

20 AP/16 DC Assign a chosen people. +2 to Travel?


Elore attempts to help his "sibling" God's people. The Chosen people would be prudent and cautious attempting to reach far destinations, knowing problems of danger or even inconvenience along the way, they'd memorize the best routes to get to far away places, and create maps of such territories.
+ 2 Wisdom

+ 2 Sky the weather would be pleasant and peaceful, and the rain would be gentle and pleasant most of the time. Sometimes their might be a monsoon season, however, but that would actually be the best for the people's crop.

Elore desired a chosen people for himself, but none of the lands seemed particularly lush in excitement and opportunity for him in that way.

-18 AP /14 DC (Create a Large Island)
Elore decides to create, quite the large island. Not quite the size of a continent, it was nonetheless quite large for being a singular island and not an island chain. This continent would be called Jomongu. Much of the island would be mountainous, however, there unlike Japan, which the island is planned on being based on, Jomongu had at least several viable areas for iron mines capable of producing ore, rather than just iron sand, and in the central areas of Jomongu, it would be significantly more prosperous for agriculture.

Jomongu is plotted out well, with iron rich regions being just beyond the easy reach of invaders or people from outside the inner regions, and the central regions, surrounded with the most natural barriers, would contain abundant and very fertile farm lands. There were just a few mountains in the central regions that were particularly high, to be built as high as possible for people to inhabit, just before it becomes dangerous.
+2 Wisdom : Elore has meticulously planned the lay outs for villages, towns and cities. Around the regions most beneficial for the future Island civilization of Jomongu, where Humans go, they will experience either dreams or visions of settling there and founding their villages/towns/cities, etcetera.

+2 Sky : The highest mountains have a magical connection to the Sky above. Light magic is stronger on these mountains.

2020-07-26, 03:14 PM
The First Battles Between the Gods

Japeth sighs. Ah well, I suppose that's the way it is. Some jerks just always want to fight everybody. You try to make peace, but there's always a bully. I guess if that's the way she wants to play it, let's have a little war.

He appears before the nomads majestic and angry, a towering man of molten gold. He points towards them and his voice resounds like a clashing rockslide. Nomads! My sister tries to influence you, guides you to war against my children. Turn back now and and live! Forswear my treacherous sibling. Come to the city of trade, lay down your arms, and live in peace. Your children and your children's children will have a better future. Come in peace and enjoy the fruits of prosperity.

But if you persist in your foolish ways, if you persecute the dwarves for wanting a better life, you shall face my wrath. The land itself will reject you. As Earth Father I damn you. The earth shall feed you from its bounty no longer, and it will be deaf to your cries. Turn back and live, come in peace and prosper, or continue in your mindless persecution and starve. The choice is yours. Japheth, God of the Land, has spoken! In this way is the teaching of Japeth shown: Seek first peace, for a customer is much better than a foe. But when peace is impossible, show willingness to defend what is yours, for the wicked despoil the defenseless.


Japeth Aids his Brother in Raising a New Land

Japeth appears before the sky god, his silver robe shimmering in the light. Brother! It's good you've awakened. And such an impressive first project! Raising a whole new landmass? I love the audacity. Let's help each other! I'll use my magic to push the Earth to birth your new island and thread it with mineral wealth, and you lend my traders some of your famous wisdom and good weather. We could both benefit tremendously!

Japeth reaches into the ground below the seas, channeling his power into it. He urges it to grow, to rise, to push up above the surface. He joins his will to Elore's, lending his might to his brother's project. As the land rises, he dances through its depths, spinning valuable ores into being. Iron, of course, as Elore has asked. Iron is good and strong and makes sturdy trade goods. By why stop at iron? He laces in threads of gold and silver, that the people who will one day call this land home might dig it up and enjoy it. But a project this grand needs something more. He pauses for a moment in thought, then smiles. He dives back in and works feverishly, whipping up something new. He reappears before Elore, a smile on his face and a large blue stone in his hands. A gift, brother mine, to you and your future people! Your island will have the finest sapphire mines in the world to date.
Something new and wondrous, to make this place even more special. In this way is the teaching of Japeth shown: Be not jealous of the endeavors of others and rather aid them in their creation, for the profit of a friend and customer increases their wealth and yours.

Japeth is using both Earth and Wealth to oppose Ravidra making the raiders a chosen people (+4 to DC). If this causes it to fail, it's a combination of some of them choosing peace and settling down and the remainder starving to death as he turns Earth magic against them. If it succeeds anyway, the changed effect is that they find it harder to forage for food and harder to wield earth magic with his curse.

He's aiding Elore with Wealth and Earth, drawing the island up and giving it sufficient mineral wealth. The additional effect on the finished island is the aforementioned incredible sapphire deposits.

2020-07-26, 03:22 PM

Japeth Calls the Dwarves to the Trade

Japeth speaks unto Ravidra, a laugh on his lips one again. Hello there, my friend and sister! It seems the Dwarves are bothering your chosen tribesmen. Tell you what. I'm going to call them to build a trade center. That way, they'll be out of your hair and doing bigger and better things. How about you bless their caravans going to Damokos' city? That gets them fully occupied bothering someone else. And, to sweeten the deal, if you do, I'll throw a little something your people's way, help the land around them stay fertile so they can live off it and don't need to settle down. Whaddya say?

The Earth-Father calls to the dwarves in their burrows. He appears in their dreams, a handsome dwarven man in robes of gold, his fingers adorned with rings and precious jewels. He speaks of better things than a pointless war with the tribes. He speaks of building a settlement, a trade town, in a land where he will show them. An oasis above, to attract customers. And down below, rich veins of mineral ores,a treasury beyond compare. Their children and their children's children will lead better lives. They will prosper and grow, and he will shelter them.And once more, the Smiling Traveler is true to his word. He guides the dwarves who heed his call to a beautiful oasis. When they arrive, they are met by the figure from their dreams. He tells them he is Japeth, the Earth-Father, the Golden God, and that he is with them. As they begin to burrow, he guides them to new heights of geomancy, inspiring their mages to delve deeper and create grand halls and mines. Beneath the dirt, they find abundant mineral resources, as foretold.

A settlement forms, the Trade City of Japeth, usually just called the Trade City. Here's what you're going to do, my children. Divide power. An autocracy is bad for efficeint business. Each of the major trades will appoint a leader. The merchants, the miners, the farmers, the craftsmen, the mages, all together you shall form a high council. The council will elect a Trade-Prince, to negotiate with other cities and make executive decisions. But you will not only stay here. Send caravans to the city of humans in Kujumi! Bring them the goods you make and the ores you mine under the city I have given you. Trade for wares they have which you do not. In this way, you will prosper alongside them. And war not with the nomads, for what profit is there in war? They lack the means to smelt metal, which you have in abundance, yet they see many far-off places you do not. Trade with them, that both sides may benefit. Though the dwarves may be strangers in Kujumi, their coins are similar, all bearing the scales of Japeth, though the faces are of the Trade Prince and high council rather than the human leaders.

Influence a State-16 AP/12 DC, using both Wealth and Earth. Japeth influences the dwarves to found the Trade City and begin trading with their neighbors.

Help Japeth:

+2 Wisdom
Elore helps Japeth's trade city. Dwarves born in the area seem to be particularly creative and wise about money. This may lead to stereotypes about Dwarves being greedy in later ages.
+2 Sky
The weather above ground is pleasant and pristine most of the time.

Vrock Bait
2020-07-26, 04:19 PM
But the Merchant Lord, The Wicked Dragon12 of Stolen Prosperity, was not content to let the chosen of Ter’Esi live in peace. He threatened to turn the soft glass of the earth into a harsh, unbreakable metal, such that the cleansing light of nature’s warmth could not shine through.

Ravidra was not without mercy, and would not cast damnations on his followers. But for every drop of blood spilled from a Chosen of Ravidra, she would drink it as the earth drinks the experiences of travelers, and bare it forth as a beast to ravage the unnatural cities of the Ter’Esi.

12 I have used “Dragon” in place of a phrase that only exists in Asharanti. It is sometimes translated as “money tyrant” and is a negative connotation for a violent collector of wealth.

Ravidra will raise a divine beast if you don’t stop bothering her followers.

2020-07-26, 04:27 PM
"Children of the Waters. You have struggled against the Tyranny of Nature long. She steals your lives, assaults you with her animals, and makes you sick. But your pleas have been heard. I am Damokos, The King Maker. I shall guide you to a brighter future, a new dawn. All I ask is that you obey my word, through your Lord Ra, and Together, we will tame the World,"

He would then step out of the way to let any other Gods give any speeches or blessings, if any else had wanted to take part in this. After this was done, the Assembled Men and Women of the Kujumi would return to their people to bring them to the center...where Construction would begin. The First Dynasty had been founded.

Using a free instant action to communicate with all gods around his area. They'd Detect his influence anyway, so this is an invite to take part.

Then using an influence country action (DC 14, AP 18) to bring all the humans in the Kujumi to the Center and accept the rule of Akaton Ra. +2 People (since obvious reasons), +2 Death (The leaders were informed through the Shamans who were told by the Dead). The First Dynasty of Ra is now a thing

Current DC: 4

Elore blesses the first several generations of the Ra Dynasty with unusual wisdom for prospering their people. The later generations have to read the various writings and records of previous ones to get Elore's blessing.
+2 Wisdom


2020-07-26, 04:46 PM
The King-Maker aids the Lord-Less

Damokos had offered Ravidra a simple treaty when she attempted to take the Raider-Nomads as her own. "I will aid you upon this. Those who hunt your people will be misled by those they killed, and your people's numbers shall flourish. But in exchange, I will come soon and ask you for a favour. Which you must Grant me,"
After much prying about what the favor actually was, Ravidra would be told the following.
"Someday soon, I will be laying my judgment upon the People of Babel, to see if they are worthy of that which I have given them. Upon that day, whether I wish to claim them and keep them as my Children, or if I find them full of Wants and in need of Death, I will call for your Aid,"
A city couldn't build on a horrible foundation, and if the Akenton Dynasty ended up being Horrible Rulers and not overthrown....fire and storm would be the answer.

A Gift for the Wardens

The next time the Higher Ranking Wardens donned their Armour, they would notice that their helms seemed different. Each was inlayed into the shape of a Skull now, and when they wore it they could hear the Spirits of the Dead whispering to them. Along with that, they were given a sort of Morbid Charisma, that both scared those around them...but left them strangely compelled to obey what they said. They were to be Protectors of the Great City of Babel, until it became Dust.

A Merchants Deal

As thanks for the Golden Gods aid with the First City, The Eternal King put his Blessing upon his Brother God's city. People would throng to his Bazaars and for their goods. He trusted that the Merchant would know what to do with the Influx of people.

The Settlement of Exiles

When the Sky-God raised his own land, away from the others, The King-Maker laid two boons upon the land. First, Exiles from his own chosen settled the land as soon as they could. Those who weren't willing to settle in his own lands, but were hard working good people for his Brother to take worshipers from. Granted, a few of the criminal element had snuck in as well but In a sizable gift of people like this, that would happen either way.

His second noon was to provide the island with a host of undead creatures in the caves, that upon death would have their bones cracked open to reveal gems and more. While it would have been easier to just give the Children of the Sky-God the gems, like the Golden God did, Civilization thrived on conflict and conflict with these beasts would organise the Exiles.

Think that's everyone. Anyway, +4 to Ravidra, +2 to Japeth (couldn't find a way to get death involved), +4 to Tyris and +4 to Elora

2020-07-27, 01:21 PM
The village of Cargharl, Festinog

No one quite knew what they saw on the day that Horse arrived.

A horse-mounted satyr had been spotted by the village watch, galloping at breakneck speed for the outer wall. He was bleating with fear, and shouting over and over, "open the gate!", and as he drew nearer the source of his fear became apparent. The rider was being pursued by an figure, sprinting along the frosty road, fast enough on foot to keep pace with the equine mount. Though his body was that of a man, his head had the rolling eyes and foaming mouth of a wild stallion.

Though the villagers did decide to open the gates, the rider never reached them. With a flying leap the horse-headed chaser tackled the steed out from under him, driving all three to the ground with a flurry of snow and dirt. By then, there was nothing the villagers could do but reseal the gate, and observe the brutality from their watch towers.

Influence a village of mortals (6 AP/3 DC)

Horse will create the Effigy of Horse outside the village of Cargharl, to inspire fear and awe in its populace. The Effigy consists of the decapitated body of the satyr rider, impaled below the decapitated head of his horse, making a crude likeness of the god Horse himself.

+4 Battle, due to the violence of this act.

2020-07-29, 04:11 PM
The Manifestation of The Lover

Wreathed in starlight, a feminine figure wanders through the lands of humankind by night, bringing legends from the stars with Her and leaving clusters of adoring men and fawning women wherever travels take Her. Claiming to have been wrought from the night sky by longing and desire, She whispers stories of the heavens to those will listen to Her. The lady by starlight is most often sighted lingering near the construction sites when workers emerge at dawn, reclusively observing all these proceedings and dealings as a long-lasting legacy is born.

The Celestial Garden

With Her affinity to the night sky, she carves out an unreachable pocket dimension for lovers to meet in, a beautiful moonlit garden which rests between the constantly shifting spheres and blazing stars. She beseeches Her siblings for aid in this matter and binds this wondrous plane to secret locations within the city created by Damokos. As a warning to her fellow divine, she decrees that those with only hate in their hearts may not enter without facing repercussion.

When Her work is done, She retires to the stars to rest and explore the fate of the Dragon constellation.

12 AP/8 DC: Creating a starlit pocket dimension near the moon for star-crossed (or any other) lovers to visit.

+2 Love, +2 Astrology

2020-07-29, 10:05 PM
The Unspoken Haven
All at once, lovers across the city would be told of a place where they could meet. Ranging from the peasantry all the way to the Princess herself, paramours were told whispers of the Celestial Garden, a place on the moon where one could visit with a loved one, far from the prying eyes of the world. A group of people grew to guard the gates, from those who were unworthy to go through them and had hearts full of hate for those within, and from those who would reveal their existence to those who would destroy them. They were beholden to Damokos and his Starlit Sister alone.

There were those who chose to go inside the Garden and never come out, be it because they didn't want to be deprived of the others presence or were just happier there. Such people would find that within, they no longer physically aged unless they wished to. Disease could not take them, and any in there would remain unblemished until their natural lifespan went out. As an additional blessing, pairs of lovers could take an oath within the gardens to split the remainder of their lifespans, so they died at the same time.

Judging all of this to be a good enough Blessing to impress the other gods, and to ask them to build their great works within his city, the King-Maker finally asked the Maiden of Hearts his price. A favor, One that would be called in later when he needed it.

+2 Death and +2 people for Celestial Garden.

2020-07-29, 10:51 PM
Japeth Blesses the Lovers' Land

Again, a peal of laughter heralds Japeth's arrival in his sibling's domain. A delight to meet you. He bows extravagantly. I think we're going to get along splendidly. A lovely garden, by all accounts, though less lovely than its maker, of course! Why don't I make it even more beautiful?

He begins to sing a haunting refrain, his hands conducting an invisible orchestra. As he gestures, new shoots spring forth from the ground and grow, following his twining hands. When they grow larger, it becomes apparent that they're made not of wood and leaf but perfect crystal, refracting the light of the garden in a million sparkles. Japeth sings, and the crystal trees weave themselves into benches for lovers to sit. Others, shot through with vibrant colors that accentuate their beauty yet render them totally opaque, droop like weeping willows to create private sanctums beyond the reach of prying eyes. The song reaches a crescendo and the crystal trees bloom with flowers of precious gems, their shining blossoms seeming glow with their own inner light. He plucks one and offers it to Isylia with another bow.

There we go. I will open portals in the deep spaces as well, that lovers of the subterranean race may find peace here too. I have but one request, dear sister. I'm calling forth the dwarves to make a city where all will be welcome, a trade hub where visitors from the world over can meet in peace, talk, and exchange goods. I call it my city, of course, but your worshipers and those of our siblings are all welcome to enjoy its bounty. Bless the city, dear Isylia, with your portents and your soothing love. I think its existence will be a boon to us both.

Helping with Wealth and Earth. The gems are clearly magical and fade if removed from the demiplane, so as not to destabilize the economy.

2020-07-30, 01:23 AM
A Crown of Stars for Akaton Ra

Noticing Her brother's improvements to Her Celestial Garden and appreciating the initial flock of visitors, Isylia manifests before the newly anointed head of Her brother's dynasty as dusk begins to claim the skies. As he and many other watch, She paints an image in the skies with light and shadow, a great crown which would cause onlookers to gaze upwards for the remainder of the night in wonder at the mysteries above.

The following hours up until dawn were spent regaling the populace with tales of love and lectures on the joys of companionship, hopefully bringing those of the city together and being repeated for some time to come.

"Simply call when you are in need of my omens, dear brother. I appreciate your gifts greatly."

A Visit To Trade City

The lady by starlight watches in soft, adoring bemusement as Her garden is adorned in crystal decorations and furnishings. When the song is finished, She brings Her palms together in a gentle patter which resonates through the dimension, accepts the gifted flower gracefully, then vanishes after murmuring an expression of acceptance.

After Japeth's visit to the Celestial Garden, Lady Isylia is often noted to be wearing the blossom of a rose cast in moonstone in Her ethereal, starry hair. The most solid part of her appearance, the gemstone gift is sustained by her own divine power and link to the pocket dimension.

For a while after, many within the Trade City find similar roses plucked from the Celestial Garden by their bedsides which fade if not taken to the garden before the morning. Seen as invitations to meet a secret crush or admirer, these bring new visitors. Word of this occurrence spreads, and travellers begin spending an extra night in local inns hoping to spot the enigmatic lady who some say delivers these gifts Herself, or even to receive a moonstone rose of their own.

Assisting Damakos with +2 Astrology, +2 Love
Assisting Japeth with +2 Love

2020-08-03, 12:33 PM
A goddess of love... Intriguing. Mortal relations was always a subject which Ukno thought could use more researching. Namely because the mortals kept changing how they interacted. Mortals were rather silly, sometimes an almost identical situation would arise and they would react completely differently from what they had before. She wasn't sure why the mortals put so much stock in love, but she understood that mortals often said that they wanted to do everything with their mate and or lover. Which logically followed that they would wish to do all manners of research together and that would be considered romantic.
+4 Knowledge, An Area of this plane is simply a seemingly endless (It is not actually endless just very long) white expanse. It reacts to the commands of any couple that walks in and can play back an environment they both remember down to incredibly minute detail (Along with allowing them to travel quickly across the plane). This is actually very romantic... It wasn't intended as such as it was put there for people to isolate variables in controlled experiments. Along with the endless white expanse being a great control area as well. There is also a singular Rose Garden in the middle of the plane as Ukno understands that Roses are associated with romance... The Rose Garden is locked and there is a large sign which states 'Closed to visitors so as not to interfere with any experiments, please take the roses left outside the door-Ukno, The Many Armed Goddess'

2020-08-06, 11:49 AM
Chapter 1, Turn 1 Rolls

Damokos (35 AP): Creating a country led by the dynasty of Ra (18 AP/14 DC) +2 People, +2 Death.
Tyris: +2 War, +2 Honor, Creating an honorable guard to defend the Ra Dynasty
Japeth: +2 Wealth, Introducing Currency
Elore: +2 Wisdom, The Dynasty of Ra will be smart bois if they study.
Isylia: +2 Astrology, +2 Love, Monarchist Constellations and Loving citizens

Tyris (35 AP): Creating an Elite Fighting Force of Humans (12 AP/8 DC) +2 War, +2 Honor
Japeth: +2 Earth, Connecting the guard to the Earth element and making them hardier
Damokos: +2 People, +2 Death, They’re charismatic lads that can talk to you after they’re dead.

Ravidra (35 AP): Assign Chosen People (20 AP/16 DC) +2 Travel
Damokos: +2 People, +2 Death, Waystations and spooky ghosts!
Ukno: +4 Knowledge, Promoting literacy and writing in society
Elore: +2 Wisdom, +2 Sky, Remembering Paths and getting good weather
Japeth: -2 Wealth, -2 Earth, WAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR! (Also Peace)

Japeth (35 AP): Creating Trade City (16 AP/12 DC) +2 Wealth, +2 Earth
Damokos: +2 People, Ensuring the bazaars are filled
Tyris: +2 War, Setting up guards
Ravidra: -2 Travel, Making it hard for people to travel to Trade City.
Elore: +2 Sky, +2 Wisdom, Moneywise Dwarves and sunny skies (Or more likely cloudy skies would be desired in a desert)
Isylia: +2 Love, Special roses attract tourism.

Ukno (35 AP): Improving Farming Techniques (10 AP/6 DC), +4 Knowledge

Elore (35 AP): Create the country of Jomongu (18 AP/14 DC) +2 Wisdom, +2 Sky
Japeth: +2 Wealth, +2 Earth, Sapphire Mines.
Damokos: +2 People, +2 Death, Exiles shall flock to Jomongu and spooky skeletons will provide wealth

Horse: Kill a man and create an effigy (6 AP/3 DC), +4 Battle

Isylia (35 AP): Create a pocket dimension for lovers (12 AP/ 8 DC), +2 Love, +2 Astrology
Damokos: +2 People, +2 Death, Guarding gates and death-bound lovers
Japeth: +2 Wealth, +2 Earth, Fancy Crystals
Ukno: +4 Knowledge, Experiments and Rose Gardens

2020-08-06, 12:43 PM
Chapter 1, Turn 1 Resolutions

Damokos (17 AP) - Success
Near all men in The Kujumi come to The Center and join the Ra Dynasty in their mission to create the most powerful of the human kingdoms. With the help of his godly brothers, Damokos creates the mightiest nation on the Continent of Otellia only matched by the likes of Trade City, and the Ra Dynasty rules humbly over it

Tyris (23 AP) - Success
A grand fighting force of honorable men, deathbound to their profession are created to protect Damokos's new state. The brave warriors are unparalleled in military might and act with utmost honor and serenity. Yet in time, they shall forget the name of Tyris and only of their oath.

Ravidra (25 AP) - Failure (You get half your AP back as a consolation prize when you fail)
Sadly, the Chosen People of Ravidra could not stand the onslaught of Trade City or the harsh environments of the desert. Even with the help of Elore, great storms of dust overtook any settlements they had and battered the traveling men endlessly as they were attacked by the people of the surface. Ravidra's chosen had fallen, all who remained had abandoned their nomadic ways and settled into a more stable life.

Japeth (19 AP) - Success
The first great above-ground city of the dwarves was made. Prosperous and wealthy, soon Trade City had grown tall walls to protect itself from it's defenders, and the curious habits of these above-ground dwarves attracted many of their underground brethren to visit Trade City with it's ever favorable skies and tales of the moonstone roses. Though, the streets always seemed impossible to navigate for any who did not live there.

Ukno (25 AP) - Success
The goblins of Dolgdrum soon became the agricultural capital of the goblin world as new fertilizers and farming techniques were produced at a rapid rate. The awful farming landscape of the swamps being built up like a once dead battlefield becoming a great field of poppies. Farming was starting to become... Well perhaps not a science, but at least an art.

Elore (17 AP) - Success
From the Deltas of the Kujumi there could be seen a great island rising from the ocean, massive mountains towering out of the ocean, looking to touch the sky itself with their immaculate glory. Hearing legends of great wealth in the mighty mountains, it was not long before brave sailors and exiles from the lands of Ra arrived and set up settlements in this foreign land.

Horse (29 AP) - Success
The village of Cargharl did not dare touch the effigy even as it's smell increased beyond any acceptable levels. More and more guard were placed on the walls as the small village lived in fear of the ancient and primordial force of nature that they called... The Pony-Satyr.

Isylia (23 AP) - Success
The Lover's Plane had become a common legend across the world as forbidden and bidden lovers escaped into the plane for a romantic soiree. Paramours, teenage lovers, and long-held spouses came here to be away from prying eyes. Though the guards in the lands of Ra had dissuaded some, this did not stop many. Tales had often been told of lovers throwing themselves into the gates, living out the rest of their days there til they passed peacefully together.

You may now begin posting for Turn 2

2020-08-06, 04:34 PM
Japeth Calls Forth the Golden Dwarves; The Childless Elder Sires a People

Alone, in his modest home, the old dwarf finished sweeping the floor. His bones ached from the evening's chill. He filled a bowl with soup, looked to the small shrine, and touched his heart. "I thank you, Lord Japeth, for the bounty of the earth."

You are very welcome, my son. The old man whirls around to see a handsome man in the center of the room, clad in white robes and precious jewels, a golden light radiating off him. The elder drops to his knees. "My God! I am not worthy!" Japeth takes his hand and lifts him to his feet. Rise, Avitam. I would not come to you if you were unworthy. You have given so much, to me and this city. More than even I could ask. I see the weight on your heart, my son, as your days wane.

The old man looks at his feet. "Thank you, Earth-father. I am blessed with a long life. You've given me many years. It's just... I miss them, these days. My children, my beautiful merchant and my kind healer. They didn't deserve to die. I thank you for bringing peace, my Lord, for ending the war and the attacks, for giving us and them a better life, but..." he trails off.

But the peace does not bring back those who have already died.

"Yes, God. Who will carry on my name? Who will remember me? And beyond me, what will come of the future? We are at peace now, but will war return? I did my part to help us look past the wounds of war, but my time is near." His eyes well with tears.

Japeth takes his hand. That is why I am here, Avitam. I want to create something new. A new clan of diplomats and peace-makers. Whose treasures shall be in alliances and pacts of mutual benefit. A new beginning, so this senseless violence can be averted in the future. But they need to be anchored in the world. I do not want magical monsters or faeries. And for that, they must come of mortal life freely given. I come to you with an offer, my son. Be the father of this new people. I cannot return your children to you, but I can make you the father of countless children yet unborn. For generations to come, children born of the peace they broker will remember the name of Avitam, Father of Peace-Makers. You devoted your life to peace, and I will make it your legacy. I am no tyrant, to demand more of my faithful servant. I ask you, of your own accord, will you take this final step?

Avitam pauses, considering for a moment, then nods. "If I can help others, I am glad to. No need for more parents to lose their children, for more orphans to grow up without parents from senseless conflict. I am ready, Lord."

Japeth takes the old man into his arms gently and holds him close as he begins to sing. An ancient song, words from before any mortal found their voice. He sings of pain, and loss, and hope. Of new shoots rising from the barren ground, new shafts dug from old mines. He sings of a brighter world to come. As he sings, Avitam's breathing slows, his eyes close. Finally, painlessly, he slips away, his heart still. Japeth lowers him the the ground tenderly, and the earth itself opens to receive him. The Golden God pauses for a moment, looking at the dead man's face.Sleep well, my faithful son. You have earned your rest, and more. A golden tear drops onto the man's chest before the earth swallows him.


Japeth rises above the City of Trade. His voice echoes in the hearts of those citizens he finds worthy, human and dwarf alike. Those who fight with words, not spears. Who seek to find accord with their fellow-man, to the benefit of both. Those with the desire to meet new peoples and seek new friends, to turn aside prejudice and ignorance. Come to me, my children. Come to my Temple and be anointed.

They gather in the grand Golden Temple and see their God in the flesh. I have chosen you from among your fellows for a great task. You shall be a voice of accord among the nations. You shall travel between the peoples, and bind them together with fellowship. You shall broker alliances and peace treaties, trade pacts and cultural exchanges. It will be a difficult task, to live among strangers and work towards the betterment of all, but I shall be with you. The Earth will sustain you; you will find that it nourishes you on your travels and eases your weariness. And you shall be provided for by the church, that the gold of Japeth may open doors for you. He speaks to them of their father, Avitam, and his love of peace. He explains their duty as diplomats and negotiators. As he speaks, the assembled mass begin to change. Their hair turns silver, and their skin becomes a deep bronze. Finally, their eyes become the rich gold of a fresh-minted coin. Go forth, my Golden Dwarves. Go forth, Children of Avitam. Go forth and bring the peoples together.

Secondary Action: Avitam sacrifices himself to become the Father of Peacemakers. Japeth gains 4 BP.

Primary Action: Imbue the Golden Dwarves, a Chosen People of Diplomacy/Negotiation. 4 BP/16 AP, DC 16. Japeth aids them with Earth and Wealth.

Vrock Bait
2020-08-06, 08:46 PM
For many years, the true people of Ter’Esi lived in peace with the nature and land. But the Iron Dragon13 could not stand the sight of people who lived freely and without the chains of settlement. The Urban Lord14 tortured the land with his wicked foundations, and so unto his command was the earth blackened and twisted.

Even with the blessing of the Raven-In-Flight, without the love of the land the chosen people were slowly starved and tortured by the desolate trees and obsidian rocks. And so fell the First People.

13 14 Both epithets of Japeth.

It is at this point that the text abruptly changes to Bivor, a language spoken by an ancient sea people known as the Bivor’An. Luckily, I am just as well practiced in this language as I am with Asheranti.

My current hypothesis as to why this change was necessary is the highly intricate labeling system of Bivor. The Bivor’An had over fifty-eight different castes, each of which served a specific role. Most of these were centered around a highly intricate currency economy that would have allowed the author to better express Ravidra’s new form in this portion of the tome.

Ravidra, in her righteous rage, became the earth under the feet of disciples to the Shopkeeper-Duke. The souls of her dead became the wailings of the Nomad’s Hound, and she chained it in the deepest bowels of her desecrated land. There would be a day when it would walk the grass of Ter’Esi once again.

But She-Who-Flies-With-The-Wind was not so easily slain. Travelers to the new city of the Walled King found the true idols of Ravidra, and she was born anew, as the patron of traveling merchants15.

And so was born Ravidra’s Second People. For every foreigner and wanderer that arrived in Japheth’s city, She-Who-Fluttered-With-The-Feathers would grow equally in strength.

15 This term is really more equivalent to “ship’s man” in Bivor. However, the Bivor culture was contained within an archipelago of 73 islands for the majority of its existence. None of these islands were more than one kilometer in diameter, so this is the closest equivalent phrase to “traveling merchant.”

2020-08-10, 09:53 PM
Ukno, 25 AP, Upon the Ziggurat of Dolgdrum
"As was said by the followers of knowledge before me-" Started an elderly goblin. As servants hurried about trays between them. Hot drinks of cacao were being quickly made as small sandwiches and other delicatessen treats were being handed out. "Oh, it's snack. I'll continue where I left off in just a bit."

Ukno ate and drank with all six of her hands. "There is something that I do not understand. Why are servants seen as lesser to the people they serve? They are required to wear clothes indicating lesser social standing. It seems often that those who serve are more harshly reprimanded than those who command. Such as a soldier and their general. A General is not put to death for his bad maneuvers."

"Ah, you see. It as the age old adage says-"

"Adages? I don't think those are very good proof. Or very good in the general sense."

The elder goblin gave an annoyed look as he gave a slight cough. "Masters are by their nature, not easily replaced. Whereas servants are quite easy to replace. It's a matter of logistics more than anything, Great Goddess."

"Please, no titles. We are both aware of who we are. There is no need to burden our speech with formalities. Carrying on to my main point though. That is assuming that a servant shall never amount to anything. And that the master will maintain being skilled. It is stationary thinking."

"Is that not the case typically? We must live our lives with uncertainty, and so we base our judgements off of trends not certainties."

Another younger goblin chimed in. "Ah, but that's assuming that this trend would follow if we gave the servant more chances. Perhaps this trend only exists because of the current system."

"Ah, even the best servant though wouldn't become a master. A great follower could not be a great leader. Entirely different skill sets." Said a lean goblin. "We must deal with followers harshly for some other reason. A great servant is almost as hard to come by as a great leader."

"Can we say that with certainty though?" Said the first elder "It's plain to see that there are many servants while there are few masters. Just by population there will be more great servants than great masters."

"By percentage though they would be close though. At least that is my guess."

"The low population would totally throw the numbers off. There's no really telling what it'd come too. Not to mention how we are to determine qualities of greatness."

Ukno cleared her throat. "This is all lovely conversation, but I believe we are getting off-topic. Why are the leaders more likely to get away with crimes of equal if not greater severity than that of their followers?"

"Well the simplest of mistakes from the master can lead to much larger ramifications. The degree of margin must be larger to account for their increased responsibility."

"No, no. I think we're making a mistake. We don't live in a completely just society. The reason is simply that we live in a currently corrupt society."

"Certainly, we do not live in a completely just society, but it's hard to imagine a general being put to death for an incorrect maneuver. And yet it is easy to imagine a soldier being put to death for disobeying orders. If the orders were incorrect than it would be the moral imperative of the soldier to disobey them."

"We are assuming that we can say for certainty whether or not actions are incorrect or correct. Often that is not the case and so it is the duty of the soldier that he follows the knowledge of his superiors so as to maintain the functioning of the military."

"Ah, yes. Now I believe we are getting to the root of the problem. The allocation of power. I believe here in my notes we have, Ah! Leviathan's spit!"The goblin swore, having knocked down his drink onto his notes. The goblin's swears intensified as he saw just how soaked the papers were. A couple of the sheets already developing tears in his mad scramble. Ukno simply waved one of her hands and quickly restored the papers. "Ah, a thousand thanks mistress. Weeks worth of work were in my notes. I don't even know if I could finish my manuscript if you hadn't of done that."

Ukno raised a finger to her lip coyly. "Really?" She said genuinely shocked. "The inefficacy of mortal minds never ceases to surprise me. First you have this whole emotion and adage business and you can't even remember the words put down to the page?"

"Not entirely, and certainly not with the same depth of eloquence."

"My word. No, no. This simply won't do. Please continue your dissertation on the allocation of power in society, I will be listening, but I really must fix this whole paper business right away." With a wave of her many hands she disappeared from sight. Without a sound or an effect to it at all.

Create a Replicable Lesser Magic Item (10 AP/6 DC)
Ukno makes non-degradable paper. Treating your paper with a variety of herbs and rituals will make it so that the ink and the paper itself will not degrade by any means. You can still tear and pierce it apart as one would a normal piece of paper.

2020-08-11, 06:08 AM
The King-Maker takes his Throne
In the First Age, souls flitted after death all over, trying to interact with the living. Occasionally, one would manage to cause trouble, but for the most part they were just existent.

But soon after the en-statement of the Aketon Dynasty, All souls that no longer has a body felt a tugging to a different plane. There they would find the King of the Dead creating a world, using the leftover power of his sister Tyris's divine spark to do so.

"Come once more Siblings. Help me create a place for all the mortal races to go after they die. Honor our sisters death by giving her a realm, for her soul to live within," He called out once more, calling upon his siblings to aid him in yet another magnificent creation.

Representing using Tyris's remains for power as the sacrifice of a mortal (which gives me 19 AP points, and 4 BP points).
Creating a new plane, the After-Life. All souls go here after death, where they are judged according to their beliefs, and other unspecified details.
+4 to do so, People + Death.

2020-08-12, 12:00 AM
Japeth Makes a Deal with Death

Brother! Love what you're doing to the place. And a nice memorial to our dear sister. Japeth, as usual, has just popped into existence in a sibling's domain. I like the afterlife idea. All those souls roaming around being unproductive, what a waste! Plus, the whole judgment angle gives them a reason to do right in the mortal world. Now, tell you what, I think we should work together some more. Our earlier collaborations have turned out splendidly, after all. So here, I'll give you a hand with this afterlife business, and you help me with my little project, whaddya say?

I'm making a chosen people to spread diplomacy and negotiation. The whole conquest thing, I'll leave that to you and some of the others. Sometimes, you need to get people to work together. And here's the thing. These Gold Dwarves? They're not just for me. Let's say your subjects need to negotiate with, I don't know, Horse's folks, or Elore's. Who're you going to trust as a go-between? Right now, there isn't anybody, but soon there will be. The Gold Dwarves will broker deals for anyone. I don't have any intention of trying to be the King of the Gods or any of that... stuff. My goal's clear as day: trade, make wealth, prosper. So my people and I can be honest brokers, because we're not trying to be top dog. In this way is the teaching of Japeth shown: seek not dominion and power, for the burden is heavy and the profit oft light.

The Earth Births the Golden Halls

Japeth once more holds up his end of the bargain. He channels his power into the world, anchoring Damokos' afterlife in the depths of the world. The solidity of the earth lends stability to the plane, keeping it from unraveling like a dream. In a flourish, he adds a place for his chosen worshipers: the Golden Halls of Japeth. Those who give generously to the church, or perform great deeds in his name, can rest eternal in this shining paradise. Its walls are gold, its floors gems, its doors priceless woods. In time, a new ritual emerges, for those who seek the Golden Halls: a coin on each eyelid, for passage before the King of Death, and a purse in the hands, to offer tribute to the Golden God.

But first, Japeth seeks one soul among the lost, the first to walk his halls. Come, Avitam. You have suffered long enough. Join me, most faithful servant. Your family shall be along soon.

Helping Damokos with Earth and Wealth, total +4.

2020-08-14, 11:53 AM
-12 AP: City of Mortals : Yamatai
In the central region of Jomongu, there would be a great city established through the aid of Elore. Elore causes the rain to be gentle near the iron rich region, also rich with agriculture fit for the best rice paddies.

-12 AP : Establish Yamatai
+2 Wisdom : People born here would naturally be resourceful, long term planners and quite succesfull in their careers.
+2 Sky : the magical rain would improve the already fertile soil around the city of Yamatai.

2020-08-14, 10:35 PM
The village of Cargharl, Festinog

The Effigy of Horse, erected at the entrance to Cargharl by the mysterious Pony-Satyr, remained undisturbed for many days and many nights. None from the town would dare approach it, for in addition to it being foul and frightening, no one could identify the poor soul who's body had been desecrated in its creation. No one felt any attachment strong enough to overcome their repulsion.

Until, that is, another stranger arrived at Cargharl. Another satyr, this one travelling on foot. The guards on the village walls, of which there were now twice the number as before, described her as dishevelled and anxious in her movements. When she saw the Effigy, she dropped her woven backpack, approaching slowly through the fresh snow.

It was obvious to those observing that this woman had been close to the dead man. The way she held her face in her hands, the way they shook as she reached out to touch the corpse. She could have been his mother, or maybe his wife, or even just a dear friend. The grief was just as palpable.

Until she touched the body's still, pale chest, and froze in place. What the guard couldn't tell, could never tell from their remote vantage point, was that the woman had felt a beating beneath the dead satyr's ribs.

Create a devine artefact (16 AP/12 DC)

In a bout of grief-addled transfixion, the Loved One will reach into the chest of the Effigy, and draw out the still-beating, abnormally large Heart of Horse. This artefact will be a devine artefact of +2 Blood. In addition to this domain modifier, the Heart will continually ooze magical blood, which can bestow vitality, supernatural physical prowess, and a carnivorous craving for violence upon any who imbibe of it. These former two effects wear off as the drinker digests the blood, but the latter tends to linger. The blood also loses its potency the longer it is left undrunk, "expiring" around the same time that normal blood would.

+4 Battle, for the strength and violence potent within the Heart of Horse.

2020-08-15, 06:56 PM
Ukno appeared before Damokos, Appearing with a large spear in hand, glittered up in imposing bronze armour. She walked confidently past Japeth as he left the presence of the Death God, she locked eyes with him, slamming her spear on the ground once, simply saying "Watch yourself, traveler." before giving a curt and what would be considered rude bow before continuing on his path. She looked up and down Damokos before saying anything. "There's little honor, what little that concept means, in living forever. It is a waste to let such great minds no longer share their thoughts with the world." Ukno's many hands reached out into the plane, twisting and curving existence until a great river, a river that was clear, never having debris. Yet the water itself was a deep black color. "You shall find this compromise agreeable."

+4 Knowledge, Ukno makes the river of Gehenna that bisects the entire afterlife. Bathing in the black river will return your soul back into the world in the form of Muse, a sort of particle-like substance that upon hitting another being with a soul will inspire them towards completing a long sought after task which they wished to complete at the time.

2020-08-18, 05:31 PM
Shortly after the making of the heart, Ukno appeared before the effigy in thick clothing, her face barely recognizable under her hood and veil. "You're a strange god, Horse." She took out a small knife out and inspected the body. "You know, we know so little about the functioning of organs and bodies. It's a real mystery. One that is very hard to investigate ethically. Something that I doubt that you care about." She said taking one her upper hands and stabbing into the upper lung of the corpse, listening to the sound it made, writing down a quick note, and then closing up the wound. She sighed. "It is not my place to decide the fate of this body sadly." She stooped, looking at the dried blood on the pike, making a strong expression hidden underneath her veil. "I don't like your violence, Horse. I don't believe that I can blame you though, I don't like making claims without rigorous investigation... But I believe that you can't stop yourself Horse. That you are bound to this cycle of violence. Mortals would find it sad, I am sure.

An amused snort. Horse was now standing on the other side of his Effigy, glaring at Ukno over flared equine nostrils. His bare, stocky chest almost steamed in the frosty air. When he spoke, it was with a hoarse rasp, as though his throat were more used to braying.

"No sadness. Only exultation. And fear."

Her pale blue eyes were cold as they studied Horse. "I would definitely feel sad for you if I believed you capable of better, Horse." She paused, taking out a sketchbook and drawing Horse. Only glancing at him occasionally as she continued "So little understanding of the world. We're opposites in many ways, Horse." She put her sketchbook away and took a seat on the ground. Crossleged opposite of Horse, gesturing to him to sit. "I wonder if talking to you is even worth the time. Tell me, Horse... Why? Why did you make such an artifact? It'd be fascinating. To hear the thought process of such a beast."

Horse knelt opposite the goddess.

"Simple," he said, and pointed to the sketchbook. "We both make effigies. I use man gore. You use plant gore."

"You don't understand, Horse. This isn't an effigy. My sketches, they have purpose. They're so that people can understand what I have seen, so that I can tell others about my knowledge." She points to torn apart effigy. "The heart, Horse." Her voice was even-keeled, still soft in trying to explain things to the god. "What is the purpose of the heart?"

"The same as any other heart. To make the blood flow."

Horse bared his large horse teeth in an uncannily predatory manner.

"Watch the woman who took the heart. You'll see. The blood will flow."

Ukno looks disappointed. "Perhaps I was imprecise with my language. I am aware of it's physical properties, but I want to know, Horse. Why did you personally want to... 'make the blood flow' as you say?" She said the adage with great pain. "It's okay if you don't know the answer."

Broad knuckles kneaded the soil.

"Still blood is for the dead." Horse stated. "That is why my people will make it flow."

Ukno sighed. "I should have known better." She carefully tore out a picture of a flower, and quickly wrote on the back of it. "I want you to ensure that all the dead that are made from this are researched, Horse. This is a reminder, to make sure that you don't forget about your task, and in return you will receive my power for your heart. Is that okay, Horse?"

"The Stampede can promise nothing. But you are welcome to our remains."

"This is not what, I want, Horse. But it will be adequate for my purposes. It is customary at this point that I wish you well, Horse. But that would be a lie, I do not wish you well. I think the world would be much better off without you." With a circular motion of her hands she opened up a portal and disappeared.

+4 Knowledge. Those who imbibe the blood of the heart will have the memories of those who have drunk from he heart in the past. And will feel also a need to preserve the bodies of those who they have killed. Either for glory or for knowledge's sake.