View Full Version : The Discworld Movie - who should be in it?

2007-10-30, 01:31 PM
No doubt this thread is like, the 6 millionth incarnation, but damn it, I want answers!

So ignoring that there was a hogfather movie and the two animated movies, what book would you like to see made as a movie? Also, who would you like to play the characters?

I'm afraid I can't think of a book other than the watch series, but the characters I'd like...

Rincewind - Simon Pegg
Sergeant Fred Colon - Bob Hoskins
Corporal Nobby Nobbs - Steve - Steve Buscemi
Sam Vimes - Hugh Laurie
William de Worde - Johnny Depp
Ridicully - David Hemmings
Carrot - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (For lack of a HUGE guy who can act)

Any others? I'd love to know your thoughts on who should be Ventinari.

2007-10-30, 02:06 PM
Bill Nighy for Vetinari?

Edit: no wait, Willem Defoe

2007-10-30, 03:10 PM
I can only think of one:

Agnes Nit - Dawn French.

2007-10-30, 03:30 PM
My brother claims that Johny Depp would be good for Rincewind. I don't know about that myself.

The Prince of Cats
2007-10-30, 03:50 PM
I would have said Eric Idle for Rincewind, but he might be a better bursar...

Some silly part of my brain can also see Brian Blessed as Ridcully.

2007-10-30, 06:06 PM
Well, there's one character who is glaringly, blindingly obvious:

Death -- Christopher Lee

He's actually voiced the character in some of the televisual Discworld adaptations, and I can't hear anyone else's voice in that role when I read the books these days!

2007-10-30, 06:36 PM
No doubt this thread is like, the 6 millionth incarnation, but damn it, I want answers!

So ignoring that there was a hogfather movie and the two animated movies, what book would you like to see made as a movie? Also, who would you like to play the characters?

I'm afraid I can't think of a book other than the watch series, but the characters I'd like...

Rincewind - Simon Pegg
Sergeant Fred Colon - Bob Hoskins
Corporal Nobby Nobbs - Steve - Steve Buscemi
Sam Vimes - Hugh Laurie
William de Worde - Johnny Depp
Ridicully - David Hemmings
Carrot - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (For lack of a HUGE guy who can act)

Any others? I'd love to know your thoughts on who should be Ventinari.

I like the idea of Buscemi for Nobbs, given that they are both indeed kinda funny looking. But I think I'd have to disagree with most of the rest. Laurie isn't tough enough to be Vimes - you need someone like a slightly younger Clint Eastwood for that. Depp is too charasmatic for de Worde, though I think he could make an amazing Moist von Lipwig. Rincewind is a really tricky one, since I really can't remember the last time I saw someone play a total coward well. I really like the suggestion of using Brian Blessed for Ridcully. Ian McKellen might make a decent Vetinari. Carrot would be very difficult to cast, I think, since he's such a 'larger than life' character. You'd need someone like Arnie, but with a personality too.

2007-10-30, 06:39 PM
Who was the guy who voiced Rincewind in the games? Part of Monty Python, played Merlin in Shrek3?

He should be Rincewind.

2007-10-30, 07:27 PM
Vetinari? David Warner. Talk about the voice for the part. Him or Alan Rickman.

Lu Tze should totally be Mel Brooks.

I think Hugh Jackman could do a good Vimes.

2007-10-30, 07:50 PM
I like the idea of Buscemi for Nobbs, given that they are both indeed kinda funny looking. But I think I'd have to disagree with most of the rest. Laurie isn't tough enough to be Vimes - you need someone like a slightly younger Clint Eastwood for that.Vimes is 45 to 50 in the novels, but very physically active, so we probably need an actor in his 50s at the latest.

Pratchett himself once suggested Pete Postelthwaite, who looks about the way he always imagined Vimes looking, but Postelthwaite is a little old for the part now too.

Jackman might be a good candidate, come to think of it. I can just imagine him having to do a few months of running practice to get up to Vimes's standards, the same way he had to lift weights to bulk up when he played Wolverine.

Depp is too charasmatic for de Worde, though I think he could make an amazing Moist von Lipwig.Oh, god; that would be perfect.

2007-10-30, 07:54 PM
If Clint Eastwood were younger, he would be the perfect Vimes, but Hugh Laurie is the best replacement I can think of. Maybe Geoffrey Rush would work, too.

I would pay any kind of money to see Mackenzie Crook as Nobby Nobbs and Lee Arenberg as Sgt. Colon. (Think Pintel and Ragetti from Pirates of the Caribbean.)

I could see Judi Dench as Granny Weatherwax.

I'll see if I can come up with more.

2007-10-30, 08:25 PM
Eric Idle as Rincewind, Johnny Depp as Moist von Lipwig, and Mel Brooks as Lu-Tze all sound pretty perfect.

I don't think Christopher Lee should be Death... the voice is a little more villainous than hollow-sounding. He could do the Old Count easily, though. Or Fate. Actually... hmmm, he could make a good Fate.

The Prince of Cats
2007-10-31, 04:03 AM
I think Hugh Jackman could do a good Vimes.
I didn't really rate Jackman very highly for quite a while, but after the prestige, I think I could actually see that working.