View Full Version : Trickery Devotion optimization

2020-07-25, 07:04 PM
I'm building a whisper gnome assassin designed to use HiPs, Darkstalker, and insane Hide to effectively be unseeable (even in combat), and I want to use Trickery Devotion or similar abilities to further confuse where he is and isn't. I'll likely dip Cloistered Cleric for Devotion feats. The problem is, even using every daily Turn/Rebuke attempt, it can only be used for a few minutes daily. Is there some way to get mirror image, Trickery Devotion, or the like useable for hours per day?

2020-07-25, 07:48 PM
If you can persist Greater Mirror Image that would work. Not sure how you'd fit that into the build you're talking about though...

2020-07-25, 11:48 PM
I can recommend the warlock alternative since I have 2 gish builds (see signature) relying on several layers of deception.
My clawlock and glaivelock builds both rely on several layers of deception and misschances.

The glaivelock is tiny and almost of diminutive size, invisible, uses HIPS and flies in enemies space to attack em directly in their face. This causes all nearby standing attackers who target you to hit the enemy 50% of the time. Gets HIPS via Nightmares Made Real already at lvl 11.
While not as mobile as my clawlock, the glaivelock is a deadly killer to be feared.

The clawlock also makes use of HIPS and invisibility to a degree. But he is far more mobile. Charge with "Stagger" allows for any kind of direction changes while charging and thus allows charging under any circumstances. Make a flying looping to charge an enemy right next to you. Pounce every round for maximum charge multipliers. Also uses Darkstalker as you intended and even gets Mindsight as ultimate preception skill later. HIPS comes on late, but the build path could be adjusted to get it a bit earlier.

The clawlock can increase it's mobility even further with a lil adjustment trick (not mentioned in the build so far):
You would need to exchange one of the feats to get "Obtain Familiar". E.g. the clawlock could trade "Great Fortitude" and buy it as magic item (Belt of Endurance from Arms and Equipment). Give your familiar Riding Boots for Ride-by-Attack and let him use you as mount. Combined with the Stagger ability (from Drunken Master 2) and Pounce (barb 1 acf) you can charge full-attack and move away with your remaining movement. And don't forget that your familiar may make a ride check (with your ranks if you should invest into it) to roll off the dmg of an attack (once each turn).

Remember that you can use Eternal Wands (via UMD) as warlock and thus get your mirror images from there. Buy a few to have enough charges per day.

2020-07-26, 05:21 AM
Consider using a build like
Rogue 1 / Dread Necromancer 1 / Warlock 3 / Unseen Seer 2 / Warlock +1 / Unseen Seer +8

Why the Dread Necromancer dip ?
This gives you
A d8 touch attack - which is pretty cool for low level rogues
Rebuke Undead — for Devotion feats
Some spells, which include 2x 1st level divination spells — for Unseen Seer entry.
You can't be Good, but you are an assassin right?

This build allows you to snag the Lesser invocation "Flee the Scene" — which is close to what you are after.

2020-07-26, 12:48 PM
If you can persist Greater Mirror Image that would work. Not sure how you'd fit that into the build you're talking about though...

Doesn't the Chameleon handbook have something about non-DMM persisting?