View Full Version : The Hunt for the Hammer (IC)

2020-07-26, 12:34 PM
Legend calls to Legend, and that tends to draw Scions together. Sometimes this leads to catastrophe, but other times, stability. Order forms from chaos, and a culture forms. A safe space where people of the supernatural bent can be themselves without fear from prying mortal eyes. One such place is Walker's Pub, a bar and grill in upstate New York that caters to the local supernatural scene, along with serving as a haven for those just passing through. In this case, those passing through include the five of you. There aren't many other patrons in the bar this afternoon, besides a couple of Alfar in one corner drinking mead and arguing over their salads. Walker himself, a mysterious figure who doesn't talk much, is standing behind the bar, fastidiously cleaning a glass. Rumor has it that he might be a Scion of Dionysus, but neither he nor the god of wine have ever confirmed this. He is, however, an absolute wizard with booze.

When it comes to the five of you, there are several empty tables available, as well as stools along the bar. Most surfaces are done in polished hardwoods, and the place is kept inordinately clean. Walker grunts a greeting as each of you comes in, but stays behind the bar. He's a fairly unremarkable looking man. Average height, average build, maybe going a little prematurely bald. He wears a white apron, also pristine, and the entire place smells faintly of top shelf liquor and woodsmoke from the grill.

Just setting the scene to start with, to allow y'all to introduce yourselves, unless some of you decide that you already know each other. I'm not going to impose that on any of you, or tell you why you've come. The business that brings you to New York is your own, and I might be able to work it into the story later on! Once we establish these character interactions, something will happen here to get the plot rolling.

2020-07-26, 01:18 PM
Warren steps into Walker's without much of a fuss, hanging his hat and coat on a brass coat rack near the door and leaning his walking stick on the nearby wall. He took one last look outside at the raven perched on the sign outside.

Munin isn't moving, this is where I'm supposed to be. He thought to himself as he sat at one of the barstools, unphased as a bright red squirrel hops out of his coat pocket and scurries across the bar and upon his shoulder.

Warren had been following the raven for the past week, originally camping up in Acadia National Park up in Maine. However, he knew something was up even before his father's raven had urged him to travel to this bar. His camping trip had been bombarded by heavy rains, high winds and dark dark stormclouds, nothing that Warren wasn't used to. Except for the fact that these storms were _silent_.

No lightning, no thunder. Just.....silent storms. For a whole week. Shortly after he started following Munin to upstate New York. Now, the Odinson found himself here.

"Hey, let me get a Miller Light and a menu," Warren said to the barkeep casually, silently hoping he wouldn't ask to check his ID. "Oh, and a bowl of peanuts." He adds when he hears the insistant chittering of Ratatoskr on his shoulder.

2020-07-26, 01:59 PM
Joe, for his part, was something of a semi-regular in Walker's; it was a good place to advertise for clients, especially given how the supernature set were both the first to realize there was a curse of some kind to begin with, and the lack of specialized police for that. Even if it was just weird coincidences, and even if the real complex black magic usually ended in a referral to others, it still kept the lights on and the rent paid. It didn't hurt that it Walker was quite the mixologist.

Unfortunately, he also happens to be there purely on a job, largely to understand why the lightning hasn't always been present in the storms, which means he couldn't really enjoy the fruits of Walker's art all that much; alcohol on the job was not acceptable. So, instead, the detective happens to possibly be the one guy with tea (coffee was something he always found too bitter without pastries) in a bar. And quite clearly not all that pleased with this situation as he caffeinated himself up for the inevitable casing.

2020-07-26, 02:51 PM
As she often does, Niki wanders. Black, sturdy mantle with a large enough hood to keep the weather away. Not that the hood is needed right now, leaving the perpetually pale face and the jet-black hair for the surrounding world to see. And right now, there is no particular goal, just going for a walk, feeling pretty shot. Having just finished with a report to Hecate and Circe giving her more smoldering looks, it is back to looking for opportunities to continue her work... which usually means to continue wandering, as Fate has a way with drawing her in. Always has. But she needs a break right now.

Glancing to the side, she looks through the window of a well-kept bar. Glancing up, she sees the sign, and a raven sitting right on top. Niki sighs. "Sure. Why not." Well-worn black boots dusted off on the mat and quietly in she goes. Might as well take her break here.

As the barkeeper grunt-greets her, she silently raises a hand in return before hanging her mantle, revealing tailored black clothes underneath, with subtle swirling patterns. Her prefered kind of avoiding cases of public indecency sure made a lot of sense once she learned her origin. Heading straight to the bar with quiet steps, Niki seats herself with her arms folded on the bar and a long breath escaping her. The grill smell is drawn back in instead, as dark eyes search the arrangement of liquor, before she gets the barkeep's attention with a gesture.

"Hello sir. I'd like a medium sirloin steak, an 18 years old Glenfiddich, and a glass of water, please," Niki says, her voice sounding a bit tired, but nonetheless carrying a comfortable, soothing, rich quality with it, managing a friendly smile as well. It will be a bit on the expensive side, but frankly, Niki feels like she should treat herself for a change, as long as she still can.

2020-07-26, 03:26 PM
"Hello sir. I'd like a medium sirloin steak, an 18 years old Glenfiddich, and a glass of water, please," Niki says, her voice sounding a bit tired, but nonetheless carrying a comfortable, soothing, rich quality with it, managing a friendly smile as well. It will be a bit on the expensive side, but frankly, Niki feels like she should treat herself for a change, as long as she still can.

Warren glances over at the woman who just sat at the bar. She seemed to know a bit more about this place than he did.

"The steak is good here, then?" the Odinson casually asks the black-clad woman as Ratatosk sits on the bar next to him, quietly munching on peanuts.

2020-07-26, 04:48 PM
Warren glances over at the woman who just sat at the bar. She seemed to know a bit more about this place than he did.

"The steak is good here, then?" the Odinson casually asks the black-clad woman as Ratatosk sits on the bar next to him, quietly munching on peanuts.

"Relatively," Joe says, his chair being next to the two of them. "Me, I'm more into the chicken. He does a good lemon sauce. But that's just me." He sips at his tea, there not being much in the way of food before him - just the tea and some paperwork.

2020-07-26, 04:52 PM
Warren glances over at the woman who just sat at the bar. She seemed to know a bit more about this place than he did.

"The steak is good here, then?" the Odinson casually asks the black-clad woman as Ratatosk sits on the bar next to him, quietly munching on peanuts.

Still leaning on her elbows, Niki looks to the side. "I intend to find out," she answers, accompanied by a little smile. A long index finger lifts from its resting place on her upper arm to leisurely point in the squirrel's general direction. "Yours?" she asks in return. Might as well make conversation while she waits.

2020-07-26, 05:38 PM
Still leaning on her elbows, Niki looks to the side. "I intend to find out," she answers, accompanied by a little smile. A long index finger lifts from its resting place on her upper arm to leisurely point in the squirrel's general direction. "Yours?" she asks in return. Might as well make conversation while she waits.

"Ratatosk is usually more friendly, but his food ran out when we crossed the state line, so he's starving." Ratatosk looks up for a moment, tilting his head a moment between Warren and Niki before going back to the peanut in his paws.

2020-07-26, 10:07 PM
Walker nods an affirmative when Warren orders, but says nothing as he hands him his beer and the menu. When Nikki asks for her Scotch, a small grin crosses his face. "Good taste. Neat, up, or on the rocks?" When Joe claims his steaks are only "relatively" good, he shoots him a dirty look, but business takes up his attention as he gets to cooking.

The wind rattles the windows, and rain sluices down the glass. The door opens, allowing the wind to bluster in, but no one's there. Maybe it just hadn't been latched properly. Walker steps out from behind the bar to shut the door, before going back to preparing your food.

2020-07-26, 11:26 PM
Posted up at his usual place at the bar Gil winces when he hears someone disparage the quality of Walker's steaks. And his hand drops to the sword on his hip when he hears the words "Miller Lite". He waves to Walker as the barman walks by, leaning over to whisper conspiratorially.
"I can't do it for free, breaks the rules. But if you'd like me to kill them I could do it for three bottles and a steak sandwich. If not, I'll still take the order."

2020-07-27, 03:13 AM
Not long after the barman closes the door, a commotion is audible from outside as several people arrive all at once. They're a talkative bunch, dressed well for the storm outside. All except one, who enters in nothing but jeans, a vest, and sunglasses, with a guitar case over one shoulder. His arms bear tattoos of elaborate grapevines all the way up to the beginnings of the leather vest. As he turns to usher the last couple of people through the door, he shifts the guitar case to one side, revealing a stylised image of a pair of aces on the back, Hearts and Diamonds. The last of the dozen or so people filter in and take up a couple of tables, after a quick word with one of them, Johnny makes his way up to the bar, "Hey man, gang's just deciding on some food. Can I get a round of beers for everyone while they figure it out? Whatever's good, long as it's good, yeah?" Thumping the guitar case on the ground next to an empty stool, he takes a seat at the bar, "You got any burgers? I'll take one with the works if you do." Shaking a little of the rain from his shoulder-length hair, he takes a quick look around, sunglasses still on, "You guys want in on the round? My shout." With a glance over at the Alfar in their corner, "Chuck an extra couple of meads in for them while we're at it, make it a clean sweep."

2020-07-27, 07:45 AM
"Neat, please," Niki responds to Walker. She decides to leave the man who has drawn the barkeep's ire to his paperwork. Niki takes it as Walker also making excellent chicken and sauce.

"Poor little guy. Must have been a long trek," she says to the young man and his squirrel.

A moment of quiet, Niki hearing it pour outside. The front door opening on its own. Star plus entourage entering the premise, driving out the relative quiet that will be missed, but bringing in plenty of business for the owner, so no reason to complain. She gestures a casual negatory when offered to join in a round, really not in the mood to add beer to what she is having.

Her look wanders through the window into the storm outside. Then to her left and right, seeing the colorful collection of people at the bar (with at least one of them armed). A bar and grill catering towards the supernatural. Raven on the sign outside when she came in. The squirrel is named Ratatosk. And the door from earlier.

"Oh," escapes Niki, aimed at no one in particular. "Fate's at it again." Hopefully Fate is busy being ominous for a good while. But Niki is kidding no one. Fate doesn't wait for whisky and steak. And hope escapes Niki with another quiet sigh, busy sweeping all that internal weariness aside to get back into Scion business shape.

2020-07-27, 08:01 AM
For his part, Joe starts catching on too, and starts to remember what his Title is.

Slowly, he starts massaging his temples, sighing. Well, at least he found a job...

2020-07-27, 04:54 PM
Warren put aside his menu and turned around in his seat as Johnny Aces walked in. On one hand, Warren had no real idea who this person was, aside from (apparently) a musician. On the other hand, someone just walked in and offered to buy him a drink.

"I'm in!" He calls, raising his glass to Johnny, "What are we celebrating?"

2020-07-27, 10:06 PM
Walker snorts at Gil's offer. "He's new. Doesn't know what he's missing out on." He grunts in surprise at Johnny's arrival, and offer for drinks all around, but doesn't complain. It takes a little bit, but one can't rush perfection. Everything he serves is just magical, and soon the room is filled with good cheer.

And that's when Warren notices the man sitting next to him. He wasn't there a second ago, no one saw him come in. A big, burly redhead with a bushy beard, wearing flannel, worn jeans, and heavy leather workboots. He's like a lumberjack, but something about him seems... more. More solid. More... real than anything else around. And, of course, he has a familiar crooked grin. His voice is deep, a rumble like thunder.

"Hey, little brother."

2020-07-27, 11:13 PM
Joe sighs, recognizing Fate when it's a client, and a probable Incarnation of a god, picking up his tea and walking over to the other part of the group. "When did this become something I'm not shocked about. Had a feeling that I needed to bring Myti in the car," he mumbles, taking a seat next to someone he recognizes as Johnny Aces, a fellow Scion of the Theoi.

"I overheard that bit about Fate the lady said. And I agree," he says to his adopted cousin. "Gioacchino Giunta, private eye. I'm going to guess you being here isn't a coincidence, either? Especially given our, eh, familial conflict of interest."

2020-07-28, 03:55 AM
Walker snorts at Gil's offer. "He's new. Doesn't know what he's missing out on." He grunts in surprise at Johnny's arrival, and offer for drinks all around, but doesn't complain. It takes a little bit, but one can't rush perfection. Everything he serves is just magical, and soon the room is filled with good cheer.

And that's when Warren notices the man sitting next to him. He wasn't there a second ago, no one saw him come in. A big, burly redhead with a bushy beard, wearing flannel, worn jeans, and heavy leather workboots. He's like a lumberjack, but something about him seems... more. More solid. More... real than anything else around. And, of course, he has a familiar crooked grin. His voice is deep, a rumble like thunder.

"Hey, little brother."

"What's up, Thor?" Warren said as he casually took a sip of his beer, only to choke on it when he it clicked in his head who he was talking to. Ratatosk even dropped his peanut in surprise.

"*Cough Cough* Well.....that explains why Munin was acting crazy getting me two states west." He said, grabbing a napkin from the bar to wipe his mouth "Hey, you know what's good on the menu here? I've been having trouble deciding." He hands his older brother the menu, his casual demeanor returning lightning quick.

2020-07-28, 10:55 AM
Johnny grins at Warren's question, "Life, my friend! Well that and my album sales, but mostly life." He shrugs at Niki's refusal, an easy smile on his face, when his fellow patrons bring up the subject of fate he adds in a light musical tone, "A planet of playthings, we dance on the strings of powers we cannot perceive." A very faint accompanying hum emanates from the guitar case, almost inaudible in the now lively atmosphere of the bar. He holds his hands up in mock surrender, "Better to enjoy life where we can, and make our own decisions, yeah? Fate's a guide, not a railroad. Not yet anyway."

He smiles, somewhat ruefully at Joe, "Well, Harry did seem more enthusiastic than normal when he recommended this place, guess he knew somethin' I didn't." He holds a hand out to shake, "Johnny Aces, professional musician and layabout." His only visible reaction to what is apparently Thor appearing at the bar is to wave his other hand in Walker's direction, hold up a finger, and point to Thor. One more for the new guy.

2020-07-28, 11:38 AM
A Scion of Hecate really should have realized that a bar and grill is a crossroads of a kind before stepping into one. Minutes pass with no shortage of tension, Niki looking almost apologetically at Walker, the steak, and the whisky for not being able to savor what she has been served as much as she wants to at the moment. Nonetheless, steak and whisky have her back, and Walker earns no shortage of non-verbal praise for his handiwork.

Then someone who was not there is suddenly there. Niki is in full-on keep-cool mode, helped by the bit of steak she is chewing and swallowing. Then the Norse god of thunder's name is dropped, and all effort has to be expended towards not just deflating with most of the tension going right out of her. "It's the Aesir, thank goodness." Well, that does still sneak out with the rest of the relief. Nobody's perfect. No opportunity to fully relax, though, as at least two of her extended family are still present.

With Aesir business on one side of her and Theoi on the other, the former is left alone for the moment while interjecting a "Niki Skia" into the latter when "the lady" is mentioned. One hand gives a quick greeting wave, while the other correctly holds the glass of whisky, letting it move a bit before taking another sip to help with the internally frayed nerves. Really though, what is left of her food and drink needs to be finished as long as she can, observing the Greco-Norse shenanigans that are brewing around her.

2020-07-28, 04:08 PM
"Well, thing is... I need a favor. And I trusted the Norns to guide me to the people who could help." Thor glances around at the assembled Scions.

Meanwhile, Walker gives Thor a bottle, and gives him a pointed look. "Use the door next time."

The god of thunder holds up his hands in a placatory gesture, and lays a couple ancient coins on the bar. Walker nods, and scoops them into the till, before going about his business.

"Right! So, where was I?" Thor scratches his beard thoughtfully. "Oh yeah! I'm sure you've all noticed the weird weather lately?" As if on cue, the wind rattles the windows once more. "I miiiiight know the reason behind it. And I'm about 98% sure it's not Loki's fault."

2020-07-28, 05:04 PM
So, in fact, Thor Himself has come to recruit all of them to help with a task, and as the realization dawns on Niki she-

"I'm volunteering. What's this about?" And there she goes. Weather shenanigans are worrying, Thor seems like a cool guy, and most importantly, non-Theoi business! The perfect excuse, and working with other pantheons might count a little extra in terms of making herself useful. Niki is paying full attention, steak and whisky all finished, jitters completely gone. Day can only get better.

2020-07-28, 07:25 PM
So, in fact, Thor Himself has come to recruit all of them to help with a task, and as the realization dawns on Niki she-

"I'm volunteering. What's this about?" And there she goes. Weather shenanigans are worrying, Thor seems like a cool guy, and most importantly, non-Theoi business! The perfect excuse, and working with other pantheons might count a little extra in terms of making herself useful. Niki is paying full attention, steak and whisky all finished, jitters completely gone. Day can only get better.

Right on cue, a certain Scion of Hades comes over, taking out his card.

"I'm not quite volunteering, but that's mostly because I was already on the the case. Of course, I'd prefer there to be a diplomat, but... Gioacchino Giunta, but please, call me Joe. Private investigator, specializing in supernatural phenomenon and curses. Also adopted son of Hades, largely due to the way I became a PI. It's a pleasure and an honor to meet you, your majesty, please forgive me if that isn't the proper mode of address."

2020-07-28, 10:47 PM
"Right! So, where was I?" Thor scratches his beard thoughtfully. "Oh yeah! I'm sure you've all noticed the weird weather lately?" As if on cue, the wind rattles the windows once more. "I miiiiight know the reason behind it. And I'm about 98% sure it's not Loki's fault."

Warren gives his elder brother a look of confusion, then his eyes drift to his hands, then the belt loops on the thunder god's jeans. Then back up at his brother.

"....Ohhhhhhhhh crap. You're telling me someone stole...."

2020-07-29, 08:36 AM
Gil finishes his second bottle and side eyes the... Well, God sitting at the bar. Manifesting in person was dangerous. And interesting. Might be worth offering to help.

2020-07-30, 02:03 AM
Johnny leans into view behind Joe to look at Thor with a grin, "We gonna need to get you in drag again? 'Cause I know a guy."

2020-07-30, 03:57 PM
Thor grins sheepishly. "Yeah, Mjolnir's gone. I woke up, and it wasn't there. Loki had an alibi, so I know it wasn't them.
But other than that, I've got no leads." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. At Johnny's suggestion, his face turns red. "I can't try the same trick twice, they'll be expecting it this time!" Thor pounds his fist on the bar. "I need someone who can surprise them! Whoever they are. Probably some Jotun or another. Oh, and can we keep all this quiet? It's not just embarrassing, but it's dangerous. We can't have word getting out that my hammer's missing."

2020-07-30, 07:59 PM
"Absolutely!" is heard from Niki, conveniently doing triple time as agreement to the request as well as Thor's assessments of the missing hammer and another genderbend disguise act. Mjölnir being unaccounted for is bad news, all the better to start quickly.

"Got any leads? Anyone with a particular grudge, or desire to have and ability to use the hammer?"

2020-08-01, 07:50 PM
"If we need a lead to go on, it might help to talk to the prophetic raven outside." Warren suggests, thumbing over to the bar window, where Munin can be seen pecking at random spots in the dirt.

2020-08-01, 10:25 PM
"Well, my daughter Thrud says she saw something that morning, but for some reason, she doesn't seem to want to talk to me about it." Thor frowns softly. "She's a sweet girl, usually tells me everything." He then shrugs his massive shoulders. "Talking to Munin is probably a good idea. He sees pretty much everything that goes on in the Nine Worlds."

2020-08-02, 06:34 AM
"Hmm..." Niki slowly piano-taps her cheekbone as she leans on her hand in thought. It appears there is some external pressure on Thrud. A bit of self-examination also reveals Niki thinks that because of Thor being Thor and this not being Theoi. A mental note is made that she needs to examine biases when she has a quiet moment for herself, before they get out of hand. However, she has encountered many, many people displaying a change in behavior like Thrud. A private talk often helps with getting to the cause of this.

"How can we get in touch with Thrud?"

2020-08-03, 02:32 PM
Johnny gives an exaggerated look of disappointment at Thor's shooting down of his idea, his eyes are still hidden behind his sunglasses but you can feel him wink. "Alrighty then, if we're doing this lets do this right." He signals Walker to bring out another round, "Another drink to seal the deal, and prepare ourselves for woe and weal." As the bartender is preparing the order, he picks his case up off the floor with a flourish, a faded lightning bolt visible on the outside as he opens it and produces a guitar the colour of the sky on a stormy day. Closing the case again he slides it over to one of his entourage, "Nadia, keep an eye on that for me will you?" Turning back to Thor, "Don't worry mate, we'll be quiet as church mice." With a grin, he idly strums the guitar and an arc of electricity crackles along the length of the strings as the note rings out.

2020-08-05, 09:34 PM
"Well, my daughter Thrud says she saw something that morning, but for some reason, she doesn't seem to want to talk to me about it." Thor frowns softly. "She's a sweet girl, usually tells me everything." He then shrugs his massive shoulders. "Talking to Munin is probably a good idea. He sees pretty much everything that goes on in the Nine Worlds."

"Hrm..." Joe pulls out his notepad. "As a preliminary note, Mr. Odinson, can you tell us what the security system was? Or was it in a more easily accessible location that day?"

2020-08-07, 03:54 PM
As Walker served Warren his food, the youngest Odinson listened quietly to the conversation. Warren had only known of his divine heritage for less than a year, and while he was willing to help, finding out who stole the Mjolnir seemed like quite the learning curve.

"I'm gonna assume since you're here," Warren continues casually, "That Thrud is not in Asgard anymore, but somewhere on Midgard. He asked before taking a bite of the burger that he ordered. "Oh damn, this is amazing!"

2020-08-11, 03:47 PM
"Hmm..." Niki slowly piano-taps her cheekbone as she leans on her hand in thought. It appears there is some external pressure on Thrud. A bit of self-examination also reveals Niki thinks that because of Thor being Thor and this not being Theoi. A mental note is made that she needs to examine biases when she has a quiet moment for herself, before they get out of hand. However, she has encountered many, many people displaying a change in behavior like Thrud. A private talk often helps with getting to the cause of this.

"How can we get in touch with Thrud?"

"Well, I don't know where exactly she's gone. She left Asgard in a hurry after I last spoke to her. I asked around, and Heimdall seems to think she was headed towards Jotunheim. She's probably trying to see if she can get it back herself."

Johnny gives an exaggerated look of disappointment at Thor's shooting down of his idea, his eyes are still hidden behind his sunglasses but you can feel him wink. "Alrighty then, if we're doing this lets do this right." He signals Walker to bring out another round, "Another drink to seal the deal, and prepare ourselves for woe and weal." As the bartender is preparing the order, he picks his case up off the floor with a flourish, a faded lightning bolt visible on the outside as he opens it and produces a guitar the colour of the sky on a stormy day. Closing the case again he slides it over to one of his entourage, "Nadia, keep an eye on that for me will you?" Turning back to Thor, "Don't worry mate, we'll be quiet as church mice." With a grin, he idly strums the guitar and an arc of electricity crackles along the length of the strings as the note rings out.

"Appreciate your discretion. And I'll never say no to another drink." Thor winks and knocks back another mead. "And that guitar is seriously cool."

"Hrm..." Joe pulls out his notepad. "As a preliminary note, Mr. Odinson, can you tell us what the security system was? Or was it in a more easily accessible location that day?"

"Please, Mr. Odinson is my fath-" he frowns. "Wait. No he isn't, he's Mr. Borrson.
Let me get back to you when I can make that joke work. For now, just call me Thor, please." The god of thunder grins widely, and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, to get the last few drops of mead. "And it was only the best security system in the Nine Worlds! The thief had to get past Heimdall himself!"

As Walker served Warren his food, the youngest Odinson listened quietly to the conversation. Warren had only known of his divine heritage for less than a year, and while he was willing to help, finding out who stole the Mjolnir seemed like quite the learning curve.

"I'm gonna assume since you're here," Warren continues casually, "That Thrud is not in Asgard anymore, but somewhere on Midgard. He asked before taking a bite of the burger that he ordered. "Oh damn, this is amazing!"

"We think she's headed towards Jotunheim, but for now, she's on Midgard, yeah. There's a branch of Yggdrasil near here, so I'd suggest looking there." Thor takes a napkin and writes down an address of a nearby farm, before handing it to his little brother.

2020-08-12, 11:08 AM
"Sounds like we should get going sooner rather than later." Niki pushes herself upright on her seat. "How do we get in touch with you once the hammer is found, or something important comes up?"

2020-08-12, 02:38 PM
It takes Joe a second to remember his mythology lesson, before whistling slightly, impressed with the thief despite himself.

2020-08-18, 01:14 AM
"Thanks, was a gift from Grandad. Tell you the truth I think he was just glad I wasn't another one of his." Johnny looks thoughtful a moment, "We think..." Shrugging, he surveys the rest of the room a moment, glancing over at the Alfar in the corner to see if they've been listening to the conversation.

2020-08-18, 02:12 PM
Warren takes the napkin with the address and tucks it into his coat. He'd never been to Jotunheim before and he was pretty excited, Ratatosk crawling up onto his shoulder at the same time.

"One of you has a car right? I had to hitchhike the last leg of the way here."

2020-08-18, 07:06 PM
Warren takes the napkin with the address and tucks it into his coat. He'd never been to Jotunheim before and he was pretty excited, Ratatosk crawling up onto his shoulder at the same time.

"One of you has a car right? I had to hitchhike the last leg of the way here."

Joe raises his hand. "Are any of you allergic to dogs or Cthonian wildlife?"

2020-08-19, 04:41 AM
"No car, I just travel by whatever means I feel like."

Niki turns to Joe. "Not that I am aware of." A beat. "What sort of vehicles is this?"

2020-08-19, 12:31 PM
"No car, I just travel by whatever means I feel like."

Niki turns to Joe. "Not that I am aware of." A beat. "What sort of vehicles is this?"

"Larger van. Big enough to hold a Rottweiler with three heads and have space left over in case I need to transport a couple people around."

2020-08-19, 07:39 PM
Joe raises his hand. "Are any of you allergic to dogs or Cthonian wildlife?"

Warren's eyes light up, "You have a dog?? Kick ass!!"

2020-08-20, 02:53 PM
Warren's eyes light up, "You have a dog?? Kick ass!!"

"Officer Myti. I'm going to put this out here right now though: he's not a pet. He's a working animal," Joe says, sternly. "Don't baby him on the job, especially because his right head is nervous and mouthy." To emphasize, he rolls up his sleeve to reveal some large bite marks.

2020-08-22, 03:37 PM
"Sounds like we should get going sooner rather than later." Niki pushes herself upright on her seat. "How do we get in touch with you once the hammer is found, or something important comes up?"

Thor gives you a cell number where he can be reached. "Though it only works when I'm on Midgard. Otherwise, you'll have to do it the good old fashioned way: Prayer. I'll keep an ear out for you guys."

"Thanks, was a gift from Grandad. Tell you the truth I think he was just glad I wasn't another one of his." Johnny looks thoughtful a moment, "We think..." Shrugging, he surveys the rest of the room a moment, glancing over at the Alfar in the corner to see if they've been listening to the conversation.

The Alfar are far too engrossed in their argument to pay attention to what's going on around them.

2020-08-24, 07:11 AM
Niki saves the number as Ruby Tuesday, while considering whether praying to Thor would get her in trouble with Hecate.

"Alright, shall we?" flows out of Niki and into the group's ears in upbeat waves. She pays for her drink and meal with a generous tip while waiting.

2020-08-25, 03:11 PM
Johnny grins, "Oh I think I can come up with a prayer you'll notice." He looks around at his entourage for a moment, "We've got a mini tour bus, but it might be a little on the nose. I'll get 'em to follow at a... discrete distance. Should give plenty of time for a couple of rounds, eh Billy?" The last to one of the young men who entered with him, who laughs and salutes him with a beer. Downing his own drink, he stands up and moves the guitar around to his back. "Right then, so where were we gonna go first?"

2020-08-25, 06:39 PM
Standing up and stretching a bit to shake off the bad feelings from before she entered this place, Niki suggests "Why not start with that Yggdrasil branch? Maybe we run into Thrud, see if we can find out what's on her mind." She takes a deep breath. It's nice to feel calmer, more focused again.

2020-08-30, 09:51 PM
"I call shotgun!!" Warren says, putting some money on the counter and tucking his burger into a doggy bag. He walks over to the coat rack and picks up his coat and walking stick. "Any of you ever travel by World Tree before? It's pretty wild, so I'm told."

2020-08-30, 11:05 PM
"I call shotgun!!" Warren says, putting some money on the counter and tucking his burger into a doggy bag. He walks over to the coat rack and picks up his coat and walking stick. "Any of you ever travel by World Tree before? It's pretty wild, so I'm told."

"I've done Styx-side roads. A tree is probably not any more bumpy."