View Full Version : 3rd Ed [3.5] Solo "Non-evil-assassin" Campaign

2020-07-26, 06:39 PM
Thinking while we are in COVID-19 lockdown, I might DM a solo campaign for my wife at home.

We talked about it, and she wants to be able to play a solo stealthy character. I've always thought an Assassin would be a great character for a solo game: getting assignments from the guild on who to take out.

My wife prefers playing good, or neutral characters. She also prefers archers to melee or casters, where possible.

I know there are some options: Slayer of Domiel, "Avenger", Marrulurk (race) etc.

Looking at around ECL 6-8 or so.

Any tips or suggestions on the character, or adventures? As a DM, I'm happy to flesh out a non-evil Assassins Guild that gives contracts on evil creatures that need to be taken out etc.

Cheers - T

2020-07-26, 07:14 PM
I've played once this kind of character, but in a normal party, not solo; anyhow, it turned out as one of the funniest PC's I've ever played. It was psionic-based, had several mind-affecting powers, and was relatively multiclass-heavy.

She was member of a good-aligned guild, which was homebrewed on the basis of existing affiliations, and was active in killing evil monsters (especially mind-flyers).

This happened some two years ago, so I had in the meantime the chance - since I really liked the concept a lot - to review the build and convert it into an arcane spellcaster.

So the final version is: Human paragon 1 / Generic spellcaster 2 / Human paragon +2 / Unseen seer 8 / Abjurant champion 5 / Dragonslayer 1 / Spellsword 1.

BAB 16 and 9th level spells (from 4 class lists), 19/20 spellcasting, 5d6 sneak attack, hunter's eye, trapfinding and lot of skills. The human paragon offers a lot of goodies, including adaptive learning (e.g. for disable device), the skill selection to qualify for the unseen seer, a bonus feat and ability boost to reduce MAD. BTW, she should be Int-based if she wants enough skill to be, you know, a skillfull character.

She would get Sneak Attack natively through the bonus feat of the generic spellcaster, and trapfinding (if needed) through the touchstone feat. If she wants to stay unarmored, she can even take arcane preparation and enjoy (greater) luminous armor. I'd focus on spells enhancing her infiltration abilities (invisibility) and on debuffs.

PS: although I've posted the entire build, the PC is perfectly functional between levels 6-8.

2020-07-26, 07:15 PM
As one possible scenario, perhaps your wife's character is brought in to "manage" a situation involving rival druidic groups, who are part of the same regional network but have strained their relations to the snapping point owing to irreconcilable perspectives on certain practices.

To wit, one group has a nontraditional approach to what they consider "nature," and they are actively transplanting foreign organisms into an area which most other druids consider pristine wilderness. What these foreign lifeforms actually are can be up to you--either transplants from another continent, another world or another plane entirely.

Whatever they are, they're aggressively displacing native species, which the nontraditional group considers a worthy outcome because it increases the overall diversity in this wilderness. The leader of this group is charismatic, visionary, and utterly convinced of his transcendent purpose, and he has a nucleus of devoted supporters who are committed to his cause. The leader is CN, but his followers range from CN and N to NE, and some of them are supporting him simply for the opportunity to tear apart the fabric of the regional ecosystems.

Most other druidic groups in the region vehemently disagree with this practice, but they're not willing to act overtly out of concern for starting an internecine conflict that could spiral far out of control. While most of the other regional leaders debate, study precedents, or withdraw entirely, some of the younger set are chafing at the inaction and willing to consider other approaches to removing the problem, which is where your wife's character comes in.

This is just a thumbnail sketch, but it offers a wilderness-themed assignment with the potential for some surprise encounters, depending on what you decide the nontraditional druids have been importing into the region. Depending on how you want to approach it, the target could either be the charismatic leader himself (if your wife's character is willing to work for the greater good, as defined by her employers) or his more evil supporters (if your wife's character is more selective in her targets).

2020-07-26, 07:26 PM
You can always remove the evil and special prerequisites along with the death attack and probably poison use of Assassin and similar classes to make a nonevil variant.

Having a preference for archery makes it difficult to reliably sneak attack without Greater Invisibility. If she wants to make a ranged character maybe something like Swordsage 1/ Soulknife 2/ Swordsage 2/ Soulbow (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060403a&page=2), which can use TWF and mongoose boosts with mind arrows. The build basically only needs Dex and Wis, but can focus more on Wis with Zen Archery. Put Lucky on each mind arrow with the first +1 enhancement equivalent ability so every missed shot gets one reroll, if that won't work then Bane for whatever she expects to be fighting can be super helpful. Be sure to include Woodland Archer and Darkstalker. As you advance Soulbow you should mix in more Swordsage levels whenever you'll have the initiator level for a choice maneuver or stance.

I'm a big fan of Psychic Assassin (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/flaming-crab-games/combat-feats-3rd-party-flaming-crab-games/improvised-weapon-proficiency-combat/), it gets 6/10 manifesting (or 4/6 for the first six levels) due to Text > Table. Go something like Spellthief 1/ Ardent or Psion 4/ Psychic Assassin 6/ Slayer 9 for the final build, using Practiced Manifester to meet the ML prerequisite. The Spellthief level allows wand use of any spells the class would have access to, namely Wraithstrike. Take Mind Cripple at Psychic Assassin 5 and most bruiser types can be put into a coma in a single TWF full attack, regardless of their hp. This is more of a melee/caster build, which is probably not what she prefers but could be fun to get her out of her comfort zone, plus powers like Energy Ray and Psionic Disintegrate can be used to make ranged sneak attacks.

2020-07-26, 07:48 PM
Hmm, my Raven's Shadow (http://bit.ly/2kfZ3rs) build would probably work quite well solo. Azoth was written as Lawful Evil, but the only requirement is worshiping Shar, so LN would be totally reasonable (and for that matter, there's no reason a godess of darkness has to be evil in the first place, if you want to refluff Shar). Basically, it combines Sneak Attack, Iaijutsu Focus, and Skirmish to do some absurd damage, along with some great stealth abilities and movement options to ensure they all proc and provide utility. The best stealth ability doesn't come online until level 8, but as early as level 3 you've got invisibility every three rounds, and your damage is already solid by the 6-8 ECL range thanks to Iaijutsu Focus combined with a little SA and Skirmish.

For some different directions, Totemist or Incarnate into Umbral Disciple could make for a very well-rounded stealth character. Avenging Executioner doesn't require evil, and gives you some precision damage and fear abilities for an assassin-like character.

bean illus
2020-07-26, 08:48 PM
I don't know what you qualify as assassin ... poison use?

Personally, low level solo is a stealth game. You need hp though, and bab.

Strongheart halfling mystic ranger.
Your an archer. You're sneaky. You have spells, but they're archery, sneaky spells.

You could consider 2 levels of monk, which can score invisibility from invisible fist, and great saves. Maybe darkstalker feat to hide from scent/etc, or acquiring umd.

There are many monk variants, including this one ...
Wee Jas
1st Level Skill Bonus:Use Magic Device.
1st-Level Feat:Improved Initiative.
2nd-Level Feat:Skill Focus (UMD

Doctor Despair
2020-07-26, 09:19 PM
With regard to build advice, Bloodlines and stacking multiple sources of death attack can be pretty valuable to the feature with brief dips into prestige classes that grant death attack, or Legacy Champion.

With regard to her wanting to play a ranged character, consider this spell:

Level: Assassin 4,
Components: V, S, AF,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level (D)

This spell magically enhances your senses, making you deadly with ranged weapons. When you cast sniper's eye, you gain the following benefits.

+10 competence bonus on Spot checks.
Darkvision out to 60 feet.
The ability to make a ranged sneak attack at a range of up to 60 feet, rather than 30 feet.
The ability to make a death attack with a ranged weapon rather than just with a melee weapon. The target must be within 60 feet.

This spell doesn't grant you the ability to make a sneak attack or death attack if you don't already have that ability.
Sniper's eye attunes you completely to the vantage point you had when you cast the spell. You understand the nuances of the breeze and every angle and shadow—from that spot. If you move even 5 feet from the place where you cast the spell, you lose the benefits of sniper's eye until you return to that spot.

Focus: A magnifying glass lens.

It looks like the Avenger uses the Assassin spelllist, so that should be fine. Otherwise UMDing a wand would be ok as an option. As this comes from the Assassin spelllist, and your wife doesn't like evil characters, you could also have her play a character who was evil upon taking her first assassin level, but swapped thereafter, as I don't see a "fall" mechanic in the class. Otherwise, Bloodstorm Blade should allow a ranged Death Attack.

To pump the DC, the build might use Favored in Guild - Jazred Chalssin, Ability Focus, an Assassins' Dagger, Bracers of Murder, Sickening Strike, Aleval School, and maybe Atramen Oil.

With regard to the death attack, Mortifying Strike with some other fear effect, like Frightful Presence, can be good to create a diversion after the assassination attempt. Both these effects trigger on the attack regardless of the target's success or failure on the Death Attack fort save, so that's nice. On failing both will saves, all creatures within 30 feet of both you and the target (including the target, if alive) become frightened for at least a few rounds and flee from you as fast as possible.

Deathstrike Bracers would be nice if the assassin uses thrown weapons as their ranged attack. Wands of X strike could replace this, given the assassin knows their target most of the time beforehand.

Becoming invisible can help with stealth or applying SA damage.

Deathsight can help with the wait period

Darkstalker and friends would be nice as well, and/or a high disguise skill

Hidden Blade skilltrick could be nice to draw a thrown weapon

Err... if you refluff it (because the fluff is terrifying), God Blooded of Vecna could be of great use to an assassin, granting, among other things:

Special Actions: A Vecna-blooded creature gains the following special actions.

Enigma Aura (Su): Once per day, as a standard action, a Vecna-blooded creature can wrap itself in an aura that makes creatures within 120 feet intermittently forget it’s there. At the start of each affected creature’s turn, that creature has a 50% chance to be unable to attack the Vecna-blooded creature in any way, including with spells and special abilities. The aura lasts for 1 minute after it’s activated.

Hidden Spell (Su): Once per day, as a swift action, a Vecna-blooded creature can cause flat-footed opponents to take a –4 penalty on saves against spells the creature casts on that same turn.

Special Qualities: A Vecna-blooded creature gains the following special qualities.

Cloak of Mystery (Su): All knowledge of the Vecna-blooded creature fades from the world. Its original name, its deeds before becoming Vecna-blooded, and so forth, disappear from memory. Only Vecna and the Vecna-blooded creature retain this knowledge. A Vecna-blooded creature gains immunity to all divination spells cast against it or cast to learn information about it. Such divination fails to reveal any information. The Vecna-blooded creature immediately learns the name, appearance, and location of the caster who attempted the divination. Unlike other god-blooded abilities, the Vecna-blooded creature retains this special quality after it loses other abilities from this template

On stealth, becoming ethereal can be important to bypass some defenses... And the rules of Xorvintaal, I think it's pronounced, can be used to further bypass divinations that would predict the assassin's actions.

That's all I have off the top of my head

2020-07-26, 11:12 PM
A "not so evil assassin guild" is likely to work for for the authority. They work for governments/countries or other important persons and institutions (e.g. churches). All kings rely on these things if the situation at hand requires discretion. And if the king ain't evil, you targets are likely to be evil. Which in return means, killing em is not an evil act by the 3.5 rules (I always get a headache thinking about this..^^).

As for the character, I could offer some of my builds (see signature) that could work as assassins to some degree for your request.

El Mariachi: (the sole) ranged dual double handcrossbow user, that could invest some points into hide/move silently. Further, on later lvls he gets the ability to meld into stone and shoot trough cover for unseen assassinations. Has good self healing and is thus a good solo build overall. The build has a lot of fluff and options to have fun with the role.

Glaivelock: a tiny, almost diminutive, lil Kobold with a Str score of 1^^. While this is a melee gish build (which doesn't qualify for nonmagical ranged builds..) I thought it could still be interesting. The cute but dirty lil Kobold fluff could be appealing and offers unlimited room for role play opportunities and fun. Works with several layers of deception. And last, if you don't intend to go epic, you could get rid of the incovations required as feat taxes and get Flee the Scene to come in and go anywhere you want anytime you want. No door/wall will ever stop you.

Clawlock: is another melee gish combatant that also works with several layers of deception and even perception (even Mindsight). But the real reason I bring him up is, that he could be used in "another type of assassin campaign" than the other builds. Due to the natural theme and the Fist of the Forest prc, you could play "GREENWAR" *cough* eh.. I mean GREENPEACE. Fight those who cut back the forest or those who just hunt for fun (like in the Malar's dogma, see build). Make manhunts on those idiotic aristocrats that harm nature and their inhabitants just for their personal gains. Make em pay for disobeying nature's laws!^^

2020-07-27, 11:51 AM
I'd suggest mixing Psychic Rogue and an Avenger variant of Psionic Assassin.

2020-07-27, 04:26 PM
Thanks for all the great suggestions and feedback. We generally don't use psionics in our game, should have probably mentioned that.

If I allow LA buyoff, would a Dark Creature Marrulurk Rogue 3/Slayer of Domiel 2 be a viable build at ECL 8?

2020-07-27, 04:41 PM
You are asking us, how do we "feel" regarding the way level buyoff should work. So I'll tell you how I personally feel (and not trying in any way to give a definitive answer).

You have ML 2, AFAICS, 1 because of the dark template and 1 because of Marrulurk. So you get your first LA buyoff at classe level 6 (not including racial HD, not including ML). You have 5 class levels, so you don't get so far any level buyoff. Your LA is 10. Hopefully is my math correct!

2020-07-27, 04:48 PM
Ah, OK. Well, you have 3RHD (which I let count as class levels), +1 LA from Dark, and +1 LA from Marrulurk.

Would you be able to buy off both levels with 8 class levels (Monstrous Humanoid 3/Rogue 3/SoD 2), or would you need to wait until 9?

2020-07-27, 04:51 PM
A "not so evil assassin guild" is likely to work for for the authority. They work for governments/countries or other important persons and institutions (e.g. churches). All kings rely on these things if the situation at hand requires discretion. And if the king ain't evil, you targets are likely to be evil. Which in return means, killing em is not an evil act by the 3.5 rules (I always get a headache thinking about this..^^).

BoVD makes it clear that "killing evil beings, even for profit, is not evil" only applies to exceptionally evil beings.

Outside of that, you need a bit more reason to kill someone than "they have an evil alignment" if you want the act itself to qualify as Not Evil.

Doctor Despair
2020-07-27, 05:06 PM
BoVD makes it clear that "killing evil beings, even for profit, is not evil" only applies to exceptionally evil beings.

Outside of that, you need a bit more reason to kill someone than "they have an evil alignment" if you want the act itself to qualify as Not Evil.

The Avenger prc justifies this to an extent. You serve a higher power in the form of defending the interests and safety of your homeland or nation. It explicitly says that being evil is not a requirement to be an avenger, so assassinating creatures, providing your character believes such acts are either in self-defense or in the defense of your nation (or, arguably, your organization) should be allowable fluff-wise.

2020-07-27, 05:36 PM
Ah, OK. Well, you have 3RHD (which I let count as class levels), +1 LA from Dark, and +1 LA from Marrulurk.

Would you be able to buy off both levels with 8 class levels (Monstrous Humanoid 3/Rogue 3/SoD 2), or would you need to wait until 9?

What about this? Start without the dark template (if memory helps, you could acquire it "at a certain point in time"). So you have ML 1, and you get rid of it immediately (or better, after 3 REAL class levels). Now you have ML 0. Get the XP to acquire one more level, but don't level up. Get the dark template somehow. You now have ML 1, again, and the corresponding amount of XP. And 3 class levels. Love also this ML. Done. It works!

Oh, and go on adding more and more 1-ML-templates, of course!

2020-07-27, 06:15 PM
If I allow LA buyoff, would a Dark Creature Marrulurk Rogue 3/Slayer of Domiel 2 be a viable build at ECL 8?

A Marrulurk with Half-Fiend 1 (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20031010a) using variant Half-Fiend (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a) to be a half-Babau (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/demon.htm#babau) gets the Outsider type, which per the Half-Fiend template (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/halfFiend.htm) retroactively sets the base skill points of its racial HD to that of an Outsider. So now you've got a Marrulurk with 8+Int x6 skill points, and Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, and Use Rope as class skills. That's only +1 LA over what a Marrulurk normally has.

That Slayer of Domiel build should be fine, you'll be balancing encounters for that specific character anyway. Be sure to include Penetrating Strike at Rogue 3, and probably Wild Cohort for a Magebred Warbeast Riding Dog (only Rangers and Druids are prohibited from picking a Magebread companion), and I'd use Wilderness Rogue (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogueVariantWilderness Rogue) for Handle Animal.

2020-07-27, 06:15 PM
The Avenger prc justifies this to an extent. You serve a higher power in the form of defending the interests and safety of your homeland or nation. It explicitly says that being evil is not a requirement to be an avenger, so assassinating creatures, providing your character believes such acts are either in self-defense or in the defense of your nation (or, arguably, your organization) should be allowable fluff-wise.

That eliminates the "for profit" bit.

The general principle that Murder is evil, still applies though.

Which means an Avenger, just like any other class, will need good reasons for the act not qualifying as Murder if they wish to keep a non-evil alignment for any length of time.

2020-07-28, 02:28 AM

On PrC, I honestly believe that exalted good is as problematic in play as evil. Are you aware of Avenger (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070401a)? If you go with slayer or avenger I would honestly recommend giving them access to assassin's spells, some useful stuff is added in the spell compendium.
Assassin was the secret ingredient of a past Iron Chef (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?178202-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-XVI) you might go there for some ideas. (checking the thread I am citing the old magics, you were there, insert Aslan meme).
If you want to build an assassin a Marrulurk is a very good idea as that will increase the death attack, there is though few ways to get the death attack at significant range.

Given though that she is more interested in ranged combat I would recommend looking at other stuff. Piggy Knowles did a pretty god thread on archery builds here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?284283-Piggy-Knowles-Archer-Build-Thread) I would look into the chameleon builds.

Also since this is for solo play have you considered gestalt? It will help her build cover more bases and thus give you more margin for the encounters.

2020-07-28, 05:56 AM
BoVD makes it clear that "killing evil beings, even for profit, is not evil" only applies to exceptionally evil beings.

Outside of that, you need a bit more reason to kill someone than "they have an evil alignment" if you want the act itself to qualify as Not Evil.

Let me explain what I ment:

When you kind is good, he won't give you evil missions. He won't give you an assassination mission without a "good" reason. If you get an assassination mission from a "good" king, it will most likely be to prevent greater evil = not an evil act to kill those persons by 3.5 rules.

2020-07-28, 11:51 AM
I brewed one up for you. This is a Jason Bourne style assassin. Jason Bourne isn't into witchcraft, and neither is this assassin. This is the kind of assassin that works for the state or other legitimate organ, rather than a criminal for hire. Thus there are some differences. It doesn't require evil alignment, but otherwise has the same entry requirements as assassin. No poison use or save bonus against poison. No spells, as I mentioned. But it does get:

Wisdom bonus to AC when unarmored and unencumbered.
Fast movement +10.
Three bonus feats.
Unarmed strike.
Skill mastery.
Immunity to fear as the capstone.


2020-07-28, 07:32 PM
Grey Guard is a printed non-evil version of Assassin, I don't know if you missed it, but it might fit the bill.

Depending on your wife's comfort level with DND, if you two are interested in playing a slightly higher power version, my group has found that allowing the Assassin as a base class allows for a powerful tier 2 build on par with a well built sorcerer, and it will take her all the way through 10th level with a wealth of options but maintaining a coherent character theme.

Lastly, simply because DND tends to be extremely action economy focused, perhaps consider giving her two characters instead of one to run? If she is an experienced player, this will give her more versatility (having e.g. a mage for support and an archer to fight) and expand her options. It will also make it easier on you, since otherwise, any type of effect that takes her out of the battle for a single round (e.g. daze, stun, etc), will usually end her battle outright. Shadow cloaks (5.5k, immediate action dodge attack 3/day) might be utterly critical to allow her to the worst of such effects, without obviously pulling your punches. Single player combat tends to become very lopsided very quickly, and it only takes once for her character to be retired.


For what you can do on your side, my current DM has a "bounty board" with a list of various missions (assassinations, body guard missions, calming rioting, disappearances) with listed rewards next to each. I've found that for me personally that gets me a lot more involved than simply being given a piece of paper with a single mission and being told to deal with it, since it allows me to feel like my character has agency and that my actions have consequences (e.g. not clearing a minor threat early might let it escalate later).

2020-08-08, 08:19 AM
Here is my work on a non-evil assassin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?617089-State-Assassin-Assassin-PrC-Variant). Homebrewed and inspired by your thread, Thurbane.

2020-08-08, 06:28 PM
Swordsage could be a way to go.

Maybe Shadow Sun Ninja for flavour.

2020-08-09, 03:52 AM
as food for thoughts for the background/plot I can recommend the 3 Waylander (https://davidgemmell.fandom.com/wiki/Waylander)books from the Drenai Saga (by David Gemmell).

He is a former elite soldier that got his family murdered by a bandits while away at work. This turned him into an Avenger/Assassin style character over the course of 20 years.

Imho his alignment changes over time:

L - G/N : When he was a soldier
C - G/N : at the start of his avenger career
C - E : When he accepted the contract to assassinate his own king
C - G/N : is his actual alignment now in the 3 books (everything else is just background that gets mentioned here and there in the books).

The books show many opportunities how a non-evil assassin could be played or have some adventures.

btw, the fact that he uses a custom made (exotic) double-hand-crossbow did make a huge impact on me, when I first read the books as kid/teenager. And my El Mariachi build has a lot of fluff inherited from him (Waylander) due to same weapon choice.

I know you want it.. "El": dual double-hand-crossbow drive-by err I mean "ride-by" shooting action :cool:
(or you could get a wagon for your horse to have drive-by actions^^)

2020-08-09, 05:21 AM
Thanks all for the feedback and input.

Here is my work on a non-evil assassin (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?617089-State-Assassin-Assassin-PrC-Variant). Homebrewed and inspired by your thread, Thurbane.

Looks good at a glance; nice work. I'll have a deeper look into it when I have time.

2020-08-09, 08:37 PM
Otherwise, Bloodstorm Blade should allow a ranged Death Attack.

I've been told in a separate thread this trick doesn't work - Bloodstorm Blade doesn't change how the target is affected by your attack so sneak attack and death attack still use the ranged rules for determining if they work for any attacks you make. The argument went along the lines of "YOU treat the attack as melee, but the target still treats it as ranged".

2020-08-10, 12:53 AM
I've been told in a separate thread this trick doesn't work - Bloodstorm Blade doesn't change how the target is affected by your attack so sneak attack and death attack still use the ranged rules for determining if they work for any attacks you make. The argument went along the lines of "YOU treat the attack as melee, but the target still treats it as ranged".

let's quick check this:

makes a sneak attack with a melee weapon that successfully deals damage

So, the requirements (besides the 3 round preparation..) are:

1. It has to be a sneak attack
2. You have to use a melee weapon
3. successfully deal dmg

Now let us see how this affects us..

1. sneak attack limits you by default to a maximum range of 30ft (iirc) for your attack.
2. we need to use a "Melee Weapon"(!) not a "melee attack"!
3. we need to hit and deal dmg (overcome defenses like AC, DR or DR-like mechanics and make him lose HP)

Even without Bloodstorm Blade an Assassin is allowed to prepare his Death Attack and than use his "melee weapon" as improvised thrown weapon (-4 to attack roll) for a sneak attack within 30ft.

Dipping BSB still brings advantages:
- you don't have to deal with the -4 to attack rolls for improvised thrown weapon anymore
- can stack melee attack modifiers to the attack
- can make full attacks ranged (including sneak attack if the situation allows it).



The argument went along the lines of "YOU treat the attack as melee, but the target still treats it as ranged".
are we talking about a defensive ability that your TARGET uses or an attack ability that YOU use?
Since we are talking about an attack ability, it is relevant how YOU treat the attack and not how your TARGET perceives the attack for the execution of the ability in the first place.
The TARGETS perception becomes relevant if he has any kind of "special" defense against this "specific" situation.
Since we are talking about the attack ability and no one mentioned any special defenses to overcome, the outcome should be obvious...