View Full Version : [IC] Acquisitions Incorporated - Mirabar (5E)

2020-07-27, 06:23 PM
During your meeting with Acquisitions Incorporated CEO Omin Dran in Waterdeep a few weeks ago you were happy to have been promoted to franchisee for Acquisitions Incorporated new franchise in Mirabar. Finishing up your business in Waterdeep there was excitement building. Words had been thrown around such as synergy, agile workforce, upward mobility, prime real estate, that seemed to say a whole lot of nothing, but you were undeterred. This was the opportunity you had been looking for... a chance to make it big. A new franchise in city that desperately needed help in a multitude of ways. You can just see it now, the money will be coming in hand over fist in no time.

You report to your new headquarters... and realize that new is a relative term. The building is in fact, not new. In fact the whole neighborhood is a derelict commercial district on the outskirts of upper Mirabar. That is to say, part of the above ground portion of Mirabar near the main gates. This was once a thriving portion where many humans live in the dwarven dominated city, but it has certainly fallen upon hard times. In fact, in looking around the block you only see two other business that appear to be open. One is a tavern that seems to have a moderate amount of patrons coming in and out, and the other is a trading company with adjacent stables. Prime real estate your chuckle to yourself. Then you realize it is technically on Main St. Well, at least it has that going for it.

Looking back at your own building you can't help but notice it well, uh, it has good bones. It is a solid stone building though rather nondescript. It has other stone buildings sandwiching it on either side. You notice five other folk wearing Acq. Inc. pins just like yours as well as a sixth who is wearing an Acq. Inc. pin indicating he is your majordomo. The majordomo is a muscular middle-aged dwarf with a bright red mohawk and a large red beard. He stands as with the quiet confidence of a veteran warrior. He is missing his right hand and has a eye patch over his left eye. He is wearing a well tailored red wool tunic that is both stylish and functional. He wears dark brown leather breeches and supple looking boots. The only weapons you can see is a finely crafted dagger sheathed on his left hip.

The dwarf smiles warmly to all and says, “Welcome to all of the new Acquisitions Incorporated Franchisee's. I'm Risca Stormbringer, and I'll be the majordomo of the newly minted franchise. I've already seen the inside and I”ll be honest, its going to take some work to make it home. But, we have three days before we are slated to open for business. Shall we take a quick tour?”

Without waiting for a response Risca turns and unlocks the heavy steel double doors with comically large key. He gives the massive doors a push and they creak open to reveal a very plain reception area. It has slightly rough stone floors and mason stone walls. There is a cheap faded wood table with a small wooden stool behind it for a receptionist...at some point. There are four simple dining room chairs stacked up that could potentially be used for customers to wait as they speak to the receptionist. There are four doors to the right, each opening into a very average sized office, each of which have a very simple yet faded wooden table and two chairs, one on each side of the table. The left has four identical doors with offices outfitted the same way. Behind the receptionist to the left is a stone staircase leading upstairs. To the right is a door that goes into the back area. The back area has a kitchen with an old cast iron wood-fired stove top and a moderately sized dining room that has a large plank table and 10 wobbly wooden chairs. There is small narrow stairway from the kitchen that goes into a sizable cellar. There is nothing in the cellar, but a harsh smell of must, mildew and mold.

Upon going upstairs you are in a large conference room, but only a small plank table with no chairs in it. To the right is an area that opens into a long hallway with five doors on each size opening into a total of 10 bedrooms. Each bedroom has a creaky wooden bed frame with a mattress that appears to be made out of linen and filled with straw. There is a small wooden night stand and medium sized wooden footlocker in each room and nothing else.

Gathering everyone in the conference room Risca looks around and shrugs. "I admit, we have our work cut out for us, but given some time, I think this place has real potential. Heck, if we get big enough, we may be able to buy some surrounding buildings and expand easily. But first things first, we need to come up with a marketing pitch, some slogans, and the like. I have the funds to do an initial marketing pitch, some signs posted around town, a nice banner outside, an article written and distributed, heck maybe even enough left over to hire a bard. But uh, we have to decide how we are going to market you all.”

“Oh, I guess you should all introduce yourselves, I have your personnel files but uh, employee confidentiality prevents me from disclosing that info. Until I get the kitchen up and running, if you get hungry, Haggard's Place just across the street has solid food and ale that hasn't been watered down. The only other place in the neighborhood that isn't shut down is Goldstone Trading Company at the end of the street by the main gate.”

You have your work cut out for you for sure.

2020-07-27, 06:50 PM
Arth was eager to speak first and started talking as soon as the majordomo stopped, ”Alright, I’m Arth Romero, I was told I’d be the decisionist. First thing’s first, let’s make a list of everything we need to do before we open. We need staff for the kitchen and front desk, as well as a few interns, then we should take care of the reception area, to make a good first impression for our customers, we also need to think of advertising material, we need something descriptive but not too generic. Once all the necessities are taken care of, we should get chairs for the conference room and take care of the mold in the cellar before it gets worse, does anyone have any other suggestions of what we should do?”

2020-07-27, 07:11 PM
As they approach their new headquarters, Barynor can hardly contain his glee. His pale, slender face is creased with a bright and pearly grin, his mind still abuzz with the fascinating new jargon that he had already begun regularly rehearsing and making a part of his own lexicon.

His demeanor, of course, shifts dramatically as he sees the ramshackle hovel of an interior. "Oh this simply will not do," he mutters to himself as they begin their tour. While they walk, he pulls out a quill and parchment, hastily scribbling down notes of the various items in disrepair. The first order of business for any well-run house was, of course, to keep a cleanly house.

Accidentally brushing up against a particularly soiled tabletop, he grimaces to himself before quietly casting prestidigitation on his elegant, well-pressed black tunic. The only sure way to ensure that none of the... contaminant stays with him.

By the time they reach the conference room, Barynor has completed his initial list of necessary chores. With a plan in mind, he feels immediately more relaxed, and he once again beams a radiant smile as he prepares to get to this exciting new work.

"Barynor Brightcoven, most humbly at your service," he says while taking a deep bow, one arm across his chest and the other shooting dramatically out to his side. His voice is confident, melodic, with only the slightest hint of gravel. From his attire, tone, and rigid posture, you imagine that humility is not what he's feeling, despite his claim.

Rising back out of the overly-dramatic bow, he graces you all with a glance that, he imagines, fills you with confidence and a feeling of being truly special. "As I imagine we'll all be fast friends, you may call me Rin. I am to be your Occultant, and I assure you that, with my hand guiding the wheel, we'll have this outfit running at peak efficiency in no time at all." As he's speaking, he casually glides around the others. As he passes behind Geoff, he notices a particularly unsightly patch of dirt on the druid's back, and Rin simply cannot resist taking a moment to wash it away with an oh-so-subtle casting of prestidigitation.

EDIT: Adding portrait

2020-07-27, 07:57 PM
He had seen worse, that is true, but he has also seen *profoundly* better. He shook his head as he walked in, and the unconscious process didn’t really stop until he was leaning against the walls as the rest of thr group made their introductions. He was wearing an impeccable black vest with inlay of an even blacker matrrial in intricate whorls - it was very expensive - along side a ruffled dark silken shirt, over which hung black and red embroidered robes, the subtle iconography of Asmodeus woven into the fabric; there was no need to be garish. This all contrasted - no, was enhanced by - his brilliant red skin, the colour of blood and correcting ink. He carried a heavy satchel over one shoulder, and a wand holster protruded at his right side, for easy drawing with his left hand; what else could he be but left handed?

“I suppose I’m next; My name is Hekit, of Megistus Hall. Before you ask, yes, *that* Megistus Hall. We have been plumbing the depths of the arcane and unfathomable since before...many of you were born, and I am bringing my considerable knowledge to this fine franchise. You probably heard that Omin met with Asmodeus, once, so I’m basically one of the family; don’t let that make you think I deserve any special treatment though. I’ll be your documancer, so if you are squeamish about blood please plan abead before you come to see me; all the best contracts are signed in blood. Speaking of documancy, I noticed there were 10 rooms. In the interim before we...expand this operation, I shall require two. One for records, work, and experimentation and the other for my personal use. If you require something destroyed, or a contract created, feel free to ask.”

The tiefling gave a winning and not altogether evil smile as he wrapped up, taking in the others around him who had already spoken and yielding the floor to whoever was next.

2020-07-27, 08:36 PM
Simply dressed and somewhat shabby in her own appearance, unlike the others, Feng’s excitement didn’t fade upon seeing the dilapidated structure. It only grew as it all became more real. She followed silently, carefully and deliberately hanging onto every word Risca said.
Feng listened to her comrades and waited, noticeably impatient, as their flamboyant introductions carried on.

Despite her stature she was shy and in a moment of silence softly said.

Im Feng, we should clean and get a nice new big sign.

As for slogan...

Her eyes fall to the floor as she scratches her chin and mumbles a bit with incomplete thoughts.

we fight, so you don’t have to... we bring things... get what you want... get your things.... get anything...

Then with a little more confidence she raises her head and speaks clearly.

The world is a dangerous place.
Relax in safety while we bring your dreams to you.

Suddenly she did not feel her size. A spark of anger began to rise in her stomach and rage gripped her heart as she anticipated mockery.

2020-07-27, 08:41 PM
Hekit nods along with the proposed slogan. “I like it...only problem is ‘safety’. Yeah, that’s what our potential customers will *really* want to have, but they want to feel like they are badasses, too, not just us.”

2020-07-27, 09:00 PM
”I also like the new slogan, maybe change the second line to relax here, and help us bring your dreams to you.”

2020-07-27, 09:05 PM
Barynor stifles a judgmental cough as Feng fumbles-out her first few attempts. But, as her confidence surges, he raises his eyebrow in pleased surprise. There's something workable there...

He reaches again for parchment and scribbles down all submitted proposals -- as well a a few of his own, to be shared once the introductions are complete.

* Acquisitions Incorporated: The Safe Choice in a Dangerous World
* Acquisitions Incorporated: Excellence Available
* We Make Dreams Happen
* Relax, we got this
* Doing what others won't

The list goes on...

2020-07-27, 09:34 PM
Feng’s eyes lit up and her fists relaxed as she was both shocked and pleasantly surprised by the compliments.
She thought for a moment wanting to carry on this contribution and not lose this unexpected luck and train of thought.
We do their dirty work... they get the prize.

The world is a dirty/dangerous place but you still deserve your dreams to come true.
Relax while we do the dirty work and bring your dreams to you.

She ends with a shrug then scoffed slightly as she fought back a smile from her lips, realising the rhyme.

Suddenly this moment of bonding made her feel uncomfortable and she quickly excused herself from the group.

This place won’t get pretty on its own. she announced as she began tidying up around her.
Seeking equipment to dust and broom away the dirt. Wiping away cobwebs and such tasks readily available and achievable, never leaving earshot of her new comrades for too long.

2020-07-27, 09:50 PM
”I’m going to check out the neighboring businesses if anyone wants to come with.” Arth announced, heading out and down the street to the inn.

2020-07-28, 01:21 AM
The older man with steel-grey hair and a truly stupendous mustache speaks up then. You might have noticed him during the tour of the building. Maybe when he sighed, or ahemed, or possibly during one of his many harrumphs and snorts. Anyway, you likely noticed him in his impeccably pressed uniform with the chest full of medals...

"Well met, all. For those that don't know me, I am Colonel Rockford Files. Those of you who do know me know I prefer to be addressed as "Colonel" or "Sir". I believe my many years of service as the Quartermaster of the Axe of Mirabar may be of use here, both in the requisition of supplies and the current issue of a slogan with which to befit our establishment., He harrumphs through his mustache, making it flow like the golden tresses of a sun elf in a light breeze, "The girl's suggestion is almost perfect. If we make a slight change to the last line, it will be." His smile beams from behind the awesome growth of hair on his upper lip as he continues, "I suggest 'The world is a dirty/dangerous place.
Relax and let Aquisitions Incorporated bring your dreams to you.'"

2020-07-28, 08:33 AM
Geoff was the last to arrive and, as Risca led the tour, he let the conversation wash over him while he watched the body language of his new colleagues. The place was a bit out of the way for his tastes but at least it was cleaner than last night's doss house. And nobody was trying to steal his belongings here...

As he passes behind Geoff, he notices a particularly unsightly patch of dirt on the druid's back, and Rin simply cannot resist taking a moment to wash it away with an oh-so-subtle casting of prestidigitation.
An amateur brush pass from the uptight angel-botherer? Geoff stood there for a few seconds considering this development and then inhaled through his nose. His eyebrow lifted slightly, interesting, and it saved him having to wheedle another favour out of Molly. He gently slid his pack onto the reception table, the smudges it left slightly dirtier than the rest of the surface.

I might be doing some alchemy from time to time. Does anybody mind if I take one of the offices with a window?

”I’m going to check out the neighboring businesses if anyone wants to come with.” Arth announced, heading out and down the street to the inn.
Capital decision! Geoff slapped Arth on the back. Erm, I mean we should get to know our new neighbours, start off on the right foot and all that...

Misidentified the supernatural entity doing the guerrilla laundry.

2020-07-28, 08:59 AM
”Alright then, we’ll be back in a few minutes, we all know what we need to do, so this meeting is now adjourned.”

2020-07-28, 11:30 AM
With the perfunctory formal introductions completed the group decides to begin preparing for the grand opening in their own way. Some begin cleaning, some begin gathering information, others get to know their coworkers better. All are perfectly valid options and will better the franchise in varying ways. Risca grabs a broom and cradles it in his left hand and begins sweeping vigorously, and rather efficiently, not letting his injury slow him in the least. He talks to Feng who is also cleaning way about his life and backstory. How he grew up down in the warrens of Mirabar, has an older brother who runs the city watch and an middle sister who runs the family smithy. He says that after his accident his brother wanted him to come work with the guard and his sister wanted him manning the forge. "But who wants a half blind one-armed watchman, and how the hell would I hold the iron in place to hammer it." he bellows while chuckling to himself. He also talks about his time in the Mirabar military before working for Acquisitions Incorporated. He speaks of various adventures and people he worked with. He stops mid sentence when he mentions Mendam, one of his adventuring compatriots. His demeanor changes and he goes from overly talkative to silent and reserved.

Arth, Geoff, (and anyone who wishes to join them including Feng) decide to set off into the city to explore. Right across the street from the headquarters is a tavern. It has architecture similar to the headquarters. There is a big wooden sign that swings from a steel pole; it reads Haggard's Place. Further down the street is towards the main gate is a large warehouse with a small office, and a large stable and paddock area adjacent for caravan animals. An ornate sign reads Goldstone Trading Company.

If you follow the street the opposite direction for a few blocks it gets into a more densely populated part of upper Mirabar that is human dominated. Down below is Mirabar proper the warrens, undercity, catacombs and deep mines.

DC 10 History check will reveal: Mirabar has a large human population on the surface. It is almost exclusively dwarven in Mirabar itself, and the warrens. The undercity is where some of the shady markets are located and most of the currently operated mines. The catacomb and deep mines are shut off with massive gates and manned by the city watch 24 hours a day. People are allowed to come and go as they please, but are warned of the risks of doing so.

2020-07-28, 11:48 AM
Rin visibly shudders as Geoff places his visibly filthy pack down. Clearly, this ahem-"outdoorsman" would need no small amount of education on the proper means of comporting oneself in an organization such as this... A task for later, when they were all settled; everything in its place and in its proper order.

Though there was ample work to be done in their new headquarters, Rin imagines that his attentions might be better used in a tour of the local area. He will join Arth and Geoff on their tour.

Inspiring Leader feat: As they walk, Rin will attempt a rousing pep-talk, sprinkling in gently-pointed lessons on the value of cleanliness that he hopes will inspire Geoff. While it might sound somewhat tedious at first, it quickly develops into a genuinely rousing speech that fills Arth, Geoff, and Rin (as well as any others on the tour) with newfound confidence in their upcoming ventures. If they allow him to finish his pep-talk, each of them will gain 4 temporary hit points.

As they continue about, Rin asks "Well then, what shall be our points of order for today's tour? Of course, we should meet a few locals and extoll the virtues of our new franchise, hoping to drum-up some business. We might also benefit from securing a contract for our new promotional materials, including a handsome sign for our building, calling cards for marketing purposes, and a banner to drape in front of our reception table."

2020-07-28, 12:05 PM
Rin visibly shudders as Geoff places his visibly filthy pack down. Clearly, this ahem-"outdoorsman" would need no small amount of education on the proper means of comporting oneself in an organization such as this... A task for later, when they were all settled; everything in its place and in its proper order.

Though there was ample work to be done in their new headquarters, Rin imagines that his attentions might be better used in a tour of the local area. He will join Arth and Geoff on their tour.

Inspiring Leader feat: As they walk, Rin will attempt a rousing pep-talk, sprinkling in gently-pointed lessons on the value of cleanliness that he hopes will inspire Geoff. While it might sound somewhat tedious at first, it quickly develops into a genuinely rousing speech that fills Arth, Geoff, and Rin (as well as any others on the tour) with newfound confidence in their upcoming ventures. If they allow him to finish his pep-talk, each of them will gain 4 temporary hit points.

As they continue about, Rin asks "Well then, what shall be our points of order for today's tour? Of course, we should meet a few locals and extoll the virtues of our new franchise, hoping to drum-up some business. We might also benefit from securing a contract for our new promotional materials, including a handsome sign for our building, calling cards for marketing purposes, and a banner to drape in front of our reception table."

Hekit listens to the speech for a time, nodding, and then at the end says, “That sounds great; I’m going *that* way, though,” and points up towards the more human dominated area. He was hoping to gather attention and what better way to do so than get somewhere he didn’t belong?

“If anyone wants to come this way, and almost definitely get in some kind of trouble, feel free. I’m excited.”

He walks then towards the human dominated area and tries to find an upscale cafe or restaurant, trying to find a place amongst people to listen in. Anyone who wishes to speak to him (for whatever reason) he will schmooze and entertain, eventually turning the topic to this “new conpany” he has heard of called Acquisitions Incorporated, to try to get a feeling for what the general populace knows about it, if anything.

2020-07-28, 12:08 PM
”I think it’d be be best to start with our neighbors, we also need to hire some staff. Let’s head to the tavern.” Arth states, heading into the tavern and taking a seat at the bar.

2020-07-28, 12:32 PM
"A capital idea from our stalwart decisionist! To the tavern, then!"

Before Hekit heads off on his own, Rin will gently suggest that they stick together for the time being. "Besides, from the look of things, this town has rather... limited offerings. If I recall what Master Stormbringer said, this "Haggard's Place" may be the only watering hole in the immediate area."

When they're in the tavern, Rin will busy himself with meeting people, inquiring about local problems, and generally spreading the good word about Acq. Inc., the new problem solvers who, in a mere three days time, promise to rid the are of its petty and sundry annoyances!

If necessary, persuasion rolls to ensure that everyone he speaks with has a positive outlook on the new franchise. Where possible he always casts Guidance on himself before engaging a new townsperson:

Persuasion 1: [roll0]+[roll1]
Persuasion 2: [roll2]+[roll3]
Persuasion 3: [roll4]+[roll5]

If anyone in the group starts talking business or negotiating anything that involves use of franchise coin, he'll make sure the negotiator has Guidance up.

2020-07-28, 12:37 PM
...at least, that was the intent. About five paces away, he turns on his heel and walks back. “You know, that might not actually a bad idea. You all talk as much as you can about the company. I’m going to pretend to not be with you. You’ll all do half the work by being very visible! I can just listen. Perfect.”

Hekit will walk with them for a while, but then drop back to enter a little later.

2020-07-28, 12:38 PM
Rin gives a rousing speech that inspires the others while laying out his vision for how to proceed.

Arth, Rin, and Hekit make their way way across the street and into Haggard's Place. The tavern is warm and inviting if not a bit date. There are around 12 tables ranging from traditional four person tables to a few large ones that hold up to eight. There is sitting area near the fire place with more comfortable chairs that look towards a slightly elevated stage... well more of a wooden box that acts as a stage. There is a large mahogany bar that is well worn. 3 of the tables are occupied, two of the chairs by the fireplace, and 4 of the stools at the bar. The patrons are mostly human save for one half-orc at the bar. The bartender is a massive man mountain of a man, standing somewhere around six and a half feet. He has a shaved head and large beard. His hands look like hams. As he pours the half-orc a drink he laughs loudly at what was probably a bawdy joke told by one of the patrons. A very attractive young woman brings plates full of food out to one of the table, he hair as golden as the coins in your pocket. The server looks at the group as they enter and says, "Sit wherever you like hun, I'll be right with ya!" Here voice is melodic and sweet.

The group talks to the locals and most of them have either never heard of Acquisitions Inc, only knew a little of them, or didn't care much one way or the other. The bartender, Haggard smiles. "It's good they are coming here. Lots to be done and the watch shouldn't have to be tied up dealing with the kind of things that adventurers can do for a bit of gold."

2020-07-28, 01:01 PM
Arth waits for the bartender to come over to him and starts to talk to him ”I’ll have an ale please, and I presume you’re the owner of this place?”

2020-07-28, 01:04 PM
The bartender responds to Arth. "Aye, the name's Haggard... Haggard Sinclair, and that it my daughter Hope." He points to the server with the golden hair who is busing a table at the moment.

2020-07-28, 01:21 PM
”Great, I’m a manager for the new business opening across the street, a franchisee of Acquisitions Incorporated. And I was thinking we could have some kind of a business arrangement, how much for an ale?

2020-07-28, 01:29 PM
Rin smiles at the barkeep. "Barynor Brightcoven, Occultant of Acquisition's Inc., at your service. I'll take a snifter of gin, if you have it. If not, ale will do just fine."

When Haggard retreats to fetch the drinks, Rin will cast Guidance on Arth in preparation for possible negotiations.

If the time comes for formal talks, he will use the Help action to give advantage on any social checks Arth makes, talking up the virtues of the new franchise, the skill of its team, and other details relevant to the thrust of the negotiations.

2020-07-28, 01:29 PM
"Well, depends on the ale. Most are 3cp per tankard, 1sp for a pitcher. Beer is 2cp per mug, 8cp per pitcher. Mead 5cp per tankard, 1.5sp per pitcher. Wine is typically 5cp per glass for the cheap stuff, I have some higher end ales, ipa's, porters and the like that cost a bit more. Most liquors are 2cp per shot, 5cp for sipping cup." Haggard supplies any drinks requested quickly.

2020-07-28, 01:52 PM
Arth tosses a silver piece on the table ”Mead for me, keep the change. Then we can talk.”

2020-07-28, 01:55 PM
Geoff gives Risca one final appraising look before he leaves with the others.
This was going to be an Insight roll. As well as a general assessment there is a particular question: what does Risca make of the new franchisees?

Inspiring Leader feat: As they walk, Rin will attempt a rousing pep-talk, sprinkling in gently-pointed lessons on the value of cleanliness that he hopes will inspire Geoff. While it might sound somewhat tedious at first, it quickly develops into a genuinely rousing speech that fills Arth, Geoff, and Rin (as well as any others on the tour) with newfound confidence in their upcoming ventures.
Geoff listens politely and asks a few questions concerning the water and fuel supply at the headquarters and whether laundry costs are covered by Acquisitions Inc. Although he doesn't state his views explicitly you get the sense that he is not opposed to hygiene in principle.

In the tavern Geoff quickly gets himself a pint and starts talking to the other patrons. As well as getting a general feel to what's on people's minds Geoff is also trying to get a sense of who's hiring and who's firing and where the money is flowing.

2020-07-28, 02:04 PM
Hekit walks to the bar first, shortly after the others, and orders a sipping cup of the finest, top-shelf liquor that they have, taking the cup to the comfortable chairs and sitting area. He takes a seat there, trying to be as ubiquitous as he possibly can be, specifically listening around for people who finish their conversations with the others. If anyone tries to join him, he will order another glass of exactly the same liquor for them and invite them to join him. Otherwise, he will be listening.

2020-07-28, 02:22 PM
Rin's gin runs him 5cp and comes in a cup that appears to be made out of smoothed and polished horn of some type.

Arth gets a honey mead served in a ornate wooden mug and Haggard nods at the generous tip.

Hekit gets an 18 year cask strength bourbon finished in port wine barrels called Cherub's Bliss. It costs 1gp per glass or 4gp per bottle. Haggard is happy to serve a second glass and for the half-orc who talks him up near the fireplace. " The name is Harden. I'm an 'acquirer of lost things', completely legal I assure you. What about you?"

Geoff takes note of Risca. He gets the idea that the dwarf is fully devoted to Acq. Inc. and displays a confidence in future success of the franchise. Whether that is because of his loyalty of Acq. Inc., his knowledge of the need of the area, his confidence in the franchisee's or something else you are unsure. Join the group at Haggard's Place Geoff get himself an ale in a plain wooden mug for 3cp.

2020-07-28, 02:27 PM
“Harden, it is a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Hekit. Always good to meet another with taste, to appreciate this fine libation. Your health,” Hekit says with a raised glass before drinking it.

“I’m...something of a specialist in agreements; contracts and the like. It’s a family business,” he adds with an oblique reference to the horns. “Yours sounds even more fascinating. What sort of things have you acquired? Are you...and pardon my curiousity...currently hunting for something?”

2020-07-28, 02:42 PM
Arth slowly drinks his mead while talking to Haggard ”So, what kind of people do you get in here?”

2020-07-28, 02:53 PM
Harden raises his glass to Hekit before taking a long sip. "Currently in between jobs. I recently recovered the fabled Chalice of King Greldanor. Surely, you've heard of it?"

Haggard smiles at Arth. "Mostly day workers for the warehouse or caravaners. Travelers going around the area. People looking for a drink".

2020-07-28, 03:07 PM
”Well if you get anyone looking for a job or needing some adventuring done, we’re always hiring and always looking for work just across the street” Arth says, finishing his mead and waiting for an answer before heading to the Goldstone Trading company office.

2020-07-28, 03:24 PM
It occurs to Rin that Hope, the comely barwench, may be a valuable source of information; in his experience, adventurers and passers-through would often share tales of their trials, tribulations, and various exploits with any set of ears attached to a pretty face.

Once Arth has concluded his business with the barkeep, Rin will take a moment to straighten his cravat, ensure his AI pin is sufficiently polished, and cast Guidance on himself. When it appears that Hope is unoccupied, he approaches the barmaid.

"Good afternoon, my dear," he says with a gentle bow. He gently attempts to take her hand in his and give it a gentle kiss. Rising from his bow, he beams his brightest smile at her, introduces himself, and compliments the establishment. He then inquires about recent goings-on in the town.

"With your position at this illustrious establishment, I imagine you are aware of all the various misadventures and endeavors of the locals. I wonder if you might sit with me for a time and regale me with stories of the recent goings-on? Besides, it would be nearly criminal not to make the acquaintance of a lass as lovely as yourself."

If she sits with him, he will offer to buy her a drink, then politely inquire about 1) her and her father's backstory, including how recent developments in the town have affected their business 2) any adventuring parties that have come through recently; 3) any locals of whom she's aware that are struggling with noteworthy problems. If the conversation goes particularly well, he'll inquire if she has dinner plans for the evening.

If she chooses not to join him, he'll smile, say "But of course; however, if I might request a moment of your time," and then do an abbreviated inquiry about points 2 and 3.

Edit: Added "and introduces himself." How rude of Rin to forget!
Edit 2: After his business with Hope is concluded, he will pay his bill, then leave the tavern and rejoin the others, where he aids any formal negotiations in the manner described above (Guidance and Help actions for +1d4 and Advantage, respectively).
Clarification: Rin's main objective here is to drum up intel that could lead to job prospects. Second, he'd like to get to know the girl, for any number of reasons. Perhaps they hit it off, perhaps she can be a reliable source of future info, perhaps she might even be interested in working a regular position in our headquarters. Only time will tell.

2020-07-28, 03:51 PM
Feng enjoys Risca’s conversation and company as she stays back to clean. She noted his change in mood when mentioning Mendam but thought better than to press the subject so soon, instead focusing on his siblings. She enquired as to whether they supported his new endeavour, thinking both could be a support and benefit to the company.

We should do a cheap job for them to get things started. she says.

Later she will get Risca to look over her maps and add his knowledge and thoughts to the paths and surroundings.

2020-07-28, 05:29 PM
After talking to people in Haggard's for a bit Geoff finishes his drink and leaves, nodding to the landlord on the way out. He makes his way back to the franchise and joins the others in tackling the mountain of work that is there to be done.

2020-07-28, 06:37 PM
As Rin begins speaking with Hope she smiles back and seems happy to speak with him, though with the hand kiss she looks around awkwardly and blushes. "I uh, have a moment before I got on stage if you would like speak." She declines the drink citing her dad's no drinking while working policy. "Yeah, we got folks in here who had all sorts of misadventures. Though, they usually get blitzed before spilling to mean beans. They are easy to spot. They come in all sullen, and drink themselves into oblivion and either blackout or get riled up and fight with someone and get thrown out." When asked about her father she mentions. "Oh, he used to be an adventurer. Was pretty good at it from what I here. He and mom, Uncle Branwell, Jeepo, and Tom Tutt made a small fortune. When mom got pregnant with me, they retired. Apparently used part of the fortune to buy a nice farm. Dad tried farming for years but got tired of it. Too many cows and not enough people he always said. I think he just could bare to stay there after mom passed. Anyway, we sold the farm and bought this tavern about 10 years ago. Been here ever since." At the last comment she shrugs. "You are sweet, but a bit of advice. Whatever you do to me... my dad will do to you, so he says. If someone catcalls me or says something hurtful, he gives them an earful. If they touch me, grab me or the like... he grabs them... a lot harder. If you pay me attention, my dad will pay you attention." She then points to her father. From across the room Haggard is busy cleaning mugs and tankards but his eyes never leave Rin. It is a very frightening 1000 yard stare. Rin feels the heat of Haggard's gaze on him. "See." she says softly. "I have to go sing, and don't worry about him, he won't hurt you... unless you earn it. I hope."

With that Hope gets up and goes to the stage. Everyone notices many patrons have finished their meals and drinks but seemed to be waiting for something, its obvious this was it. Everyone packs around the fireplace, grabbing a seat. Hope gracefully hops upton the stage and clears her throat. She then lets begins singing a hauntingly eerie ballad called the Winds of Edlehelm, followed by a bawdy and racousy tune the Bear and the Maiden, she ends with happy love song, the Girl From Three Years Past. To say she has amazing voice would be the understatement of the day. Perfect pitch, great flow, and man can she hit the high notes. A small mug on a table near the stage has nearly everyone dropping in a coin or three, some copper, some silver, maybe even a gold or two. Hope then dips off into the back saying she has to go wash dishes.

Haggard smiles to Arth and nods. "Will do friend." He goes and collects the tip jar for Hope and makes sure to glare a Rin no less than six times as he does so. Arth makes his way down Main St. to Goldstone Trading Company. As he enters the building he notices an exceptionally rotund dwarf, greasy black hair on the sides and balding on top with clean shaven cheeks and neck. His double chin is a triple and his girth is extraordinary. He wears very fine silk clothing with some stains down the front. He is seated behind a massive desk that has crumbs and food particles strewn over several ledgers and books. There is a second dwarf very young and moderately fit writing quickly into a ledger at a smaller desk nearby. Upon seeing Arth enter the rotund dwarf looks up and yells, "DENDE!!! Customers!" The young dwarf darts from his small desk over behind the massive desk and briefly disappears. After a second the massiver dwarf start moving from behind the dwarf towards you. It takes a moment to realize that Dende is pushing a rolling chair that the large dwarf is still seated in. It takes about 10 seconds but the dwarf rolls to a stop in front of you. The young dwarf is sighing and breathing heavily. The large dwarf extends hand. "Flogrim Goldstone, at your service. What can I do for you today good sir?"

Geoff heads back to the headquarters and find Feng and Risca in deep conversation. He is able to hear Risca tell Feng the following:

"My brother is Bruagh Stormbringer. Really dependable by the book kinda guy. He's been in charge of the City watch for the last 12 years or so. The city watch is over-burdened so I'm sure he would have a job or six for us. They pay may be lower than other places, but likely some work on the regularly. Now my sister Asvora, she has a heart of gold, but hands of adamantine. Tough as the come but she has a sweet side to her. She may have jobs from time to time going down into the deep mines. Probably dangerous, but she is fair so she would certainly pay well. They are my older siblings and want what was best for me. They hated I left Mirabar at all to go to Acquisitions Inc. They hated that I stayed with Acq. Inc. after that incident. But, they were appreciative, as was I, for how Acq. Inc. treated me after I was hurt and even found me a better job in the company rather than cast me off. The siblings would rather I be working under their thumbs, but they accept it well enough."

2020-07-28, 07:50 PM
Rin sits and listens to Hope's full set as he quietly finishes his gin. When the set is complete, he nods to her, cleans his horn glass with a casting of prestidigitation, and returns it to the bar. To Hope's father, he smiles slightly and says, "You've a lovely establishment and a most talented songstress for a daughter. On behalf of Acquisitions Incorporated, Mirabar, I thank you for your welcome, and hope you'll call upon us if you're ever in need.

Assuming Haggard doesn't want to exchange words, Rin will join back up with Arth and provide support as described above. He'll remain remarkably quiet during the conversation, perhaps somewhat embarrassed at the possibility of having made a bad impression at the pub.

After Arth's business at the Trading Company is complete, he'll return to headquarters and begin cleaning virtually every visible surface -- making reasonably quick work of it thanks to good ol' prestidigitation.

If others suggest it, he'll happily go speak with the City Watch to make introductions, but will suggest that either Risca or the Colonel accompany him. Rin thinks that a more... burly presence might be worthwhile.

Failing that, he'll await others' return by tidying, polishing, and generally getting the ramshackle building presentable again.

2020-07-28, 07:59 PM
Arth reaches out and shakes Goldstone’s hand ”Hello, my name is Arth Romero, I work for the company that just moved in down the street and was wondering what kind of work you do here.”

2020-07-28, 08:18 PM
As you release Flogrim's hand you find yours it wet with what you assume... and hope is sweat. Flogrim begins talking about his import export business transporting the riches of Mirabar far and wide across the known world. To hear him tell it, he is the single most important man in all of Mirabar, if not the world. He drones on and on about his trading empire. The long and short is he runs caravans from Mirabar to wherever and brings back goods, typically in bulk, to be sold in the market by merchants. You get the feeling the dwarf has a serious case of inflated self worth.

The cleaning back at headquarters is going well, the entire first floor is mostly cleared of cobwebs and dirt. The furniture could use a good polish and the kitchen a deep scrubbing but things are going well. Risca points the group to a well a few hundred feat from the headquarters for water. He mentions that once the cellar is and kitchen are cleaned he has a few supplies, including barrels of water and general utensils set to be delivered.

Risca promised to set a meeting with his brother at the city watch tomorrow morning. Night begins to settle upon the city.

If you didn't get to accomplish what you wanted during the day, please do so in the next post then put a line break and start with any night time activities you wished to accomplish. Otherwise get set to go to meet Watch Captain Bruagh Stormbringer tomorrow.

2020-07-28, 08:31 PM
Barynor will while away the rest of the evening with cleaning, friendly chatter with his new companions, and catching-up on what everyone's done and learned throughout the day. As each chore gets checked off his to-do list, he grows visibly more optimistic. Say what you will about the young man (as he's certainly a bit pretentious), but most will come to see that he's sincere in his desire for the launch to be successful and for the company to grow together.


To that end, the next morning:

Inspiring Leader: In the first of what the group will soon realize he intends to make a daily ritual, Rin will ask the entire company to gather for a brief, 10 minute stand-up meeting. In it, he'll single out each individual and their work from the day before, giving heartfelt thanks and praise. According to his Occultant's Abacus, he informs you, the day's activities have had a statistically significant impact on the likelihood of the upcoming launch being successful! Team-building jargon flows like water, but his sincerity and enthusiasm will have a positive effect on the attitude of anyone who listens. All willing to endure his pep-talk gain 4 temporary hit points.

EDIT: So that our majordomo can be one of the 6 Inspiring Leader targets, Rin will first give himself a pep-talk in the mirror. Now EVERYBODY GETS THP!!!

2020-07-28, 08:48 PM
Arth waits for the dwarf to finish talking, then asks him if there’s been any attacks on the caravans, and tells him to come to Acquisitions Inc. for any help he may need.


After listening to the speech, Arth starts moving chairs from the offices to the meeting room, and claims the 1st office on the left for himself and starts to straighten it up.

2020-07-28, 09:58 PM
Hekit nods, knowing of the cup. “Not worried about handling it, eh? Tell me, what do you think was actually in it? Were you able to identify what poison they actually used?”

He leans back, taking another sip and then chuckling. “I wonder who bought it from you; someone happy about the cup’s use, or unhappy!” The last part included, of course, to subtly hint at the buyer.

2020-07-28, 10:00 PM
Feng takes to cleaning up outside while light still shines, trying to put her strength to good work removing boulders and weeds.

She talks to the others a bit as they arrive, subtly shares her ideas of a party, but mostly spends time on her own in her room either going over maps or sharpening her weapons.


The next morning she finds herself quite eager to meet the guard captain and does her soldier best to look presentable.

2020-07-29, 04:19 AM
The Colonel watches the others heada out to "do some marketing", which he assumes means "day-drinking". He considers joining them, as a snifter of brandy doesn't sound amiss, even this early in the day. But he can't get past his certainty that his special skill set will be needed, and soon. So he sets about making the room he has chosen for his office right.

He spends the rest of the morning clearing out the detritus of the previous occupaants, sweeping, mopping, and polishing the floors to a high shine. He then uses his family's letter of credit to furnish it according to his tastes, with an oaken dest, a rug from Kara-Tur, a filing cabinet to match the desk, and a very comfortable leather chair. After all, 30 years of protecting their interests in Mirabar had to be good for something. He brought in the best of the chairs from elsewhere in the building, so those requesting supplies would have a place to sit. Then he went to work designing his supply requisition form, which he would have the demon-spawn reproduce in triplicate on the morrow.

Once this was completed, he set out for his apartment to have that well-earned brandy, waving at the orc girl as he left (it pays to be kind).


Upon arriving the next morning, he greets the others and gives his requisition form to Hekit. "I would appreciate it if you could reproduce a goodly number of these, in triplicate, so that I might be able to properly do my job.

Also, ask me sometime about my time in Megistus Hall. Why, King Bruenor himself speaks very highly of my work in procuring him an especially tasty ale he was searching for when no one else was able to find it. I know he is in disrepute among the dwarves here in Mirabar, but I, for one, found him delightful.

I dare say, did you get to spend any time with that dark elf while you were there? I'd think the two of you would hit it off, what, coming from evil as it were."

2020-07-29, 07:51 AM
Geoff doesn't want to pry about Risca's accident but does try to engage him in conversation about the places he has been to and things he has seen in his service with Acquisitions Incorporated.

As he goes to bed Geoff picks up two cleanish bowls from the kitchen. In his room Geoff opens the window, places one bowl on the sill and adds a few drops of strong spirit. After lighting the spirit he growls a few words, aimed at the moon in the absence of any other suitable target. Once the alcohol burns out he closes the window and deposits the clean bowl, now full of berries, on the nightstand.


In the morning Geoff draws a bucket of water from the well and washes his face in the alley behind the building. In his room he dresses and collects the berries. On his way downstairs some soot and a particularly fine cobweb attach themselves to the back of his coat.

If Geoff goes to bed with both his spell slots available he will use one to cast Goodberry.
Also, note that he had a bar of soap in his character inventory from the start ;-)

2020-07-29, 08:05 AM
Harden mentions to Hekit that he simply finds things that are lost and returns them, discreetly, to the person looking for them. It would be bad form to blubber the names of those who used his services. He smiles and thanks Hekit for the drink before departing.

Flogrim agrees that if he has need of Acq. Inc. he will send Dende down with a message. He thanks you for stopping by and then yells for Dende to hurry up and stop slacking as the smaller dwarf pushes the larger dwarfs chair back to the other side of the desk.

Risca talks with Geoff for a while. "I worked at the Waterdeep Acquisitions Inc. and while most of his work was in the city or outskirts, I got the opportunity to travel all over, to include Neverwinter, Baldur's Gate, Mithral Hall, the Spine of the World, Mintarn, Icewind's Dale, Helm's Hold... more places than I can count."

Rin gives an inspiring speech to all. Afterwards, everyone takes time to share the information from the previous days marketing and consumer research ventures.

Feng and the Colonel get a good day of cleaning in. Feng working much of the day outside, and the Colonel getting requests for his office in. It will take time for the items to be delivered, but they should arrive in short order. The are both dressed in their best and ready for the meeting the Captain Stormbringer.

Seeing everyone gathered, Risca, greets the group and asks how they night went for them. He then says, if they are ready, he will take them to meet his brother. It is a surprisingly long trek from near the gate of upper Mirabar down into the city center of Mirabar proper. The town goes from a run down, but well built neighborhood, to a well kept and well built neighborhood, to an exceedingly wealthy, borderline opulent portion of city as you enter the part of the city below the mountain. The architecture is gones from stone to mostly granite inlaid with silver and gold. The doors, and ceilings are massive and everything seems on a largers scale. You notice that you had to pass through several watchmen checkpoints just to get into the city proper. After a short jaunt you make it to the City Watch Headquarters. It is a large building, defense in nature yet impressive to look at. You are taken inside and an older dwarf in a watch uniform is seated. He greats Risca with a big embrace. "Risca as I live and breath. How are you friend?" Risca embraces him back and growls, "Wulfhelm, great to see you brother. I'm good. I have a meeting with Bruagh." The older dwarf moves back and eyes the party suspiciously. You are certain it would have been a lot more suspicious without Risca. "Come on, I'll take you up. Bruagh is waiting on you."

You go up several flights of opulent stair cases before coming to a large office. Wulfhelm rapps gentle on the door and a powerful yet kind sounding voice calls through from the other side. "Send them in..." Once inside the office is wealthy, but it is obvious that the Captain cares less for how expensive things are and more for how effective or useful they are. Bruagh and Risca embrace without saying a word. Risca steps back and introduces each of you in turn. "These are the new franchisee's for Acq. Inc. here in Mirabar. I thought it would be good for you all to meet. Heck you might even have some work for them." Bruagh nods. "There are thing I want to accomplish, that I just don't have the manpower for. I have the funding, but not the bodies. I'll be blunt, I eventually want Mirabar to reclaim the Deep Mines and Under City. If that is something you are interested in, then I'll have steady jobs for you. If not, I am sure other things will pop up from time to time."

2020-07-29, 08:53 AM

Hekit looks over the Colonel and nods, procuring the paperwork that he’s going to need, making sure that all the correct seals and signatures are in place. “I believe you’ll find these in order. Now, I’m just going to include one of my daggers so you can perform the required bloodletting to sign these when you require. I always say, if it doesn’t have blood it’s not a real contract.” Hekit concludes that portion with a grin.

“Ah! And I understand the confusion, no people make that mistake all the time since we are so well known. We often get confused for the dwarf hall. I’m from Meh-Gis-Tus Hall, you see; different pronunciation. As for dark elves...I really don’t know many. The wife might know a handful. We deal in separate sides of the War, you know. Who would enter into bargains with *demons*, I ask you. Honestly. Devils on the other hand...extremely reliable.”

A little later than earlier...

Hekit walks back into the offices, sighing expansively and with delight. “I passed by a most civilized little establishment as I was returning here tonight. I can’t tell you how eager I am to return. Now, regardinf my little conversation with a gentle named Harden...”

Hekit proceeds to fill in everyone about what he learned from Harden and then listen to their reports.

Now or thereabouts

Hekit listens to the dwarf. “Reclaiming a mine sounds like quite a great deal of work. Tell me something, if we did, how quick is the turnaround time? How quickly would you be able to have dwarves in those mines, picking away, after we cleared it?”

2020-07-29, 11:21 AM
Geoff is standing towards the back of the group. He clears his throat and asks What is happening in the Deep Mines and the Under City? What are the problems that need the Watch or Acquisitions Inc to deal with them?

2020-07-29, 12:50 PM
Before they leave for the meeting

Fiddling with the strange, bone beads on his occultant's abacus, Rin muses aloud, "An endorsement from the City Watch at our grand opening could be a significant boon..." Raising his head and fixing his attention on the others, he proposes, "If we've the time, we might consider offering to complete a first task for the Watch prior to our opening. In exchange for a slightly discounted rate, we might be able to secure a City Watch presence and endorsement at our ringing-in; I calculate that it would grant us no small amount of good-will with the locals, and could lead to a greater volume of contracts in the short-term."


At the meeting

Rin will offer a small bow, a beaming smile, and a few words of gratitude for the meeting. After exchanging pleasantries, however, he'll largely leave discussions up to the other party members.

2020-07-29, 03:39 PM
After Geoff and Hekit’s questions are answered, Arth decides to speak ”We’d be honored to work with you and the City Watch whenever you need us, for a fair price of course.”

2020-07-29, 05:11 PM
During meeting

"Indeed," Rin follows up, "we are eager to assist the Watch in any way we can. In fact, if you are able to provide details on what would be of most help, we would be happy to begin our preparations immediately; it would be ideal if we were able to benefit the town in at least some small way prior to our opening two days from now. Finally, I wonder if you might be willing to send an envoy to our opening? It would be of benefit to our efforts -- and ultimately the town -- if we were to show a united front with local law enforcement."

If necessary, Rin will make a Persuasion check here, ideally with Guidance up (as he'll pretty much always have it on himself) and with a Help action from another party member.


Edits just in case I'm not able to post later:
After meeting

If we have no other, more pressing business, Rin will spend the remainder of the day doing the following:
1. Scouring the town looking for a bard, town crier, or other charismatic local. As per Discord discussion w/ Dark light, Hope will be our #1 choice, and Feng (and anyone else interested) will come along for a feminine touch and to reassure Hope and daddy that we aren't a bunch of lecherous breeders looking to corrupt the young and fair; Rin will attempt to negotiate a good rate for the bard to go about:
1(a) promoting the opening and trying to drum-up attendance
1(b) selling the idea that our opening will include a "job fair" where we try to hire on both skilled and unskilled laborers
2) Inquiring with majordomo about where they can secure a sign for their company, promotional handouts, and a few banners for their interior featuring the AI logo and the franchise slogan
3) Acting on the inquiries from number 2), provided that we have adequate funding

If we are given a short-term task for the Watch, he will join the group in discussing the requirements for those, carry out whatever tasks the group feels fit to assign him, then carry out the list from above.

2020-07-29, 06:57 PM
Bruagh attempts to answer all of the questions as the pop up, addressing each person in turn.

"My guards are paid well, and the are great at detecting, preventing, and repelling threats. But we do not consider them a standing army. Like we have the Axes of Mirabar who handle more exterior threats. The problem that we run into is... well, semantics. Various decrees and edicts issued over the year state that any part of the deep mines or undercity that have hostiles, whether creatures, enemy combatants or otherwise, was to be abandoned until such a time as our forces were strong enough to retake them. The Axes of Mirabar don't have the authority to be dispatched inside our city when we are not at war... which technically, we are not. Likewise, asking the city watch to go into a hostile environment without giving the extra pay is not allowed. Essentially, I am tied down by bureaucratic bull... dung. Our governing body refuses to change the rules, they are worried about the economy with the resurgence of Mithral Hall and other Dwarven cities as strong exporters of minerals and precious metals."

"I have extra funds, but I'm short on men and not allowed to send them out. I believe our city needs to be reclaimed and the mines reopened. The Axes of Mirabar can't be deployed. I am willing to pay you to clear a small area as a sort of test run. If this works, I'll have more work for you and will be happy to lend some watchmen to endorse Acquisitions Incorporated as a friend of Mirabar and a friend of the watch. I have a small area at the Undercity West Gate 3. There is a small den of kobolds that have made home to some of the collapsed ruins there. It's only about 80 feet wide by 300 feet to the next gate. I'll pay you 4 silver bars to clear out the kobolds and I'll have a squad of five watchmen at your opening to endorse you if you succeed. Fair enough?"

** 1 Silver Bar weighs 5lbs and is worth approximately 25gp.

***Please keep in mind that you guys will owe the following:
10% of all contract income goe to Acq. Inc. for use of the name etc.
15% of all income goes to the City of Mirabar for taxes.
300 gold per month mortgage for your building.
Pay for any employees you hire (Risca is paid by Acq. Inc.)

2020-07-29, 07:05 PM
”Do you know how many kobolds there are?”

2020-07-29, 07:34 PM
“Seems fair, sir, but would we also be able to be put in contact with whoever the controlling party of these mines are, once we have finished this contract? I think we would all wish to speak to the people we are in such a position to help, with our efforts.”

Hekit is angling, in the long run, to be able to talk someone into giving shares in the mining operation that will get set up as an offshoot of our work to us. It’ll give us a revenue stream rather than just a “one-time” payment.

2020-07-30, 01:10 AM
MAPS! Feng will try get maps of the area/tunnels so they know what they are walking into.
Being around someone of such stature and rank, Ren can’t help but fall back into her soldier habits. She greets and answers him with ‘sir’.

Feng also encourages the party to get into this as soon as possible so they can carry on with other things later, but first they should stop by and see Bruagh and Risca’s sister. She may have a quest that can tie in with this one.

2020-07-30, 05:52 AM
"The Captain speaks truly regarding the difficulties in dealing with such an issue.
The Axe has no authority and the Watch has no writ to handle this situation. It would seem like a perfect opportunity to cut our teeth." The Colonel smiles behind his massive mustache, "I, for one, know many in the Axe who have wanted this done for years. Mirabar's most valuable ores come from the deep mines."

2020-07-30, 08:10 AM
Looking to Arth the Captain strokes his beard as his eyes look up and to the right, obviously trying to think of past reports on the numbers. "No more than five have ever been see at one time, I assume those are just their sentries or hunters. I have no doubt it is a warren of them so perhaps 10 or so? I don't have the most accurate of intel on them.

Hekit attempts to make some of his infernal dealings. Captain Stormbringer smiles, obviously understanding where Hekit is going with this. "Mirabar itself owns the mining rights to the deep mines and leases those rights to the highest bidder. We won't know who that will be until the bids have been received and the contract awarded."

The Colonel lends his his voice to the Captain's who just nods in agreement.

Feng whispers about maps just loud enough for the Captain to hear. "I have some old maps of the area you are looking for... I can loan it to you if you promise to return it." He goes over to a large marble cabinet and slides it open. He digs for a few brief moments before sliding out a well maintained but old map and slide it to Feng. He then points to the map and states. "Undercity West Gate 3 is here. You would need to clear to the secondary gate here."

Bruagh thanks you all for coming by and gives his brother one last embrace before you all depart.

With Feng mentioning speaking to his sister Asvora, Risca says he can take you by on the way back to headquarters as it is on the way. It is a quick walk and before long you see a beautiful granite building with a sign reading, Stormbringer Armaments. Coming from inside the rhythmic ringing of hammer pounding metal on an anvil can be heard. Risca walks in and nods to an employee who is helping another customer. He continues into the back where a massive forge is occupied by a dark auburn haired female dwarf who is the source of the the rhythmic ringing. She sees Risca and smiles and winks, but never stops what she is doing. "Well met brother. I see you brought friends." The dwarf continues pounding away, unwilling to compromise her work for a social visit. Risca calls out, "Asvora, these are my associates from Acquisitions Inc." He introduces the six of you in turn. "Take care of them if they swing by, will you?" She chuckles as she continues pounding. "Of course brother. Friends of yours are friends of mine. Except for Feltes... you know I hate Feltes." Risca laughs heartily and puts his hands out towards her as if to pantomime okay.

2020-07-30, 12:06 PM
Geoff asks Bruagh, "Do you know if the kobolds are in touch with other groups? Presumably they trade with someone? Also, if we're doing work for you under the city, I would like the chance to meet with someone who will talk about who is down there and how they may be connected."

And a final request, Could I spend a quiet hour just inside of West Gate 3 this afternoon or evening? To get a feel for the place

If possible Geoff will go to the gate, ritual cast Speak with Animals, and try and attract rats and bats to talk about the scary things that live in that direction.

2020-07-30, 02:37 PM
In their meeting with Bruagh, Rin's enthusiasm visibly drains at the mention of a full kobold warren. In his time at Candlekeep, he'd certainly heard of kobolds, and understood they were, individually, somewhat meek -- but his training as an aegis mage dictated that overconfidence was a slow and insidious killer. Pulling out his occultant's abacus, he begins furiously shuffling around beads, attempting to calculate their odds of incurring meaningful losses.


On their way to Stormbringer's, Rin will begin chatting nervously; the more perceptive among the group may get the impression that Rin is somewhat... inexperienced with combat, and nervous at going "into the dragon's den", as it were. As usual, his anxiety manifests into a fidgety desire to do something, and he will begin meticulously cleaning his clothing with prestidigitation while they walk.

The one concrete thing he offers during this walk is praise for their cartographer: "A most capital idea, dear Feng, to request schematics for the undercity! I've calculated that our odds of success are meaningfully improved by this development. One shouldn't underestimate the benefits of knowing the lay of the land!"

Sinking back into his nervous chatter, Rin will eventually move beside Rockford Files. Speaking in uncharacteristically hushed tones, he'll inquire, "Uh, good Colonel, I wonder if you might... have some experience with kobolds? Not that I'm... afraid, of course..." his nervous chuckle and unusually pale face suggest this is a lie. "But my experience with their ilk is more... what you might call academic." If his instructors at Candlekeep could hear their inattentive student now, they'd have laughed at the mere suggestion of his "academic study". "Do you have any tips for engaging them? I only wish to ensure I'm best equipped to ensure I'm not kil---that is, that the company's resources aren't needlessly damaged."


When they arrive at the blacksmith, Rin will seize the opportunity to fulfill one of his goals for the day:

After the siblings exchange pleasantries, he'll smilingly introduce himself and offer a polite bow. After his obvious nervousness at the prospect of combat, he seems more at ease now; social situations are clearly more his element. "Good Asvora, I wonder if we might secure a small order from your workshop in preparation for our opening two days from now? We're looking to acquire a handsome sign to hang outside our establishment, and it strikes me that your shop might be the best place to secure it. Ideally, we would like the Acquisitions Incorporated logo cast in an attractive metal. Personally, I envision it attached to a painted block of wood, perhaps in the shape of a shield? I've always been a fan of cabernet reds and royal blues; either would make for a pleasant shield color, with perhaps a silvered metal for the AI logo? However, I defer to the preference of my colleagues -- and your professional opinion -- for the emblem's details."

He'll also inquire about whether the shop employees know anyone who would be able to provide pamphlets, calling cards, banners, and other similar print-based advertisements.

EDIT: Added interaction with the Colonel

2020-07-30, 07:17 PM
Happy with the maps, Feng secures them in her best case and promises to look after them. At the soonest convenience she will start making rough copies.

At Asvora‘s, around the forge, Fengs eyes catch what appears to be a fine weapon still incomplete sitting on a bench. She admires its sharp edge and balanced weight, the craftsmanship and materials.
Feng compliments the dwarf and then tells her of their mission. Enquires if there is anything they could do to aid her, or a way they could mutually help each other and lastly asks if she has any advice on dealing with Kobolds.

2020-07-31, 06:17 AM
"Ah, Barynor, while I have not fought kobolds particularly, I have some experience dealing with smaller combatants. Why, just 23 years back, I had to hold off a company of gnomes who were intent on taking our salt stores to deal with a slug infestation." The Colonel smiles at the memory. "Vicious little buggers. And me armed only with my ledger and a brass teakettle. Let me tell you the first rule when fighting people smaller than you." He looks around to see if Feng is around before continuing, "Protect your jewels. Your enemy will swat them around like those pinatas the southern goblin tribes use to celebrate. And the second rule is just as important. Aim low."

Upon being introduced to Asvora, Files makes a well practiced leg, offering his hand when he rises, "My dear. It is so good to make the aquaintance of one as lovely and skilled as yourself. Perhaps we could discuss your work over dinner one night soon? I believe we might be able to send some business your way." He offers a wink, then turns to look over her wares.

2020-07-31, 07:59 AM

Bruagh responds to Geoff. "Honestly, we DON'T have much information. It is a small area from the first gate to the second gate at West Gate 3. There can't be that many of them. We don't study their habits. I You can certainly go down there whenever you like, but if you go through that gate at all, it is likely you will get their attention. Be prepared to fight if you go there."


Asvora responds to Rin, never stopping as she hammers away at the shield she is working on. "Of course, if one of you draw up a sketch showing what you want, we can discuss price and I'll try and rush and have it ready for the opening."

When Feng mentions kobolds, Asvora's ears pick up. "Kobolds you say. I don't know much about the critters, other than they swarm around in packs when the fight, they are sneaky, and they seem to hate gnomes like nothing else."

The dwarven blacksmith's eyes go wides as the Colonel offers her his hand. She clearly has clamps holding a heavy and extremely hot shield in place on the anvil in one hand and a hammer she is furiously pounding away with in the other. Not knowing exactly what to do she continues hammering away without acknowledging Colonel Files. When he pays her some heavy compliments and mentions dinner she glares at Risca... hard, and without breaking eye contact with her brother, says, "Oh, uh... thanks, yeah, maybe, that uh... sounds fun."

Risca steps in and says, "Well, we don't want to take up any more of your times sister, and we are busy, very busy. Alright, we're leaving. Bye." With that he begins herding the group, specifically the Colonel out of the shop.

Once outside Risca says he is going to head back and put some finishing touches on cleaning the headquarters. It is just a bit before lunch time now.

Edit: Bolded missing word for an easy find in the first paragraph.

2020-07-31, 08:50 AM
As Rin is expressing some of his concerns about the expedition, and the Colonel is opining about his time fighting gnomes, Hekit decides to weigh in.

“My family has fought kobolds before. See, there was this one that got lost on the surface of our mountain. Had the audacity to steal food from our halls. That can’t stand. Such scheming audacity! Needless to say we let him go, followed by an imp until he got to the filthy warrens they called home. That was when my great uncle Luciriel led the charge. Two hundred of our finest soldiers; it was a rousing victory. We avenged the insult to our honor.”

Hekit revels a little in the tales of past glory. “I suspect this will be much the same. They’ll burn just like most anything, I’m sure.”

2020-07-31, 09:20 AM
As the group makes their way back to the Headquarters a tall, well-groomed and exquisitely dressed human is standing in front of the building. His chin is slightly elevated and his eyes look down his nose, almost as if... no exactly as if he is judging you all for simply existing. His black hair is slicked back and in perfect order, his pencil moustache is properly waxed, and he is wearing the most fashionable of capes to match his top hat, monocle, and walking cane. "My apologies, I was attempting to locate the Acquisitions Incorporated Headquarters, I didn't realize Mirabar had opened a homeless shelter here instead." The man lets a small, smug smile cross his lips before continuing. "Oh dear, my apologies, you are the new Acq. Inc. franchise? Terribly sorry for the... misunderstanding."

The man pulls out a card and hands it to the person closest to him, which happens to be Hekit. "Where are my manners, I am Atticus Worthington III, of Dran Enterprises. We just opened franchise in Mirabar here as well. Though, our headquarters is in Mirabar proper, not in a... dilapidated warehouse." The man's smugness is almost palpable. "Should you find yourself over-matched, or in need of any assistance, just reach out to your betters at Dran Enterprises, we do enjoy giving back to the community by helping those less fortunate than ourselves." The man takes a step back gives a slight bow. "Thank you for your time, it was a plea... I mean, it was... interesting to meet you all. Tata for now."

2020-07-31, 09:28 AM
Hekit feels...deliciously right as he takes the card, with an equally profound smile. This was just like dealing with the cousins’ families back home.

“Ah, well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Atticus of Dran Enterprises. Though I must confess, I am confused. You say our ‘betters’? Rather than a homeless refuge you will be wanting to seek the local asylum. Unfortunately I don’t know where it is. We have been too busy conducting actual business rather than swanning about with petty and...may I say...ill-contrived insults.”

He reaches back into his own pack pocket and produces a blank piece of paper, writing his name and their location on it, passing it over with a flourish.

“ Normally I’d give you a business card, but I save those for more important people. Now, when your...organization...inevitably founders, and you are in need of a refuge from penury as well, you feel free to come find us. We are always looking for qualified applicants, but we do consider lesser applicants from time to time, for charitable reasons.”

He wraps up with the grin and politeness never leaving his lips.

2020-07-31, 12:22 PM
Geoff breaks wind loudly as the man passes him.
Insight [roll0]
Geoff would like to know: Atticus's allies, flaws and financial information

2020-07-31, 01:34 PM
Hearing the Colonel's... wise words of advice, Rin will somehow turn even paler. What monstrous creatures, he imagined, these kobolds must be! To target such a delicate part, to threaten the very future of their adversaries bloodline! Taking a gulp, he feels that unmistakable pain in his gut as he anticipates the devastation of 'the boys'.

"Thank you, sincerely, Colonel, for your words of caution. I'll be sure to take all necessary precautions to avoid that eventuality. I seem to recall a device that my brother," he nearly spits the word, "would use for... delicate protection during his oh so GLO-rious sporting achievements... What was it called? A goblet? Tankard? Some sort of drink-wear term, I'm sure... Regardless, I may have to fashion myself one prior to our," another nervous gulp "adventure.".

Rin was truly grateful to be in the company of such an experienced and knowledgeable tactician as Colonel Rockford Files. Even if the man didn't seem to have quite all of his screws properly tightened...

By contrast, he will be positively shocked by the apparent savagery of the Hekit clan's brand of "justice". Beginning again his nervous cleaning compulsion, Rin finds himself suddenly missing Candlekeep's cushioned chairs very intensely.

As they arrive back at HQ, Rin is snapped out of his nervous swooning and longing for things passed -- by the sight of a rather well-dressed gentleman. Finally, he thinks, a proper civilized client!

But just as he's about to open his mouth and let-loose a flood of pleasantries and company sales jargon, the Dran bastard just had to speak those words.

Not a customer, then, he thinks, his vision going red and his mouth involuntarily filling up with a flood of vitriol, just aching to burst out. Just another version of my father, this time with a mustache. But just as the flood of pure rage reaches critical mass and is about to pour from his mouth, Hekit handles the situation most eloquently.

Whatever misgivings Rin had felt about his devilish companion mere moments ago are wiped away in an instant. Likewise, his misgivings about the dangers of (what in all honesty would be his first) combat. Rin is ready to hurt something.

2020-07-31, 05:18 PM
As the others make their preparations for the Franchise's opening Geoff makes his way towards West Gate 3, his face looking rather downcast. His hasty failure earlier in the day meant that he would not be able to analyse the leader of the kobolds in the manner his instructors expected.
He could practically hear the scratching as a scribe in corporate headquarters recorded this and judged him against "Seventy Seven Stratagems of Successful SearchersTM" and "Dran's Excellence in Business, A Way of LifeTM." Well, he would now have to do the best he could with what was available.

At the gate he approaches the guard in charge. As Geoff produces his authorisation he stresses the need for quietness and that there should be no extra activity any other sign of a change.
First he questions the guards:

Has there been any activity beyond the gate recently? Anything strange?
Have you noticed a rhythm to the kobolds activities?
Are there any small animals or vermin around the passages? Can you show me where they appear?

He then sets himself next to some promising looking gaps in the stone. He has to implore the bemused guards to stay at a distance and to keep quiet. He can feel his cheeks reddening as he lays out some kitchen scraps and holds a jar full of insects.
He chalks some Druidic symbols on a rock and mumbles a greeting to the spirits of the caves. He has paid his dues to the grove and the tide, at least sometimes, and he must be due a good turn at some point. His blush spreads until the tips of his ears are almost glowing.

Geoff ritual casts the spell and advertises the presence of food to any small creatures that might be in the area. If any come, he offers them food and to find out from them the nature of any dangerous creatures beyond the gate.
Once he has cast Speak with Animals Geoff also casts Guidance on himself to help with eg. persuasion rolls. Lesson learned.

2020-07-31, 08:18 PM
Seeing that he is at least annoying the group and seemingly content with his encounter, Attictus turns to leave, smiling as he goes. He completely ignores the flatulence and any further barbs being thrown by the group. He does appear to speak something to himself as he leaves. Perception: DC 12 How could that infernal ones wet-nurse let him out the home wearing that?"

The guards great Geoff and explain to him that the gate hasn't been opened in weeks... maybe even months. No one ever goes down there. No one stays long. The guards never go in so can't really say anything about the kobolds. More questions about animals and such reveal the same results. They agree to open the gate but say they must close it behind you immediately. When you want them to open it again, bang five times and when they ask for the password, say "Edema". The guards highly urge you to not go in alone, but will leave it up to Geoff.

While Geoff is off with the guards, the rest of the group must decide whether to go deal with the kobolds now, or try and complete other task and push the kobolds off to the next day.

2020-08-01, 05:07 AM
Colonel Files watches Atticus walk away. "Quite the odious fellow. Reminds me of some of my cousins. Particularly Mourngrym, who liked to play knight and take over other peoples kingdoms...

Oh well, good riddance to bad fish, as they say. I suggest we gather our gear and clear out the undercity with the rest of our day. Does anyone need anything?"

2020-08-01, 03:21 PM
Barynor is positively red in the face, silently fuming as Atticus strolls coolly away. His normally ram-rod straight posture is now slightly hunched, subconsciously curling into a tight ball of angst. In his mind he hears the advice of his mentor, Father Cordelius, from his first dissatisfied weeks in Candlekeep: "Fer Helm's sake, calm yerself, ya silly fop of a child. Complainin' won't change the taste o' the mustard, nor put extra down in yer mattress."

There weren't too many things that could cause the young man to utterly lose his composure -- but the entitled seeking to diminish Rin and his companions? Chief among the list. Still, Cordelius was a wise man, and Rin owed him the courtesy of keeping a level head.

"Bloody Dran bastard..." he mutters under his breath, indulging in one last impotent, juvenile gesture before deliberately righting his posture.

Straightening his cravat to get a hold of himself, he clears his throat. "Thank you, Hekit; most expertly handled. Clearly, you're no stranger to the eccentricities of the privileged. And to you, good Colonel, for bringing us back to the task at hand.

"Yes, let us make our final preparations before descending into the undercity. Before we go, I would prefer to run two brief errands. Firstly to stop by Haggard's Place to inquire about Hope's promoting our opening. Second, I would like to deliver the design for our sign to Asvora. These things are time-sensitive, after all, and there's no sense shooting our franchise in the foot every time adventure calls."

In Discord, BBEG suggested that we could either "hand wave" these logistics or handle them in simultaneous posts, so this shouldn't cause IRL delays for getting into the action.

Also, please see Rin's proposed logo, amateurishly drafted in Paint, at the following link: https://ibb.co/r6LCk14

As mentioned in Discord, I envision the black portions being cast in silvered metal, with the white and empty portions of the shield in a single color, likely either a cabernet red or a royal blue. Open to other suggestions, but if none are forthcoming, this is what Rin will give to Asvora.

2020-08-01, 07:47 PM
”I’ll deliver the design to Asvora, and unless anyone has a particular opinion we may as well flip a coin, heads will be Red, tails will be Blue.”
[roll0] 1 is heads, 2 is tails

2020-08-02, 10:02 AM
After setting out some food, Geoff is able to find an armadillo who is willing to talk for some food. "Oy, yeah, stuck down here now. Eat what I find. Other side of the gate? Never been. Sorry. Thanks for snack though." As Geoff is beginning to think this is a waste of time he notice some ants coming out of the tiniest of cracks in the wall. Geoff can faintly hear them marching in cadence. "Hup, two, three, four, hup, two , three, four over and over. When Geoff calls out to them he hears most of the ants continue and one pipe up a bit louder. "You can hear us? You the one dropping the food? Food for intel? Fair enough. There are several scaled ones in the chamber beyond the crevice. No idea how many. They leaves scraps, but don't like when we go in their colony. We mostly stay away. Thanks for the food."

Hope is agreeable to singing for the opening for a fair price. She will clear her schedule and is open to the number of songs and type of songs she sings. How much will the group pay her?

The design is dropped off to Asvora with no issue She says she can have it ready the morning of the grand opening. She says between the fine wood being carved, the silver for the metalwork, the etching, and the paint, it will cost 50 gold, on such a rush order.

The group decides to go deal with the kobolds when Geoff returns and passes along what he learned. With it finally settled and errands run, the group makes their way down to West Gate 3. The guards agree to open it for them and once again pass along the code of knocking 5 times and providing the password "Edema" when prompted.

As the gate open it is dark inside. As the gate closes behind the group, it is pitch black in the old undercity. It is also eerily quiet.

2020-08-02, 03:30 PM
As they grow closer and closer to the gate, Rin's nervous chatter grows more and more rapid -- and his face paler and paler. But as they arrive, and as the gates are opened, he grows deadly quiet.

Peering into the dark, he realizes that his feeble human eyes are ill-suited to subterranean work. "Torches," he mutters quietly. "Most of my work only requires one hand, so I'll hold one." In truth, he imagines that the torch's light and warmth will help him feel better at ease -- and it never occurs to him that the torchbearers will also be the most visible to the enemy.

"We should probably have at least one other torch-bearer, just in case? I... I'm not sure on proper procedure for this... Unless anyone has magical means of lighting the area?"

Rin shifts the crossbow on his back, moving it to access the torches he keeps in his pack. Striking the flame up with a casting of prestidigitation, he'll offer a spare torch to anyone else willing to carry it.

"Helm protect us..."

After a last, nervous look back at the distant spot of light from the city proper, he takes his first step into the cold dark of the undercity.

2020-08-02, 03:42 PM
Hekit is driven to his first comment, though he does it in a relatively matter of fact manner; it’s not so much a dig at the others but nature.

“Oh yes, not all of you can see in the dark. I forget. I can’t make any light except fire.”

Knowing what their targets look like, Hekit draws his wand from its holster, holding it like a fencer might as he readies himself to unleash fiery hell upon any kobold he sees.

Mechanically, Hekit will keep an eye out and ready his action to lob a good old Eldritch Blast at any kobold he sees

2020-08-02, 04:37 PM
At the gate Geoff shoulders his shield and checks the darts and the dagger at his belt. He feels horribly unprepared, they don't even know how many kobolds to expect.
When the gate opens he spits in his hand and traces his finger over his eyes and ears, as he mutters in druidic the cave seems slightly brighter and calmer than before.
Geoff casts Guidance on himself and, if possible, uses it to try and improve his perception.

2020-08-02, 06:35 PM
With at least one torch being held by Rin, the group is able to see. It is brightly lit for 10ft, lit for another 10ft, and dimly lit out to 30 ft. After a few brief seconds everyone's eyes slowly begin to adjust to either the darkvision, or the torches light gently dancing on the dilapidated stone undercity. It honestly feels similar to being in a tomb or crypt. Other than your own sounds and the sounds of torch burning, it is eerily quiet. Almost like you six are the only six living creatures in the undercity. As the group takes a few steps away from the gate they stop again to get their bearings. Even with darkvision, it is disconcerting to only see in black and white out to about 60ft.

The Colonel and Geoff ONLY: You both hear faint scuttling in the distance. Both are fairly certain it is the sound of small claws on smooth stone. It sounds like one creature, about 75 ft ahead.

Geoff, Feng and Hekit ONLY: You can see a bit further than the rest of the group, but still do not see any creatures.

The group moves about 15ft further ahead.

Geoff, Feng and Hekit ONLY: About 10ft off the ground on a dilapidated pillar, you spot a kobold who is obviously watching you.

Hekit moves his hands and says an infernal word and lets fly a bolt of force from his fingers. It zips across the dark with a purple hue and strikes a creature with a distinct thud.

The creature tumbles backwards off of the building, but rather than a body hitting the ground, the only sound is of claws on stone running from the left, right, and ahead of you, sprinting the way you are facing. Several "Yipps!" can be heard echoing all of the chamber.

Those who speak Draconic ONLY: "Intruders!!! Intruders!!! Smoothskins attacking!!! Meekings you alive?!?!" "I'm good, get everyone into the warrens, block the entrance, set the traps!"

2020-08-02, 08:33 PM
Before leaving the forge Feng asked Risca’s sister if she could have a few pouches of caltrops or ball bearings and pay for them on her return. She would explain her fear of the kobolds surrounding them and hoped those tools might help prevent it.

As Feng walked through the darkness, if she felt any fear she did not show it. Her axe and shield were held up at the ready. She was silent as she moved, listening and concentrating too much to talk. Her eyes cautiously scanning the scenery as she navigated through the mental map in her head.

There had been one, now there would be more. Her grip tightened.

2020-08-02, 11:49 PM
Hekit curses - some might argue, again - and turns quietly to the others. “What they said, in case you don’t speak draconic, is that they’re setting up traps and closing the gates.”

He turns back and tries to get another shot at the one he hit, if he can. Like a trained marksman, he measures his distance.

“And that little wretch didn’t have the decency to be destroyed by fire...”

If Hekit can get within 60’ of the one he wounded, he will use Toll the Dead: Wis 13 Save or take [roll0] damage.

If he cannot get 60’ of that one, he will hit that one (or any other within 120’) with another Eldritch Blast. To hit: [roll1] + 5; Damage: [roll2]

2020-08-03, 07:16 AM
Colonel Files eases his shield on his left arm and hefts his mace. a little more light would be nice, but there is enough for his purposes. He hears the distant scuttle of little feet, "Steady boys... uh... and Feng. Arth, you and Feng don't sprint out too far ahead of my old bones. Wait for my mark and we might just have a surprise for the little buggers."

Don't forget my Voice of Authority. I will cast Bless on the first turn, giving either Arth or Feng a Reaction attack. We'll decide who based on the most logical use of our resources.

2020-08-03, 07:44 AM
Arth pulls out a torch from his pack, and his sword from his hip. ”Can anyone light this for me?”

2020-08-03, 12:25 PM
Arth pulls out a torch from his pack, and his sword from his hip. ”Can anyone light this for me?”

Rin is more than happy to improve visibility. With a wave of his free hand and a few arcane syllables, Arth's torch bursts into flickering flame.

"Should we press on?" His voice is a murmuring whisper. "Or... stop and look for traps? Maybe we should throw a torch up ahead?" Rin hasn't felt this nervous in a very long time.

Rin will not be the one to drive the group forward, as he's more than happy to rely on the experience of the group's more seasoned warriors. Which is to say... pretty much everyone else... Above all he looks to the Colonel for insight, but will follow the lead of anyone who takes the initiative -- so long as their plan is not 'charge blindly into a deathtrap'.

He says a silent prayer to Helm as a thin layer of sweat starts to form on his brow. As the group moves forward, he'll attempt to steady his breath, focus on the task at hand, and do what little he can to help.

Rin will prepare a casting of Toll the Dead to be used if any enemy comes w/in 60 feet (if they've lit that far out) or w/in his feeble human vision. If there are multiple targets in his vision at time this goes off, he'll cast on one that looks like it's already taken a hit.. DC 13 Wis save or take 1d8 necrotic damage (if target is undamaged prior to the spell) or 1d12 (if damaged).

After that, he will either continue casting that spell (if it looks like it's going to be hit-and-run guerrilla fighting) or cast Bless on whichever party members the Colonel hasn't (if it looks like they're getting into an actual sustained brawl).

Edit: In the meantime (and as they move forward), Rin will glance around the visible area for any serviceable cover. Should the little wretches open fire, he'd like to know the best places to hunker down.

2020-08-03, 02:47 PM
"Should we take cover or try and catch them?" Geoff asks. "I'm sure we will have to check for traps in the buildings but also in the road."
He runs his fingers nervously over the fletchings of his darts and tries to see through the gloom.
Geoff recasts Guidance for a perception check.

2020-08-03, 06:36 PM
The group prepares for the kobolds and looks like a cohesive fighting force. They are confident that if they are swarmed by the enemies they would withstand the storm and win the battle. But as they wait that battle never comes. It becomes obvious that the fight will have to be taken to the creatures. Best you can tell you are 50ft into the street. There are dilapidated buildings on either side of the street which is about 20ft wide. The are rows of buildings in various states of disrepair on either side. Some standing and seeing safe, some ransacked, and others mostly fallen in. As the group pushes forward both Geoff and Feng notice fresh tracks of kobolds in the dusty. They converge behind the building in a tiny alleyway where the kobolds Hekit stood was at and then dart into a collapsed building that has various tunnels and thorough fares going through.

It is obvious they all went into that tunneled out building.

Will the group follow? Will they stay on the road and try and pick up the trail further down? Perhaps something else?

2020-08-03, 07:37 PM
Feng growls in frustration at the obvious trap. Had she not been told what that kobold shouted earlier she might have charged strait in, but now she was a little wiser and saw all the advantages the kobolds had. She whispers to the group after pointing the building out.
Can we just burn it down? Or maybe lure them out with words? Can’t hurt to try right?
Feng looks around for other good sources of fuel for her fire idea.

2020-08-03, 08:40 PM
”People used to live here, they’ll want their homes back, we could try talking to them though, at least try to get a couple out.”

2020-08-03, 09:26 PM
Hekit sighs and whispers out another particularly virulent curse in Infernal. He whispers to the rest of the team, “Alright, so, I have an idea. I’ll go up towards them a little, and yell really loudly that we have a proposition for them. We want to make peace, whatever. I’ll even apologize for blasting one of them. I’m not sorry. Then we’ll get a bunch out here, hopefully. At that point either the deal goes well and we convince them all to leave, or it goes poorly and we incinerate them all. Either way. Everyone ready? Go team.”

With that he stands up and takes a few paces towards the area where they are holes up, casts Thaumaturgy to make his voice boom, and speaks in Draconic, putting on his best sales patter.

“Alright, listen, sorry about that. It was my bad, blasting your friend...Meekings was it? That was an indiscretion, and that’s on me. But, he’s not dead and if I was *really* trying to kill him he’d be dead...so...really I saved his life in a manner of speaking. You set yourselves up for a liability here, spying on visitors. Fortunately, we can help.

We are here trying to pick some treasures you fine creatures have no doubt seen and discarded, since they didn’t meet your magnificent standards. Come on out, one and all, and let’s have a chat like civilized beings.”

Inwardly, Hekit feels like punching a flumph, but outwardly he is all a disarming grin that would get a nice granny to let him in for a cup of tea.

2020-08-03, 09:44 PM
At first recoiling at Hekit's infernal curse, Rin smiles after a few moments. As foul as the curse was, it's at least something he understood, which down here in the dark is something of a breath of fresh air.

"Well, I don't like the dishonesty of it," he whispers back in infernal, "but I'll give you what aid I can in the hopes of finding a peaceful end to this... and avoiding getting all of us shot."

He casts Guidance on Hekit before the warlock's speech to the kobolds begins.

Switching to common, he turns to the others and quietly says, "Unfortunately, I don't speak the kobolds' language, and won't be of much use in the negotiations. I'm sure that Hekit could use some assistance, however, from someone willing to... curb his edgier speech habits."

Someone who speaks Draconic should use the Help action to give Hekit advantage on social checks throughout negotiation.

Edit: For some reason I wrote my initial post in conditional future tense???

2020-08-04, 12:28 PM
A voice calls back in draconic from somewhere in one of the rooms. "Civilized? You walk into other peoples cities and hit them with magic in a civilized society? I'd sure hate to see your version of savagery!" The voice is of the kobold they called Meekins, the one that Hekit shot. At least you think it is. Other kobolds are yipping and he cuts them off. "Look, we just want to live in peace. We have nowhere else to go. The gate is locked and guarded to the east and the troglodytes block us in from the west. Take whatever you want, but leave us alone! If you come in here, I promise, at least one of you will die!"

2020-08-04, 12:40 PM
”How many troglodytes are there, do they outnumber you?”

2020-08-04, 02:12 PM
Hekit asks the others “What is a troglodyte? More, or less dangerous than a kobold?”

2020-08-04, 03:23 PM
If Rin knows anything about troglodytes, he'll share it with the group.

"Troglodytes? Wait, do the kobolds have troglodyte support?! What are they saying??"

If the others accurately translate for him, he'll swear in Celestial -- they came in fully ready to kill a clan of intelligent, oppressed exiles. What they're doing is shameful. When he thinks of what Father Cordelius would say if he learned of this, that shame grows only deeper.

"We can't kill these things. We need to find another way. Whether that's negotiating safe passage out through the East gate or clearing a path for them through the West."

"Is there any legitimate reason that the kobolds could not move through Mirabar on their way to a new home? Or make Mirabar their new home, for that matter? Laws, cultural practices, what have you?"

It's POSSIBLE that Rin's Court Functionary feature might give him some background on local laws. If so, he'll relate everything he knows to the others.

"Feature: Court Functionary
Your knowledge of how bureaucracies function lets you gain access to the records and inner workings of any noble court or government you encounter. You know who the movers and shakers are, whom to go to for the favors you seek, and what the current intrigues of interest in the group are."

If the others don't share, he'll ask them to translate as the conversation continues, then wait for others to chime in with their suggestions.

2020-08-04, 05:24 PM
"Get as much as you can about who else is down here," Geoff hisses. "Including strength and alliances."

"We should have asked Bruagh more questions before we came down here. But our job is to 'clear out' the kobolds.
Do you think you can convince them to abide by the laws of Mirabar and seek employment there? Otherwise they have to go, either past the troglodytes or well beyond Mirabar territory."

2020-08-04, 06:23 PM
This place is going to get cleared one way or another, if they want to live they can aid us and we will make it worth their while, possibly a good future in it, or they can get out our way.

Feng growls with frustration after hearing the translation.

2020-08-04, 10:06 PM
Hekit listens to everyone’s thoughts and questions and then turns around to face towards the kobolds area. He reapplies Thaumaturgy.

“Alright, so, we have decided we might be able to let you live in peace. Now, as I understand it, without asking any questions, you have been driven by these troglodyte things into this region, through no fault of your own. You just want to get back to your home, far away from any dwarves, and any of us, but can’t because of those evil troglodytes. Is that a fair assessment? Because if it is, we will go kill them. We don’t want to kill you...we just need you to go. It *is* that way, right?”

2020-08-05, 09:45 AM
The kobold Meekins responds in draconic again "Look, we are in a rough spot, I'm not gonna lie. The gate is closed to the east. If we try to go there, or into the city, the guards will likely kill us. I speak very little of your language. We cannot go west. The troglodytes... think of them as uh, stinky lizard men but with a vile temperament. They are bigger and stronger than us, about like you all. They are enough that they can kill us if we fight them, but not enough that they can kill us in our home. But, they make food scarce. We are willing to go anywhere. We don't want to be here, we just have nowhere to go." You notice that compared to his compatriots, Meekins seems well spoken. After a moment in common he says, very brokenly, "We... need... help."

Answering other questions that were probably going to get asked to "speed things up".

"We don't know what is past the troglodytes. We haven't been able to get past the trog's."

"I know some common. I was an assistant in an alchemy store in Mirabar a few years back. My boss was making a mixture in the backroom when there was a small explosion. It was bad, but a piece of metal hit and killed him. I was afraid I would get blamed so I snuck down here. Found the others. I've been here since."

"We will leave further into the mine, we will leave and go topside, heck we will go anywhere you tell us. We don't want to die here."

"Exact number of trog's? More than 4, less than 8?"

2020-08-05, 03:50 PM
The negotiations seeming to have taken a turn towards peaceful resolution, Rin breathes a sigh of relief. Bloodshed is one thing, but killing those just looking for protection and shelter? An entirely different issue. "Thank you, Hekit. Most capably handled; yet again, you prove the worth of your silvered tongue." Had Rin understood the exact phrasing that Hekit had used... well, his praise might have been a bit more tempered.

Hearing that Meekins speaks at least some Common, Rin will call out. "Once the troglodytes are clear, you will be free to move out beyond the territory they held. However, should you wish to return to Mirabar, you would be welcome to accompany us. In our presence, you would not be immediately attacked by the town guard -- and we would ensure that you had a chance to explain yourself to the City Watch and attempt to clear your name. We might even be able to provide shelter and employment for you in our agency, at least until you find a line of work you prefer."

"Additionally, would one of you like to accompany us while we clear the troglodytes? That way you could see that our word is true and verify that the area is clear with your own eyes. I'm sure we would also benefit from your assistance, should violence break out with the troglodytes."

edit: If Meekins clarifies that he has trouble understanding Rin's words, Rin will ask Hekit to translate.

Rin pulls out his occultant's abacus and begins furiously casting beads about. His brow creases with concentration as he attempts to calculate how these new developments impact the franchise's chances of success.

The abacus stuff is just for flavor, I realize that there's nothing I can actually do with it at this point.

2020-08-05, 04:02 PM
“Woah, woah, sunshine and roses. Send someone out here first to sign a contract to the effect of what you said, then we can start getting down there to clear out your...new home. Bring a knife out with you. Actually on second thoughts bring two of you. There are alot of signatures we will need and you are small...”

2020-08-06, 03:31 AM
Colonel Files, seeing that things are turning away from combat, holsters his mace and slips his glasses from his pouch. He wants to see Hekit at work on the contracts, so he can make sure the negotiations don't go too far afield. "Don't give away the farm, devil-spawn. I've got my eye on a pool table for our recreation area. But yes, hire the little buggers. We'll train 'em as sappers. Never know when we might get hired to infiltrate a castle or a fort."

2020-08-06, 02:33 PM
The group hears hushed whisperings in draconic. After a moment Meekins calls out in draconic. "I'm coming out... please don't shoot me... gain." The kobold that comes out has dark scales that are a reddish/brown and his eyes are a piercing yellow. He holds his clawed hands up above his head, though he has a dagger at his belt. "I have the dagger like you asked. I left my spear and other weapons behind."

He walks upright and erect but his eyes show that he is weary and perhaps... hopeful?

He will sign anything you wish, using his blood, someone else's, or ink.

2020-08-06, 09:32 PM
Feng lashed out and tightly grabbed the Kobold to make her point clear.

You are all already considered dead, and if you do die, know that no one will be reprimanded for it.
You can no longer claim what is not yours without earning it.

You are however not useless
First you earn your life, than your food and lastly if you do good, gold, reward and fame. But if you do a poor job or are found to not have done it at all, well you can guess what will happen.

We will arrange for housing down here for you and your kin. You can guard only that and every other trap must be removed.
We will however want your trapping and scouting skills.

We will not put you in direct danger but risks must be made for reward.
There are many other duties we need done. Two must first accompany us to battle the trogs, assign some others to clean up what they can of the other buildings and take inventory of what has been left here.

Quickly pass on the message and bring what you need. We are heading for a fight. Tell us what you know of them on the way.

Matter settled, Feng forcefully surged on ahead, her face stern and determined. She checked her weapons and readied for battle. Once again she was a soldier, and in that space decisions had to be made quick and followed. She gave nothing a second thought.

2020-08-06, 10:21 PM
Hekit watches, taken a little aback as Feng grabs and threatens the kobold. When she returns him, he waits a beat. “Yes, well, as my friend says...this is all fairly boilerplate stuff. You agree to aid us personally to find and dispatch said troglodytes, whence completed we escort you and yours to the new region. You remain on call as acting consultants/interns on matters related to the underground and environs, etc etc. I’ll just need you to initial here...sign there. Yes, in blood. And here again. Yes, that clause just obligates future generations to said bargain no worries. And here. Now, that seems to be all in order. It has been a pleasure. And as a side note should any of your kind wish to bargain with Asmodeus as well, I’m certain I can help.”

Hekit returns to the party, especially grinning at Feng. “I can’t say as I’ve ever seen a lizard wet itself as much as you caused that one too! Certainly helped the contract get signed.

Speaking of which, that’s done and we aren’t paying out a penny! I’d say that’s a damnably good deal. I feel wonderful! Shall we away to the troglodytes? Oh yes, and I’d watch Meekings our new friend. I did probably take a great deal of blood.”

2020-08-07, 12:00 AM
Rin smiles contentedly as Hekit expertly draws up the contract. It was good to see that his new companions were reasonable and could employ diplomacy, not just force.

But as Feng seizes the kobold, Rin's mouth drops. His hand moving instinctively to his spell component pouch, he considers, for a moment, casting Sanctuary on Meekins. To kill him now, like this, would be murder, not lawful execution of their duties!

But their intimidating companion drops the (likely terrified) kobold, and Rin realizes he hasn't breathed for a few moments. Deliberately exhaling, he lowers his hand and offers a sympathetic look to Meekins while he prepares to sign.

After, as they move towards their new goal, he quietly addresses Feng. "Madame, I'm... quite surprised to have heard you speak so forcefully as you did just now. Or, for that matter, at such length; I don't believe I've heard you speak that much in the entirety of our time together thus far!" Slightly intimidated himself, he decides not to voice his concern over the directness of her methods; after all, no harm had really been done, and her technique may have been the deciding factor in getting the contract signed.

Inspiring Leader:Assuming that Meekins and/or another kobold agree to come with them, Rin will take a few minutes to give them a bit of a pep talk. He talks up how impressive it is that they've made due down here, survived without support or sympathy for so long. He transitions into company-branded PR, attempting to sing the glories of AI, his companions, and the many prospects for growth that our franchise has to offer new interns such as Meekins and his fellows. Most of all, he tries to make them believe that this new chapter in their life will be the beginning of a brave and profitable new life. Whichever of the listening kobolds understand common will gain 4 temporary hit points.

As they approach the gate to the troglodyte's lair, Rin will take a deliberate breath in, out, in out. Steadying himself, he prepares by checking his torch and armaments, polishing his AI badge, and casting-off a bit of dirt on his left boot. "Once more into the breach, friends."

2020-08-07, 07:09 PM
While many would know that Kobolds typically respond well to being dominating, considering they are known to beg and cower, Meekins seems to defeated and dejected that even the threat of death does little cower him further. He simply nods to Feng and replies dejectedly with. "Ok."

He puts a small slice on his forearm and signs the documents as needed with no complaints. He then yips at the kobolds inside. "Begin dismantling all the traps. They are going to take care of the troglodytes. We will have a new home... somewhere. We won't return here. Have your belongings prepared for when I return. We will be trekking away from here. Be ready." It is obvious that this kobold cares for his people and is struggling with the wait of what he is asking them to do. Depending on your own characters leadership style, you either view him as a true leader who cares for his people, or a weakling who should have bargained better.

"Me grab... sling... spear... from inside. Or you make... fight... trogs with dagger... only?"

A few kobolds, mostly the very young and very old filter out first. The sounds of stone tools smacking things can be heard from inside, the kobolds staying true to their words regarding dismantling the traps. The kobolds look at Rin funny as he speaks. It appears only Meekins and on other ancient looking kobold understand the words he provides.

2020-08-07, 07:17 PM
To whatever extent Rin understands Meekins's directive to his people, he certainly falls into the "view[s] him as a true leader who cares for his people" category. Helm teaches that keeping one's people safe is difficult and often requires compromise. As an aegis mage, Rin understands the need for temperance and sacrifice, and respects those who do what they can to avoid bloodshed.

"By all means, Meekins, you are entitled to utilize..." Realizing that the kobold's Common proficiency is limited, he slips into a sort of simplified Pidgin dialect. "Spears good. We trust that kobolds will help us. You are stronger, we are stronger. We will help protect you if you will help protect us."

2020-08-07, 10:29 PM
Meekins nods and walks into the rubbled house to get his gear. He is wearing a spear in his right hand, a backpack on his back with a small shield attached, and a sling attached to his belt. This is a small leather pouch attached to his belt as well. "Ready. Follow to trog's." He says in common.

It's a short walk to the next gate. The gate is closed most of the way, but large debris underneath keeps if from closing the last two feet or so. Meekins ducks down to go underneath. Everyone else will have to get on hands and knees to go under. It is still very dark. With torches lit you can see the other side is pretty much the same, but in worse disrepair than the previous. And it smells awful. Like a bog was used as a latrine for skunks with dysentery. It is, quite awful truth be told.

Meekins eyes are darting around, looking for any sign of the creatures he is looking for. His head peaks up and he whispers. "There, there, there, there, and there."

With him pointing them out, everyone with darkvision sees five troglodytes, sneaking towards the group. Those without darkvision cannot yet see what he is pointing at. They are spread out ahead, but all between 45 and 60 feet away.

Be in any formation you like and have made any preparations you want. Meekins pointing them out gives you guys the higher initiative and a chance to act. They are NOT surprised though.

2020-08-08, 08:09 AM
Arth moves up 15 feet and prepares to attack if any trogs come near him
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] sneak attack if I can

2020-08-08, 08:13 AM
Get ready. Feng calls aloud as she holsters her axe and draws a javelin. Taking a step forward she eyes the nearest troglodyte. Take out one at a time and protect the back line. with that she takes a few more steps and then launches her weapon at the creature with a loud aggressive grunt.

Disadvantage due to range

2020-08-08, 08:30 AM
Geoff shoulders his shield and positions himself slightly ahead of Rin and tries to clear his mind.
Geoff will cast Entangle on the troglodytes when they are within torch light if he can get at least two of them in the casting area.

2020-08-08, 09:40 AM
The Colonel prepares to cast Bless on Feng, Arth, and himself as soon as the Trogs are within 30’ of any of the three of them.

If Sneak attack is possible for Arth, he will use his BA to give Arth a reaction attack. If not, he will use the same for Feng.

2020-08-08, 11:51 AM
Taking up a position in the back, Rin reaches into his component pouch. Muttering a few arcane syllables, he calls on Helm's blessing for himself, Hekit, and Geoff.

Casts Bless (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Bless#content) from a first level slot.

2020-08-08, 12:36 PM
Hekit focuses, remembering all the clauses in his agreement, and categorizing the lethality of his spells. Then...he starts to scratch. More and more though not enough to cause him to break their position.

He mutters something under his breath in infernal about blessings. He’d take the help but it didn’t feel good. They always made him itch.

I already posted my contingencies in Discord. Basically priotitizing my safety, then catching 2+ in arms of hadar, then casting eldritch blast.

2020-08-08, 01:10 PM
The Colonel and Rin both buff up their party members, helping guide the attacks.

Feng hefts a javelin and sends it flying, striking troglodyte deep into its chest. Dishearteningly it rips the javelin out though it obviously grimaces.

As the troglodytes move forward, Hekit and Geoff use their spells to their advantage.

As two get close together, Hekit casts a spell causing tentacles to slap at them.

Trog 1 Strength save vs. Arms of Hadar: [roll0] Taking 4 damage.
Trog 2 Strength save vs. Arms of Hadar: [roll1] Taking half damage for 5 damage.

Geoff drops causes roots to pop up, grabbing at two other troglodytes.

Trog 3 Strength save vs. Entangle: [roll2]
Trog 4 Strength save vs. Entangle: [roll3]

The troglodyte that Feng hit with a spear makes it through unmolested and charges right up to Arth. His blade pierces the creature in the neck and it slumps to the ground without making a word.

The Colonel motivates Feng to throw another javelin at one of the four remaining Troglodytes, but misses by a few inches.
Feng Attack: Disadvantage: [roll4] or [roll5]
Feng Damage: [roll6]

Please do not post until I post the trog's actions in the next post. It is easier since I need the outcomes of the rolls in this post.

2020-08-08, 01:30 PM
Troglodyte 5 has perished to a combination of Feng's javelin and Arth's blade.

Troglodyte 1 is smashed by the arms of hadar but continues his assault, running up adjacent to Arth who is alone ahead of the group. It bites and claws at Arth trying to rend flesh. The creature smells foul, causing Arth to nearly vomit. Arth please make a DC 12 Con save vs Trog 1's Stench of be poisoned and another for Trog 2's Stench.

Trog 1 Bite Attack: [roll0]
Trog 1 Bite Damage:[roll1]

Trog 1 Claw Attack: [roll2]
Trog 1 Claw Damage:[roll3]

Trog 1 Claw Attack: [roll4]
Trog 1 Claw Damage:[roll5]

The 2nd Trog moves to the other side of Arth, flanking him before biting and clawing at its target.

Trog 2 Bite Attack: [roll6] or [roll7] due to advantage.
Trog 2 Bite Damage:[roll8]

Trog 2 Claw Attack: [roll9] or [roll10] due to advantage.
Trog 2 Claw Damage:[roll11]

Trog 2 Claw Attack: [roll12] or [roll13] due to advantage.
Trog 2 Claw Damage:[roll14]

Arth falls to the ground unconscious from the vicious attack by the first two trogs. (Any attacks after you went unconscious were not made.

Trog 3 and Trog 4 both try to break free of the entanglement.

Trog 3 Strength Save vs Entanglement:[roll15]
Trog 4 Strength Save vs Entanglement:[roll16]

If successful they will run towards Feng and attack as the others did against Arth. If not, they will just stand there. If they are not stopped by the entangle, Feng please make two DC 12 Con saves vs Stench from Trog 3 and Trog 4 of be poisoned.

Trog 3 Bite Attack: [roll17]
Trog 3 Bite Damage:[roll18]

Trog 3 Claw Attack: [roll19]
Trog 3 Claw Damage:[roll20]

Trog 3 Claw Attack: [roll21]
Trog 3 Claw Damage:[roll22]

The 4th Trog moves to the other side of Feng, flanking her before biting and clawing at its target.

Trog 4 Bite Attack: [roll23] or [roll24] due to advantage.
Trog 4 Bite Damage:[roll25]

Trog 4 Claw Attack: [roll26] or [roll27] due to advantage.
Trog 4 Claw Damage:[roll28]

Trog 4 Claw Attack: [roll29] or [roll30] due to advantage.
Trog 4 Claw Damage:[roll31]

Because only one Trog made it past, Feng only takes 5 points of damage.

It is now the players turn.

2020-08-08, 01:37 PM
Meekins moves up beside on the otherside of Trog 3 who is attacking Feng and attacks with his spear.

Meekins Attack with spear: [roll0] or [roll1] due to advantage.
Meekins Damage: [roll2]

2020-08-08, 01:46 PM
Hekit seems unphased by the horrific attack, mostly given that he is preparing his next attack. Seeing one fall and another actively being threatened, he positions himself so trogs would have to get past others to get to him, and flicks his wand as if he is dragging a bell-rope towards the one attacking Feng. There is the echoing sound if a dolorous bell.

Toll the Dead on Trog 3 - DC 13 wisdom save or [roll0] necrotic damage

2020-08-08, 01:54 PM
Death save

2020-08-08, 01:57 PM
Seeing Arth fall, Rin's protective instinct kicks in. He yells out, trying to distract the troglodytes from his fallen companion before muttering a few arcane syllables to patch up the rogue's wounds.

Bonus action: Healing Word to heal Arth for [roll0]

Then, dropping the torch he holds, Rin shoulders his crossbow and takes aim at whichever of the troglodytes looks most severely wounded. Praying that Helm guide his shot, he lets a bolt fly!

Attack roll: [roll1]+[roll2] (Bless)
Damage roll: [roll3]

2020-08-08, 02:11 PM
Arth stands up and heads back to the group after disengaging from the trogs

2020-08-08, 02:23 PM
Geoff throws a dart at the troglodyte fighting Feng.
Dart: [roll0], damage: [roll1]
Bless? [roll2]

2020-08-08, 03:06 PM
Feng had bless so her attack on Trog 2 earlier would have killed it. Trog 3 never got to attack Feng, only running up to her instead because of action required to escape the entangle. Meekins then attacked Trog 3 doing 8 damage.

This Turn:

Rin heals arth, then shots a bolt striking Trog 3 in the head, killing it.

Hekit fire a bit of magic at Trog 2, as the bell tolls the creatures dies.

Geoff flings a dar at the entangled Trog, the last one standing, striking it.

2020-08-08, 06:58 PM
Feng draws her axe and then tries to hit something.

2020-08-08, 09:57 PM
When the odor of the Trogolodytes reaches the Colonel, his nose wrinkles, "I knew a lady of the evening during my early days in Mirabar that wore that same perfume. She was very popular with the sailors and soldiers just in after a long time in the field."

Realizing there is only one beast remaining, Files draws his crossbow and fires a bolt at the last Trog standing...

[roll0] + [roll1] for [roll2] damage.

2020-08-08, 10:05 PM
And with that, Feng and the Colonel dispatch the final troglodyte. The area still reeks, but not as bad as before. After a quick search, the group finds, 9 small gems of various types and qualities along with a rolled up piece of faded parchment and a bottle of a dark grey liquid with lighter grey cloudy swirls in it.

2020-08-08, 10:16 PM
Breathing a sigh of relief, Rin straps his crossbow back across his back. Finding that his hand is gently shaking, he quickly tries to cover the fact, bending over to reclaim the torch he had dropped.

After a few deliberate breaths to steady himself, "A most EXCELLENT showing, everyone, he proclaims, not quite shouting -- they were, after all, still down in the land of the creepies and the crawlies; who knew what else might be lurking within ear shot.

Turning to Arth, he says, "And a most excellent job cutting down that first troglodyte, dear decisionist; but you really should be wary of striking out on your own like that. Leave the front to the more..." casting a glance at Feng, "burly of our company."

To Meekins he gives a bright smile and a quick pat on the shoulder. "Glad to have you, good Meekins. A brave new day for you and your people, this!"

Geoff clarified on Discord that he'd immediately stuff Arth's face with Goodberries after the fight was over. Enjoy! I hear they're pretty... good?

Edit: Congratulations accomplished, Rin sets about his formal duties. He pulls out his occultant's abacus and begins taking note of the company's expended resources, damages incurred, and foes slain. As he does so, he moves around the cavern, but nearly retches as he comes too close to a particularly foul-smelling troglodyte corpse. He'll... let the others deal with the looting for now. Backing away, he records the figures in his notebook, then casts prestidigitation on himself to get rid of any lingering stink.

2020-08-08, 10:17 PM
Hekit cites his official qualifications as documancer and grabs the parchment, holding it carefully to give it a quick “once-over” in the field.

2020-08-08, 11:33 PM
”Do you know if there are more down here? Feng asks meekins, staying on guard and watching the darkness. She swaps her axe for another javelin.
”Are you comfortable to scout ahead? We need to find the next barrier, block it and secure this area.

2020-08-09, 09:50 AM
Meekins responds in draconic, "This is as far as I've been. There should be another gate straight ahead though."

2020-08-09, 03:01 PM
The group pushes ahead just a bit and finds the next gate is not blocked and appears to be functioning. Remembering how the previous guard raised and lowered the gate, it would be simple to lower the gate from this side should the group choose too.

Looking at the parchment it appears to be some magical scroll. It would take some studying (arcana roll) to know specifically what it entails.

2020-08-09, 03:23 PM
Examining the gate device and finding it intact, "Well, certainly no sense in letting this thing stand open. All manner of foul thing might slip through, making a complete waste of our day's exertions!"

Turning to the others, he proposes: "What say we shut this thing, then make a quick sweep around the area to make sure there aren't any other lurkers lying in wait?"

"Meekins, if your people do decide to move out beyond this gate, we can always open it back up for you when you're ready to leave. But for now, I think it's best that it remain closed until you've made your choice of where to go."

2020-08-09, 03:48 PM
While they search for the gate securing the area Geoff asks the documancer Hekit "Does our contract specify that we have to close or restore the gate behind us, or is that the city's responsibility?"

When they reach the new gate something occurs to Geoff and he thinks for a second and then asks Meekins "What does your group need to obtain food down here?"

Geoff stands at the open gate and looks for evidence of anything or anyone who may have approached or passed through the gate.
Geoff will use Guidance for any survival/ investigation roll etc.

Geoff will try to identify the liquid in the bottle. If it stumps him he will take it back to HQ, where he has access to alchemical tools.
Geoff will use Guidance while making the attempt.

Edit: confused as to the party's plans.

2020-08-09, 07:56 PM
Hekit considers the question for a minute and then shrugs. “It was ambiguous and ambiguity always favours us. We have now cleared the kobolds from the section, let us call it Section A. We have cleared the trogs from here, Section B. Now, we are moving the kobolds from Section A to Section B. If you want my advice, I say we destroy access from anywhere connected to Section B into it, and leave only a guarded access point between A and B for our new serva...interns to pass through.”

2020-08-11, 10:16 AM
Meekins thinks for a moment and speaks as best he can in common it is slow, but he gets the idea across. "Kobolds tired fight. Tired run. Tired die. Kobolds want safe. Kobolds want secure. Kobold work for safe secure. We stay you. Work for you. Meekins do many things. Meekins keep kobold in line. Kobolds no trouble. If trouble Kobolds leave. Kobolds yous deal?"

The kobolds want to live somewhere safe, whether in their own place near you, or more likely, in your cellar. At least temporarily.

The gates is easily closed and secure. Two sections are now blocked off. A quick sweep of both this area and the previous confirms it. The kobolds have finished packing up all of their traps and few meager belongs, holding up their end of the bargain.

Hekit is able to tell the scroll is a scroll of "See Invisibility".

2020-08-11, 10:31 AM
”Alright, we’re done here, let’s head back to HQ and then go to claim the rewards.“

2020-08-11, 11:11 AM
“Delightful. I have this restaurant I’m intending to become a regular at, so the sooner the better.”

Hekit puts the scroll in his bag, dusts himself off, and prepares to head back to the surface with their...entourage in tow.

2020-08-11, 03:52 PM
"Arth, you should probably go through the gate first and explain the kobolds to the guards."

Edit: Geoff can pre-cast Guidance on Arth and accompany him to lend a help action to any persuasion needed.

2020-08-11, 04:07 PM
"I certainly agree, dear Geoffrey; we wouldn't want the guards' surprise to result in an unfortunate accident!"

If their noble decisionist prefers not to do the explaining himself, Rin (ever in love with the sound of his own voice) is more than happy to do so. Asking the kobolds to remain out of sight, he'll deliver a quick series of knocks at the gate they came through, then say the pass-phrase they were provided.

When the gate opens, he'll say to the guards "A most smashing victory was ours, down in the dark! We've eliminated several threats to the town, closed out the gate to the East, and have even secured new labor to help our efforts at bettering the town!" His voice dropping a few decibels in volume, he continues, "Now please don't be alarmed, but we've contracted with several of the kobolds who were living in the area. We'll be taking them into town now, under strict observation. Of course, we'll take responsibility for the results, so you've no need to worry about your own position... indeed, we'll be thrilled to report your EXCELLENT service to the town watch at our earliest opportunity! Who knows, there might even be a pay-raise in it for you!"

Provided the guard doesn't react poorly, Rin will summon the others and their kobold entourage. For appearances sake, the kobolds will move in the middle of the group, surrounded on all sides by the fearsome, battle-tested party members.

The group will return to headquarters, where they'll get the kobolds settled in to their new basement lodgings.

Meanwhile, Rin will ask Meekins and any other interested party members to return with him to Bruagh to report their success -- and the basics of their new arrangement with the kobolds.

Once there, Rin will explain that, not only have the kobolds been harmlessly removed from the area and all traps cleared, but the group has also secured the next gate and eliminated a pack of troglodytes.

He'll delicately explain that Meekins and his people will now be working as interns, closely observed and monitored, for AI's Mirabar branch. "You see, we found that the kobolds were amenable to peace, and indeed were OVERJOYED to move out of the Undercity. Indeed, they were key in ensuring that the area was safe and clear for reclamation by the city! Why, Meekins here -- a dear fellow, I assure you, positively top-notch -- was instrumental in our success down below. And indeed, I believe he used to be a gainfully-employed resident of Mirabar's, until an... unfortunate misunderstanding caused him to flee below."

2020-08-11, 08:54 PM
As the group makes their way to the gate, Rin pulls ahead and raps out the door and calls out pass code as the others keep the kobolds out of sight. As Rin enters you can see one dwarf slapping the other two on the arms. "Haha, I was right! Pay up, pay up." The other two appear to be grumbling as they reach into their coin purses. One of them sees that it is only Rin and pipes up. "Wait, if five of six of them don't come back, I think we win!" As they listen, the first dwarf beams proudly as the other two reluctantly put a silver coin each into his palm. He says, "Bring whoever you want in, if there's any trouble it's logged that they came in with you."

The rest of the group is able to come in and have free run of the city. The kobolds get a few long looks, but are mostly ignored. Meekins seems uninterested, but all of the others are looking around wide-eyed, seeing a real city for the first time every.

You are able to make it back to the HQ unmolested and without further issue. When you bring the kobolds into the HQ Risca raises his good hand up as if to ask a question before stopping, shrugging, and continuing with his business without asking a single question.

2020-08-11, 10:35 PM
Once they are all back in the headquarters and the kobolds are stashed away safely, Hekit seeks out the others.

“So, what now? Is it just claiming our reward and setting off on the next task?”

2020-08-12, 02:33 AM
Colonel Files leads the kobolds into the basement. "This will be your home for the time being, dear Meekins. I will requisition some bedding and such. Feel free to arrange what is here in anyway you like to provide sleeping areas, for now. We can fix this up into a nice barracks for the lot of you, or find better accomodations in the future. I would like you to take on the role of Majordomo here, so start working on your Common as you can." The Colonel looks around, spotting the older kobold who speaks Common. "And if you would, fine fellow, please introduce me to Grandfather Kobold over here. I have a proposition fo him, also."

2020-08-12, 02:57 AM
Feng reports everything to Risca and then goes to see the guard captain, when the others are ready.

2020-08-12, 08:41 AM
The Colonel helps get the kobolds settled. Meekins uses broken common and pantimineing to articulate that when he live in the city before he had a hammock and the way the hammock cradled the kobolds was more like a nest than beds and as such asks for hammocks to be requisitioned instead of beds. He then takes the Colonel to the elder kobold, and laying a hand on his shoulder and says, "Tardok". Tardok looks up at the Colonel and in low, slow voice says, "I... Tardok. Nice meet you."


Risca seems perfectly fine and excited when he hears Feng tell him about the sparing of the kobolds and the thorough whipping of the troglodytes. "My brother will be happy and will likely add more funds to what he will pay you, assuming he has the funds available. He is a fair dwarf. You should all go speak with him, I'll settle our new friends in here."

The group makes it back to the City Watch Headquarters in fairly short order. It is just a bit before dark, though down in Mirabar proper, one can hardly tell save for a bell that rings out on the hour every hour on the hour. This time there are 18 rings, so the group knows it is the sixth hour after noon. The same guard as before ushers the group upstairs to Captain Stormbringers office. "Well met, how did the clearing go?"

2020-08-12, 02:27 PM
”It went quite well, we actually cleared out two sections, now since we did extra work I think an increase in compensation would be fair, don’t you?”
If someone helps [roll1]

2020-08-12, 03:15 PM
Once in his office Geoff cracks open a wooden case with the Acquisitions Incorporated logo on the top. He consults the manual within and takes some strange glassware and stoppered vials from the box.
Soon an acrid odour wafts through the not quite closed door - strictly speaking this isn't required by the procedure at hand but Geoff did go to the trouble of making sure his office was next to Rin's...
With the appropriate businesslike ambience established, Geoff tries to identify the liquid they found with the troglodytes.
Does the identification require a roll of some sort?


”It went quite well, we actually cleared out two sections, now since we did extra work I think an increase in compensation would be fair, don’t you?”

"This way works better for the city, I think. You have a working gate at your perimeter and can clear the partially blocked gate without worrying about the security of your workers."
Geoff has proficiency and so I think that, by the rules, he can offer the help?

2020-08-12, 07:18 PM
Before leaving HQ to collect reward
Rin follows Meekins around, eagerly chatting him up with promise of adventure and opportunity and riches. Never for a moment does he consider that 80% of it is likely lost on the kobold, such is his post-adventure enthusiasm and adrenaline rush.

When the Colonel mentions the kobolds' need to brush-up on common, Rin's face will positively light-up. "OH YES INDEED!", he'll practically bellow, giddy with the prospect. "Why we simply must begin you on a language regimen right away! Why I, you know, am a rather talented language tutor. Yes, yes," he continues, not waiting for the kobold's response, "why, I'll prepare my old notes from the Candlekeep days, and we'll get the whole lot of you into proper elocution lessons post-haste!"


At Bruagh's
After explaining their arrangement with the kobolds to Bruagh (as detailed in earlier post), Rin will stand at attention while waiting to see how Arth's negotiations go. Seeing a bit of cave dirt on his britches, he'll brush eagerly at it, momentarily forgetting where he is and the formal nature of their duties.

At an appropriate time in the discussion, he'll inquire, "Good sir Bruagh, pursuant to our prior arrangements, I trust that we can expect an enthusiastic endorsement from the Watch at our opening? And of course, if there are any other tasks in need of capable hands, please don't forget to Message your friends at Acq. Inc.! No task too small, but some tasks too big!"


After the meeting concludes, Rin will, his typically loquacious self, be simply unable to stop congratulating his fellows on their various accomplishments. To cap off the evening, he'll suggest that the company head out for a round or seven of drinks at Haggard's Place.

Assuming that Hekkit turns the idea down (owing to his previously stated interest in a "finer" dining experience), Rin will visibly wilt in a melodramatic display of disappointment -- but his voice continues on, ever optimistic: "Oh, but stalwart documancer, you simply MUST join us! 'Tis not every day, after all, that a company such as ours enjoys their first success! And who knows, we may require your inimitable expertise in formalizing our agreement with the darling Hope!" He blushes for a moment, realizing that he just used the word 'darling' aloud to describe the attractive barmaid.

But his embarrassment may just be the others' opportunity: for indeed, now for the first time since they've been back at HQ, the talkative "angel-botherer" finally shuts up for a moment.

Thanks for the term "angel-botherer", aguaracu. If indeed that's what Rin is, I imagine he earned the title by just never shutting up.

2020-08-12, 09:03 PM
After the meeting...

Hekit largely ignores most of the entreaties for going to the tavern but then he hears the slip, the slip heard round the world, and whirls around, with a grin.

“Oh yes...yes I think I shall attend. I can’t help but go along with this!”

2020-08-12, 09:45 PM
Feng questioned the captain after the reward was settled.
Can we be of any further assistance?
What of all the stuff left down there? If we find something useful are we ok to take it?
Will your men be moving to the third gate?
And she returns the borrowed maps along with one of the copies she made.



Feng declines on going for drinks yet again saying she still has work to do. Choosing not yet to share her disdain for drunken people and the places that produce such inebriation.
Instead she will update and expand her maps, escort the guards to the gate, (ensuring their job was done properly) and searching both cleared sections for... well she’s not sure what for.

2020-08-13, 04:35 AM
The Colonel screws his eyebrows down as Meekins explains the hammocks. It is clear to anyone watching that he struggles to understqand the simple concept. But the connection finally clicks, and he promises to order hammocks for the group.

Upon being introduced to the elder kobold, the Colonel smiles his best smile, puffing through his mustache before speaking, "Excellent my good man... errr... kobold. I am most pleased to meet you, Tardok." He looks to Meekins, then to Hekit, "Errr... Pray tell, is your Common up to this conversation, or should I engage the devil-spawn to translate?" He glances back at Hekit again, seems to decide against it, and plows on, "Tardok... umm... erm... I... that is I'd like to offer you a job. Have you ever considered taking service with an esteemed personage, like myself? Umm... as it were, I'd like to bring you on as my manservant."


After his rather difficult negotiation with Tardok, the Colonel decides to let the younger members of the company deal with Bruagh. "I've got some work I need to complete here in the office. Perhaps I'll meet you for supper tonight at the tavern?" Entering his office, he sets about filling out the necessary forms to be sure the hammocks arrive in short order.

Once the others have left the offices, and all requisitions and filing are done, Colonel Files takes a moment to brush his uniform. He slicks his hair back, grabs the purse with the funds for the sign, and goes off to see what he can do about a date for the evening... "Asvora, my dear..."

2020-08-15, 11:03 AM
Geoff dabbles in some alchemical supplies that release an acrid smell. He is soon able to tell the potion is one of protection from good or evil.

Rin gets so very excited at the prospect of teaching Meekins and Co. how to communicate properly using common. Perhaps he is more excited that it will cut down on the amount of Yips coming from the cellar.

The Colonel pleads, uh, rather, makes his case to Tardok to become his manservant. The elderly kobolds shrugs and says, "Ok". It is unclear whether he knows what he agreed to or what is entirely going on, or if he knows what a manservant is. Nonetheless, he did agree.


Speaking with Bruagh, Arth informs the Captain of their success at clearing out some additional area and locking the gate. Geoff chimes in regarding it making the place safer. Bruagh nods to the group. "This is great news, truly solid work. I don't have the funds to pay you fully, for the cleared section, but I can add in two extra silver bars, and I'll make sure that I make an appearance at your opening in addition to the squad I have already budgeted for assignment."

The Captain accepts the map back from Feng. "No problem at all. I don't have any more fund set aside at this time, but I will certainly keep you in mind for future endeavors. I will be notifying the city of your success. I expect in the coming days they will send engineers and surveyors down to check the structural integrity of the area and eventually that area will be annexed back into the city. When that happens, we will likely be assigned to the furthermost gate. As for the items down there... they technically belong to others, but with how long it has been abandoned, it is unlikely the owners are still alive, or have a way of identifying most of the property. Do what your conscious tells you on that. The Captain nods to Rin, of course, I'll keep you in mind." He then bids the group farewell.


Feng sets about updating the maps that she made of the lower level. It is tedious yet rewarding.

The Colonel makes his way to Stormbringers Armaments. He finds Asvora, updating ledgers and the like at the end of the day. She almost visibly groans seeing the Colonel has come alone. Seeing the payment for the sign, she accepts it and nods. "I'll have the sign finished by close of business tomorrow." When Rockford makes an inquiry about a date for the evening seems to ponder for a moment. "Look, you seem charming, and very nice. But, have you considered what might happen with my brothers? You work with Risca, who can be a bit of a hot head, and you have taken on jobs for Bruagh, who is calmer, but no less... protective. You must know it could making things awkward at best and painful at worst?"

The rest of the group makes their way over to Haggard's for the evening. It is busier than last time you were here and the is much laughter, drinking and eating. A table can be found to accommodate the group. Hope runs out and takes everyone's food and drink order, making you all aware that dinner tonight is a choice between a traditional Mirabarian gulaash or mutton shanks with mashed potatoes. A group of three humans, one playing a lute, one playing a flute, an done playing the drums, are providing some enjoyable, upbeat music. There are a few couples dancing in between tables and even one or two older men dancing by themselves. Haggard is busy behind the bar pouring drinks for many patrons.

2020-08-15, 11:52 AM
“The goulash for me, I believe, and another glass of your finest vintage wine.” Hekit smiles as he finishes his order and leans back in the seat he has selected for himself, forcefully if necessary, directly across from Rin. “What a successful day we have had. I’d say quite the success for our burgeoning company.”

2020-08-15, 10:03 PM
Rin beams his best smile at Hope as she comes to take orders. He half rises from his seat and offers a slight bow. "Most lovely to see you again, dear Hope! As my horn-ed associate has already noticed, tonight is a celebratory occasion! Perhaps you've heard that our company has made significant progress reclaiming the undercity for Mirabar?" There's a bit more bravado in his voice than usual, and he's clearly trying to impress.

"Perhaps you'd be so kind as to join us after your shift is done? We've stories aplenty to regale you with -- perhaps even inspiration for a new ballad or two! And, of course, we'd all benefit from discussing the details of your participation in our company's formal opening!"

2020-08-15, 10:27 PM
Hekit waits for Hope to move on after his commente, and waits until she’s out of earshot before leaning in, conspiratorially, no sign of the grin leaving his face.

“So...what’s your plan, Rin? How are you going to woo the young lady? Tell me everything. I might even help you. For starters, invite her somewhere that isn’t her father’s bar for Asmodeus’ sake!”

2020-08-15, 11:26 PM
”I’ll have a mead and the mutton please, we’ve just completed our first assignment, so tonight we will celebrate!”

2020-08-16, 11:39 AM
Hope smiles to the entire group. "Congratulations! I'll surely take you up on the offer of listening to your story if you can wait until the dinner rush calms down. Now let me get your drinks out to you and your food orders placed." She darts off and disappears into the kitchen a moment before returning with everyone's drink order. then dipping off to help another table.

There is a very upbeat vibe coming from the entirety of the bar.

2020-08-16, 10:02 PM
”Tonight we are celebrating, so I’d like to propose a toast to us, Acquisitions Incorporated, and to our continued success for years to come.” Arth says, raising his glass for the toast.

2020-08-16, 11:35 PM
In response to Arth: "Hear, hear!" Rin lifts a glass, genuine enthusiasm positively dripping from him. "I must say, I had my doubts about whether this turn towards adventure was the right direction for me -- but you, my fellows, have erased those concerns utterly! Let tonight be a truly raucous celebration of our new company, the progress we've made, and the many accomplishments that lie before us, waiting to be seized!"

In response to Hekit: Rin is positively beaming with the evening, their triumphs, and the possibility of regaling Hope with the stories thereof. But as Hekit makes his... proposal of help, Rin will **** an eyebrow up and shoot several obvious, nervous glances in Haggard's direction.

"Why, my dear friend Hekit, I think you do mistake me utterly." His speech is a display of nervous, deliberately affected frivolity -- perhaps belying that Hekit was not, in fact, so far off the mark. "Why, I merely mean to enjoy the evening in the company of good friends and... lovely faces. Besides, any... further aspirations, it seems, would be *ahem*, another meaningful glace to Haggard, unwise. Though, I..." he pauses, considering his words; but ultimately, the high of success (and the first round of drinks) wins out, and his tongue loosens.

"What I mean to say is, I've not much... experience in the ways of what you might call courtship. A scholar's life -- have I mentioned I studied at Candlekeep? -- is more about distant appreciation, you know, rather than... "field research."

2020-08-17, 02:33 AM
The Colonel smiles roguishly at Asvora, "But my dear, the danger is half the fun.
Come now, I've reserved us a table at Haggard's place close to the shop. We'll toast to a successful enterprise, enjoy a good meal, dance a little, and enjoy your brothers discomfort. After that, I'll walk you home like a perfect gentleman. And I'll be able to say I had a date with the most eligible woman in all of Mirabar!"

2020-08-17, 08:33 AM
Drinks and food are flowing at Haggard's Place. The Acq. Inc. crew are enjoying themselves, and the band is playing another lively song.

Asvora sighs heavily and bring her pointer finger and thumb to the bridge of her nose and rubs it as if to relieve a tension headache. She sighs again and says, "I have to eat anyway, and I haven't danced in years. Give me a few minutes to clean up and we can go. It'll be good to annoy my brothers even half as much as they annoy me for once." She disappears into a side room for a brief moment and reappears a short time later with a fresh tunic and pants, and with the sweat and grime of a hard days work mostly wiped off. She accepts the arm that the Colonel no doubtedly offers and sets off for Haggard's with him.

As Feng is studying her maps Risca raps gently on her office door. "Not in the mood for celebrating? Anything you wanna get off your shoulders?" Risca will talk as long or short as Feng wishes.

2020-08-17, 08:47 AM
Hekit waves off the prevarication. “Yes, yes...fortunately you’ve got me. Scholars...alright, so first we need to pick up the pieces here. Now, look, she has to be nice to you here; it’s her job. So tonight, you’re just going to try to be charming and inquisitive. Friendly. So help me, you try to do any flirting in this place I’ll blast you where you sit. At the end, you just say something like...hey, I’m going to go sit at a table that could seat two tomorrow night, at a place that isn’t here. If you show up, great; if you don’t, that’s OK too. Leave it open-ended.”

Hekit pauses to take drink. Thinking over what he said, he adds, “Now, if you want experience alone, I could send a message to my cousin. They’re a succubus, it’s kind of what they do, you know? They’d teach you more than you’d ever learn in Candlekeep!”

2020-08-17, 07:38 PM
As Hekit (de Bergerac) speaks his words of (almost certainly ill-intentioned) advice, Rin's eyes look past the tiefling, almost certainly towards some imagined den of carnal pleasures and naively-conceived romantic totems. At the talk of a succubus cousin, however, he snaps back to reality entirely -- "Oh, no no no, I say again you do mistake me, sir!"

Shaking his head to focus again on the moment, Rin reminds himself of his noble peerage, his upbringing, his education. No, no, that sort of comportment simply isn't right..., he thinks -- but the gin thinks something different.

"Certainly, 'charming and inquisitive' are an appropriate mode for virtually any occassion -- but to be so forward as suggesting a date? And so soon before our opening? Might it not... sour the whole affair?!"

Rin may be superficially resistant, but the way he glances sideward at Hope suggests otherwise. And, when he hails the pretty barmaid to deliver yet another round of drinks, it's clear that Hekit could make any sort of mischief he chose, and Rin would almost certainly act on the advice.

The arrival of the Colonel and his date do nothing to reinforce Rin's reluctance.

Happy to roleplay this out in retroactive posts if the rest of the group would like to move on to tomorrow. Because we have a full day before our opening, I imagine we'd be able to figure out whatever sort of damage Rin's potential actions had done w/ Hope and Haggard before she's scheduled to perform :p

2020-08-17, 07:55 PM
”It’s hardly cause to celibate and definitely not an appropriate use of funds or effort, with so much to be done still, not minding the dangerous creatures left in our basement.”

She replied to Risca shaking him off. Feng speaks strictly and matter-of-fact. Seemingly serious and dedicated to the job.

”Sorry to burden you alone with the job of watching them but I am going out for supplies.

With that Feng heads back down to the underground borrowing/hiring a cart along the way.
Searching for useful things, decorations, cabinets and what ever else treasure may still be down there.

[roll0] Investigate first cleared section
[roll1] Investigate second cleared section

2020-08-19, 06:48 PM
As the group chats away, the night begins to get away from them. Drink after drink comes in with good food, friendship, and some good ol' ribbing amongst coworkers who are fastly becoming friends. Hope agrees to to sing a diddy or song at the opening on the promise that you all spend good coin at her fathers business regularly and tip well when she sings.

The group notices the Colonel enter with Asvora at his side. She sits down for a dinner with him and dances if he offers. She smiles, is polite and seems to have a good time. She is however, adamant, that they part ways here and she not be escorted home regardless of how much the Colonel doth protest.

Risca smiles to Feng. "Always the responsible one I see. I can relate friend. Take care of what you must, I'll look after the little buggers. I'm all for bashin' skulls when the time is right, but I learned years ago, that a smile and a polite word often do the trick. Especially creatures who are in new surroundings and don't know what to do. And if they kill us all, at least those of us who were kind will probably be eaten last" Risca chuckles before continuing. "Be safe down below my friend."

Feng makes her way down to the Undercity Gate and the guards give her a new knocking sequence of two fast knocks, wait, a slow knock, wait, two fast knocks, followed by the password of "Hooligan". Down below she little that wasn't pillaged by the kobolds already at the first gate. The second gate, nothing of true value, but she does find a room that is blocked off by debris. With a little moving of objects and good bit of strength to move a fallen portion of the granite wall, she finds an exquisite desk made out of a very dark colored wood that Feng somehow knows as Black Ironwood. It is quite heavy, but Feng is capable of push, pulling, and dragging it back to the gate should she wish to. Inside the desk is a very high quality and ornate set of matching quills, pens, inkwells, and stamps. The ink has dried but the set matches the wood of the desk perfectly and is gilded in a silvery metal.

The night is otherwise quiet.

The following morning there is much to be done before the grand opening tomorrow.

2020-08-21, 12:47 PM
Waking with a moderate hangover, Rin takes a few moments before trudging out into the main room of their headquarters. Memories of the previous night were... fuzzy, but he feels the night had been an enjoyable affair, all told.

Inspiring Leader: As per usual, Rin will request that everyone get together for a brief stand-up meeting. In it, he praises each party member's involvement in yesterday's mission, calling them out individually for their contributions. His enthusiasm is obviously tempered by his headache, and at one point it seems as though he might need to stop as a sudden bout of nausea seizes him, but he braves through it and finishes the speech. Everybody gains 4thp.

"Well, it seems we've a fairly solid understanding of what we need to do today. Finish preparing our HQ for the opening or, alternatively, find a separate setting at which to host. I'm personally of a mind to do it here, as it would be good for brand recognition. Anyone have thoughts on specific tasks that we should divide up and accomplish?"

2020-08-21, 06:33 PM
Skilled labour =2gp
Unskilled =2sp

Feng who liked maps, planning and being prepared had spent her time, while the others drank, flirted and celebrated, building a map of today’s work.

Waking up before anyone else Feng hit the streets.

She paid 3 seperate town criers to promote the event, each getting double the standard unskilled labour for the day. (12sp)
2 Skilled and 2 unskilled carpenters were hired to fix up everything around the building. The floorboards, roofing, cupboards, shelves, stairs, ect. With a 1 gp 6sp tip. (6gp)
2 skilled painters and a tip (5gp)
1 skilled gardener and 1 unskilled assistant (3gp)
3 unskilled labourers to assist with all else. Moving and setting things up. Also servers at party(1gp)

All the tipping made up for her poor flattery and ensured timely and efficient services. Feng also tried to support the smaller struggling businesses where she could. All workers were also invited to the party.

She left a list of ideas the others had to complete.

•ensure food and drink is sorted
•get band
•tables chairs
•info/promo flyers to hand out

2020-08-21, 08:06 PM
“There was this delightful place that I saw the other night; can’t for the life of me remember the name. Expensive place, or at least it seemed that way. What do you say I take a walk over there and see if we can get the place on credit, hmm? It seems Feng...well, has already laid out quite a set of plans. I don’t think she likes me very much...which seems impossible. Why don’t I see to the venue, then? I don’t agree with feathers over here; I don’t want the masses traipsing through our place. What do you all think?”

2020-08-21, 08:29 PM
”I think we should have the opening ceremony here, what’s the point in having the ceremony if they don’t know where we are, and if we’re here Haggard could cook up something nice as well as having drinks close by. I’ll talk to him and also see about getting a band, I liked the ones at Haggard’s last night and I think they’ll do well here, this isn’t going to be a high class occasion after all.”

2020-08-21, 10:04 PM
“Yes but we should leave some *mystery* to the whole thing...why let them see behind the curtain here?”

2020-08-21, 10:50 PM
Rin has his response locked and loaded but, hearing the strange nickname and realizing it's aimed at him, he's somewhat flummoxed.

After a few rapid blinks, he shakes his head back and forth, as if shaking away some foul thought, and casts a side-long glance towards the tiefling... Memories of last night start flooding back, and Rin, mortified, realizes he'll have to watch his footing around Hekit if he wishes to maintain his honor.

"Why not split the difference," he suggests with a series of swirling hand-gestures. "Hekit could have a word with the establishment he has in mind, to determine whether they could cater or, if need truly requires, host our affair."

"Meanwhile, the rest of our company could see to the necessities here. It seems the good Colonel has a talent for requisitioning goods at short notice. No doubt he could drum up a few desks, tables, a makeshift stage. Should that go well, we can host here."

"Meanwhile, I'll look into flyers, handouts, other... various and sundry promotional materials, and the others can busy themselves with... I don't know, cleaning or something."

That last suggestion is accompanied by a meaningful glance towards Geoff, whose hygiene is still thoroughly in question...

2020-08-21, 11:01 PM
Hekit points towards Rin, with a shrug and a questioning look that seems to suggest that not only is his compromise acceptable, it’s a good course of action.

“At least the food. We have to show that we’re bringing some kind of...class to the place.”

2020-08-23, 04:08 PM
”I think we should have the opening ceremony here, what’s the point in having the ceremony if they don’t know where we are, and if we’re here Haggard could cook up something nice as well as having drinks close by. I’ll talk to him and also see about getting a band, I liked the ones at Haggard’s last night and I think they’ll do well here, this isn’t going to be a high class occasion after all.”

"I'll come with you, see what Haggard can do in the way of drinks." says Geoff, taking a professional interest in the important things.
Geoff is prepared to shop around for booze if Haggard's offering is poor or overpriced.

2020-08-27, 06:23 PM
The group seems to have many views on how and where the event should take place. Some say the headquarters is the obvious solution, others suggest Haggard's Place, and Hekit suggests the upscale restaurant he encountered previously. It seems the group has decided to set about finding pricing on a venue, catering, drinks and the like.

Hekit decides to return to the Lavender Lilac he saw days prior. He strolls through the much busier and lively part of the city soon. He lays eyes on the fine stone building with its tall green ivy elegantly running up the sides. A half-elf server in a white shirt, black coat and pants greets you at the door. "Good day, sir. Party of one? Upon being informed of the catering the server tells you they are quite happy to provide catering. He says that a meal with drinks costs 5gp per person, unless you prefer their higher end fares, in which case it may rise significantly. Food only is 3gp per person if no alcoholic beverages are provided. He further states that the venue can be used, but that a 50gp deposit must go down on top of the food order.

Others inquire with Haggard regarding the food situation. He says he would be hesitant to shut down for the entire day, but you could still have it there so long as regular patrons could still come in. He could also cater food or drink. Food would be 1sp per person and drinks can be sold in either per drink, per pitcher, or per keg. He says he can sells kegs at his wholesale price +15%, which is significantly less than retail, but the price depends on the kind of beverage.

2020-08-27, 11:09 PM
At the Lavender Lilac...

Hekit dresses himself formally, that is, a stark red shirt, a formal frock coat, impeccably fit trousers and boots polished to an ebon shine. He sits down at the table after nodding affirmation of the table for one and graciously accepts the menu. “It is such a delight to have found this establishment. You keep a very fine ambience, my good man. A glass of your recommendation and...oh the specialty of the house, I believe.”

Upon hearing of the catering prices he nods solemnly, and steeples his fingers a moment, considering, before exhaling. “Back home, we usually use Brimstone’s; you’ve heard of it no doubt. Fine little place - a pocket dimension but only accessible under the right circumstances. I had hoped we could establish a...rapport? Vis a vis the pricing. For the promise of being the exclusive Mirabar restauranteurs to the Megistus family. Shall we say...a gold and a half per guest for food? Avermus forfend I include drinks...I wouldn’t want to waste your libations on the rabble some of my colleagues might bring in. Forgive me if we bargain...curse of the family, I suppose.” Hekit leans forward like a chess player having just completed his move.

Hekit is laying on the charm thick here. He’ll carouse, cajole, imply, flirt...whatever he has to do to try to work the price down. He wants to return with a good deal for some finery.

Specifically, he’s negotiating for 1.5gp / guest and no drinks. He hasn’t landed on venue yet, he might bring that back to the group for discussion.

2020-08-30, 08:12 PM
”That sounds like a fair price, no guarantees though, there’s still some debate on where to host the event, would you also happen to know where we could contact that band that performed here last night, we’d love to have some live music alongside your daughter singing for the event.”