View Full Version : [M&M3e] My Hero Academia/New Generation! (IC)

2020-07-28, 01:15 PM

Welcome to UA!

Only you know how hard it was to get here. After a first, long year of heavy training and studying, you're now one step closer to becoming real heroes. Your classes are getting more complicated as you also study stuff like chemistry and history in addition to career-specific classes.

This year you were introduced to your new dorms, equipped with both high-class private and common rooms. All spaces are equipped with AC units, bathrooms and closets, and although it's up to the students to keep the place organized and clean, it offers a rather luxurious lifestyle.

Our opening scene will take place in a random night while you're hanging out in the living room. The semester have just started, but you're already feeling the weight of the classes and your teachers constantly remind you of how important it is to keep your grades above average. With the whole class dealing with a ton of pressure, moments like this became more important as many classmates help each other out and end up bonding over it. Being a Hero is hard, as you're finding out, and having people you can trust around you might make it easier.

Your teacher passed by and handed you your assignments to the internship program. The students all gather around, eager to find out both their own assignments and their classmates'.

The six of you are all assigned to the same office downtown, but your envelope contains two extra sheets, a letter and a list.

"Congratulations and welcome, young hero!
Since our company has multiple branches around the city, we give some teams the privilege of choosing the one they prefer! Now, for this to work, you all need to agree on an option, otherwise you'll be assigned accordingly to our criteria. Please reply to this letter until the end of the week."

"Young hero, these are the available areas that you may choose to patrol in your internship:
The Beach: A lot of bystanders, tourists and expensive hotels. Not a friendly environment to heroes who need buildings to move around since you may need to evacuate people in the water.
Amusement Park: Crowded and dangerous, heroes must avoid leaping or flying around because of the many rides and roller coasters. A friendly face is required since we can't have heroes scaring off the kids.
Downtown: A ton of other heroes around, but also the most dangerous district. Heroes must be versatile and alert at all times. Destructive powers are discouraged.
The Suburbs: Mostly peaceful, double attention to property damage since people of wealth frequently sue heroes for blowing up their belongings."

We begin the scene when the students are opening their envelopes, some of them finding out that no office offered them any spots. Feel free to describe how you usually (or don't) interact with the other classmates around the dorm and how did you decorate your own room, if you feel like it.

2020-07-28, 02:29 PM
Emerald Shield

"I'm just saying, protecting property is right in my wheelhouse. And as someone planning to go private security when he graduates, it can't hurt to network with the people who might be my future employers."

Kevin knows he's likely to get knocked back, but it can't hurt to ask. The black haired teenager detaches the translucent green orb from his right wrist and envelops his can of soda, floating it towards his mouth with a slight squint that they recognised as him trying very hard not to drop it.

2020-07-28, 03:35 PM
Walter's fingers twitch slightly as he watches Kevin struggle with his soda, but he banishes the sparks of light before they fully coalesce into threads to help the other boy. Even he knew that would be pretty condescending.

The tall boy sprawls across a couch, having barely glanced at the list before he made up his mind. "Honestly, I'm good anywhere we want to go, but I want everyone to just think of two words: Roller. Coaster." His star-shaped pupils light up, a grin stretching across his face as he idly forms a lattice of light between his hands that resemble the struts of a roller coaster. "Can you IMAGINE the kind of insane villains that would attack amusement parks?!? They'd be so much fun to fight, I'm sure! We'd get to ride the rides, get the snacks, basically be park mascots... and ROLLER COASTERS. Who can say no to that?!?"

2020-07-28, 09:57 PM
A girl studded with bright red rollers set in hard gray flesh shuts the door on the microwave, hits the preset button for her usual boxed dinner, and retrieves her letter from the counter.


Shun idly slides backwards on her skates to lean against the wall as she looks over the list. Each assignment strikes on one of her neuroses or another, but that's to be expected. She feels particularly called out by the notes regarding property damage. You can already tell which room his hers by the tracks in the carpet leading up to it.

"My votes are for the beach or the park," she says. She's a passable lifeguard and coasters are pretty on-brand for her.

2020-07-29, 02:53 AM
A guy was finishing brushing a doll with a brush. The 'doll' jumped up and started to fly around to get it air dried. The blouse and the pants where a red and blue combo that somehow looked American. Seeing as she was finishing by herself the guy put the brush way, leaned back and picked the paper again while he sipped a tea cup.

"I say we can take the beach" "OR the park" The fairy, Ayame added from her spot on the other side of the room. With a small frown the tea guy, better known as Kaito looked at her. "Are you sure?" The fairy zipped back to him and gave him a big smile and a victory sign. "Of course!! We can always do that!" understanding was written on his face at that. ["Yes, we can work with that." He turned to the others as he expressed their opinion. He gave a tumb up to Shun.

2020-07-29, 07:31 AM
Naomi sits to one side of the sofa, a knee pulled up to her chest as she scans through the letter. The beach sounded, arguably, the most tempting of all the options. But that was her internal biases. She wouldn't actually be getting the chance to sunbathe or swim, she'd be there to work. Although... There'd be less travel time to relax after...

She lets her hand holding the letter drop, the paper lying against her leg, "The beach sounds like it'd be a fun one to patrol, but I don't know that fun is what we should be looking for." She glances over to Walter, "And I don't think the company hiring us would want us goofing off when we're meant to be working."

2020-07-29, 07:48 PM
”The beach, duh,” says a brightly colored girl sitting upside down on the couch, watching the TV news with a bored look on her face. “We get to be in the sun and enjoy the ocean, while still having an easy view of everything going on. The only time you’ll be on a roller coaster at the amusement park is if you’re tailing or fighting a villain on it. Pass.

“And nobody cares about your future job prospects. You’re on a team right now,” she snaps at Kevin. ”Just because you work well in the suburbs doesn’t mean the rest of us will.” Of course, she could hardly be seen as any better - the real reason she wanted the beach was because it was where her powers would be most useful. One of her friends gives a simple nod in agreement.

“Anyways, seems like the general trend of the class is the beach. Hope y’all have swimsuits, or at least a waterproof costume.”

2020-07-29, 09:06 PM
Roller Gear tilts her head. "Um, no? I thought the amusement park had more votes. You and Walter cancel out, Ayame and Kaito cancel out, I could go either way, Kevin and Naomi..." She notices her mistake. "Okay, no, it's down to them still. What do you two think, between those two options?"

2020-07-31, 05:05 PM
Naomi's face tightens a bit as Youko chastises Kevin. It wasn't the best thing in the world to hear that her new classmates weren't too worried about their future job prospects. She glances over to Shun, nods, then leans back against the backrest of the sofa. "My vote's on the park. All things considered, I think we'd focus best there."

2020-08-01, 02:13 AM
Kaito & Ayame.

Ayame was looking with afrown at youko she opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted as Kaito gave her a Strawberry. She looked between the fruit and Youko and the fruit won. She sat down at Kaito's side she ate it slowly.

"You know. If you want to fight with someone I think Bakugo is free." He wasnt in the mood to have his ears ringing or having to pay for a scrap here and bakugo didnt seem to mind... much. "Still, the park then. There is always candy and fruits there."

He would have continued, but he wanted to go to sleep. it had been a long day.

2020-08-01, 04:33 AM
Emerald Shield - Kevin

"And as my teammates, you should support me in becoming rich and successful one day. But in the spirit of camaraderie and compromise, lets go to the amusement park. He really wishes he could give Youko the finger, but alas that was one simple pleasure his quirk denied him.

He crushes the soda can and floats it into the recycling bin in the kitchen. "So, kid friendly means no beating villains senseless, and no picking people's pockets." He looks at Youko and Ayame in turn as he speaks, and then keeps his eyes on Ayame - he knows she has his watch and he expects it to be back on his dresser when he wakes up tomorrow.

2020-08-01, 07:18 AM
”I’m pretty sure we are allowed to fight them if we need to. Besides, kids love violence - have you seen what they’ll put in Jump?” Youko turns to sit upright. “I don’t want to fight anyone here though, if only to avoid the mess. I just think it makes you look like a selfish showoff to so openly pick something because of how it benefits you.

“But whatever. It’s decided, there’s nothing good on, and I have chemistry assignment to bang out.” The short girl hops off the couch and heads into her room. Contrasting her bright appearance, the room is fairly simply decorated: two band posters on opposite walls, and around each are numerous photos of her and some of the students she actually considers friends having fun. Her unfinished homework assignment sits on a desk, and the shelf above is crammed with chemistry books and physics books about spectroscopy. A punching bag hangs in the corner opposite of her bed, severely misshapen at this point. Last, a small, saltwater fishtank sits at the same wall as the door, several damselfish swimming back and forth among the live rock.

Youko dips some fish food into the water before heading to her desk and starting the the procrastinated homework.

2020-08-01, 09:14 PM

The microwave beeps three times. Shun rolls back to the kitchenette to retrieve her hot squid-and-rice, then retreats to her dark room without another word.

Navigating from memory, Shun sits down at her desk and opens her laptop. The pale light of the monitor washes over the corner of a bed with no blankets. It's sheathed in a strange gray sheet made from some high-durability material. Behind it, one can just barely make out her open closet. An equal proportion of school uniforms and workout clothes are hung up inside, hanging over the ruins of something lacy and plushy on the floor.

She taps away at her keyboard and signs into her online social hub. A custom sticker of a girl with a frilly dress and red pigtails appears next to her text.

= = radiantGyre signed in to My Chat Academia at 19:17 = =
RG: Hi everyone! What are we all working on today?

2020-08-04, 03:12 PM
"Nice! Roller Coasters!" Walter exclaims, seemingly unable to read the room. He holds up his hand for a high-five... which doesn't seem forthcoming. As everyone begins to simply leave to their own rooms, Walter's smile fades, replaced by a puzzled frown--though only for a moment. A second later, his face clears, and he pulls out a small notebook and a pen. Flipping open to a blank page, Walter writes, muttering under his breath: "Note to self: Plan... team... building... exercises... and... stuff..."

2020-08-05, 02:54 PM
Watching everyone filtering out of the common room as the matter was settled, Naomi turned her attention to Walter as the boy's attempts at morale raising fall flat on their face. She can't quite manage to keep a wry smirk from her face from the awkwardness of it all. "Hey. Word to the wise. Unless you're the class rep, I think you might find that plan backfires."

2020-08-06, 02:37 AM
Some of the other students go to bed too, a lot of them peek above your shoulders to see the letters. Some of them, a mix of disappointed and anxiety, stay up late talking about next week.

2020-08-07, 12:20 PM
The amusement park is hectic. Loads of kids and their parents run around between rides and shops, big roller coasters tower up above and some staff members keep an eye on everything. The professional hero responsible for it is known as The Clown and spends most of his time just greeting the children and telling their parents how safe the park is.

Sadly, you don't go in through the main entrance. You're told to make your way around the park to the staff backdoor, which leads to the hero office and other offices designed to general bureaucracy. A secretary asks you to wait by the reception.

The whole place is rather rough and kind of dirty, squeezed between the rides. You get to see the unflattering part of the park where the maintenance staff keep their stuff and the whole staff in general spends their spare time.

2020-08-08, 02:05 AM
Youko looks around for a posted map of the park. "We should split up, but each be patrolling a place that is easily reached by at least one other student. Cover as much ground as possible without spreading ourselves too thin. And..." she sends a text message to those who have phones, "Text the group if you either find trouble or are joining someone else."

2020-08-08, 12:29 PM
Emerald Shield - Kevin
Conditions: -
Quirk: LEFT, Permanent Active / Right (Insubstantial), Active

"See if you'd listened to me, we'd probably be getting iced tea served by now." Kevin's tone is sarcastic but obviously not serious. Testing the voice connection in his headset so he can speak directly into the whatsapp group, he heads out.

His quirk means he needn't worry about armour so his costume is comfortable with smooth lines; principally green with black and gold highlights. The sort of thing a kid could easily throw together last minute for a costume party, but obviously much higher quality material. Given the risk of snagging, he's replaced his regular cape with a short mantle-like shoulder covering instead. He's also foregone his usual mask and instead has a dark green baseball cap sporting the Agency's logo, which is pinned down underneath so it doesn't fly off.

Shield first scouts a good triage area and relays it to the others. That sorted, he activates his bubbles and slips between the pavilions looking for trouble.

Activate Bubble Hand RIGHT - 4th alt power.
Insubstantial 4 (Attack, Affects Others, Reaction, Increased Range x3 - Perception, Subtle)

Insight - Looking for villains & criminals

2020-08-09, 12:13 AM
Kaito and Ayame.

Youko looks around for a posted map of the park. "We should split up, but each be patrolling a place that is easily reached by at least one other student. Cover as much ground as possible without spreading ourselves too thin. And..." she sends a text message to those who have phones, "Text the group if you either find trouble or are joining someone else."

"You know thats not a bad idea." He asked the secretary for the park wi-fi password so they could get the information faster. One never knew.

Emerald Shield - Kevin
"See if you'd listened to me, we'd probably be getting iced tea served by now." Kevin's tone is sarcastic but obviously not serious. Testing the voice connection in his headset so he can speak directly into the whatsapp group, he heads out.[roll0]

Kaito was about to comment on it with a smile but was beaten by Ayame. "And this one wouldnt be getting confused as a clown." Kaito glared at her. She just wouldnt stop a few months back about how he and Monoma looked like brothers. And now he saw the reason she wanted to come here. His costume made him look like a jocker. "Just keep talking." He replayed trying to play it cool.

2020-08-09, 08:40 PM
Walter seems unusually focused, even sober, as the group meets in front of the reception desk. He runs his gaze over the dingy office and the drab walls, the golden glow of his armor casting everything in even harsher light. His face creases into a frown for a long moment... and then it suddenly clears. "One month!" he announces happily to the room at large, grinning again. "We do a good job for one month, and I bet they'll let us ride the rides after hours! Roller coasters at night have to be awesome!" Looking around the room, Walter's face falls slightly again. "Or... is that too long? I was going to say one week, but that seems a little short... maybe if we stop a major bad guy... hmm..."

Walter almost immediately snaps out of his muttering again, giving Youko a grin and a thumbs-up. "Makes sense to me! We should see if we can have them clear a place for two or three of us to meet periodically throughout the day to practice some drills and maneuvers. It's good to get some team combat in, and we'll be showing off for the crowds, too!"

Kevin's abrupt departure surprises Walter. "Hey, I think we're supposed to... wait..." staring after his departing classmate for a moment, Walter shrugs. "I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

2020-08-09, 11:35 PM
Shun's big helmety head does not support earth human baseball caps, so she gets a bumper sticker on her temple instead. It'll be a pain, but she should be able to scrape it off in the shower. Other than that, she's just wearing her tight workout clothes under a polo shirt that she picked up from the office on the way in. It has the park's logo on the front and "SECURITY" printed on the back.

"We're not riding the rides at night because the people who run them have go home and sleep," she says. A telltale ping on everyone's phones sets the stage for her more important problems. "Also, I won't be able to activate my new phone until we get our first paycheck. I guess I'll just run and find someone if it comes to it. Also also, is that Kevin texting you? He said something about triage in the hall when he took off. Is he drilling us in case of a gas bomb or something?"

Why did Shun get a new phone? Oh, right, she shattered her old one into a million pieces last week during practice when she catapulted herself butt-first into a steel wall.

2020-08-10, 11:22 PM
Kaito and Ayame.

Kevin's abrupt departure surprises Walter. "Hey, I think we're supposed to... wait..." staring after his departing classmate for a moment, Walter shrugs. "I'm sure he knows what he's doing."

"We're not riding the rides at night because the people who run them have go home and sleep," she says. A telltale ping on everyone's phones sets the stage for her more important problems. "Also, I won't be able to activate my new phone until we get our first paycheck. I guess I'll just run and find someone if it comes to it. Also also, is that Kevin texting you? He said something about triage in the hall when he took off. Is he drilling us in case of a gas bomb or something?"

Their interactions never got old. "Its just basic protocol." He frowned and tilted his head to the side. "We covered it the second trimester if I remember right." Ayame flew to his shoulder and sat, crossing her legs on the process. "Dont worry, I can patch you both up. Just dont blow in too many pieces I am not good with puzzles." Releasing a long sigh Kaito touched Ayame´s head with a finger. The little one just giggled. "They are not Setsuna."

2020-08-11, 07:28 PM
"Pft. The way you get to ride the rides is to make friends with the operators and show up early before the guests." And with Kevin already running off, Youko thinks it might be time to do the same. "Anyways, seeya, losers. Keep in contact, don't do anything stupid. I'm gonna be patrolling the log flume and that general area. Who knows what people could get up to in all the dark corners in there?" Nothing. Nothing would happen there because patrolling an amusement park with this many heroes was silly. What were the odds something actually went down?

2020-08-12, 09:33 PM
"Protocol?" Shun asks. She only vaguely remembers being taught about triage in class, but... "Shouldn't we be talking to Clown about that stuff? He probably has some emergency procedures written out for the park already. Probably in a binder somewhere."

If not, Shun goes ahead and explores the park herself, checking out every entrance and exit and investigating their camera situation. An amusement park has no shortage of idiosyncrasies when it comes to surveillance. Some vendor booths are equipped with cameras to make sure their own employees don't steal from the cash register, whereas the back gate for delivery trucks goes completely unattended until someone rings the doorbell. Shun makes a point to keep an eye on that potential weak spot.

2020-08-13, 05:26 AM
Naomi fights the urge to plug earphones in on arrival at the theme park. It'd be hypocritical of her to not be on her best form given she'd been the one calling for professionalism the night before. She nods her agreement with Youko's plan of splitting up. More eyes, more spread out, definitely couldn't hurt. The area was small enough that, if need be, she could get to the other side within a short span anyway.

She takes a path out toward one of the taller Ferris wheels, figuring it'd serve as a good vantage point if she needed to orient herself. She walks calmly, tail following a syncopated rhythm to her footsteps. Pulling her phone out of her pocket as she walks, she finds herself rolling her eyes at the mention of triage. "Just a touch defeatist, no..?"

Tapping out her own response one handed, she replies to the group Let's not assume the worst just yet. Pretty sure the majority of patrol reports I've read had nothing special happen. She glances up at the sign of the ride she was next to, giving the anthropomorphic hamster mascot and the running wheel themed Ferris wheel a non-plussed look, I'm round at 'Wheel-y Good Time'.

2020-08-15, 12:41 AM
Kaito and Ayame.

It looked like it was one of those days. Seeing as the others where following Youko´s plan who was he to disagree. After typing they were going to the central area they made their way there. The children ran around the pair as they pointed at the two of them. His costume seemed to fit the place, the domino mask more so. Ayame was entertained waving with enthusiasm from his shoulder at the children while Kaito was just gave them a smile and gave a polite nood. Once there Ayame flew up a pole and started looking around.

2020-09-02, 01:22 AM
Popcorn. Cotton candy. Spoiled brats. The sky is bright blue and no clouds. You're constantly seeked out by children for questions and pictures; in fact, you quickly notice that the Clown Hero usually devotes the entire morning to showing off, annoucing rides or telling some parents how safe their family is. His secretary texts you that he will meet you after lunch and that you can quote-unquote do your own thing until then.

There is a big street mall in the middle of the park, the visitors' first stop after arriving in. There, two security guards walk around taking a look on everything, but most of their concerns are just kids shoplifting candy. However sometimes customers do get angry or try to steal something expensive, so they appreciate your heroic presence.

Everyone's talking about the big parade that will happen today at 4 pm, when big floats and balloons will make their way through the park's main street. The guards hint you that thar usually means headache for the security staff to overview the whole thing, so you'll probably learn a lot but there's some boring paperwork involved.

Assuming that your characters are walking around, feel free to interact as if you're bumping on each other, regrouping to update the team or checking out with the security staff.

2020-09-02, 07:31 PM
Shun occasionally skates back and forth between the loading docks and her classmates to check on them. Kids tend to steer clear of her.

As she does another lap of the park's perimeter, as much for her personal amusement as anything, she checks in with Naomi and Youko. "Hey. How goes it?"

2020-09-02, 11:00 PM
"So so. I tell ya, it sucks being at a park and not being able to actually go on the rides," Youko says from the Lazy River. "And everything that happens is something that even someone without powers could cover. 'Stop pushing him underwater,' 'Don't steal that,' and whatnot."

"Not to mention all the cleaning products they put in the water here makes the water look weird. How hard is it to just use damn chlorine!?" To anyone else, the water is just the usual, slightly murky color expected of any water at a park.

2020-09-05, 07:45 PM
Naomi is walking along a promenade of gift stalls as Shun checks in, her gaze scanning across a stall selling soft turtle toys for the low price of hitting a target. She tenses a little at Youko's comments on the lack of activity. "All quiet at the bounty boardwalk. Lucky thing, too. Not quite sure I could handle anything more serious than petty theft or kids pushing each other under water."

2020-09-21, 03:22 PM
As you go on with your day, work becomes pretty much the same thing. Talking to parents ("No, m'lady, I promise you I'll be looking out for your child.") about dangers that don't exist, solving up a discussion that could've escalated, and overall getting your free sodas by the staff lounge.

After lunch (did you bring anything or are you buying fast-food?) your phones start to go crazy with notifications. It looks like some of your classmates got involved in a battle with a bunch villains downtown. Something apparently went down by the beach, too. A lot of them are asking if you're okay, if something happened by the part or just telling stories about how they barely avoided a blast from a villain.

And The Clown never showed up for that meeting.

2020-09-24, 12:49 AM
Shun looks over her classmates' shoulders at the news, having no other recourse until her new phone comes in. While everyone else is scrolling through it, she looks around. "Where is Clown, anyway? Did he run off to help with one of those incidents? Without bothering to tell us?"

2020-09-25, 06:29 AM
The brightly colored girl frowns as she rips into one of the park’s overpriced burgers. ”That doesn’t seem like something a good mentor would do. Even a simple text or call to one of us to spread the information would be helpful.” Youko takes out her own phone and tries to call. He was almost certainly too occupied to answer, but there was a chance.