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2007-10-30, 04:45 PM
Sentry and Dr.Strange v.s. the incredible hulk and superman
hulk is world war hulk and superman is superman prime

2007-10-30, 05:33 PM
Dr. Strange pwns Superman while Sentry holds the Hulk at bay for a second.

Fight over about twenty seconds after that.

2007-10-30, 06:17 PM
Tsk tsk Dont you know superman is crazy vulnerable to magic there are to things superman cant stand kyrptonite and magic its how certian other people have handled him in the past

2007-10-30, 06:32 PM

Goddammit, I just did.

2007-10-30, 09:01 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "Superman Prime", because Superboy Prime who went crazy in Infinite Crisis comes from a reality known as Earth Prime, a world where no other superhuman beings exist beside himself, so there really is no SuperMAN Prime.

If you are talking about Superboy Prime, he does NOT have any vulnerabilities to magic at all, and it took two Supermen, one Superboy, upwards of thirty green lanterns, four flashes and a bit of a miracle to take him down. Superboy Prime beheads Dr. Strange casually and has an obscenely long fight with Sentry where he rambles madly about how much the world sucks and that the Sentry is insane, and talks about destroying everything so that he can live in a place where heroes are perfect. Superboy Prime stands a good chance of soloing the two of them, and with WWH's help (assuming Hulk doesn't turn on the obviously mad Superboy Prime) it's in the bag.

If you mean Superman from Earth-1, Dr. Strange probably manages to disable Superman long enough for the two of them to work over Hulk, and then beat up Superman.

Another great Ultimate Team Battle matchup? Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman versus Captain America, The Incredible Hulk and Thor.

Green Bean
2007-10-30, 10:29 PM
Tsk tsk Dont you know superman is crazy vulnerable to magic there are to things superman cant stand kyrptonite and magic its how certian other people have handled him in the past

Actually, that's a common misconception. Superman's invulnerability doesn't apply to magic attacks; that doesn't mean it's some sort of Kryptonite level weakness. For example:

I punch Superman: I probably end up breaking my hand.

I punch Superman wearing a Kryptonite glove: The Kryponite causes him incredible pain, and nullifies his powers. My punch does about the same amount of damage as punching an ordinary person because his powers are gone, but the Kryponite does the real damage.

I cast 'h_v's Fist", a spell that essentially punches someone in the face with ordinary strength: Superman is affected like an ordinary human. He may stagger back, or get a bloody nose, or something, but it's just a punch. Of course, the magic didn't do anything to his powers, so he can fly over and rip my head off.

So, to conclude, not-invulnerable to magic is not the same thing as vulnerable to magic.

Blue Paladin
2007-10-31, 10:27 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by "Superman Prime", because Superboy Prime who went crazy in Infinite Crisis comes from a reality known as Earth Prime, a world where no other superhuman beings exist beside himself, so there really is no SuperMAN Prime.Actually, that Superboy-Prime is now Superman-Prime. Probably fallout from the lawsuit, but it's there. And yes, his inclusion (and invulnerability to magic) makes this one uneven. Switch WWH and Sentry, and I think you have a closer match (i.e. WWHulk & Dr. Strange vs. Superman-Prime & Sentry): brute power & strategy/tactics plus wonky magic powers vs. brute power & extra abilities plus wonky psionic powers.

2007-10-31, 12:02 PM
Actually, that Superboy-Prime is now Superman-Prime. Probably fallout from the lawsuit, but it's there. And yes, his inclusion (and invulnerability to magic) makes this one uneven. Switch WWH and Sentry, and I think you have a closer match (i.e. WWHulk & Dr. Strange vs. Superman-Prime & Sentry): brute power & strategy/tactics plus wonky magic powers vs. brute power & extra abilities plus wonky psionic powers.

I think you are forgetting that Earth-1 Superman introduced himself as Superman Prime. Beyond that a 2 on 2 fight were the major players are known for doing things equal to the Hands of god themselves is just the prize fight. Though we should make this more of a DC Vs Marvel fight I say 3 on 3.

Dr. Strange
Superboy Prime

2007-10-31, 01:25 PM
That's hardly fair, Spectre has Godhax and it took Barry Allen to take down the Anti-Monitor.

2007-10-31, 02:43 PM
Sentry is considered un beatable at the moment unless hulk has done it and I miss the comic. WWHulk is thought to over power almost anyone at the moment he is a tactical master and also unbeatable by Marvel standards. Dr. Strange is considered Dues ex powerful most of the time. How is anything not fair? If you really want pull out Dr. Strange and put in Thow with the Odin force.

2007-10-31, 02:50 PM
1st. No Hulk cant beat Sentry he never can and never will they were friends at one time and the true ghost rider can beat Hulk so I think it's alll really fair
@nd. Barry Allen's good but not as good as sentry thats all I have to say.

2007-10-31, 07:25 PM
My superhero, Kid Emo

has the power of empathy, even beiung able to take down the Hulk.

Kid Emo



Kid Emo transmits some happy, or sad thought into the Hulk, causing him to go Banner. and makes Sup forget about the battle. Spidey ties up Banner

2007-10-31, 07:33 PM
Okay kid emos gay okay and hulk is ww hulk dont you remember strange tried to do the same thing when Hulk was with sentry and it just made him mad

2007-11-01, 02:49 PM
Don't worry I don't think anyone really knows all of the Green Scar Hulks powers and immunities unless they are up to date with the comics and maybe has read the Hulk Bio on Wikipedia. Overall the mental attack immunity will probably be over looked by most people who don't know the difference between WWHulk and standard Hulk.

The simple fact is that since the last time Sentry dealt with hulk he has been hit by another Nuke which changes his standard Hulk strength. Also at the moment there isn't much that could make Hulk madder then he is right now. Plus for all we know that pyschic immunity might also include Sentry's Calming Aura meaning Hulk might out right be Sentry's equal at the moment.

2007-11-01, 02:53 PM
Well he was effected last I saw by it and i think he's still sentry's freind becuase so I'm guessing it still effects him but hey we dont know yet

Blue Paladin
2007-11-01, 06:05 PM
I think you are forgetting that Earth-1 Superman introduced himself as Superman Prime.Wait. What? And when?

Are we sure we're using the same terminology?

It's pretty well established that Earth-1 Superman (Kal-El, member of the JLA) has always called himself Superman... The older, Earth-2 Superman (Kal-L, with the white hair, member of the All-Star Squadron; the one that was in the pocket dimension w/ Lois, Superboy-Prime and Emoxander Luthor after CoIE) has pretty consistently claimed the Earth-2 Superman moniker (as a product of the 40s and 50s generation, they "politely" allowed the younger versions to call themselves "Earth-1", even though the older versions came first).

Superman-Prime is a relatively new term (AFAIK), used for that same-titled book in the Sinestro Corps series.

2007-11-01, 08:38 PM
Deadpool & Lobo


Deathstroke & Wolverine

Let the battle of the parody versus the reality begin!

2007-11-01, 08:57 PM
Wait. What? And when?

Are we sure we're using the same terminology?

I thought that is how he introduced himself shortly after he left the paradise dimension. Shortly there after Superboy prime called himself Superboy Prime. Maybe I am remembering it wrong but I don't have the comic on hand at the moment.

2007-11-02, 11:00 AM
I thought that is how he introduced himself shortly after he left the paradise dimension. Shortly there after Superboy prime called himself Superboy Prime. Maybe I am remembering it wrong but I don't have the comic on hand at the moment.

I thought Superboy-Prime called himself tha because he was from Earth-Prime where no superheroes existed?

2007-11-02, 02:15 PM
I punch Superman wearing a Kryptonite glove: The Kryponite causes him incredible pain, and nullifies his powers. My punch does about the same amount of damage as punching an ordinary person because his powers are gone, but the Kryponite does the real damage./QUOTE]

actually, I'm pretty sure modern Kryptonite just causes great pain and eventual death. That's why Batman didn't win instantly when they last fought in Hush. And why Metallo, Luthor, and a two-bit shmuck with a chunk of glowing green rock don't automatically beat Superman.